账号安全包括密码长度及复杂度、密码有效期、禁用历史密码重复次数和登录失败锁定等功 能,还包含修改口令时验证旧口令、首次登录时提示修改默认口令等措施保证账号安全。
按照最小化原则对外开放网络服务端口,关闭不使用的服务;默认使用安全协议,默认关闭 不安全协议的端口。
在 中,远端代理可以通过 等服务器信息,同时可以通过
访问 进行
获取网络信息、用户信息、温度 电压 风扇速度 参数配置、管理服务器。
或者 ,加密算法为 或 。
仅限 调测串口登陆,进行 调试和维护。
源控制、远程媒体、远程 、安全配置、调试诊断、查询功能、配置自身这九种类型。默
SC2000 初始化及配置全过程 -Double SC FC Port
SC2000 初始化及配置全过程此文档是针对SVC2000初始化过程(双控 FC Port)步骤如下:1.升级好EM后打开EM管理软件出现如下画面,打开EM Client;2.点击第一个Discover and configure Uninitialized SCv2000 Series Storage Centers3.去Discover SC2000->Next4.发现网络中的SC2000,有ST,HSN,MAC5.选择Next,输入相关的管理IP,控制器的IP,网关和DNS->Next6.设置Admin的密码和SMTP的邮件告警邮箱->Next7.确认配置信息是否正确->Apply Configuration8.开始初始化存储9.完成后如下,需要点时间去初始化->Next10.只有Virtual Port模式没有legacy模式,链接2个交换机划分2个Domain,以后端口IP 要对应正确->Next11. 8个端口都选择上后选择ok;12.前端开始配置->Next13.配置时间14.配置SMTP邮件服务器->Next(可以自己搭建一个邮件服务器,如果存储不能上外网的话)15.选择SupportAssist->Next;16.填写相关报警信息,戴尔收到邮件后会通过这个优先联系客户->Next16.第一次部署会先联网下载最新固件更新SCOS->Next17.这个时间比较久,可以选择跳过,如果后面要更新可以通过SCUU来更新,这里没有连接到网络->Next18.在这个最后的界面可以直接配置卷和主机的映射,就可以使用。
19.点Configure this host to access a Storage Center,就会连接这台安装EM客户端的服务器与SC2000之间连接;20. Create Server21.自动配置主机的MPIO22.这里创建失败了网络可能有点问题(检查是否按照最佳实践配置的网络,后面会告诉你为什么不行),跳过这个继续;23.选择Create a volume->Next24.大小->Next;25.没主机->Next26.Next->Finish27.选择Configure Embedded iSCSI Ports输入相关IP后点OK28.再回头创建主机看是否可以,现在可以了如下,因为之前没有和其连接的iSCSI IP->Login29.Create Server30.可以这个时候选择创建卷,也可以直接finish31.最后Finish这样这个初始化基本完成了。
服务器部署文档范本1. 介绍本文档提供了服务器部署的详细步骤和相关配置信息,旨在帮助用户顺利完成服务器的部署工作。
2. 硬件要求在开始服务器部署之前,请确保您的设备满足以下硬件要求:- 处理器:建议使用至少2.0 GHz的多核处理器- 内存:建议使用至少4 GB的内存- 存储空间:建议使用至少100 GB的硬盘空间- 网络:建议使用高速稳定的网络连接3. 操作系统选择选择适用于您需求的操作系统,并确保您具备相应的许可证。
- Windows Server 2016- Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS- CentOS 74. 安装操作系统按照操作系统的安装向导,选择适用于您硬件的版本,并按照指示完成安装过程。
5. 更新系统和安装依赖项完成操作系统安装后,首先更新系统以获得最新的安全补丁和功能性更新。
6. 配置网络设置根据您的网络环境和需求,配置适当的网络设置。
7. 防火墙设置根据您的安全需求,配置防火墙以限制进入和离开服务器的网络流量。
8. 服务安装和配置根据您的需求,安装和配置所需的服务。
9. 安全性设置确保服务器的安全性设置得到适当的配置。
Oracle Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140服务器初始化指南说明书
This guide describes the minimum steps you must perform to get Oracle’s Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140server to power on and boot for the first time using the preinstalled Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS).Servers that use DC input power require you to build and connect the power cords to specific safety specifications.The specifications are described in the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140and T5240Servers Installation Guide that is available from /app/docs/prod/sparc.t5140.FIGURE 1Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140ServerShipping ContentsQuick Setup InstructionsFor quick installation and configuration,follow these steps.For more detailed information,refer to the complete online product documentation set at:/app/docs/prod/sparc.t5140Understand the following information before you set up the server for the first time:■Choose the best instructions for your situation –These quick setup instructions work for any networkingenvironment,and require the use of a terminal device for connectivity to a serial port.If you have a networking environment running DHCP,you can configure your system using the Ethernet management port.To take advantage of DHCP setup method,refer to the online installation guide instead of these instructions.■Set aside sufficient time –Installation times vary,but if you are performing these setup instructions for the first time,plan to spend about 45to 75minutes to complete all of these instructions.Additional time might be required for installing optional hardware and rackmounting kits.■Gather your configuration information –During the configuration,you are prompted for time zone and networking parameters that are specific to your environment.For a list of information you need,see Step 9.■Obtain a terminal device –You configure this rackmountable server through the service processor (SP)using the built-in serial and network management ports,and not through a graphical interface and Sun keyboard.For more information about the terminal device,see Step 3.■Do not apply power at this time –This system includes a service processor (SP)that is used to configure and boot the main host server.To properly configure the host server and view SP messages,do not apply power to the server until the SP and host networking connections are made,as described in this guide.Quantity Item1Server 2RJ-45Ethernet cable 1RJ-45to DB-25adapter (crossover)1RJ-45to DB-9adapter (crossover)2DC powerconnectorsSun SPARC Enterprise T5140 ServerGetting Started Guide (For Models That Run on DC Input Power)1.Unpack the server,and check that you received all of the shipping contents.2.Place the server in its intended location for verification.For rackmounting instructions,refer to the instructions included with the rail kit,the service label on the server,and to the online Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140and T5240Servers Installation Guide.3.Connect a serial cable between the server’s SER MGT port(FIGURE2)and a terminal device.This connection provides your initial communication with the service processor(SP).The terminal device can be a terminal,a terminal server,or a laptop with terminal emulation software running.The device must be set up to communicate using9600baud,8bit,no parity,1stop bit.A null modem configuration is needed,meaning the transmit and receive signals are reversed(crossed over)for DTE to DTE communications.You can use the supplied RJ-45crossover adapters with a standard RJ-45cable to achieve the null modem configuration.FIGURE2Server Connections4.(Optional)Connect an Ethernet cable between the server’s Net MGT port(FIGURE2)and the network to whichfuture connections to the SP and host will be made.After the initial configuration of the system using the SP SER MGT port,communication with the SP and host is usually performed through this Ethernet interface.5.Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server’s NET ports(FIGURE2)and the network to which the serverwill communicate.6.Build and connect your DC power cables into the server power supplies and into separate power sources.Instructions for building the DC power cables are in the SPARC Enterprise T5140and T5240Servers Installation Guide.Note-Only one power connection is required for e two power connections for redundancy.When power is applied,the SP initializes and power supply LEDs illuminate.After a few minutes,the SP login prompt appears on the terminal device.The host is not initialized or powered on yet.7.At the terminal device,log in to the SP as root with a password of changeme.SUNSP00144FAC732F login:rootPassword:changeme. . .->After a brief delay,the SP prompt is displayed(->).At this point,there are many commands you can perform using the Integrated Lights Out Manager interface.Additional SP information,such as how to change the password and how to set up the SP network parameters is available in the online documentation set.8.Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device:->start /SYSAre you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)?y->start /SP/consoleAre you sure you want to start /SP/CONSOLE (y/n)?ySerial console started. To stop, type #.. . .After you start the SP console,the server initialization takes approximately20minutes to complete.9.When prompted,follow the onscreen instructions and enter the following configuration information.You will be prompted to confirm the configuration several times,enabling confirmation and changes.If you are not sure how to respond to a particular value,you can accept the default,and make future changes when the Solaris OS is running.Parameter DescriptionLanguage Select a number from the displayed language list.Locale Select a number from the displayed locale list.Terminal Type Select a terminal type that corresponds with your terminal device.Network?Select Yes.Multiple Network Interfaces Select the network interfaces that you plan to configure.If you are not sure,select the firstone in the list.DHCP?Select Yes or No according to your network environment.Host Name Enter the host name for the server.IP Address Enter the IP address for this Ethernet interface.Subnet?Select Yes or No according to your network environment.Subnet Netmask(If subnet was Yes)Enter the netmask for the subnet for your network environment.IPv6?Specify whether or not to use IPv6.If you are not sure,select No to configure the Ethernetinterface for IPv4.Security Policy Select either standard UNIX security(No)or Kerberos Security(Yes).If you are not sure,select No.Confirm Review the onscreen information and change it if needed.Otherwise,continue.Name Service Select the name service according to your network environment.Note–If you select a name service other than None,you will be prompted for additional nameservice configuration information.NFSv4Domain Name Select the type of domain name configuration according to your environment.If you are notsure,select Use the NFSv4domain derived by the system.Time Zone(Continent)Select your continent.Time Zone(Country or Region)Select your country or region.Time Zone Select the time zone.Date and Time Accept the default date and time or change the values.root Password Enter the root password twice.This password is for the superuser account for the Solaris OSon this server.This password is not the SP password.When the configuration menus are completed,the server reboots and displays the Solaris login prompt.10.Log in to the server and explore the capabilities.There are many commands you can use to verify the functionality of the system.The following list describes a few of them:■showrev–Displays the hostname and system architecture e the-a option with this command to see the patches that are installed.■psrinfo–Displays information about the number and status of the processors and cores in the host.Review the Solaris OS man pages and documentation for more details.Accessing Additional InformationYou can view,print,and download additional information for this product from the following URLs:■Sun’s Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140server documentation set,including important documents such as product notes: /app/docs/prod/sparc.t5140■A broad selection of Sun documentation,including localized versions:/documentation■Preinstalled Solaris™OS information:/software/preinstall■CoolThreads™–Overview access to Cool Tools:/servers/coolthreads/tnb/index.jsp■CoolThreads–CMT Tuning and Resources:/servers/coolthreads/tnb/t2.jspTechnical SupportIf you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document,go to:/service/contactingDocumentation FeedbackSubmit comments about this document by clicking the Feedback[+]link at:/Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140Server Getting Started Guide(DC Models),part number820-5840-11Copyright©2008,2010,Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.FUJITSU LIMITED provided technical input and review on portions of this material.Copyright©2008,2010,Oracle et/ou ses affiliés.Tous droits réservés.Entrée et revue tecnical fournies par FUJITSU LIMITED sur des parties de ce matériel.Part No. 820-5840-11, Rev. AJuly 2010。
CentOS服务器初始化设置详细说明以阿⾥云服务器为例⼀、挂载硬盘1、磁盘分区fdisk -l #查看设备,⼀般可以看到设备名为/dev/xvdb,或者为/dev/vdb(阿⾥云io优化型)fdisk /dev/xvdb #对磁盘进⾏分区,或者fdisk /dev/vdb输⼊n #创建新分区输⼊p #创建主分区输⼊1 #创建第⼀个主分区输⼊w #保存并执⾏以上命令,创建分区待上⾯的命令执⾏完成之后,使⽤fdisk -l查看,会看到类似/dev/xvdb1的分区或者为/dev/vdb1的分区(下⾯的步骤类似,注意xvdb1和vdb1的区分)说明分区成功。
2、磁盘格式化mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdb1 #对分区进⾏格式化说明:ext4是CentOS6.x默认的分区格式,CentOS5.x请使⽤ext3mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb1或者mkfs -t xfs /dev/vdb1#CentOS 7.x默认使⽤xfs分区待格式化完成之后(根据分区⼤⼩,格式化需要的时间不同,请耐⼼等待),对分区进⾏挂载3、挂载磁盘例如:要把/dev/xvdb1挂载到/data⽬录mkdir -p /data #创建⽬录mount /dev/xvdb1 /data #挂载mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdb1 /data #挂载mount -t xfs /dev/vdb1 /data #挂载df -h #查看挂载结果vi /etc/fstab #设置开机⾃动挂载,在最后⼀⾏输⼊以下代码/dev/xvdb1 /data ext4 defaults 0 0:wq! #保存退出或者使⽤UUID进⾏挂载blkid /dev/xvdb1 #得到磁盘的UUID,例如:/dev/xvdb1: UUID="9c991d14-9372-4fd8-97d6-2aa1ac1acf47" TYPE="xfs"vi /etc/fstab #设置开机⾃动挂载,在最后⼀⾏输⼊以下代码UUID=9c991d14-9372-4fd8-97d6-2aa1ac1acf47 /data xfs defaults 0 0:wq! #保存退出mount -a #使分区设置⽴即⽣效⼆、创建SWAP分区说明:默认阿⾥云服务没有swap分区,512M的云服务器安装php 5.6的时候会提⽰内存不⾜,安装失败!强烈建议,不论内存有多⼤,都增加swap分区。
一、开机登录服务器(一)登陆服务器1.注意:进入登陆界面后,先点击“切换用户”,再填写用户名和密码;用户名:bjxxxxxxxx\cmisuser 密码:Bjedu@123注:xxxxxxxx为8位学校代码,如29中用户名为bj01021001\cmisuser2.登陆后按照系统提示修改管理员密码。
3.启动服务1)点击“开始->运行”,输入services.msc,点击确定打开系统服务列表;2)双击“Apache Tomcat cmis30”,将启动类型改为“自动”,点击“启动”按钮启动服务;双击“Adaptive Server Anywhere -cmis30”,点击“启动”按钮启动服务。
XXX公司K/3 CLOUD项目系统初始化方案目录XXX公司K/3 CLOUD项目 (1)一.概述 (4)1、各系统模块启用前必须完成的资料 (4)2、实际业务处理前需要完成的资料 (5)二.静态数据:基础资料 (5)1、物料 (5)2、计量单位 (5)3、仓库 (6)4、客户 (6)5、供应商 (6)6、职员 (6)7、科目 (6)8、自定义核算项目 (7)9、自定义辅助资料 (8)三.动态数据 (8)1、初始库存 (8)2、初始暂估入库单 (8)3、初始未核销销售出库单 (8)4、初始未完结采购订单、销售订单 (8)五.动态数据:总账 (9)1、初始科目余额 (9)2、初始现金流量 (9)六.动态数据:应收款管理 (9)1、初始增值税发票、普通发票、其他应收单、预收单 (9)七.动态数据:应付款管理 (10)1、初始增值税发票、普通发票、其他应付单、预付单 (10)八.动态数据:固定资产管理 (10)1、初始固定资产卡片 (10)九.动态数据:对账 (10)1、总账与供应链对账 (11)2、总账与应收款管理对账 (11)3、总账与应付款管理对账 (11)4、总账与固定资产管理对账 (11)5、总账与出纳管理对账 (11)6、总账与成本管理对账 (12)附:EXCEL文件引入注意事项......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
K/3 CLOUD系统初始化指南一.概述系统初始化资料分2部分:一是各系统模块启用前必须完成的资料,项目实施任务中的“初始化结束”便是指此部分资料录入结束;一是实际业务处理前需要完成的资料,这部分资料可以在相应系统模块启用后录入。
SC2000 初始化及配置全过程 - Single SC ISCSI Port
SC2000 初始化及配置全过程此文档是针对SVC2000初始化过程(单控 ISCSI Port)步骤如下:1.首先安装好EM client2.双击进入3.选择discover and configure uninitialized Sc2000 series storage centers进入如下页面;4.选next5.等一会儿后,扫描到一台sc2000,这个是单控,所有只有一个mac地址显示;另外,双控会显示两个mac地址。
6.看到状态是ready to initialize,可以继续next 。
(如果显示unable to initialize,需要检查控制器是否有问题);7.因为当前机器是单控,有弹窗提示;如果客户配的是双控,有这个提示的话,要检查是否两个控制器之前是否都扫描到再继续,不然配完就是单控了。
点ok 继续。
8.按自己的设定进行配置9.点next,设置Admin的密码和邮件告警email地址10.点击next,查以查看当前的topology;11.点击next,填写服务器信息;12.点next ;12.点next,确认配置信息是否按网络架构来,不对就返回修改。
13.确认正确后,点apply configuration,开始进行初始化。
14.初始化完成后,全部打勾,如下15.继续next,可以设NTP time server或者设置时间,如果选择NTP server 必须指定NTPsever 的ip;16.继续next,配置自己的smtp邮件告警server服务器ip17.继续next,同意support assist条款18.继续next,输入自己的联系信息,方便support assist创建case后,dell以后能方便的联系到客户。
注意时区prefered contact time zone 中国的话最好选UTC+08:00。
19.继续next,接下来会自己联网检查下载固件update SCOS,需要时间20.检查到已经是最新的,如果但是没有联网也没关系后续可以通过SCUU软件来更新。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!1. 启动服务器:按下服务器电源按钮,等待服务器启动并进入 BIOS 设置界面。
Sun Fire X2270 M2服务器初始启动和引导指南说明书
This guide describes the minimum steps you need to perform to power on and boot Oracle’s Sun Fire X2270M2server for the first time.Detailed installation information can be found in the Sun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide .For a complete list of documentation for the Sun Fire X2270M2Server ,see the section ”Documentation for this Product”.ContentsCarefully unpack all server components from the packing cartons.Some of the following items might be packaged separately.Documentation and Media KitYou can order the optional Documentation and Media Kit for your system.The kit contains the server installation guide,the Sun Fire X2270M2Server Tools and Drivers DVD ,Sun Installation Assistant CD/DVD ,and the SunVTS CD/DVD .When ordering the Documentation and Media Kit,using the following marketing part number:X8365A-X-MEDDOCKITDocumentation and software that are included in the Documentation and Media Kit is also available at:.Safety and Compliance InformationBefore installing your server,see the following documents for safety information:■Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems –Printed document included in the ship kit.■Sun Fire X2270M2Server Safety and Compliance Manual –See the section ”Documentation for this Product”.•Power cord packaged separately with country kit•Hardware applicable to the system,such as adapters (RJ-45serial cable adapter)and network cables •Sun Fire X2270M2Accessory Kit,which includes the following:Sun Fire X2270M2Server Getting StartedGuide and License and safety documentation•(Optional )Rackmount kit containing rack rails and installation instructions •Optional server components•For documentation:/app/docs/prod/server.x64#hic•For software:/us/products/servers-storage/servers/x64/index.htmlSun Fire X2270 M2 Server Getting Started Guide▼Install Optional ComponentsBefore mounting the server in a rack,install any optional components that you ordered for your server (for example,DIMMs and HBA cards).♦See the Sun Fire X2270M2Server Service Manual for the instructions on installing components.▼Mount the System in a Rack♦To safely and properly mount the server in a rack,see the instructions included with the rail kit,the service label on the server,or the Sun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide .Front and Back Panel Connections and FeaturesFIGURE 1Back Panel Connections FIGURE 2Front Panel Features1AC Power connector5USB 2.0ports (2)2Serial Management (SER MGT)RS-232RJ-45serial port6Network Management (NET MGT)Ethernet port (available only in systems that contain a service processor module)3Gigabit Ethernet port (NET -0)7HD15video connector (available only in systems that contain a service processor module)4Gigabit Ethernet port (NET -1)1Green Power/OK LED 2Power button 3SerialNumber2635417123▼Connect the Cables1.Connect a serial cable between the server’s SER MGT port (see FIGURE 1)and a terminal device.You can use the supplied RJ-45crossover adapter with a standard serial cable to achieve a null modem configuration.2.(Optional)Connect an Ethernet cable between the server’s NET MGT port and the network to whichfuture connections to the service processor (SP)and host will be made.After the initial configuration of the system using the SER MGT port,communication with the SP and host is usually performed through this Ethernet interface.3.Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server’s NET ports (NET-0or NET-1)and the network towhich the server will communicate.4.Connect the power cord to the power supply,but do not power on the server.When the server is connected to an AC power source,the SP initializes and the Power/OK LED (see FIGURE 2)blinks.After a few minutes,the SP login prompt appears on the terminal device.▼Log In to ILOM and Configure the SP IP AddressThis section shows you how to use a serial cable and a terminal device to log in to the SP Integrated Lights out Manager (ILOM),so you can configure the SP IP address.You can also connect to the SP to perform initial setup and configuration using these alternate methods:■Connect to ILOM Using an Ethernet Connection (DHCP)■Connect to ILOM Using an Ethernet Connection (static IP address)Note –Alternate connection methods and instructions on initial SP configuration are available in the Sun FireX2270M2Server Installation Guide .1.Log in to ILOM as root and use the password changme .2.Start the serial console:3.Refer to the ILOM documentation to configure your server’s network settings.4.To log out and exit ILOM,type:->exit▼Power On the SystemCaution –Component thermal damage.Server components require proper cooling.Do not operate theserver with the cover removed or without all fans,component heatsinks,air baffles installed.-> cd /SP/console ->start♦To power on the server to full-power mode,press and release the Power button on the server front panel.When main power is applied to the full server,the Power/OK LED next to the Power button lights and remains lit (does not blink).Note –The first time the server powers on,the power-on self-test (POST)can take up to 1minute to complete.▼Update Firmware1.Oracle highly recommends that you use the Sun Installation Assistant (SIA)to update system BIOS andILOM firmware.SIA is easy to use and available in the Documentation and Media Kit,or online at:/systemmanagement/sia.jspFor more information,refer to the documentation for the version of SIA supported for your server at:/app/docs/prod/install.x64svr#hic2.To update the system BIOS and ILOM firmware without using SIA,refer to the documentation for theversion of ILOM supported for your server.See the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.0Documentation Collection at:/app/docs/prod/int.lights.mgr30#hic▼Set Up the Platform Operating System,Driver Software,and FirmwareNote –Oracle highly recommends that you use the Sun Installation Assistant (SIA)software when installing asupported Windows or Linux OS.SIA assists in locating and installing all necessary OS components.♦After configuring the ILOM SP with network settings,configure the optional preinstalled operatingsystem (OS)or install a supported Linux,Windows or Solaris OS and drivers.For more information and instructions,see the following documents.Operating SystemRead this document:For additional information,go to:Preinstalled Solaris Sun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide/software/preinstall Solaris Sun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris OS /servers/x64/x2270m2/os.jspLinuxSun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide for Linux OS Sun Installation Assistant 2.3through 2.4User’s Guide for x64Servers/systemmanagement/sia.jspWindowsSun Installation Assistant 2.3through 2.4User’s Guide for x64ServersSun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide for Windows OS/servers/x64/x2270/os.jspVirtualization Software Sun Fire X2270M2Server Installation Guide for Virtual Machine SoftwareFor information about supported operating systems,patches,and the latest firmware,refer to the Sun Fire X2270M2Server Product Notes .Information on the latest firmware is also available at:/us/products/servers-storage/servers/x64/index.html .▼Power Off the Server1.To perform a graceful shutdown of the system,quickly press and release the Power button.2.To perform an emergency shutdown,press and hold the Power button for four seconds to force mainpower off and to enter standby power mode.Documentation for this ProductYou can find the most up-to-date versions of all the Oracle’s Sun Fire X2270M2Server documents online by selecting the server from the product list at:/app/docs/prod/server.x64#hicTaskDocument TypePart NumberReview the safety information.Safety and Compliance Manual 821-1376Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems816-7190Review any known issues and workarounds.Server Product Notes 821-1344Install rack hardware.Cable and power on server.Connect to the service processor and determine network settings.Configure the optional preinstalled Solaris OS.Server Installation Guide821-1348Install supported operating systems.Reinstall Solaris,or install Linux or Windows Server.Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris OS 821-1347Installation Guide for Windows OS 821-1346Installation Guide for Linux OS 821-1367Installation Guide for Oracle VM 821-1683Sun Installation Assistant 2.3through 2.4User’s Guide for x64Servers821-0694Install a supported version of virtualization software Installation Guide for ESX821-1369Manage server accounts,monitor alerts,set remote access and redirection,and view component status and event logs.Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.0Getting Started Guide820-5523Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)3.0Supplement for Sun Fire X2270M2Server821-1611Customize BIOS settings and RAID settings.Remove and replace hardware components.Troubleshoot and isolateserver problems.Review system specifications and hardware reference material.Server Service Manual 821-1345Diagnose system issues.Systems Diagnostics Guide 821-1349Part No. 821-1377-10, Rev. A April 2010Translated versions of the documentation for you server might be available.Go to the ,select your language,and navigate to your server’s document collection.Locating the Server Serial NumberThe serial number is located on the front of your sever (see FIGURE 2).You can also use the ILOM web interface or the ILOM command-line interface to retrieve the serial number (for more information,see the Installation Guide,Service Manual,or ILOM documentation for your server).Hardware Warranty and Software Service Plan■For information on hardware warranty,got to:/service/warranty/index.jsp ■For information on a software service plan,go to:/service/serviceplanssoftware/Copyright ©2010Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.。
地址:528308 广东省佛山市顺德区伦教街道顺达路一号
mysqld --initialize -insecure -回复
mysqld --initialize -insecure -回复[mysqld initialize insecure]MySQL是一种流行的关系型数据库管理系统,我们可以通过使用mysqld命令来初始化MySQL服务器。
要选择不安全模式,在命令行中输入如下命令:mysqld initialize-insecure这个命令将初始化MySQL服务器,并在此过程中不会执行安全模式下的默认设置。
在命令行中输入以下命令,将返回mysqld.exe的完整路径:where mysqld.exe接下来,我们在命令行中输入如下命令来初始化MySQL服务器,并选择不安全模式:<mysqld所在路径>\mysqld.exe initialize-insecure初始化过程将会开始,MySQL服务器将创建数据目录并生成一个初始的数据字典。
一旦初始化完成,命令行将显示“Initialization successfully completed”。
在命令行中输入以下命令:<mysqld所在路径>\mysqld.exe consoleMySQL服务器将启动,并在命令行窗口中显示日志信息。
⼀、配置服务器,项⽬初始化,RPC接⼝服务器系统:centos7.6.18101. 安装软件1.1 gityum install git1.2 mysql安装命令yum install mysql-server提⽰未找到,则需要添加yum源,将从官⽹下载的mysql-community.repo放⼊/etc/yum.repos.1.3 虚拟环境安装virtualenv和virtualenvwrapper配置...创建虚拟环境2. 创建项⽬,码云建⽴仓库并上传创建项⽬cd /rootmkdir moguappcd moguapp# 创建flask项⽬启动⽂件manage.pyvim manage.py创建项⽬启动⽂件manage.py并写⼊代码:from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')def index():return'hello here is index html'if__name__ == '__main__':app.run(host='', port=5000)在终端下使⽤python manage.py运⾏测试服务器python manage.py浏览器访问结果到码云创建仓库,代码上传到码云在/root/moguapp/下进⾏以下步骤git config --global "yijue_lu"git config --global user.email "2117578083@"git initgit add .git commit -m "创建manage.py⽂件,写⼊基本代码,并成功运⾏"git remote add origin https:///yijue_lu/mogu.gitgit push -u origin master码云结果3. 项⽬初始化3.1 ⽬录结构建⽴如下⽬录结构moguapp/├─ logs/ # ⽇志⽂件存储⽬录├─ apps/ # 项⽬主要逻辑业务代码保存⽬录│├─ __init__.py # 项⽬初始化⽂件│├─ modules/ # 保存项⽬中所有api模块的存储⽬录││├─ common/ # 公共api接⼝⽬录│││├─ __init__.py # 公共api接⼝的初始化⽂件│││├─ models.py # 公共api接⼝的模型⽂件│││└─ api.py # 公共api接⼝代码⽂件││└─ __init__.py| ├─ utils/ # 项⽬⾃定义封装⼯具包⽬录| ├─ libs/ # 项⽬第三⽅⼯具包⽬录| ├─ settings/ # 项⽬配置存储⽬录││├─ dev.py # 开发阶段的配置⽂件││├─ prop.py # ⽣产阶段的配置⽂件││└─ __init__.py│└─ statics/ # 保存项⽬中所有的静态资源⽂件[img/css/js]└── manage.py # 项⽬的终端管理脚本⽂件3.2 写⼊配置信息写⼊基本配置信息到moguapp/apps/settings/__init__.pyimport redisclass Config(object):"""项⽬配置信息"""# 设置密钥,可以通过 base64.b64encode(os.urandom(48)) 来⽣成⼀个指定长度的随机字符串 SECRET_KEY = "T1vEjTCjkGon5vU8C6Xq3ujNSQgHQje"# 配置⽇志LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG"# 调试模式DEBUG = True# 数据库的配置信息SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "mysql://root:123@" SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = TrueSQLALCHEMY_ECHO = True# redis配置REDIS_HOST = ""REDIS_PORT = 6379SESSION_TYPE = "redis"# 指定 session 保存到 redis 中SESSION_USE_SIGNER = True # session_id 进⾏加密签名处理SESSION_REDIS = redis.StrictRedis( host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT,db=1 )PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = 24 * 60 * 60 # session 的有效期,单位是秒写⼊开发环境配置信息到moguapp/apps/settings/dev.pyfrom . import Configclass DevelopementConfig(Config):"""开发模式下的配置"""pass写⼊⽣产环境配置信息到moguapp/apps/settings/prop.pyfrom . import Configclass ProductionConfig(Config):"""⽣产模式下的配置"""DEBUG = FalseLOG_LEVEL = "INFO"SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = FalseSQLALCHEMY_ECHO = False3.3 配置项⽬⽇志把⽇志配置封装在init_log函数中,保存到utils/log.py⽂件import loggingfrom logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler# 把⽇志相关的配置封装成⼀个⽇志初始化函数def init_log(Config):# 设置⽇志的记录等级logging.basicConfig(level=Config.LOG_LEVEL) # 调试debug级# 创建⽇志记录器,指明⽇志保存的路径、每个⽇志⽂件的最⼤⼤⼩、保存的⽇志⽂件个数上限file_log_handler = RotatingFileHandler("logs/log", maxBytes=1024 * 1024 * 300, backupCount=10) # 创建⽇志记录的格式⽇志等级输⼊⽇志信息的⽂件名⾏数⽇志信息formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s')# 为刚创建的⽇志记录器设置⽇志记录格式file_log_handler.setFormatter(formatter)# 为全局的⽇志⼯具对象(flaskapp使⽤的)添加⽇志记录器logging.getLogger().addHandler(file_log_handler)3.4 项⽬初始化代码抽取在apps/__init__.py⽂件中,创建flask应⽤并加载配置from flask import Flaskfrom redis import StrictRedisfrom flask_session import Sessionfrom flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyfrom apps.settings.dev import DevelopementConfigfrom apps.settings.prop import ProductionConfigfrom apps.utils.log import init_logconfig = {"dev": DevelopementConfig,"prop": ProductionConfig,}# 预设全局变量db = SQLAlchemy()def init_app(config_name):"""项⽬的初始化功能"""app = Flask(__name__)# 设置配置类Config = config[config_name]# 加载配置app.config.from_object(Config)# redis的链接初始化global redis_storeredis_store = StrictRedis(host=Config.REDIS_HOST, port=Config.REDIS_PORT,db=0)# 开启session功能Session(app)# 配置数据库链接db.init_app(app)# 启动⽇志init_log(Config)return app3.5 配置项⽬启动⽂件修改manage.py启动⽂件,加载app初始化⼯⼚函数(from apps import init_app),并使⽤flask-script启动项⽬#from flask import Flaskfrom flask_script import Managerfrom flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommandfrom apps import init_app,db#app = Flask(__name__)app = init_app("dev")# 使⽤终端脚本⼯具启动和管理flaskmanager = Manager(app)# 启⽤数据迁移⼯具Migrate(app, db)# 添加数据迁移的命令到终端脚本⼯具中manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand)@app.route('/')def index():return'hello,moluo~'if__name__ == '__main__':#app.run(host=, port=5000)manager.run()在终端重新使⽤manage.py启动项⽬python manage.py runserver --host= --port=50004. 基于Flask-JSONRPC提供RPC接⼝JSON-RPC是⼀个⽆状态的、轻量级的远程过程调⽤(RPC)协议。
XXXXXXXXXX平台系统初始化方案(V1.0)目录1.目的 (3)2.初始化范围 (3)2.1 会统核算运行参数初始化 (3)2.1.1 核算主体单位设置 (3) 前台功能模块设置 (3) 后台批处理设置 (3)2.1.2 核算日期设置 (4)2.1.3 其他参数设置 (4)2.2 期初数据初始化 (4)2.2.1 报表录入方式形成期初数据(年中上线单位选用) (5)3.初始化前准备 (5)3.1 数据迁移 (5)3.2 期初结转时间 (6)3.3 历史数据迁移后数据核对 (6)3.3.1 工作目的 (6)3.3.2 工作内容 (6)3.3.3 前提条件 (7)3.3.4 准备工作 (7)3.3.5 完结标志 (8)3.3.6 职责描述 (8)3.3.7 期初时间点的选择 (9)3.3.8 相关要求 (9)3.3.9 其他 (10)附件一、数据核对时涉及的会统报表包括: (10)1.目的本文档针对项目系统上线前的初始化工作进行阐述。
2.1 会统核算运行参数初始化包括:核算主体单位设置,核算日期设置,其他运行参数设置2.1.1核算主体单位设置核算单位初始化的原则是从上往下,对于省局而言,需要先初始化省局,再初始化市局,最后初始化区县局。
核算主体单位设置有两种初始化方法,分别为通过前台功能模块设置和后台批处理设置。 前台功能模块设置通过勾选“税务机构代码”旁边的复选框,点击“初始化”按钮,完成初始化操作,系统会弹出信息框,提示初始化成功。 后台批处理设置通过调用后台存储过程进行批量初始化,存储过程名称为:CP_KJ_HSDW_CSH,参数为启用年度,启用期间。
第4章 网络设备的初始化
4.4 路由器初始化
4.4.1 命令行初始化 4.4.2 Cisco SDM初始化
4.4.1 命令行初始化路由器
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?[yes/no]:yes At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets '[]'. Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system, extended setup will ask you to configure each interface on the system
Cisco ASDM
4.3 交换机初始化
4.3.1 命令行初始化 4.3.2 Web初始化
4.3.1 命令行初始化交换机
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# hostname name Switch(config)# enable password password Switch(config)#enable secret secret_password Switch(config)# line vty 0 15 Switch(config-line)# password password Switch(config)# interface vlan 1 Switch(config-if)# ip address ip_address subnet_mask Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
7.查询优化器参数(如SQL Server, Oracle等提供):1)描述:影响查询执行计划的参数。
8.其他特定于应用程序的参数:根据使用的具体数据库系统(如MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server等),可能还有其他特定的参数需要配置。
mysql --initializing 原理
mysql --initializing 原理在MySQL 中,--initialize是一个用于初始化数据目录并创建初始用户的命令行选项。
它用于在安装MySQL 服务器时进行初始化操作,通常用于首次安装或重新安装MySQL 服务器时。
这个密码会显示在控制台输出中,用户在首次登录MySQL 时需要使用这个临时密码。
3.创建初始用户:通过--initialize选项,MySQL 会创建一个具有高权限的初始用户(root 用户),该用户具有全局管理权限。
4.启动MySQL 服务器:初始化完成后,可以使用mysqld或mysqld_safe启动MySQL 服务器。
用户登录并修改初始密码后,就可以使用MySQL 了。
举例:mysqld --initialize --datadir=/var/lib/mysql上述命令将初始化MySQL 数据目录为/var/lib/mysql,生成一个临时密码,并创建一个具有全局管理权限的初始用户。
请注意,--initialize选项通常用于首次安装MySQL 或者进行重新安装时。
在生产环境中,建议参考MySQL 官方文档和最佳实践来进行MySQL 的初始化和安全配置。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Network 提供网络连接的服务
crond 计划任务
xinetd 守护进程
sshd 远程进行服务器登陆时,需要用到该服务
iptables 系统的防火墙服务。
syslog linux系统的日志系统
禁止ssh不适用域名解析,如:UseDNS no
3、修改hostname /etc/sysconfig/network
*/5 * * * * root ntpdate。