第1期纤维复合材料㊀No.1㊀82 2024年3月FIBER㊀COMPOSITES㊀Mar.2024地铁车辆用碳纤维构架横梁工艺制造技术研究陈东方1,刘鑫燚2,周㊀骐2,孙厚礼1,户迎灿1,陈燕荣1,邹红阳2(1.中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,青岛266111;2.哈尔滨玻璃钢研究院有限公司,哈尔滨150028)摘㊀要㊀随着以碳纤维为代表的纤维复合材料的推广和应用,在轨道交通领域,复合材料逐步从非承载件向主承力结构发展㊂转向架作为列车车辆的核心部件,其较重的质量为列车轻量化革新提供了可观的空间㊂本文基于纤维缠绕工艺及树脂传递成型工艺,通过对原材料的筛选㊁模具的设计㊁工艺参数的优化,成功实现了多腔㊁曲面㊁大尺寸㊁厚壁的碳纤维转向架构架横梁的一体成型㊂测试结果表明,孔隙率㊁纤维体积含量㊁固化度及内部质量等性能充分达到设计要求且减重效果明显,完成了结构功能一体化的复合材料构架横梁国产化研制目标㊂关键词㊀地铁车辆;构架横梁;碳纤维;轻量化Study on Manufacturing Technology of Carbon Fiber FrameCrossbeam for Metro VehiclesCHEN Dongfang1,LIU Xinyi2,ZHOU Qi2,SUN Houli1,HU Yingcan1,CHEN Yanrong1,ZOU Hongyang2(1.CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao266111;2.Harbin FRP Institute Co.,Ltd.,Harbin150028)ABSTRACT㊀With the promotion and application of fiber composite materials represented by carbon fibers,composite ma-terials are gradually developing from non load-bearing components to main load-bearing structures in the field of rail tran-sit.As the core component of train vehicles,the heavy weight of the bogie provides considerable space for lightweight inno-vation of trains.This article is based on the fiber winding process and resin transfer molding process.Through the selection of raw materials,design of molds,and optimization of process parameters,the integrated molding of multi cavity,curved, large-sized,and thick walled carbon fiber bogie frame crossbeams have been successfully achieved.The test results show that the porosity,fiber volume content,curing degree and internal quality fully meet the design requirements and the weight reduction effect is obvious,and the research goal of localization of composite frame beam with integrated structure and func-tion is completed.KEYWORDS㊀metro vehicle;frame crossbeam;carbon fiber;lightweight通讯作者:刘鑫燚,男,工程师㊂研究方向为树脂基复合材料成型㊂E-mail:liuxinyi201607@㊀1期地铁车辆用碳纤维构架横梁工艺制造技术研究1㊀引言随着科技与产业的迅速发展,轨道交通行业在满足人们日益增加的出行及运输需求的同时,也对轨道交通智能化㊁绿色化㊁轻量化等方面提出了更高的要求[1]㊂其中,轻量化一直以来都是轨道交通车辆设计制造追求的目标,兼具环保意义[2]㊂产品 以新代旧 ,材料 更新换代 是实现轨道交通向自重小㊁性能好㊁舒适度高㊁绿色化等方向快速发展的有效措施之一[3]㊂纤维复合材料作为轻质高强的典型材料体系[4-5],被广泛应用于航空航天㊁武器军工㊁汽车工业等行业,其比强度㊁比刚度㊁抗疲劳性及耐腐蚀性等优于钢材和铝[6],且具有可设计性㊂目前,在轨道交通领域,纤维复合材料已成功应用于车辆内饰㊁司机室㊁转向架㊁设备舱㊁车体[8]等部分㊂转向架作为轨道交通的核心结构之一,其主体由构架横梁和构架侧梁组成,不仅支撑车厢运行外,还担负着牵引和制动力传递到车轮上的任务㊂传统的转向架采用钢材焊接而成,约占整车重量的30%~40%[9],较高的重量为新材料代替提供了宝贵的空间,减重意义重大[10]㊂纤维复合材料经过数十年的发展,设计㊁制造及成型工艺已较为成熟[11-12]㊂20世纪80年代,德国开发了名为HLD-E的世界首台复合材料转向架,时速可达200公里[8]㊂1989年,日本基于纤维缠绕工艺,成功研制了复合材料转向架构架,较原钢制构架减重70%[13],2014年,川崎重工有限公司开发的ef-WING转向架,可减重40%[14]㊂2018年,在德国举行的柏林国际轨道交通技术展上,中车四方股份发布了新一代碳纤维地铁车辆 CETROVO ,该车采用碳纤维复合材料转向架,不仅使整车减重13%[15],而且有效提升了构架的屈服强度和抗疲劳性能[9]㊂2021年,中车唐山公司研制的新型都市快轨列车下线,该车的转向架设计突破传统轨道交通车辆转向架的设计思路,首次推出 全装配无焊接㊁多级刚度挠性构架 理念的 弓 系轻量化转向架,可减重20%~40%,全生命周期成本降低15%以上㊂纤维复合材料成功应用于转向架等结构,验证了复合材料在轨道交通领域主承力件上适用的可行性,但随着产品逐渐向结构功能一体化方向发展,复合材料的链接问题逐渐凸显,更加复杂㊁多样的结构被设计出来,构架横梁也由单一腔体㊁小尺寸的简单结构趋向于多腔㊁较大尺寸的一体化设计,结构效率更优㊂本文基于干态纤维缠绕预成型坯+树脂传递成型(Resin Transfer Molding, RTM)的复合材料混合式成型工艺成功研制了多腔的碳纤维构架横梁㊂2㊀材料与设备为实现结构功能一体化的设计目标,本次设计的碳纤维构架横梁为多腔,类 哑铃 型的曲面结构,外形尺寸为1804mmˑ749mmˑ221mmˑ275 mm,壁厚为8mmˑ20mm不等,内部设有加强筋,贯穿构架横梁前后㊂图1㊀碳纤维构架横梁结构图树脂基复合材料成型工艺主要有模压成型㊁缠绕成型㊁拉挤成型㊁热压罐成型㊁真空导入成型㊁RTM成型等[16]㊂碳纤维构架横梁结构如图1所示,常见复合材料成型工艺对照和碳纤维构架横梁成型用原材料及设备如表1和表2所示,根据图1的构架横梁结构形状及铺层信息,对比表1不同成型工艺的成型特点㊁适用范围,最终优选纤维缠绕预成型坯+真空-高压RTM的混合式成型工艺,该成型方式不仅发挥了纤维缠绕工艺的高效率㊁高自动化程度㊁准确铺层角度及优异的稳定性等优点,同时兼具了真空-高压RTM工艺,产品内部质量优异㊁孔隙率低的特点,并可一体成型㊂表1㊀常见复合材料成型工艺对照表成型方法常见制品工艺问题及难点经济投入是否可行模压工艺大批量薄壳结构尺寸大㊁壁厚大大ˑ拉挤成型恒定横截面制品变曲面不可成型较小ˑ38纤维复合材料2024年㊀续表1成型方法常见制品工艺问题及难点经济投入是否可行缠绕成型筒㊁管等回转体多腔体湿法缠绕组装难较小ɿ热压罐成型薄壁件不宜厚壁,成型效率低大ˑ真空导入成型简易薄壁件不宜厚壁,内部质量较差较小ˑRTM 批薄壁㊁大尺寸件树脂流动通道设计,工艺稳定性较小ɿ手糊法范围广效率低,稳定性差较小ˑ表2㊀碳纤维构架横梁成型用原材料及设备材料及设备型号厂家应用增强材料T700级碳纤维制品哈尔滨玻璃钢研究院有限公司原材料树脂基体环氧树脂哈尔滨玻璃钢研究院有限公司原材料缠绕机ZYSC -0187哈尔滨玻璃钢研究院有限公司预成型缠绕真空泵SL22-466青岛东方三力压力容器有限公司真空辅助排气注胶机JHG1J60XC20C5东莞久耐机械有限公司高压RTM 成型固化炉YN12-B1400-J 哈尔滨北方炉窑制造有限公司固化探伤仪EPOCH650OLYMPUS超声探伤3㊀工艺设计与制造3.1㊀基体材料选型RTM 工艺是一种低成本㊁较高自动化㊁绿色化的复合材料成型技术之一[17]㊂根据真空辅助情况㊁合膜方式㊁注胶压力等条件,RTM 又衍生出高压注射树脂传递成型(HP -IRTM)㊁高压压缩树脂传递成型(HP -CRTM)㊁真空辅助树脂传递成型(VARTM)㊁轻质树脂传递模塑成型(LRTM)等技术[18-19]㊂理论上,RTM 用树脂应具有较低且相对稳定的粘度,使用期内粘度为100~500mPa㊃s 较佳,为防止树脂灌注过程中发生固化反应,在注射过程的30~250min 内,粘度宜小于1000mPa㊃s [20]㊂依据碳纤维构架横梁的应用要求,树脂基体为环氧树脂体系,在满足强度㊁模量㊁断裂韧性等力学性能要求㊁玻璃化转变温度等理化性能的条件下,还应考虑成型工艺要求㊂构架横梁筛选树脂的理化性能如表3所示㊂表3㊀构架横梁筛选树脂的理化性能表树脂序号1#2#3#4#5#6#7#(对照组)固化剂类型胺类酸酐类胺类酸酐类胺类酸酐类酸酐类密度/g /cm 3 1.1-1.2 1.1-1.2 1.1-1.2 1.1-1.2 1.1-1.2 1.1-1.2 1.1525ħ粘度/mPa㊃s 200-300200-300200-300300-600140-240350-600500-600室温可操作时间130-200min 5h 以上,5h 粘度到310mPas约2h 6h 以上60-90min ȡ4.5h ȡ4h 拉伸强度/MPa 65-7570-8065-80ȡ7070-8075-8562.71拉伸模量/GPa 2.8-3.2 2.7-2.9 2.8-3.2ȡ3.0 2.8-3 2.7-3.2 3.16断裂伸长率/%6-103-57-10ȡ33-5 6.5-9 2.26弯曲强度/MPa 100-120115-125110-130ȡ115110-130120-130118.5弯曲模量/GPa 2.8-3.2 2.7-2.93-3.3ȡ3.0 2.8-3 2.7-3 3.03冲击强度/(kJ /m 2)--20-54--------层间剪切/MPa 35-7056--------玻璃化转变温度/ħ72-82120-13080-90ȡ120100-110120-130115凝胶时间120ħ下18-28min 150ħ下1.5-2min ------固化条件100ħ∗1h +150ħ∗2h110ħ∗2h +160ħ∗4h--90ħ∗2h +110ħ∗3h120ħ∗2h +160ħ∗4h48㊀1期地铁车辆用碳纤维构架横梁工艺制造技术研究㊀㊀由表3可知,牌号1#及3#的树脂玻璃化转变温度低于要求的100ħ㊂5#树脂可操作时间较短,不利于工艺成型㊂作为2#树脂改型的6#树脂,其力学性能,如断裂延伸率等优于2#,与4#树脂相比,固化效率更高㊁能源损坏更少,同时相对于其他几种牌号的树脂,6#性能表现全面且优异㊂最终综合了经济㊁工期等多方面因素,最终选定6#环氧树脂体系,作为构架横梁成型用基体树脂㊂6#树脂是一种双组份的高性能环氧树脂体系,具有低粘度㊁可操作时间长㊁工艺性能好等优点,并且在适当的温度下可以快速固化,具有优异的力学性能和极强的纤维粘接性㊂构架横梁成型工艺将采用RTM,而7#环氧树脂是工艺成熟且适用于RTM 的树脂体系,故选择7#树脂作为6#树脂性能的对照参考㊂树脂粘度是影响RTM 工艺过程的关键因素之一㊂在成型工艺过程中常需要将树脂预热,以提高树脂的流动性㊂按照说明配比,配置6#及7#树脂体系,测量其在不同温度下的粘度,如图2所示㊂整体上,两种牌号的树脂粘度随着温度升高而降低㊂除25ħ时,6#树脂粘度低于7#树脂外,其余温度下6#树脂粘度普遍较高于7#树脂㊂6#树脂粘度在70ħ时略高于60ħ,并与7#树脂50ħ时相差不多,这是因为7#树脂的固化温度高于6#树脂,试用期更长,在70ħ时,6#树脂已开始发生固化反应㊂图2㊀6#及7#树脂粘度随温度变化曲线测量6#及7#树脂在恒温60ħ下的粘度,每次测量间隔为30min,其粘度随时间变化曲线如图3所示,树脂粘度随保温时间的延长而逐渐升高,这是因为树脂中已加入了酸酐类固化剂,随着试验的进行,树脂发生反应㊂整体上粘度曲线随保温时间呈指数变化,6#变化较为缓慢,在约250min 前,6#树脂粘度均低于7#树脂粘度,表明在60ħ的温度下,一定时间内,6#树脂更适于RTM 成型㊂图3㊀6#及7#树脂-恒温60ħ粘度随时间变化曲线测量6#及7#树脂在恒温80ħ下的凝胶时间如图4所示,可见6#及7#树脂凝胶时间相差不多,约115min㊂玻璃化转变温度上,6#树脂略高于7#树脂㊂在树脂浇注体的力学性能方面,6#树脂的断裂延伸率㊁冲击强度显著优于7#树脂,该性能可一定程度内提高构架横梁抗砂石冲击的能力,即排除了7#树脂作为构架横梁的基体选择㊂图4㊀6#及7#树脂理化性能对照目前,7#树脂RTM 工艺时,预热温度为60ħ,根据7#与6#树脂的粘度测试结果,6#在60~70ħ时,接近7#树脂在50~60ħ时的粘度㊂同时,凝胶时间也相差不多㊂因此,6#在粘度及凝胶时间上适合于本次成型采用的RTM 工艺㊂58纤维复合材料2024年㊀作为轨道交通的主承载结构件,同时为实现多腔碳纤维构架横梁的国产化目标,纤维增强材料选择国产T700级碳纤维㊂碳纤维是一种的力学性能优异的新材料,兼具碳材料的强抗拉力和纤维柔软可加工性两大特征,国产T700级碳纤维拉伸强度>4500MPa,弹性模量为220~260GPa,密度为1.8g /cm 3㊂为考量原材料强度及成型工艺的优异,参照构架横梁的典型铺层,采用RTM 工艺制备了层压板,并依据国标分别进行了拉伸性能㊁压缩性能㊁弯曲性能及面内剪切性能的力学测试,如图5所示,测得强度分别为738.40MPa㊁197.54MPa㊁471.21MPa 和168.42MPa,均大于理论设计值㊂图5㊀典型铺层层压板力学性能测试3.2㊀模具设计㊀㊀在缠绕及RTM 成型工艺中,相当部分的成本花在模具和夹紧装置上㊂本方案模具设计为45#钢材质,分为干态纤维缠绕成型用模具和RTM 成型用模具㊂根据横梁的结构及铺层信息,构架横梁分为五腔体单独缠绕(左上㊁左下㊁中心㊁右上㊁右下型腔模具),左右腔体组装({左上+左下}㊁{右上+右下})缠绕,最后进行整体缠绕({左上+左下}+中心+{右上+右下}),共进行缠绕工艺8次㊂由于构架横梁结构似 哑铃型 ,脱模时不能沿模具轴向脱出,如图6所示,特将模具按照产品内腔形状,设计分瓣结构,彼此之间采用沉头螺栓+插接的方式固定㊂模具轴向长度需大于产品长度,考虑后期的加工余量和缠绕钉环占位㊂不同组装缠绕阶段采用端板固定㊂纤维缠绕后进行RTM 成型㊂一定注胶压力的RTM 成型工艺,既可以保证产品内部质量,又可以降低传统真空辅助RTM 工艺对树脂流动通道的设计依赖㊂RTM 成型用模具主要用于真空和高压注胶过程,分为阴模和阳模㊂RTM 成型模具示意如图7所示,模具采用组装形式,分为外模具上半部㊁中部及下半部,三者采用螺栓紧固,并在中部模具上设计密封槽用于模具密封,在外模上下半部外表面设计网格加强筋以提高耐压强度,保证模具型腔的准确㊂图6㊀纤维缠绕成型模具设计图图7㊀RTM 成型模具示意图68㊀1期地铁车辆用碳纤维构架横梁工艺制造技术研究㊀㊀3.3㊀工艺成型碳纤维构架横梁成型示意如图8所示,碳纤维构架横梁成型过程主要分为缠绕准备阶段㊁缠绕成型阶段㊁RTM 成型阶段㊁固化㊁探伤及最后的机械加工检验㊂图8㊀碳纤维构架横梁成型示意图3.3.1㊀纤维缠绕成型纤维缠绕过程在哈尔滨玻璃钢研究院有限公司自主研发㊁设计㊁制造的缠绕机上进行㊂在缠绕机上按照铺层设计设定起始点位置㊁丝嘴距表面距离㊁封头停留角㊁纱片宽等工艺参数,同时调整缠绕张力及缠绕速度,如果缠绕张力过大,会导致纤维缠绕过紧,不易树脂浸润或浸润不均匀,而纤维缠绕张力过小,会导致纤维松散,线性较差,结构性能降低;缠绕速度过快,在干态纤维缠绕情况下,会导致纤维起毛㊁磨损并容易断裂,而缠绕速度过慢会影响成型效率㊂由于线张力的作用,在变径,即有高度差的过渡段常会出现纤维架空现象,导致纤维不能贴附模具表面,特别是在小角度铺层缠绕时,该现象更为明显㊂分析构架横梁结构可知,端部 哑铃区域 的过渡段为易架空区域㊂针对此问题,并结合目前碳纤维行业的发展,0ʎ铺层采用单向布手工铺放的形式㊂在组合缠绕时,需将缠绕的预成型体组装,由于端板设计精度要求较高,特设计专用工装,使预成型体间既能紧密贴合,又不会破坏缠绕时的线型㊂干态纤维整体缠绕过程如图9所示㊂图9㊀干态纤维整体缠绕过程图3.3.2㊀RTM 成型采用特定工装将干态纤维缠绕预成型坯放入至RTM 模具中㊂RTM 上下模的精密配合有助于模内空腔的压力平衡,使树脂渗透均匀,利于产品质量的提高㊂由于采用刚性模,且预成型坯蓬松,大于实际产品尺寸,不易合膜,故合模时采用专用工装78纤维复合材料2024年㊀及压机压实,螺栓锁紧的同时使用塞规仔细校正合膜缝隙,防止因模具闭合的不准确,造成内腔的偏差,进而导致产品厚度的不均匀,甚至出现白斑㊂RTM 成型过程采用真空辅助排气,高压树脂灌注的形式㊂依据RTM 有限元仿真分析软件,并参考构架横梁的加工区域,设计真空抽气孔㊁注胶孔的数量并布置于流道较为合理和非产品区域㊂在成型过程中,首先对密闭模腔进行真空辅助排气至百帕级,后用高压树脂灌注设备将树脂打入模腔,注胶前需对树脂预热,灌注过程持续至设备不再注入树脂,同时过程中应设置注胶速度梯度,在树脂的试用期内高效率㊁充分且完全的灌入,并尽可能减少纤维冲刷现象㊂此外,注胶结束后,应保压一段时间,防止纤维浸润不均㊂3.3.3㊀固化及脱模依据DSC 结果,确定成型树脂的固化制度㊂由于RTM 为带有外模具的固化,固化温度和时间需考虑模具的传热,涉及模具的材质和厚度,如图10所示,碳纤维构架横梁的固化时间大幅延长㊂图10㊀碳纤维构架横梁固化工艺曲线横梁脱模依次按照外模具㊁缠绕固定用端板,并采用脱模机及油压泵将左上㊁右上㊁左下㊁右下㊁中心型腔模具顺次脱出,得到整体横梁,最后进行超声探伤及机械加工㊂碳纤维构架横梁产品如图11所示㊂4㊀理化性能分析转向架的使用工况决定了其在轨道交通车辆的重要程度㊂因此对其内部质量提出了较为苛刻的要求㊂依据‘GB /T2576纤维增强塑料树脂不可溶分含量试验方法“㊁‘GB /T3365碳纤维增强塑料孔隙图11㊀碳纤维构架横梁产品含量和纤维体积含量试验方法“㊁‘GJB1038.1纤维增强塑料无损检验方法超声波检验“对构架横梁进行了纤维体积含量㊁固化度㊁孔隙率及内部质量进行了检测分析㊂抽取两件构架横梁,编号1㊁2,每件取五组实样,如图12所示,测得其纤维体积含量分别为60.67%及59.72%,满足设计要求的55%,孔隙率为0.013%及0.015%,远低于设计值的3.5%,固化度为97.76%及97.58%,达到90%的固化要求㊂在超声波探伤检测阶段,采用奥林巴斯超声探伤仪在确认零件表面无影响检测结果的前提下,且检测仪器和探头在校验期内,经对比试块检验,在零件表面涂抹一层薄薄的耦合剂,以小于50mm /s 的速度对该件进行直线或锯齿形扫查,扫描间距<3mm,测量结果显示,构架横梁外平面及内部加强筋无疏松㊁架桥及分层缺陷,满足中车青岛四方关于复材结构内部质量验收要求的A 级标准㊂可见采用较高压力的RTM 成型方式,产品内部质量优异㊂碳纤维构架横梁探伤过程如图13所示㊂5㊀结语新型的多腔㊁曲面㊁大尺寸㊁厚壁碳纤维构架横梁成功研制,为结构功能一体化复合材料转向架的应用提供了可能,弥补了我国在多腔体碳纤维转向架的国产化研制空白,产品重约118kg,实现了减重20%的既定目标,正待后续的台架试验及青岛地铁一号线复合材料示范车的装车运行㊂然而,尽管轨道交通的制造商们已成功研发多种碳纤维转向架,但都停在试验阶段,尚未大规模商用[14],其88㊀1期地铁车辆用碳纤维构架横梁工艺制造技术研究图12㊀1号㊁2号构架横梁孔隙率及纤维体积含量图13㊀碳纤维构架横梁探伤过程原因主要是缺少评价体系和高昂的成本,这是一个长期积累和探索的过程㊂相较于金属制品,复合材料的制备几乎是不可逆的,如何保证成型工艺的稳定性,降低废品率,是低成本制造的关键因素㊂随着我国在复合材料领域的快速发展,原材料成本不断降低㊁工艺技术水平㊁结构设计能力㊁评价体系的逐步完善,结构更优㊁功能更全㊁质量更轻㊁效率更高的复合材料制品被设计出来,将不断推动复合材料在轨道交通领域的快速发展㊂参考文献[1]李明高,张丽娇.轨道交通装备复合材料应用现状及发展趋势展望[J].纺织导报,2020(7):6.[2]张莉,董磊,刘志远.碳纤维复合材料在轨道交通车辆转向架上的应用[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020.[3]李明高,张丽娇.轨道交通装备复合材料应用现状及发展趋势展望[J].纺织导报,2020(7):6.[4]Carruthers J J 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2011红点奖(red dot)获奖作品
2011红点奖(red dot)获奖作品选登Nearly 4500 entries were submitted for the 2011 red dot judges to review! After a meticulous, hands-on study of each submitted product they finally narrowed it down to 793 winners of the ―red dot‖award, 154 ―honourable mention‖ award winners, as well as 59 ―best of the best‖ awards reserved for well… the best of the best! We’re impressed that the judges tackled 4500 original entries when we could barely keep our hands off all 900+ winning designs! We did, however, manage to narrow it down to 10 that we just couldn’t keep our eyes off of…On July 4th, after cheering on this year’s laureates at the red dot gala we got a first hand look at the winning products as we partied late into the night at the Designers’ Night after party where they are now on display until July 31st. —As you’ll notice, this isn’t the first time some of these designs have been featured on YD! Hey red dot, apparently great minds really do think alike…Wogg 50 by Jorg Boner Productdesign– 2011 red dot award winner (红点奖)The construction of the Wogg 50 is simple and clear. The seat curves down on four sides to accommodate the four legs and the backrest on both sides. The aesthetics of the chair are influenced by the use of molded plywood.Hohrizontal by finite elemente– 2011 red dot best of the best winner (红点至尊奖)What looks like an elegant wall shelf at first glance turns out to be a sound system with an integrated docking station. A high-uality piece of furniture simultaneously functions as an invisible loudspeaker.Kross by ISMA Creative– 2011 red dot award winnerWhen viewed from the side, the larger profile of this purist washbasin mixer is hard to miss. But, viewed from the front, it is one of the slimmest mixers on the market.Loft by Shelly Shelly for Bernhardt Design– 2011 red dot award winnerLoft is an example of the disappearing art of craftsmanship in furniture making. Loft was designed in a studio course at Art Center College of design where modern design technologies are combined with age-old construction techniques.Pavilion360 by Jurgen Stoppel and Nuyken von Defele– 2011 red dot honourable mention award winnerThis garden pavilion communicates elegance and transparency. it is made of self-supporting glass wall panels and sliding elements made of single-pane safety glass, allowing a 360-degree panoramic view. The top and bottom are closed by a floor and roof structure made of hot-galvanized steel.Pure Black & Pure White by HolmbackNordentoft– 2011 red dot best of the best award winner The knives of the Pure Black series line up on the Pure White magnet holder almost like the keys of a piano. The handles and blades of these stainless steel knives morph effortlessly into one well-balanced unity.Backpack Bed by Lisa & Tony Clark of Swags for the Homeless – 2011 red dot best of the best award winnerPeople worldwide can become victims of natural disasters and lose their homes, forced to live outdoors for a period of time. The Backpack Bed was designed particularly with these people in mind.SpeedStar BGP 323 by Royal Philips Electronics– 2011 red dot best of the best award winner This street lighting is CO2 neutral. Its shape is based ona compact, flat LED module that is very versatile. The lighting element can easily be replaced and is low-maintenance.Diamant 32 by Jacob Jensen Design– 2011 red dot award winnerDiamant 32 is inspired by the shape of a diamond. The highest point is aligned with the heart of the deceased and the surface of the coffin has been shaped in a way that a single flower can be placed at this exact spot.And last but certainly not least- from 2011 red dot design team of the year…Digital Bath by Grohe– 2011 red dot best of the best award winnerThis digital bath system is characterised by the high quality of its materials and its user-friendliness. The geometric form of concentric circles, which is both aesthetically pleasing and efficiently designed, makes for ease of use and immediately informs the user of temperature and water flow settings.。
关键词:欧洲重卡;美国重卡;差异;重卡设计中图分类号:U461收稿日期:2023-11-15DOI:10 19999/j cnki 1004-0226 2024 03 0031前言在汽车品类中,重卡产品因为其结构复杂、工况要求更高、发动机需求也更严格等因素,成为一个国家汽车水平的判断标准。
2欧洲和美国重卡的外形特点2 1美国重卡外形特点在美国,重卡产品都会有很明显的三个特点:a.美国的重卡绝大部分都是长头重卡,美国重卡的发动机都位于驾驶室的前方。
2 2欧洲重卡外形特点与美国重卡相比,欧洲重卡产品特点存在较大不同,具体如下:a.欧洲重卡的发动机基本都是位于驾驶室的下方,所以欧洲基本上都是平头的重卡。
荣威W5的外观设计延续了荣威家族稳健、大气的设计风格,车身造 型魁梧阳刚。如此简洁、大气的风格在如今已日趋异化的城市SUV中, 显得非常独特。由于W5在设计之初参考了双龙的享御平台,其侧面 的轮廓依旧可以看出享御的影子。
W5 享御
不得不说,真的就像是 表兄弟一样。。。。
W5外观 够大气,够阳光,十足 的越野范 车头线条非常饱满,巨大的“云梯”
式盾形镀铬散热格栅配合尺寸 ,让整车的前脸看上去非常敦实,而 且颜色的搭配也比较合理。
车身前 端装备 的“无 标中网 ”也非 常有个 性,令 它在公 路上的 辨识度 非常高 。
类似于探照灯 原理的前雾灯 被镶嵌于前保 险 杠之上,给人 的感觉也非常 实在,
车顶金属行李架搭配车身高亮镀铬饰条,在实用性方面非 常有保障
荣威350车身两侧采用了高腰线设计,显得整车侧面更 加凌厉,也更具运动特征,而运动风格的轮毂设计也给 整车带来了很多年轻化的气息,符合时下年轻消费者的 审美观念。荣威350全车的门把手都是采用外拉式设计 ,虽然成本提高,但使整个外观看上去更富品质。
侧面线 条有一 种俯冲 感,一 条硬朗 的腰线 纵贯始 终,充 满了力 量感
性感上扬的高腰线巧妙延伸 到尾灯造型曲线中,B柱后 不断收窄的小车窗设计让整 车更具俯冲感,配上镀铬踏 板更显运动特性。
荣威作为一个全新的国产汽车品牌,它所需要经历的路程还很长。从 第一款极具英伦风味的750到高端大气的950,以及第一款suv w5,虽然 我们不难发现一些抄袭的现象,但是我们不能否认荣威的成长。由现 在的荣威产品线来看,未来科技,高端商务,纯正越野是其主要发展 方向。如果说具有英伦风味的750我们还能看到罗孚75的影子,到了 950,我们已经无法看出哪里有明显的借鉴痕迹。未来的荣威,会有 更细的分类,也会有更多的优秀设计,比如运动车型更有科技感,商 务车型更符合国人中庸内涵的性格。希望荣威能够实现其口号“品位 、科技、实现”。
9PSW 合格 9ESO 合格 考 核 供 应 商 能力 PP造车
9PPAP合格 P造车
Source: Status: Page:
Haiping Wu Ph.D./BPM
16-Aug-11 2
Edit: Huan Wang / QAD
Mule Car
Haiping Wu Ph.D./BPM
16-Aug-11 1
一 整车开发流程总体介绍:里程碑
战略阶段 Strategy
Portfolio Dev.
G8 G7
概念阶段 concept
开发阶段 development
造型 Style
Product mature/Production preparation
Source: Status: Page:
Haiping Wu Ph.D./BPM
16-Aug-11 5
b. 详细设计
1 DFMEA完成 2 MRD(送样)计划完成
MRD plan
PV试验应通知工程DRE\SVE和SQE,以确定是否现场跟踪,试验报告应在完成试验后及 时递交。PV试验情况需通知SQE。
Source: Haiping Wu Ph.D./BPM
Cover Sheet 初始样品检验报告封面
ID No. / DUNS-Code:
ID number:
Report no. / Index:
Report no. / Index:
/To be completed by customer
Part number:
Part number:
Drawing number:
Process-related and other documentsStatusDate:
11 Design-FMEA
18Inspection device capability verification
12Construction release
19 EUSafety data sheet
23 Processacceptance
17Test equipment list
Supplier / Production location:
ID no. /DUNS-Code:
ID number:
Report no./ Index:
Report no./ Index:
Status / Date:
Status / Date:
Type,extentand description of the enclosures
01Dimension test
02Function test
03Materials test
04 Haptictest
专利名称:FLOPPY DISK SYSTEM 发明人:SATO TATSUO申请号:JP26324985申请日:19851122公开号:JPS62167674A公开日:19870724专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To prevent read disable error by reading a corresponding backup data when a read disable error takes place at main data read and writing the read data in a new area. CONSTITUTION:An output signal of chromatograph is converted into a digital value by an A/D converter 6, read in a RAM memory 3 at each 2mS, the data stored in the RAM memory 3 is written in a floppy disk device 4 at each 50mS. When the data write instruction to a floppy disk is executed, after a main data is written at first, the backup data of the same content as the main data is written in other area for the main data. When a data read instruction is executed, the main data is read at first and if a read disable error takes place, the backup data is read, it is written in a new area immediately and the main data and the backup data are ensured always.申请人:SHIMADZU CORP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Component Technical CommitteeGUIDELINESFOR PART AVERAGETESTINGComponent Technical CommitteeAcknowledgmentAny document involving a complex technology brings together experience and skills from many sources. The Automotive Electronics Counsel would especially like to recognize the following significant contributors to the development and release of this document:Process Average Testing Sub-Committee Members:Tim Haifley AlteraFrank McNally Analog DevicesRod Boutwell Cirrus LogicXin Miao Zhao Cirrus LogicJohn Monteiro Delphi CorporationPaul Grosch FreescaleNick Lycoudes FreescaleLaurie McTurk FreescaleJames Stanley FreescaleAhmad Abde-Yazdani InfineonHorst Lewitschnig InfineonBanjie Bautista ISSIGary Fisher Johnson ControlsRobert Alvarado Lattice SemiconductorMike Buzinski MicrochipStefan Eichenberger NXPAnnette Nettles Renesas ElectronicsNga Nguyen Texas InstrumentsShwetha Shekar Texas InstrumentsCinti Chen XilinxAndrew Flynn XilinxKathy Seebeck XilinxOther Contributors:Nicholas Crichton (formerly with ON Semiconductor)Component Technical CommitteeNOTICEAEC documents contain material that has been prepared, reviewed, and approved through the AEC Technical Committee.AEC documents are designed to serve the automotive electronics industry through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for use by those other than AEC members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally.AEC documents are adopted without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents or articles, materials, or processes. By such action AEC does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the AEC documents. The information included in AEC documents represents a sound approach to product specification and application, principally from the automotive electronics system manufacturer viewpoint. No claims to be in conformance with this document shall be made unless all requirements stated in the document are met.Inquiries, comments, and suggestions relative to the content of this AEC document should be addressed to the AEC Technical Committee on the link .Published by the Automotive Electronics Council.This document may be downloaded free of charge, however AEC retains the copyright on this material. By downloading this file, the individual agrees not to charge for or resell the resulting material.Printed in the U.S.A.All rights reservedCopyright © 2011 by the Automotive Electronics Council. This document may be freely reprinted with this copyright notice. This document cannot be changed without approval from the AEC Technical Committee.Component Technical CommitteeGUIDELINES FOR PART AVERAGE TESTINGText enhancements and differences made since the last revision of this document are shown as underlined text.1. SCOPEThis guideline presents a statistically based method, called part average testing (PAT), for removing parts with abnormal characteristics (outliers) from the semiconductors supplied per AEC-Q100 and AEC-Q101. The test limits used in PAT are established based on a sample of the electrical test results for that particular part with its unique design and processing. Each part design and its associated processing will show a unique distribution of test results for each test requirement and this data is the basis for establishing PAT limits. The principles described in this guideline are applicable to packaged or unpackaged die. For a further discussion of PAT and its possible use to provide Known Good Die, see Appendix 1.1.1 PurposeThis guideline is intended to provide a general method for removing abnormal parts and thus improve the quality and reliability of parts supplied per AEC-Q100 and AEC-Q101. PAT and AEC-Q002 (Statistical Yield Analysis) are not intended to be a requirement. The exact methods applied may vary from what is described in this guideline, specifically if distributions are non-normal. Such derived methods may be employed with good statistical justification. The supplier shall be prepared to justify the statistical approach used.History has shown that parts with abnormal characteristics significantly contribute to quality and reliability problems. Use of this t echnique will also flag process shifts and provide a source of rapid feedback that should prevent quality accidents.1.2 ReferencesAEC-Q100 Stress Test Qualification for Integrated CircuitsAEC-Q101 Stress Test Qualification for Discrete SemiconductorsAEC-Q002 Guidelines for Statistical Yield Analysis2. DEFINITIONS2.1 Important CharacteristicsDevice characteristics that could impact product quality and reliability. Characteristics that provide the most significant information about a part’s capability of working properly under defined user conditions. For examples of important characteristics, see Appendix 2.2.2Known Good Die (KGD)Unpackaged semiconductor devices that are at least as good as an equivalent packaged part.2.3 Lower Specification Limit (LSL)Lower specification limit specified on the device specification.Component Technical Committee2.4 Robust Mean and Robust SigmaStatistics calculated excluding outlying data. Outlying data is generally considered to be data that is more than 6 standard deviations away from the mean of the main distribution.An example of one generalized method of doing this is as follows:The usual Mean and Sigma can be poor statistics because they are very sensitive to outliers. The use of the term “Robust” is to indicate statistics that are insensitive to outliers. Robust mean and Sigma analysis exclude outliers by estimating the location and spread of only the main distribution of parts. The definitions below are true for a normal or Gaussian distribution (of the main population).Robust Mean = Q2 [the median]Note 1: Q2 (Quartile 2) is the middle data point, if the sample size is an odd number. If the sample size is an even number, Q2 is the average of the two middle data points.Robust Sigma = (Q3 - Q1) / 1.35Note 2: The 1.35 number is inexact for sample sizes less than 20. Q1 is the point 1/4 of the way through the ranked data and Q3 is the point 3/4 the way through the ranked data.2.5 Upper Specification Limit (USL)Upper specification limit specified on the device specification.3. PROCEDURE3.1 Setting The Test LimitsTest limits may be set in either a static or dynamic manner. The static limits are established based on an available amount of test data and used without modification for some period of time. The dynamic test limits are based on the static limits, but are established for each lot (or wafer in a lot) and continuously modified as each lot (or wafer) is tested. New PAT limits (both static and dynamic) must be established when wafer level design changes, die shrinks or process changes have been made.PAT limits may be considered for all electrical tests where distribution is appropriate for outlier analysis. Appendix 2 provides guidance for tests for ‘important characteristics’ believed most likely to provide quality and reliability benefit. PAT test limits shall not exceed the device specification limits.3.1.1 Static PAT limitsCollect test data from at least six part lots that have passed the test limits as defined by the device specification. Determine the robust mean and sigma values per test by randomly selecting the test data from a minimum of 30 parts from each lot (see Figure 1). If test data is wafer level data, select data from at least 5 die located in different areas of each wafer (at least 30 die per lot). Early in production of a part, when data from six lots is not available, data from characterization lots may be used. This data shall be updated as soon as production data is available. Set the test limits as follows:Static PAT Limits = Robust Mean ± 6 Robust SigmaFor data which clearly deviates from normal, the supplier shall use other suitable means and beprepared to defend the resulting method to the customer.Component Technical CommitteeFigure 1: Determining Static PAT Limits3.1.1.1The static PAT limits shall be reviewed and updated as required using current data during the first 6months of production or at least 8 wafer lots, whichever occurs first. Older data shall not be used. 6 months, the static PAT limits shall be reviewed on a semi-annual basis and updated asneeded.3.1.2 Dynamic PAT limitsDynamic PAT Limits are preferred over Static PAT Limits because the reference population is the same as the parts being tested. Dynamic PAT can provide tighter limits without causing rejection of good parts because it does not have to consider the lot-to-lot variation that is part of Static PAT Limits. Dynamic PAT limits are determined in the same manner as static PAT limits except that the limits are established using the data from the current lot (or wafer) of parts under test that have passed. To use this method, after the lot (or wafer) of parts have been tested to the static limits they must be held in a manner that allows the application of the newly defined dynamic PAT limits. These limits are defined by further statistical analysis of the test data, which establishes new tighter test limits for that particular lot (or wafer) and removes additional outliers (see Figure 2). Set the test limits as follows:Dynamic PAT Limits = Robust Mean± 6 Robust Sigma (see Appendix 1)Component Technical CommitteeFigure 2: Determining Dynamic PAT Limits (Probe or Serialized)This illustrated PAT is readily applicable to wafer probe or to final test for devices that maintain traceability. For devices that cannot maintain traceability at the final stage, the application of dynamic PAT would require retests of the thus far passing units. Other Types of Dynamic PAT limitsOne variation of performing dynamic PAT and to avoid retesting of packaged product is illustrated in Figure 3. The dynamic limits would be applied to the population in the same lot, but not to the units that produced the data used to establish the dynamic PAT limits.Initially, static PAT limits may be used to test a pre-defined population of N units (N = 500 or 1000, for instance). Using the data generated, lot specific PAT limits will be established. These generated static limits will become the new test limits (the counter will be reset to zero) to test the following samples in the group. Once the counter reaches N again, the analysis process will be repeated until all samples in the lot are tested.Another variation of performing dynamic PAT is to take a random sample of the first N components and circulate the limits for the lot based on this sample.Component Technical CommitteeFigure 3: Dynamic PAT Application for Packaged Product TestsComponent Technical CommitteeAPPENDIX 1: PART AVERAGE TEST LIMITSA1.Part Average Test (PAT) Limits represent the application of statistical techniques for the removal of abnormal parts during part level testing (see Figure 3). A device specification defines the requirements needed for the part to work properly in the application. Every part (part as used here refers to a supplier part number) is built with a particular design and SPC controlled process that, if processed correctly, will yield a certain consistent set of characteristic test results. PAT uses statistical techniques to establish the limits on these test results. These test limits are set up to remove outliers (parts whose parameters are statistically different from the typical part) and should have minimal yield impact on correctly processed parts from an SPC controlled process. This test methodology is not limited to the standard device specification tests, but may also include extended operating tests (tests beyond the device specification requirements) to improve the ability to detect special abnormal conditions and increase the sensitivity of this testing technique. The only restriction on extended operating tests is that the test shall not reduce the reliability of the parts that pass the test.A1.1The intent of PAT is to increase the quality and reliability of AEC-Q100 and AEC-Q101 parts by removing abnormal parts as early in the part manufacturing sequence as possible (preferably at wafer test). This should minimize costs related to customer support and failure analysis, and provide early feedback to prevent the occurrence of quality accidents.A1.2This method, if utilized to its full capability (with statistical limits for all part level electrical tests and proper extended operating condition tests), is capable of providing “electrically” Known Good Die for most semiconductor technologies. It should also be remembered that Known Good Die (as defined in section 2) requires more than part level electrical testing. It requires careful control of all other assembly processes such as wafer sawing, die handling, packaging, ESD, etc.Test LimitsFigure 4: Graphical Representation of Part Average Test Limits and OutliersComponent Technical CommitteeAPPENDIX 2: ELECTRICAL TESTSThis is not a comprehensive list, and is offered only as a suggested list to be considered. Other tests deemed more important or more relevant to a particular device should also be included in Part Average Testing.A2.1 Tests Required For All Devices TypesTo meet the requirements of this procedure, the following tests shall use PAT limits during ATE testing.A2.1.1 Pin Leakage TestThis is an example of where PAT can be used. This test will verify that the device pins have normal junction characteristics with respect to substrate and with respect to V DD in the case of CMOS components.A2.1.2 Standby Power Supply Current (I DD or I CC)A2.1.3 IDDQ testingThis test is applicable for those devices that are capable of being IDDQ testedA2.1.4 Output breakdown voltage (BV CES or BV DSS), Output leakage (I CES or I DDS- measured at 80% of the breakdown voltage value), Output current drive (I OUT) and Output voltage levels (V OUT) These tests are applicable to Linear and BiCMOS devices.A2.1.5 Over-Voltage Stress TestThis test forces failures in silicon MOS type devices (e.g., NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, and DMOS, etc.) that have gate oxide and other related defects. The PAT limits may be applied to measured characteristics such as active current or to other items. Also, statistical bin limits may be applied here.A2.1.6 Low Level Input Current (I I L), High Level Input Current (I IH), Low Level Output Voltage (V OL), High Level Output Voltage (V OH)This test indicates the functionality of the transistors in the design. Enforcing PAT limits on thesetests can catch weak transistors.A2.1.7 Propagation Delay or Output Response Time, Rise/Fall TimesThis test indicates the functionality of the transistors in the design. Enforcing PAT limits on thesetests can catch weak transistors.Component Technical CommitteeA2.1.8 Extended Operating TestsExtended operating tests are tests beyond the device specification requirements intended to increase the effectiveness of PAT. These are the type of tests that, combined with PAT testing of more device characteristics, can make part level testing capable of providing parts with very high quality and reliability (Known Good Die). PAT limits may be established for various measured characteristics after each extended operating test is applied. The following are some examples of extended operating tests:•Low/High temperature•Low/High voltage operation•Dwell time at high voltage•Operating frequencies above/below specification requirements•For power devices, demonstration of safe operating capability (60% of safe operating limit) followed by leakage testing, etc.Note 3: The only restriction on these tests is that it must be demonstrated that the test does not adversely affect the reliability of the part. The reliability of the part can be demonstratedby passing the electrical qualification tests as specified in AEC-Q100 (for ICs) and AEC-Q101 (for discrete semiconductors).Component Technical CommitteeRevision HistoryRev #- A B C D Date of changeJuly 31, 1997Oct. 8, 1997Aug. 25, 2000July 18, 2003Dec. 9, 2011Brief summary listing affected sectionsInitial Release.Paragraph 2.1 revised, Figure 2 changed, Appendix 2 added new paragraph2.1, added Appendix3.Revised 1.2.2, 3.1, 3.1.2, Appendix 1, and Appendix 3.Corrected formatting errors. Removed Appendix 3 and references to DEHistograms.Complete Revision. Revised Acknowledgement and Sections 1.1, 1.2,2.1, 2.4,3.1, 3.1.1,,, 3.1.2, A1.1, Appendix 2, A2.1.1, andA2.3.8. Added Notice Statement, Sections and A2.1.3 to A2.1.7,and new Figures 1, 2, and 3. Deleted signature block and Sections 1.2.2and A2.2 to A2.3.7.。
发动机 匹配标定方案Engine Controls and Calibration范明星 应用工程师意昂神州(北京)科技有限公司北京市海淀区上地信息路26号中关村创业大厦315-326室电话:(010)8289-8056传真:(010)8278-0433电邮: Jeff.fan@提纲匹配标定的概念标定的基本流程基本标定系统的组成基本标定工具发动机标定和测量系统解决方案系统配置VISION标定和测量系统主要功能特点VISION标定和测量系统竞争优势发动机数据采集系统CSM数据采集设备介绍CSM与VISION基于CAN总线应用示意图CSM测量设备与ETAS测量设备的对比 标定过程中常用空燃比测定仪匹配标定概念发动机控制策略与OBD策略包含了上万个自由参数(单值参数,二维表格,和三维表格等)。
对于一个新的车型应用,这些自由参数需要重新调整从而使该发动机:-在各种不同的环境下运转优良:高温、高寒、高原、水平面等-满足要求的排放标准-具有优良的驾驶性-油耗最小-冷热启动稳定等标定基本流程投放生产整车验证车辆标定台架基本标定三高标定试验排放试验故障诊断标定一般情况下,标定系统都是由3部分组成:-标定软件:核心部分,标定工作全部都在其图形化界面内完成-接口硬件:提供了标定软件与ECU 及测量部分的接口通道-测量模块:提供了标定的依据基本标定系统组成标定软件:ATI VISIONThermo ScanDual ScanUSBHUB基本标定工具 主流标定软件:ATI VISIONETAS INCARA DiagRAVector CANapedSpace CalDesk针对发动机标定与测量系统解决方案的系统配置标定软件:ATI VISION接口硬件:Kvaser LAPcanII或Kvaser USBcanII, T-Connector 数据采集系统:CSM数采模块Thermo-Scan SMB/CAN (可选)Dual-Scan SMB/CAN (可选)Baro-Scan SMB (可选)Thermo-Scan MiniModule(可选)AD-Scan MiniModule(可选)Kvaser USBcan IIUSBATI VISIONPressure sensor orT-ConnectorTherno-Scan MiniModulePT-Scan MiniModuleAD-Scan MiniModuleCANTermination PlugPT100SensorK73 CableKvaser USBCAN ⅡVISION Calibration SoftwareVISION 标定和测量系统-概述系统介绍:ATI (Accurate Technologies Inc) 公司是美国的一家车载嵌入式电控系统的开发、标定与测试工具技术的知名提供商之一。
陈旺简介生日:4月5日出生地:济南毕业院校:山东艺术学院最想去的地方:最热闹或最安静的地方,但一定要漂亮最喜欢的运动:游泳、羽毛球最喜欢的电影:《阿甘正传》《放牛班的春天》最喜欢的主持人:崔永元、蔡康永最想做的一件事:环游世界最难忘的一件事:与女友相识最遗憾的一件事:书读得太少座右铭:世界充满好奇和未知,我愿用眼睛去为您答疑解惑,用声音去为您记录时代的变迁经历及荣誉2001年进入济南电视台任新闻播音员;2006年进入青岛电视台2004年济南市广播电视播音主持二等奖2005年济南市广播电视播音主持一等奖,山东广播电视播音主持二等奖于菲菲性别:女籍贯:北京出生日期:07.25身高:170cm体重:46kg三围:84-66-88爱好:舞蹈、演艺、摄影个人获奖经历:全国平面模特新秀奖2006亚洲小姐网络赛区实体比赛优秀奖2009 SOGO明星首届平面模特比赛最佳活力奖2009国际足球宝贝前三强2010搜狐南非世界杯非常天使阿根廷宝贝经历:1)平面拍摄瑞丽,新锐,数码风尚大众数码等杂志的内页照米兰婚纱宣传照SOGO庄胜崇光百货品牌彩妆宣传照《新竞报》奔驰smart 宣传照裕隆大饭店宣传画册五洲风情尊贵电影城婚纱宣传照琥珀婚纱宣传照乐都会购物中心宣传海报费加洛丽致婚纱宣传照木华黎牛肉干包装封面照2)广告国美电器宣传广告片意大利萨伦冰激凌宣传广告佳能动态广告宣传片三星手机平面手模代言韩国黑白瘦减肥药广告宝迪冷鲜肉广告万达影城广告宣传片韩尚宫自热米饭广告片农业银行广告片马自达2网络宣传片五粮液-美丽的神话广告宣传片自由点卫生巾电视广告片桔子水晶酒店-狮子座宣传片3)模特2008网博会《盛大展台》模特走秀《ELLE她风格》节目担任嘉宾模特《超级星期天》节目担任嘉宾模特2010kobako日本彩妆工具发布会担任彩妆走秀模特2011《爱笑会议室》嘉宾2011《美丽俏佳人》模特嘉宾2011服博会《淘宝.淘女郎》发布会模特走秀2011《天天女人帮》模特嘉宾2011 《北京客》模特嘉宾4)表演凤凰卫视《彩婷》MTV配角演出王黎男《神秘》MTV 女主角《大城小事》女一号:于芊芊北京财经频道《数说北京》特邀演员系列剧《大明嫔妃》饰演:刘家女将电视剧《我想要个家》特邀演员3D电影《大闹天空》饰演:仙女大城小事《儿媳妇》饰演:宁静《婆婆的秘密》饰演:马芳芳《离奇的失踪》饰演:韩晓梅《纠结的房子》饰演:叶梦梦《泼向老公的热油》饰演:米雪菲《阴谋中的婚姻保卫战》饰演:韩颖《一吻救命》饰演:小薇《日记》饰演:唐红《新姑爷三告老丈人》饰演:叶梅5) 主持河北卫视《激情大冲关》嘉宾主持新浪游戏【游戏大汇站】主持人2011chinajoy 新浪主持人。
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JBL/gary JBL/gary
小胖/江伟 小胖/江伟 小胖/小袁 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨
小袁上海仓库8/30已发货,9/1下班前到广州工厂 已发货, 小袁上海仓库 已发货 下班前到广州工厂 8/29已完成 已完成 已发包(杭州车展可使用) 已发包(杭州车展可使用) 已发包(西安车展可使用) 已发包(西安车展可使用)
1 树泉
9/1电脑播放测试 电脑播放测试ok 电脑播放测试
展具硬件(TDB) 展具硬件
全区 地面工程 1F大型结构(含天花板) 天花truss架含网眼布 天花 架含网眼布 图腾柱( 旁边) 图腾柱(在CEO旁边) 旁边 主舞台区 展车区展台(CEO) 贵宾演讲台 演出时间表 体验剧场硬件 洽谈区 演出后台(含玄关黑幕) 储藏室置物柜及层架 演出休息室 AV控台区 小冰箱一台、时钟一个、饮水机两台 (洽谈区/演休室) 装置艺术立招(含LOGO) 灯光 音响 视讯 led p4屏幕 展馆全区监视器 美工 家具/灯饰/花艺 等软布置 花艺 洽谈区 洽谈桌椅 接待桌 型录 6P/上海综合 直式LUXGEN logo 灯箱*5 灯箱片设计完稿(590 X940 cm 留3cm出血边 出血边) 出血边 精品柜 精品( 1:18模型车、帽子) 冰箱、饮水机 X 1 一般餐饮(茶包+咖啡包+调羹+杯子) 记者会餐饮及点心服务 X 50份 空调 桌上型数字销辅系统硬件(触控屏幕一体机) 5 x 2=10(含西安车展) 销辅系统影片 接待处 接待背板*1组(logo ??) 接待桌1组 接待椅 2 张 背板logo(纳智捷综合logo)*1组
展场硬件/全区 展场硬件 全区 全区平面配置/3D图 各区平立面图/3D图 大部尺寸图/材料表 现场家具/灯饰/花艺 等软布置 各区施工图 车辆定位图 电源方案图 灯光/音响配置图(包含JBL) 客休区及体验区空调 会场平面美工设计图 工程进度表拟定与现场监工 工程进度表
设计师蔡先生 设计师蔡先生 设计师蔡先生 小胖/江伟 设计师蔡先生 小胖/江伟 设计师蔡先生 JBL/gary 小胖/小黑 小胖/江伟 立伟 阿勋/小胖/谢东/江伟
纳智捷展台设计需求确认 3D图 大部尺寸图
东风裕隆/夏雨 树泉 设计师蔡先生 设计师蔡先生
8/28 final 8/29 final 8/30 final 尺寸、数量、 尺寸、数量、直式或横式
东风裕隆金属LOGO 2组 纳智捷综合金属LOGO 5套 现有数量统计 原上海车展logo之"纳智捷"中文字重新制作五组 全新中英文组合logo立体灯壳字制作五组
东风裕隆、 东风裕隆、华创
雪芃、 雪芃、晟派
树泉/小胖/江伟 江伟 小胖/ADA
广州工厂+施工进度表 运输风险(押车人员联系方式) 9/06先跟夏雨拿著展商证过去 先跟夏雨拿著展商证过去 page3-5 page3-5 page3-5 page3-5 page3-5
场地 场地申请 场地位置及尺寸确认 大会手册 场地对应窗口 电力申请 室内特装电力申请 硬件搭建申请 特装申请(特殊硬件搭建) 安全责任规章 施工车辆申请 施工及清洁保证金、管理费、施工证,动火管理、 灭火器申请 吊点(结构吊点及轻质广告吊点) 审图 3D设计图、施工图送审 结构及其他相关认证 网络及电话线申请 网络申请带一个hub 大会运输公司 现场叉车 铲车吊车申请 车辆运输至展场配合(货运委托书身提交) 展示车车辆通行证申请 展示车车辆通行证申请表 展示车进场时间路线安排确认 加班申请 加班时数申请 费用厘清 展商胸卡、 展商胸卡、邀请函申请 施工期-施工单位展商服务证+挂带 施工单位展商服务证追加数量预估 参展期-展商证+挂带 展商正追加数量预估 赠票申请 赠票追加数量预估 停车证申请 停车证追加数量预估 记者证申请(自行邀请) 会刊及会刊广告登记申请 车展会刊登录数据提供 新闻中心稿件盒素材提供 记者会时间申请 媒体日新闻发布时段申请(9/16AM1330~1355)
2011 成都车展 成都车展WIP
Job Resp.
2011.09.01 Remarks
日程/项目 日程 项目
9/03-04 确认制作物&预搭建 9/05-08制作物运输(广州-成都) 9/8成都行政作业(场馆行政、Local service ) 成都行政作业( 成都行政作业 场馆行政、
9/09-9/15 进场 9/16媒体日 9/17开幕式 9/17-18专业观众日 9/19-25公众参观日
东风裕隆,华创(?) 东风裕隆,华创(?) 东风裕隆,华创(?) 东风裕隆,华创(?) 东风裕隆,华创(?) 小胖/小袁 小胖/小袁 立伟 立伟/小蔡 Tori/小蔡 小胖 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/一蛟 Tori/小蔡 小胖/江伟 小胖/江伟 小胖/江伟
重新制作14件 含西安车展) 重新制作 件(含西安车展) 含在上项数量内 现有成都用 重新制作西安用, 重新制作西安用,另增备两组 NEORA的车牌新制,立伟完稿,9/02 的车牌新制, 的车牌新制 立伟完稿, 重新制作 size : a4 完稿:09/?? 完稿:
日程/项目 日程 项目
东风裕隆、 东风裕隆、华创
雪芃、 雪芃、晟派
已发包(西安车展可使用) 已发包(西安车展可使用)
NEORA概念车*1 体验剧场之解剖车*1(SUV) CEO汽油车*1 SUV汽油车*3
东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/张琪/西安奥美 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/张琪/西安奥美 东风裕隆/夏雨 小胖/哈哈 小胖 小胖 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 立伟 page21 page21 page22 page23 page28 page8 page29 page27 page20 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 东风裕隆/夏雨 小胖 小胖 小胖 小胖 小胖/ Ada 小胖/ Ada 小胖/ Ada 小胖/ Ada 小胖/ 哈哈 小胖/ 小马 小马/Ada 小胖 /谢东 小胖 /谢东 小胖/Ada 小胖/ 谢东 东风裕隆/一蛟 东风裕隆/? 东风裕隆/? 小胖/ 谢东 阿德 阿德 小胖/阿德 page8 page3-4 page15 page12-14 page32-47 无申请表单 page12-14 page16 page13
已确认( 平方米/H708) 已确认( hall 7 / 600平方米 平方米 ) 已确认( 平方米/H708) 已确认( hall 7 / 600平方米 平方米 ) 已缴交资讯 8/25联络 成都世纪城会展中心 周经理 联络 DONE DONE DONE DONE 平方米计算约8,180元,DONE 以600平方米计算约 平方米计算约 元 DONE 成都管理单位有意见 DONE DONE DONE 押金 押金2,000租金 租金1,500 租金
小袁上海仓库8/30发货,9/1到广州 发货, 小袁上海仓库 发货 到广州
AV系统控制设备 3D播放器(笔记本电脑) AV系统柜(笔记本电脑的架子) 65寸3D电视*2 65寸3D电视的logo贴纸 x 2 3D眼镜*50 3D眼镜回收盒*2 JBL 14寸喇叭*2附立架 JBL剧院环绕喇叭组 墙面吸音软包材质 灯光情境设定控制程序 3D体验剧场的rundown 3D体验剧场播放作动测试 体验剧场影片 影片1: NEORA 影片(3D) 影片2:JBL 与东风裕隆合作讯息影片 (2D) 影片3: SUV体验影片(2D) Avf器材电源布线方案
page15 page16 page9
9/14晚上车到成都 晚上车到成都
DONE 请协助申请车辆通行证后与大会窗口确认, 请协助申请车辆通行证后与大会窗口确认,并告知雪芃确认 进场时间及进场路线 费用厘清客户同意后执行。 费用厘清客户同意后执行。 进场布展后,加班当天由雪芃 进场布展后,加班当天由雪芃15:00前向大会提出申请 前向大会提出申请 东风裕隆支付 以六百平米计算可有三十张(进出一次) 以六百平米计算可有三十张(进出一次)DONE 以六百平米计算可有三十张(进出四次) 以六百平米计算可有三十张(进出四次)DONE 以六百平米计算可有两百张DONE 以六百平米计算可有两百张 以六百平米计算可有三张DONE 以六百平米计算可有三张 DONE 临时记者证可至现场登记 已提供 9/10-12提供稿件和印刷品至现场新闻中心 提供稿件和印刷品至现场新闻中心 DONE(早上要正常展示 早上要正常展示) 早上要正常展示
小胖/ADA 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈 小胖/哈哈
24:00之前,未如期撤毕会扣保证金 之前, 之前
车展策划 车展营运执行计划 预算编列及管理 合约拟定
树泉/谢东 树泉/谢东 树泉/谢东 树泉
8/24提案 、8/25Final 提案OK、 提案 8/29提案 提案
东风裕隆/一蛟 东风裕隆/一蛟 东风裕隆/一蛟 东风裕隆/一蛟 雪芃/阿德 雪芃/阿德 雪芃/阿德 雪芃/阿德