ACCA F6 四川大学工商管理学院 课件Chapter 13
Corporate Capital Gains / Losses
Currently, capital gains are taxed at ordinary income tax rates for corporations, or a maximum 35%.
The Capital Budgeting Process
Generate investment proposals consistent with the firm’s strategic objectives.
Estimate after-tax incremental operating cash flows for the investment projects.
c) - (+) Taxes (tax savings) due to asset sale or disposal of “new” assets
d) + (-) Decreased (increased) level of “net” working capital
e) = Terminal year incremental net cash flow
Depreciation and the MACRS Method
Everything else equal, the greater the depreciation charges, the lower the taxes paid by the firm.
ACCA SBR IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
ACCA SBR IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement今天整理 IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement的知识点!Definition:Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.这个price是如何计算出来的呢?我们需要学习Valuation techniques: Valuation techniques分两大点,第一点是General principle: Valuation techniques used to measure fair value shall maximise the use of relevant observable inputs andd minimise the use of unobservable inputs.这里涉及一个Fair value hierarchy,这个三层的金字塔有三种类型的数据供我们选择。
Level 1 input:Quoted prices in active markets for identical asseets or liabilities that the entity can assess at the measurement date. (most reliable)Level 2 input:Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets ORQuoted prices for i dentical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not activeLevel 3 input:Unobservable inputs for the assets or liabilities区别 Level 1&2:Level 1 input: 相同+活跃Level 2 input: 相似+活跃或相同/相似+不活跃第二点是Specific valuation technique:1.Market approachValuation of a target company= Target company profit after tax * benchmark P/E ratio2.Cost approachValuation of a target company= Current replacement cost - Obsolescence3.Income approachThose valuation techniques include present value techniques, option pricing models such as the Black-Scholes-Merton formula or a binomial model.那么这个transaction 是在哪里发生的呢?1)Principal market: the market with the greatest volume and level of activity fot the asset or liability2)若无P r i n c i pa l m a r k e t,则用Most advantageous market 最优市场。
自2002年以来,商学院经过跨越式发展,在学科建设上取得了较大突破。已经拥有管理科学与工程和工商管 理2个一级学科博士点,企业管理、会计学、管理科学与工程、系统科学4个硕士点,工商管理硕士(EMBA、MBA)、 工程硕士(ME,含工业工程、项目管理和物流工程三个领域)、工程管理硕士(MEM)、会计硕士(MPACC)、审计硕士 (MAud)等5个专业学位8个专业授权点;拥有工商管理、管理科学与工程2个博士后流动站。工商管理和管理科学与 工程均于2008年被评为四川省重点学科。建设了三个省级特色专业:工商管理、管理科学、工业工程。建成了 “两个基地”,即一个省级人才培养基地:管理科学,一个四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地:四川省系统科学 与企业发展研究中心。已形成有权授予学士、硕士、博士学位以及进行中高级工商、经营管理人才培训的多层次、 多类型的教学、科研体系,在管理学界的学术地位迈上了一个新的台阶。
该学堂1915年并入四川公立法政专门学校,1927年并入公立四川大学,1931年并入国立四川大学,1985年发 展为经济管理学院。2000年四川大学与华西医科大学合并成立新四川大学后,2001年由原工商管理系、会计系和 管理科学系与管理工程系组建成立了四川大学工商管理学院。2012年11月,四川大学工商管理学院更名为四川大 学商学院。
学院拥有3个省级特色专业以及1个省级人才培养基地。设有管理科学与系统科学系、工业工程与工程管理系、 战略与人力资源系、会计学与公司金融系、市场营销与电子商务系5个系级教学机构;以及EMBA中心、MBA中心、 ME中心、 ACCA中心、 EDP中心、成教中心等6个业务发展中心。
学院还设立有四川大学文科综合实验中心经管分中心、四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地(系统科学与企业 发展研究中心)等近20余个教学平台与科研机构,是四川省系统工程学会、四川省工业与应用数学学会、四川省 营销学会、中国运筹学会企业运筹学分会、中国系统工程学会理论专业委员会、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研 究会普及工作委员会等学术团体的挂靠单位。 学院图片
课税范围(scope of…)
Income arising in the UK Vs. worldwide income
tax year/ accounting period/ etc)
税目(classification of income)
其他要素: 税收优惠 (exemptions & reliefs)
To minimise tax liabilities
small profits rate, zero-rated supply, etc
To defer tax liabilities(延期纳税)
business reliefs
其他要素: 纳税期限/违章处理
申报期限 (due date for filing a tax return)
缴库期限 (due dates for payment of tax)
违章处理 (penalties for non-compliance)
Sources of revenue law
& case law Refer to textbook
3. Tax avoidance and tax evasion
Tax avoidance (legal)
legal method of reducing your tax burden *Anti avoidance measures
部长:张良男水利水电学院 05级
部长:喻蕾女华西临床医学院 05级
四川大学学生会 2008年10月13日。
商学院2014年度学生工作荣获校级及以上荣誉情况一览一、国际级奖励(2项)1. 商学院2012级ACCA罗姝同学获得ACCA基础阶段三门课程(F7,F8,F9)全球统考F9第一名!2. 商学院2012级ACCA学生杨婉莹同学获得ACCA基础阶段三门课程(F7,F8,F9)全球统考F8第一名!一、国家级(33项):1. 商学院2011级程可为、李小寒,2012级徐逸逖获得全国大学生英语竞赛特等奖!2011级任婕、向若羽等14人获得全国大学生英语竞赛一等奖或二等奖!2. 商学院毛飞、曾祥理、刘航雅的特环球定制旅行创业项目获得“慧谷杯”2014年(第十二届)中国MBA创业大赛全国总决赛金奖!3. 商学院2014级研究生李伟平和杨善烨等获得2014全国大学生网络虚拟运营创业专项赛全国总决赛二等奖!4. 商学院“格林”创业团队汪畑锦、杨健彬、张雨舟、李国乾、邵珠宝、黄胜超、廖世甫、肖鹏辉、黄琴等同学获得2014“英特尔-清华”全国大学生创新创业营一等奖!5. 商学院2011级人力资源管理专业潘晓策等获得2014“英特尔清华”全国大学生创新创业营二等奖!6. 商学院2012级李卓颖,郭锐,张陈磊,于洋,廉冰,裘欣,曾昂,王峰,陈耀欢,吴茂敏等同学获得2014“英特尔-清华”全国大学生创新创业大赛国家三等奖!7. 商学院2013级会计金融班任书雯等获得“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛金奖!8. 商学院2012级市场营销专业张雨舟、2012ACCA张露曦、2011级人力资源管理潘晓策等同学获得2014“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛银奖!商学院李卓颖、郭锐、张陈磊、于洋、廉冰、裘欣、曾昂、王峰、李伟平等同学获得2014“创青春”全国大学生创新创业大赛银奖!9. 商学院2014级会计金融班吴思琦、王星月、刘安妮、殷世浩、宋海亮同学获得"创青春"全国大学生创业大赛银奖!10. 商学院2013级企业管理班谢雄同学获得2014年“创青春”全国大学生创新创业大赛铜奖!11. 商学院2013级会计金融班任书雯同学获得“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛MBA 专项赛金奖!12. 商学院2012级李诗菊、王婧婕、刘帅、杭闻达、姚欣欣、尹译稀、杨双俊等同学获得2014年“金川”杯第七届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖!13. 商学院方宁杰、王琳杰、邓睿、付志祺、刘洋丞、张玮、李文正等同学获得2014年“金川”杯第七届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖!14. 商学院2011级工程管理专业蒋位玲、黄琳、洪坚、邢天石等同学获得第五届全国高等院校“广联达杯”施工管理沙盘及软件应用大赛二等奖!15. 商学院2011级电子商务专业曲璇、赵伊宁、齐琳等同学获得2014欧莱雅校园市场营销大赛wildcard中国区冠军!16. 商学院2012级工程管理专业张玮、陈明毅、任腾达、陈林、张柯岩等同学获得第五届中国大学生服务外包创新创业大赛三等奖!17. 商学院2014级会计金融班李伟平同学获得全国大学生海洋知识竞赛三等奖!18. 商学院2012级ACCA专业钟颖、杨婉莹等同学获得IMA案例分析大赛三等奖!19. 商学院2012级ACCA专业王庆雯、王颖颖等同学获得ACCA就业力大比拼全国总决赛第二名!20. 商学院2013级企业管理班李美慧同学获得2014川大创行-联合利华项目“黑暗中对话”四等奖!21. 商学院2012级管理科学研究生肖雄辉、朱虹明等同学获得2014年全国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛创意设计大赛一等奖!22. 商学院2012级管理科学研究生韩冰同学获得2014年全国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛创意设计大赛优秀奖!23. 商学院2013级李欣凝同学获得第十四届全国大学生游泳锦标赛 50米仰泳第一名!24. 商学院2013级李欣凝同学获得第十四届全国大学生游泳锦标赛50米自由泳第一名!25. 商学院2012级工业工程专业刘忠同学获得2014年宝洁“精英挑战赛——商业创新挑战赛”全国晋级赛二等奖!26. 商学院2014级管理科学专业夏婷、王卓睿、王晓珂、夏丽芸等同学获得加多宝杯2014大学生创业实战大赛第三名!27. 商学院2012级财务管理专业袁艺丹同学所在团队获得“北极光-清华”全国大学生公益创业大赛15强称号!28. 商学院荣爽等同学所在四川大学童乐纳西团队获得第三届好丽友“我是行动派”公益梦想实践大赛三等奖!29. 商学院2012级工业工程专业谢霖同学获得两岸四地优秀学生学位论文四等奖!30. 商学院2012级工程管理张玮同学被评为SOLVE FOR TOMMORROW探知未来2014年全国青年科普创新实验暨作品大赛优秀志愿者!31. 商学院2012级人力资源苏琳贻同学被评为Youth-safe driving program 优秀志愿者!32. 商学院2012级工程管理专业李富莹同学获得中国扶贫基金会颁发的三星级志愿证书!33. 商学院2012级叶静思、马勤龙、曹倚天等同学获得第八届挑战杯创业大赛金奖!二、省级(9项):1. 商学院共有6个团队获得“创青春”四川省大学生创新创业大赛省级金奖;11个团队获得“创青春”四川省大学生创新创业大赛省级银奖;6个团队获得“创青春”四川省大学生创新创业大赛省级铜奖;2. 商学院2013级蔡丹、李君铭同学获得数学竞赛非专业组省级二等奖!3. 商学院2012级ACCA专业王庆雯、王颖颖获得ACCA就业力大比拼全国总决赛西南地区冠军!4. 商学院2012级ACCA专业钟颖、杨婉莹同学获得IMA案例分析大赛西南地区二等奖!5. 商学院2012级袁娜、阳倩等同学获得首届“新尚杯”西南地区大学生创业大赛省级二等奖!6. 商学院李小朔、张雨舟范雅惠等同学获得第三届中国创新创业大赛(四川赛区)省级三等奖!7. 商学院2012级会计曾祥红、刘益志、刘敬德、张子豪、华歆怡、王森获得“挑战杯”四川大学2013年学生课外学术科技活动学生创业计划竞赛省级三等奖!8. 商学院2012级财务管理冯婉婷获得强生未来领袖之旅西南地区省级前15强!9. 商学院2012级会计金融班叶静思获得强生未来领袖之旅四川区前15强!三、校级(69项):1. 商学院荣获2014年四川大学文化艺术节团体总分第二名的好成绩!2. 商学院荣获2013年度凤凰展翅“激情川大”合唱比赛中二等奖!3. 商学院江安舞蹈队荣获2014年度凤凰展翅“凤舞川大”舞蹈比赛三等奖!4. 商学院ACCA舞蹈队荣获2014年度凤凰展翅“凤舞川大”舞蹈比赛三等奖!5. 商学院荣获2014年度四川大学运动会团体总分第一名的好成绩!6. 商学院荣获四川大学2013-2014年运动会体育工作先进单位一等奖!7. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年运动会体育道德风尚奖!8. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年健美操团体项目第三名!9. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年拔河团体项目第一名!10. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年20人21足团体项目第四名!11.商学院荣获四川大学2014年羽毛球团体项目第五名!12. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年足球联赛第五名!13. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年排球比赛第五名!14. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年篮球联赛第五名!15. 商学院荣获四川大学2014年校园定向团体项目体育道德风尚奖!16. 商学院在校2013年度“挑战杯”学生课外学术科技活动获得团体总分第一的好成绩!(备注:2014年5月份表彰)!17. 商学院荣获2014年四川大学学生军事技能训练宣传报道先进单位!18. 商学院学生会荣获四川大学十佳学生会称号!19. 商学院分团委荣获四川大学五四红旗团委称号!20. 商学院荣获四川大学十佳研究生会称号!21. 商学院耿金燕等同学荣获四川大学优秀团干称号,崔凯欣等同学荣获四川大学十佳团支书称号!22. 商学院孙宇佳等同学获得2014四川大学优秀志愿者称号!23. 商学院郭悦、田梦瑶、袁艺丹、冯婉婷、王奕翔、周欣媛、顾思超、滕光同学获得2014“新尚杯”大学生创新创业大赛二等奖!24. 商学院朱麒霈同学所在团队获得第二届“新尚杯”全国大学生创业大赛校内选拔赛二等奖!25. 商学院杨宽同学所在团队获得2014年四川大学“新尚杯”创新创业比赛三等奖!26. 商学院文霜、王鹏飞、杨宽、马雪莹、王圆圆、吕雅婷、先锐、梁惠惠、郑丽娅同学获得新尚杯川大赛区三等奖!27. 商学院李淑君、卢延茜、江雨凡、杨然、邹帅同学获得四川大学“我为创业狂”之“新象杯”第二届市场营销大赛二等奖!28. 商学院冯婉婷、顾思超、于正、宫浩然同学获得2014“新象杯”市场营销大赛校级二等奖!29. 商学院袁艺丹、冯婉婷、郭悦、田梦瑶、于正、刁巍、宫浩然、李诗雨、张竹莉同学获得2014“挑战杯”四川大学创业竞赛校级二等奖!30. 商学院2011级工程管理专业黄琳、梁雨桐、程雪琪、蒋位玲、王文珍同学获得四川大学商学院2014年第七届市场调研大赛二等奖!31. 商学院朱琳等同学获得2014年“我与图书馆”征文比赛优秀奖!32. 商学院张焕玲等同学获得四川大学第六届“把爱传承”大型公益活动优秀志愿者称号!33. 商学院杨宽同学获得2014年四川大学摄影作品优秀奖!34. 商学院2011级电子商务专业赵椿艳同学获得“挑战杯”四川大学2013年学生课外学术科技活动学生创业计划竞赛三等奖!35. 商学院2011级电子商务专业蔡陈萍、彭曦婷、肖敏同学获得2014四川省大学生ERP沙盘模拟经营大赛四川大学校内选拔赛三等奖!36. 商学院刘小涵、韩奇丽同学获得四川大学“把爱传承”大型公益活动优秀志愿者称号!37. 商学院卿玥、傅绪林同学获得2014年四川大学模拟联合国大会“Best Position Paper”和“Honorable Mentioned Delegation”两项团体奖!38. 商学院2012级张雨舟、卿玥、巩高铄同学获得“挑战杯”四川大学2013年学生学术科技节之校园“金点子”创意大赛最佳创意奖第二名!39. 商学院饶滨雪、秦玉格等同学获得2014年商才营销大赛一等奖!40. 商学院张帅、李思涵、钱诚、刘芳余等同学获得2014年商才营销大赛三等奖!41. 商学院陶艳萍、刘飞飞等同学获得2014年“加多宝”杯全国大学生创业实战大赛校级一等奖!42. 商学院温丽君、王凤、董宏德、徐雪霞、余敏等同学获得2014加多宝杯创业实战大赛四川大学第二名!43. 商学院2013级ACCA刘诗雨获得四川大学挑战杯课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖!44. 商学院2012级ACCA专业马婷、杨婉莹、钟颖、任泠等同学获得四川大学挑战杯学生课外学术科技活动三等奖!45. 商学院2012级ACCA专业王庆雯获得2014年四川大学挑战杯学生课外学术科技活动学生创业计划计划优胜奖!46. 商学院2012级ACCA专业马婷获得2014年挑战杯公益创业大赛校赛二等奖!47. 商学院聂嘉雯获得2014年四川大学创业计划大赛竞赛优胜奖!48. 商学院2011级电子商务专业金鑫同学获得2014四川大学 ERP 沙盘模拟经营大赛优胜奖!49. 商学院俞开业、陈萍、李宇萍、吴晓柯、田向果、黄华同学获得2014年寒假社会实践活动优秀作品奖!50. 商学院2012级会计学专业耿金燕同学获得四川大学大学生骨干培养学校六期班”优秀学员”称号!51. 商学院2012级会计学专业耿金燕同学获得共青团四川大学委员会2014“I创意We实现”学生活动基金“蜀锦串中华”三等奖!52. 商学院2012级管理科学专业尹译稀、吴婵宇、秦梦琳同学获得四川大学西部高校”小平、小康、家乡——纪念邓小平诞辰110周年“大学生主题征文比赛二等奖!53. 商学院2012级人力资源管理专业马靓雯同学获得共青团四川大学委员会2014四川大学I创意We实现“年度梦想秀”创意答辩会铜奖!54. 商学院2012级工程管理专业张玮同学获得四川大学2013-2014学年“学术诚信”主题平面设计制作比赛三等奖!55. 商学院蔡永发、宋猛、李林、朱冠印、张玮同学获得“挑战杯”四川大学2014年学生课外学术科技活动节工程训练综合能力竞赛三等奖!56. 商学院2012级人力资源管理专业马俊楠同学获得“挑战杯”四川大学2014年学生科技节“赢在川大”海洋知识竞赛三等奖!57. 商学院2012级财务管理专业赵丽莎同学获得校团委2014中国西部金融论坛优秀志愿者称号!58. 商学院2012级张玮、蒋炟良、崔平同学获得“挑战杯”四川大学2013年学生课外学术科技活动节“乐电杯”电子制作大赛三等奖!59. 商学院2012级财务管理专业张建军同学获得四川大学学生活动基金会2014“微小说,大世界”征文比赛三等奖!60. 商学院2012级财务管理专业杨达、冯宝威、何四海、陈普、高闻灿、王智睿、王超同学获得四川大学2013年学生课外学术科技活动学生创业计划竞赛二等奖!61. 商学院2012级韩婵、张雨舟、蒋剑同学获得2014年“青年责任梦想”大学生抗灾减灾灾后重建国际论坛优秀论文奖!62. 商学院张玮同学获得共青团四川大学委员会2014四川大学大学生法治知识竞赛个人赛(非专业组)一等奖!63. 商学院2011级工程管理专业黄琳同学获得2014四川大学大学生法制知识竞赛个人赛(非专业组)二等奖!64. 商学院李奕莹同学获得2014年四川大学大学生法治知识竞赛个人赛(非专业组)三等奖!65. 商学院获得校2013—2014年度心理健康先进集体称号!66. 商学院获得校2013—2014年度本科招生宣传先进集体称号!67. 商学院获得校2013 年暑期社会实践活动先进集体(2014年1月表彰)!68. 商学院“工商潮”青年志愿者服务队获得校2012-2013年度青年志愿者行动十佳服务队(2014年1月表彰)!69. 商学院获得校2014 年诚信教育活动优秀组织奖!。
acca13区监察课解析摘要:一、ACCAA13区监察课概述二、ACCAA13区监察课的主要任务和职责三、ACCAA13区监察课在我国的作用与意义四、如何应对ACCAA13区监察课的审核五、ACCAA13区监察课的未来发展趋势正文:ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师公会)是全球知名的会计职业团体,致力于推动国际会计准则的发展和全球会计专业的职业素质提升。
ACCA F6 四川大学工商管理学院 课件Chapter1
The threshold income level
Salary Benefits assessable on all employees Benefits assessable only on £8,500 (or more) earners Total earnings (for test purposes) £ × × × ×
1 P11D employees
Most employees are taxed on benefits under the benefits code. Employees involve excluded employees and P11D employees. ―Excluded employees‖ are only subject to part of the provisions of the code. Excluded employee: an employee in lower paid employment (general earnings for the tax year is less than £8,500) (a) not directors, or (b) director with no material interest (< 5%) in the company P11D employee: not excluded employees. A P11D employee is one who is an employee earning at least £8,500 per annum or a director of a company (in most cases).
Expenses related to living accommodation (reference to 2.3)
acca课程大纲第一部分:概述ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)是国际上最具影响力的专业会计师协会之一。
acca ma知识点汇总
acca ma知识点汇总
ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,特许公认会计师公会)的科目分为基础阶段和专业阶段。
具体科目名称如下:基础阶段:1. 知识课程:- F1:商业与科技(Business and Technology)- F2:管理会计(Management Accounting)- F3:财务会计(Financial Accounting)2. 技能课程:- F4:公司法与商法(Company Law and Business Law)- F5:业绩管理(Performance Management)- F6:税务(Taxation)- F7:财务报告(Financial Reporting)- F8:审计与认证业务(Audit and Assurance)- F9:财务管理(Financial Management)专业阶段:1. 核心课程:- SBL:战略商业领导(Strategic Business Leader)- SBR:战略商业报告(Strategic Business Reporting)2. 选修课程(四选二):- P4:高级财务管理(Advanced Financial Management)- P5:高级业绩管理(Advanced Performance Management)- P6:高级税务(Advanced Taxation)- P7:高级审计与认证业务(Advanced Audit and Assurance)此外,还有FIA(Foundations in Accountancy)路线,对应的科目有:1. FAB:会计师与企业(Accountant in Business)2. FMA:管理会计(Management Accounting)3. FFA:财务会计(Financial Accounting)学员在完成所有科目考试并通过后,可以获得ACCA会员资格,象征着具备国际认可的专业会计技能和知识。
ACCA《F5业绩管理》专题介绍本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处一. Environmental activity-based costing (环境成本作业法)学习过F2 管理会计和F5 业绩管理(前段)的内容,就会对Activity-based costing的内容有所了解。
在作业成本法中,各企业的管理会计会将引发成本的因素归结为不同的Cost driver(成本动因),这样使个发生的成本有了更为合理的分配基础,从而达到优化企业利润核算的目的。
环境成本作业法是借助了成本作业法的特性,将环境成本分为因不同的成本动因而发生的成本,并且分配到不同的Cost pool(成本池)中,在对相应的环节进行把控,从而达到降低环境成本的目的,例如降低废水排放量、降低废品量等方式。
二. Input output analysis (投入产出分析)投入产出分析不仅仅会在成本效益原则中起到作用,同样会在分析企业的环境成本中起到主导性的作用。
三. Flow cost accounting (流量成本法)流转成本法实际上是一种更深入和更细致的投入产出分析法,流量成本法不仅仅在实物投入和实物产出之间严格把控,而是将投入产出分析运用到了每次材料和服务的流转出,从而进行得失比例的分析。
四. Life cycle costing (生命周期成本法)生命周期成本法相对以上几种方法来说更为全面,因为在一个企业进行经营活动中,不是所有的环境成本都会在生产过程中得以体现,例如一些清洁的费用,就只能在整个生产过程结束以后才会发生。
Acca f6 2013年十二月真题
P a p e r F 6 ( U K )SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS1.Calculations and workings need only be made to the nearest £.2.All apportionments should be made to the nearest month.3.All workings should be shown.TAX RATES AND ALLOWANCESThe following tax rates and allowances are to be used in answering the questions.Income taxNormal Dividendrates rates%% Basic rate£1 – £34,3702010 Higher rate£34,371 to £150,0004032·5 Additional rate£150,001 and over5042·5 A starting rate of 10% applies to savings income where it falls within the first £2,710 of taxable income.Personal allowancePersonal allowance Standard £8,105 Personal allowance65 – 74£10,500 Personal allowance75 and over£10,660 Income limit for age related allowances£25,400 Income limit for standard personal allowance£100,000Car benefit percentageemissions is 100 grams per kilometre.The relevant base level of CO2emissions up to this level are:The percentage rates applying to petrol cars with CO275 grams per kilometre or less5%76 grams to 99 grams per kilometre10% 100 grams per kilometre11%Car fuel benefitThe base figure for calculating the car fuel benefit is £20,200.Individual savings accounts (ISAs)The overall investment limit is £11,280, of which £5,640 can be invested in a cash ISA.Pension scheme limitAnnual allowance£50,000 The maximum contribution that can qualify for tax relief without any earnings is £3,600.2Authorised mileage allowances: carsUp to 10,000 miles45p Over 10,000 miles25pCapital allowances: rates of allowance% Plant and machineryMain pool18 Special rate pool8 Motor carsNew cars with CO2emissions up to 110 grams per kilometre100CO2emissions between 111 and 160 grams per kilometre18CO2emissions over 160 grams per kilometre8Annual investment allowanceFirst £25,000 of expenditure100Corporation taxFinancial year201020112012Small profits rate21%20%20%Main rate28%26%24%Lower limit£300,000£300,000£300,000Upper limit£1,500,000£1,500,000£1,500,000Standard fraction7/4003/2001/100Marginal reliefStandard fraction x (U –A) x N/AValue added tax (VAT)Standard rate20% Registration limit£77,000 Deregistration limit£75,000Inheritance tax: tax rates£1 –£325,000NilExcess–Death rate40%–Lifetime rate20%3[P.T.O.Inheritance tax: taper reliefYears before death Percentagereduction% Over 3 but less than 4 years20 Over 4 but less than 5 years40 Over 5 but less than 6 years60 Over 6 but less than 7 years80Capital gains taxRates of tax–Lower rate18%–Higher rate28% Annual exempt amount£10,600 Entrepreneurs’ relief–Lifetime limit£10,000,000–Rate of tax 10%National insurance contributions(Not contracted out rates)%Class 1Employee£1 – £7,605 per year Nil£7,606 – £42,475 per year12·0£42,476 and above per year12·0Class 1Employer£1 – £7,488 per year Nil£7,489 and above per year13·8Class 1A13·8Class 2£2·65 per weekSmall earnings exemption£5,595Class 4£1 – £7,605 per year Nil£7,606 – £42,475 per year9·0£42,476 and above per year2·0Rates of interest (assumed)Official rate of interest 4·0%Rate of interest on underpaid tax 3·0%Rate of interest on overpaid tax0·5%4This is a blank page.Question 1 begins on page 6.5[P.T.O.ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted1(a)On 6 April 2012, Richard Feast, aged 43, commenced in self-employment, running a restaurant. Richard’s statement of profit or loss for the year ended 5 April 2013 is as follows:Note££Gross profit73,440ExpensesMotor expenses17,660Property expenses 216,200Repairs and renewals 36,420Other expenses410,960–––––––(41,240)–––––––Net profit32,200–––––––Note 1 – Motor expensesMotor expenses are as follows:£Cost of running Richard’s motor car4,710Cost of running a motor car used by the restaurant’s chef 2,670Parking fines incurred by Richard280––––––7,660––––––Richard’s motor car is used 70% for private journeys, and the chef’s motor car is used 20% for private journeys.Note 2 – Property expensesRichard lives in an apartment which is situated above the restaurant, and one-fifth of the total property expenses of £16,200 relate to this apartment.Note 3 – Repairs and renewalsRepairs and renewals are as follows:£Decorating the restaurant5,100Decorating the apartment1,320––––––6,420––––––The property was in a usable state when it was purchased.Note 4 – Other expensesThe figure of £10,960 for other expenses includes legal fees of £2,590 in connection with the purchase of the restaurant property. The remaining expenses are all allowable.Additional informationPlant and machineryThe following motor cars were purchased during the year ended 5 April 2013:Date of purchase Cost CO2emission rate£Motor car [1] 6 April 201214,000 124 grams per kilometre Motor car [2] 6 April 201216,800138 grams per kilometre Motor car [1] is used by Richard, and motor car [2] is used by the restaurant’s chef.6Required:Calculate Richard Feast’s tax adjusted trading profit for the year ended 5 April 2013.Notes:1.Your computation should commence with the net profit figure of £32,200, and should list all of the itemsreferred to in notes (1) to (4), indicating by the use of zero (0) any items which do not require adjustment.2.In answering this part of the question you are not expected to take account of any of the informationprovided in parts (b), (c) or (d) below.(7 marks)(b)Richard had three employees working for him in his restaurant during the tax year 2012–13 as follows:(1) A chef who was employed throughout the tax year 2012–13 on a gross annual salary of £46,000. The chefwas provided with a petrol powered motor car (see the plant and machinery information in part (a) above) throughout the tax year. The list price of the motor car is the same as its cost. Richard did not provide any fuel for private journeys.(2) A part-time waitress who was employed for 20 hours per week throughout the tax year 2012–13 on a grossannual salary of £7,400.(3)An assistant chef who was employed for eight months from 6 August 2012 to 5 April 2013 on a grossmonthly salary of £2,200.Required:Calculate the employers’ class 1 and class 1A national insurance contributions which Richard Feast would have incurred in respect of his employees’ earnings and benefit for the tax year 2012–13.Note: You are not expected to calculate the national insurance contributions suffered by the employees or by Richard in respect of his self-employment.(6 marks) (c)Richard has not previously filed a self-assessment tax return, and therefore wants to know when he will have tofile his return for the tax year 2012–13. He is not sure whether to file a paper tax return or to file the return online.As this will be his first self-assessment tax return, Richard is concerned that HM Revenue and Customs might carry out a compliance check.Required:(i)Advise Richard Feast of the latest dates by which his self-assessment tax return for the tax year2012–13 should be filed in order to avoid a penalty. (2 marks) (ii)State the period during which HM Revenue and Customs will have to notify Richard Feast if they intend to carry out a compliance check in respect of his self-assessment tax return for the tax year 2012–13, and the possible reasons why such a check would be made.Note: You should assume that Richard will file his tax return by the filing date.(3 marks)7[P.T.O.(d)Richard’s sales since the commencement of trading on 6 April 2012 have been as follows:April to July 2012 £10,500 per monthAugust to November 2012£14,000 per monthDecember 2012 to March 2013£21,500 per monthThese figures are stated exclusive of value added tax (VAT). Richard’s sales are all standard rated.As a trainee Chartered Certified Accountant you have advised Richard in writing that he should be registered for VAT, but he has refused to register because he thinks his net profit is insufficient to cover the additional cost which would be incurred.Required:(i)Explain from what date Richard Feast was required to be compulsorily registered for value added tax(VAT) and the VAT implications of continuing to trade after this date without registering.Note: You are not expected to explain the VAT penalties arising from late VAT registration.(4 marks)(ii)Briefly explain from an ethical viewpoint the issues you, as a trainee Chartered Certified Accountant, should consider in order for your firm to deal with Richard Feast’s refusal to register for VAT.(2 marks)(iii)State the circumstances in which a retailer can issue a simplified (or less detailed) VAT invoice, when such an invoice should be issued, and FIVE pieces of information which such an invoice must show where the supply is entirely standard rated.(4 marks)(iv)Explain how and when VAT registered businesses have to submit their quarterly VAT returns and pay any related VAT liability.Note: You are not expected to cover annual VAT returns, the election for monthly returns or substantial traders.(2 marks)(30 marks)8This is a blank page.Question 2 begins on page 10.9[P.T.O.2Softapp Ltd is a software developer. The company’s summarised statement of profit or loss for the year ended31 March 2013 is as follows:Note£Operating profit 1 & 2519,300Other incomeIncome from property336,700Loan interest receivable 4 8,100Profit on disposal of shares564,900Finance costsInterest payable 6(67,200)––––––––Profit before taxation561,800––––––––Note 1 – Operating profitThe operating profit excludes the results from Softapp Ltd’s overseas branch (see note (2) below).Depreciation of £10,170 and amortisation of leasehold property of £2,500 have been deducted in arriving at the operating profit of £519,300.Note 2 – Overseas branchSoftapp Ltd’s overseas branch made a trading profit of £25,600 for the year ended 31 March 2013. Overseas corporation tax of £5,500 was paid in respect of the overseas branch’s trading profit. Softapp Ltd has not made an election to exempt the profits of its overseas branch.This is the first time that the overseas branch has made a profit, having made a trading loss in each of the previous five years of operation.Note 3 – Income from propertySince 1 November 2012, Softapp Ltd has let out one floor of a freehold office building which is surplus to requirements. The income from property figure of £36,700 is made up of the following income and expenditure: Date received/paid£23 October 2012Advertising for tenants(600)25 October 2012Security deposit of two months rent10,40025 October 2012Rent for the quarter ended 31 January 201315,6001 November 2012Insurance for the year ended 31 October 2013(1,200)2 February 2013Rent for the quarter ended 30 April 201315,60020 March 2013Repairs following a flood(12,800)4 April 2013Insurance claim in respect of the flood damage9,700–––––––36,700–––––––Note 4 – Loan interest receivableThe loan was made for non-trading purposes on 1 July 2012. Loan interest of £5,600 was received on 31 December 2012, and interest of £2,500 was accrued at 31 March 2013.Note 5 – Profit on disposal of sharesThe profit on disposal of shares is in respect of the sale of Softapp Ltd’s entire (2%) shareholding in Networked plc on 28 February 2013. The disposal resulted in a chargeable gain of £61,300. This figure is after taking account of indexation.Note 6 – Interest payableThe interest payable is in respect of the company’s 4% debenture loan stock. Interest of £33,600 was paid on30 September 2012 and again on 31 March 2013. The loan stock was used to finance the company’s tradingactivities.10Additional informationLeasehold propertyOn 1 January 2013, Softapp Ltd acquired a leasehold office building, paying a premium of £100,000 for the grant of a ten-year lease. The office building was used for business purposes by Softapp Ltd throughout the period 1 January to 31 March 2013.Plant and machineryThe tax written down value of Softapp Ltd’s plant and machinery as at 1 April 2012 was nil.During October 2012 Softapp Ltd had an extension constructed adjacent to its existing freehold office building, which is used by the company’s employees as a staff room. The total cost of £100,000 is made up as follows:£Integral to the buildingBuilding costs of extension61,000Heating system3,600Ventilation system4,600Not integral to the buildingFurniture and furnishings29,400Refrigerator and microwave cooker1,400––––––––100,000––––––––The full annual investment allowance of £25,000 is available to Softapp Ltd.Subsidiary companySoftapp Ltd owns 100% of the ordinary share capital of Byte-Size Ltd. On 4 March 2013, Byte-Size Ltd disposed of its entire (1%) shareholding in Cloud Ltd, and this resulted in a capital loss of £48,200. For the year ended 31 March 2013, Byte-Size Ltd made no other disposals and will pay corporation tax at the small profits rate of 20%. Required:(a)Calculate Softapp Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 31 March 2013 after taking account ofdouble taxation relief.Notes:1.Your computation should commence with the operating profit figure of £519,300.2.In answering this part of the question, you should assume that no election is made between Softapp Ltdand Byte-Size Ltd in respect of chargeable gains.(20 marks) (b)Advise Softapp Ltd as to the joint election it should make with Byte-Size Ltd, regarding their respectivechargeable gain and capital loss, and explain how such an election will reduce the group’s overall corporation tax liability for the year ended 31 March 2013.Note: You are not expected to perform any calculations.(3 marks) (c)State what factors Softapp Ltd should take into account when deciding whether to make an election toexempt the profits of its overseas branch.(2 marks)(25 marks)3(a)On 10 June 2012, Delroy made a gift of 25,000 £1 ordinary shares in Dub Ltd, an unquoted trading company, to his son, Grant. The market value of the shares on that date was £240,000. Delroy had subscribed for the 25,000 shares in Dub Ltd at par on 1 July 2002. Delroy and Grant have elected to hold over the gain as a gift of a business asset.Grant sold the 25,000 shares in Dub Ltd on 18 September 2012 for £240,000.Dub Ltd has a share capital of 100,000 £1 ordinary shares. Delroy was the sales director of the company from its incorporation on 1 July 2002 until 10 June 2012. Grant has never been an employee or a director of Dub Ltd.For the tax year 2012–13 Delroy and Grant are both higher rate taxpayers. Neither of them has made any other disposals of assets during the year.Required:(i)Calculate Grant’s capital gains tax liability for the tax year 2012–13.(3 marks)(ii)Explain why it would have been beneficial for capital gains tax purposes if Delroy had instead sold the 25,000 shares in Dub Ltd himself for £240,000 on 10 June 2012, and then gifted the cash proceedsto Grant.(2 marks)(b)On 12 February 2013, Marlon sold a house for £497,000, which he had owned individually. The house hadbeen purchased on 22 October 1997 for £146,000. Marlon incurred legal fees of £2,900 in connection with the purchase of the house, and legal fees of £3,700 in connection with the disposal.Throughout the period of ownership the house was occupied by Marlon and his wife, Alvita, as their main residence. One-third of the house was always used exclusively for business purposes by the couple.Entrepreneurs’ relief is not available in respect of this disposal.For the tax year 2012–13 Marlon is a higher rate taxpayer, but Alvita did not have any taxable income. Neither of them has made any other disposals of assets during the year.Required:(i)Calculate Marlon’s chargeable gain for the tax year 2012–13.(3 marks)(ii)Calculate the amount of capital gains tax which could have been saved if Marlon had transferred 50% ownership of the house to Alvita prior to its disposal.(2 marks)(c)On 2 April 2013, Leroy sold 12,000 £1 ordinary shares in Jerk-Chic plc for £83,400. He has had the followingtransactions in the shares of the company:1 March 2004Purchased 20,000 shares for £19,80020 July 2008Purchased 8,000 shares for £27,80023 October 2012Made a gift of 4,000 sharesThe gift of 4,000 shares on 23 October 2012 was to Leroy’s daughter. On that date the shares were quoted on the Stock Exchange at £7·80–£8·20. There were no recorded bargains. Holdover relief is not available in respect of this disposal.Neither disposal of Jerk-Chic plc shares during the tax year 2012–13 qualifies for entrepreneurs’ relief.For the tax year 2012–13 Leroy is a higher rate taxpayer, and will remain so for the tax year 2013–14. Leroy regularly makes disposals of other investments, so no annual exempt amount is available for either of the tax years 2012–13 or 2013–14.Required:(i)Calculate the chargeable gains arising from Leroy’s disposals of Jerk-Chic plc shares during the tax year2012–13.(4 marks) (ii)State why it would have been beneficial if Leroy had delayed the sale of the 12,000 shares in Jerk-Chic plc until 6 April 2013.(1 mark)(15 marks)4(a)Fang commenced self-employment on 1 August 2010. She has a trading profit of £45,960 for the year ended31 July 2011, and a trading profit of £39,360 for the year ended 31 July 2012.Required:(i)Calculate the amount of trading profit which will have been assessed on Fang for each of the tax years2010–11, 2011–12 and 2012–13, and state the amount of any overlap profit.(3 marks) (ii)Explain how Fang would have obtained relief for trading expenditure incurred prior to 1 August 2010 and for computer equipment which Fang already owned which was brought into business use on1 August 2010.(2 marks)(b)Hong has been in self-employment since 2001, preparing accounts to 5 April. For the year ended 5 April 2013she made a trading loss of £45,800, and has claimed this against her total income and chargeable gain for the tax year 2011–12.For the year ended 5 April 2012 Hong made a trading profit of £29,700. She also has a property business profit of £3,900 for the tax year 2011–12. Hong has an unused trading loss of £2,600 brought forward from the tax year 2010–11.During the tax year 2011–12 Hong disposed of an investment property and this resulted in a chargeable gain (before the annual exempt amount) of £17,800. Hong has unused capital losses of £6,200 brought forward from the tax year 2009–10.Required:After taking account of the loss relief claims made, calculate Hong’s taxable income and taxable gain for the tax year 2011–12, and state the amount of any trading loss carried forward.Note: You should assume that the tax allowances for the tax year 2012–13 apply throughout.(5 marks)(c)Kang, Ling and Ming have been in partnership since 2003, preparing accounts to 30 June. Ming left thepartnership on 31 October 2011. Profits have always been shared equally.The partnership had a trading profit of £148,800 for the year ended 30 June 2011, and a profit of £136,800 for the year ended 30 June 2012. Each partner has unused overlap profits brought forward of £29,400.Required:Calculate the trading income assessments of Kang, Ling and Ming for each of the tax years 2011–12 and 2012–13.(5 marks)(15 marks)5Afiya died on 29 November 2012. She had made the following gifts during her lifetime:(1)On 13 April 2011, Afiya made a cash gift of £32,000 to her husband.(2)On 2 May 2011, Afiya made cash gifts to her three nieces. The first niece was given £100, the second niecewas given £200, and the third niece was given £400.(3)On 14 September 2011, Afiya made a gift of 6,500 £1 ordinary shares in Cassava Ltd, an unquoted investmentcompany, to her daughter.Before the transfer Afiya owned 8,000 shares out of Cassava Ltd’s issued share capital of 10,000 £1 ordinary shares. On 14 September 2011, Cassava Ltd’s shares were worth £3 each for a holding of 15%, £7 each for a holding of 65%, and £8 each for a holding of 80%.(4)On 27 January 2012, Afiya made a cash gift of £400,000 to a trust. Afiya paid the inheritance tax arising fromthis gift.On 29 November 2012, Afiya’s estate was valued at £620,000. Under the terms of her will Afiya left £150,000 to her husband, a specific legacy of £40,000 to her sister, and the residue of the estate to her children.The nil rate band for the tax year 2011–12 is £325,000.Required:(a)Calculate the inheritance tax which will be payable as a result of Afiya’s death.(12 marks)(b)State the due dates of payment for the inheritance tax arising from the gift made to the trust on 27 January2012.Note: Your answer should cover both the lifetime inheritance tax paid and the additional tax payable as a result of Afiya’s death.(2 marks)(c)Calculate the amount of the inheritance which will be received by Afiya’s children.(1 mark)(15 marks)End of Question Paper。
acca sbl 串讲
acca sbl 串讲English Answer:Introduction.ACCA SBL (Strategic Business Leader) is a professional qualification that develops the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage organizations effectively. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including business strategy, financial management, marketing, operations management, and ethics.Exam Structure.The SBL exam is divided into two parts:Part A (Objective Test): Consists of 60 multiple-choice questions. Candidates have 90 minutes to complete this part.Part B (Case Study): Requires candidates to analyze a complex business case and provide recommendations. Candidates have 3 hours to complete this part.Study Resources.There are a variety of study resources available to help candidates prepare for the SBL exam, including:Official ACCA textbooks and study notes.Online courses and webinars.Practice exams and mock assessments.Study groups and forums.Exam Tips.Here are some tips to help candidates prepare for and succeed in the SBL exam:Start studying early and give yourself plenty of time to cover the material.Use a variety of study resources to reinforce your learning.Practice answering exam-style questions under timed conditions.Understand the exam format and time allocation.Manage your time wisely during the exam.Don't be afraid to ask for help if needed.Conclusion.The ACCA SBL exam is a challenging but rewarding qualification. By following these tips, candidates can increase their chances of success in the exam and advance their careers in business leadership.Chinese Answer:导言。
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Which of the following disposals may give rise to a capital gain? 1. Sale of shares in an unquoted trading company. 2. Gift of antique painting. 3. Sale of 13% Treasury stock 2013. 4. Exchange, with a friend, of a house for an apartment. 5. Sale of a motor car to brother at less than market value. 6. Gift of a London flat by an individual who is neither resident nor ordinarily resident in the UK.
3 The annual exempt amount
An annual exemption is for each tax year. For 2011/12 the annual exempt amount is £10,600. The annual exempt amount is deducted from the chargeable gains for the year after the deductions of losses and other reliefs. If Sue has chargeable gains for 2011/12 of £15,000, her taxable gains are £15,000 – £10,600= £4,400 Notes: Do not forget to deduct the annual exempt amount. Only one time for one tax year.
Answer for (c)
£ 10,000 (10,000) 0
Chargeable gains for year Less: Annual exempt amount Taxable gains for 2011/12
5 CGT payable by individuals
Taxable gains are chargeable to capital gains tax at the rate of 18% or 28% depending on the individual’s taxable income.
Allowable losses brought forward
When losses are brought forward, current year losses are deducted in priority. Allowable losses brought forward are only set off to reduce current year chargeable gains less current year allowable losses to the annual exempt amount. No set-off is made if current year chargeable gains less current year allowable losses do not exceed the annual exempt amount (10,600). Example 4.3 (b) (c)
× (×) × (×) (×) (×) × (×) (×) (×) ×
An unincorporated business is not treated as a separate entity for capital gains tax purposes. Therefore, when a business is disposed of, you should deal with each asset separately (to get chargeable gains for each asset). CGT is calculated by each tax year.
2 Computing a gain or loss
Calculation format Disposal consideration / proceeds (or market value) Less: incidental costs of disposal Net proceeds Less: original cost of acquisition capital expenditure incurred in enhancing the asset incidental costs of acquisition Chargeable gain Less: allowable losses for year Less: allowable losses (b/f) Less: annual exempt amount Taxable gains (taxable income) for the year Tax rates CGT payable
£ Disposal proceeds Less: incidental costs of disposal Net proceeds Less: original cost of acquisition enhancement expenditure incidental costs of acquisition £ 320,000 5,300 314,700
4 Capital losses
Calculation of losses
Losses are, in general, calculated in the same way as gains.
Deduct allowable capital losses from capital gains in the tax year in which they arise.
Answer for (a)
£ 11,000 (6,000) 5,000 (5,000) 0
Chargeable gains for year Less: allowable losses for year
Less: Annual exempt amount taxable gains for 2011/12
Andy sold a factory on 15 February 2012 for £320,000. The factory was purchased on 24 January 1990 for £164,000, and was extended at a cost of £37,000 during March 2000. Andy incurred legal fees of £3,100 in connection with the purchase of the factory, and legal fees of £5,300 in connection with the disposal. Andy has taxable income of £65,000 in 2011/12. Calculate Andy’s capital gains tax liability for the towable losses of the same year
Allowable capital losses arising in a tax year are fully deducted from chargeable gains arising in the same tax year. Any loss which cannot be set off is carried forward to set against future chargeable gains. Losses must be used as soon as possible. Example 4.3 (a)
164,000 37,000 3,100
204,100 Chargeable gain 110,600 Less: annual exempt amount (10,600) Taxable gains (taxable income) for the year 100,000 CGT payable (*28%) 28,000 Andy’s capital gains tax liability will be due on 31 January 2013.
1 Chargeable persons, disposals and assets
A gain is chargeable if there is a chargeable disposal of a chargeable asset by a chargeable person. Chargeable persons: individual or a company Chargeable disposals: - Sales of whole assets or parts of assets - Gifts of assets or parts of assets - The loss or destruction of assets Chargeable assets: all forms of property unless some exempt assets (certain chattels and motor cars)
The consideration for a disposal