TI全新SimpleLink MCU平台探索无限可能







该系列的第一代产品“Maze Edition”拥有60余种电子和机械组件,包括行业领先的SimpleLink™ MSP432P401R微控制器LaunchPad™开发套件。

TI的SimpleLink微控制器平台在单个软件开发环境提供广泛的联网ARM® MCU产品系列,可为物联网(IoT)和机器人应用提供灵活的硬件、软件和工具选项。




巡检机器人 维护使用手册说明书

巡检机器人 维护使用手册说明书

巡检机器人维护使用手册版本:2.0北京眸视科技有限公司目录1.产品概述 (4)1.1.产品概述 (4)1.2.履带式机器人 (5)1.3.轮式机器人 (5)2.机器人开机 (6)2.1.机器人开机 (6)2.2.遥控器使用 (6)2.3.遥控器高级使用 (7)2.4.注意事项 (9)3.平板控制 (10)3.1.Wifi连接 (10)3.2.运行APP (10)3.3.自启动功能 (10)3.4.License更新功能 (11)3.5.参数配置 (14)3.6.状态检查 (15)3.7.开启巡检 (16)4.制图 (17)4.1.制图 (17)4.2.地图编辑 (20)4.3.地图备份与切换 (25)4.4.注意事项 (27)4.4.1.制图之前的准备 (28)4.4.2.建图操作原则 (28)4.4.3.建图结果检查 (30)5.导航 (31)5.1.导航到指定点 (31)5.2.导航到指定坐标 (32)5.3.取消导航 (32)6.1.准备工作 (34)6.2.工具安装 (34)6.2.1.开启root ssh权限 (34)6.2.2.JDK的安装 (35)6.2.3.TOMCAT安装 (35)6.2.4.MySQL数据库在线安装 (36)6.2.5.Redis安装 (37)6.2.6.Nginx安装 (37)6.3.程序部署 (38)6.3.1.前端web程序部署 (38)6.3.2.后端jar包部署 (39)6.4.系统参数配置 (41)6.4.1.域名地址映射 (41)6.4.2./etc/profile确认 (41)6.5.启动管理云平台系统程序 (41)6.5.1.后台java程序启动 (42)6.5.2.前台tomcat启动 (42)6.5.3.确认后台程序是否启动成功 (42)6.5.4.访问系统url (42)7.云平台使用 (43)7.1.系统登录 (43)7.1.1.系统首页 (44)7.1.2.个人中心 (45)7.2.实时监控 (45)7.3.数据查询 (47)7.3.1.巡检报表 (47)7.3.2.巡检点 (48)7.3.3.环境数据 (48)7.4.巡检任务 (49)7.4.1.任务管理 (49)7.4.2.任务日历 (51)7.5.1.巡检点管理 (52)7.5.2.地图管理 (53)7.5.3.机器人管理 (54)7.5.4.告警设置 (55)7.6.系统管理 (56)7.6.1.用户管理 (56)7.6.2.角色管理 (57)7.6.3.菜单管理 (59)7.6.4.场站管理 (59)7.6.5.字典管理 (60)7.6.6.车体状态 (61)7.6.7.版本信息 (62)8.巡检 (63)8.1.启动检查 (63)8.2.云平台操作 (64)9.注意事项 (66)9.1.常规检查 (66)9.2.维护保养 (66)9.3.长期储存 (67)10.快速故障排除 (69)10.1.机器人故障排查 (69)10.2.云端服务故障排查 (71)10.3.遥控器故障排查 (72)附录1:充电桩安装说明 (75)附录2、传感器清洁 (76)附录3、产品参数 (77)1.产品概述1.1.产品概述眸视机器人定位和导航系统,是一个集激光雷达、视觉(双目相机、深度相机)、超声波、惯性测量单元(IMU)等多种传感器于一体的定位和导航系统。

SimpleLink MCU平台的特点及应用介绍

SimpleLink MCU平台的特点及应用介绍

SimpleLink MCU 平台的特点及应用介绍





为了解决这些问题,德州仪器(TI)推出了全新的SimpleLink™MCU 平台。



全新SimpleLink MCU平台重新定义无线设计

全新SimpleLink MCU平台重新定义无线设计

全新SimpleLink MCU 平台重新定义无线设计物联网和工业4.0 的迅速发展对于应用、设计和有线无线连接提出了新的要求。

根据IHS Markit 和Bain & Company 的最新数据,2020 年全球互联网设备将超过307 亿,到2025 年该数据将增长至754 亿。


2017 年3 月21 日,德州仪器(TI)宣布推出其全新的SimpleLink™微控制器(MCU)平台。



同时集成了通用MCU 与专门的网络处理器,可轻松满足接入物联网的需求。

加速产品开发周期通常开发人员往往因为代码无法重复利用而花费大量的时间进行调试与修改,花费大量的时间在软件开发部分,而TI 提供的软件开发工具套件(SDK),只要通过标准化功能性的API 底层,便可以实现产品的轻松移植。


”TI超低功耗MSP 微控制器事业部总经理Miller Adair 介绍说。

TI 超低功耗MSP 微控制器事业部总经理Miller AdairSimpleLink™MCU 产品组合可提供广泛且多样的有线和无线连通性标准,包括低功耗蓝牙、Wi-Fi、Sub-1 GHz 和RS485,以及zigbee®、Thread 和Ethernet 等。



















TI CC2642RSimpleLink Bluetooth 5低功耗无线MCU开发方案

TI CC2642RSimpleLink Bluetooth 5低功耗无线MCU开发方案
The CC2642R device is a highly integrated, true single-chip solution incorporating a complete RF systemand an on-chip DC/DC converter.
Sensors can be handled in a very low-power manner by a programmable, autonomous ultra-low powerSensor Controller CPU with 4KB of SRAM for program and data. The Sensor Controller, with its fastwake-up and ultra-low-power 2 MHz mode is designed for sampling, buffering, and processing bothanalog and digital sensor data; thus the MCU system can maximize sleep time and reduce active power.

TI CC2642RSimpleLink Bluetooth 5低功耗无线MCU开发方案
TI公司的CC2642R是SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® 5低功耗无线MCU,具有成本 效率超低功耗,2.4GHz和亚GHz RF器件,具有非常低的工作RF和微处理器(MCU)电 流,以及亚μA睡眠电流和高达80KB奇偶保护的RAM,具有极好电池寿命,允许用小型 钮扣电池工作,可在能量收获中应用.CC2642R组合了灵活非常低的RF收发器和功能 强大的48MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4F CPU,支持多种物理层和RF标准.专用的无线 电控制器(Arm® Cortex®-M0)处理存储在ROM或RAM的低级射频(RF)协议指 令,因此保证了超低功耗,并具有极大灵活性.CC2642R是包含了完整的RF系统和片 上DC/DC转换器的高度集成的真正单片解决方案,具有极好的灵敏度和鲁棒性能(灵 敏度和阻塞度).工作电压1.8 V 到 3.8 V,主要用在消费类电子,手机附件,运动和健美 设备,HID应用,医疗设备,智能电网和自动化仪表,家庭和建筑物自动化,无线告警和安 全系统,工业监测和控制,无线健康应用,无线传感器网络,有源RFID,能量收集应用,长 距离传感器应用和电子货架标签(ESL).本文介绍了CC2642R主要特性,功能框图,以 及SimpleLink™ CC26x2R无线MCU LaunchPad™开发板主要特性,电路图和材料 清单与PCB设计图.



TI(Texas Instruments)作为全球领先的半导体技术公司,不断致力于研发创新的解决方案,引领着未来技术变革。



从工业机器人、自动化生产线到智能物联网应用,TI 的解决方案为客户提供了丰富的产品组合和技术支持,助力工业领域不断向智能化、高效化迈进。











( W L C S P ) ,使开 发人 员可设 计更 小 的产 品。
围使 得 开 发人 员 除 了连 接 高分 辨 率应 用 的P W M 定 时
这 些微 型封 装尺 寸 使M S P 4 3 0 M C U 非 常适 合各 种 器 之 外 ,还 可连 接更 广泛 的组 件 ; 广泛 的6 P I O 范
德 州仪 器 ( T I ) 推 出最新 模 块及 音 频参 考 设计 ,
C C 2 5 6 x 产 品 阵营 ,可 加 速原 型 设计 、 开发 与 生产 。
各 种 高灵 活软件 选项 ,包 括 免专利 费 的 B l u e t o p i a 耗 、辅 助音 频 与A N T 的范例 应 用 ;最 新 C C 2 5 6 x 器 件
其 进 一 步壮 大 了T I S i m p l e L i n k 蓝牙 ( B l u e t o o t h ) 蓝 牙 协 议 栈 、 配 置 文 件 以及 面 向蓝 牙 、蓝 牙 低 能
这些 最新 解 决方案 不仅 通过B l u e t o o t h 4 . 1 认证 ,而 与之前 的T I 器件引脚对引脚兼容;C C 2 5 6 4 蓝牙解决
且 还 包含 片 上音 频 编解 码 以及 最 新 蓝牙 低 能耗 等 更 方 案 目前 通过 一款 T I 模块 提供 。F C C / I C 与c E 认 证将 新 功 能 。现 在 ,S i m p l e L i n k 蓝 牙双 模 式产 品系列 将 在 第 2 季 度 晚 些 时 候完 成 ,并提 供 用 于 简 化 评估 的 帮 助 客户 创 建各 种 创新 型音频 解 决 方案 ,充分 满 足 评 估 板 ;面 向低 成本 扬 声器 与玩 具应 用 的参 考 设计









最近不少厂商有新的无线MCU推出或者在主推系列上做了不少革新,那在这些新系列里是否有新的突破?TI CC1311R3CC1311R3属于TI的SimpleLink系列,是该系列里最新推出的无线MCU。


CC1311R3采用了ARM Cortex-M4内核,是一款多协议Sub-1 GHz无线MCU。






功耗的优化同时和内置的高效PA有关,降低了+14 dBm传输下的电流消耗。

CC1311R3支持143至176 MHz、287至351 MHz、359至527 MHz、861至1054 MHz和1076至1315 MHz频段的工作,能在这么多频段下工作的MCU应该称得上够灵活了。

TI SimpleLink CC3000 Module - Wi-Fi 802.11b g 网络处理

TI SimpleLink CC3000 Module - Wi-Fi 802.11b g 网络处理

CC3000MOD SWRS126–NOVEMBER2012 TI SimpleLink™CC3000Module–Wi-Fi802.11b/g Network ProcessorFEATURES•Operating temperature:–20°C to70°C•Based on TI's seventh generation of proven •Wireless network processorWi-Fi solutions–IEEE802.11b/g•Complete platform solution including user and –Embedded IPv4TCP/IP stackporting guides,API guide,sample•Best-in-class radio performanceapplications,and support community –TX power:+18.0dBm at11Mbps,CCK–RX sensitivity:–88dBm,8%PER,11Mbps APPLICATIONS•Works with low MIPS and low-cost MCUs with•Home automationcompact memory footprint•Home security•FCC,IC,and CE certified with a chip antenna•Connected appliances•HW design files and design guide available•Smart energyfrom TI•M2M communication•Integrated crystal and power management•Small form factor:16.3mm×13.5mm×2mmDESCRIPTIONThe TI CC3000module is a self-contained wireless network processor that simplifies the implementation of Internet connectivity(see Figure1).TI's SimpleLink™Wi-Fi solution minimizes the software requirements of the host microcontroller(MCU)and is thus the ideal solution for embedded applications using any low-cost and low-power MCU.The TI CC3000module reduces development time,lowers manufacturing costs,saves board space,eases certification,and minimizes the RF expertise required.This complete platform solution includes software drivers, sample applications,API guide,user documentation,and a world-class support community.For more information on TI’s wireless platform solutions for Wi-Fi,go to TI's Wireless Connectivity wiki (/connectivitywiki).Figure1.Wi-Fi Solution for TI SimpleLink CC3000ModulePlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications ofTexas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.SimpleLink,Smart Config are trademarks of Texas Instruments.Wi-Fi is a trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.CC3000MODSWRS126– This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled withappropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. FEATURESWLAN•802.11b/g integrated radio,modem,and MAC supporting WLAN communication as a BSS station with CCK and OFDM rates from1to54Mbps in the2.4-GHz ISM band•Auto-calibrated radio with a single-ended50-Ωinterface enables easy connection to the antenna without requiring expertise in radio circuit design.•Advanced connection manager with seven user-configurable profiles stored in an NVMEM allows automatic fast connection to an access point without user or host intervention.•Supports all Wi-Fi security modes for personal networks:WEP,WPA,and WPA2with on-chip security accelerators•Smart Config™WLAN provisioning tools allow customers to connect a headless device to a WLAN network using a smart phone,tablet,or PC.Network Stack•Integrated IPv4TCP/IP stack with BSD socket APIs enables simple internet connectivity with any microcontroller,microprocessor,or ASIC.•Supports four simultaneous TCP or UDP sockets•Built-in network protocols:ARP,ICMP,DHCP client,and DNS client enable easy connection to the local network and to the Internet.Host Interface and Driver•Interfaces over4-wire serial peripheral interface(SPI)with any microcontroller,or processor at clock speed up to16MHz•Low footprint driver provided for TI MCUs and easily ported to any processor or ASIC•Simple APIs enable easy integration with any single-threaded or multi-threaded application.System•Works from a single,preregulated power supply or connects directly to a battery•Separated I/O voltage rail allows flexible integration with host processors•Ultra-low leakage shut-down mode with current<5µA•Integrated clock sourcesEEPROM•Integrated EEPROM stores firmware patch,network configuration,and MAC address.•Programmable through an I2C interface or over APIs from the host,allowing over-the-air firmware upgrades •Can store5KB of user data accessible to the host application,enhancing the MCU NVM2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedUnit: mm3646432928403738414239194544181110PIN-1SWRS126-002CC3000MODSWRS126–NOVEMBER 2012PACKAGE INFORMATION Module OutlineFor the PCB layout of your applications,TI recommends the footprint shown in Figure 2.Figure 3000Module Footprint and PinoutsPin DescriptionTable 1describes the CC3000module pins.Table 3000Module Pins DescriptionPin Signal NameType State at State After Voltage LevelDescription Reset Reset1GND GND ———Ground2Reserved_1——— 1.8V Reserved.Connect to test point.3NC ————Not connected4Reserved_2——— 1.8V Reserved.Connect to test point.5WL_EN2(1)I Hi-Z ——Mode setting6WL_RS232_TX(2)OHi-ZForce 11.8VRS232test-mode signal (1.8-V logic).Connect to test point.Serial connection for CC3000radio tool.7WL_EN1I Hi-Z ——Mode setting8WL_RS232_RX (2)IHi-ZPU1.8VRS232test-mode signal (1.8-V logic).Connect to test point.Serial connection for CC3000radio tool.9GND GND ———Ground 10GND GND ———Ground 11GND GND ———Ground12SPI_CS I Hi-Z PU VIO_HOST Host interface SPI chip-select (CS)13SPI_DOUT O Hi-Z PU VIO_HOST Host interface SPI data out 14SPI_IRQOHi-ZForce 1VIO_HOSTHost interface SPI interrupt(1)Connect WL_EN1to WL_EL2for proper operation of the module.(2)Leave unconnected in function module.Copyright ©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedSubmit Documentation Feedback3CC3000MODSWRS126– 3000Module Pins Description(continued)Pin Signal Name Type State at State After Voltage Level DescriptionReset Reset15SPI_DIN I Hi-Z PU VIO_HOST Host interface SPI data in16GND GND———Ground17SPI_CLK I Hi-Z PD VIO_HOST Host interface SPI clock18GND GND———Ground19VBAT_IN Power——V BAT Power supply input,2.7to4.8V 20GND GND———Ground21EXT_32K————Not used.Connect to ground.22GND GND———Ground23VIO_HOST Power——VIO_HOST VIO host supply voltage24Reserved3————Reserved.Connect to test point.25GND GND———Ground26VBAT_SW_EN I——VIO_HOST Module enable.Connect to host GPIO.27SDA_EEPROM(3)I/O 1.8V I2C data line from EEPROM28SDA_CC3000(3)I/O 1.8V I2C data line from the CC3000module 29SCL_EEPROM(4)I/O 1.8V I2C clock line from EEPROM30SCL_CC3000(4)I/O 1.8V I2C clock line from the CC3000module31GND GND———Ground32GND GND———Ground33GND GND———Ground34GND GND———Ground35RF_ANT RF———WLAN antenna port,50-Ωsingle 36GND GND———Ground37GND GND———Ground38GND GND———Ground39GND GND———Ground40GND GND———Ground41GND GND———Ground42GND GND———Ground43GND GND———Ground44GND GND———Ground45GND GND———Ground46GND GND———Ground(3)Connect SDA_EEPROM and SDA_CC3000through a0-Ωresistor.(4)Connect SLC_EEPROM and SLC_CC3000through a0-Ωresistor.4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedCC3000MOD SWRS126–NOVEMBER2012ESD PERFORMANCEBecause electrostatic discharge(ESD)can damage this integrated circuit,TI recommends handling all integrated circuits(ICs)with appropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision ICs can be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes can cause devices not to meet their published specifications.Table2describes the ESD performance.Table2.ESD PerformanceHDM(1)CDM(2)1000V500V(1)JEDEC ESD HBM spec JS-001-2012(2)JEDEC ESD CDM spec22C101EMODULE SPECIFICATIONSAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameters Pin Min Max UnitVBAT_IN19–0.5+6.0VVIO_HOST23–0.5+4.6VI2C and WL_RS23227,28,29,30,6,8–0.5+2.1VSPI interface12,13,14,15,17–0.5+4.6VVBAT_SW_EN26–0.3+6.0VStorage temperature range––40+85°CRecommended Operating ConditionsRating Condition Sym Min Max Unit Operating ambient–20+70°C temperatureVBAT_IN 2.7 4.8VVIO_HOST supply voltage 1.8 3.6VSPI interfaceHigh-level input voltage VIO_HOST= 1.8to1.95V VIH VIO_HOST x0.65V1.95to2.7V 1.62.7to3.6V2Low-level input voltage VIO_HOST= 1.8to1.95V VIL VIO_HOST×0.35V1.95to2.7V0.72.7to3.6V0.8Input voltage VI0 3.6V Output voltage Active state VO0VIO_HOST VInput transition rise or fall△t/△v5ns/VrateVBAT SW ENHigh-level input voltage VIH 1.1 5.5VLow-level input voltage VIL00.4V Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5CC3000MODSWRS126–Power ConsumptionParameters Test Conditions Typ Max UnitVBAT=3.6VTamb=+25°C802.11b TX current Po=18dBm,11Mbps260275mAL=2048bytestdelay(idle)=40µsVBAT=3.6VTamb=+25°C802.11g TX current Po=14dBm,54Mbps190207mAL=2048tdelay(idle)=40µs802.11bg RX current VBAT=3.6V92103mAVBAT=3.6VShut-down mode5µAVBAT_SW_EN=0VWLAN Transmitter RF Characteristics(TA=+25°C,VBAT=3.6V)Characteristics Condition Min Typ Max Unit(Mbps)118.3218.21118.1617.0Maximum RMSoutput power917.0dBm1817.03615.55414.0In-band power±1variationTransmit center±20ppm frequency accuracyReceiver RF Characteristics(TA=+25°C,VBAT=3.6V)Characteristics Condition Min Typ Max Unit(Mbps)1DSSS–97.52DSSS–95.011CCK–89.06OFDM–91.0Sensitivity dBm9OFDM–91.018OFDM–87.036OFDM–81.054OFDM–75.0802.11b–10Maximum input level dBm802.11g–206Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedSPI_CLK(at device die)SPI_DIN (data from host to device)SPI_DOUT (data from host)device to SWRS126-016CC3000MOD SWRS126–NOVEMBER2012 SPI HOST CONTROLLER INTERFACEThe SPI is the primary host interface to the CC3000module.The SPI interface contains the five-line,master and slave communication model shown in Figure3.Figure3.SPI Host ConnectivityTable3highlights the CC3000SPI pin names and functions.Table3.SPI Line DescriptionPin Name DescriptionSPI_CLK Clock(0to16MHz)from host to slaveSPI_CS(1)CS(active low)signal from host to slaveSPI_DIN Data from host to slaveSPI_IRQ(2)Interrupt from slave to hostSPI_DOUT Data from slave to host(1)SPI_CS selects a CC3000module,indicating that a master wants to communicate to the device.(2)SPI_IRQ is a dual-purpose slave to the master direction line:in SPI IDLE state while no data transfer is active,driving SPI_IRQ lowindicates to the master that the CC3000module has data to pass to it;driving SPI_IRQ low following SPI_CS deassertion indicates that the CC3000module is ready to receive data.SPI TimingFigure4shows the SPI timing sequence.Figure4.SPI Timing SequenceCopyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7CC3000MODSWRS126– Table4lists the SPI timing parameters.Table4.SPI Timing ParametersSymbol Parameter(1)(2)Min Max UnitT clk Clock period62.5nsHigh pulse widthT p(including jitter and duty25(3)37.5(3)nscycle)RX setup time;minimumtime in which data ist is5nsstable before captureedgeRX hold time;minimumt ih time in which data is5stable after capture edgeTX setup propagationtime;maximum time fromt os10.2launch edge until data isstableTX hold propagation time;t oh minimum time of data3stable after launch edgeCapacitive load onC L20pFinterface(1)The SPI_CS signal is considered to be asynchronous.(2)In this example,launch is on the rising edge,and capture is on the falling edge.The opposite scheme can be configured.(3)40%to60%DC(valid for the minimum clock period)8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedSWRS126-005VBAT_INVIO_HOSTCC3000MODSWRS126–NOVEMBER 2012POWER-UP SEQUENCEFigure 5demonstrates the wake-up sequence of the CC3000module.Figure 3000Module Power-On SequencesNOTE•VBAT_IN and VIO_HOST must be available before VBAT_SW_EN is asserted.•At wake-up time (T1):The CC3000module powers up after SPI_IRQ changes state to LOW.T1is approximately 53ms.•At T2:The normal master SPI write sequence is SPI_CS low,followed by SPI_IRQ low (CC3000host),indicating that the CC3000core module is ready to accept data.T2duration is approximately 7ms.CC3000Enable Pins ConfigurationTable 5describes the CC3000mode of operation based on the enable (EN)pins setting.Table 3000EN Pins ConfigurationModeStateWL_EN1:Leave disconnected.Test mode (1)WL_EN2:Connect to ground.Functional mode (2)WL_EN1and WL_EN2are shorted together.(1)For CC3000radio tool operation (2)For normal operationCopyright ©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 9TOP VIEWSIDE VIEWCC3000MODModule Size: 16.3 x 13.5 x 2.0 mm2.00SWRS126-007SWRS126-017CC3000MODSWRS126–NOVEMBER 2012Test Mode Serial InterfaceThe CC3000module contains a dedicated WLAN serial interface to connect to the CC3000radio tests tool,an external PC-based software test utility,during development and evaluation phase (see Figure 6and Table 6).The CC3000radio test tool utility can be obtained from the CC3000TI wiki (/connectivitywiki ).Figure 3000Test Mode Serial Interface Connection Table 3000Test Mode Debug Interface DescriptionSignal Name FunctionWL_RS232_TX Connection with CC3000radio PC-based software (1)WL_RS232_RX(1)WL_EN2pins must be grounded while bringing up the CC3000radio tool.SURFACE MOUNT INFORMATIONThe CC3000module uses a flat shield cover designed for a fully automated assembly process.For baking and reflow recommendations,follow MSL level 4found in the JEDEC/IPC Standard J-STD-20b.The classification temperature (T C )for the module is 250°C.MECHANICAL INFORMATION Module Mechanical OutlineFigure 7shows the mechanical outline for the CC3000module.Figure 3000Module Mechanical Outline10Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2012,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPackage MarkingFigure8shows the CC3000module package marking.CC3000MODYYWWSSF6.0 mmSWRS126-0083000Module Package MarkingTable7defines the marking code.Table7.Package Marking DefinitionsCode DefinitionYYWWSSF DateYY Year(for example,2012=12)WW Week(01through53)SS Serial number from01to99to match manufacturer lot numberF Reserved for internal useOrdering InformationTable8lists the CC3000module part numbers.3000Module Part NumbersOrder Number DescriptionCC3000MOD CC3000module,44modules per trayCC3000MODR CC3000module reel,1200modules per reelREFERENCE SCHEMATICS AND BILL OF MATERIALSFigure9shows the schematics for the CC3000to host reference design.The value of antenna matching componentsConnect to Host SPI Interface.SWRS126-0093000Module to Host Reference DesignNOTEFor flexibility,VIO_HOST supports both cases in which the VBAT and VIO voltages of theMCU can be the same or different.Table9lists the bill of materials.Table9.Bill of MaterialsPart Reference Description Manufacturer Manufacturer PN ANT1 2.4-GHz chip antenna,8.0×1.0mm ACX AT8010-E2R9HAAC1C0402,2.2pF Walsin0402N2R2C500LTL2L0402,2.2nH ACX Hl1005-1C2N2SMTC2(1)C0402,10pF Walsin0402N100J500LTC4,C5(1)C0402,1µF Murata GRM155R60J105KE19DR1,R2,R5(1)R0402,0R Walsin WR04X000PTL J1RF coaxial U.FL,SMD Hirose U.FL-R-SMT-1(10)(1)Any component with similar values can be used.SWRS126-015Via stitching beside RF traceground underantenna sectionConstant impedance for RF traceTop layerBottom layerDESIGN RECOMMENDATIONSThis section describes the layout recommendations for the CC3000module,RF trace,and antenna.AntennaThe ACX ceramic antenna is mounted on the CC3000EVM board with a specific layout and matching circuit for the radiation test conducted in FCC,CE and IC certifications.Figure 10shows the location of the antenna on the EVM board as well as the RF trace routing from the CC3000module.Figure 10.RF Trace and Antenna Design for PCB LayoutModule Layout RecommendationsObserve the following module layout recommendations (see also Figure 11):•Have a solid ground plane and ground vias under the module for stable system and thermal dissipation.•Do not run signal traces underneath the module on a layer where the module is mounted.•Signal traces can be run on a third layer under the solid ground layer and beneath the module mounting layer.SWRS126-014Solid ground plane and viasNo trace under moduleTop layer Bottom layerFigure 11.Module LayoutRF Trace and Antenna Layout RecommendationsObserve the following recommendations for RF trace and antenna layout (see also Figure 10):•RF traces must have 50-Ωimpedance (microstrip transmission line).•RF trace bends must be gradual with a maximum bend of approximately 45degrees and with trace mitered.RF traces must not have sharp corners.•There must be no traces or ground under the antenna section.•RF traces must have via stitching on the ground plane beside the RF trace on both sides.•RF traces must be as short as possible.The antenna,RF traces,and the module must be on the edge of the PCB product in consideration of the product enclosure material and proximity.。



TI-BOOST MANUALINTRODUCTIONWe are very proud of our association with Tony Iommi and to have him commission us with his only authorised signature pedal is a real honour.The pedal functions in a similar way to Tony Iommi’s legendary modified Range Master – giving you a significant bass cut and mid boost. We’ve included a little more gain and more selectable EQ options to make it more appealing to players looking to find their own signature sounds.FEATURESEach of the BCC pedals have been designed to incorporate features that really matter :-• Transparent fully buffered operation at all times.• Super high output drive provides anexcellent interface between bass guitarand effects pedals/amp.• Much reduced cable loss.• Consistent bass guitar volume performance at allsettings.• Signal phase integrity.• Excellent consistent load for passive Volumepedals.• Ultra-low noise circuitry.• Silent switching.• Low battery consumption.LAYOUTThe layout of your pedal has been ergonomically designed by players, for players, to give you control over all the features you need, quickly and effectively.The following pages will give you an insight into how the controls on TI-BOOST work and interact with each other.1 2 34 56781 2 3 4 5 6 7DRIVEControls the amount of drive within the signal and will take you from clean through bluesy crunch to lead.LOWShapes the overall low frequency response of the pedalOUTPUTConnect this jack to the input of your ampVOLUMEControls the output level of the pedal. Allows you to hit the front end of the amp harder and generate amp distortion and sustain . Can also be used to attenuate the amplifier.MIDA 3 position custom voiced MID boost switch. Down position – LO mid boost, Middle – Flat, Up – Hi end boostHIGHShapes the overall Hight frequency response of the pedal.INPUTConnect this jack to the output of your instrument.89VDC Input for external 9V external D.C. power supplyNOTESThe TI-BOOST is a true bypass pedal.Install a good quality 9V battery into the pedal by unscrewing the base of the pedal and fitting the battery securely to the battery connector and then replace the base of the pedal. Do not use excessive force to tighten up the 4 base plate screws as this could damage the screws.When not in use it is always a good idea to remove the input jack from your pedal to prevent any unwanted battery power loss.Caution - when you do not intend to use the pedal for a long period of time, it is always advisable to remove the battery to prevent current loss and battery leakage.Alternatively - and highly recommended is the use of an external good quality DC 9V PSU.SPECIFICATIONS9V PP3 battery includedExternal 9V DC supply – centre negative (not included) Dimensions mm (HxWxD) 56.4 x 66 x 112Unit weight 0.55kgShipping weight 0.70KgThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference2) This device must accept any interference received, that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modification to the equipment not approved by Laney can void the user’s authority to use the equipment.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This product conforms to the requirements of the following EuropeanRegulations, Directives & Rules:CE Mark (93/68/EEC), Low Voltage 2014/35/EU, EMC (2014/30/EU), RoHS(2011/65/EU), RED (2014/30/EU), ErP 2009/125/EUIn order to reduce environmental damage, at the end of its useful life, thisproduct must not be disposed of along with normal household waste to landfill sites. It must be taken to an approved recycling centre according to the recommendations of the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive applicable in your country.SIMPLIFIED EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, Laney Electronics Ltd. declares that the radio equipment is in compli-ance with Directives 2014/53/EU, 2011/65/EU,2009/125/EUFull text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:/approvalsNOTES。

TI全新SimpleLink MCU平台探索无限可能

TI全新SimpleLink MCU平台探索无限可能

TI全新SimpleLink MCU平台探索无限可能
【摘要】<正>熟悉TI公司的朋友对于Simple Link并不陌生,日前TI推出的全新Simple Link MCU平台中,拥有目前TI市面上的800颗产品。

该平台包括此前在中国发布的MSP432、低功耗蓝牙BLE产品CC2640、Sub-1GHz产品CC1310,无线连接的产品CC1350、以及最新第三代Wi-Fi CC3220。

Simple Link MCU 平台拥有广泛的有线和无线单片机,可以实现100%代码移植和软件兼容,延续了TI 在无线连接和MCU领域20多年的创新。

1.所有TI MCU都到SimpleLink MCU这只碗里来! [J], 薛士然
2.利用SimpleLink MCU平台在各个频带和协议实现创新、加速及连接 [J], 德州仪器(TI)
3.TI推出全新SimpleLink超低功耗无线微控制器平台 [J],
4.TI全新SimpleLink超低功耗MCU平台支持多标准无线互联 [J], 韩霜
5.TI发布SimpleLink MSP432以太网MCU有效缩短电网基础设施和工业自动化网关应用的上市时间 [J],





其中,开发人员仅需花费25美分就能从新型MSP430超值传感MCU 中获得25种功能,通过该产品中集成的混合信号功能实现简单的传感解决方案;另一个来自SimpleLink MCU平台的产品则加入了以太网连接功能,可以帮助开发人员轻松地将在物联网中扮演重要角色的传感器经由网关连接至云端。


第二,代码可重复使用,MSP430传感 MCU的代码可以在整个MSP430家族中重复使用,当这些代码被应用到资源更为丰富的其他MSP430 MCU上时,这些MCU产品也被赋予了实现25种功能的能力,MSP430传感MCU则可轻松地将现有功能移植到新的设计或其他MSP430系列产品中。











1.引“狼”入室TI继续增强MCU实力TI超低功耗金刚狼MCU助力迈近“无电池”世界 [J], 陈颖莹
2.TI MSP430超低功耗MCU系列又添新成员 [J],
3.TI全新SimpleLink超低功耗MCU平台支持多标准无线互联 [J], 韩霜
4.TI CC1350双频段超低功耗无线MCU解决方案 [J],
5.TI新型超低功耗16位RISC系列MCU性能更高可靠性更强 [J],

芯片上的网络TI SimpleLink Wi-Fi让联网如此简单

芯片上的网络TI SimpleLink Wi-Fi让联网如此简单

芯片上的网络TI SimpleLink Wi-Fi让联网如此简单



1.利用TI的片上互联网可为任何设备增添Wi-Fi(R)功能 [J], 德州仪器半导体技术上海有限公司
2.TI面向物联网应用的SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3100和CC3200模块 [J],
3.贸泽电子开售面向物联网应用的TI CC3235x SimpleLink双频带无线SoC [J],
4.利用TI的片上互联网可为任何设备增添Wi-Fi功能 [J],
5.德州仪器全新SimpleLink^TM Wi-Fi器件率先成为芯片级Wi-Fi CERTIFIED^TM产品 [J],



Bluetooth~ 5发布解锁SimpleLink^(TM) CC2640无
【摘要】日前,蓝牙技术联盟(Bluetooth SIG)发布了全新的Bluetooth 5,这对于目前的蓝牙核心规格4.2(Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2)而言无疑是一次重大的升级。

在覆盖范围、速度和无连接广播能力方面的巨大改进将把蓝牙技术进一步推向住宅和楼宇自动化市场,以及其他的物联网(Io T)应用领域。

凭借Bluetooth 4.2所提供的安全隐私升级,Bluetooth 5将成为低功耗移动个人网络及宽范围楼宇和Io T网络的理想无线RF协议。


1.超低功耗双频无线MCU,支持Sub-1GHz和Bluetooth [J],
2.TI推出最新SimpleLink无线和有线MCU平台 [J], 周毅
3.TI全新SimpleLink超低功耗MCU平台支持多标准无线互联 [J], 韩霜
4.TI发布SimpleLink MSP432以太网MCU有效缩短电网基础设施和工业自动化网关应用的上市时间 [J],
5.TI CC2642RSimpleLink Bluetooth 5低功耗无线MCU开发方案 [J],

利用SimpleLink MCU平台在各个频带和协议实现创新、加速及连接

利用SimpleLink MCU平台在各个频带和协议实现创新、加速及连接

利用SimpleLink MCU平台在各个频带和协议实现创新、加速及连接(TI)用于衔接的技术标准和平台对实时感应、通信和数据分享具有挺直影响,这对于全球商业和贸易至关重要。



为协助您挑选正确的技术, SimpleLink衔接的微控制器()支持多种衔接协议,包括Zigbee,Thread,Bluetooth Low Energy,Wi-Fi,以太网和Sub-1 GHz,全部这些协议均由SimpleLink软件开发套件(SDK)统一。

SimpleLink MCU平台提供了用来创建平安、低功耗且已衔接的网络构建块。

挑选硬件开发套件作为SimpleLink MCU平台的一部分,您可用法各类硬件工具,包括TI SimpleLink LaunchPad开发套件和我们新近可用的SimpleLinkCC1352R LaunchPad SensorTag套件。

每个套件的核心是SimpleLink MCU,但每个套件都针对不同的开发方面举行量身定制。



该套件为您提供了对SimpleLink MCUs不受限制的开发拜访权限,且可用作创建下一项目的空白状态。





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熟悉TI 公司的朋友对于SimpleLink 并不陌生,日前TI 推出的全新SimpleLink MCU 平台中,拥有目前TI 市面上的800颗产品。

、低功耗蓝牙BLE 产品CC2640、Sub-1GHz 产品CC1310,无线连接的产品CC1350、以及最新第三代Wi-Fi CC3220。

SimpleLink MCU 平台拥有广泛的有线和无线单片机,可以实现100%代码移植和软件兼容,延续了TI 在无线连接和MCU 领域20多年的创新。

图1 全新SimpleLink MCU 平台

而TI 的SimpleLink MCU 平台完全软件兼容,无论是在有线还是无线的单片机上,开发一个软件都可以把这个软件很容易的放在另外一个平台使用,因为TI 有统一的SDK ,在这个环境中,用户只要学习一个工具就可以很方便地在众多产品里做开发。

开发完成后,所有的软件只要通过TI SDK 上的API 就很容易从一个产品移植到另外一个产品,节省了工程师的开发时间
在底层软件驱动的部分,用户只要标配TI 软件的API 底层,其余的所有问题都不需要用户去考虑,并且
TI 将跟Auto 连接的驱动也做好了,这套软件可以移植到不同的硬件上,不管是MSP432、 CC3220、CC2640。

同时用户可以从不同无线的标准转移到另外一个无线的标准,因为TI 把不同的无线标准协议全部做好,集中放在一个库里,用户只要通过TI 的库就可以很快从BLE 到Wi-Fi ,Wi-Fi 移植到Sub-1Ghz 。

图2 第三代SimpleLink Wi-Fi 平台
SimpleLink Wi-Fi 平台
TI 超低功耗MSP 微控制器事业部总经理Miller Adair 向与会媒体说道:“最近我们看到很多不同有关IoT 的报告,其中我们与很多IoT 产业的客户开会谈到他们在IoT 产业遇到最需要解决的问题是什么?他们提到了四点:一是互联互通的安全性,所有人都觉得这是最重要的。

TI 全新SimpleLink MCU 平台探索无限可能



最新一代的SimpleLink Wi-Fi平台针对IOT用户关心的问题,TI在第三代的Wi-Fi MCU里做了很多的改善。

包括增加很多的安全特性,从开发软件的部分,TI发现有很多的工程师是需要更多的迁徙,所以TI在新一代的Wi-Fi MCU增加了1MB闪存和256KB RAM,加强软件开发部分对用户的支持。

虽然上一代的Wi-Fi SoC在低功耗部分已经做得很好,但是TI依然在不断创新,实现更低的功耗。


第三代平台的SimpleLink Wi-Fi最主要的产品包括第三代的Wi-Fi SoC CC3220和无线的网络控制器CC3120。



而另一个ARM Cortex-M4内核包括了256KB RAM和1MB Flash,M4内核对用户完全开放,用户可以开发自己的上层软件。


中国区业务拓展总监吴健鸿表示:“SimpleLink MCU


图3 基于SimpleLink MCU平台的传感器至云端网关。
