316盐雾测试国标目录1. 盐雾测试国家标准概述2. 盐雾测试的目的和意义3. 盐雾测试方法的详细步骤4. 盐雾测试设备的要求和配置5. 盐雾测试的注意事项和标准规定6. 盐雾测试的应用范围和作用正文盐雾测试国家标准是为了检测涂层耐中性盐雾性能而制定的,可以作为色漆或涂料体系质量的检测手段。
盐雾测试的方法是将符合 GB1266 化学纯的氯化钠溶解于符合GB6682 三级水中配制,其浓度为 5010g/L。
然后用 pH 计(精度 0.1pH)在 25℃时测定试验溶液的 pH 值,应为 6.5~7.2。
经过 pH 计测定校正的精密试纸可用于日常检验。
喷雾室由耐盐水溶液腐蚀的材料制成或衬里,顶盖或盖子应向上倾斜,与水平面的夹角应大于 25°,使凝集在盖子上的液滴不致滴落在试板上。
喷雾室的容积不得小于 0.4m3,对于容积超过 2m3 的喷雾室,在设计和构造上应给予仔细的考虑。
恒温控制元件设在喷雾室内,离箱壁至少 100mm 的地方,或设在室内的水夹套内,并能使喷雾室内各部位达到规定的温度。
在进行盐雾测试时,需要注意以下事项:试验溶液的配制和 pH 值的测定;试验设备的正确使用和维护;试验过程的控制和记录;试验结果的评价和分析等。
工作场所空气有毒物质测定钒及其 化合物GBZ/T 160.24-2004
工作场所空气有毒物质测定锌及其 化合物GBZ/T 160.25-2004
化合物GBZ/T 160.26-2004
工作场所空气有毒物质测定GBZ/T 160.2-2004
工作场所空气有毒物质测定铋及其 化合物GBZ/T 160.4-2004
工作场所空气有毒物质测定镉及其 化合物GBZ/T 160.5-2004
化合物GBZ/T 160.6-2004
工作场所空气有毒物质测定铭及其 化合物GBZ/T 160.7-2004
工作场所空气有毒物质测定钻及其 化合物GBZ/T 160.8-2004
苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙苯、苯乙 烯
ND M 1 L 50
壳架等级 A
公司已在全国二十二大城市(上海、北京、广州、深圳、南京、杭 州、武汉、重庆、天津、西安、济南、沈阳、大连、哈尔滨、长沙、昆 明、郑州、成都、南昌、石家庄、长春、贵阳)设立了区域销售服务中 心,旨在多角度、全方位的为客户提供及时、优质的服务。
NDB1C系列 小型断路器
NDB1C系列产品为良信首推的“工业级民用”产品,其 产 品 性 能 、 技 术 参 数 、 环 保 指 数 、 外 观 设 计 、 售后服务将承未来所需,将工业标 准与民用家宅或设备完美对接,尽享工业水准!
U< U>>
U< U>>
37 37
壳架等级 额定电流A
产品型号 NDM1GQ-63/1PN
2 45 8
过欠压动作脱扣器的断路器若检验介电性能时,需断开脱扣器部分。 过欠压动作脱扣器只与本公司小型断路器匹配,不做单独供货。 可单独提供过压或欠压功能脱扣器,过压脱扣器为NDM1G-63或NDM1G-50,欠压脱扣器为NDM1Q-63或 NDM1Q-50 1PN\2P过欠压或过压、欠压脱扣器最大工作电流63A。4P过欠压或过压、欠压脱扣器最大工作电流50A。
JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB160160BOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (13)9. RELIABILITY (17)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (18)11. USING LCD MODULES (20)12. REVISION HISTORY (22)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (23)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCM BACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB160160B is a 160 x 160 Dots Graphics LCD module. It has a STN panel composed of160segments and 160 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and PositiveDisplay ModeSTN(Y-G) moduleDisplay Format Graphic 160 x 160 dotsInput Data Parallel data input from MCUMultiplexing Ratio 1/160 DutyBiasBias 1/12Viewing Direction 6 O’clock(Yellow-Green)Backlight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 89.2 x 85.0 x 14.6(max) mmResolution 160segs x 160coms dotsActive area 60.775(W) x 60.775(H) mmDots pitch 0.38(W)×0.38(H) mmDots size 0.355(W)×0.355 (H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 5.5 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 24.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR 0 +50 Storage temperature T STR -10 +60Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD ------ 5.0 --- VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DD V DD =5.0V; V LCD =19.0V, T amb =25 ;--- --- 1.5 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/13V LCD =V DD -V 518.7 19.0 19.3 VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV DD =5.0V;V LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- TBD mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONINTERFACE WITH CN1 & CN2:PinSymbol Description No.1 VSSPower supply for Ground (0V)2 MAC Signal for LCD Driver Output3 FLMData Input for Common ICs4 CL1Data Latch Colok5 CL2Data Shift Colok6 D37 D2Display Data Input Terminal for Segment ICs8 D19 D010 VEE Power Supply for Negative V oltage11 VDD Power supply for positive (+5V)12 V0 VLCD V oltage Regulation Terminal13 /DISPOFF Display OFF Control14 K Power Supply for LED BackLight Negative15 A Power Supply for LED BackLight Positive7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMLED-LED+VDD VSS VEE V0D0-D4CL1CL2M FLMCircuit Block Diagram8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote--- 19.5 ---25 18.7 19.0 19.3 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 050 --- 18.0 --- V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 35 25 35DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION 1 High Temperature Operating 50 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating 0 120Hrs3 High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating50 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating60 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-10 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating 0 (30Min )↔ 50 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.12. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 06-05-241.0 Original2.0 Change contact mode 06-08-04SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。
REV 3.7
SiboTech Automation Co., Ltd.
技术支持热线:021-3126 5138 E-mail: .................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 产品功能 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 产品特点 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 技术指标 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 电磁兼容性能........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.4.1 高频干扰试验(GB/T15153.1 classⅢ) .................................................................................. 5 1.4.2 快速瞬变脉冲群试验(GB/T17626.4 classⅢ) .................................................................... 5 1.4.3 静电放电干扰(GB/T 17626.2 classⅢ) ................................................................................. 5 1.4.4 辐射电磁场(GB/T 17626.3 classⅢ) ..................................................................................... 5
166/167 Series
6-1/2 OR 12-1/2
1/2 1-1/2 [12.70] [38.10]
MODEL 166 2 [50.8]
do160 雷击测试标准
do160 雷击测试标准
DO-160 标准是由美国航空无线电技术委员会(RTCA)制定的,用于评估航空电子设备在雷电环境下的耐受能力和性能的测试标准。
以下是DO-160 雷击测试标准的部分内容:
1. 测试目的:评估航空电子设备在遭受直接雷击和间接雷击时的耐受能力和性能。
2. 测试环境:模拟真实的雷电环境,包括直接雷击、间接雷击和电磁兼容性测试。
3. 测试设备:包括雷击模拟器、电流传感器、电压传感器、电磁场探头等。
4. 测试方法:根据设备的安装位置和使用环境,选择适当的测试方法。
5. 测试等级:根据设备的重要性和使用环境,将测试等级分为A、
B、C、D 四个等级。
6. 测试结果:根据测试结果,评估设备的耐受能力和性能。
DO-160 雷击测试标准是航空电子设备必须遵守的标准之一,它可以确保设备在雷电环境下的安全性和可靠性。
BHY-60B/100B/160B系列 活塞压力计使用说明书太原市太航压力测试科技有限公司提示:标准活塞压力计是压力计量精密设备,应由专业人员按照使用说明书进行操作。
严禁校验台在加压时超过量程的上限目录1 概述2 技术指标3 活塞部件示意图4 准备5 活塞操作步骤6 注意事项7 送检8 维修1.概述该系列活塞压力计是对传统活塞压力计进行改进。
2.技术指标2.1 型 号: BHY-60B; BHY-100B; BHY-160B2.2 标称范围: 1~60MPa; 2~100MPa; 2~160MPa测量范围: 1~60MPa; 2~100MPa; 2~160MPa2.3 准 确 度:0.05级2.4工作温度:20±2℃2.5活塞下降速度:新制造的活塞在全负荷下1~60MPa≤1mm/min;2~100MPa ≤1mm/min;2~160MPa ≤1mm/min;2.6延续时间:1~60 MPa 1MPa负荷≥2min2~100MPa 2MPa负荷≥2min2~160MPa 2MPa负荷≥2min2.7工作介质:癸二酸二异辛脂(化学纯);介质密度:916kg/m3;运动粘度:20~25mm2/s;2.8活塞特性:面积标称值:60MPa — 0.1cm2; 活塞杆长度:65 mm100MPa — 0.05cm2; 活塞杆长度: 65mm160MPa — 0.05cm2; 活塞杆长度: 65mm 活塞杆材料:碳化钨;活塞筒材料:碳化钨;弹性模量:E=660GPa;泊 松 比:μ=0.23;变形系数:60MPa:λ=0.731×10-6 / MPa;100MPa/160 MPa:λ=0.713×10-6 / MPa=4.5×10-6℃-1;线膨胀系数:活塞筒/活塞杆:αc活塞杆直径:60MPa:ΦD=3.568mm;100MPa/160 MPa: Φ=2.522mm;活塞筒外径:ΦD=24mm;2.9砝码部分专用砝码已按照当地重力加速度进行修正,因为使用了碳化钨材料,使用时不必按照砝码的编号顺序加载。
初中科学教学仪器配备标准1 范围本标准规定了初中科学教学用仪器设备的配备要求。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
GB/T 335 非自行指示秤GB/T 1214.2 游标类卡尺游标卡尺GB/T 1214.3 游标类卡尺高度游标卡尺GB/T 1216 外径千分尺GB 1588 玻璃体温计GB/T 2985 生物显微镜GB 3053 血压计和血压表GB/T 4168 非自动天平杠杆式天平GB/T 4440 活扳手GB 4706.22 家用和类似用途电器的安全驻立式电灶,灶台,烤炉及类似用途器具的特殊要求GB/T 5580 电钻GB/T 5806 钢锉通用技术条件GB/T 6092 直角尺GB/T 8059.2 家用制冷器具冷藏冷冻箱GB 8897.2 原电池第2部分:外形尺寸和技术要求GB/T 9056 金属直尺GB/T 9813 微型计算机通用规范GB/T 10241 旋转变压器通用技术条件GB/T 11165 实验室PH计GB/T 11884 弹簧度盘秤GB/T 12803 实验室玻璃仪器量杯GB/T 12804 实验室玻璃仪器量筒GB/T 12805 实验室玻璃仪器滴定管GB/T 12806 实验室玻璃仪器单标线容量瓶GB/T 13982 反射和透射放映银幕GB/T 15283 0.5,1和2级交流有功电度表GB/T 15643 非广播磁带录象机通用技术条件GB/T 15723 实验室玻璃仪器干燥器GB/T 15724.1 实验室玻璃仪器烧杯GB/T 15725.1 ~ 15725.6 实验室玻璃仪器烧瓶GB 15810 一次性使用无菌注射器GB/T 17764 玻璃浮计式密度计的结构和校准原则GB/T 19146 红外人体表面密度快速筛检仪通用技术条件HB 3252 方头手锤HJBZ 24 家用微波炉JB/T 4143 台式砂轮机JB/T 5374 电子天平JB/T 6251 轻便磁感风向风速表JB/T 6533 旋片式真空泵JB 6827 实验室离心机机械安全要求JB/T 6830 投影仪JB/T 8803 双金属温度计JB/T 9283 万用电表JB/T 9290 绝缘电阻表JB/T 9457 虹吸式雨量计技术条件JB/T 9458 雨量器技术条件JJG 130 工作用玻璃液体温度计检定规程JJG 272 空盒气压表和空盒气压计检定规程JJG 855 数字式量热温度计检定规程JY 0005 岩石矿石标本JY 0011 教学用单踪阴极射线示波器JY 0012 磁针JY 0013 蹄形电磁铁技术条件JY 0014 左右手定则演示器技术条件JY 20 电机原理说明器JY 21 手摇交直流发电机技术条件JY 22 小型电动机模型JY 0028 滑动变阻器JY 0029 电阻圈JY 30 演示电阻箱技术条件JY 31 教学用电阻箱技术条件JY 32 简式电阻箱技术条件JY 0033 光具盘JY 0034 普教光具座JY 40 摩擦计JY 43 液压机模型JY 0047 光具组JY 50 演示电磁继电器JY 51 电磁继电器JY 0057 教学用磁钢JY 68 植物根尖纵切技术条件JY 70 顶芽纵切技术条件JY 71 南瓜茎横切、南瓜茎纵切技术条件JY 72 单子叶植物茎横切技术条件JY 73 木本双子叶植物茎横切技术条件JY 74 双子叶植物叶横切技术条件JY 75 蚕豆叶下表皮装片技术条件JY 76 青霉装片技术条件JY 78 细菌三型涂片技术条件JY 79 酵母菌装片技术条件JY 81 水螅纵切技术条件JY 83 植物细胞有丝分裂(洋葱根纵切)技术条件JY 89 单层扁平上皮装片技术条件JY 90 复层扁平上皮切片技术条件JY 91 人皮过毛囊切片技术条件JY 92 人皮过汗腺切片技术条件JY 93 纤维结缔组织(腱纵切)技术条件JY 94 疏松结缔组织装片技术条件JY 95 人血涂片技术条件JY 96 骨骼肌纵横切技术条件JY 97 平滑肌分离装片技术条件JY 98 心肌切片技术条件JY 99 运动神经原装片技术条件JY 100 脊髓横切技术条件JY 101 运动神经末梢装片技术条件JY 104 学生天平附砝码JY 105 勾码JY 106 巴斯卡球JY 107 液体内部压强演示器JY 108 马德堡半球JY 109 轮轴模型JY 110 滚摆JY 115 感应起电机JY 116 小灯座JY 0117 教学用闸刀开关JY 120 演示原副线圈JY 121 原副线圈JY 0127 教学用测力计JY 0128 空盒气压计JY 131 圆柱体组JY 132 螺旋弹簧组JY 133 微小压强计JY 134 演示滑轮组JY 135 滑轮组JY 137 空气压缩引火仪JY 138 凹凸面镜JY 140 玻璃砖JY 142 三棱镜JY 144 鱼解剖浸制标本技术条件JY 145 蛙解剖浸制标本技术条件JY 146 鸽解剖浸制标本技术条件JY 147 兔解剖浸制标本技术条件JY 150 蝗虫生活史标本技术条件JY 151 蜜蜂生活史标本技术条件JY 152 竹节虫拟态标本技术条件JY 154 兔骨骼标本技术条件JY 158 人体头、颈、躯干模型技术条件JY 159 人体骨骼模型技术条件JY 160 心脏解剖放大模型JY 161 喉解剖放大模型技术条件JY 162 肺泡放大模型技术条件JY 163 脑解剖模型技术条件JY 164 眼球解剖放大模型技术条件JY 165 耳解剖放大模型技术条件JY 166 物理支架JY 167 方座支架JY 168 演示米尺JY 169 离心轨道JY 172 杠杆JY 175 阿基米德定律演示器JY 177 机械能热能互变演示器JY 179 玻璃附丝绸、有机玻璃附丝绸、胶棒附毛皮、聚碳酸脂棒附毛皮JY 181 阴极射线管JY 190 植物细胞模型技术条件JY 191 根纵剖模型技术条件JY 192 单子叶植物茎模型技术条件JY 193 双子叶植物茎模型技术条件JY 194 叶构造模型技术条件JY 195 桃花模型技术条件JY 196 小麦花模型技术条件JY 198 蝗虫解剖模型技术条件JY 199 蛙胚胎发育模型技术条件JY 202 箔片验电器技术条件JY 203 指针验电器技术条件JY 208 电铃JY 209 经纬度模型技术条件JY 210 地球度模型技术条件JY 212 等高线地形图判读模型技术条件JY 217 电阻定律演示器JY 218 线路实验板JY 222 离心水泵模型JY 223 两用气筒JY 224 发音齿轮JY 225 金属线膨胀演示器JY 226 固体缩力演示器JY 227 F256音叉、F512音叉JY 229 液体对器壁压强演示器JY 231 量热器JY 232 连通器JY 233 双子叶植物茎横切技术条件JY 235 胞间连丝切片技术条件JY 236 水绵接合生殖装片技术条件JY 237 动静脉横切技术条件JY 238 小肠切片技术条件JY 244 肺血管注射切片技术条件JY 245 肾血管注射切片技术条件JY 248 精巢切片技术条件JY 249 卵巢切片技术条件JY 250 精子涂片技术条件JY 252 曲霉装片技术条件JY 253 伞覃切片技术条件JY 254 草覆虫接合生殖装片技术条件JY 255 草覆虫分裂生殖装片技术条件JY 256 水螅过精巢横切技术条件JY 260 囊虫装片技术条件JY 261 血吸虫雌雄合抱装片技术条件JY 269 蜥蜴解剖浸制标本技术条件JY 279 鱼骨骼标本技术条件JY 280 蛙骨骼标本技术条件JY 281 鸽骨骼标本技术条件JY 282 海葵标本技术条件JY 283 海蛰标本技术条件JY 284 珊瑚标本技术条件JY 285 寄居蟹标本技术条件JY 291 草覆虫模型技术条件JY 296 导管筛管结构模型技术条件JY 297 女性泌尿生殖系统模型技术条件JY 298 男性泌尿生殖系统模型技术条件JY 299 磁分子模型JY 0310 白光的色散与合成演示器技术条件JY 0313 始祖鸟化石及复原模型技术条件JY 0314 蚯蚓解剖模型技术条件JY 0315 皮肤结构模型技术条件JY 0319 肾、肾单位、肾小体放大模型技术条件JY 0320 菜粉蝶生活史标本技术条件JY 0323 肝、胰、十二指肠模型技术条件JY 0325 家蚕生活史标本技术条件JY 0330 教学用指针式电表JY 0333 纵波演示器JY 0335 昆虫口器装片JY 0337 衣藻装片JY 0338 地衣玻片JY 0340 蕨类玻片标本JY 0341 被子植物生殖器官及胚胎发育玻片标本JY 0342 被子植物种子切片JY 0353 验证遗传规律玉米标本JY 0354 部分牙列及磨牙解剖模型JY 0357 人体肌肉模型JY 0361 教学电源JY 0362 教学用信号发生器JY/T 0363 视频展示台JY/T 0364 保险丝作用演示器JY/T 0370 物体浮沉演示器JY/T 0371 声传播演示器JY/T 0373 教学用液晶投影机JY/T 0375 直视分光镜JY/T 0376 生物显微演示装置JY/T 0378 放大镜QB/T 1519 纤维卷尺QB/T 1534 机械秒表QB/T 1558.2 台虎钳普通台虎钳QB/T 1908 液晶数字式石英秒表QB/T 1992 化学瓷蒸发皿QB/T 2087 架盘天平QB/T 2094.3 木工锯手板锯QB/T 2109 实验室玻璃仪器冷凝管QB/T 2110 实验室玻璃仪器分液漏斗和滴液漏斗QB/T 2207 剥线钳QB/T 2208 电工刀QB/T 2210 手摇钻QB/T 2442.1 夹扭剪切两用钳钢丝钳QB/T 2442.3 夹扭剪切两用钳带刃尖嘴钳QB/T 2443 刚卷尺QB/T 2561 实验室玻璃仪器试管和培养管QB/T 2565.5 钢斧木锉QX/T 27 毛发湿度计SB/T 10205 打气筒SJ/T 10423 声级计通用技术条件YY 0027 电热恒温培养箱YY/T 0280 电热蒸馏水器YY 91035 听诊器YY 91037 电热恒温水浴锅3 要求3.1 初中科学教学仪器的配备分为“基本”和“选配”两种配备要求。
JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB160160BOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (13)9. RELIABILITY (17)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (18)11. USING LCD MODULES (20)12. REVISION HISTORY (22)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (23)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCM BACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB160160B is a 160 x 160 Dots Graphics LCD module. It has a STN panel composed of160segments and 160 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and PositiveDisplay ModeSTN(Y-G) moduleDisplay Format Graphic 160 x 160 dotsInput Data Parallel data input from MCUMultiplexing Ratio 1/160 DutyBiasBias 1/12Viewing Direction 6 O’clock(Yellow-Green)Backlight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 89.2 x 85.0 x 14.6(max) mmResolution 160segs x 160coms dotsActive area 60.775(W) x 60.775(H) mmDots pitch 0.38(W)×0.38(H) mmDots size 0.355(W)×0.355 (H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 5.5 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 24.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR 0 +50 Storage temperature T STR -10 +60Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD ------ 5.0 --- VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DD V DD =5.0V; V LCD =19.0V, T amb =25 ;--- --- 1.5 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/13V LCD =V DD -V 518.7 19.0 19.3 VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV DD =5.0V;V LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- TBD mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONINTERFACE WITH CN1 & CN2:PinSymbol Description No.1 VSSPower supply for Ground (0V)2 MAC Signal for LCD Driver Output3 FLMData Input for Common ICs4 CL1Data Latch Colok5 CL2Data Shift Colok6 D37 D2Display Data Input Terminal for Segment ICs8 D19 D010 VEE Power Supply for Negative V oltage11 VDD Power supply for positive (+5V)12 V0 VLCD V oltage Regulation Terminal13 /DISPOFF Display OFF Control14 K Power Supply for LED BackLight Negative15 A Power Supply for LED BackLight Positive7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMLED-LED+VDD VSS VEE V0D0-D4CL1CL2M FLMCircuit Block Diagram8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote--- 19.5 ---25 18.7 19.0 19.3 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 050 --- 18.0 --- V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 35 25 35DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION 1 High Temperature Operating 50 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating 0 120Hrs3 High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating50 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating60 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-10 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating 0 (30Min )↔ 50 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.12. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 06-05-241.0 Original2.0 Change contact mode 06-08-04SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。
二、磷酸-高碘 酸钾分光光度法
空气中锰及其化合物用微孔滤膜采集,消解后,在磷酸溶液 中,锰离子被高碘酸钾氧化成紫红色高锰酸盐;在530nm 波 长下测量吸光度,进行定量
微孔滤膜,0.8μ m,消解,530nm
短时间采样5L/min, 长时间采样1L/min
短时间采样5L/min, 长时间采样1L/min
m,洗脱,670.8nm 长时间采样1L/min
GBZ/T 160.12
镁及其 物.doc
火焰原子吸收光 空气中镁及其化合物用微孔滤膜采集,消解后,在285.2nm 微孔滤膜,0.8μ
铅尘、铅烟 GBZ/T 铅 及 其 化 合 160.10 — 物.doc 2004
二、双硫腙分光 光度法
度,进行定量 混色法:用双硫腙氯仿溶液提取后,在绿色双硫腙与红色双硫 腙铅共存下比色定量。
微孔滤膜,0.8μ m,消解,520nm
GBZ/T 铍 160.3 — (Beryllium) 2004 及其化合物
金属铍、氧化 铍
桑色素荧光分光 空气中铍及其化合物用微孔滤膜采集,消解后,铍离子与桑色 微孔滤膜,0.8μ
素反应生成黄绿色荧光络合物;测量荧光强度,进行定量 m,消解
短时间采样5L/min, 长时间采样1L/min
GBZ/T 160.4
标 准 有害因素 典型物质
GBZ/T 160.28-2004无机含碳化合物
GBZ/T 160.5-2004
GBZ/T 160.6-2004
GBZ/T 160.07-2004铬及其化合物
GBZ/T 160.09-2004铜及其化合物
GBZ/T 160.2-2004
GBZT 160系列国家标准-检测方法详表
GBZ/T 160.55—2004
脂肪族酮类(Aliphatic ketones)化合物
GBZ/T 160.8—2004
GBZ/T 160.9—2004
GBZ/T 160.10—2004
GBZ/T 160.42—2004
GBZ/T 160.43—2004
GBZ/T 160.49—2004
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JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB160160BOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (13)9. RELIABILITY (17)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (18)11. USING LCD MODULES (20)12. REVISION HISTORY (22)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (23)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCM BACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB160160B is a 160 x 160 Dots Graphics LCD module. It has a STN panel composed of160segments and 160 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and PositiveDisplay ModeSTN(Y-G) moduleDisplay Format Graphic 160 x 160 dotsInput Data Parallel data input from MCUMultiplexing Ratio 1/160 DutyBiasBias 1/12Viewing Direction 6 O’clock(Yellow-Green)Backlight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 89.2 x 85.0 x 14.6(max) mmResolution 160segs x 160coms dotsActive area 60.775(W) x 60.775(H) mmDots pitch 0.38(W)×0.38(H) mmDots size 0.355(W)×0.355 (H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 5.5 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 24.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR 0 +50 Storage temperature T STR -10 +60Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD ------ 5.0 --- VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DD V DD =5.0V; V LCD =19.0V, T amb =25 ;--- --- 1.5 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/13V LCD =V DD -V 518.7 19.0 19.3 VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV DD =5.0V;V LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- TBD mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONINTERFACE WITH CN1 & CN2:PinSymbol Description No.1 VSSPower supply for Ground (0V)2 MAC Signal for LCD Driver Output3 FLMData Input for Common ICs4 CL1Data Latch Colok5 CL2Data Shift Colok6 D37 D2Display Data Input Terminal for Segment ICs8 D19 D010 VEE Power Supply for Negative V oltage11 VDD Power supply for positive (+5V)12 V0 VLCD V oltage Regulation Terminal13 /DISPOFF Display OFF Control14 K Power Supply for LED BackLight Negative15 A Power Supply for LED BackLight Positive7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMLED-LED+VDD VSS VEE V0D0-D4CL1CL2M FLMCircuit Block Diagram8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote--- 19.5 ---25 18.7 19.0 19.3 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 050 --- 18.0 --- V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 35 25 35DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION 1 High Temperature Operating 50 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating 0 120Hrs3 High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating50 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating60 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-10 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating 0 (30Min )↔ 50 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.12. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 06-05-241.0 Original2.0 Change contact mode 06-08-04SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。