新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第四册答案新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程第四册答案Unit1 SharingTask3bcfdcaTask4Task51. (1)anti-social2. (1)appreciate3. (1)tolerant4.impress(2)awareof(2)attidude(2)cometoanend(3)walkawayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker1Owl:Speaker2Speaker6Speaker3Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31. peaceful2. beautiful3.lovelypart4. party5. withapassionstsecond7. walkingtheirdogs8. withabounce9. away10. thebestpartoftheday11. thinkingstraight12. atmysharpest13. wehadchildren14.inthemornings15.intheeveningsViewingTask2activity2Role-playingTask1activity2gafhbdceMorepracticeinlisteningshortconversations1DABCC longconversations CBDA Passages:Passage1 ACDC Passages:Passage21. distressing2. desperate3. urge4. acquire5. aretotallyunawareof6. areisolatedfrom7. affirm 8.interactwith 9.impulse10. areconvincedof News:Report1 BCReport2 BACUnittest part1DDBCD part2CAAAD part3CBDDC part41. at2. section3. connects4. atthebottomof5. shining6. As7. cross8. runningawayfrom9. streamingdown10. destroyedUnit2 SharingTask21. excited2.onthebanks3. beachparties4. findout5.lookingforwardtoTask3fadcebTask4123810Task5ListeningTask2activity1A:2345B:16Task2activity21. Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204. bytheriver5. raining6. fancied7. havethegutstotellhim8. good-looking, romantic and intelligent9. three children10.I'm happy11. fellgoodaboutwhoIwas12. Goodluckforthefuture13. behappywithwhoyouareViewingTask2activity1Task2activity21. thelongest-livingcommunities2.9003. goabouttheirbusiness4. fruitandvegetable5.ingredients6. celldamage7. highquantities8. healthprotective9.1,20010.20percentless11. gettingmorefortheirmoney12. health' sworthRole-playingTask1activity213457810Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations ADCBD longconversations CBAD Passages:passages1 BCDA Passages:passages21. proportion2. estimated3. haveprofoundimpactson4. potential5. economically6. pensions7.originatefrom8. residential9. posesachallengeto10. betransformedinto NewsReport1 BDReport2 BDC Unittest part1BDCBC part2 DCCBA part3 BCAAD part4 unched2. corner3. bankruptcy4. virtually5. directing6. dischargedfrom7. secured8. substantial9. Notsurprisingly10. fashionaccessories Unit3SharingTask21. enjoy2. free3. music4.internationally5. festivals6. spendyourfreetimeTask3 deghbacfTask42356Task52458ListeningTask2.1adgebfcTask2.21368ViewingTask2.11. (1)huskysledding2. (1)wing-walking(2) 38(2) 353. (1)drivingonRoute66(2)194. (1)bungeejumping5. (1)swimmingwithdolphinsTask2activity224 7 8 9(2)17(2)1Role-playingDBReport1News10. auctionoff1. resorts2. sprungup3. dramatically4. havinganadverseeffecton5. combat6. wilderness7. unspoiled8. steamsof9. guidelinesPassages:Passage2 BCACPassages:Passage1DDBC longconversationsDDCBA shortconversations MorepracticeinlisteningTask1.2 1347Report2BCUnittest part1ABBBC part2CCDDB part3DABCD part41. audience2. teenage3. celebrate4. Popular5. conquers6. columns7.iscentralto8.aprivatearrangement9. tochoose10. apartfromUnit4SharingTask3 dfaebgcTask41. brightenyourmood2. anurturingenvironment3. astablefamily4. health5. Feelcontentment6. makesthedifference7. feelingsatisfiedwithTask5Listening Task2.1 speaker1: e speaker2:af speaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c dTask2.21. hotelsorevencities2. makemoney3. hasdoubled4. whereverhegoes5. whatkindoffoodsheeats6. junkmailoradverts7. robbed8. morecrimes9. havenoneedtoworry10. bemorecareful11. senttothenewspapers12. postedonlineViews Task2.1 DBACD Task2.21. (1)rethinkeverything(2)Giveitup(3)transform2. (1)standardofliving3. (1)commutefurther(2)theopposite4. (1)slowdown(2)takemoreleisure (2)diminished5. (1)economicgrowth possessions (2)consumergoods (3) material Role-playingTask1.11. Cosmeticsurgery2. Against3. dangerous4. frozensolid5. For6. health7. Downloadingmusicforfree8. Against9. theft10. stealingfromthem11. withoutpaying12. makeanymoney13. For14. CDsales15. filesharing16. concerts17. Banning cars from city center18. Against19. pollutingthancars20. areductioninshopsales21. perfectlyfine22. For23. theenvironment24. electricbuses25. pollutedTask1.213467910Presenting:Task1.2ebcdaMorepracticeinlistening shortconversations CABCD LongconversationBABDPassage:Passage1ADDCPassage:Passage21. prevalent2. scary3. beclassifiedas4. epidemic5. ratio6. diagnosed7. keepingtrackof8. wasstillassociatedwith9. affirm10.intermsofNewsReport1ADReport2ACUnittestpart1DBACDpart2CDACBpart3ABABDPart41.over2. companionship3.lover4. definition5. scarce6. diary7. Thesightof8. defeated9. madeup10. philosophersandscientistsUnit5SharingTask3dhafbecgTask4146Task51. (1)enrich(2)expandourhorizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3. specific4.learnthroughart5. allaspects6. (1)alive(2)performance(3) intenseemotionsListeningTask2.1Sarah(Woman):BTim:ANigel:CTask2.21. getsyourvote2. (1)infavorof(2)usefulandbeneficial(3)bringjobs(4) entertainmentandactivities3. (1)concernme(2)expensive4.Ipersonallywouldprefer5. (1)withdisabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoygardens6. (1)mentionedyouth(2)involved(3)notsosure7. costs8. (1)myvotewouldgoto(4) routine(2)leaveout(3)hangingaround(5) bringingalong9. theoldergenerationViewingTask2.1134Task2.21. A2. makesamess3. publicbuildings4. wrong5. V6. definitely7. A8. quiteexciting9. V10.A11. pleasingtotheeye12. positive13. environment14. A15. nicepicture16.offensiveRole-playingTask1.1cabdTask1.21. (1)extendsoutwest(2)northabove(3)goup2. (1)aroundthecorner(2)overthere3. aroundtheneighborhood4. (1)ontheleft5. (1)headoverto6. (1)walkingby(5) folkmusic(2)hangoutandread (2)circleback (2)acenterof(3)attracted 7.lookslike 8. (1)modeledon (2)thehundredthanniversary Presenting:Task1.11.Settingofthemovie2. Actor(s)/Actress(es)3. plotsummary4. Recommendation5. Director6. Reviewer ' sopinionofdifferentelements Presenting:Task1.21. skillfully2. (1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3. sensational4. electrifying5. (1)poignantly(2)moving6. (1)breathless(4)thoroughly (2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining Morepracticeinlistening shortconversationsCDBCD Longconversation BDCAPassages:passage1CADB Passages:passage21. anticipation2. glamorous3. beconferredupon4. collective5. nominatefor6. exceptionsto7. accomplished8. absolute9. recipients 10.isentitledto News Report1 CA Report2ADB Unittest Part1 CCBBD Part2 ABDCA Part3 DBACC Part41. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. aseriesof9. strongrelationship10. awiderangeof Unit6 Sharing Task21. quitelate2. goon3.important4. goingon5. themediaandthenews Task3 1.Internet2. Television3.Internet4. Radio5. Newspapers6. Newspapers Television Internet Task4 ecbafd Task51. (1)laptop(2)latestheadlines(3)realtime2. (1)sources(2)media3. (1)havetopay(2)discriminate4. (1)outlets (2)spread(3)riskTask6123ListeningTask2.1fedgcabTask2.21. (1)hearthisstory2. whathappenedwas3. (1)rememberallthedetailschallenge(2)aboutthisguy(2)recall(3)thefirst4. (1)thenfromthat(2)somethingtodo5. (1)thenextthing(2)accordingtothereport(3)apartin hisfilm6. (1)myimpressionwasthat(2)endedup7. that's what happenedViewingTask2.1BAADCCCTask2.21. startsgoingwrong2. fillanawfullotoftime3. deeplyembarrassingforus4. (1)championoftheWrongGuestdivision(2)charmingbutinappropriate5. (1)livingthecelebritylifestyle(2)loveagoodnewsblunder Role-playingTask1.1badcTask1.2ABBABAABBAPresenting:Task1.1MorepracticeinlisteningshortconversationsBABDCLongconversationCDACPassages:passage1DCDBPassages:passage21. differentiatethemselvesfrom2. frownupon3. concise4. combat5. severe6.isgearedupfor7. embraced8. compact9.issupplementedwith10. sensationalNewsReport1CAReport2DCBUnittestPart1DBAADPart2BDACCPart3CBDACPart41. contest2. queens3.outgoing4.cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. toconvince9.inprotest10. drawworldattentionUnit7SharingTask21. minor2. worry3. affectsTask31. verycrowdedplaces2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committingtomarriageandfamily8. dogs9. pencilsandthenoisetheymakeonpaper Task4 Task5 1.likedorloved2. (1)keeppeopleintheirhomes(2)society3. (1)closedin(2)transport(3)probably4. trappedinasmallspaceViewing Task2.1 aeghfbdc Task2.2 1357 Role-playing Task1.2 1345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task1.2 1246789 Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations BACBD LongconversationDBDA Passages:passage1 BADC Passages:passage21. motivations2. hazard3. developanappetitefor4. associatedwith5. contributeto6. followsuit7. consensus8. authorities 9.inadequacies10. exaggeration NewsReport1 DBA Report2 BDA Unittest Part1ADBBDPART2CBADDPART3B A DC CPART41. five-day2. competitiveness3. unmanned4. regularly5. extra6. households7. Previously8.lesstime9.illeffects10. remainedunaffectedUnit8 SharingTask3 aedcbTask423Task51. funniestnovel2. completelynormal3. easy4. (1)complex(2)darkandmonstrous5.bydefault Listening Task2.21.tookupthechallenge,2.tagline3. playingoff4. blownaway5. (1)tooklifeundercontrol(2)makeaswitch6. comebackwithViewingTask2.1BDCABTask2.2RoleplayingTask1.21.I'mabigfanofdetectivenovels2.WhatIreallylikedaboutitwasthemaincharacter3.I'mnotthatkeenondetectivenovels4.Ijustcouldn'tgetintoit5.Icouldn'tstandit6.I'mnotreallyintofantasy7. thethingIloveaboutitisthewriting Presenting:Task2dcefab Morepracticeinlistening, Shortconversations, DC B A C Longconversations, BC A D, Passages1, AC B D Passages2 1.refugee2.desperate3. entitled4. becameinformedof5. areconfrontedwith6. spokesperson7. seekout8. profiles9. stayedloyalto10. virtually News Report1 DB Report2 B C Unittest Part1 CD D B B Part2 AA A D C Part3 BA A C D Part4 1.hunting 2.baseball3. published4. childhood5. novels6. hopeless7. ambulance8. againstnature9. NobelPrize10. thegreatestinfluences。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker6Speaker3Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask 2 activity 224Role-playingTask 1 activity 2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations 1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage 1A C D CPassages:Passage 21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report 1B CReport 2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart 2C A A A Dpart 3C BD D Cpart 41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyedUnit 2SharingTask 21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask 3f a d c e bTask 4123810Task 5124ListeningTask 2 activity 1A:2345B:16Task 2 activity 21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask 2 activity 136Task 2 activity 21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask 1 activity 213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages 1B C D APassages:passages 21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport 1B DReport 2B D CUnit testpart 1B DC B Cpart 2D C C B Apart 3B C A A Dpart 4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask 3d e g h b a c fTask 42356Task 52458ListeningTask 2.1a d g eb f cTask 2.21368ViewingTask 2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66(2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17(2)1Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listeningTask 1.21 3 4 7Report 2B CUnit testpart 1A B B B Cpart 2C CD D Bpart 3D A B C Dpart 41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit 4SharingTask 3d f ae b g cTask 41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask 515ListeningTask 2.1speaker1:espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5:b c dTask 2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask 2.1D B A C DTask 2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods(3)material possessionsRole-playingTask 1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask 1.213467910 Presenting:Task 1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage: Passage 1A D D CPassage: Passage 21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport 1A DReport 2A CUnit testpart 1D B A C Dpart 2C D A C Bpart 3A B A B DPart 41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit 5SharingTask 3d h a f be c gTask 4146Task 51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive(2)performance(3)intense emotions ListeningTask 2.1Sarah(Woman):BTim:ANigel:CTask 2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask 2.1134Task 2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10.A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14.A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask 1.1c a b dTask 1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on(2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task 1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task 1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage 1C AD BPassages:passage 21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport 1C AReport 2A D BUnit testPart 1C C B B DPart 2A B D C APart 3D B A C CPart 41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit 6SharingTask 21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask4e c b af dTask51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets(2)spread(3)riskTask6123ListeningTask2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division (2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage 1D C D BPassages:passage 21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport 1C AReport 2D C BUnit testPart 1D B A A DPart 2B D AC CPart 3C BD A CPart 41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit 7SharingTask 21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask 31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task 423Task 51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask 2.1a e g h fb d cTask 2.21357Role-playingTask 1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task 1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage 1B A D CPassages:passage 21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport 1D B AReport 2B D AUnit testPart 1A DB B DPART 2C B AD DPART 3B A DC CPART 41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit 8SharingTask 3a e d c bTask 423Task 51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask 2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask 2.1B DC A BTask 2.2357Role playingTask 1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task 2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages 1,A CB DPassages 21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtuallyNewsReport 1D BReport 2B CUnit testPart 1C D D B BPart 2A A A D CPart 3B A AC DPart 41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker 6Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask2activity224Role-playingTask1activity2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage1A C D CPassages:Passage21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report1B CReport2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart2C A A A Dpart3C BD D Cpart41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyed范文范例参考Unit2SharingTask21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask3f a d c e bTask4123810Task512 4ListeningTask2activity1A:2345B:16Task2activity21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask2activity13 6Task2activity21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask1activity213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages1B C D APassages:passages21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport1B DReport2B D CUnit testpart1B DC B Cpart2D C C B Apart3B C A A Dpart4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit3SharingTask21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask3d e g h b a c fTask4235 6Task52458ListeningTask2.1a d g eb f cTask2.21368ViewingTask2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17 (2)1Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listeningTask 1.21 3 4 7Report2B CUnit testpart1A B B B Cpart2C CD D Bpart3D A B C Dpart41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit4SharingTask3d f ae b g cTask41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask51 5ListeningTask2.1speaker1: espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c dTask2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask2.1D B A C DTask2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods (3)material possessionsRole-playingTask1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask1.213467910Presenting:Task1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage:Passage1A D D CPassage:Passage21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport1A DReport2A CUnit testpart1D B A C Dpart2C D A C Bpart3A B A B DPart41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit5SharingTask3d h a f be c gTask414 6Task51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive (2)performance (3)intense emotions ListeningTask2.1Sarah(Woman): BTim: ANigel: CTask2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask2.11 3 4Task2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10. A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14. A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask1.1c a b dTask1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage1C AD BPassages:passage21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport1C AReport2A D BUnit testPart1C C B B DPart2A B D C APart3D B A C CPart41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit6SharingTask21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task 31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask 4e c b af dTask 51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets (2)spread (3)riskTask 612 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division(2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage1D C D BPassages:passage21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport1C AReport2D C BUnit testPart1D B A A DPart2B D AC CPart3C BD A CPart41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit7SharingTask21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task42 3Task51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask2.1a e g h fb d cTask2.21357Role-playingTask1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage1B A D CPassages:passage21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport1D B AReport2B D AUnit testPart1A DB B DPART2C B AD DPART3B A DC CPART41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit8SharingTask3a e d c bTask423Task51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask2.1B DC A BTask2.2357Role playingTask1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages1,A CB DPassages21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtuallyNewsReport1D BReport2B CUnit testPart1C D D B BPart2A A A D CPart3B A AC DPart41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences。
新视野大学英语视听说第三版第4册答案新视野视听说第三版第4册答案 UnitlSharingTasl3b c f d c aTasl42 4Tasl51.(1)anti-social 2.(I)appreciate 3.(1)tolerant 4. impress ListeningTasl2activityLark: Speaker 1 Speaker 6 Owl:Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Tasl2 activity?〔.peaceful2. beautiful 3」o vely p art4. party5. with a passion(2)aware of ⑵ attidude (2)come to an end (3)walk away Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker76」ast sec ond7. walk ing their dogs8. with a bounce9. away10. the best part of the day11. thi nking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTasl2activity2 4Role-playingTaskl activity?g a f h b d c e Morqoracticen listeningshortconversationsD A B C ClongconversationsC BD APassages:PassageA C D CPassages:Pass2ge1. distress ing2. desperate3. urge4. acquire5. are totally unaware of6. are isolated from7. affirm8.i nteract with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:ReportB CRepor2B A CUnittestpart1D D B C Dpart2C A A A Dpart3C BD D Cpart41. at2. secti on3. c onn ects4. at the bottom of5. shi ning6. As7. cross8. running away from9. streami ng dow n10. destroyedUn it2SharingTasl2l. excited2.on the banks3. beach parties4. fi nd out5」ooking forward toTasl3f a d c e bTasl41 2 3 8 10Tasl51 2 4ListeningTasl2activityA:2 3 4 5B:1 6Tasl2activityI. Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204. by the river5. rai ning6. fa ncied7. have the guts to tell him8. good-looking, romantic and intelligent9. three childre n10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTasl2activityl3 6Tasl2activitfI. the Ion gest-livi ng com mun ities2.9003. go about their bus in ess4. fruit and vegetable5.i ngredie nts6. cell damage7. high qua ntities8. health protective9. 1,20010. 20 percent lessII. getting more for their money12. health ' s worthRole-playingTaskl activity?1 3 4 5 7 8 10 Morqoracticen listening shortconversationsA DCB DlongconversationsC B A DPassages:passagesB C D APassages:passages1. proporti on2. estimated3. have profound impactson4. pote ntial5. ec ono mically6. pe nsions7.origi nate from8. reside ntial9. poses a challenge to10. be tran sformed in toNewsReportB DRepor2B DCUnittestpart1B DC B Cpart2D C C B Apart3B C A A Dpart41」aunched2. corner3. ba nkruptcy4. virtually5. direct ing6. discharged from7. secured8. substa ntial9. Not surprisingly10. fashi on accessoriesUn it3SharingTasl21. enjoy2. free3. music4.i nternatio nally5. festivals6.spend your free timeTasl3deg h b a c fTasl42 3 5 6Tasl52 4 5 8ListeningTasl2.1a d g eb f cTasl2.213 6 8ViewingTasl2.11.(1)husky sledd ing (2)382.(1)wi ng-walk ing (2)353.(1)driving on Route 66 (2)194. (1)b un gee jump ing5. (1)swimming with dolphins Tasl2activity2 4 7 8 9Role-playingTaskl.213 4 7 Moreoracticen listening shortconversationsD D C B A longconversationsD D B CPassages:PassageB C A CPassages:Pass2ge1. resorts2. spr ung up3. dramatically4. having an adverse effect5. combat6. wilderness7. un spoiled8. steams of9. guideli nes10. auction offNewsReportD B on(2)17(2)1Repor2B CUnittestpartiA B B B Cpart2C CD D Bpart3D A B C Dpart41. audie nee2. tee nage3. celebrate4. Popular5. c onq uers6. colu mns7.is cen tral to8. a private arrangement9. to choose10. apart fromUnit4SharingTasl3d f ae b g cTasl41. brighten your mood2. a nurturing environment3. a stable family4. health5. Feel con te ntme nt6. makes the differenee7. feeli ng satisfied withTasl51 5ListeningTasl2.1speaker 1: espeaker 2: a f speaker 3: bspeaker 4: cspeaker 5: dTasl2.21. hotels or even cities2. make money3. has doubled4. wherever he goes5. what kind of food she eats6. junk mail or adverts7. robbed8. more crimes9. have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted on li neViewsTasl2.1D B A C DTasl2.21. (1)rethi nk everythi ng ⑵ Give it up (3)tra nsform2. (1)sta ndard of livi ng (2)di mini shed3. (1)commute further (2)the opposite4. (1)slow down (2)take more leisure5. (1)ec ono mic growth (2)c on sumer goods (3)material possessi onsRole-playingTaskl.11. Cosmetic surgery2. Agai nst3. da ngerous4. frozen solid5. For6. health7. Downloading music for free8. Agai nst9. theft10. stealing from them11. without pay ing12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file shari ng16. con certs17. Banning cars from city center18. Aga inst19. polluting than cars20. a reduction in shop sales21. perfectly fine22. For23. the environment24. electric buses25. pollutedTaskl.21 3 4 6 7 9 10 Presenting:Tas2ke b c d aMorqoracticen listening shortconversationsC A B C DLoncconversationB A B DPassagPassageA D D CPassagPassage1. prevale nt2. scary3. be classified as4. epidemic5. ratio6. diag no sed7. keep ing track of8. was still associated with9. affirm10. in terms ofNewsReportA DRepor2A CUnittestpartiD B A C Dpart2C D A C Bpart3A B A B DPart4l.over2. compa nion ship3」over4. defi niti on5. scarce6. diary7. The sight of8. defeated9. made up10. philosophers and scientistsUn it5 Sharing Tasl3 dhaf becg Tasl4 Tasl5 1.(1)e nrich 2.i ntellect 3.specific 4.learn through art 5. all aspects 6. (1)alive (2)performa nee (2)expand our horizons (3)Terribly (3)i ntense emoti ons Listening Tasl2.1 Sarah(Woma n): B Tim: A Nigel: Tasl2.2 your vote favor of (4)e nterta inment 3. (1)concern me 1. gets 2. (1)in (2)useful and beneficial (3 )bring jobs and activities (2)expe nsive 4」pers on ally would prefer 5. (1)with 6. (1)me ntio ned 7. costs8. (1)my vote (4)routi ne disabilitiesyouth would go (5)bri nging(2)excelle nt (2)in volved to (2)leave alo ng (3)enjoy garde ns (3)not so sure out (3)ha nging around9.the older generation ViewingTasl2.11 3 4Tasl2.21. A2. makes a mess3. public build ings4. wro ng5. V6. defi ni tely7. A8. quite excit ing9. V10. A11. pleasing to the eye12. positive13. en vir onment14. A15. nice picture16. offen siveRole-playingTaskl.1c a bdTaskl.21. (1)extends out west (2)north2. (1)around the corner (2)over3. around the neighborhood4. (1)o n the left ⑵ ha ng out5. (1)head over to (2)circle6. (1)walking by (2)a center(5) folk music7. looks like above (3)go up thereand read backof (3)attracted8. ("modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task1.Setting of the movie2. Actor(s)/Actress(es)3. plot summary4. Recomme ndati on5. Director6. Reviewer ' s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task〔.skillfully2. (1)gripp ing (2)shock ing (3)hilarious3. se nsati onal4. electrifyi ng5. (1)poig nan tly (2)m oving6. (1)breathless (2)hard-hitti ng (3)emoti on ally-dra ining(4)thoroughlyMorqoracticen listeningshortconversationsCDBCDLoncconversationBDCAPassages:passageCADBPassages:pass2ge1. anticipation2. glamorous3. be conferred upon4. collective5. nomin ate for6. exceptions to7. accomplished8. absolute9. recipients10. is entitled to NewsReportCARepor2ADBUnittestPartiCCBBDPart?ABDCAPart3DBACCPart41. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. a series of9. strong relatio nship10. a wide range ofUniteSharingTasl21. quite late2. goon3. important4. going on5. the media a nd the n ewsTask 3^Internet2. Televisio n3」nternet4. Radio5. Newspapers Televisi on6. Newspapers In ter netTask 4Task 5(2)latest headli nes (3)real(2)mediapay (2)discrimi nate(2)spread (3)risk Task 61 2 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a b1. (1)laptop2. (1)sources3. (1)have to4. (1)outlets timeTask 2.21. (1)hear this story (2)about this guy2. what happened was3. (1)remember all the details (2)recall challe nge4. (1)then from that (2)something to do5. (1)the next thing (2)according to the reporthis film6. (1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the WrongGuest division(2)charm ing but in appropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blun derRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTaskl.2ABBABAABBAPresenting:TaskMoreoracticen listening shortconversations BABDC ⑶ the first(3)a part inLoncconversation CDACPassages:passage DCDBPassages:pass2ge1. differentiate themselves from2. frown upon3. concise4. combat5. severe6. is geared up for7. embraced8. compact9. is supplemented with10. sensationalNewsReportCARepor2DCBUnittestPartiDBAADPart2BDACCPart3CBDACPart41. con test2. queens3. outgoing4. cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. to convince9. in protest10. draw world attentionUnit7SharingTasl21. minor2. worry3. affectsTasl31. very crowded places2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committing to marriage and family8. dogs9. pencils and the noise they makeon paperTasl42 3Tasl51. liked or loved2. (1)keep people in their homes (2)society3. (1)closed in (2)transport (3)probably4. trapped in a small spaceViewingTasl2.1aeghf bdcTasl2.213 5 7Role-playingTasH.21 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 1920 Presenting:Task1 2 4 6 7 8 9MorqDracticen listeningshortconversationsBACBDLoncconversationDBDAPassages:passageBADCPassages:pass2ge1. motivations2. hazard3. develop an appetite for4. associated with5. con tribute to6. follow suit7. consensus8. authorities9. in adequacies10. exaggerationNewsReportDBARepor2BDAUnittestPartiADBBDPARTCBADDPARTB A DC CPART1. five-day2. competitiveness3. unmanned4. regularly5. extra6. households7. Previously8. less time9. ill effects10. remained unaffectedUnit8SharingTasl3aedc bTasl423Tasl51. funniest novel2. completely normal3. easy4. ("complex (2)dark and monstrous5. by defaultListeningTasl2.21. took up the challenge,2. tag line3. playing off4. blown away5. (1)took life under control (2)make a switch6. comeback withViewingTasl2.1BDCABTasl2.23 5 7RoleplayingTasH.21. rm a big fan of detective novels2. Whatl really liked about it wasthe main character3. rm not that keenon detective novels4. I just could n't get into it5. I could n't sta nd it6. rm n ot really in to fan tasy7. the thing I love about it is the writ ing Presenting:Ta!skd c ef a bMorqoracticen listening,Shortonversations,D C B A CLoncconversations,B C A D,PassagesA CB DPassages1. refugee2. desperate3. entitled4. becameinformed of5. are confronted with6. spokesperson7. seek out8. profiles9. stayed loyal to10. virtuallyNewsReportDBRepor2B CUnittestPartiCD D B BPart?AA A D CPart3B A AC DPart41. hunting2. baseball3. published4. childhood5. novels6. hopeless7. ambulanee8. against nature9. Nobel Prize10. the greatest in flue nces。
本文格式为 Word 版,下载可任意编辑 speaker1: e speaker2:af speaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c d Task2.2 1.hotelsorevencities 2.makemoney 3.hasdoubled 4.whereverhegoes
本文格式为 Word 版,下载可任意编辑 Task3 deghbacf Task4 2356 Task5 2458 Listening Task2.1 adgebfc Task2.2 1368 Viewing Task2.1 1.(1)huskysledding
第 7 页 共 27 页
2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)35 3.(1)drivingonRoute66 (2)19 4.(1)bungeejumping 5.(1)swimmingwithdolphins Task2activity2 24 7 8 9 (2)17 (2)1 Role-playing DB Report1
第 10 页 共 27 页
5.whatkindoffoodsheeats 6.junkmailoradverts 7.robbed 8.morecrimes 9.havenoneedtoworry 10.bemorecareful 11.senttothenewspapers 12. postedonline Views Task2.1 DBACD Task2.2 1.(1)rethinkeverything(2)Giveitup(3)transform 2.(1)standardofliving
第 1 页 共 27 页
7.walkingtheirdogs 8.withabounce 9.away 10.thebestpartoftheday 11.thinkingstraight 12.atmysharpest 13.wehadchildren 14.inthemornings 15.intheevenings Viewing Task2activity2 Role-playing Task1activity2 gafhbdce
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListening Task2activity2Lark:Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker 6Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask2activity224Role-playingTask1activity2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage1A C D CPassages:Passage21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report1B CReport2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart2C A A A Dpart3C BD D Cpart41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyed一寸光阴不可轻Unit2SharingTask21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask3f a d c e bTask4123810Task512 4ListeningTask2activity1A:2345B:16Task2activity21.Thursday, 20/5/XXXX2.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask2activity13 6Task2activity21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask1activity213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages1B C D APassages:passages21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport1B DReport2B D CUnit testpart1B DC B Cpart2D C C B Apart3B C A A Dpart4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit3SharingTask21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask3d e g h b a c fTask4235 6Task52458ListeningTask2.1a d g eb f cTask2.21368ViewingTask2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17 (2)1Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listeningTask 1.21 3 4 7Report2B CUnit testpart1A B B B Cpart2C CD D Bpart3D A B C Dpart41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit4SharingTask3d f ae b g cTask41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask51 5ListeningTask2.1speaker1: espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c dTask2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask2.1D B A C DTask2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods (3)material possessionsRole-playingTask1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask1.213467910Presenting:Task1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage:Passage1A D D CPassage:Passage21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport1A DReport2A CUnit testpart1D B A C Dpart2C D A C Bpart3A B A B DPart41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit5SharingTask3d h a f be c gTask414 6Task51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive (2)performance (3)intense emotions ListeningTask2.1Sarah(Woman): BTim: ANigel: CTask2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask2.11 3 4Task2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10. A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14. A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask1.1c a b dTask1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage1C AD BPassages:passage21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport1C AReport2A D BUnit testPart1C C B B DPart2A B D C APart3D B A C CPart41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit6SharingTask21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task 31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask 4e c b af dTask 51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets (2)spread (3)riskTask 612 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division(2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunder Role-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage1D C D BPassages:passage21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport1C AReport2D C BUnit testPart1D B A A DPart2B D AC CPart3C BD A CPart41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit7SharingTask21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task42 3Task51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask2.1a e g h fb d cTask2.21357Role-playingTask1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage1B A D CPassages:passage21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport1D B AReport2B D AUnit testPart1A DB B DPART2C B AD DPART3B A DC CPART41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit8SharingTask3a e d c bTask423Task51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask2.1B DC A BTask2.2357Role playingTask1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages1,A CB DPassages21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtuallyNewsReport1D BReport2B CUnit testPart1C D D B BPart2A A A D CPart3B A AC DPart41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask 3b c f d c aTask 42 4Task 51. (1)anti-social2. (1)appreciate3. (1)tolerant4. impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end (3)walk awayListeningTask 2 activity2Lark: Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker 2 Speaker 6Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker7 Task 2 activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the eveningsViewingTask 2 activity22 4Role-playingTask 1 activity2g a f h b d ceMore practice in listeningshort conversations1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage 1A C D CPassages:Passage 21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report 1B CReport 2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart 2C A A A Dpart 3C BD D Cpart 41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyed.. ..Unit 2SharingTask 21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask 3f a d c e bTask 41 2 3 8 10Task 51 2 4ListeningTask 2 activity1A:2 3 4 5B:1 6Task 2 activity21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask 2 activity13 6Task 2 activity21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20 percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask 1 activity21 3 4 5 7 8 10More practice in listening short conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages 1B C D APassages:passages 21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport 1B DReport 2B D CUnit testpart 1B DC B Cpart 2D C C B Apart 3B C A A Dpart 4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free time Task 3d e g h b a cfTask 42 3 5 6Task 52 4 5 8ListeningTask 2.1a d g eb f cTask 2.21 3 6 8ViewingTask 2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route 66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 2 2 4 7 8 9 (2)17 (2)1 Role-playing D B Report 1 News 10. auction off 1.resorts 2.sprung up 3.dramatically 4.having an adverse effect on bat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelines Passages:Passage 2 B C A C Passages:Passage 1 D D B C long conversations D D C B A short conversations More practice in listening Task 1.2 1 3 4 7Report 2B CUnit testpart 1A B B B Cpart 2C CD D Bpart 3D A B C Dpart 41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit 4SharingTask 3d f ae b g cTask 41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied with Task 51 5ListeningTask 2.1speaker 1: espeaker 2: a fspeaker 3: speaker 4: speaker 5: b c dTask 2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask 2.1D B A C DTask 2.21.(1)rethink everything (2)Give it up (3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further (2)the opposite4.(1)slow down (2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods (3)material possessionsRole-playingTask 1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17. Banning cars from city center18. Against19. polluting than cars20. a reduction in shop sales21. perfectly fine22. For23. the environment24. electric buses25. pollutedTask 1.21 3 4 6 7 9 10 Presenting:Task 1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage: Passage 1A D D CPassage: Passage 21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10. in terms ofNewsReport 1A DReport 2A CUnit testpart 1D B A C Dpart 2C D A C Bpart 3A B A B DPart 41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10. philosophers and scientistsUnit 5SharingTask 3d h a f be cgTask 41 4 6Task 51.(1)enrich (2)expand our horizons (3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive (2)performance (3)intense emotionsListeningTask 2.1Sarah(Woman): BTim: ANigel: CTask 2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of (2)useful and beneficial (3 )bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3. (1)concern me (2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities (2)excellent (3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth (2)involved (3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out (3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask 2.11 3 4Task 2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10. A11. pleasing to the eye12. positive13. environment14. A15. nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask 1.1c a b dTask 1.21.(1)extends out west (2)north above (3)go up2.(1)around the corner (2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5) folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of (3)attracted7. looks like8. (1)modeled on (2)the hundredthanniversaryPresenting:Task 1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task 1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping (2)shocking (3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly (2)moving(2)hard-hitting (3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage 1C AD BPassages:passage 21. anticipation2. glamorous3. be conferred upon4. collective5. nominate for6. exceptions to7. accomplished8. absolute9. recipients10. is entitledtoNewsReport 1C AReport 2A D BUnit testPart 1C C B B DPart 2A B D C APart 3D B A C CPart 41. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. a series of9. strong relationship10. a wide range ofUnit 6SharingTask 21. quite late2. go on3. important4. going on5. the media and the news Task 31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask 4e c b af dTask 51.(1)laptop (2)latest headlines (3)real time2.(1)sources (2)media3.(1)have to pay (2)discriminate4.(1)outlets (2)spread (3)riskTask 61 2 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.2 1.(1)hear this story 2.what happened was 3.(1)remember all the details challenge (2)about this guy (2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do 5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film 6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up 7. that's what happened Viewing Task 2.1 B A A D C C C Task 2.2 1. starts going wrong 2. fill an awful lot of time 3. deeply embarrassing for us 4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division (2)charming but inappropriate 5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunder Role-playing Task 1.1 b a d c Task 1.2 A B B A B A A B B A Presenting:Task 1.1 2 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage 1D C D BPassages:passage 21. differentiate themselves from2. frown upon3. concise4. combat5. severe6. is geared up for7. embraced8. compact9. is supplemented with10. sensationalNewsReport 1C AReport 2D C BUnit testPart 1D B A A DPart 2B D AC CPart 3C BD A CPart 41. contest2. queens3. outgoing4. cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. to convince9. in protest10. draw world attentionUnit 7SharingTask 21. minor2. worry3. affectsTask 31. very crowded places2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committing to marriage and family8. dogs9. pencils and the noise they make on paperTask 42 3Task 51. liked orloved2. (1)keep people in their homes(2)society3. (1)closed in (2)transport(3)probably4. trapped in a small spaceViewingTask 2.1a e g h fb dcTask 2.21 3 5 7Role-playingTask 1.21 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 19 20Presenting:Task 1.21 2 4 6 7 8 9More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage 1B A D CPassages:passage 21. motivations2. hazard3. develop an appetitefor4. associated with5. contribute to6. follow suit7. consensus8. authorities9. inadequacies10. exaggerationNewsReport 1D B AReport 2B D AUnit testPart 1A DB B DPART 2C B AD DPART 3B A DC CPART 41. five-day2. competitiveness3. unmanned4. regularly5. extra6. households7. Previously8. less time9. ill effects10. remained unaffectedUnit 8SharingTask 3a e d c bTask 42 3Task 51. funniest novel2. completely normal3. easy4. (1)complex (2)dark and monstrous5. by defaultListeningTask 2.21. took up the challenge,2. tag line3. playing off4. blown away5. (1)took life under control (2)make a switch6. come back withViewingTask 2.1B DC A BTask 2.23 5 7Role playingTask 1.21. I'm a big fan of detective novels2. What I really liked about it was the main character3. I'm not that keen on detective novels4. I just couldn't get into it5. I couldn't stand it6. I'm not really into fantasy7. the thing I love about it is thewritingPresenting:Task 2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages 1,A CB DPassages 21. refugee2. desperate3. entitled4. became informed of5. are confrontedwith6. spokesperson7. seek out8. profiles9. stayed loyal to10. virtuallyNewsReport 1D BReport 2B CUnit testPart 1C D D B BPart 2A A A D CPart 3B A AC DPart 41. hunting2. baseball3. published4. childhood5. novels6. hopeless7. ambulance8. against nature9. Nobel Prize10. the greatest influences。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker6Speaker3Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask 2 activity 224Role-playingTask 1 activity 2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations 1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage 1A C D CPassages:Passage 21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report 1B CReport 2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart 2C A A A Dpart 3C BD D Cpart 41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyedUnit 2SharingTask 21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask 3f a d c e bTask 4123810Task 5124ListeningTask 2 activity 1A:2345B:16Task 2 activity 21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask 2 activity 136Task 2 activity 21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask 1 activity 213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages 1B C D APassages:passages 21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport 1B DReport 2B D CUnit testpart 1B DC B Cpart 2D C C B Apart 3B C A A Dpart 4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask 3d e g h b a c fTask 42356Task 52458ListeningTask 2.1a d g eb f cTask 2.21368ViewingTask 2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66(2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17(2)1Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listeningTask 1.21 3 4 7Report 2B CUnit testpart 1A B B B Cpart 2C CD D Bpart 3D A B C Dpart 41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit 4SharingTask 3d f ae b g cTask 41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask 515ListeningTask 2.1speaker1:espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5:b c dTask 2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask 2.1D B A C DTask 2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods(3)material possessionsRole-playingTask 1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask 1.213467910 Presenting:Task 1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage: Passage 1A D D CPassage: Passage 21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport 1A DReport 2A CUnit testpart 1D B A C Dpart 2C D A C Bpart 3A B A B DPart 41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit 5SharingTask 3d h a f be c gTask 4146Task 51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive(2)performance(3)intense emotions ListeningTask 2.1Sarah(Woman):BTim:ANigel:CTask 2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask 2.1134Task 2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10.A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14.A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask 1.1c a b dTask 1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on(2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task 1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task 1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage 1C AD BPassages:passage 21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport 1C AReport 2A D BUnit testPart 1C C B B DPart 2A B D C APart 3D B A C CPart 41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit 6SharingTask 21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask4e c b af dTask51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets(2)spread(3)riskTask6123ListeningTask2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division (2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage 1D C D BPassages:passage 21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport 1C AReport 2D C BUnit testPart 1D B A A DPart 2B D AC CPart 3C BD A CPart 41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit 7SharingTask 21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask 31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task 423Task 51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask 2.1a e g h fb d cTask 2.21357Role-playingTask 1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task 1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage 1B A D CPassages:passage 21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport 1D B AReport 2B D AUnit testPart 1A DB B DPART 2C B AD DPART 3B A DC CPART 41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit 8SharingTask 3a e d c bTask 423Task 51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask 2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask 2.1B DC A BTask 2.2357Role playingTask 1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task 2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages 1,A CB DPassages 21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtuallyNewsReport 1D BReport 2B CUnit testPart 1C D D B BPart 2A A A D CPart 3B A AC DPart 41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案Unit 1SharingTask 3b c f d c aTask 42 4Task 51. (1)anti-social2. (1)appreciate3. (1)tolerant4. impress(2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end (3)walk away ListeningTask 2 activity 2Lark: Speaker 1Owl:Speaker 2Speaker 6Speaker 3Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker7Task 2 activity 31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the eveningsViewingTask 2 activity 22 4Role-playingTask 1 activity 2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listening short conversations 1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage 1A C D CPassages:Passage 21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report 1B CReport 2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart 2C A A A Dpart 3C BD D Cpart 41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyedUnit 2SharingTask 21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask 3f a d c e bTask 41 2 3 8 10Task 51 2 4ListeningTask 2 activity 1A:2 3 4 5B:1 6Task 2 activity 21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8. good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask 2 activity 13 6Task 2 activity 21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9. 1,20010. 20 percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask 1 activity 21 3 4 5 7 8 10More practice in listening short conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages 1B C D APassages:passages 21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed intoNewsReport 1B DReport 2B D CUnit testpart 1B DC B Cpart 2D C C B Apart 3B C A A Dpart 4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask 3d e g h b a c fTask 42 3 5 6Task 52 4 5 8ListeningTask 2.1a d g eb f cTask 2.21 3 6 8ViewingTask 2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking(2)38(2)353.(1)driving on Route 66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17(2)19Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listening Task 1.21 3 4 7Report 2B CUnit testpart 1A B B B Cpart 2C CD D Bpart 3D A B C Dpart 41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit 4SharingTask 3d f ae b g cTask 41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied with Task 51 5ListeningTask 2.1speaker 1:espeaker 2: a fspeaker 3:speaker 4:speaker 5:bcdTask 2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask 2.1D B A C DTask 2.21.(1)rethink everything (2)Give it up (3)transform2.(1)standard of living3.(1)commute further (2)the opposite4.(1)slow down (2)take more leisure(2)diminished5.(1)economic growthpossessions(2)consumer goods(3)materialRole-playingTask 1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17. Banning cars from city center18. Against19. polluting than cars20. a reduction in shop sales21. perfectly fine22. For23. the environment24. electric buses25. pollutedTask 1.21 3 4 6 7 9 10 Presenting:Task 1.2e b c d aMore practice in listening short conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage: Passage 1A D D CPassage: Passage 21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10. in terms ofNewsReport 1A DReport 2A CUnit testpart 1D B A C Dpart 2C D A C Bpart 3A B A B DPart 41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10. philosophers and scientistsUnit 5SharingTask 3d h a f be c gTask 41 4 6Task 51.(1)enrich (2)expand our horizons (3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive(2)performance(3)intense emotionsListeningTask 2.1Sarah(Woman): BTim: ANigel: CTask 2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of (2)useful and beneficial(3 )bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3. (1)concern me (2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities (2)excellent (3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth (2)involved (3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to(4)routine(2)leave out (3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask 2.113 4Task 2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10.A11. pleasing to the eye12. positive13. environment14.A15. nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask 1.1c a b dTask 1.21.(1)extends out west (2)north above (3)go up2.(1)around the corner (2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5) folk music(2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of (3)attracted7. looks like8. (1)modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversary Presenting:Task 1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elements Presenting:Task 1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping (2)shocking (3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly (2)moving6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughly(2)hard-hitting (3)emotionally-draining More practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage 1C AD BPassages:passage 21. anticipation2. glamorous3. be conferred upon4. collective5. nominate for6. exceptions to7. accomplished8. absolute9. recipients10. is entitled toNewsReport 1C AReport 2A D BUnit testPart 1C C B B DPart 2A B D C APart 3D B A C CPart 41. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. a series of9. strong relationship10. a wide range ofUnit 6SharingTask 21. quite late2. go on3. important4. going on5. the media and the newsTask 31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.NewspapersTelevisionInternetTask 4e c b af dTask 51.(1)laptop (2)latest headlines (3)real time2.(1)sources (2)media3.(1)have to pay (2)discriminate4.(1)outlets(2)spread(3)riskTask 61 2 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the detailschallenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part inhis film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division (2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage 1D C D BPassages:passage 21. differentiate themselves from2. frown upon3. concise4. combat5. severe6. is geared up for7. embraced8. compact9. is supplemented with10. sensationalNewsReport 1C AReport 2D C BUnit testPart 1D B A A DPart 2B D AC CPart 3C BD A CPart 41. contest2. queens3. outgoing4. cheers5. title6. tours7. performed8. to convince9. in protest10. draw world attentionUnit 7SharingTask 21. minor2. worry3. affectsTask 31. very crowded places2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committing to marriage and family8. dogs9. pencils and the noise they make on paper Task 42 3Task 51. liked or loved2. (1)keep people in their homes (2)society3. (1)closed in (2)transport (3)probably4. trapped in a small spaceViewingTask 2.1a e g h fb d cTask 2.21 3 5 7Role-playingTask 1.21 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 19 20 Presenting:Task 1.21 2 4 6 7 8 9More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage 1B A D CPassages:passage 21. motivations2. hazard3. develop an appetite for4. associated with5. contribute to6. follow suit7. consensus8. authorities9. inadequacies10. exaggerationNewsReport 1D B AReport 2B D AUnit testPart 1A DB B DPART 2C B AD DPART 3B A DC CPART 41. five-day2. competitiveness3. unmanned4. regularly5. extra6. households7. Previously8. less time9. ill effects10. remained unaffectedUnit 8SharingTask 3a e d c bTask 42 3Task 51. funniest novel2. completely normal3. easy4. (1)complex (2)dark and monstrous5. by defaultListening Task 2.21. took up the challenge,2. tag line3. playing off4. blown away5. (1)took life under control (2)make a switch6. come back withViewingTask 2.1B DC A BTask 2.23 5 7Role playingTask 1.21. I'm a big fan of detective novels2. What I really liked about it was the main character3. I'm not that keen on detective novels4. I just couldn't get into it5. I couldn't stand it6. I'm not really into fantasy7. the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task 2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages 1,A CB DPassages 21. refugee2. desperate3. entitled4. became informed of5. are confronted with6. spokesperson7. seek out8. profiles9. stayed loyal to10. virtuallyNewsReport 1D BReport 2B CUnit testPart 1C D D B BPart 2A A A D CPart 3B A AC DPart 41. hunting2. baseball3. published4. childhood5. novels6. hopeless7. ambulance8. against nature9. Nobel Prize10. the greatest influences。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListening Task2activity2Lark:Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker 6Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask2activity224Role-playingTask1activity2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage1A C D CPassages:Passage21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report1B CReport2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart2C A A A Dpart3C BD D Cpart41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyed__________________________________________________ Unit2SharingTask21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask3f a d c e bTask4123810Task512 4ListeningTask2activity1A:2345B:16Task2activity21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask2activity13 6Task2activity21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask1activity213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages1B C D APassages:passages21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport1B DReport2B D CUnit testpart1B DC B Cpart2D C C B Apart3B C A A Dpart4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit3SharingTask21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask3d e g h b a c fTask4235 6Task52458ListeningTask2.1a d g eb f cTask2.21368ViewingTask2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17 (2)1Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listeningTask 1.21 3 4 7Report2B CUnit testpart1A B B B Cpart2C CD D Bpart3D A B C Dpart41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit4SharingTask3d f ae b g cTask41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask51 5ListeningTask2.1speaker1: espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c dTask2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask2.1D B A C DTask2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods (3)material possessionsRole-playingTask1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask1.213467910Presenting:Task1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage:Passage1A D D CPassage:Passage21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport1A DReport2A CUnit testpart1D B A C Dpart2C D A C Bpart3A B A B DPart41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit5SharingTask3d h a f be c gTask414 6Task51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive (2)performance (3)intense emotions ListeningTask2.1Sarah(Woman): BTim: ANigel: CTask2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask2.11 3 4Task2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10. A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14. A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask1.1c a b dTask1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage1C AD BPassages:passage21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport1C AReport2A D BUnit testPart1C C B B DPart2A B D C APart3D B A C CPart41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit6SharingTask21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task 31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask 4e c b af dTask 51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets (2)spread (3)riskTask 612 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division(2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunder Role-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage1D C D BPassages:passage21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport1C AReport2D C BUnit testPart1D B A A DPart2B D AC CPart3C BD A CPart41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit7SharingTask21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task42 3Task51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask2.1a e g h fb d cTask2.21357Role-playingTask1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage1B A D CPassages:passage21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport1D B AReport2B D AUnit testPart1A DB B DPART2C B AD DPART3B A DC CPART41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit8SharingTask3a e d c bTask423Task51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask2.1B DC A BTask2.2357Role playingTask1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages1,A CB DPassages21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtually中国旅游报,2016年12月6日,第三版NewsReport1D BReport2B CUnit testPart1C D D B BPart2A A A D CPart3B A AC DPart41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences边境旅游试验区建设的认识问题与推进对策□李庆雷高大帅边境旅游试验区建设的重要意义2015年12月,国务院印发《关于支持沿边重点地区开发开放若干政策措施的意见》,提出了研究发展跨境旅游合作区和探索建设边境旅游试验区两个重要的政策载体,并在落实单位中明确由旅游部门牵头、各相关部门配合。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案Kilometer 编辑 K-zzz 修订Unit 1Sharing Task 3 b c fd c aTa sk 4 24 Task 5 1. (1)anti-social 2. (1)appreciate 3. (1)tolerant 4. impress(2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListenin g Task 2 activity 2 Lark: Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker 2 Speaker 6 Speaker 3Speaker 4Speaker 5Speaker7Task 2 activity 3 1.peac eful 2.beautiful 3.lovely part4.party5.with apassionstsecond7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest 13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings Viewing Task 2 activity 22 4 Role-playing Task 1 activity2g a f h b dc eMore practice in listeningshort conversations1 D A B C Clong conversationsC BD A Passages:Passage1 AC D C Passages:Passage 2 1.distressing2.desperat e3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unawareof6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse 10. are convinced of Ne ws: Report 1 BC Report 2 BA C Unittest part1 D DB C Dpa rt 2 C AA A D part 3 CB D DC pa rt 4 1.at 2.section 3.connects 4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running awayfrom9.streamingdown10. destroyedUnit 2SharingTask 21.excited2.on the banks3.beachparties4.find out5.looking forward to Ta sk 3 f a d c e b Task 4 1 2 3 810 Task 5 12 4 ListeningTask 2 activity 1 A:2 34 5 B:1 6Task 2 activity 2 1.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8. good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you areViewi ngTask 2 activity 1 36 Task 2 activity2 1.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9. 1,20010. 20 percent less11. getting more for their money 12. health ’s worth Role-playing Task 1 activity2 1345 7 810 More practice in listeningshortconversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages1 BC D APassages:passages2 1.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impactson4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to 10. be transformed into News Report 1B D Report 2 BD C Unittest part 1 B D CB C part 2 D C CB A part 3 B C AA Dpart 4 unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your freetime Ta sk 3 d e g h b a c fTa sk 4 2 35 6 Task 5 2 45 8 Listening Task2.1 a d g eb f cTask 2.2 1 36 8 Viewing Task2.1 1.(1)huskysledding 2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming withdolphinsTask 2 activity 2 2 4 7 8 9 (2)17 (2)1 Role-playingDB Repo rt 1 Ne ws 10. auction off 1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled 8.steams of 9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2 B C A CPassages:Passage 1 DD B Clong conversations D D C B AshortconversationsMore practice in listening Task 1.2 1 34 7Repo rt 2 B C Unit test pa rt 1 A BB BC pa rt 2 C CD D B pa rt 3 D AB C D pa rt 4 1.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart from 0Unit 4Sharing Task 3 d f a e bg c Task 4 1.brighten your mood2.a nurturingenvironment 3.a stable family 4.health 5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTa sk 5 15 Listening Task2.1 speaker 1: speaker 2: af speaker 3:speaker 4:speake r 5: Task 2.2 1.hotels or even cities 2.make money 3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food sheeats6.junk mail or adverts8.morecrimes 9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineVie ws Task2.1 D BA C DTask 2.2 1.(1)rethink everything (2)Give it up (3)transform2.(1)standard of living3.(1)commute further (2)the opposite4.(1)slow down (2)take more leisure(2)diminished 5.(1)economic growth possessions(2)consumer goods (3)mater ialRole-playing Task1.1 1.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music forfree 8.Against9.th eft 10. stealing from them11. without paying 12. make any money13. For 14. CD sales15. file sharing17.Banning cars from city center18.Against 19.polluting than cars 20. a reduction in shop sales21. perfectly fine 22. For 23. the environment 24. electric buses 25. polluted Task1.2 1 3 4 6 7 910 Presenting:Task1.2 e b cd a More practice in listeningshortconversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B D Passage: Passage1 AD D C Passage: Passage2 1.prevalent2.scary3.be classifiedas4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagno sed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10. in terms ofNewsReport 1 AD Report 2 AC Unittestpart 1 D BA C Dpart 2 C DA C Bpart 3 A BA B DPart 4 1.overpanionship3.lover4.definition10. philosophers and scientists5.scarce6.diary7.The sightof8.defeatedUnit 5Sharing Task 3 d h a f b ec g Task 4 14 6 Task 5 1.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons (3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)ali ve (2)performa nce (3)intense emotions Listenin g Task 2.1 Sarah(Woman): BTim: A Nigel:C Task2.2 1.gets your vote 2.(1)in favor of (2)useful and beneficial (3 )bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3. (1)concern me (2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities (2)excellent (3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth (2)involved (3)not so sure 8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine(2)leave out (3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask 2.1 34Task 2.2 1.A2.makes a mess3.publicbuildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quiteexciting 9.V10. 11. pleasing to the eye 12. positive 13. environment 14. 15. nicepicture16. offensiveRole-playing Task1.1 ca b d Task1.2 1.(1)extends out west (2)north above (3)go up2.(1)around the corner (2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(2)hang out and read (2)circle back(2)a center of (3)attracted7. looks like8.(1)modeled on(2)the hundredth anniversary Presenting:Task 1.1 1.Setting of themovie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer ’s opinion of different elements Presenting:Task 1.2 1.skillfully 2.(1)gripping (2)shocking (3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly (2)moving6.(1)breathle ss (4)thoroughly(2)hard-hitting (3)emotionally-draining More practice in listening shortconversationsC D B C D LongconversationB DC APassages:passage 1 CA D BPassages:passage 2 1. anticipation 2. glamorous3. be conferredupon4. collective5. nominate for7.accomplished8. absolute9.recipients 10. is entitled to Ne ws Report 1 CA Report 2 AD B U nittest Part 1 C CB B D Part 2 A BD C A Pa rt 3 D B A C C Pa rt 4 1. tremendous2. strategic3. applied4. honored5. escape6. defeated7. reflecting8. a series of9. strongrelationship10. a wide rangeSharingTask 21. quitelate2. go on3. important4. going on5. the media and thenewsTas k 3 1.Internet2.Television 3.Internet 4.Radio 5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television Interne t Tas k 4 e c b af d Task 5 1.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines (3)real time 2.(1)sources (2)media 3.(1)have to pay (2)discriminate4.(1)outle ts (2)spr ead (3)r iskTask 6 12 3 Listening Task 2.1 f e d g ca b2.2 1.(1)hear this story 2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge (2)about thisguy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewing Task2.1 B A A DC C CTask 2.2 1. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guestdivision (2)charming but inappropriate 5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunder Role-playing Task1.1 b ad c Task1.2 A B B A B A AB B APresenting:Task 1.1 23 5More practice in listeningshortconversations B AB DC Longconversation CD A C Passages:passage1 DC D B Passages:passage2 1. differentiate themselvesfrom2. frown upon3. concise4. combat5. severe6. is geared up for7. embraced8. compact9. is supplemented with10. sensational Ne ws Repo rt 1 C A Repo rt 2 DC BUnittest Part 1 D BA A D Part 2 B DA C C Part 3 C BD A C Part 4 1.contest2.queens 3. outgoing 4. cheers 5. title6.tours 7. performed8. to convince9. in protest10. draw worldattentionSharingTask 21.minor2. worry3. affectsTask 3 1. very crowded places2. heights3. height, flying4. flying5. spiders6. rats7. committing to marriage and family8. dogs9. pencils and the noise they make on paper Task 4 23 Task 5 1. liked orloved2. (1)keep people in their homes (2)society3. (1)closed in (2)transport (3)probably4. trapped in a small space Viewing Task2.1 a e g h fb dc Task2.2 1 35 7playing Task1.2 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 1012 14 16 1719 20 Presenting:Task1.2 1 2 4 6 78 9 More practice in listeningshortconversations B AC BD Longconversation DB D A Passages:passage1 BA D C Passages:passage2 1. motivations2. hazard3. develop anappetite for4. associated with5. contribute to6. follow suit7. consensus8. authorities9. inadequacies10. exaggeration Ne ws Repo rt 1 D B Art 2 BD A U nittest Part 1 A DB B D PART 2 C BA D D PART 3 B AD C C PART 4 1.five-day 2.competitiveness3.unmanned 4. regularly 5. extra 6. households7. Previously8. less time9. ill effects10. remainedunaffectedSharing Task 3 a ed c b Task 4 23 Task 5 1. funniest novel2. completely normal3. easy4. (1)complex (2)dark andmonstrous 5. by defaultListenin g Task 2.2 1. took up the challenge,2. tag line3. playing off4. blown away5. (1)took life under control(2)make aswitch 6. come back withViewi ng Task2.1 B D C A B Task2.2 35 7playing Task1.2 1. I'm a big fan of detective novels2. What I really liked about it was the main character3. I'm not that keen on detective novels4. I just couldn't get into it5. I couldn't stand it6. I'm not really into fantasy7. the thing I love about it is thewritingPresenting:Task 2 d c ef a b M ore practice in listening,Shortconversations,D C B A C Longconversations, B C A D, Passage s 1, A C B D Passage s 2 1. refugee2. desperate3. entitled4. becameinformed of5. are confrontedwith6. spokesperson7. seek out8. profiles9. stayed loyal toNews Report 1 DB Report 2 BC Unittest Part 1 C DD B B Part 2 A AA D C Part 3 B AA C D Part 4 1.hunting2.baseball 3. published 4. childhood 5.novels6.hopeless 7. ambulance8. against nature9. Nobel Prize10. the greatestinfluences1.2 一定是直角三角形吗基础导练1.已知一个三角形的三边分别为3k ,4k ,5k (k为自然数),则这个三角形为,理由是.2.有一个三角形的两条边长是6和10,要使这个三角形成为直角三角形,则第三边边长为.3.已知在ABC∆中,BC=6,BC边上的高为4,若AC=5,则AC边上的高为. [%@~^&] 4.若一个三角形的一个角等于其他两个角的差,那么这个三角形是三角形. [^@&~#] 5.若一个三角形的三边长为m+1 ,m+2 ,m+3,当m 时,此三角形是直角三角形. [#~^@%] 6.已知ABC∆的三边长为BC=41,AC=40,AB=9,则ABC∆为_________三角形,最大角是∠.7.以ABC∆的三条边向外作正方形,依次得到的面积为25,144,169,则这个三角形是________三角形. [&~@*#] 8.三角形各边(从小到大)长度的平方比如下列各组,其中不是直角三角形的是()A.1∶1∶2 B.1∶3∶4 C.9∶25∶26 D.25∶144∶169 9.下列各组数中,以a,b,c为边长的三角形不是直角三角形的是()A.a=1.5,b=2,c=3 B.a=7,b=24,c=25 C.a=6,b=8,c=10 D.a=3,b=4,c=5 10.如图,有一块四边形地ABCD,∠B=90°,AB=4m,BC=3m,CD=12m,DA=13m,求该四边形地ABCD的面积? [@~%&*]11.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AC⊥DC,△ADC的面积为30cm2,DC=12 cm,AB=3 cm, BC=4 cm,求△ABC的面积.D CBA能力提升12.如图:为修通铁路需凿通隧道AC ,测得∠A =50°,∠B =40°,AB =5km ,BC =4km ,若每天开凿隧道0.3km ,试计算需要几天才能把隧道AC 凿通?C B A[&~%^*]13.如图,古埃及人用下面方法画直角:把一根长绳打上等距离的13个结,然后用桩钉如图那样钉成一个三角形,其中一个角便是直角,说明这种做法的根据.(13)(4)(3)(1)[&~@*%] 14.初春时分,两组同学到村外平坦的田野中采集植物标本,分手后,他们向不同的方向前进,第一组的速度是30米/分,第二组的速度是40米/分,半小时后两组同学同时停下来,而此时两组同学相距1500米.(1)两组同学行走的方向是否成直角? [%&~@^](2)如果接下来两组同学以原速相向而行,多长时间后能相遇?[~@#*&]15.已知:如图,△ABC 中,CD AB ,垂足为D ,且平分AB ,CD =12AB ,△ABC 是等腰直角三角形吗?为什么?请你与同伴交流,并说明理由.16.四年一度的国际数学家大会会标如图甲.它是由四个相同的直角三角形与中间的小正方形拼成的一个大正方形.若大正方形的面积为13,每个直角三角形两条直角边的和是5.(1)求中间小正方形的面积.(2)现有一张长为6.5cm、宽为2cm的纸片,如图乙,请你将它分割成6块,再拼合成一个正方形.(要求:先在图乙中画出分割线,再画出拼成的正方形并表明相应数据)[~@^%&] [@*#&^] [~*@&#]参考答案 [#*^~%]1.直角三角形;9k2+16k2=25k2 2.8或.4、8 4.直角 5.m=2 6.直角、90°7.直角 8.C 9.A 10.四边形地ABCD的面积为36 cm2 11.S△ABC=6 cm2 12.10天 13.3 2+42=52,应用勾股定理逆定理得直角三角形 14.(1)是.提示:(30×30)2+(40×30)2=(50×30)2;(30×30)2+(40×30)2=15002;(2)1507分钟15.是.提示:∵BD=AD=DC,CD⊥AB ∴∠A=∠B=45°=∠BCD=∠ACD ∴BC=AC ∠BCA=90°16.提示:(1)小正方形的面积为1;(2)分割成四个直角三角形和两个小长方形[@#~&^]课时分层作业(十三) 如何选择家居装修材料(建议用时:40分钟)[基础达标练]1.陶瓷和水泥材料是家庭进行装修时经常会用到的材料。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker6Speaker3Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask 2 activity 224Role-playingTask 1 activity 2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations 1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage 1A C D CPassages:Passage 21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report 1B CReport 2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart 2C A A A Dpart 3C BD D Cpart 41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyedUnit 2SharingTask 21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask 3f a d c e bTask 4123810Task 5124ListeningTask 2 activity 1A:2345B:16Task 2 activity 21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask 2 activity 136Task 2 activity 21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask 1 activity 213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages 1B C D APassages:passages 21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport 1B DReport 2B D CUnit testpart 1B DC B Cpart 2D C C B Apart 3B C A A Dpart 4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit 3SharingTask 21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask 3d e g h b a c fTask 42356Task 52458ListeningTask 2.1a d g eb f cTask 2.21368ViewingTask 2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66(2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 22 4 7 8 9(2)17(2)1Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listeningTask 1.21 3 4 7Report 2B CUnit testpart 1A B B B Cpart 2C CD D Bpart 3D A B C Dpart 41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit 4SharingTask 3d f ae b g cTask 41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask 515ListeningTask 2.1speaker1:espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5:b c dTask 2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask 2.1D B A C DTask 2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods(3)material possessionsRole-playingTask 1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask 1.213467910 Presenting:Task 1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage: Passage 1A D D CPassage: Passage 21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport 1A DReport 2A CUnit testpart 1D B A C Dpart 2C D A C Bpart 3A B A B DPart 41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit 5SharingTask 3d h a f be c gTask 4146Task 51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive(2)performance(3)intense emotions ListeningTask 2.1Sarah(Woman):BTim:ANigel:CTask 2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask 2.1134Task 2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10.A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14.A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask 1.1c a b dTask 1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on(2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task 1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task 1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage 1C AD BPassages:passage 21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport 1C AReport 2A D BUnit testPart 1C C B B DPart 2A B D C APart 3D B A C CPart 41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit 6SharingTask 21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask4e c b af dTask51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets(2)spread(3)riskTask6123ListeningTask2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division (2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage 1D C D BPassages:passage 21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport 1C AReport 2D C BUnit testPart 1D B A A DPart 2B D AC CPart 3C BD A CPart 41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit 7SharingTask 21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask 31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task 423Task 51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask 2.1a e g h fb d cTask 2.21357Role-playingTask 1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task 1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage 1B A D CPassages:passage 21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport 1D B AReport 2B D AUnit testPart 1A DB B DPART 2C B AD DPART 3B A DC CPART 41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit 8SharingTask 3a e d c bTask 423Task 51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask 2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask 2.1B DC A BTask 2.2357Role playingTask 1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task 2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages 1,A CB DPassages 21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtuallyNewsReport 1D BReport 2B CUnit testPart 1C D D B BPart 2A A A D CPart 3B A AC DPart 41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences。
新视野视听说第三版第4册答案SharingTask3b c f d c aTask424Task51.(1)anti-social2.(1)appreciate3.(1)tolerant4.impress (2)aware of(2)attidude(2)come to an end(3)walk awayListeningTask2activity2Lark:Speaker 1 Owl:Speaker2Speaker 6Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7Task2activity31.peaceful2.beautiful3.lovely part4.party5.with a passionst second7.walking their dogs8.with a bounce9.away10. the best part of the day11. thinking straight12. at my sharpest13. we had children14. in the mornings15. in the evenings ViewingTask2activity224Role-playingTask1activity2g a f h b d c eMore practice in listeningshort conversations1D A B C Clong conversationsC BD APassages:Passage1A C D CPassages:Passage21.distressing2.desperate3.urge4.acquire5.are totally unaware of6.are isolated from7.affirm8.interact with9.impulse10. are convinced of News:Report1B CReport2B A CUnit testpart1D D B C Dpart2C A A A Dpart3C BD D Cpart41.at2.section3.connects4.at the bottom of5.shining6.As7.cross8.running away from9.streaming down10. destroyed范文范例参考Unit2SharingTask21.excited2.on the banks3.beach parties4.find out5.looking forward toTask3f a d c e bTask4123810Task512 4ListeningTask2activity1A:2345B:16Task2activity21.Thursday, 20/5/20042.163.204.by the river5.raining6.fancied7.have the guts to tell him8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent9.three children10. I'm happy11. fell good about who I was12. Good luck for the future13. be happy with who you are ViewingTask2activity13 6Task2activity21.the longest-living communities2.9003.go about their business4.fruit and vegetable5.ingredients6.cell damage7.high quantities8.health protective9.1,20010. 20percent less11. getting more for their money12. health’s worthRole-playingTask1activity213457810More practice in listeningshort conversationsA D CB Dlong conversationsC B A DPassages:passages1B C D APassages:passages21.proportion2.estimated3.have profound impacts on4.potential5.economically6.pensions7.originate from8.residential9.poses a challenge to10. be transformed into NewsReport1B DReport2B D CUnit testpart1B DC B Cpart2D C C B Apart3B C A A Dpart4unched2.corner3.bankruptcy4.virtually5.directing6.discharged from7.secured8.substantial9.Not surprisingly10. fashion accessoriesUnit3SharingTask21.enjoy2.free3.music4.internationally5.festivals6.spend your free timeTask3d e g h b a c fTask4235 6Task52458ListeningTask2.1a d g eb f cTask2.21368ViewingTask2.11.(1)husky sledding2.(1)wing-walking (2)38 (2)353.(1)driving on Route66 (2)194.(1)bungee jumping5.(1)swimming with dolphins Task 2 activity 2 2 4 7 8 9(2)17 (2)1 Role-playingD BReport 1News10. auction off1.resorts2.sprung up3.dramatically4.having an adverse effect onbat6.wilderness7.unspoiled8.steams of9.guidelinesPassages:Passage 2B C A CPassages:Passage 1D D B Clong conversationsD D C B Ashort conversationsMore practice in listening Task 1.21 3 4 7Report2B CUnit testpart1A B B B Cpart2C CD D Bpart3D A B C Dpart41.audience2.teenage3.celebrate4.Popular5.conquers6.columns7.is central to8.a private arrangement9.to choose10. apart fromUnit4SharingTask3d f ae b g cTask41.brighten your mood2.a nurturing environment3.a stable family4.health5.Feel contentment6.makes the difference7.feeling satisfied withTask51 5ListeningTask2.1speaker1: espeaker2:a fspeaker3: speaker4: speaker5: b c dTask2.21.hotels or even cities2.make money3.has doubled4.wherever he goes5.what kind of food she eats6.junk mail or adverts7.robbed8.more crimes9.have no need to worry10. be more careful11. sent to the newspapers12. posted onlineViewsTask2.1D B A C DTask2.21.(1)rethink everything(2)Give it up(3)transform2.(1)standard of living(2)diminished3.(1)commute further(2)the opposite4.(1)slow down(2)take more leisure5.(1)economic growth(2)consumer goods (3)material possessionsRole-playingTask1.11.Cosmetic surgery2.Against3.dangerous4.frozen solid5.For6.health7.Downloading music for free8.Against9.theft10. stealing from them11. without paying12. make any money13. For14. CD sales15. file sharing16. concerts17.Banning cars from city center18.Against19.polluting than cars20.a reduction in shop sales21.perfectly fine22.For23.the environment24.electric buses25.pollutedTask1.213467910Presenting:Task1.2e b c d aMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC A B C DLong conversationB A B DPassage:Passage1A D D CPassage:Passage21.prevalent2.scary3.be classified as4.epidemic5.ratio6.diagnosed7.keeping track of8.was still associated with9.affirm10.in terms ofNewsReport1A DReport2A CUnit testpart1D B A C Dpart2C D A C Bpart3A B A B DPart41.overpanionship3.lover4.definition5.scarce6.diary7.The sight of8.defeated9.made up10.philosophers and scientistsUnit5SharingTask3d h a f be c gTask414 6Task51.(1)enrich(2)expand our horizons(3)Terribly2.intellect3.specific4.learn through art5.all aspects6.(1)alive (2)performance (3)intense emotions ListeningTask2.1Sarah(Woman): BTim: ANigel: CTask2.21.gets your vote2.(1)in favor of(2)useful and beneficial(3)bring jobs(4)entertainment and activities3.(1)concern me(2)expensive4.I personally would prefer5.(1)with disabilities(2)excellent(3)enjoy gardens6.(1)mentioned youth(2)involved(3)not so sure7.costs8.(1)my vote would go to (4)routine (2)leave out(3)hanging around(5)bringing along9.the older generationViewingTask2.11 3 4Task2.21.A2.makes a mess3.public buildings4.wrong5.V6.definitely7.A8.quite exciting9.V10. A11.pleasing to the eye12.positive13.environment14. A15.nice picture16. offensiveRole-playingTask1.1c a b dTask1.21.(1)extends out west(2)north above(3)go up2.(1)around the corner(2)over there3.around the neighborhood4.(1)on the left5.(1)head over to6.(1)walking by(5)folk music (2)hang out and read(2)circle back(2)a center of(3)attracted7.looks like8.(1)modeled on (2)the hundredth anniversaryPresenting:Task1.11.Setting of the movie2.Actor(s)/Actress(es)3.plot summary4.Recommendation5.Director6.Reviewer’s opinion of different elementsPresenting:Task1.21.skillfully2.(1)gripping(2)shocking(3)hilarious3.sensational4.electrifying5.(1)poignantly(2)moving(2)hard-hitting(3)emotionally-draining 6.(1)breathless(4)thoroughlyMore practice in listeningshort conversationsC D B C DLong conversationB DC APassages:passage1C AD BPassages:passage21.anticipation2.glamorous3.be conferred upon4.collective5.nominate for6.exceptions to7.accomplished8.absolute9.recipients10.is entitled to NewsReport1C AReport2A D BUnit testPart1C C B B DPart2A B D C APart3D B A C CPart41.tremendous2.strategic3.applied4.honored5.escape6.defeated7.reflecting8.a series of9.strong relationship10.a wide range ofUnit6SharingTask21.quite late2.go on3.important4.going on5.the media and the news Task 31.Internet2.Television3.Internet4.Radio5.Newspapers6.Newspapers Television InternetTask 4e c b af dTask 51.(1)laptop(2)latest headlines(3)real time2.(1)sources(2)media3.(1)have to pay(2)discriminate4.(1)outlets (2)spread (3)riskTask 612 3ListeningTask 2.1f e dg c a bTask 2.21.(1)hear this story2.what happened was3.(1)remember all the details challenge(2)about this guy(2)recall (3)the first 4.(1)then from that (2)something to do5.(1)the next thing (2)according to the report (3)a part in his film6.(1)my impression was that (2)ended up7. that's what happenedViewingTask 2.1B A A DC C CTask 2.21. starts going wrong2. fill an awful lot of time3. deeply embarrassing for us4. (1)champion of the Wrong Guest division(2)charming but inappropriate5. (1)living the celebrity lifestyle (2)love a good news blunderRole-playingTask 1.1b a d cTask 1.2A B B A B A A B B APresenting:Task 1.12 3 5More practice in listeningshort conversationsB A B D CLong conversationC D A CPassages:passage1D C D BPassages:passage21.differentiate themselves from2.frown upon3.concisebat5.severe6.is geared up for7.embracedpact9.is supplemented with10.sensationalNewsReport1C AReport2D C BUnit testPart1D B A A DPart2B D AC CPart3C BD A CPart41.contest2.queens3.outgoing4.cheers5.title6.tours7.performed8.to convince9.in protest10.draw world attentionUnit7SharingTask21.minor2.worry3.affectsTask31.very crowded places2.heights3.height, flying4.flying5.spiders6.ratsmitting to marriage and family8.dogs9.pencils and the noise they make on paper Task42 3Task51.liked or loved2.(1)keep people in their homes(2)society3.(1)closed in(2)transport(3)probably4.trapped in a small spaceViewingTask2.1a e g h fb d cTask2.21357Role-playingTask1.21345689101214161719 20 Presenting:Task1.21246789More practice in listeningshort conversationsB AC B DLong conversationD B D APassages:passage1B A D CPassages:passage21.motivations2.hazard3.develop an appetite for4.associated with5.contribute to6.follow suit7.consensus8.authorities9.inadequacies10.exaggerationNewsReport1D B AReport2B D AUnit testPart1A DB B DPART2C B AD DPART3B A DC CPART41.five-daypetitiveness3.unmanned4.regularly5.extra6.households7.Previously8.less time9.ill effects10.remained unaffectedUnit8SharingTask3a e d c bTask423Task51.funniest novelpletely normal3.easy4.(1)complex(2)dark and monstrous5.by defaultListeningTask2.21.took up the challenge,2.tag line3.playing off4.blown away5.(1)took life under control(2)make a switche back withViewingTask2.1B DC A BTask2.2357Role playingTask1.21.I'm a big fan of detective novels2.What I really liked about it was the main character3.I'm not that keen on detective novels4.I just couldn't get into it5.I couldn't stand it6.I'm not really into fantasy7.the thing I love about it is the writing Presenting:Task2d cef a bMore practice in listening,Short conversations,D C B A CLong conversations,B C A D,Passages1,A CB DPassages21.refugee2.desperate3.entitled4.became informed of5.are confronted with6.spokesperson7.seek out8.profiles9.stayed loyal to10.virtuallyNewsReport1D BReport2B CUnit testPart1C D D B BPart2A A A D CPart3B A AC DPart41.hunting2.baseball3.published4.childhood5.novels6.hopeless7.ambulance8.against nature9.Nobel Prize10.the greatest influences。
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part 3
part 4
3.ba nkruptcy
5.direct ing
6.discharged from
8.substa ntial
9.Not surprisingly
10.fashi on accessories
1.distress ing
5.are totally unaware of
6.are isolated from
8.interact with
10. are convinced of
Report 1
7.high qua ntities
8.health protective
10.20 percent less
II.gettingmore for their money
Task 1 activity 2
More practice in listening
b c f d c a
Task 4
2 4
Task 5
Task 2 activity 2
Lark: Speaker 1 Speaker 6
Unit 3
Task 2
4.internatio nally
6.spend your free time
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 2.1
a d g e b f c
Task 2 activity 1
Task 2 activity 2
I.the Iongest-livingcommunities
3.go about their bus in ess
4.fruit and vegetable
5.ingredie nts
6.cell damage
8.with a bounce
10.the best part of the day
11.thi nking straight
12.at my sharpest
13.we had children
14.in the mornings
15.in the evenings
Task 2 activity 2
9.streami ng dow n
Unit 2
Task 2
2.on the banks
3.beach parties
4.fi nd out
5」ooking forward to
Task 3
fad c e b
Task 4
1 23 8 10
Task 5
2 4
Task 1 activity 2gafhbdce
More practice in listening
short conversations 1
long conversations
Passages:Passage 1
Passages:Passage 2
1 2 4
Task 2 activity 1
A:2 3 4 5
B:1 6
Task 2 activity 2
〔.Thursday, 20/5/2004
4.by the river
5.rai ning
6.fa ncied
7.haveቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱthe guts to tell him
8.good-looking, romantic and intelligent
9.three childre n
10.I'm happy
11.fell good about who I was
12.Good luck for the future
13.be happy with who you are
Task 2.2
Task 2.1
1. (1)husky sledding
2.(1)wi ng-walk ing
3.(1)driving on Route 66
4. (1)b un gee jump ing
5.(1)swimming with dolphins
short conversations
long conversations
Passages:passages 1
Passages:passages 2
1.proporti on
3.have profoundimpacts on
4.pote ntial
Owl:Speaker 2 Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
Task 2 activity 3
2.beautiful 3」o vely part
5.with a passion6」ast second
7.walking their dogs
5.ec ono mically
6.pe nsions
7.origi nate from
8.reside ntial
9.poses a challenge to
10.be tran sformed in to
Report 1
Report 2
Unit test
part 1
Report 2
Unit test part1
part 2
part 3
part 4
2.secti on
3.c onn ects
4.at the bottom of
5.shi ning
8.running away from