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2. 称呼:称呼是写给收件人的,一般分为“敬称+收件人姓名”和“称呼+收件人姓名”两种形式。


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在实际写作中,我们要注意以下几点:1. 建议使用公文用语:公文用语是指以规范、规格化,并经过时间考验的语言。


2. 重视文字的精准度和准确度:在公文写作中,应该把握文字的精准度和准确度。



3. 保持字体的规范性:在公文中需要使用标准的字体,一般建议使用宋体或仿宋体字体,大小为小四号字,字体颜色应该为黑色。

4. 避免使用过度修辞手法:过度修辞会给人感觉夸张、华丽、虚假。


1. 发文机关和文种:文种主要包括公文的种类,如通知、报告、函电等。

2. 发文日期和文号:发文日期是指公文发出的日期,文号是指对公文进行编号的一组字母或数字,编号要有科学性、连续性、规范性;3. 收件人名称和地址:收件人的名称和地址应该准确无误,以确保信件能够及时送达。

















































































































公文写作格式 公报

公文写作格式 公报


1. 页眉:公报的每一页都应包含页面编号和日期。

2. 主标题:正文的第一行通常是一个大字标题,用以概括公报的内容。

3. 正文内容:主标题下方就是正文内容。


4. 段落编号:对于较长的公报,可以对每个段落进行编号,以便读者可以更快地找到所需信息。

1. 附件标题:在公报的主文之后,可以附加一些附件以提供进一步的信息和支持。


2. 附件内容:附件是公报中的补充材料,可以包括数据、图表、照片等。


1. 签名处:公报的最后应该留出一些空间,用于作者或机构负责人在文末签名。

2. 签名:签名处应包含作者或机构负责人的姓名、职位和联系信息。





1. 标题:标题应简明、准确地概括公文的主要内容,一般应标明发文机关和公文种类。

2. 主送机关:主送机关是指公文的主要受理机关,应当使用全称或者规范化简称、统称,需要顶格书写。

3. 正文:正文是公文的主体部分,应当准确、简明、完整地阐述公文的具体内容,根据需要可分段表述。

4. 附件:附件是对正文内容的补充说明,应当在公文正文之后、发文机关署名之前注明。

5. 发文机关署名:发文机关署名应当与公文标题中的发文机关名称相一致,并应当在正文右下方、成文日期之前注明。

6. 成文日期:成文日期是公文的生效日期,一般以负责人签发的日期为准,应当写明年、月、日,并加盖公章。

7. 印章:印章是证明公文有效性的标志,应当加盖在成文日期和发文机关署名上,并应当与发文机关署名一致。




Level 3 Robinson Crusoe< Answer Key >Chapter 1Preview Questions1. Yes, my father has a plan for my life.No, my father does not have a plan for my life.2. Yes, I would like to visit other countries. I would like to visit France, Italy, Brazil, and China.No, I would not like to visit other countries.3. Yes, I have been sea sick before.No, I have never been sea sick.Review Questions1. Crusoe’s father was angry with him because he wanted his son to become a lawyer, but Crusoe wanted to become a sailor instead.2. No, Crusoe’s mother did not help him convince his father to let him go. She wanted him to stay at home, too.3. Crusoe’s first voyage did not end well because the ship he was on sank.Chapter 2Preview Questions1. I think on Crusoe’s third voyage he will have bad luck with storms.2. Yes, I think Crusoe will return to England safely in this chapter.No, I don’t think Crusoe will return to England safely in this chapter.3. The worst thing about being a slave is not having the freedom to go anywhere and do anything you want to do.Review Questions1. Crusoe escaped from Morocco by stealing the pirate captain’s boat and sailing away on it.2. A Portuguese ship rescued Crusoe.3. Crusoe went to Brazil on this ship.Chapter 3Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Crusoe will enjoy being a farmer because he can become rich and have a good life.2. Storms were more dangerous for ships then than they are now because ships then weren’t as strong and powerful as they are now.3. Yes, I have been lost before. I finally found my way home again.No, I have never been lost.1Review Questions1. There were sixteen men on the ship when it left Brazil.2. Crusoe brought rope, tools, food, clothes, guns, swords, axes, and some other things onto the island from the ship.3. Crusoe used a small raft he had made to get the heavy things onto the island from the ship.Chapter 4Preview Questions1. The biggest surprise I ever had was on my birthday last year. My friends had a surprise party for me.2. I think Crusoe will keep busy on the island by trying to find a way to get off of the island.3. I think Crusoe will find a lot of fruit on the island to eat, and maybe some animals.Review Questions1. Crusoe made his home safe by setting up his tent near a cliff and then making a strong fence around the area.2. During the earthquake, Crusoe ran out of his cave and stayed outside.3. When Crusoe explored the island he found a beautiful grassy area with wild fruit trees.Chapter 5Preview Questions1. The longest time I have ever been alone is for about one day.2. Yes, I made a pot before out of clay.No, I have never made a basket or pot before.3. The most difficult thing I have ever made is some pottery for my mom.Review Questions1. From the other side of the island, Crusoe could see land, which he thought was part of America.2. Crusoe made bread by growing enough corn to make bread. He found a way to grind the corn into flour, and then he used square pots with lids to bake the dough.3. Crusoe’s foolish mistake was spending months making a canoe only to find out he couldn’t get it into the water because it was too heavy and too far from the sea.Chapter 6Preview Questions1. Yes, I like going out in a boat.No, I don’t like going out in a boat.2. Yes, I have been so afraid that I was certain I would die.No, I have never been so afraid that I was certain I would die.23. Yes, I have seen a bird that can talk. It was a parrot.Review Questions1. Crusoe went to sea in the small canoe because he wanted to go around the island in it.2. Crusoe escaped from the current by rowing his boat very hard and by getting help from the wind.3. Crusoe thought he needed to catch some goats so that he could breed them and he did not have to hunt them.Chapter 7Preview Questions1. The most interesting thing I’ve ever found is a beautiful ring in some grass.2. I think Crusoe will feel very excited and nervous when he sees a footprint on the beach.3. I think (a sailor, a savage, Crusoe) made the footprint.Review Questions1. Crusoe ran back to his house when he saw the footprint because he thought there were others on the island and he could be in danger.2. On the western side of the island, Crusoe saw human bones lying in the sand and ashes where there had been a fire.3. Crusoe made many plans about what he would do if he encountered any savages on the island. He also decided to stick to his part of the island and to only make fires near the woods.Chapter 8Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Crusoe will find people alive on the shipwreck.No, I don’t think Crusoe will find people alive on the shipwreck.2. Yes, I have hoped for something before but then I was disappointed.3. I can run very fast. Yes, I can swim. / No, I can’t swim.Review Questions1. Crusoe saw an old goat ready to die in the new cave.2. Crusoe got clothes, food, guns, two kettles, a metal pot and money from the new shipwreck.3. Crusoe called his new friend Friday because he found him on that day.Chapter 9Preview Questions1. My best friend is Sarah. We met at school.2. Yes, I think Friday will help Crusoe.No, I don’t think Friday will help Crusoe.33. Yes, I have met a good friend before in a place that I did not expect.Review Questions1. Crusoe made a mast and some sails, and a rudder for the new canoe.2. The savages had three prisoners.3. Friday found his father in one of the canoes.Chapter 10Preview Questions1. Yes, I have a special dinner when I want to celebrate.No, I do not have a special dinner when I want to celebrate.2. Yes, I have been asleep before when I should have been awake.No, I have never been asleep when I should have been awake.3. Yes, I have had friends who turned against me.No, I have never had friends who turned against me.Review Questions1. The Spaniard said to wait before getting his friends to come to the island because first they had to grow more food so that they could feed everyone.2. Crusoe was careful when he saw an English ship because he was afraid of who might be on the ship.3. When the sailors fell asleep in the boat, Crusoe had a chance to talk to the sailor’s prisoners.Chapter 11Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Crusoe and the captain will win against the mutineers.2. Yes, I am good at waiting for something to happen.No, I am not good at waiting for something to happen.3. Yes, I think Crusoe will take Friday to England.Review Questions1. Crusoe put a hole in the bottom of the first boat so that the sailors could not sail back to the ship and get more men to bring on shore.2. The mutineers would be hanged if they returned to England.3. Crusoe took his goat-skin hat and umbrella, and his money from the island.Chapter 12Preview Questions41. Yes, I think Crusoe will be happy to return to England.No, I don’t think Crusoe will be happy to return to England.2. I think Crusoe will become a rich man by telling his story to people and becoming famous.3. Yes, I think Crusoe will visit the island again one day.Review Questions1. When Crusoe returned to England, two of his sisters were still alive and two children from one of his brothers.2. Crusoe’s neighbor from Brazil looked after his farm while he was away.3. After he visited the island, Crusoe sent some cows, sheep, and pigs to it. I think he sent these animals so that his friends on the island could have more animals to breed and more food to eat.Level 3 Robinson Crusoe< Summaries >5Chapter 1Robinson Crusoe refused to listen to his parents and went on an ocean voyage. There was a storm on the first night and he was very frightened. He enjoyed the remainder of the voyage until they had to wait near Yarmouth. Then there is another storm and the ship sank. Crusoe was saved and promised never to go on another voyage. However, after a while he forgot how frightening it was and he went on a trip to Africa, where he bought some things he could trade.Chapter 2On Crusoe’s next voyage the ship was attacked by pirates and he was taken to Morocco, where he became a slave. Two years later he managed to escape in a small boat and sailed down the coast of Africa. He found a Portuguese ship that took him to Brazil. There he became a successful farmer.Chapter 3Crusoe left Brazil on a voyage to Africa but two storms blew the ship onto an island, where it was wrecked. Crusoe was the only survivor. He managed to save a lot of food and other materials from the ship before another storm sank it.Chapter 4Crusoe established a home on the island. He shot wild goats and found fruit trees. There was an earthquake. He became ill and recovered. He established a second home away from the beach. He called this his country home.Chapter 5Crusoe learned how to make baskets and pots. He began to grow corn and rice. He traveled to the other side of the island and saw land in the distance, but it was too far away for a small boat. He built a big canoe but he couldn’t get it to the water because it was too heavy for him to move by himself.Chapter 6Crusoe went out in a small canoe that he had built and got caught in a current. It took him a long way from the island and was very frightened. He managed to get back but decided that he would not leave the island again. He began to breed goats.Chapter 7Crusoe discovered a footprint on the other side of the island and was very worried. He made his houses stronger and was more careful when he moved around the island. Then he went to the western end of the6island and discovered that cannibals had used this part of the island for their feasts.Chapter 8Another ship wrecked on the island but no survivors came to shore. Crusoe got some things from the ship. Then cannibals came to the island and Crusoe rescued one of the prisoners who was trying to escape. He named him Friday.Chapter 9Crusoe and Friday built a new canoe, planning to sail it to the land where Friday came from. Another group of cannibals came to the island. Crusoe and Friday attacked them and rescued their prisoners. One of them was a Spaniard who survived the shipwreck that Crusoe had found earlier. The other was Friday’s father. Friday and his father were very happy to see each other again.Chapter 10Crusoe sent Friday’s father and the Spaniard to the other land to bring the rest of the Spaniards to the island. Before they returned, some English mutineers arrived. They wanted to leave the captain and two other men on the island, but Crusoe and Friday rescued them.Chapter 11Crusoe and the captain defeated the mutineers. They killed some of them. The others agreed to obey the captain. The captain took Crusoe and Friday to England. He had been on the island for twenty-eight years.Chapter 12Crusoe had few relatives left alive in England. His farm in Brazil had made a lot of money and he was a rich man. He married and had three children. Later, he visited the island again, and found that it was now a Spanish island.7Before You ReadI. W ork with your classmates. Write as much asyou can to fill in the blanks.(Answers may vary, and sample answers are given.) Sailing on the oceanIt takes a long time to go places.T he wind can blow your boat in different directions.It can be dangerous in a storm.Surviving on an islandYou need tools like a knife and a hammer.You need to be able to start a fire.You need to know how to make your own food.Making a new friendA new friend can keep you from feeling lonely.Sometimes it’s hard to make a new friend.A new friend makes life more interesting.I I.S can through the book and answer thefollowing.1. a. storm b. canoec. prisonersd. victorye. escapef. land2. a. axe---wood---fenceb. flour---meal---husksc. footprint---heel---bonesd. captain---first mate---passenger3.a. The First Yearb. A Foolish Mistakec. A Footprintd. Mutineers![ Chapter 1 ] M y Bad Luck BeginsI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 2, 4, 5, 1I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2. d3.c4. aI I I.C ircle the correct word.1.disappeared2. lawyer3. ignorant4. voyage5. argued6. shone7. progress 8. sank9. pumps 10. navigate I V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.born in the city2. be a sailor3. be a lawyer4. hours of rowing5. reached the shore6. invited him to go7. was successful 8. his bad luck returned[ Chapter 2 ] How I Got to BrazilI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 4, 1, 3, 5I I.Choose the best answer.1.d2.a3. b4. cI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. slave2. escape3. foggy4. axes5. anchor6. Savages7. Cannibals 8. blanket9. board 10. honestI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.a ttacked by pirates off the coast of Africa2.as a slave by the pirate captain3.a way to escape after two years4.down the coast until they saw a ship5.them on board and they sailed to Brazil6. a n honest man who helped Robinson find ajob in Brazil[ Chapter 3 ]S hipwrecked!I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 1, 4, 5, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1. b2.c3.a4. aI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.d2. b3. e4.a15.f6. g7. j8. i9. c 10. hI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.happy in Brazil2. a voyage to Africa3.storms along the way4. tried to escape into5.tipped the boat over6. onto the beach7.got some supplies from8.storm hit the island[ Chapter 4 ] The First YearI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).5, 1, 4, 3, 2I I.Choose the best answer.1. c2. d3. a4. bI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. area2. boil3. journal4. perspire5. ripe6. shocks7. rum 8. crops9. Raisins 10. destroyI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.a safe place to live with a fence around it2. how to plant seeds and grow crops to eat3. a nd Robinson caught the flu and was sickfor two weeks4. t o explore the island and found a grassyarea with wild fruit trees5. very rich because he now had two homes[ Chapter 5 ] A Foolish MistakeI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).4, 5, 2, 1, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1.c2. a3. d4. b I I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. parrot2. grind3. hollow4. canal5. chopped6. prison7. proud 8. husk9. Ashes 10. FlourI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.for making baskets2.side of the island3.though it was far away4.but then remembered all of5. his life on the island6.learned how to bake bread7.pots and hot ashes8.it was too big to move[ Chapter 6 ] A Dangerous VoyageI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 5, 3, 4, 1I I.Choose the best answer.1.b2. d3.c4. bI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.d2. f3. a4. i5. b6. c7. g8. j9. e 10. hI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.t hat he had a nice home on the island andshould be happy2.to go around a long line of rocks3.in a strong current, which carried him out to sea4.all day rowing to get back to the shore5.g oats and learned to milk them and makecheese2[ Chapter 7 ] A FootprintI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).1, 4, 2, 5, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1. a2. c3. d4. cI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. avenge2. hurrying3. heel4. plan5. field6. horrified7. braver 8. shadow9. wondered 10. shotI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.sail around the island2.footprint in the sand3. worried that cannibals might4.second fence around his5.to look for boats every day6.the beach and felt sick7. of a plan to kill the8.decided that it was safer[ Chapter 8 ] A nother Shipwreck and aRescueI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).4, 3, 1, 5, 2I I.Choose the best answer.1. c2. b3.d4. aI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. cannon2. escapee3. loaded4. master5. kettle6. decision7. metal 8. useless9. certain 10.waitedI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.n ear Robinson’s island reminded him of theoutside world2. t o try and capture one of the savages to helphim escape from the island3. h is chance when he saw one of the savages’prisoners trying to run away4. the man escape and took him home5. him Friday and gave him food to eat[ Chapter 9 ] L ife with a FriendI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 4, 1, 2, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.a2.d3.b4. bI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.c2. e3. b4. a5. d6. h7. f8. j9. i 10. gI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.life on the island2.became a good servant3. build a large canoe4. Friday spotted three canoes5. several savages and helped6. Spaniard, and the other7. was very happy to see8. two tired men to Robinson’s house[ Chapter 10 ] M utineers!I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 5, 1, 2, 4I I.C hoose the best answer.1.d2.b3. b4. cI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. hung2. enemies3. mutinied4. mate5. payment6. passenger7. rescued 8. confused9. bury 10. advice3I V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.t o the Spaniard about bringing his men to theisland2. t o grow more crops to prepare for their arrival3.a nd taken the captain and two others asprisoners4. t he prisoners if the captain promised to obeyhim while on the island5. t o take Robinson and Friday to England for free[ Chapter 11 ] Victory!I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).1, 5, 2, 4, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1.c2. b3.b4. aI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.c2. e3. a4. h5. b6. d7. g8. j9. f 10. iI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.killed or captured everyone2. mutineers came from the ship3. others attacked the mutineers4. them in smaller groups5. were all defeated6. and took control of it7. how to live on the island8. boarded the ship and they [ Chapter 12 ] A Rich ManI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 5, 4, 1, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1. c2.d3.b4. aI I I.C ircle the correct word.1.neighbor2. cargo3. sum4. invested5.successful 6. arrived7. income 8. Perhaps9.journey 10. battleI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.t o York and found a few family members stillliving2. h im a large reward for saving their ship andits cargo3. to Lisbon to find the Portuguese captain4. back to England by land5. b ack to the island to visit and found that theSpaniards were now in controlAfter You ReadI. R ead the clues and number the boxes from 1(first) to 6 (last).a. 3b. 4c. 1d. 5e. 6f. 24。




1. 题目:论文题目应简洁明确地表达研究的主题和内容,具有吸引读者注意的能力。


2. 摘要:摘要是论文的核心内容的简要概括,主要包括研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论等要点。



3. 正文:正文是论文的核心部分,包括引言、研究方法、结果与讨论等部分。






Level 3 The Time Machine <Answer Key>The Time MachineChapter 1Preview Questions1.Yes, I know what a time machine is. It is a machine that can take you to events that happened in thepast or will happen in the future.2.Yes, I saw a movie about a time machine. It was a comedy from the 1980’s.3.I think that it will be about coming out of the present and entering into the past or future.Review Questions1.The time traveler said that there is a fourth dimension.2.He decided to prove his idea by conducting an experiment.3.When the young man pulled the lever, immediately, there was a sudden wind, and the little machinedisappeared.Chapter 2Preview Questions1.I think that the men will find several clocks in the laboratory.2.I think that the time traveler will try out his machine.3.I think the time traveler will travel into the future.Review Questions1.The time traveler had been time traveling.2.When the time traveler came back into the room, his clothes were dirty and torn, his face was white,and his chin had a cut on it.3.He tells all the men to come into the sitting room so that he can tell them his story.Chapter 3Preview Questions1. I think that the time traveler traveled into the future.2.No, I don’t think people will believe him.3.Yes, I think that he will show the other people his time machine.Review Questions1.After he completed the machine, he put some oil on the moving parts and sat in the chair. Then heheld the starting lever in his right hand and the stopping lever in his left. Last he held his breath and pulled the starting lever.2.The statue had sightless eyes and a thin cruel smile on its face.3.After the time traveler met the small man-like creature, he felt surprised.Chapter 4Preview Questions1.I think that the time traveler is somewhere in outer space.2.I think the type of people that live there are aliens or man-like creatures.3.I think that they will treat the time traveler like he has some type of special power.Review Questions:1.The man-like creatures sounded like liquid when they spoke.2.What surprised the time traveler about the man-like creatures is that they didn’t try to communicatewith him.3.The time travelers dial on his machine said 802,701.Chapter 5Preview Questions:1.I think the people in the future may eat, drink, dress, and talk different then the people in the present.2.No, I don’t think that the time traveler’s guests believe him.3.I think the main thing that would frighten the time traveler is not having the ability to go back to thepresent.Review Questions:1.They all wore the same clothes. There was no difference in appearance between the males and thefemales.2.The time traveler noticed that the human race had changed so much that it had no way to improve.3.The time traveler lost his time machine.Chapter 6Preview Questions:1.I think that the man-like creatures took the time machine.2.I think that he will try to learn how to communicate in their language and ask around.3.Yes, I think that the little creatures will help him look for the time machine.Review Questions:1.The time traveler noticed large footprints near the pedestal.2.The time traveler thought that his time machine was inside of the pedestal.3.The time traveler realized that he was wrong about the ventilation shafts.Chapter 7Preview Questions:1.I think that the wells are for trash.2.I think that the wells sucked the paper down because it was trash.3.I think that the time traveler will find some type of giant or monster.Review Questions:1.The Eloi didn’t have to do any work because everything was provided by the ape-like creatures.2.The Morlocks were ape-like, ghostly looking figures.3.The Morlocks were the slaves of the Eloi People.Chapter 8Preview Questions:1. I can’t say that I believe what the time traveler believes about the Morlock and Eloi relationship,although it seems possible.2.I believe that the Morlocks are doing all the work because the Eloi aren’t doing anything at all.3.I am not sure what the Morlocks want with the time machine. I think they are just fascinated by itbecause it is something different.Review Questions:1. The Morlocks are frightened of light.2.The Eloi are afraid of the Morlocks because the Morlocks eat the Eloi.3.The time traveler and Weena went to the hills to sleep.Chapter 9Preview Questions:1. I think that the time traveler will find a way to make fire in the hills.2.I think that the time traveler will use a stick and rocks to make fire.3.I think that he will find his machine underground.Review Questions:1.The Morlocks were not afraid of the time traveler as long as he had no fire or light.2.Weena fell unconscious and was taken by the Morlocks.3.There was a forest fire so the time traveler ran out of the forest as fast as he could.Chapter 10Preview Questions:1. I think that the machine will take the time traveler to his past if he pulls the wrong lever.2.I think that he has been away from his laboratory at least for a couple of days.3.Maybe Weena left something inside of the time machine.Review Questions:1. First the time traveler’s machine took him to a beach back in prehistoric times.2.Some flowers fell out of his pocket that were given to him by Weena. His story also seemedoutrageous, but it had so much detail.3. I think that he got stuck in time, died, or just decided to stay where ever he ended up going to.Wayde’s MedicineChapter 1Preview Questions:1. I think the name “Wayde” can be a name for either a male or female.2. I think it will be a very special medicine that will change someone’s life.3. I think this story will be about how this special medicine heals people.Review Questions:1. Wayde was a failure.2. Wayde had no confidence.3. Manningtree told Wayne that he had some medicine that cures nerves.Chapter 2Preview Questions:1. Yes, I think that Wayde will ask Manningtree for some of the medicine.2. I think that Wayde will finally gain some confidence if he takes the medicine.3. Yes, I think that Wayde will gain confidence that will make him more successful.Review Questions:1. Wayde asked Manningtree to give him some of the medicine.2. The medicine was distilled water with some coloring.3. Wayde felt that Manningtree deceived him. Wayde also didn’t know if he could have faith inhimself.The Strange Story of Brownlow’s NewspaperChapter 1Preview Questions:1. A person named Brownlow’s newspaper is in this story.2.Maybe the newspaper is strange because it has strange stories in it.3.I think this story will be about a person reading about strange things in a newspaper.Review Questions:1.The first thing he noticed about the newspaper was that it was in a different color wrapper and it hada different man’s name on it.2.The world in 2051 was different from the present in that the people seemed better off (moreprosperous), there were no wars, and the birthrate was very low.3.The only evidence that Brownlow had that he was telling the truth was a piece of the wrapper fromthe newspaper.The Empire of AntsChapter 1Preview Questions:1.I know that empires are usually very big, covering many countries, and they have one powerful ruler.2.I know that ants are very small and strong. They also live in small hills with lots of other ants.3.I think this story is about a strange kind of ant that attacks people.Review Questions:1.The countryside that the gunboat traveled through was a jungle.2.The ants were different from ordinary ants because they were bigger, they didn’t go away, they hadpoison, they seemed intelligent, and they have some kind of language.3. The ants were dangerous to men because their poison could kill a man and they destroyed houses.Chapter 2Preview Questions:1.Yes, I think these ants have intelligence.2.Yes, I think these ants can speak to each other.3.I think the ants will attack the gunboat.Review Questions:1.The captain saw two dead men and some ants on the boat.2.The captain ordered the lieutenant to go aboard the other boat and look around.3.The lieutenant was attacked by the ants. They bit him. That night, he died.Chapter 3Preview Questions:1.I think the ants kill people by attaching in large numbers and biting the person many times.2.I think the captain will fight the ants by using fire.3.I think the captain will be successful in fighting the ants.Review Questions:1.When he got to Badama, the captain saw an empty village, a skeleton, and lots of ants.2.At Badama, the captain tried to find the missing villagers, but he never found any of them.3.No, I don’t think the ants will take over the world because they cannot travel across water.The Door in the WallChapter 1Preview Questions:1.I think a door in a wall could be interesting if it led into another world.2.I think this will be a science fiction story like the other stories in this book.3.I think the little boy will go through the door in the wall.Chapter 1 Review Questions:1.There was a wonderful garden behind the door in the wall.2.Yes, I think Lionel found the door again and went through it.3.I think Lionel now lives in that other world with the garden, the animals, and the woman in the darkrobe.Level 3 The Time Machine < Summaries >The Time MachineChapter 1The Time Traveler explains to his friends that time is a fourth dimension. We can move about in it. He takes his friends into his laboratory and shows them a model of a time machine he has made. He shows them how to work it. One of his friends presses a lever and the machine disappears. The Time Traveler says that it is now in another time.Chapter 2The Time Traveler’s friends met at his house the next Thursday. He had left them a note telling them he had gone somewhere and they should not wait for him for dinner. When the time traveler returned, his clothes were dirty and torn. He told them he had been traveling in time and had had amazing experiences. He agreed to tell them his story.Chapter 3The Time Traveler time traveler describes his travels. At first, he stops the machine too soon, and it travels only a few hours. The second time he pulls the lever, he travels much further. He is afraid he would return to the beginning of the universe, so he stops the machine. He sees a huge statue and buildings. People come out of the buildings. He is surprised by their appearance.Chapter 4The Time Traveler describes the man-like creatures. He said they spoke with a soft, liquid sound and were wearing rich, soft robes. He followed the creatures to a building, where they ate fruit and he taught them some English verbs. He explains to the listeners that a dial on the time machine told him he had traveled to the year 802,701.Chapter 5The Time Traveler explains that there are no farms, towns or houses. The people live in the huge buildings and all look the same. He looks for his machine so that he can return to his own time but it has disappeared. He cannot understand this because he has the starting and stopping levers in his pockets. He is frightened because he thinks he is stuck in a future time.Chapter 6He sees some large footprints and stone pedestal. He thinks his machine may be inside the pedestal so he tries to get inside it. He hits it with a stone but cannot get inside. He decides to study the little people and try to understand them. Then they may help him get to his machine. He learns their language. He discovers some very deep wells.Chapter 7The time traveler cannot understand why the creatures do not do any work. He rescues a young woman who falls into the river and becomes friendly with her. She is an Eloi and her name is Weena. She is very afraid of the dark. At night, he sees ape-like creatures moving about. He finds the entrance to a tunnel and enters it. The thinks the ape-like creatures are the Eloi’s slaves.Chapter 8Weena tells the Time Traveler that the ape-like creatures are Morlocks. He goes deeper into the tunnels where the Morlocks live. They hate the light and come out of the tunnels only at night. They try to capture the Time Traveler but he escapes. He goes into the hills with Weena. He remembers that he saw some meat on a table underground. He thinks that perhaps the Morlocks eat the Eloi.Chapter 9The Time Traveler enters a museum. When he comes out, it is night. He is afraid the Morlocks will be out of their tunnels so he makes a fire. His fire goes out and he is surrounded by Morlocks. Then they run away because the forest is on fire. He tries to find Weena, but cannot. He believes that the Morlocks have captured her. He gets to his Time Machine.Chapter 10The Time Traveler starts his machine, but he presses the level the wrong way.It takes him forward to a time when there are monsters. He corrects his mistake and returns to his laboratory. The machine is in a different place because the Morlocks had moved it. He tells his friends about his experiences. He goes on another journey into time and is never seen again.Wayde’s MedicineChapter 1Wayde is thirty years old and a failure. He is a failure because he does not try to achieve anything. One day his friend, Manningtree, a doctor, tells him that his problem is that he does not have enough self-confidence. He then tells Wayde about a medicine a foreign patient gave to him as payment. It can make a person more confident. He does not know where to get more.Chapter 2Wayde asks Manningtree to let him have some of this medicine that will make him more confident. Manningtree tells him he has only a little left but he can have it if he will pay $10,000 when he becomes successful. Wayde agrees. He takes a drop of the medicine once a month and becomes very successful. Then Manningtree tells him the medicine is only colored water. Wayde becomes a failure again.The Strange Story of Brownlow’s Newspaper.Brownlow’s newspaper is delivered as usual, but some things about it are not right. The address on the wrapper is right, but the name is wrong. The spelling of some words is strange and the date is a date in the future. There are articles about scientific discoveries and fashions that have not happened yet. Brownlow believes that this newspaper is from another time or from a different world.The Empire of the AntsChapter 1Captain Gerilleua has been ordered to take his gunboat to Badama and kill the ants there. The chief engineer on the boat, Holroyd, does not agree with the captain’s decision to obey orders. The ants are huge and they are eating everything. They even kill a man. As the gunboat travels up the river, it stops at every village and the captain gets more information about the ants.Chapter 2A boat drifts towards the gunboat. The captain and chief engineer see two dead men on the boat. They had been eaten by ants. The captain orders the lieutenant on the gunboat to board the small boat and find out what has happened. He does, and as he turns over one of the dead men, the ants pour out of the body and attack him so severely that he dies.Chapter 3The captain orders his men to sink the small boat by setting fire to ter that day, they arrive at the village of Badama. The village seems to be deserted. There is a skeleton the jetty. The captain orders his men to fire the gunboat’s big gun at the village until it is destroyed. However, he cannot kill all the ants, and they spread throughout South America.The Door in the WallLionel Wallace tells how when he was five years old he first saw the door in a wall in a poor district. He opened it, and went into a beautiful garden full of wonderful animals. He met a girl of his own age with whom he played. He passed the door several times during the following years but did not open it. Then he decides to go through the door again.Before You ReadI. W ork with your classmates. Fill in the blankswith your ideas.1. (1) c (2) e (3) d (4) a (5) bI I. S can through the book and answer the following.1. M atch each illustration to the correct story.(1) d (2) a (3) e (4) b (5) c2. A nswer the following questions.(1)9(2)33 pages(3)The Empire of Ants(4)Wayde’s MedicineThe Time Machine[ Chapter 1 ] The Fourth DimensionI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).4, 1, 3, 2, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.a2. d3. b4. cI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. dimension2. convince3. model4. breadth5. lever6. laboratory7. experiment 8. pass9. serious 10. disappearI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.time was a fourth2. move about in time3. went to his laboratory4. He showed them5. pressed a lever6. The time traveler said [ Chapter 2 ] T he Time Traveler Leaves andReturnsI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).1, 5, 3, 4, 2I I.Choose the best answer.1. c2. b3. c4. dI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1. h2. a3. j4. g5. b6. i7. d8. f9. e 10. cI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.at his house the next Thursday2. dirty and torn3. to tell them his story[ Chapter 3 ] P ast the Moon and the Stars I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 4, 3, 1, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.a2. b3. c4. aI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. completed2. worn3. fraction4. universe5. fog6. statue7. cruel 8. figures9. rich 10. gracefulI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.described his travels2. stopped the machine too soon3. he traveled much further4. the beginning of the universe5. He saw a huge statue6.He was surprised by1[ Chapter 4 ] T he Time Traveler and the LittleCreaturesI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 4, 1, 3, 5I I.Choose the best answer.1. d2. a3. c4. cI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. dial2. cushion3. liquid4. curly5. pointed6. unscrew7. thunder 8. cathedral9. communicate 10. courseI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.the man-like creatures2.t he creatures to a building, where they atefruit and he taught them some English verbs3.t o the listeners that a dial on the time machinetold him he had traveled to the year 802,701 [ Chapter 5 ] Exploring the RuinsI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).4, 2, 5, 1, 3I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2. a3. a4. dI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.a2. j3. d4. i5. f6. h7. b8. e9. g 10. cI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.no farms, towns, or houses2. all looked the same3. looked for his machine4. could not understand5. starting and stopping levers6. was frightened because [ Chapter 6 ] Inside the PedestalI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).5, 3, 2, 4, 1I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2. c3. d4. aI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. metal2. stream3. tracks4. narrow5. pedestal6. hollow7. horrified 8. persuade9. landscape 10. sewerI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.some large footprints and a stone pedestal2. it with a stone, but he could not get inside3. him get to his machine[ Chapter 7 ] T he MorlocksI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).1, 3, 4, 5, 2I I.C hoose the best answer.1.c2. d3. a4. bI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. slaves2. tailors3. underground4. puzzled5. shafts6. leisure7. tunnel 8. gratitude9. drown 10. theoryI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.could not understand why2. He rescued a young3. She was an Eloi4. afraid of the dark5. he saw ape-like creatures6. were the Eloi’s slaves2[ Chapter 8 ] T he Smell of BloodI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).4, 2, 5, 1, 3I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2. a3. d4. bI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1. i2. g3. j4. h5. b6. f7. d8. c9. a 10. eI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.d eeper into the tunnels where the Morlockslived2. to capture the time traveler, but he escaped3. that perhaps the Morlocks ate the Eloi[ Chapter 9 ] E scape!I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).5, 4, 3, 2, 1I I.C hoose the best answer.1.a2. c3. c4. bI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. exhibits2. club3. head4. surrounded5.unconscious6. branches7. flames 8. sign9. repaired 10. sidewaysI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.it was night2. be out of their tunnels3. was surrounded by the Morlocks4. the forest was on fire5. He tried to find6. He believed that [ Chapter 10 ] What is the Truth?I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 1, 5, 2, 4I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2. d3. b4. dI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. needle2. shaken3. roar4. crab5. monster6. pre-historic7. pipe 8. mad9. prove 10. wholeI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.him back to a time when there were monsters2. his mistake and returned to his laboratory3.a nother journey into time and was neverseen againWayde’s Medicine[ Chapter 1 ] W ayde’s NervesI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 5, 2, 4, 1I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2. c3. a4. dI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1. e2. c3. i4. h5. j6. a7. d8. b9. g 10. fI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.and a failure2. try to achieve anything3. have enough self-confidence4. He then told Wayde5. It could make6. He did not know3[ Chapter 2 ] T he Prime Minister’s Secret I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).1, 2, 3, 4, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.d2. c3. a4. aI I I.C ircle the correct word.1.Prime Minister2. generous3. drop4. effect5. millionaire6.ran for7. elected 8. distilled9.deceived 10. jokingI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.M anningtree to let him have some of themedicine that2. a drop of the medicine once a month3. a failure againThe Strange Story ofBrownlow’s NewspaperI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).5, 4, 2, 1, 3I I.C hoose the best answer.1.a2. b3. a4. cI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. furnace2. apartment3. wrapper4. headline5. prosperous6. article7. coal 8.carbon dioxide9. crime 10. lieI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.delivered as usual, but2. the name was wrong3. words was strange4. scientific discoveries and fashions5. Brownlow believed6. from a different worldThe Empire of Ants[ Chapter 1 ] An Expert on the AntsI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 5, 2, 4, 1I I.C hoose the best answer.1.d2. c3. b4. aI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1. j2. f3. d4. h5. c6. a7. i8. g9. b 10. eI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.t o take his gunboat to Badama and kill theants there2. huge and were eating everything3.a t every village and the captain got moreinformation[ Chapter 2 ] A nts Attack!I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).5, 1, 2, 4, 3I I.C hoose the best answer.1.c2. a3. b4. cI I I.C ircle the correct word.1. drifting2. deck3. binoculars4. bare5. board6. raw7. lieutenant 8. strapped9. band 10. pouredI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.A boat drifted toward2. two dead men3. eaten by ants44. find out what had happened5. the ants poured out6. that he died[ Chapter 3 ] T he Future Rulers of EarthI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).3, 1, 4, 5, 2I I.C hoose the best answer.1.d2. d3. a4. dI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1. deserted2. murder3. swollen4. shore5. whistle6. skeleton7. jetty 8. fire9. rag 10. sinkI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.at the village of Badama2. a skeleton on the jetty3.a ll the ants, and they spread throughoutSouth AmericaThe Door in the WallI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5(last).2, 4, 1, 3, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.c2. b3. a4. bI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1. b2. h3. e4. i5. j6. f7. c8. a9. g 10. dI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.wall in a poor area2. beautiful garden full of3. met a girl4. passed the door5. did not open it6. go through the door againAfter You Read1.c2. e3. a4. b5. d5。







例文参考:全国抗震办主任座谈会会议纪要为了贯彻《房屋建筑工程抗震设防管理规定》(建设部令第148 号)精神,加强全国抗震防灾管理工作,建设部工程质量安全监督与行业发展司于20xx 年5 月25 日至26 日在江西省九江市召开了"全国抗震办主任座谈会"。









国家机关政府部门公文格式标准(2021最新建议收藏)国家机关政府部门公文格式标准(2020最新建议收藏)公文格式1 范围本标准规定了党政机关公文通用的纸张要求、排版尺寸(页边距)、字体大小(字号)和印制装订要求、公文格式各要素的编排规则,并给出了公文的式样。




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3-1 写作规范与格式要求

3-1 写作规范与格式要求




论文内容一般应由十个主要部分组成,依次为:1.封面(包括扉页) 2.目录 3.中文摘要及关键词 4. 英文摘要及关键词 5.论文正文 6.参考文献 7.致谢 8.注释 9.附录 10.页眉和页脚。

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报告是汇报工作,反映情况,答复上级机关 询问的一种陈述性公文。换言之,是下级机关向 上级领导机关、业务主管机关,部门向机关领导, 执行机关向权力机关汇报工作、报送材料、答复 相关咨询的一种公文。
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市人民政府、市教育局: 我校今年由于住宿生急剧增加,已有的学生宿舍 已无法容纳,现在住宿生基本上是一个床位两个人睡, 严重影响学生的身心健康。为解决这一困难,我校决 定再建一栋学生宿舍楼。另外,我校图书馆也尚未达 到省“两基”标准,望上级部门给予适当支持。 特此请示,请回复 ××市二职 2003年12月15日


































8.2.4 附件公文如有附件,在正文下空一行左空2字用3号仿宋体字标识“附件”,后标全角冒号和名称。



如附件与公文正文不能一起装订,应在附件左上角第1行顶格标识公文的发文序号并在其后标识附件(或带序号)。 单一发文印章单一机关制发的公文在落款处不署发文机关名称,只标识成文时间。




1.电影母亲的情人 3 的概述
2.母亲的情人 3 的演员表
3.母亲的情人 3 的剧情介绍
4.母亲的情人 3 的电影评价
母亲的情人 3 是一部充满情感纠葛的电影,讲述了女主角为了夺回父亲的遗产,与继母和新的男友之间的复杂关系。



母亲的情人 3 的演员表主要包括崔真实、郑善京、李庆荣、金意成和姜成珍等。


母亲的情人 3 的剧情介绍如下:女主角的父亲去世后,继母企图夺走父亲的遗产。



母亲的情人 3 的电影评价不一。




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1 前言1.1 选题根据凯里学院体育社团是学校课外体育的重要组成形式之一,同时也是学校体育的第二课堂。








1.2 研究目的本文通过调查我校体育社团的发展现状,分析我校学生体育社团发展的优势和存在的不足,找出影响我校体育社团发展的因素,并在此的基础上探求我校体育社团建设与发展的特点及规律,促进学校体育社团的发展及创新。



1.3 文献综述通过查阅其他高校体育社团的有关书籍、文献资料,发现了凯里学院体育社团的发展也存在自身的局限性。














2 研究对象与方法2.1 研究对象凯里学院社团联合会各个体育社团的成员及指导老师为主要调查研究对象。

2.2研究方法2.2.1 文献资料法通过参阅其他高校体育社团的发展现状,为本课题的研究探讨提供文献资料和理论依据。

2.2.2 访谈法通过与本校和体育社团有关的老师和负责人及其部分成员进行面谈,了解当前体育社团发展的现状及特点,提出了自己的建议和看法。

2.2.3 问卷调查法向在校学生和社团成员共发放问卷300份,回收有效问卷286份,有效回收率95%。

3 讨论结果与分析3.1 凯里学院学生社团的开设与发展从20世纪以来,学生社团一直是我国各高校学生们课余文化活动的一种重要组织形式[3]。

















3.2 凯里学院体育社团的发展凯里学院体育社团是凯里学院大学生社团中新兴发展起来的。










3.3 凯里学院体育社团发展的现状及对策研究3.3.1 凯里学院体育社团发展现状(1)凯里学院体育社团发展特点及规律凯里学院体育社团主要有篮球协会、排球协会、足球协会、乒乓球协会、羽毛球协会、武术协会、双节棍协会、将身部落、自行车协会、金谷园棋社等十个协会,占了凯里学院所有协会的四分之一。























表各体育社团的活动情况体育社团平均活动次数/周篮球协会 2.5排球协会 1.5羽毛球协会 2双节棍协会 3乒乓球协会 1健身部落 2.5武术协会 2自行车协会 1体育社团活动开展的方式主要有以下几种:一是社团内部定期开展的活动,是社团开展身体素质训练、运动技术学习、和内部体育活动比赛等主要方式。

