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Application of Critical Parameter Method in Reinforcement for Heavy Haul Railway Light Pier
CHEN Shuli' ,LIU Dunli2,XU Hongwei1 (1. Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050043 , China; 2. National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China, Beijing 100891 , China) Abstract: Research purposes: The rapid development of heavy load transportation causes the pier vibration to intensify and affects the safety of train operation. The method of concrete connection reinforcement between double column light piers is a usual method, but it is difficult to determine the strengthening parameter. Then, a critical parameter method based on double - index control is proposed and the application of real bridge engineering is completed. Research conclusions : (1 ) Transverse stiffness of pier and transverse natural vibration frequency of pier are two dual 一 control indexes of critical parameter method. The reinforcement thickness and height are fixed and variable parameters, and it is necessary to consider various factors such as reinforcement effect, reinforcement cost and convenience of later maintenance. (2) The reinforcement thickness is larger than the existing pier body diameter 20 cm, the reinforcement height is 60% of original pier height. After reinforcement, the stiffness and natural vibration frequency of the pier are significantly increased, and the increment is more than 70% . (3 ) Using critical parameter method to reinforce typical pier. After reinforcement, the transverse frequency of bridge pier increases by nearly 100% , the lateral amplitude of pier decreases more than 50% , and the reinforcement effect is obvious, while the cost, construction difficulty and construction period are greatly reduced. (4) The research results can provide reference for further study on light pier strengthening of heavy - haul railway.
*收稿日期:2018-11 -15 基金项目:国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFB1200401 - 107);国家自然科学基金面上项目(51678376)
(1.石家庄铁道大学,石家庄050043 ; 2.国家铁路局, 北京100891)
摘要:研究目的:重载运输快速发展引起桥墩振动加剧并影响列车安全运营,针对采用混凝土连接加固双柱式 轻型桥墩中加固参数难以选择问题,本文提出一种基于双指标控制的临界参数法并完成实桥工程应用。
研究结论:(1)墩身横向刚度和桥墩横向自振频率是临界参数法的两个双控指标,加固厚度和加固高度 分别是固定参数和可变参数,在确定临界参数时需考虑加固效果、加固成本和后期维护便捷多种因素;(2)对 于双柱式桥墩,加固厚度取大于墩身直径20 cm, 60%的原始墩高为临界加固高度,加固后桥墩刚度和自振频 率显著提高,增幅均在70%及以上;(3)采用临界参数法进行桥墩加固工程应用,加固后桥墩横向频率增幅接 近100%,墩顶横向振幅降低50%以上,加固效果明显,而加固费用、施工难度和工期大大降低;(4)本研究成 果可为进一步研究重载铁路轻型桥墩加固问题提供参考。 关键词:临界参数法;重载铁路;轻型桥墩;减振加固;运营性能试验 中图分类号:U24汀U47 文献标识码:A
2019年7月 第7期(总250)
文章编号:1006 -2106(2019)07 -0033 -05
Jul 2019 NO. 7(Ser. 250)
CHEN Shuli' ,LIU Dunli2,XU Hongwei1 (1. Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050043 , China; 2. National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China, Beijing 100891 , China) Abstract: Research purposes: The rapid development of heavy load transportation causes the pier vibration to intensify and affects the safety of train operation. The method of concrete connection reinforcement between double column light piers is a usual method, but it is difficult to determine the strengthening parameter. Then, a critical parameter method based on double - index control is proposed and the application of real bridge engineering is completed. Research conclusions : (1 ) Transverse stiffness of pier and transverse natural vibration frequency of pier are two dual 一 control indexes of critical parameter method. The reinforcement thickness and height are fixed and variable parameters, and it is necessary to consider various factors such as reinforcement effect, reinforcement cost and convenience of later maintenance. (2) The reinforcement thickness is larger than the existing pier body diameter 20 cm, the reinforcement height is 60% of original pier height. After reinforcement, the stiffness and natural vibration frequency of the pier are significantly increased, and the increment is more than 70% . (3 ) Using critical parameter method to reinforce typical pier. After reinforcement, the transverse frequency of bridge pier increases by nearly 100% , the lateral amplitude of pier decreases more than 50% , and the reinforcement effect is obvious, while the cost, construction difficulty and construction period are greatly reduced. (4) The research results can provide reference for further study on light pier strengthening of heavy - haul railway.
*收稿日期:2018-11 -15 基金项目:国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFB1200401 - 107);国家自然科学基金面上项目(51678376)
(1.石家庄铁道大学,石家庄050043 ; 2.国家铁路局, 北京100891)
摘要:研究目的:重载运输快速发展引起桥墩振动加剧并影响列车安全运营,针对采用混凝土连接加固双柱式 轻型桥墩中加固参数难以选择问题,本文提出一种基于双指标控制的临界参数法并完成实桥工程应用。
研究结论:(1)墩身横向刚度和桥墩横向自振频率是临界参数法的两个双控指标,加固厚度和加固高度 分别是固定参数和可变参数,在确定临界参数时需考虑加固效果、加固成本和后期维护便捷多种因素;(2)对 于双柱式桥墩,加固厚度取大于墩身直径20 cm, 60%的原始墩高为临界加固高度,加固后桥墩刚度和自振频 率显著提高,增幅均在70%及以上;(3)采用临界参数法进行桥墩加固工程应用,加固后桥墩横向频率增幅接 近100%,墩顶横向振幅降低50%以上,加固效果明显,而加固费用、施工难度和工期大大降低;(4)本研究成 果可为进一步研究重载铁路轻型桥墩加固问题提供参考。 关键词:临界参数法;重载铁路;轻型桥墩;减振加固;运营性能试验 中图分类号:U24汀U47 文献标识码:A
2019年7月 第7期(总250)
文章编号:1006 -2106(2019)07 -0033 -05
Jul 2019 NO. 7(Ser. 250)