数据库 复习试题及答案
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】高一信息技术期中考试卷1、下列属于用Access创建的数据库文件是( )。
A.旅游信息.ADPB.旅游信息.DBFC.旅游信息.FRMD.旅游信息.MDB2、下列不属于数据库管理系统的是A. AccessB. WordC. SybaseD. MS SQL Server3、下列关于数据库技术应用的叙述,正确的是A.数据库技术主要应用于图书管理B.Excel是数据库技术的早期应用C.计算机文件管理属于数据库技术的应用范畴D.数据库技术主要应用于数据密集型的应用领域4、下列选项中,表示数据库管理系统的英文名称是A.SystemB.Database Management SystemC.DatabaseD.Database System5、下列属于数据管理技术发展历程的是A.自动管理阶段B.网络管理阶段C.图书馆管理阶段D.人工管理阶段6、下列关于数据管理的叙述,不正确的是A.数据管理是指对日常计算机文档进行收集管理B.数据管理是指对数据的收集、分类、组织、存储、查询和维护等活动C.数据管理是指与数据管理活动有关的技术D.数据管理是数据处理的核心环节7、下列属于数据库系统特点的是A.数据按一定的数据模型组织,具有特定的统一结构B.数据冗余度大C.数据独立性差D.数据不能共享8、下面列出的数据管理技术发展的三个阶段中,没有专门的软件对数据进行管理的阶段是()。
I.人工管理阶段II.文件系统阶段III.数据库系统阶段A.只有I B. 只有II C. I和II D. II 和III 9、在数据库系统中,数据独立性是指()A.用户与计算机系统的独立性B.数据库与计算机的独立性C.数据与应用程序的独立性D.用户与数据库的独立性10、下列软件中,不属于数据库应用系统的是()A、中考成绩查询系统B、Windows 操作系统C、学籍管理系统D、动车售票管理系统11、下列属于现实世界术语的是A.特征B.实体C.属性D.键12、在E-R模型中,用于表示实体属性的图形是A. .13、教师有“编号、姓名、职称”等特征,在E-R模型中,实体的特征称为A.记录B.属性C.数据类型D.关键字14、一个教研组有多名教师,一名教师属于一个教研组,则教研组和教师之间的联系类型属于A.多对多联系B.一对一联系C.一对多联系D.多对一联系15、在数据库设计过程中,从现实世界抽象到信息世界,建立的模型称为A.数据模型B.面向对象模型C.关系模型D.概念模型16、下列不属于数据库常用数据模型的是A.层次模型B. 网状模型C. E-R模型D. 关系模型17、采用二维表的形式来存储数据,则该数据模型属于A.层次模型B.网状模型C.概念模型D.关系模型18、下列描述错误的是( )。
试卷代号: 1256中央广播电视大学—第一学期”开放本科”期末考试数据库应用技术试题1月一、单项选择题(每个题只有一个答案是正确的。
每题2分, 共15题, 30分)l_SQL Server数据库是基于( )数据模型的。
A.层次模型 B.网状模型 C.关系模型 D.面向对象模型2.一般情况下, ”数据库管理员”的英文缩写是( )。
A.DBMS B.DBS C.DBA D.DMS3.如果希望从成绩表中查询出所有成绩大于等于90分的记录, 那么条件语句应该是( )。
A.where成绩>=90 B.where成绩≥90C.where成绩>90 AND成绩=90D.where成绩>904.在一个课程关系中, 最可能成为主关键字(或称主码)的属性是( )。
A.任课教师 B.所属专业 C.课程编号 D.开课学期5. SQL Server的系统主数据库是( )。
A.master B.Pubs C.tempdb D.Northwind6.SQL Server数据库中的NULL值(空值)( )。
A.表示空格 B.表示数字C.表示一种数据类型 D.表示没有值、不确定的值7.设一个关系为R, 如果它的每个属性都是不可再分的, 则称这个关系是符合( )。
A.第一范式 B.第二范式 C.第三范式 D.BNC范式8.下列符合第三范式的关系是( )。
A.教师(教师号, 教师姓名, 课程号, 课程名, 成绩)B.教师(教师号, 教师姓名, 性别, 课程号, 课程名, NN)C.职工(职工号, 职工姓名, 性别, 籍贯, 所属部门编号, 所属部门名称)D.职工(职工号, 职工姓名, 性别, 籍贯, 所属部门编号)9.将第一个关系的记录加到第二个关系中, 生成的新关系称为( )。
A.两个关系的积 B.两个关系的并C.两个关系的交 D.两个关系的差10.数据库应用程序开发中, 概念设计阶段的主要目的是( )。
A.绘制ER图 B.编写数据字典C.建立逻辑数据模型 D.建立概念模型11.用户使用SQLServer时, 一般需要考虑两个安全性阶段( )。
数据库考试题库HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】一、单项选择题1.下列四项中,不属于数据库特点的是( C )。
A.数据共享B.数据完整性C.数据冗余很高D.数据独立性高2.下列四项中,不属于SQL2000实用程序的是( D )。
A.企业管理器B.查询分析器C.服务管理器D.媒体播放器Server安装程序创建4个系统数据库,下列哪个不是( C )系统数据库。
4.( A )是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件,它属于系统软件,它为用户或应用程序提供访问数据库的方法。
A.DBMS B.DBC.DBS D.DBA5.在SQL中,建立表用的命令是 ( B )。
SCHEMA TABLEVIEW INDEX语言中,条件年龄 BETWEEN 15 AND 35表示年龄在15至35之间,且( A )。
A.包括15岁和35岁B.不包括15岁和35岁C.包括15岁但不包括35岁D.包括35岁但不包括15岁7.下列四项中,不正确的提法是( C )。
语言是关系数据库的国际标准语言语言具有数据定义、查询、操纵和控制功能语言可以自动实现关系数据库的规范化语言称为结构查询语言8.在MS SQL Server中,用来显示数据库信息的系统存储过程是( D )。
A. sp_dbhelpB. sp_dbC. sp_helpD. sp_helpdb语言中,删除表中数据的命令是( A )。
A. 基本表B. 视图C. 基本表或视图?D. 数据库11. 下列哪个不是sql 数据库文件的后缀。
CA..mdf B..ldfC..tif? D..ndf12. 数据定义语言的缩写词为 ( A )。
13. 在SQL语言中,建立存储过程的命令是(A)A、CREATE PROCEDUREB、CREATE RULEC、CREATE DURED、CREATE FILE14. 目前( A )数据库系统已逐渐淘汰了网状数据库和层次数据库,成为当今最为流行的商用数据库系统。
《数据库应用基础》会考模似试卷姓名:学号:一、选择题 (每小题1.5分;本题60分)1.按照数据模型分类,数据库系统是属于______。
A)层次型B)网状型 C)关系型D)逻辑型2.在下述表达式中,结果总是逻辑值的( )。
A) 字符运算表达式 B) 算术运算表达式C) 关系运算表达式 D) 日期运算表达式3.在下列字符串中,符合数据库系统规定的正确变量名是()。
A)FE_1234 B)FIND C)25_ABCD D)PS:124.以下命令正确的是( )。
A) STORE 4,8 TO a,b B) STORE 4 TO a,bC) a=4, b=8 D) a=b=45.如果内存变量MX的类型是D,那么给变量MX赋值的方法是( )。
A) MX=04/05/97 B) MX="04/05/97"C) MX=CTOD(04/05/97) D) MX=CTOD("04/05/97")6.在下面四个函数中,返回逻辑值的函数是()。
A) EOF( ) B) DATE( ) C) RECNO( ) D) ABS( )7.内存变量的数据类型可以是字符型(C)、数值型(N)、逻辑型(L)和()。
A) 备注型(M) B) 全局型(Pub)C) 局部型(Pri) D) 屏幕型(S)8.逻辑运算符的优先顺序是( )。
A) .NOT. .AND. .OR. B) .NOT. .OR. .AND.C) .AND. .OR. .NOT. D) .AND. .NOT. .OR.9.在Visual FoxPro中,存储图象的字段类型应该是A) 备注型B) 通用型C) 字符型D) 双精度型10.内存变量有5种类型,它们是()。
A)数值型、字符型、日期型、屏幕型、备注型B)数值型、字符型、日期型、逻辑型、备注型C)数值型、字符型、日期型、逻辑型、屏幕型D)数值型、字符型、日期型、逻辑型、未定义型11.在 DO WHILE … ENDDO循环结构中,LOOP命令的作用是:A) 退出过程,返回程序开始处B) 转移到DO WHILE语句行,开始下一个判断和循环C) 终止循环,将控制转移到本循环结构ENDDO后面的第一条语句继续执行D) 终止程序执行12.设一数值型字段的宽度为8,小数位为2,该字段整数部分最大取值为()。
A.DBMS B.DB C.DBS D.DBA2.在数据库系统的三级模式结构中,用来描述数据的全局逻辑结构的是()。
A.DBS包括DB和DBMS B.DBMS包括DB和DBSC.DB包括DBS和DBMS D.DBS包括DB,也就是DBMS8.数据库系统的数据独立性体现在()。
BUSI 640: Financial ManagementProfessor Yang, Fall 2014Sample Final Exam with SolutionThere are five (5) questions, and the total is 50 points. You have two and half hours to complete the exam. Clearly show your work on the exam for partial credit.1.(10 points) The Sisyphean Corporation is considering investing in a new canemanufacturing machine that has an estimated life of three years. The cost of the machine is $30,000 and the machine will be depreciated straight line over its three-year life to aresidual value of $0. The project will only last for three years.The cane manufacturing machine will result in sales of 2,000 canes in year 1. Sales areestimated to grow by 10% per year each year through year three. The price per cane that Sisyphean will charge its customer is $18 each and is to remain constant. The canes havea cost per unit to manufacture of $9 each.Installation of the machine and the resulting increase in manufacturing capacity willrequire an increase in various net working capital accounts. It is estimated that Sisyphean Corporation needs to hold 4% of its annual sales in accounts receivable, 9% of its annual sales in inventory and 6% of its COGS in accounts payable. The firm has a 35% tax rate and a cost of capital of 12%a.What is the incremental EBIT in year 1 and 2 for this project? ( 2 points)b.What is the incremental net working capital in year 1 and 2 for this project? (2 points)c.What is the NPV of this project? (5 points)d.Should Sisyphean go ahead and start the project? ( 1point)2.(10 points) You have run a regression of monthly returns on Firm A, a largebiotechnology firm against monthly returns on the S&P 500 index, and come up with the following output:Excess_Return = -0.03% + 0.44*Excess_Return S&PThe R-square for the regression is 12%.Suppose the risk-free rate is 4%, and the expected return for market portfolio is 10%. The firm has 966 million shares outstanding, selling for $58 per share.a.What is the expected return on this stock over the next year? (2 points)b.What is the portion of the total risk (measured by variance) that is diversifiable?(1 point)c.The firm has a leverage ratio of 32% and faces a tax rate of 40%. It is consideringissuing $10 billion in new debt to acquire a new business unit which has the samebusiness risk as the firm’s existing business. What will be the equity beta afterthat acquisition? Assume that debt has a beta of 0.10 both before and after theacquisition. (7 points)3.(10 points) Omicron Technologies has $50 million in excess cash and no debt. The firmexpects to generate additional free cash flow of $40 million per year in subsequent years and will pay out these future free cash flows as regular dividends. Omicrons unlevered cost of capital is 10% and there are 10 million shares outstanding.a.Assume that Omicron uses the entire $50 million in excess cash to pay a specialdividend. What will be Omicron’s price before and after this special dividend? (2points)b.Now assume that Omicron uses the entire $50 million to repurchase shares. Whatwill be the number of shares after the repurchase? What is the total value of thefirm after repurchase? ( 2 points)c.Two years have passed since Omicron issued a special dividend of $50 millionlast time. Now, the board is discussing the plan to borrow $200 million ofperpetual debt to repurchase even more shares. The cost of debt is about 6% andOmicron has a tax rate of 36%. What will be the price of its stock upon theannouncement if market believes that 80% of the chance that Omicron willproceed with this plan? (3 points)d.What will be the price of its stock if Omicron ended up issuing $200 million ofdebt to repurchase stocks? What is the leverage ratio after the repurchase? (3 points)4.(10 points) Cavanaugh Motels, a motel chain, expects to report earnings of $200 millionbefore interest and taxes in the coming year. It also expects to grow 4% a year inperpetuity. The total net investment is about 40% of the after-tax earnings.It has an equity beta of 1.293 and a pretax cost of debt of 6%. The equity has a market value of $1 billion, and debt has a market value of $500 million. The tax rate is 36%. The risk-free rate is 4%, and the market risk premium is 6%.a.Estimate the value of the firm, using the WACC approach (5 points)b.Estimate the value of the firm, using the APV approach, assuming a constant debtequity ratio (5 points)5.(10 points) Galt Industries has no debt, total equity capitalization of $600 million, and anequity beta of 1.2. Included in Galt's assets is $90 million in cash invested in risk-free securities. The company is currently in mature phase and does not expect to grow going forward. Assume the risk-free rate is 4% and the market risk premium is 6%. The tax rate is 40%.a.What is the Enterprise Value of Galt? ( 1 point)b.What is beta for Galt’s operating asset? (1 point)c.Suppose that Galt will use all of its cash and issue $110 million of debt at 6% torepurchase equity. The debt amount is expected to remain constant going forward.What will be the value of Galt after the repurchase? (3 points)d.What will be the leverage ratio and WACC after repurchase? (5 points)。
CLAD Sample Exam-1
必须传递什么到子VI?a.控件的属性b.控件的方法c.控件的引用d.控件的数据类型5.VI执行后,值输出显示控件显示的值是多少?a.0b. 4c. 5d. 66.在条件结构的假(FALSE)分支的代码中设置断点。
数据库考试题及答案Introduction:A database is an organized collection of data that can be stored, accessed, and managed. It plays a crucial role in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. In this article, we will explore a set of database exam questions and provide their corresponding answers.1. Define a relational database and explain its components.A relational database is a type of database that organizes data into tables, which consist of rows and columns. Its components include:- Tables: They represent entities or concepts in the real world and consist of rows (tuples) and columns (attributes).- Rows (tuples): Each row represents a single record or instance of an entity, and it contains values for each attribute.- Columns (attributes): They define the characteristics or properties of an entity, such as name, age, or address.- Keys: They are used to uniquely identify each row in a table. Primary keys are unique identifiers for the table, while foreign keys establish relationships between tables.- Relationships: They define associations between tables, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships.2. What is the purpose of SQL and explain its main components.SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. Its main components include:- Data Definition Language (DDL): It is used to define and manage the structure of the database objects, such as creating tables, altering table structures, and deleting tables.- Data Manipulation Language (DML): It is used to manipulate the data within the tables, including inserting, retrieving, updating, and deleting records.- Data Control Language (DCL): It deals with user access and security, including granting and revoking permissions, and managing user roles and privileges.- Transaction Control Language (TCL): It is used to manage the database transactions, including committing or rolling back changes.3. Describe the ACID properties in the context of database transactions.ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, which are the four properties that ensure reliability and integrity in database transactions.- Atomicity: It guarantees that a transaction is treated as a single unit of work, where all its operations are completed successfully, or none of them are executed at all. If any operation fails, the transaction is rolled back, and the database is left unchanged.- Consistency: It ensures that a transaction brings the database from one consistent state to another. The integrity constraints, such as primary key or foreign key constraints, are maintained during the transaction.- Isolation: It ensures that each transaction is executed independently and in isolation from other concurrent transactions. Each transaction should not be affected by other transactions until it is completed.- Durability: It ensures that once a transaction is committed, its changes are permanent and will survive any subsequent system failures. The changes are recorded in a transaction log and can be recovered in case of a crash or restart.4. Differentiate between a primary key and a foreign key.A primary key is a unique identifier for a table that enforces the entity's integrity and ensures data uniqueness. It uniquely identifies each record in the table and is used to establish relationships between tables. Only one primary key can be defined per table.A foreign key, on the other hand, establishes a relationship between two tables. It refers to the primary key of another table and helps maintain referential integrity. A foreign key can have duplicate values and allows for multiple occurrences in a table, unlike a primary key.5. Explain the difference between SQL's JOIN and UNION operators.JOIN and UNION are two different SQL operators used for combining data from multiple tables or queries.- JOIN: It is used to retrieve data by combining rows from two or more tables based on related columns. There are different types of JOIN operations, such as INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL JOIN, each specifying a different way to combine the tables based on matching or non-matching rows.- UNION: It is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. The columns and data types of the SELECT statements being combined must match. UNION removes duplicate rows from the final result set, while UNION ALL retains all rows, including duplicates.Conclusion:Understanding the fundamental concepts of databases and their components is crucial for successful data management and manipulation. This article covered a range of exam questions related to databases, providing clear explanations and answers. By grasping these concepts, individuals can enhance their knowledge and skills in utilizing databases effectively.。
数据库试题一、单选题1 •在对层次数据库进行操作时,如果删除双亲结点,贝U相应的子女结点值也被同时删除。
CA.不会因为数据的变化而影响应用程序B.不会因为存储策略的变化而影响存储结构C. 不会因为系统数据存储结构与数据逻辑结构的变化而影响应用程序D. 不会因为某些存储结构的变化而影响其他的存储结构3. SQL语言具有两种使用方式,分别称为交互式SQL和()。
CA.提示式SQLB.多用户SQLC.嵌入式SQLD.解释式SQL4. 设W=R ? S,且W、R、S的属性个数分别为w、r和s,那么三者之间应满足()。
BA . w< 叶s B. w<叶s C . w> r+s D . w> 叶s5. 设有关系R(A,B,C)和关系S(B,C,D),那么与R? S等价的关系代数表达式是()。
CA . TT R.A,R.B,R.C,S.B (O R.B=S.B A S.C=S.C(RXS)) B . xR.A,R.B,R.C,S.D (oR.B=S.B人R.C=S.B (RXS))C . n R.A,R.B,R.C,S.D (Q R.B=S.B A R.C=S.C (RXS))D . TI R.A,R.B,R.C,S.B ((RB=S.B A R.C=S.C (RXS))6. 最终用户使用的数据视图称为()。
BA.内模式B.外模式C.概念模式D.存储模式7. 用下面的SQL语句建立一个基本表:CREATE TABLE Student(Sno int NOT NULL,Sname CHAR (8)NOT NULL, Sex CHAR(2),Age SMALLINT); 可以插入到表中的元组是()。
AA.5021 ,'刘祥','男',NULLB.NULL ,'刘祥’,NULL,21C.‘ 5021 ',NULL,男,21D.'5021','刘祥’,,男’,NULL8.进行自然联结运算的两个关系必须具有()。
A.元组B.属性C.关键字D.外部关键字5. 关系模型中,如果一个关系中的一个属性或属性组能够惟一标识一个元组,那么称该属性或属性组是______。
A. 北京B. 上海C. 广州D. 杭州12.______是最常见的查询类型,它从一个或多个表中检索数据,在一定的限制条件下,还可以通过此查询方式来更改相关表中的记录。
A. 选择查询B. 参数查询C. 操作查询D. SQL查询13.可以在一种紧凑的、类似于电子表格的格式中,显示来源与表中某个字段的合计值、计算值、平均值等的查询方式是______。
A. SQL查询B. 参数查询C. 操作查询D. 交叉表查询14.表中存有学生姓名、性别、班级、成绩等数据,若想统计各个班各个分数段的人数,最好的查询方式是______。
(精华版)国家开放大学电大《MySQL数据库应用》机考终结性考试3套真题题库及答案盗传必究题库一试卷总分:100 答题时间:60分钟客观题一、单选题(共25题,共75分)1. 要保证数据库的逻辑数据独立性,需要修改的是()。
A 模式与外模式的映射2. 用户或应用程序看到的那部分局部逻辑结构和特征的描述是(),它是模式的逻辑子集。
C 子模式3. 下面的选项不是关系数据库基本特征的是()。
A 不同的列应有不同的数据类型4. 下述()不是DBA数据库管理员的职责。
D 数据库管理系统设计5. 在视图上不能完成的操作是()。
C 在视图上定义新的表6. ()是目前数据库系统中最常用的一种数据模型。
A 关系模型7. 假设学生关系S(S#,SNAME,SEX),课程关系C(C#,CNAME),学生选课关系SC(S#,C#,GRADE)。
D S,C,SC8. 现有如下关系:患者(患者编号,患者姓名,性别,出生日起,所在单位),医疗(患者编号,患者姓名,医生编号,医生姓名,诊断日期,诊断结果)其中,医疗关系中的外键是()。
A 患者编号9. 在ER模型中,如果有3个不同的实体集,3个M:N联系,根据ER模型转换为关系模型的规则,转换为关系的数目是()。
C 610. 子模式是用来描述()。
B 数据库的局部逻辑结构11. “汽车用品网上商城”数据库包括()张表。
C 812. “汽车用品网上商城”中,购物车实体与()实体有联系。
B 用户13. E-R模型的基本成分是()。
D 实体和联系14. 设关系R,按条件f对关系R进行选择,其关系代数是()。
C σf(R)15. 用TRUNCATE和DELETE语句删除表中数据的区别 ( )A TRUNCATE命令不记录日志16. 关系数据库中,实现实体之间的联系是通过表与表之间的()D 公共属性17. 下面关于索引描述中错误的一项是()C innodb存储引擎支持全文索引18. 修改列指令是()A ALTER TABLE … MODIFY …19. 以下聚合函数求数据总和的是( )B SUM20. 下列关于INSERT语句使用正确的是()D 如果列设置了默认值,则可以不为该列提供数据21. 数据库服务器、数据库和表的关系,正确的说法是()B 一个数据库服务器可以管理多个数据库,一个数据库可以包含多个表22. 有一个关系:学生(学号,姓名,系别),规定学号的值域是8个数字组成的字符串,这一规则属于()C 用户自定义完整性约束23. DECIMAL是( )数据类型A 可变精度浮点值24. 哪个关键字在Select语句中表示所有列()A *25. 使用SELECT语句随机地从表中挑出指定数量的行,可以使用的方法是()D 在ORDER BY子句中使用RAND()函数,并用LIMIT子句定义行数二、多选题(共4题,共20分)1. MySQL存储过程中错误处理有哪几种类型()C CONTINUED EXIT2. 下面关于SQL数据查询操作描述正确的有:()A 投影操作是选择对表中的哪些列进行查询操作B 使用DISTINCT关键字可以过滤查询中重复的记录D 在MySQL中使用LIMIT关键字限制从数据库中返回记录的行数3. 下面关于创建和管理索引不正确的描述是()A 创建索引是为了便于全表扫描B 索引会加快DELETE、UPDATE和INSERT语句的执行速度D 大量使用索引可以提高数据库的整体性能4. Orders表中有100条记录,下面检索结果一定不是一行的命令是( )A select distinct * from ordersB select * from orders limit 1,2C select top 1 * from orders三、综合分析题(共1题,共5分)1.当前数据库是testdb,在该数据库中,有students、scores、courses、majors四个表,其结构及数据如下所列:学生表StudentsSid学号int(11)Name姓名char(4)Sex性别char(1)Bofd生日dateMid专业号tinyint成绩表scoresTerm 学期 char(10)Sid 学号 int(11)Cid 课程编号 smallintScore 分数 numerirc(4,1)课程表courseCid 编号 smallintCname 课程名称 chr(24)专业majorsMid 专业号 tinyintMname 专业名称 chr(24)现在要从学生表中查询20岁以下的学生编号、学生姓名及性别,写完善关系代数表达式和SQL语句,选择正确的选项()Ⅱsid, name,sex((year(curdate())-year(bofd))<20 students)SELECT sid,name,()FROM studentsWHERE (year(curdate())-year(bofd))<20;C sex题库二试卷总分:100 答题时间:60分钟客观题一、单选题(共25题,共75分)1. 数据库系统是采用了数据库技术的计算机系统,它是一个集合体,包含数据库、计算机硬件、软件和()。
浙江财经学院期中考试试卷《数据库原理及应用(英)》课程试卷考核方式: 闭 卷 考试日期:2012年11月21日 适用专业、班级:10电子商务1. For each of the following questions there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Only one of them is correct. You should decide on the correct choice and write down its mark on the answer sheet.(Points: 20 )(1) Which of the following operations is not supported by DDL ? CA .creating some views in a databaseB .modifying table structures in a databaseC .finding some rows from a tableD .creating some tables in a database (2) In relational model, entity integrity means that B .A .there must not be empty rows in every relationB .no attribute of a primary key can be nullC .attributes are allowed to be nullD .foreign keys are allowed to be null(3) Which of the following operations is not supported by DML ? DA .inserting some rows into a tableB .deleting some rows from a tableC .finding some rows from a tableD .creating some tables in a database(4) If F is a foreign key of relation R that references the primary key K of relation S, then F canonly take B . A .null values B .null values or values that equal to one of the values of K C .values that appear in K D .values that appear in R(5) Which of the following operations can retrieve from a relation all records that satisfy acondition to form a new relation? C A .Projection B .Join C .Selection D .Division (6) A relation schema __C____.A .can have exactly one candidate keyB .can have many primary keysC .can have one or many candidate keysD .can have one or many primary keys (7) In SQL, in order to add a new column CN into base table S, we use Cstatement.A .ADD TABLE S(CN CHAR(8))B .ADD TABLE S ALTER(CN CHAR(8))C .ALTER TABLE S ADD CN CHAR(8) D .ALTER TABLE S (ADD CN CHAR(8))(8) For a relation, each candidate key C.A.can only have at least two attributes B.can only have at most one attributesC.may have one or more attributes D.must contain all the attributes of the relation (9)Suppose Relation R1, R2 and R3 have K1, K2 and K3 tuples , respectively, then the number of tuples in R1⨯R2⨯R3 will be __A____.A.K1⨯ K2⨯ K3B.K1+ K2+ K3C.(K1+ K2)⨯K3D.(K1+ K2)÷K3 (10)In SQL, views are corresponding to the __A___ schema of a database.A.external B.conceptual C.inner D.storage2.Given the following descriptions, create an appropriate ER diagram for themanagement of the Library. (point:20)They have a number of suppliers that supply the products for sale. Each supplier has a unique supplier number, and the name, city and telephone number. A supplier can supply several kinds of products and one kind of products may be supplied by several suppliers. The supply information includes supply date, price and supply quantity.They have many kinds of products that they provide to their customers. Each product hasa unique product number, and the name, type, color, quantity, together with a cost and a price.They have a number of customers. Each customer is given a unique customer number.Each customer has a name, customer addresses, DOB(date of birth), gender(性别),postcode, the customer telephone number and Email.A customer may place zero, one or more orders at a time, and an order is always placedby one customer alone. Each order has a unique order number, the date ordered, the date due, the total price, and the status.An order may include one or more than one products, and a product may be included in more than one order. For each product being ordered in an order, its quantity, price are recorded.3.The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS.Product(P_number, Name, type, cost, price, description, produce_time, useful-life) Customer(Cust_Number, Fname, Lname, Address, profession, birthday, sex) Order(Ord_number, Cust_Number, date, Date_due, Total_price, Ord-status) Details(Ord_number, P_number, quantity,status)Where Product contains product details and P_number is the primary key. Customer contains customer details for each hotel. Each customer can play one or more orders and each order is played by one customer. Each order includes one or more products. The statue of order denotes whether the order is completed, valued as ‘unaffirmed’(未确认),‘affirmed’(已确认),‘outstanding’(已付款待送货), ‘delivered’(已送货)and ‘invoice’(已开发票).(a) Formulate the following queries in RA and SQL respectively: (point:30)(1) List full details of all customer s in ‘shanghai’.δAdress=’shanghai’(Customer)Select *From CustomerWhere Address like ‘shanghai%’(2) List all the orders that are ‘outstanding’, include order_number, date, Date-due, customer’s name, address, product and status, order by date.∏Ord_number,Date,Date-due,Fname,Lname,Address,Name,status(δOrd_status=’Outstanding’(Orde r∞Details∞Customer∞Product))Select Ord_number,Date,Date-due,Fname,Lname,Address,Name,statusFrom ((Order O join Details D on O.Ord_number=D.Ord_number) join Customer C on O. Cust_Number=C. Cust_Number) join Product P on D. P_number=P. P_numberWhere Ord_status=’Outstanding’Order by Date(3) List all fresh milk products by names , prices and produce time.∏Name,price,produce_time (δNames=’fresh milk’(Product)Select Name,price,produce_timeFrom ProductWhere Names=’fresh milk’(4) List the information of customers who have never played an order.∏Cust_Number, , Fname, Lname(Customer)- ∏Cust_Number, , Fname, Lname(Customer∞Orders) Select Cust_Number, Fname, Lnamefrom customerwhere Cust_Number not in(select Cust_Number,from Orders)(5) List the numbers, names and quantities of products that bought by thecustomer named ‘John’.∏P_number,,Name,Quantity ( Lname=’John’(Orde r∞Details∞Customer∞Product)) Select P_number,,Name,QuantityFrom ((Order O join Details D on O.Ord_number=D.Ord_number) join Customer C on O. Cust_Number=C. Cust_Number) join Product P on D. P_number=P. P_numberWhere Lname=’John’(b) Formulate the following questions in SQL: (point:30)(5) How many products of each type?Select count(*)From ProductGroup by type(6) What is the total revenue today?Select sum(Total_price)From OrderWhere Date=getdate()(7) How many kind of products that have never purchased by customers?Select count(*)From ProductWhere P_number NOT in( Select P_numberFrom Details)(8) Move all the orders and their details with a date before 2010-12-31 from Order and Details to their archive tables called Order_archive and Detail_archive, the archive table have same structure.(First insert the information into two new tables ,and then delete from) (12points)Insert into Order_archive(Ord_number, Cust_Number, date, Date_due, Total_price, Ord-status)Select Ord_number, Cust_Number, date, Date_due, Total_price, Ord-statusFrom OrderWhere Date<=’2010-12-31’Insert into Details_archive(Ord_number, P_number, quantity,status)Select Ord_number, P_number, quantity,statusFrom DetailsWhere Ord_number in(select OrdnumberFrom OrderWhere Date<=’2010-12-31’ )Delete from DetailsWhere Ord_number in(select OrdnumberFrom OrderWhere Date<=’2010-12-31’ )Delete from Order Where Date<=’2010-12-31’(9) Create a view of all information of products, including product names, types, prices, colors.Create view Porduct_infor(Name ,type, price, color)AsSelect Name ,types, prices, colorFrom Product(10) List the customers who have played orders more than 20 times by numbers andnames.Select Cust_Number, Fname, LnameFrom customerWhere Cust_Number in(select Cust_NumberFrom OrderGroup by Cust_NumberHaving count(*)>20)(11) List the detailed information of orders that were played in October and havenot yet been delivered.Select *From OrdersWhere status=’ outstanding’ and date between ‘2012-10-01’ and ‘2012-10-31’。
2023年自考专业(计算机信息管理)《数据库及其应用》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】对长度为N的线性表进行顺序查找,在最坏情况下所需要的比较次数为A.N+1B. NC.(N+1)/2D.N/22.【单选题】在结构化方法中,软件功能分解属于下列软件开发中的阶段是A.详细设计B.需求分析C.D.编程调试3.【单选题】下面描述中,符合结构化程序设计风格的是A.使用顺序、选择和重复(循环)三种基本控制结构表示程序的控制逻辑B.模块只有一个入口,可以有多个出口C.注重提高程序的执行效率D.不使用goto 语句4.【单选题】软件调试的目的A.发现错误B.改正错误C.改善软件的性能D.挖掘软件的潜能5.【单选题】在深度为5 的满二叉树中,叶子结点个数为A.32B.31C.16D.156.【单选题】下列说法中正确的是()A.实体是单独孤立存在的B.“学生”是实体值C.数据管理软件可以把逻辑数据换成物理数据D.能标识文件中每个记录的字段( 或几个字段的组合) 称为记录的关键码7.【单选题】关于索引,下列说法中错误的是()A.使记录有序化B.使得记录在物理位置上发生变动C.可加快数据查找速度D.ACCess可建立多字段索引8.【填空题】二元联系的三种类型分别是1:I ,1:n,_______。
9.【单选题】下面叙述正确的是A.算法的执行效率与数据的存储结构无关B.算法的空间复杂度是指算法程序中指令(或语句)的条数C.算法的有穷性是指算法必须能在执行有限个步骤之后终止D.以上三种描述都不对10.【单选题】下列选项中不属于新增的专门用于数据访问页的控件的是()A.office 图表B.omce数据透视表C.orifice 电子表格D.office 文本11.【单选题】要对报表中的一组记录计算均值,应将计算控件添加到()A.主体节B.组页眉节或组页脚节C.页面页眉或页面页脚节D.报表页眉节或报表页脚节12.【单选题】数据库设计包括两个方面的设计内容,它们是A.概念设计和逻辑设计B.模式设计和内模式设计C.内模式设计和物理设计D.结构特性设计和行为特性设计13.【单选题】对建立良好的程序设计风格,下面描述正确的是什么A.序应简单、清晰、可读性好B.符号名的命名要符合语法C.充分考虑程序的执行效率D.程序的注释可有可无14.【单选题】关系表中的每一横行称为一个A.元组B.字段C.属性D.码15.【单选题】下列关于生成表查询说法错误的是()A.属于操作查询的一种B.可把选择查询得到的结果变成一个真正的表C.得到的表独立于数据源D.对生成的表操作可影响原表16.【单选题】下列关于队列的叙述中正确的是什么A.在队列中只能插入数据B.在队列中只能删除数据C.队列是先进先出的线性表D.队列是先进后出的线性表17.【单选题】数据库的优化设计阶段,每个表应满足()A.1NFB.2NFC.3NFD.4NF18.【填空题】数据访问页的________视图是用于输入、查看或编辑数据的窗口。
1. Suppose that increased risk of mortgage defaults lowers the expected profitabilityof banks. Then we would expect to seea. the demand for bank stocks rise, which would raise the prices of bank stocks.b. the demand for bank stocks rise, which would reduce the prices of bank stocks.c. the demand for bank stocks fall, which would raise the prices of bank stocks. *d. the demand for bank stocks fall, which would reduce the prices of bank stocks.2. If the efficient market hypothesis is correct, then* a. index funds should typically beat managed funds, and usually do.b. index fund should typically beat managed funds, but usually do not.c. mutual funds should typically beat index funds, and usually do.d. mutual funds should typically bet index funds, but usually do not.3. A risk-averse person hasa. a utility function whose slope gets flatter as wealth rises. This means theyhave increasing marginal utility of wealth.* b. a utility function whose slope gets flatter as wealth rises. This means they have diminishing marginal utility of wealth.c. a utility function whose slope gets steeper as wealth rises. This means theyhave increasing marginal utility of wealth.d. a utility function whose slope gets steeper as wealth rises. This means theyhave diminishing utility of wealth.4. Marcus puts a greater proportion of his portfolio into government bonds.Marcus’s actiona. increases both risk and the expected rate of return.* b. decreases both risk and the expected rate of return.c. increases risk, but decreases the expected rate of return.d. decreases risk, but increases the expected rate of return.5. Insurance companies confront the _____ problem before they agree to insure aclient and the _____ problem after the policy is in place.a. moral hazard; adverse selectionb. principle-agent; moral hazardc. adverse selection; principle-agent* d. adverse selection; moral hazard6. If Julieanne is risk-averse, then she will always* a. choose not to play a game where she has a 50 percent chance of winning $100 and a 50 percent chance of losing $100.b. choose not to play a game where she has a 75 percent chance of winning $100and a 25 percent chance of losing $100.c. choose to play a game where she has a 52 percent chance of winning $100 anda 48 percent chance of losing $100.d. All of the above are correct.7. The largest reduction in a portfolio’s risk is achieved when the number of stocksin the portfolio is increased froma. 80 to 100.b. 40 to 80.c. 10 to 20. *d. 1 to 10.8. A Purdue University basketball standout is offered a choice of contracts by theNew York Liberty. The first contract gives her $100,000 one year from today and $100,000 two years from today. The second contract gives her $132,000 one year from today and $66,000 two years from today. As her agent, you must computethe present value of each contract. Which of the following interest rates is thelowest one for which the present value of the second contract exceeds that of thefirst?* a. 7 percent b. 8 percent c. 9 percent d. 10 percent 9. Other things the same, when the interest rate rises, the present value of futurerevenues from investment projects _____, so investment spending _____.a. rises; risesb. falls; risesc. rises; falls *d. falls; falls.10. A person who is counted as unemployed by the Bureau of Labor Statisticsa. is also in the labor force.b. must have recently looked for work or be on temporary layoff.c. must be at least 16 years old.* d. All of the above are correct.11. The sum of which of the following must be equal to the adult population?a. employed, unemployedb. employed, unemployed, labor force* c. employed, unemployed, not in the labor forced. employed, unemployed, labor force, not in the labor force12. President Bigego is running for re-election against Senator Pander. Bigegoproclaims that more people are working now than when he took office. Pandersays that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Bigego took office. You conclude thata. one of them must be lying.b. both of them could be telling the truth if the labor force and employment grewat the exact same rate.c. both of them could be telling the truth if the labor force grew slower thanemployment.* d. both of them could be telling the truth if the labor force grew faster than employment.13. Sheamous loses his job and decides to sit on the beach rather than look for workduring the next few months. Other things the same, the unemployment rate* a. increases and the labor-force participation rate decreases.b. increases and the labor-force participation rate is unaffected.c. is unaffected and the labor-force participation rate decreases.d. and the labor-force participation rate are both unaffected.14. Minimum-wage lawsa. create frictional unemployment, while firms paying wages above equilibriumto reduce worker turnover creates structural unemployment.b. create structural unemployment, while firms paying wages above equilibriumto reduce worker turnover creates frictional unemployment.* c. and firms paying wages above equilibrium to reduce worker turnover both create structural unemployment.d. and firms paying wages above equilibrium to reduce worker turnover bothcreate frictional unemployment.15. Economists would predict that, other things the same, the more generous unemploymentcompensation a country has,a. the shorter the duration of each spell of unemployment, and the higher theunemployment rate.b. the shorter the duration of each spell of unemployment, and the lower theunemployment rate.* c. the longer the duration of each spell of unemployment, and the higher the unemployment rate.d. the longer the duration of each spell of unemployment, and the lower theunemployment rate.16. An assistant manager at a restaurant gets a $100 a month raise. He figures thatwith his new monthly salary he cannot buy as many goods and services as hecould buy last year.a. His real and nominal salary have risen.b. His real and nominal salary have fallen.c. His real salary has risen and his nominal salary has fallen.* d. His real salary has fallen and his nominal salary has risen.17. Most economists believe that monetary neutrality providesa. a good description of both the long run and the short run.b. a good description of neither the long run nor the short run.c. a good description of the short run, but not the long run.* d. a good description of the long run, but not the short run.18. Which of the following is not implied by the quantity equation?a. If velocity is stable, an increase in the money supply creates a proportionalincrease in nominal output.b. If velocity is stable and money is neutral, an increase in the money supplycreates a proportional increase in the price level.c. With constant money supply and output, an increase in velocity creates anincrease in the price level.* d. With constant money supply and velocity, an increase in output creates a proportional increase in the price level.19. The inflation taxa. is an alternative to income taxes and government borrowing.b. taxes most those who hold the most money.c. is the revenue created when the government prints money.* d. All of the above are correct.20. If the nominal interest rate is 5 percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent, thenwhat is the real interest rate?a. 10 percentb. 7 percent *c. 3 percentd. 2.5 percent21. If a country experienced deflation, thena. the nominal interest rate would be greater than the real interest rate.* b. the real interest rate would be greater than the nominal interest rate.c. the real interest rate would equal the nominal interest rate.d. None of the above is necessarily correct.22. Under the assumptions of the Fisher effect and monetary neutrality, if the moneysupply growth rate rises, thena. both the nominal and the real interest rate rise.b. neither the nominal nor the real interest rate rise.* c. the nominal interest rate rises, but the real interest rate does not.d. the real interest rate rises, but the nominal interest rate does not.23. Wealth is redistributed from creditors to debtors when inflation isa. high, whether it is expected or not.b. low, whether it is expected or not.* c. unexpectedly high.d. unexpectedly low.24. The existence of money leads toa. greater specialization in production, but not to a higher standard of living.b. a higher standard of living, but not to greater specialization.* c. greater specialization and a higher standard of living.d. neither greater specialization nor to a higher standard of living.25. Currently, U.S. currency isa. fiat money with intrinsic value.* b. fiat money with no intrinsic value.c. commodity money with intrinsic value.d. commodity money with no intrinsic value.26. Which tool of monetary policy does the Federal Reserve use most often?a. adjustments to long-term interest rates* b. open-market operationsc. changes in reserve requirementsd. changes in the discount rate27. The money supply increases when the Fed* a. buys bonds. The increase will be larger, the smaller is the reserve ratio.b. buys bonds. The increase will be larger, the larger is the reserve ratio.c. sells bonds. The increase will be larger, the smaller is the reserve ratio.d. sells bonds. The increase will be larger, the larger is the reserve ratio.28. In a fractional-reserve banking system, an increase in reserve requirementsa. increases both the money multiplier and the money supply.* b. decreases both the money multiplier and the money supply.c. increases the money multiplier, but decreases the money supply.d. decreases the money multiplier, but increases the money supply.29. Suppose that in a country people lose confidence in the banking system and holdrelatively more currency and less deposits. As a result, bank reserves will* a. decrease and the money supply will eventually decrease.b. decrease and the money supply will eventually increase.c. increase and the money supply will eventually decrease.d. increase and the money supply will eventually increase.30. The federal funds rate of interest is the rate of interest:a. the FED charges banks for borrowed reserves.b. the best credit risks in our economy pay banks for short term loans.c. the rate of interest the U.S. Treasury Department pays for loans from banks.* d. banks charge other banks for overnight loans of reserves.31. Other things the same, if the U.S. real exchange rate appreciates, U.S. net exportsa. increase and U.S. net capital outflow decreases.b. decrease and U.S. net capital outflow increases.c. and U.S. net capital outflow both increase.* d. and U.S. net capital outflow both decrease.32. In Ireland, a pint of beer costs 2.2 Irish pounds. In Australia, a pint of beer costs 4Australian dollars. If the exchange rate is .5 pounds per Australian dollar, what is the real exchange rate?* a. 0.91 pints of Irish beer per pint of Australian beerb. 1.1 pint of Irish beer per pint of Australian beerc. 3.64 pints of Irish beer per pint of Australian beerd. 4.4 pints of Irish beer per pint of Australian beer33. A country has a trade deficit. Itsa. net capital outflow must be positive, and saving is larger than investment.b. net capital outflow must be positive and saving is smaller than investment.c. net capital outflow must be negative and saving is larger than investment.* d. net capital outflow must be negative and saving is smaller than investment.34. A U.S. firm buys cement mixers from China and pays for them with U.S. dollars.a. The purchase of the cement mixers increases U.S. net exports and the payment withdollars increases U.S. net capital outflow.b. The purchase of cement mixers increases U.S. net exports and the payment withdollars decreases U.S. net capital outflow.c. The purchase of cement mixers decreases U.S. net exports and the payment withdollars increases U.S. net capital outflow.* d. The purchase of cement mixers decreases U.S. net exports and the payment with dollars decreases U.S. net capital outflow.35. Suppose that more British decide to vacation in the U.S. and that the British purchasemore U.S. Treasury bonds. Ignoring how payments are made for these purchases,a. the first action by itself raises U.S. net exports, the second action by itself raises U.S.net capital outflow.* b. the first action by itself raises U.S. net exports, the second action by itself lowers U.S.net capital outflow.c. the first action by itself lowers U.S. net exports, the second action by itself raises U.S.net capital outflow.d. the first action by itself lowers U.S. net exports, the second action by itself lowersU.S. net capital outflow.。
最新国家开放大学电大《MySQL数据库应用》机考终结性考试3套真题题库及答案盗传必究题库一试卷总分:100 答题时间:60分钟客观题一、单选题(共25题,共75分)1. MySQL是一种()数据库管理系统A 层次型B 网络型C 关系型D 对象型2. 要保证数据库的逻辑数据独立性,需要修改的是()。
A 模式与外模式的映射B 模式与内模式之间的映射C 模式D 三层模式3. 数据库系统是采用了数据库技术的计算机系统,它是一个集合体,包含数据库、计算机硬件、软件和()。
A 系统分析员B 程序员C 数据库管理员D 操作员4. 数据库(DB),数据库系统(DBS)和数据库管理系统(DBMS)之间的关系是()。
A DBS包括DB和DBMSB DBMS包括DB和DBSC DB包括DBS和DBMSD DBS就是DB,也就是DBMS5. 在数据库技术中,独立于计算机系统的模型是()。
A 面向对象的模型B 关系模型C E-R模型D 层次模型6. 在SQL语言中,子查询是()。
A 返回单表中数据子集的查询语言B 选取多表中字段子集的查询语句C 选取单表中字段子集的查询语句D 嵌入到另一个查询语句之中的查询语句7. 假设有关系R和S,关系代数表达式R-(R-S)表示的是()。
A R∩SB R∪SC R-SD R×S8. SQL语言的数据操纵语句包括SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE等, 其中最重要的,也是使用最频繁的是()。
A SELECTB INSERTC UPDATED DELETE9. 在网上购物流程中,位于“用户注册”与“选购产品”之间的步骤是()。
A 浏览产品B 订购产品C 送货上门D 货到付款10. “汽车用品网上商城”中,购物车实体与()实体有联系。
A 用户类别B 用户C 订单D 订单明细11. 数据库设计中,用E-R图来描述信息结构,这是数据库设计的()。
A 需求分析阶段B 逻辑设计阶段C 概念设计阶段D 物理设计阶段12. 在ER模型中,如果有3个不同的实体集,3个M:N联系,根据ER模型转换为关系模型的规则,转换为关系的数目是()。
数据库系统概论半期试卷班级___________ 姓名________ 学号___________ 得分_____一、单选题( 共15小题每题2分, 小计30分 )1. 在数据管理技术的发展过程中,经历了人工管理阶段,文件系统阶段和数据库系统阶段。
A. 数据库系统B. 文件系统C. 人工管理D. 数据项管理2. 数据库系统与文件系统的主要区别是______________。
A. 数据库系统复杂,而文件系统简单B. 文件系统不能解决数据冗余和数据独立性问题,而数据库系统可以解决C. 文件系统只能管理程序文件,而数据库系统能够管理各种类型的文件D. 文件系统管理的数据量较少,而数据库系统可以管理庞大的数据量3. 数据库的概念模型独立于__________。
A. 具体的机器和DBMSB. E-R图C. 信息世界D. 现实世界4. 数据库的基本特点是_______。
A. (1)数据可以共享(或数据结构化)(2)数据独立性(3)数据冗余大,易移植(4)统一管理和控制B. (1)数据可以共享(或数据结构化)(2)数据独立性(3)数据冗余小,易扩充(4)统一管理和控制C. (1)数据可以共享(或数据结构化)(2)数据互换性(3)数据冗余小,易扩充(4)统一管理和控制D. (1)数据非结构化(2)数据独立性(3)数据冗余小,易扩充(4)统一管理和控制5. 在数据库中,下列说法____是不正确的。
A. 数据库避免了一切数据的重复B. 若系统是完全可以控制的,则系统可以确保更新时的一致性C. 数据库中的数据可以共享D. 数据库减少了数据冗余6. _____是存储在计算机内有结构的数据的集合。
A. 数据库系统B. 数据库C. 数据库管理系统D. 数据结构7. 在数据库中存储的是_____。
A. 数据B. 数据模型C. 数据以及数据之间的关系D. 信息8. 数据库中,数据的物理独立性是指_____。
数据库管理系统工程师SMP MPP认证考试
数据库管理系统工程师SMP MPP认证考试(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 在数据库系统中,哪一个概念描述了数据的逻辑结构和特征?A. 存储结构B. 逻辑结构C. 物理结构D. 结构模式2. 数据库系统的三个层次及其相互关系是什么?A. 用户层、中间层和应用层B. 外部层、内部层和用户层C. 物理层、逻辑层和概念层D. 存储层、概念层和应用层3. 在数据库管理系统中,哪一个术语用来描述数据的物理存储细节?A. 概念模式B. 内模式C. 存储模式D. 外模式4. 数据库事务的四个特性(ACID)分别是什么?A. 原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性B. 原子性、隔离性、一致性和持久性C. 原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性D. 原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性5. 数据库索引的作用是什么?A. 提高查询速度B. 减少数据冗余C. 控制数据完整性D. 保证数据安全性6. 在数据库管理系统中,哪一个概念描述了数据的逻辑视图?A. 内模式B. 概念模式C. 存储模式D. 外模式7. 数据库系统中的数据模型通常有哪些类型?A. 关系模型B. 面向对象模型C. 网状模型D. 层次模型8. 数据库系统中的备份策略通常包括哪些方面?A. 完全备份B. 增量备份C. 差异备份D. 日志备份9. 在数据库性能优化中,哪一个技术可以用来分析查询执行计划并优化它们?A. 慢查询日志B. 索引优化C. 分区D. 重新组织数据二、问答题1. 什么是数据库管理系统(DBMS)?2. 关系模型在数据库中的重要性是什么?3. 什么是索引?请列举几种常见的索引类型。
4. 什么是事务处理?请简述事务处理的特点。
5. 什么是数据库模式?请简述数据库模式的作用。
6. 什么是数据库备份和恢复?请简述数据库备份和恢复的过程。
7. 什么是数据库性能调优?请简述数据库性能调优的方法。
8. 什么是分布式数据库?请简述分布式数据库的特点。
参考答案选择题:1. B2. C3. C4. A5. A6. D7. ABCD8. ABCD9. ABCD问答题:1. 什么是数据库管理系统(DBMS)?数据库管理系统(DBMS)是一种软件,用于存储、检索和管理数据。
数据库系统工程师SMP MPP实际操作考试
数据库系统工程师SMP MPP实际操作考试(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 数据库系统的基本构成有哪些?A. 存储设备B. 服务器和存储设备C. 数据库管理系统(DBMS)D. 应用程序和用户E. 网络和安全设备2. 在数据库系统中,哪个概念描述了数据的逻辑结构?A. 表空间B. 段C. 区间D. 数据字典3. 数据库事务处理的基本单位是什么?A. 事务B. 数据块C. 系统缓冲区D. 重做日志4. 在数据库优化中,哪种类型的索引可以提高查询性能?A. 单索引B. 复合索引C. 候选索引D. 外键索引5. 在分布式数据库系统中,哪个术语描述了将数据分割成多个片段进行存储的过程?A. 分片B. 分区C. 分区表D. 分割6. 数据库系统中的隔离级别有几个?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 47. 在数据库管理系统中,哪个命令可以用来查看当前数据库的状态?A. SHOW DATABASESB. DESCRIPTORC. SHOW STATUSD. LOOKUP8. 在数据库系统中,哪种类型的约束用于确保数据的完整性和准确性?A. 非空约束B. 唯一约束C. 外键约束D. 自动增长约束9. 在数据库迁移过程中,哪种类型的迁移通常涉及将数据从一个环境迁移到另一个环境?A. 逻辑迁移B. 物理迁移C. 逻辑和物理迁移D. 数据库复制10. 数据库系统的三级模式结构包括外模式、模式和内模式。
其中,哪一个是在数据库系统内部实现的?A. 外模式B. 模式C. 内模式D. 用户模式11. 数据库管理系统的主要功能包括数据定义、数据操纵、数据控制和维护。
其中,数据定义功能通常由谁完成?A. 用户B. 数据管理员(DBA)C. 应用程序员D. 数据库系统审计员12. 在数据库系统中,哪一个概念描述了数据的物理存储结构?A. 模式B. 外模式C. 内模式D. 物理模式13. 数据库系统的日志文件主要用于记录事务处理过程中的哪些信息?A. 事务提交时间B. 事务处理过程中的中间状态信息C. 事务处理成功或失败的状态信息D. 事务处理的详细指令14. 在数据库系统的并发控制中,哪种事务隔离级别可以防止脏读?A. 读未提交B. 读已提交C. 不可重复读D. 串行化15. 数据库系统中的备份策略通常包括全备份、增量备份和差异备份。
最新国家开放大学电大《MySQL数据库应用》机考终结性考试第二套真题题库及答案盗传必究试卷总分:100 答题时间:60分钟客观题一、单选题(共25题,共75分)1.下面的选项不是关系数据库基本特征的是()。
1.人工管理阶段11.文件系统阶段III.数据库阶段A I 和 IIB只有IIC II 和 IIID只有I3.描述数据库全体数据的全局逻辑结构和特性的是()。
A模式B内模式C外模式D用户模式4.下列四项中,不属于数据库系统特点的是()oA数据共享B数据完整性C数据冗余度高D数据独立性高5.关系模型中实现实体间N: M联系是通过增加一个()。
A外模式B模式C内模式D存储模式8.SQL语言集数据查询、数据操纵、数据定义和数据控制功能于一体,其中,CREATE> DROP、ALTER 语句是实现哪种功能()oA数据查询B数据操纵C数据定义D数据控制9.“为哪些关系,在哪些属性上,创建什么样的索引”这一设计内容应该属于()设计阶段。
A概念设计B逻辑设计C物理设计D全局设计10.在网上购物流程中,位于“用户注册”与“选购产品”之间的步骤是()oA浏览产品B订购产品C送货上门D货到付款11.从ER图导出关系模型时,如果实体间的联系是M: N的,下列说法中正确的是()。
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CSCI 585 – Database SystemsProf. Dennis McLeodSample Midterm ExamThe purpose of this sample exam is to show the style of questions theexams will contain. It is not an indication of scope of topic coverage per se.We do not provide solutions for the sample exam; you can use it as a studytool to prepare for the exams this semester, and of course ask questionsregarding any issues that arise. But, the CSCI585 staff will not solve theproblems for you - remember, the sample is a study tool for you.∙The duration of this exam is 80 minutes.∙Do not start the exam until you are instructed to do so.∙If you solve your exam using pencil or erasable pen, you forfeit your right to a re-grading of your exam.∙This is a closed book exam. You are only allowed one 8x11 inch sheet of paper for notes.∙You are not allowed to share notes or any other materials with other students during the exam. ∙The use of electronic equipment is prohibited during the exam. All laptops, netbooks, PDAs, cell phones, etc are to be switched off.∙In case you require clarification for an exam problem, note that you are allowed to ask questions only during the first 45 minutes of the exam.∙Follow the instructions of the exam proctors at all times.For each concept on the left, identify the best matching phrase in the right column. Indicate the number of best matching phrase. (2 points each)a. Projection of arelational attributeb. RDFc. Transactiond. Underlying domain of arelational attributee. BCNFf. Tupleg. Physical data independenceh. Disjoint subclassesi. Conceptual schemaj. Referential integrity constraint 1.Unit of information2. A framework for facts3.Multiple inheritance4.Subclasses don't share members5.Universal quantification6.Set of current values7.Set of relational (attribute, value) pairs8.Subject-predicate-object expression9.Set of possible values10.Foreign key11.Polymorphic type system12.Separation of logical and external levels13.Ensures that conceptual schema does nothave to change when physical storage isreorganized14.One fact in one place15.Conceptual unit of manipulationa.Which of these constitutes a minimal set of attributes for which it holds that: no two distincttuples in the relation can have the same values for the attributes in this set? (3 points)i. Candidate key ii. Superkeyiii. Foreign key iv. Primary key1.i only2.iv only3.i and iv4.i, ii and iv5.i, iii and iv6.i, ii, iii and iv( )b. A relation in BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form): (3 points)1.Allows partial dependencies on a key2.Is an enforcement mechanism for entity integrity3.Has no transitive functional dependencies4.All of the above5.None of the above6.Both 1 and 27.Both 1 and 3( ) c.Rank the following from the least expressive to the most expressive: (4 points)EER model, OWL-DL, “pure” relational modeld.List a minimal set of relational algebra operators needed to satisfy relational completeness.(5 points)a. Consider the following CIOM diagram:Describe what the members of X, Y and Z represent. List the attributes of X, Y and Z. (15 points)b. Consider the following CIOM diagram:Show two different ways in which this CIOM diagram can be reduced to a relational schema. Discuss briefly what assumptions or conditions are necessary for each representation to be considered a valid mapping from the CIOM diagram given above. (15 points)Problem 4 (35 points)Consider the following relational database conceptual schema used to keep track of patient visits in a medical clinic:Person (SSN, Name, DoB, Gender, PlaceOfBirth)[N] [S] [D] [S] [S]Doctor (SSN, Specialty)[N] [S]Patient (SSN, InsuranceID, InsuranceProvider, MedicalRecordID)[N] [N] [S] [N]MedicalVisit (Date, Doctor, Patient, Diagnosis)[D] [N] [N] [S]In the above, primary keys are underlined. The domain of each attribute is stated using the following convention: Numbers [N], Strings [S] and Dates [D]. The following referential integrity constraints exist:∙From Doctor.SSN to Person.SSN∙From Patient.SSN to Person.SSN∙From MedicalVisit.Doctor to Doctor.SSN∙From MedicalVisit.Patient to Patient.SSNAnswer the following questions based on the above schema.a.In the MedicalVisit table the primary key is defined as (Date, Doctor, Patient). If the primarykey were to be changed to (Doctor, Patient), how would it affect the design of the database?(5 points)b.Let the number of tuples in |Person| = x, the number of tuples in |Doctor| = y and the numberof tuples in |Patient| = z. How are the sizes of x, y and z related to one another. Briefly justify.(5 points)c.Write the following queries in relational algebra:i.Find the name and gender of all doctors whose specialty is “dentistry”. (5 points)ii.Find the names of insurance providers who insure patient(s) who were born in “Los Angeles” (5 points)d.Solve the following queries using SQL. You may express your answers in either basic SQLas presented in lectures or ANSI SQL.i.List all specialties available in the clinic. (5 points)ii.Find the number of patients who visited a pediatrician on October 21, 2010. A pediatrician is a doctor whose special ty is “pediatrics” (children’s health). (5 points) iii.List the SSN and name of all infant patients. An infant is defined as someone who was born on or after October 21, 2008. (5 points)。