






1 概述超声波加工及其应用超声波加工是一种非传统机械切削技术,通常与低材料去除率有关,它并不被加工材料的导电率和化学特性所限制,它用于加工金属和非金属材料,非常适合于脆性大,硬度高于40HRC[6–12]的材料,比如无机玻璃、硅片、镍、钛合金等等 [13–24],有了它,76um 的小孔也能加工,但是被加工的孔深度与直径之比限制在 3 比 1 之内 [8, 12]。

超声波加工的历史可以追溯到 1927 年,R. W. Wood 和 A. L. Loomis 发表的论文,1945年。

有关于超声波的第一项专利给了 L. Balamuth,现在超声波加工已经分化很多领域,超声波钻削、超声波切削、超声波尺寸加工、超声波研磨技术和悬浮液钻孔法,然而,在 20世纪 50 年代初只普遍知道超声波冲磨或 USM[8,25, 28, 30, 31]。

在超声波加工中,高频率的电能通过换能器/增幅器被转变为机械振动,之后通过一个能量集中装置被传送出去, 例如变幅杆/刀具组件[1, 17, 18, 30, 32]。

这导致刀具沿着其纵向轴线以振幅 0-50μm 高频率振动(通常≥20KHz)[16, 33, 34],典型额定功率范围从50~3000W[35]不等,在某些机器上可以达到 4kw。






关键词:超声波清洗;应用;优点ultrasonic cleaningMajor: Optical information science and technologyName: Student ID:Abstract:Ultrasonic widely exist in nature and our daily life, because of its good direction, strong penetration ability, it has many applications in medicine, military, industry,agriculture and other aspects. This paper will introduce the application of ultrasonic in real life, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of ultrasonic wave, in order to use ultrasonic better. Keywords: ultrasonic cleaning;application;advance背景在大学物理实验中,我选择了吴迪老师的超声波专题实验,经过三次试验,我大致了解了超声波的性质及其实验原理,由此我对超声波的优良特性有了一定的认识,于是我开始查找关于超声波应用的一些实例,并对超声波清洗产生了极大的兴趣。




超声波清洗介绍一、超声波清洗的原理超声波是一种频率超出人类听觉范围20kHz 以上的声波。

















Branson Bransonic 超声清洗浴缸说明书

Branson Bransonic 超声清洗浴缸说明书

The Branson reputation for impeccable quality and reliable ultrasonics is unsurpassed. Our global network of distributors ensures that you will have the machinery, accessories, supplies, and support you need to meet your basic cleaning needs for the most demanding applications.Bransonic CPX Series•S leep mode provides energy savings automatically by shutting off unit if controlThe CPX SeriesThe value leader for quality and reliability.The Bransonic M Series includes two simple-to-use models: the M and MH Series. Both series are designed for basic yet effective cleaning, with set-it-and-forget-it mechanical timers, which can be set up to 60 minutes or run continuously. MH Series units also offer a heating option. And both series are excellent for use in a variety of applications:aboratories and dental offices ewelry and precious metalsBransonic M SeriesTo conserve energy, the unit goes into sleep mode if control keys are not touched for 15 minutes after cycle ends, and restarts after any key is touched.Temperature can be set for either Fahrenheit or Celsius CPX Series is completely programmable, so engineers can choose temperature, start, and stop times for “set-it-and-forget-it” operation.Degassing periods of up to 99 minutes also allow for various sample prep applications.Digital timer allows for continuous ultrasonic operation or can be set for up to 99 minutes.Ultrasonic power tracking maintains steady,consistent activity in the bath when conditions change.High/low power control provides safer cleaning of delicate components. 100% power for normal, or 70% for delicate applications.Precision Cleaning for All Types of ApplicationsAccessories and SolutionsLaboratoryThoroughly removes blood, protein, andcontaminants on tools such as glassware, lenses, instruments, and precision components.Medical and Dental LabsOffers a safer, more consistent way to clean dental and medical instruments in combination with sterilization.IndustryDeep cleans to remove dirt, grease, waves, and oils from industrial parts and components of all kinds, including steel, light and nonferrous metals, plastic, and glass.ElectronicsCompletely removes flux and contaminants from such precision components as PC boards, SMDs, quartz crystals, capacitors, and many others.JewelryThoroughly cleans and restores brilliance towatches, chains and charms, settings, coins, fine jewelry, and clockworks.OpticalEnsures precision cleaning of optics.Bransonic baths are in use worldwide, providing simple, effective results for the ultimate in ultrasonic cleaning.Beyond CleaningBranson ultrasonic cleaners also can be used for sample preparation; degassing liquids, mixing and homogenization, dissolving solids, lysing and dispersion of particles.AccessoriesBransonic ® ultrasonic baths also can be accessorized to best suit your specific cleaning or laboratoryneeds. Choose the appropriate suspension method for your applications, solid or perforated tray, basket, support rack, and beaker holder to customize each unit as needed.The Right Cleaning SolutionIt’s the most important decision you can make. A large variety of excellent formulations are available, designed for specific applications. Proper selection is crucial for acceptable cleaning activity and to preclude undesirable reactivity with the items being cleaned.M Series MH Series CPX Series CPXH Series 60-minute 60-minute 99-minute 99-minute。



中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:杜娟学号: 052114322015年 3 月 27 日外文资料翻译译文超声波清洗超声波清洗技术是在工业领域中广泛应用的一种新方法,采用这种技术可以去除工件表面的磨削、研磨、抛光后残留的碎屑,清除工件表面残留的油污,甚至可以除去油漆层。

超声波清洗能够大范围的应用于工业零件,大的方面可以到波音 747 飞机的引擎维修,小的方面可以到手表的小零件制作,都有它的用武之地,就目前而言,它以广泛应用电子、精密机械、照明工程、光学、冶金、医疗仪器设备等诸多领域。




超声波清洗常用频率在 20 kHz到 50 kHz,常用清洗温度在50 ℃-80 ℃。

超声波清洗系统中,空化效应是由一系列超声波换能器将声波导入清洗槽内的清洗液中而产生,这个声波会传遍整个清洗槽, 并在液体中产生了波的压缩和扩张。




当这个现象发生时,也就产生了液体的喷射,会使温度高达 9032华氏度 (约为太阳的温度)。




近年来还出现了超声波清洗的一种特殊应用-超声波除垢。超声波除垢主要是利用超声波强声场处理流体,使 流体中成垢物质在超声场的作用下的物理形态和化学性能发生一系列变化,使之分散、粉碎、松散、松脱而不易附 着管、器壁形成积垢。作为超声清洗的特殊应用,超声防垢广泛应用在锅炉、热交换装置和管道防垢、除垢领域。
这些气泡在超声波纵向传播的负压区形成、生长,而在正压区迅速闭合。在这种被称为“空化”效应的过程 中,气泡闭合可形成超过1000大气压的瞬间高压,连续不断地产生瞬间高压就象一连串小“爆炸”不断地冲击物 件表面,使物件的表面及缝隙中的污垢迅速剥落,从而达到物件表面净化的目的。
超声波清洗广泛应用于表面喷涂处理行业、机械行业、电子行业、医疗行业、半导体行业、钟表首饰行业、 光学行业、纺织印染行业。其他行业等,并由易净超声波清洗提供,具体如下:
防锈油脂的去除;量具的清洗;机械零部件的除油除锈;发动机、发动机零件、变速箱、减振器、轴瓦、油 嘴、缸体、阀体、化油器及汽车零件及底盘漆前除油、除锈、磷化前的清洗;过滤器、活塞配件、滤的疏通清洗 等。精密机械部件、压缩机零件、照相机零件、轴承、五金零件、模具、尤其在铁路行业,对列车车厢空调的除 油去污、对列车车头各部件的防锈、除锈、除油非常适合。
超声波清洗技术最早出现于20世纪30年代早期,当时,位于美国新泽西州的美国无线电公司的一个实验室中的 技术人员尝试用自制的简陋超声波清洗系统清洗某些物体,但试验未获成功。在此基础上,超声波清洗技术在20世 纪50年代有了很大的发展,当时使用的超声波工作频率在20~ 40 kHz之间。该范围内的超声波被应用在数千种不 同的工作场合下,其中许多是别的清洗手段不能很好发挥作用的场合。超声波可以对工件施加非常巨大的能量,尤 其适用于清除牢固地附着在基底上的污垢。然而在某些情况下,超声波强大的能量也会损伤粘有污垢而性质脆弱的 基底材料。在过去的十几年中,超声波领域中出现了一些技术革新,提高了清除敏感基底上的污物的安全系数。在 此期间,超声波技术,特别是中高频超声波清洗技术有了新的发展,并成为行业的亮点。



清洗英語術語C.I.P.清洗系统cleaning in place system 向各类容器或设备提供洗涤液的设备系统,其中包括洗涤液贮罐、洗涤液泵、洗涤液回流泵及管路、喷头、碱罐、酸罐等。

( 印刷行业术语)超声波清洗机ultrasonic cleaningmachine通过超声波产生的机械振荡清除不良物质的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)电解清洗机electrolytic cleaningmachine通过电解分离清除不良物质的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)电离清洗机ionization cleaningmachine通过电离清除不良物质的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)干式清洗机dry-cleaning machine 使用气体清洗剂,以压力或抽吸方法清除不良物质的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)机械式清洗机mechanical cleaningmachine借助工具擦刷以清除不良物质的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)就地清洗设备cleaning-in-place system 由清洗液贮罐、清洗头子、送液泵、管路配件及程序控制装置联同待清洗的全套设备的总称。

( 印刷行业术语)清洗机cleaning machine 采用不同的方法清洗包装容器、包装材料、包装辅助物、包装件,达到预期清洁程度的机器。

( 包装行业术语)清洗头子cleaning head 用于喷洒清洗液的部件。

( 印刷行业术语)清洗液贮罐cleaning agent storage bin 专门用于盛装清洗液的贮罐。

( 印刷行业术语)湿式清洗机wet-cleaning machine 使用液体清洗剂,蒸汽清除不良物质的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)桶清洗-灌装机keg cleaning and fillingmachine对桶内部清洗及灌装啤酒的机器。

( 印刷行业术语)。



中英文超声无损检测名词术语Acceptance limits 验收范围Acceptance level 验收水平Acceptance standard 验收标准Accumulation test 累积检测Acoustic emission transducer 声发射换能器〔声发射传感器〕Acoustic impedance 声阻抗Acoustic impedance matching 声阻抗匹配Acoustic impedance method 声阻法Acoustic wave 声波Acoustical lens 声透镜Acoustic—ultrasonic 声-超声〔AU〕Adequate shielding 安全屏蔽Amplitude 幅度Angle beam method 斜射法Angle of incidence 入射角Angle of reflection 反射角Angle of spread 指向角Angle of squint 偏向角Angle probe 斜探头Area amplitude response curve 面积幅度曲线Area of interest 评定区Artificial discontinuity 人工不连续性Artifact 假缺陷Artificial defect 人工缺陷Artificial discontinuity 标准人工缺陷A-scan A型扫描A-scope; A-scan A型显示Attenuation coefficient 衰减系数Attenuator 衰减器Automatic testing 自动检测Evaluation 评定Beam 声束Beam ratio 光束比Beam angle 束张角Beam axis 声束轴线Beam index 声束入射点Beam path location 声程定位Beam path; path length 声程Beam spread 声束扩散Bottom echo 底面回波Bottom surface 底面Boundary echo<first> 边界一次回波Broad-beam condition 宽射束B-scan presentation B型扫描显示B-scope; B-scan B型显示C- scan C型扫描Calibration,instrument 设备校准pressional wave 压缩波Continuous emission 连续发射microstructureContinuous linear array 连续线阵Continuous method 连续法Continuous spectrum 连续谱Continuous wave 连续波Contract stretch 对比度宽限Contrast 对比度Contrast sensitivity 对比灵敏度Control echo 监视回波Control echo 参考回波Couplant 耦合剂Coupling 耦合Coupling losses 耦合损失Creeping wave 爬波Critical angle 临界角Cross section 横截面Cross talk 串音Cross-drilled hole 横孔Crystal 晶片C-scope; C-scan C型显示Curie point 居里点Curie temperature 居里温度Curie<Ci> 居里Dead zone 盲区Decibel<dB> 分贝Defect 缺陷Defect resolution 缺陷分辨力Defect detection sensitivity 缺陷检出灵敏度Definition 清晰度Definition, image definition 清晰度,图像清晰度Direct contact method 直接接触法Directivity 指向性Discontinuity 不连续性Distance- gain- size-German A VG 距离- 增益- 尺寸〔DGS德文为A VG〕Distance marker; time marker 距离刻度Double crystal probe 双晶片探头Double probe technique 双探头法Double transceiver technique 双发双收法Double traverse technique 二次波法D-scope; D-scan D型显示Dual search unit 双探头Dynamic range 动态范围Echo 回波Echo frequency 回波频率Echo height 回波高度Echo indication 回波指示Echo transmittance of sound pressure 往复透过率Echo width 回波宽度Equivalent 当量Equivalent method 当量法Evaluation 评定Examination area 检测范围Examination region 检验区域Final test 复探Flat-bottomed hole 平底孔Flat-bottomed hole equivalent 平底孔当量Flaw 伤Flaw characterization 伤特性Flaw echo 缺陷回波Flexural wave 弯曲波Focal spot 焦点Focal distance 焦距Focus length 焦点长度Focus size 焦点尺寸Focus width 焦点宽度Focused beam 聚焦声束Focusing probe 聚焦探头Focus-to-film distance<f.f.d> 焦点-胶片距离〔焦距〕Frequency 频率Frequency constant 频率常数Fringe 干涉带Front distance 前沿距离Front distance of flaw 缺陷前沿距离Fundamental frequency 基频Gain 增益Gap scanning 间隙扫查Gate 闸门Gating technique 选通技术Gauss 高斯Grazing incidence 掠入射Grazing angle 掠射角Group velocity 群速度Half life 半衰期Half-value method 半波高度法Harmonic analysis 谐波分析Harmonics 谐频Head wave 头波Image definition 图像清晰度Image contrast 图像对比度Image enhancement 图像增强Image magnification 图像放大Image quality 图像质量Imaging line scanner 图像线扫描器Immersion probe 液浸探头Immersion rinse 浸没清洗Immersion testing 液浸法Impedance 阻抗Impedance plane diagram 阻抗平面图Imperfection 不完整性Indicated defect area 缺陷指示面积Indicated defect length 缺陷指示长度Indication 指示Initial pulse 始脉冲Initial pulse width 始波宽度Inspection 检查Inspection medium 检查介质Inspection frequency/ test frequency 检测频率Interface boundary 界面Interface echo 界面回波Interface trigger 界面触发Interference 干涉Interpretation 解释Lamb wave 兰姆波Lateral scan 左右扫查Lateral scan with oblique angle 斜平行扫查Limiting resolution 极限分辨率Line scanner 线扫描器Linear scan 线扫查Location 定位Location accuracy 定位精度Location puted 定位,计算Location marker 定位标记Longitudinal wave 纵波Longitudinal wave probe 纵波探头Longitudinal wave technique 纵波法Loss of back reflection 背面反射损失Loss of back reflection 底面反射损失Magnetostrictive effect 磁致伸缩效应Magnetostrictive transducer 磁致伸缩换能器Main beam 主声束Manual testing 手动检测MA-scope; MA-scan MA型显示Micrometre 微米Micron of mercury 微米汞柱Mode 波型Mode conversion 波型转换Mode transformation 波型转换Multiple back reflections 多次背面反射Multiple reflections 多次反射Multiple back reflections 多次底面反射Multiple echo method 多次反射法Multiple probe technique 多探头法Multiple triangular array 多三角形阵列Narrow beam condition 窄射束Near field 近场Near field length 近场长度Near surface defect 近表面缺陷Noise 噪声Nominal angle 标称角度Nominal frequency 标称频率Nondestructive Examination〔NDE〕无损试验Nondestructive Evaluation〔NDE〕无损评价Nondestructive Inspection〔NDI〕无损检验Nondestructive Testing〔NDT〕无损检测Normal incidence 垂直入射〔亦见直射声束〕Normal beam method; straight beam method 垂直法Normal probe 直探头Parallel scan 平行扫查Parasitic echo 干扰回波Pattern 探伤图形Penetrant flaw detection 渗透探伤Phantom echo 幻象回波Phase detection 相位检测Plane wave 平面波Plate wave 板波Plate wave technique 板波法Point source 点源Probe test 探头检测Probe index 探头入射点Probe to weld distance 探头-焊缝距离Probe/ search unit 探头Pulse 脉冲波Pulse 脉冲Pulse echo method 脉冲回波法Pulse repetition rate 脉冲重复率Pulse amplitude 脉冲幅度Pulse echo method 脉冲反射法Pulse energy 脉冲能量Pulse envelope 脉冲包络Pulse length 脉冲长度Pulse repetition frequency 脉冲重复频率Pulse tuning 脉冲调谐Quadruple traverse technique 四次波法Range 量程Rayleigh wave 瑞利波Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射Reference block 参考试块Reference block 对比试块Reference block method 对比试块法Reference standard 参考标准Reflection 反射Reflection coefficient 反射系数Reflector 反射体Refraction 折射Refractive index 折射率Reject; suppression 抑制Rejection level 拒收水平Resolution 分辨力Sampling probe 取样探头Saturation 饱和Saturation,magnetic 磁饱和Scan on grid lines 格子线扫查Scan pitch 扫查间距Scanning 扫查Scanning index 扫查标记Scanning directly on the weld 焊缝上扫查Scanning path 扫查轨迹Scanning sensitivity 扫查灵敏度Scanning speed 扫查速度Scanning zone 扫查区域SE probe SE探头Second critical angle 第二临界角Sensitivity va1ue 灵敏度值Sensitivity 灵敏度Sensitivity of leak test 泄漏检测灵敏度Sensitivity control 灵敏度控制Shear wave 切变波Shear wave probe 横波探头Shear wave technique 横波法Signal to noise ratio 信噪比Single crystal probe 单晶片探头Single probe technique 单探头法Single traverse technique 一次波法Sizing technique 定量法Sound diffraction 声绕射Sound insulating layer 隔声层Sound intensity 声强Sound intensity level 声强级Sound pressure 声压Sound scattering 声散射Sound transparent layer 透声层Sound velocity 声速Source 源Specified sensitivity 规定灵敏度Standard 标准Standard 标准试样Standard test block 标准试块Standardization instrument 设备标准化Standing wave; stationary wave 驻波Subsurface discontinuity 近表面不连续性Suppression 抑制Surface echo 表面回波Surface wave 表面波Surface wave probe 表面波探头Surface wave technique 表面波法Surplus sensitivity 灵敏度余量Sweep 扫描Sweep range 扫描范围Sweep speed 扫描速度Swept gain 扫描增益Swivel scan 环绕扫查System exanlillatien threshold 系统检验阈值System noise 系统噪声Tandem scan 串列扫查Test block 试块Test frequency 试验频率Test range 探测范围Test surface 探测面Testing,ultrasonic 超声检测Third critical angle 第三临界角Through transmission technique 穿透技术Through penetration technique 贯穿渗透法Through transmission technique; transmission technique 穿透法Transducer 换能器/传感器Transmission 透射Transverse wave 横波Traveling echo 游动回波Travering scan; depth scan 前后扫查Triangular array 正三角形阵列Trigger/alarm condition 触发/报警状态Trigger/alarm level 触发/报警标准Triple traverse technique 三次波法True continuous technique 准确连续法技术Ultrasonic noise level 超声噪声电平Ultrasonic field 超声场Ultrasonic flaw detection 超声探伤Ultrasonic flaw detector 超声探伤仪Variable angle probe 可变角探头Vertical linearity 垂直线性Vertical location 垂直定位Visible light 可见光Wave 波Wave train 波列Wave from 波形Wave front 波前Wave length 波长Wave node 波节Wave train 波列Wedge 斜楔Wheel type probe; wheel search unit 轮式探头Working sensitivity 探伤灵敏度Zigzag scan 锯齿扫查。



Ultrasonic Parts CleaningDuring machining, surface contamination of the workpiece is inevitable. Soils such as residue of cutting fluids, swarf , friction and polishing paste visually cause problems in upstream processes or may affect function, quality and lifespan of finished products. That's why machined parts need to be cleaned. Unfortunately, cleaning often becomes a bottleneck in the production process, particularly for large lots of parts produced in chip forming operations. With ultrasonic cleaning, particulate and film-like soils can be removed not only reliably, but also very quickly and efficiency—even on parts withdifficult-to-access hollow spaces such as blind holes, knurling and grooves.1.CLEANING EFFECT AND PRINCIPLE OF SOUND WAVESUltrasonic waves develop their cleaning effectiveness in a liquid bath. The process is based on the physical cavitation effect: When a liquid is subjected to ultrasonic waves, the high intensity of the alternating sound pressure during the pulling phase of the oscillation cycle breaks up the liquid, and the cohesive forces are overcome. This process causes the formation of millions of microscopically small bubbles. During the subsequent pushing phase, these cavitation bubbles are rendered unstable and collapse (implode). They generate hydraulic impacts with considerably high energy densities, which causing micro-currents in the liquid. When these micro-currents strike asurface, they blast off contamination that has been partially dissolved with a suitable cleaning agent. The "dirt" is rinsed away. The sound waves are produced by a generator that converts the normal electrical frequency of 50 to 60 Hz into high-frequency oscillation. Sonic transducers then transform this electromagnetic oscillation into mechanical oscillation of the same frequency. The ultrasonic frequency has a significant influence on cleaning results. Generally speaking, the lower the frequency, the larger the cavitation bubbles and, thus, the more energy they release. Standard frequency ranges have been established for optimum cleaning of different types of machined parts: • 25 to 35 kHz —Removal of particles, grease, oil and other contamination from hard, unpolished surfaces such as engines.• 40 to 80 kHz —Final cleaning tasks and cleaning of porous and polished surfaces.• 120 kHz and higher—Micro-cleaning tasks and cleaning of finely porous and high-gloss, polished surfaces.Multi-frequency or mixed-frequency ultrasonic systems can be used for certain components, particularly those with highly complex shapes, to address the variety of cleaning needs. The mixed numbers of larger and smaller cavitation bubbles achieve ideal cleaning forces for both outsides surfaces and boundary surfaces.2. THE INFLUENCE OF ULTRASONIC CLEANINGIn addition to frequency, other factors such as power, placement and quantity of transducers will play a critical role in the performance of an ultrasonic cleaning system. As a rule, good cleaning results can be achieved with a power rating of 8 to 10 w per liter. A typical cleaning bath of 100 liters requires 800 to 1,000 w of power. Because the soundwaves are propagated longitudinally from the sound-emitting surface, the arrangement of the transducers has a considerable influence on cleaning results as well. For example, if the transducers are only attached to the floor of the working chamber or cleaning basin, the sound waves are emitted vertically up to the surface of the bath, and then reflected back down to the floor. This flow has consequences for the cleaning of parts with hollow spaces and bhnd holes: If bubbles form in these areas, the air creates an obstacle for the sound waves, preventing cleaning action. For this reason, all hollow spaces must be filled with cleaning fluid by oscillating or rotating the parts within the bath. As component shapes become more and more complex, ultrasonic cleaning systems are being equipped with oscillators at multiple locations, such as on the floor and the side walls.3. APPLICABLE WITH ALL CLEANING AGENTSUltrasonic cleaning falls into the category of wet chemical cleaning techniques and is applicable with aqueous cleaning agents as well as solvents. For the selection of an appropriate cleaning agent, the maxim "like dissolveslike" applies. If the chipping process is carried out with a non-polar cutting fluid such as mineral oil or grease, a solvent is usually the right choice. Chips and particles, which are polar contaminations, forfeit their adhesion to the workpiece surface through the removal of the oil or grease, and will be carried away by the ultrasonic cleaning effect. Polar substances such as aqueous coolants, polishing pastes, chips, friction and salt dissolve in aqueous cleaning agents (polar media). These media are available as pH-neutral, alkaline and acidic cleaning agents. Usually the compatibility of the material to be cleaned and the achievement of required cleaning results are adjusted by cleaning tests conducted in the test facilities of the system or cleaning agent manufacturer. To provide for stable cleaning results, aqueous cleaning processes require frequent process monitoring. Process parameters such as concentration of detergent, temperature, ultrasonic power, rinsing water quality and filter runtime should be checked.4. TIPS ON ULTRASONIC CLEANINGUltrasonic parts cleaning commonly is used to streamline a variety of manufacturing and maintenance processes and is known for improving quality, safety and profits. Ultrasonic baths can optimize parts cleaning, safety, quality and cost. A few tips can help you get the most out of an application. Instead of personnel scrubbing and washing parts and, perhaps, missing hard-to-reach cracks and crevices, parts can be placed into a tank of water-based cleaningsoap to be cleaned automatically. The ultrasonic cleaning tank is designed to generate millions of microscopic bubbles per second, each containing vacuum pressure that suck water and surface debris into itself from hard surfaces. The process is designed to clean even the hardest to reach areas efficiently. Here are several tips that will help you to get the greatest benefit from the ultrasonic parts cleaning process.1)Get the Chemistry RightYou have to match the chemistry of the cleaning solution to the application. Some companies, such as Omegasonics , stock 40 chemistry-specific cleaning solutions because parts cleaning applications can be chemistry specific. For example, when removing contaminants such as dirt, soil, oil, light grease, or carbon, a high PH, alkaline soap typically is required. Acids have a low pH value. High pH, alkaline solutions can clean almost anything, but if pH goes too high, especially with softer metals such as aluminum, parts can be damaged. Hard metals such as steel, stainless steel and titanium can handle high pH values, but steel is more prone to rusting with water-based chemistries, so steel or other ferrous metals require either a built-in rust inhibitor in the cleaning soap or a secondary rinse in a rust inhibitor. For water damaged metals that are contaminated with rust or calcium deposits, a low pH, acidic cleaning soap may be required. Acid removes the top layer of metal surfaces and actually can shine metal surfaces. Some applications, such as electronicsparts, require neutral pH soap. Neutral pH cleaning solutions are called for when there is concern about damaging copper filaments or removing thin layers of metal. Neutral pH cleaning solutions are fine for parts with light surface contamination such as dust or light dirt particles.2)Get the Time and Temperature RightMost industrial parts cleaning applications work best in the 135-degree to 150-degree F range. That temperature range provides good microscopic cleaning energy. Higher heat may soften dirt and loosen its chemical bonds faster, but it also accelerates evaporation and can damage softer metals such as aluminum. Applications such as removing burnt-on carbon from surfaces require temperatures as high as 180-degrees F. The chemistries of some cleaning solutions can break down above this range, so the manufacturer’s specifications have to be followed. For critical applications, lower temperatures may be called for that would require leaving parts in the cleaning solution for a longer period of time, because time and temperature are inversely proportional. Delicate parts such as electronics, for instance, work best at temperatures below 150 degrees F.3)GET THE WATT DENSITY AND APPLICATION RIGHTUltrasonic watt density is a measure of how much ultrasonic power is available in a tank versus liquid volume. In general, lighter parts with lesscontamination need less power while larger, heavier parts require more power because more energy is absorbed by the part. “Cleaning light dust or oil doesn’t require a lot of power, but cleaning baked on crystalline from an injection mold requires a lot more. Don’t pay for more power than you need,”Frank Pedeflous, owner of Omegasonics, said. However, applying more power where appropriate can reduce cleaning time, because time and power also are inversely related. Typically, a watt density of 25 watts per gallon is correct for cleaning tanks as large as 40 gallons, Pedeflous said. Smaller tanks, however, require higher watt density because there is less opportunity for ultrasonic energy to reflect off the sides of the tank.4)GET THE OUTPUT FREQUENCY RIGHTMost industrial part cleaning applications are done at 40 kHz per second. That means the ultrasonic tank creates 40,000 microscopic cleaning bubbles per second per transducer. The 40-kHz rate is very effective at cleaning, and maximizes equipment life expectancy. For heavy items or items that have heavy contamination, a frequency of 20 kHz to 25 kHz sometimes is used because it produces a bigger, stronger, cleaning bubble, but fewer bubbles per second. When cleaning submicron debris — smaller than one micron — from parts, high frequencies of 68 kHz or 170 kHz occasionally are used, especially in medical or electronic applications.5)GET THE RIGHT PROCESS AND RIGHT HELPIn choosing the right ultrasonic part cleaning process, there are other factors to consider. If filtration is needed for floating contaminants, an overflow weir can enable the skimming of contaminants that float to the surface. For suspended contaminants, the entire bath may have to be filtered. More complex parts cleaning might require multiple washes or a rinse. While the basics of ultrasonic cleaning are simple, there is no question that getting the right guidance can help optimize a solution and minimize trial and error guessing. Anyone considering ultrasonic cleaning equipment should talk to a sales engineer who can help to pick the right equipment and process parameters for the application. Whether looking to optimize an existing ultrasonic cleaning application or configure a new one, it’s best to seek a reliable partner with engineering expertise and a successful track record.5. ULTRASONIC CLEANING OF APPLICATION AND EVALUATIONUltrasonic parts cleaning reduces labor and improves quality for metal products. Manufacturers of metal products have struggled with parts cleaning prior to assembly or finishing, and they have used many methods that have one thing in common: Parts cleaning tends tend to be labor-intensive, and usually requires one or more full-time workers. For such produces as high-end wheels, motorcycles and, even, customized silver western wear, attention to detail is important, so companies have performed the work that is needed toproduce high-quality products. Now, ultrasonic cleaning is proving to be a cost-effective process that delivers consistent quality with reduced labor. Ultrasonic parts washing has become the next step in industrial manufacturing, reducing time and labor while providing a better job of cleaning, and improving the bottom line. Ultrasonic tanks use sound vibrations, hot water and engineered soaps, and can be used to clean a broad range of products and parts. Further, ultrasonic cleaning eliminates the toxic chemicals that are used in other methods of parts cleaning. The parts cleaning tanks vary in size to handle any job: from large steel tanks for degreasing large automotive parts to small table top washers.1)HRE WheelsHRE Wheels produces wheels used on automobiles that range from Mercedes to Aston-Martin and Bentley. The company’s three piece creations are a result of its focus on materials, engineering and manufacturing methods that evolved over 30 years. Product quality for these wheels must be perfect, and the company felt parts cleaning put its quality in jeopardy. “We used to count on outside finish vendors to clean the parts prior to finishing,” Chad Carnevale, mechanical engineer, said. “Some cleaned them, but most didn’t, and it caused huge problems. There would be dirt and impurities underneath the clear-coat, and we would get returns.” The company would then have to refinish the wheels at its own cost. Carnevale said the company discovered theultrasonic cleaning provided by Omegasonics . The Omegasonics system has dual tanks for wheel components that have to be polished, and rid the parts of machining oils and polishing media. After the ultrasonic cleaning, the parts go off for finishing such as chrome, clear-coat or painting, and are assembled into finished wheels. Carnevale said returns have been dramatically reduced since his company moved to ultrasonic cleaning.2)Gist SilversmithsGist Silversmiths has been crafting custom gold and silver western wear, catering to the worldwide rodeo circuit and other customers since 1968.Much of the company’s product line consists of customized belt buckles, but it also makes jewelry and show-quality bits, spurs, and riding accessories.Gist Silversmiths’ product quality must be perfect, and cleaning the polishing compound from its finished product was a laborious process for the company. “We used to use a soap tank, with what was basically a hyped up dishwashing solution,” John Wanninger, chief engineer with Gist Silversmiths, said.The soap bath was followed by manual brushing, then steam cleaning, and it required five minutes per buckle. Two of seven polishers usually would be assigned to cleaning full time for this process. Then Wanninger discovered the ultrasonic cleaning online. Omegasonics made a custom tank to hold the product racks Gist Silversmiths had, and labor for parts cleaning was reduced by 99 percent. Cleaning time was reduced from the 5 minutes per buckle to 30seconds for 10 buckles, and one part-time employee could perform the work. After cleaning in the ultrasonic tank, the products only need a simple steam cleaning to be completed.3)Fasst CompanyFasst Company manufactures parts for racing motorcycles, and is well known for its Flexx handlebars and its adjustable and preset torque wrenches. “We use a bonding agent on some of our parts,” Cole Townsend, president of Fasst, said. “It’s critical that we have the surfaces clean. We used to use a few different methods of cleaning, including kerosene and paint thinner (but) they were messy (and) time consuming, and the fluids always got contaminated quickly,” Townsend said. It also took considerable time to get the job done. Fasst now accomplished in 30 seconds with ultrasonic cleaning what used to take 5 minutes6. MULTIPLE FREQUENCY ULTRASONIC CLEANINGWhile ultrasonic devices have a natural frequency variation, additional frequency modulation is now available through sweep frequency generators. Frequency-sweep circuits/varies the frequency of the ultrasonic generator to create a more uniform cleaning field by alleviating standing waves and hot spots sometimes characteristic of older equipment. This can be particularly beneficial when cleaning softer substrates where standing waves and hotspots may cause part damage. Power control circuitry further tailors the output to varying load conditions, thus improving versatility, which is especially useful when different types of parts are being cleaned in the same line. To meet the challenges of increasingly exacting cleanliness standards for industries such as medical, aerospace, electronics and coatings (including physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition—PVD and CVD), multiple ultrasonic frequencies can further enhance the cleaning process. The use of multiple frequencies builds on the principle that lower ultrasonic frequencies create larger bubbles which implode with a more aggressive particle separation (cleaning) action, and higher frequencies create smaller bubbles which implode with less aggressiveness but which can travel in solution to geometries where larger bubbles cannot go. Combining the use of lower and higher frequencies of ultrasonics delivers a wider potential range of cavitation contact without sacrificing cavitation aggressiveness. In multiple station cleaning lines, the principle of multiple frequencies can be implemented on a tank by tank basis, as one medical manufacturer recently discovered ina new generation cleaning line designed to remove buffing compound from stainless steel parts with microscopic geometries that become compound traps. One process change on the cleaning line—from 40 kHz of ultrasonics to 25 kHz on the initial cleaning station, cut cleaning time by one-half on the tine—thereby meeting particle count requirements while at the same time doubling production. Adding ultrasonics to a rinse station, and using a differentfrequency in the rinse station from what the parts were previously exposed to in a cleaning station, can also be useful to remove sub-micron particles to meet specification requirements. To accomplish multiple frequencies in a single station, the newest ultrasonic technology is the multiple frequency generator which features a range of frequencies (such as 40, 72, 104, and 170 kHz} in one generator. This is a more expensive option that nevertheless is sometimes indicated when cleaning very dissimilar or complex parts in one cleaning tank.。



Mark识别 超声波 不织布 plasma
超声波 particle
上偏光板 &上偏光 板保护膜
转 换 器
控制操作 箱
马达 风机
过滤器故 障检测器
过滤器故 障检测器
马达 风机 空气过滤器
清洗头内 真空腔
清洗头内超 声波压力腔
原理:由喷嘴产生的超声波清除尘粒,将被吸附在panel上的微粒分 离出来最后吸至真空腔。
真空腔VΒιβλιοθήκη V超声波发生器真空腔
高速流动 的空气
进入超声 波发生器
气体膨 胀压缩
气体出口出 迅速膨胀
形成超 声波
1.结构简单易于维护; 2.超声波性能几乎永不衰减; 3.非接触式清洗,避免清洗工件划伤或损坏; 4.UVU型能去除99%的1.6um及以上的尘粒; VUV型能去除99%的3.0um及以上的尘粒;



供应室超声波清洗的工作原理流程,注意事项Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses ultrasound to clean delicate items such as jewelry, medical instruments, and electronic equipment. 超声波清洗是一种利用超声波来清洁珠宝、医疗器械和电子设备等精细物品的过程。

This technology works by creating high-frequency sound waves that create millions of tiny bubbles in a liquid solution. 这项技术是通过产生高频声波,从而在液体溶液中产生数百万个微小气泡。

These bubbles then implode on the surface of the item being cleaned, effectively removing dirt, grime, and other contaminants. 这些气泡会在被清洗物品的表面破裂,有效去除污垢、灰尘和其他污染物。

The process of ultrasonic cleaning begins with immersing the item to be cleaned in a tank filled with a cleaning solution. 超声波清洗的过程始于将待清洗物品浸入充满清洗液的槽中。

The tank is then equipped with ultrasonic transducers, which emit high-frequency sound waves into the solution. 然后槽体中安装超声波换能器,它们会将高频声波传递到液体中。

As the sound waves propagate through the solution, they create a phenomenon known as cavitation, where the bubbles form and collapse rapidly. 当声波在溶液中传播时,它们会产生所谓的空穴效应,即气泡会迅速形成和破裂。

Caviwave 超声波清洗系列产品说明书

Caviwave 超声波清洗系列产品说明书
• automated load/unload elevator provides ergonomic tray loading
• toe touch control provides hands-free cycle start
• automatic fill maintains water level and quality
More Protection
Prolystica cleaning chemistries are formulated to be tough on soil but gentle on instruments. This detergent removes bioburden and protects the passivation layer of your stainless steel instruments.
• automatic drain helps increase productivity
• lumen flushing is more effective than only manual brushing - port flushing: canulated instruments with ports - reverse port flushing: instruments without ports
Original Caviwave Cleaner
Original Caviwave Console
Caviwave™ Pro Ultrasonic Cleaning System
With CaviClean technology
More Peace of Mind
With Caviwave Pro, you get all of the benefits of the original Caviwave model, plus the added capability of cleaning valuable da Vinci 8mm and 5mm EndoWrist instruments and accessories:



超声波洗产品工作流程English Answer:Ultrasonic Cleaner Product Workflow.Ultrasonic cleaners are devices that use high-frequency sound waves to clean objects. They are often used to clean delicate items that cannot be cleaned with traditional methods, such as jewelry, glasses, and small electronic devices.The workflow for an ultrasonic cleaner is as follows:1. Fill the cleaner with water or a cleaning solution.2. Place the items to be cleaned in the cleaner.3. Turn on the cleaner and set the timer.4. The cleaner will generate ultrasonic waves that willcause the water or cleaning solution to vibrate.5. The vibrations will create microscopic bubbles that will implode and remove dirt and grime from the items.6. After the timer goes off, remove the items from the cleaner and rinse them with water.Ultrasonic cleaners are a safe and effective way to clean delicate items. They are also relatively easy to use. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid damaging the items being cleaned.Here are some tips for using an ultrasonic cleaner:Do not overload the cleaner.Do not use abrasive cleaning solutions.Do not clean items that are not water-resistant.Do not use the cleaner for more than 30 minutes at a time.Rinse the items thoroughly with water after cleaning.中文回答:超声波洗产品工作流程。

Techspan 'Elmasonic One'超声波清洗机说明书

Techspan 'Elmasonic One'超声波清洗机说明书

Techspan Group Tel. +649827 6567 / 1-800 148 791Fax +649 827 6596 / 1-800 148 799************************Operating InstructionsTechspan 'Elmasonic One' Ultrasonic Cleaning Unit Content1General (3)2Important safety warnings (3)3Product description (4)3.1CE conformity (4)3.2Elmasonic product features (4)3.3Functioning (4)3.4Technical details (5)3.5Description of the unit (5)3.6Operating elements (7)4Initial operation (8)4.1Filling of the unit (9)4.2Cleaning (10)4.3Placement of cleaning items (10)4.4Start-up of the cleaning process (10)5Cleaning media (11)5.1Suitable cleaning media (12)5.1.1Dental (12)5.1.2Medical (12)5.1.3Laboratory and Technical Cleaning (12)5.1.4Jewellery (12)5.1.5Watches / Optics (13)5.2Notes on the Cleaning of Items (13)6Maintenance (13)6.1Maintenance / Care (13)6.2Repair (14)7Putting out of action and waste disposal (14)8Manufacturer's contact address (14)2BA/Elmasonic/0306© Elma GmbH & Co KGGeneral© Elma GmbH & Co KG BA/Elmasonic/03063GeneralThe present Operating Instructions are part of the deliveredequipment. They must be ready for use at any time and remain with the unit in case of resale.Carefully read the Operating Instructions before use of the unit and operate the electrical appliance according to theinstructions only.We reserve the right to carry out technical modifications on the unit due to advanced development.Reprints, translations and copying of any kind, including of parts of the document, must be authorized by the editor.The copy right remains with the editor.1Important safety warnings Read before initial operation!The present Elma ultrasonic cleaning unit has been designed for the treatment of items and liquids only. Check the unit for transport damages. In case of visible damages do not put the unit into operation.The mains plug must be connected to an easily accessiblesocket only, as it serves as interrupting device. The unit can be operated at a mains voltage of 100 – 240 Vac.Place the unit at a dry and sufficiently ventilated workplace.Protect the unit from entering humidity! Do not hose or putunder water. Keep workplace, housing and operating elements dry.Do not open the housing. The unit must be opened byauthorized specialized personnel only.For cleaning, maintenance and care of the unit, in case ofsuspected humidity inside the unit or in case of malfunctions and after operation pull the mains plug.Fill the unit with a sufficient quantity of cleaning liquid before switch-on. Do not treat flammable liquids in an ultrasoniccleaning bath. Risk of fire and explosion!Section 5: Cleaning media Intended useCheck for damagesMains connection Placement Prevention of electrical accidents Pull the mains plug Cleaning liquidProduct description4BA/Elmasonic/0306© Elma GmbH & Co KG2 Product description2.1 CE conformityThe present Elma ultrasonic unit is in compliance with the CE marking criteria according to the EMC directive 89/336/EEC, and the low voltage directive 73/23/EEC.The declaration of conformity is available from themanufacturer.2.2Elmasonic One product featuresElmasonic – High technology …Made in Germany“x compact ultrasonic unit for professional ultrasonic cleaning x cleaning frequency 35.000 vibrations/secx piezoceramic frequency transducerx easy operationx practical designx useful accessoriesx for connection to mains voltages of 100 Vac - 240 Vac2.3 FunctioningToday, cleaning by ultrasound is the most modern fine cleaning method.The electric high-frequency energy created by an ultrasonic generator is transformed into mechanical energy by piezo-electrical transducer systems and is then transmitted into the bath.This process creates millions of tiny vacuum bubbles, which implode due to the variations of pressure caused by theultrasonic activity. Highly energetic liquid jets are created. These jets remove dirt particles from surfaces and even from thesmallest grooves and bores.In order to achieve efficient cleaning results the liquid in thecleaning bath must contain a suitable cleaning chemical.Product description© Elma GmbH & Co KG BA/Elmasonic/030652.4 Technical details Mains voltage (Vac) 100 - 240 Mains frequency (Hz)50 / 60 Power consumption (Watt)30Ultrasonic frequency (kHz)35Outer dimensions unit W / D /H (mm)236 / 144 / 157Inner dimensions tank W / D / H (mm)194 / 84 / 60Max. filling volume tank (liter) 0,9Inner dimensions basket W / D / H (mm) 178 / 80 / 47Mesh size basket (mm)6Weight (kg)1,6Material tankstainless steel Material housing PC-ABS2.5Description of the unitIllustration 3.1BA CDEProduct description6BA/Elmasonic/0306© Elma GmbH & Co KGllustration 3.2PC-ABS plastic housing Stainless-steel cleaning tank LED display (Illustration 3.4) Plastic basket Translucent unit cover – to be used both as cover for the tank and practical drop-off collecting basin (Illustration 3.1). The handle on the back of the unit can be used to carry the unit.This handle is also good for winding up the cable.Illustration 3.3FABCDE FProduct description© Elma GmbH & Co KG BA/Elmasonic/03067After the cleaning process the unit cover can be opened, so thatthe condensed water is collected in a groove in the cover and flows back into the tank after closing.The cover can be removed and be used as draining container for the cleaning basket.For this, hold the unit and pull the cover up off the hinges at an angle of approx. 30 degrees (Illustration 3.3).Then put the cover on the work surface with the grooved side up (Illustration 3.1).Cover 2.6 Operating elementsAs soon as the unit is plugged into a socket it turns into stand-by mode: the red LED flashes. The display is activated and the ultrasonic function can be operated through the two keys (+)and (–).Illustration 3.4The following operating options are available:Operating elements Im Standby Modus(rote LED blinkt, Schallfunktion aus)Key (–)no function Press key (+) 1xshortultrasound on timer is started for 5 min Press key (+) 1xlongultrasound on timer is started for 15 min Press key (+) 2xlong permanent operation switch off manual!Initial operation8BA/Elmasonic/0306© Elma GmbH & Co KG In operating mode(green or yellow LED on, ultrasonic function on)Press key (–) 1xshortshorten set operating period press 1x per time unit Press key (–) 1xlongstand-by mode;ultrasound off Press key (+) 1xshortprolong set operating period press 1x per time unit Press key (+) 1xlong permanent operation switch off manual! Pressing key short: <0,5 sec. / pressing key long: >0,5 sec.red, flashing :stand-by modegreen: set periodgreen, flashing:remaining periodyellow:permanent operationThe set operating period is constantly displayed by LED. As soon as the set operating period is over, the unit turns intostand-by mode.When one time unit (5 min) has expired, the next lower LED starts flashing and indicates the remaining operating period. In case of modification of the set period during operation, the timer countdown restarts according to the new setting.LED display 3 Initial operationCheck the Elmasonic for possible transport damages before initial operation.In case of visible damages do not connect the unit to themains. Contact your supplier and forwarding agent.For operation, place the unit on a dry and solid surface. Ensurethat the workplace is sufficiently ventilated!Check for transportdamages Placement Risk of electrocution due to humidity inside the unit!Protect the unit from entering humidity.The unit inside is splashwater-proof. Keep workplace andhousing dry in order to prevent electrical accidents anddamages on the unit.CAUTIONInitial operation© Elma GmbH & Co KG BA/Elmasonic/03069x Allowed ambient temperature +5°C - +40°CAmbient conditions x Allowed relative humidity of air up to 30°C: 80%x Allowed relative humidity of air up to 40°C: 50%x No condensationConnect the unit to an easily accessible socket as the mains plug serves as interrupting device!The Elmasonic can be connected within a voltage range of 100Vac to 240Vac.Connect the unit tothe mainsVoltage range100Vac – 240Vac 3.1Filling of the unit Fill the cleaning tank with a sufficient quantity of a suitablecleaning liquid before operation.Observe filling level Dry running of the transducer tank can cause damage to the unit.Ensure that the cleaning tank is filled to the optimum level during operation (2/3 filling level).NOTEEnsure that the chosen cleaning chemical is suitable for treatment in an ultrasonic bath and observe the instructions ondosage and compatibility of the material.We recommend the use of the cleaning agents listed in section5.1.Caution! Flammable products are not allowed for use in an ultrasonic bath. Observe the instructions given in section 5(cleaning media).Restrictions concerning further cleaning media are alsoindicated in the instructions given in section 5.For queries please contact the manufacturer or your supplier.Freshly mixed cleaning liquids are saturated with air whichlessens the cleaning effect of the ultrasonic activity. Bysounding the liquid over a period of several minutes before the cleaning process the tiny air bubbles in the liquid areeliminated.Suitable cleaningagents Prohibited cleaningagents Degassing of liquidsInitial operation10BA/Elmasonic/0306© Elma GmbH & Co KG 3.2 Cleaning The items to be cleaned must be covered completely in thecleaning liquid.Place the items in the bath with the contaminated side down.Cleaning instructions 3.3Placement of cleaning itemsCaution!Do not place the cleaning items directly on the bottom of the transducer tank as this might lead to damages on the unit.Use suitable accessories:Use the plastic cleaning basket.Cleaning basket 3.4Start-up of the cleaning processDo not reach inside the tank during ultrasonic operation!Cell walls can be damaged by prolonged exposure to ultrasonicactivity.For taking out the cleaning items switch off the unit.NOTE Press the + key in the operating panel of the unit (see alsosection 3.6). The unit starts a cleaning cycle which switches off automatically after 7 minutes.This process can be repeated as often as required.After the cleaning process thoroughly rinse the cleaned items in running water and wipe dry with a cloth. Press + key.After-treatment of items: rinsing/dryingCleaning mediamedia4 CleaningFor more efficient cleaning results it is required to add asuitable cleaning chemical to the liquid in the cleaning bath.When choosing the cleaning chemical ensure that the productis suitable for the use in an ultrasonic bath; products that arenot suitable can cause damage to the transducer tank. Whenusing other chemicals than the ones recommended pleaseobserve the instructions given on the label, in particularconcerning the use in an ultrasonic bath.Risk of fire and explosion!Never use flammable liquids or solvents directly in theCAUTIONultrasonic cleaning tank.We recommend to use the cleaning media listed in section 5.1.Ultrasound increases the vapourisation of liquids and createsfinest vapours which can easily catch fire at ignition sources.Risk of damage to the transducer tank!Do not use acid cleaners (pH value below 7) directly in theNOTEstainless-steel tank if the items to be cleaned carrycontaminations containing halogenides (fluorides, chlorides orbromides).The same applies to salt solutions (NaCl).We recommend to use the cleaning media listed in section 5.1.The stainless-steel tank can be destroyed by crevice corrosionwithin a very short period. Substances causing crevicecorrosion can be contained in household cleaners.The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damagescaused by crevice corrosion.For queries please contact the manufacturer or your supplier.Cleaning media4.1Suitable cleaning mediaElma has a large range of suitable cleaning products developedby chemical engineers in the Elma laboratory. Please contactyour supplier.4.1.1 DentalHighly efficient alkaline universal cleaner for the cleaning of instruments and laboratory equipment.Removes plaster and alginate. Cleans prostheses with activated oxygen. Aldehyde-free, ready-to-use drill cleaner for instruments madeof stainless steel.elma clean 10elma clean 25elma clean 35elma clean 50d 4.1.2 MedicalHighly efficient alkaline universal cleaner for the cleaning ofinstruments and laboratory equipment .elma clean 104.1.3 Laboratory and Technical CleaningNeutral universal and laboratory cleaner .Mild alkaline laboratory cleaner. Ammoniacal cleaner with brightening effect for metals; cleanerfor jewellery .elma clean 65elma clean 70elma clean 754.1.4 JewelleryAmmoniacal cleaner with brightening effect for metals; cleaner for jewellery. Alkali-free, acid-free cleaner for workshop and jewellery manufacture .Cleaning and brightening of gold, silver and platinum; acts within seconds; not suitable for soft stones. Very mild cleaning concentrate for jewellery; suitable for precious metals with stones.For cleaning and brightening, suitable for soft stones (notsuitable for the use in ultrasonic baths).elma clean 75elma clean 85elma noble cleanelma ultra cleanelma super cleanMaintenance4.1.5 Watches /OpticsCleaner for disassembled watches .Cleaner for the ultrasonic cleaning of glasses.elma 1:9elma opto clean 4.2Notes on the Cleaning of Itemsx Place the items to be cleaned in a basket.x Put the dirtiest items lowest.x Do not place the items one on another as this will absorbthe ultrasound.x Some sensitive items should not come into contact witheach other. We recommend to place them in the basket sideby side, without touching each other.Caution! The cleaning liquid heats up during prolongedultrasonic operation. Take this into consideration when cleaningtemperature-sensitive items.5 Maintenance5.1Maintenance / Care Pull the mains plug before carrying out any maintenance works. The Elmasonic is maintenance-free.Check the housing and the mains cable for damage regularly inorder to prevent electrical accidents.Caution! Do not use acids or solvents for cleaning the plasticparts.In order to prolong the service life of the transducer tank,remove the cleaning residues regularly, in particular metalparticles.Lime deposits on the stainless-steel tank can be cleaned gentlye.g. with elma clean 40 or elma clean 115C.For this, fill the cleaning chemical at the recommendedconcentration in the ultrasonic bath and operate for severalminutes. Then empty the unit and wipe the tank walls clean.For reasons of hygiene, we recommend to disinfect thetransducer tank and the edge of the tank regularly. (Householddisinfectants)Maintenance Care of housing Care of transducer tankPutting out of action and waste disposal5.2 RepairIn case of any damage please contact your supplier or the manufacturer of the unit.Repair works require special know how and must be carried outby specialized personnel only.Use original spare parts only.The mark of CE conformity may lose its validity due tounauthorized opening of the unit.The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damagecaused by unauthorized opening of the unit.Opening byauthorizedspecializedpersonnel only CAUTION 6Putting out of action and waste disposalThe unit components can be taken to metal, plastics andelectronics recycling stations.7Manufacturer's contact addressElma Hans Schmidbauer GmbH & Co. KGKolpingstr. 1-7, D-78224 SingenPhone +49 (0) 7731 / 882-0Fax +49 (0) 7731 / 882-266e-mail:*********************Homepage:Technical SupportPhone +49 (0) 7731 / 882-280Fax +49 (0) 7731 / 882-253 e-mail:************************T e c h n i c a l a n d o p t i c a l c h a n g e s r e s e r v e d _E l m a _c h _0306。

Ultrasonic Cleaner超声波清洗机

Ultrasonic Cleaner超声波清洗机
·以产品的实用性为主,将非主要功能简化。It sticks toPracticalityof the products, simplifying thenon-primary functions.
·3 min自动定时。3 min automatic timing
·适用范围广,可清洗各类家庭用品(如:珠宝、首饰、眼镜、手表、婴儿用品等)。Items can be cleaned in a wide range including varioushousehold instruments,such as jewellery,spectacles, watches,baby products,etc.
Enviromental protection —— Only need the plain water to clean the item when using the machine,to prevent polluting the environment by using the chemical.
·节能特点——小型超声波清洗机通常在3-5 min内即可完成清洗工作(功率大多小于
Energy conservation —— For the small ultrasonic cleaner, it only takes 3-5min to finish the cleaning within 50W,obviouslyenergy-saving.
The capacity of stainless steel tank: 600ml

超声波清洗机 jps英文说明书

超声波清洗机 jps英文说明书

JPS Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine User ManualIntroductionThe JPS Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine is a high-performance cleaning device that utilizes ultrasonic waves to remove dirt, grease, and contaminants from various objects. This user manual provides instructions for operating and maintaining the cleaning machine effectively.Safety InstructionsRead the user manual thoroughly before operating the machine.Only use the machine in accordance with its intended purpose.Ensure that the power supply is compatible with the machine's specifications.Do not immerse the control panel or power cord in water or other liquids.Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety glasses, when operating the machine.Keep the machine away from flammable or explosive substances.Machine OperationConnect the power cord to a suitable power outlet.Fill the cleaning tank with an appropriate cleaning solution, ensuring that the liquid level does not exceed the maximum fill line.Place the objects to be cleaned in the cleaning basket, ensuring that they are fully submerged in the cleaning solution.Set the desired cleaning time and temperature using the control panel.Press the start button to initiate the cleaning process.After the cleaning cycle is complete, remove the objects from the tank using the basket handles. Maintenance and CleaningRegularly inspect the machine for any signs of damage or wear. If any issues are detected, contact the authorized service personnel for repairs.Clean the tank and basket after each use to remove any residual cleaning solution or debris. Periodically check and clean the ultrasonic transducers to ensure optimal performance.Do not use abrasive or corrosive cleaning agents, as they may damage the machine.Store the machine in a clean and dry environment when not in use.TroubleshootingProblem: The machine does not power on.Solution:Check the power supply and ensure it is properly connected.Verify that the power switch is in the "on" position.Problem: The ultrasonic cleaning effect is weak.Solution:Ensure that the cleaning solution is at the correct temperature.Check the transducers for any damage or debris buildup.If any issues persist or if you require further assistance, please contact our customer support.Warranty InformationThe JPS Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine is covered by a limited warranty. Please refer to the warranty card or contact our customer support for more information.Please note that the above user manual is a sample and should be adapted and customized according to the specific model and features of the JPS Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine. Additionally, it's important to include any necessary safety precautions, specifications, and operating details specific to the machine model in question.。



超声波清洗机(英⽂注释Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine)的应⽤1.概况: ⼀定频率范围内的声波作⽤于液体介质内可起到清洗⼯件的作⽤,这⼀清洗技术⾃问世以来,受到了各⾏各业的普遍关注。




2.应⽤范围: 在所有的清洗⽅式中,超声波清洗是效率最⾼、效果最好的⼀种,之所以超声波清洗能够达到如此的效果,是与它独特的⼯作原理和清洗⽅法密切相关的。

我们知道,在⽣产和⽣活当中,需要清洁的东西很多,需要清洗的种类和环节也很多,如:物件的清除污染物,疏通细⼩孔洞,常见的⼿⼯清洗⽅法对异型物件以及物件隐蔽处⽆疑⽆法达到要求,即使是蒸汽清洗和⾼压⽔射流清洗也⽆法满⾜对清洁度较⾼的需求,超声波清洗对物件还能达到杀灭细菌、溶解有机污染物、防⽌过腐蚀等,因此,超声波清洗被⽇益⼴泛应⽤于各⾏各业: (1)机械⾏业:防锈油脂的去除;量具的清洗;机械零部件的除油除锈;发动机、化油器及汽车零件的清洗;过滤器、滤⽹的疏通清洗等。




Retsch UR超声波清洗器系列说明书

Retsch UR超声波清洗器系列说明书
The ultrasonic bath range UR includes three sizes for cleaning test sieves and grinding tools quickly and easily. UR 1 is for test sieves up to 203 mm dia., UR 2 for test sieves up to 450 mm dia., and the UR 3 for the simultaneous cleaning of up to 5 test sieves 200/203 mm dia. The gentle yet thorough cleaning of test sieves in an ultrasonic bath increases their working lives as damage which could occur during manual cleaning is avoided.
0 - 15 min
UR 1: 5.7 l UR 2: 42 l UR 3: 45 l
UR 1: 24.5 x 13 cm UR 2: 52 x 20 cm UR 3: 50 x 30 x 30 cm
UR 1: 35 kHz, 2 x 240 W UR 2: 35 kHz, 2 x 600 W UR 3: 35 kHz, 2 x 1000W
Time setting Container volume
Oscillating tank Ø x H / W x H x D
HF continuous maximum output
Electrical supply data Power connection WxHxD ØxH/WxHxD Net weight
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超声波清洗能够应用于从大到小的工业零件,大到波音 747 飞机的引擎大修,小到手表的部件制作,都有超声波清洗的用武之地,目前广泛应用超声波清洗的行业涉及电子,精密机械,照明工程,光学,冶金,医疗仪器设备等诸多领域。




超声波清洗常用频率在 20 千赫到 50 千赫之间,常用清洗温度在 50 -80 ℃ 之间。


这个声波传遍整个清洗槽, 在液体中产生了波的压缩和扩张。





当这个发生时,就产生了液体的喷射,导致温度高达 9032华氏度 (约为太阳的温度)。



影响清洗效果的因素有 7 个主要影响清洗效果的原因:1.清洗时间2.清洗液温度3.采用的清洗液4.工件的外形设计5.超声波频率6.超声功率密度7.清洗装夹方式清洗时间是影响超声波清洗效果的一个主要因素,清洗时间取决于工件的污染程度以及清洁度要求,典型的清洗时间是 2-10 分钟,只有少数工件能够在很短的时间里面清洗干净。



一般来说,使用水作为清洗剂,超声波作用范围最好在60 ℃ ,一些 PH 较高的溶液需要更高的清洗温度。

讨论化学药品的 PH 值是一个好的开始,但是深入的讨论化学知识不是这篇文章要涉及的内容。



工件的装夹设计通常超声波清洗的程序是这样:把工件装入工艺料框,经过 3-4 个工序(例如:超声波清洗,喷淋漂洗(可选),浸泡漂洗,干燥),在清洗料框中,有时候超声波辐射会被工件遮挡住。






超声波输出频率目前大多数工业清洗应用中把 40 千赫作为基础频率 , 较低的工作频率。

例如20-25 千赫 , 常用于超声波空化腐蚀少的金属,或者极大阻碍或吸收超声波传播的场合。

功率密度(每加仑的瓦数)( 1 加仑 = 3.8 升)通常,小的工件需要较高的功率密度以达到要求的清洗效果。

大多数工业清洗设备需要的功率密度在 50-100 瓦 / 加仑。

不过,容积超过 50 加仑的水槽,通常只需要大约20 瓦 / 每加仑的功率密度,因为超声波系统水箱容积越大,通常需要的功率密度呈下降趋势。


必须充分考虑工件清洗时候的载入方式,一些较大的工件,内部比较难以清洗的工件(例如一些铸造件),一个原则是只能载入清洗液的一半重量的工件清洗,例如,在 5 加仑的水中 ( 大约 40 磅 ) ,一次只能载入 20 磅的工件清洗,在大多数案例中,分两次载入较少的工件清洗比一次载入较大的工件清洗效果要好得多。


Ultrasonic CleaningUltrasonic cleaning is a good fit for a wide range of applications, from removing swarf and grinding and polishing residue to treating parts covered in oil, grease, or layers of paint. Ultrasonics can be used to clean miniature watch parts or to support the overhaul of jumbo jet engines. And from an industry perspective, the fields of electrotechnics, precision mechanics and light engineering, optics, metal processing, and medical equipment have proven particularly receptive to the ultrasonic concept.So the impact of ultrasonic cleaning is clearly recognizable. But to truly understand the value of ultrasonics, one must understand how ultrasonic cleaners really work.Ultrasonic Cleaning ExplainedThe cleansing effect of ultrasound is the product of a phenomenon called cavitation. Billions of minute gas bubbles implode, causing shock waves that undermine dirt and blast it off a part’s surface. One of the key advantages of this process is that it allows users to clean part surfaces that are completely inaccessible to a manual cleaning process. Ultrasound frequencies generally range between 20 kilohertz and 50 kilohertz, depending on application requirements. Ultrasonic cleaning is typically performed at temperatures between 122 F and 176 F .In an ultrasonic cleaning system, cavitation is produced by introducing sound waves into a cleaning liquid by means of a series of transducers mounted to a cleaning tank. The sound travels throughout the tank and creates waves of compression and expansion in the liquid. In the compression wave, the molecules of the cleaning liquid are compressed together tightly. Conversely, in the expansion wave, the molecules are pulled apart rapidly. The expansion is so dramatic that the molecules are ripped apart, creating microscopic bubbles. The bubbles contain a partial vacuum. As the pressure around the bubbles becomes greater, surrounding fluid rushes in and collapses the bubble. When this occurs, a jet of liquid is created, resulting in temperatures as high as 9,032 F (roughly the temperature of the surface of the sun). The extreme temperature, combined with the liquid jet’s velocity, provides a very intense cleaning action. However, because the bubble expansion and collapse cycle is so short, the liquid surrounding the bubble quickly absorbs the heat, preventing the tank and cleaning liquid from becoming overly hot during the cleaning process.Secrets to Ultrasonic SuccessThere are seven major concerns related to successful ultrasonic cleaning:1. Time2. Temperature3. Chemistry4. Part Fixture Design5. Ultrasonic Output Frequency6. Watts Per Gallon7. LoadingTime Cleaning times can vary tremendously in an ultrasonic process, depending largely on how dirty the part is and how clean is clean. A normal trial period is two to 10 minutes, since very few parts are sufficiently clean in a shorter period of time.Precleaning may be required to remove gross contamination or to chemically prepare the parts for a final clean. Some applications require more than one ultrasonic treatment to complete the required cleaning. Ultrasonic rinsing may also be required in some cases to more thoroughly remove wash chemicals.Temperature & Chemistry Temperature and chemistry are closely related. Generally, ultrasonic cleaning in an aqueous solution is optimized at 140 F . Some high pH solutions require higher temperatures. The chemical pH is a good place to start; but a thorough examination of chemistry is beyond the scope of this article.In brief, the following should be considered the main components of aqueous ultrasonic cleaning chemistry:A. Water (hard, soft, DI, or distilled)B. pHC. SurfactantsWetting agentsDispersantsEmulsifiersSaponifiersD. Optional IngredientsSequestrantsInhibitorsBuffering agentsDefoamersThe chemical formulation must consider all of the above characteristics. Some chemicals designed for spray cleaning — or that include rust inhibitors — are not suitable for ultrasonic cleaning.Part Fixture Design The procedure for ultrasonic cleaning is generally as follows: Put parts in basket and place basket through three or four process steps (i.e., ultrasonic wash, spray rinse (optional), immersion rinse, dry). Some parts loaded in baskets can mask or shadow from the radiated surface of the ultrasonic transducers. Most ultrasonic cleaning systems are designed for specific applications. Bottom-mounted transducers or side-mounted transducers are important considerations during the process design stage. Automated systems must specifically address the location of the transducers to ensure cleaning uniformity. Some parts require individual fixturing to separate the part for cleaning or subsequent processes. Some parts require slow rotating or vertical motion during the cleaning to ensure critical cleanliness.Ultrasonic Output Frequency The majority of the ultrasonic cleaning that is done in industrial applications today uses 40 kHz as a base frequency. Lower frequencies, such as 20-25 kHz, are used for large masses of metal where ultrasonic erosion is of little consequence. The large mass dampens or absorbs a great amount of the ultrasonic cleaning power.WattsPer Gallon In general, smaller parts require higher watts per gallon to achieve the desired level of cleanliness. Most industrial ultrasonic cleaning systems use watt density from 50 to 100 watts per gallon. However, tanks over 50 gallons usually require only about 20 watts per gallon because ultrasonic processes traditionally have shown diminishing returns in large tanks sizes.Loading Loading of the parts to be cleaned must be considered when developing an ultrasonic cleaning process. A large dense mass, for example, prevents internal surfaces from being thoroughly cleaned (i.e., metal castings). A rule of thumb is that the load by weight should be less than the weight of half the water volume. So, for example, in five gallons (approximately 40 lbs .) of water, the maximum workload should be less than 20 lbs . In some cases, it is better to ultrasonically clean two smaller loads rather than one larger load.Each of the factors outlined here must be considered when specifying an ultrasonic application to ensure a high level of cleaning success. Neglecting any single factor can have a negative impact on the overall cleaning process.。
