



Intelligent 不須有 PLC CPU 的 Type ,基本功能和 Remote station 一樣,但 device station 有其較特殊的通訊功能,如 AJ65BT-R2、AJ65BT-G4-S3 等等。
Standby 須有 PLC CPU 的 Type,在未取得控制權時,其功能就如同 Local
RY) 的交訊,訊號也可被 Local station 讀取。
不須有 PLC CPU 的 Type,能和 Master station 做 Bit 元件(RX RY)
device station Word 元件 (RWw、RWr) 的交訊,訊號也可被 Local station 讀取。
15 218H to 21BH
16 21CH to 21FH
17 220H to 223H
18 224H to 227H
19 228H to 22BH
20 22CH to 22FH
21 230H to 233H
22 234H to 237H
23 238H to 23BH
24 23CH to 23FH
number 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Buffer memory address 114H to 115H 116H to 117H 118H to 119H 11AH to 11BH 11CH to 11DH 11EH to 11FH 120H to 121H 122H to 123H 124H to 125H 126H to 127H 128H to 129H 12AH to 12BH 12CH to 12DH



ISQB1ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC CONTROL V ALVEThe ISQB1 series control valve is an electronic pressure regulator designed to precisely and proportionally control the pres-sure of gaseous media based on an electronic control signal.The ISQB1 operates using two normally closed solenoid valves, a pressure sensor, and a control circuit. One valve is actu-ated to allow supply media into the system. The second valve is actuated to allow working media to vent through a threaded port to atmosphere. The pressure sensor provides feedback to the control circuit. The control circuit compares the pressure sensor feedback to the user supplied electronic command signal and actuates the appropriate valve until the two signals match.The ISQB1 series can be teamed with a variety of air piloted pressure volume boosters for even greater flow.MECHANICALPressure ranges…………...…29.9 in. Hg (VAC) -150 psig (10.3bar) Output Pressure……………...0-100% of range Flow Rate…………………….0.80 SCFM @ 80 psig Min. Closed End Volume……1 in³Filtration Required…………..20 micron Linearity/Hysterisis…………..< 0.4% F.S. B.F.S.L Repeatability………………....< 0.2% F.S. Accuracy……………………..< 0.5% F.S. Wetted Parts…………Elastomers-Fluorocarbon Manifold-Brass Transducer-Silicon, Aluminum, RTV Valves-Nickel Plated Brass ELECTRICALSupply Voltage….………….…..14.5VDC-29VDC (MAX) Supply Current…………………<80mA Command Signal.………………4-20mA Differential Command Signal Impedance…..100 OHMPHYSICALOperating temperature…..…..…32-150ºF (0-70ºC) (T4)Weight………………………….2.5 lb. (1.1 kg)Protection Rating……………….NEMA 4Housing…………………………Anodized AluminumSee Installation & Maintenance Guide ISBQ1-MS1 for proper installation.Intrinsically Safe……...Factory Mutual Approval- Class I, II, III, Division 1Groups C,D,E,F,GEntity Parameters……..V Max = 29VDC I Max = 150mA Ci = 0.24uF Li = 0Field Wiring Drawing: ISQB-96026-2• FM approved for CLASS 1 DIV 1 areas • Pressure ranges from full vacuum through 150psig• NEMA4/IP65 housing • No bleed design• Not sensitive to mounting position or vibration•Use with air piloted regulators for high flowC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mACCESSORIESC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。



开放式现场总线 CC-Link 综述相关专题:虽然 CC-Link 在中国的市场表现良好,国内已经存在大量广泛的应用和一些合作伙伴,但是关于 CC-Link 的全貌的介绍相对较少。

作为包容了现场总线最新技术的 CC-Link ,其先进的技术性能和特点非常鲜明。

有必要逐步向广大的用户和合作伙伴及中国的工程技术人员,介绍CC-Link 有关技术和应用情况。

使 CC-Link 的技术为更多的业内人士所了解,为中国的现场总线的发展,提供有益的参考。

一、开放式现场总线 CC-Link 技术背景和 CLPA在 1996 年 11 月,以三菱电机为主导的多家公司以“ 多厂家设备环境、高性能、省配线” 理念开发、公布和开放了现场总线 CC-Link ,第一次正式向市场推出了 CC-Link 这一全新的多厂商、高性能、省配线的现场网络。

并于 1997 年获得日本电机工业会( JEMA )颁发的杰出技术成就奖。

CC-Link 是 Control& Communication Link ( 控制与通信链路系统 ) 的简称。

即:在工控系统中,可以将控制和信息数据同时以 10Mbps 高速传输的现场网络。

CC-Link 具有性能卓越、应用广泛、使用简单、节省成本等突出优点。

作为开放式现场总线, CC-Link 是唯一起源于亚洲地区的总线系统,CC-Link 的技术特点尤其适合亚洲人的思维习惯.于 1998 年,汽车行业的马自达、五十铃、雅马哈、通用、铃木等也成为了 CC-Link 的用户,而且 CC-Link 迅速进入中国市场.1999 年,销售的实绩已超过 17 万个节点, 2001 年达到了 72 万个节点,到 2001 年累计量达到了 150 万,其增长势头迅猛,在亚洲市场占有份额超过15 %(据美国工控专业调查机构 ARC 调查),受到亚、欧、美、日等客户的高度评价。

为了使用户能更方便地选择和配置自己的 CC-Link 系统, 2000 年 11 月,CC-Link 协会( CC-Link Partner Association 简称 CLPA)在日本成立。



通用术语和缩写描述QJ61BT11N CC-Link 系统主站/本地站模块是CC-Link 系统主站/本地站模块的缩写。

一种传输方法,该方法周期性的传输远程I/O 和远程寄存器的内容。

1:1 通讯。

配备PLC CPU 并具有和主站与其它本地站通讯的能力。

(用外部设备执行输入和输出)(AJ65BTB1-16D,AJ65SBTB1-16D)(用外部设备执行输入和输出并执行模拟量数字量转换)(AJ65BT-64AD、AJ65BT-64DAV、AJ65BT-64DAI)I/O 站和远程设备站的通用术语。

(由主站控制):AJ65BT-R2(包括本地站)PLC CPU 或电源问题而导致主站链接中断的时候启动。

I/O 站、远程设备站、本地站、智能设备站和备用主站的通用术语。

、QJ61BT11、AJ61BT11、A1SJ61BT11、AJ61QBT11 和A1SJ61QBT11 的通用术语QJ61BT11N、QJ61BT11、AJ61BT11、A1SJ61BT11、AJ61QBT11 和A1SJ61QBT11 的通用术语,在它们用作主站的时候使用。

QJ61BT11N、QJ61BT11、AJ61BT11、A1SJ61BT11、AJ61QBT11 和A1SJ61QBT11 的通用术语,在它们用作本地站的时候使用。

AJ65BTB1-16D、AJ65SBTB1-16D、AJ65BT-64AD、AJ65BT-64DAV、AJ65BT-64DAI 和A852GOT 通用术语:AJ65BT-R2(包括本地站模块)高速向远程I/O 站发送数据和接收来自远程I/O 站的数据的专用模式可以和用于CC-Link 与所有站(远程I/O 站,远程设备站,本地站,智能设备站和备用主站)通信的模式;远程网络模式有三种不同的模式: 远程网络版本1 模式,远程网络版本2 模式,和远程网络添加模式;。




Chapter 5 Screen data editing ..................................... 5-1
System setting .................................................................................... 5-1
Selecting PLC type ......................................................................... 5-1 Communication parameters ........................................................... 5-1
I/F Board Err ................................................................................... 6-2
Checking errors by the LED display ................................................... 6-2
Notes .................................................................................................. 4-5
Master • local unit ........................................................................... 4-5



4.安装配线 ...........................................................................................................................................14
4.1 安装.................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.1 嵌入型安装 ............................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.2 墙挂型安装 ............................................................................................................................... 15 4.2 接口.................................................................................................................................................... 16 4.2.1 横式嵌入型接口 ....................................................................................................................... 16 4.2.2 竖式嵌入型接口 ....................................................................................................................... 17 4.2.3 墙挂型接口 ............................................................................................................................... 18 4.3 配线.................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.3.1 称重/速度传感器接口(SENSOR) ....................................................................................... 19 称重传感器接线(SENSOR/LOADCELL) .............................................................. 19


2. 燃烧器的安装 ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
6. 阀门组件的气密性检验 ............................................................................................................................................. 18
8. 准备第一次调试 ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 8.1 检查燃气供气压力................................................................................................................................................ 19 8.2 排空燃气管道中的空气........................................................................................................................................ 19

三菱PLC A Q FX系列型号

三菱PLC A Q FX系列型号

三菱小A系列(全新):一. CPU:A1SHCPU A2SHCPU A2USHCPU-S1 A1SCPUC24-R2 A1SJHCPU A1SCPU A1SCPU-S1 A2SCPU A2USCPU A2USCPU-S1 A2USCPU-S60 A2USCPU-S30A2USCPU-M128 A3USCPU-M128 A1SJHCPU Q2ASCPU Q2ASCPU-S1Q2ASHCPU Q2ASHCPU-S1 Q2ASHCPU-S124 A0J2CPU A0J2HCPUA0J2HCPUP21 A1SJCPU-S3 A171SHCPUN A172SHCPUN A171SENC A172SENCA173UHCPU A273USHCPU A273UHCPU A273UHCPU-S3 A373UCPU A0J2CPU-DC24 二. 底板A1S32B A1S33B A1S35B A1S38B A1S52B A1S55BA1S58B A1S68B A1S38HB A175B A178B A1SH38BA1S52B-S1 A1S55B-S1 A1S58B-S1 A1S65B-S1A1S68B-S1三. 内存卡A1SNMCA-8KP A1SNMCA-2KE A1SNMCA-8KE A2SMCA-14KP A2SMCA-14KEA2SNMCA-30KE A2SNMCA-60KE A2SMCA-30KP四. 电源A1S61P A1S62P A1S63P A1S61PN A1S62PN五. 输入模块A1SX10 A1SX20 A1SX30 A1SX40 A1SX40-S1 A1SX40-S2 A1SX41A1SX41-S1 A1SX41-S2 A1SX42 A1SX42-S1 A1SX42-S2 A1S42XA1SX71 A1SX80 A1SX80-S1 A1SX81 A1SX80-S2 A1SX81-S2A1SX10EU A1SX20EU六.输出模块A1SY10 A1SY18A A1SY22 A1SY28A A1SY40 A1SY41A1SY42 A1SY50 A1SY60 A1SY68A A1SY71 A1SY80A1SY81 A1SY10EU A1SY14EU A1SH42 A1SX48Y18 A1SX48Y58A1SY18AEU A1SY28EU七.模拟量模块A1S63ADA A1S66ADA A1S64AD A1S68AD A1S62DAA1S68DAI A1S68DAV A1ST60八.温度控制模块A1S68TD A1S62RD3 A1S62RD4 A1S64TCTT-S1A1S64TCTTBW-S1 A1S64TCRT-S1 A1S64TCRTBW-S1九.定位模块A1SD71-S2 A1SD71-S7 A1SD75P1-S1 A1SD75P2-S3A1SD75P3-S3 A1SD75-C01H A1SP60 A1SD75M1A1SD75M2 A1SD75M3 AD75TU十.高速计数模块A1SD61 A1SD62 A1SD62E A1SD62D A1SI61 A1SD62-S1十一:远程通信模块:AJ65BTB1-16D AJ65BTB2-16D AJ65BTC1-32DAJ65BTB1-16T AJ65BTB2-16T AJ65BTC1-32TAJ65BTB2-16R AJ65BTB1-16DT AJ65BTB2-16DTAJ65BTB2-16DR AJ65SBTB1-16D AJ65SBTB1-16D1AJ65SBTB1-32D AJ65SBTB1-32D1 AJ65SBTC1-32DAJ65SBTC1-32D1 AJ65SBTB1-16T AJ65SBTB1-32TAJ65SBTC1-32T AJ65SBTC1-32DT AJ65SBTC1-32DT1AJ65SBTB1-8D AJ65SBTC4-16D AJ65SBTW4-16DAJ65SBTB1-8T AJ65SBTC4-16TD AJ65SBTW4-16DTAJ65SBTCF1-32DT AJ65SBTB1-32DT AJ65SBTB1-16T1AJ65SBTB1-32T1 AJ65SBTCF1-32D AJ65SBTCF1-32TA80BDE-J61BT11 A80BDE-J61BT13 AJ65SBT-RPTAJ65SBT-RPI-10A AJ65SBT-RPI-10B AJ65BT-D62AJ65BT-D62D AJ65BT-D62D-S1 AJ65BT-D75P2-S3AJ65BT-R2 AJ65BT-G4 AJ65BT-64ADAJ65BT-64DAV AJ65BT-64DAI AJ65BT-68TDAJ65BT-64RD3 AJ65BT-64RD4 AJ65SBT-64ADAJ65SBT-62DA A6CAP-DC1 A6CPA-WP1A6CVR-8 A6CVR-16 A6CVR-32 A6CON-P214A6CON-P220 A6CON-P514 A6CON-P520A1SJ51T64 AJ55TB3-4D AJ55TB3-8DAJ55TB3-16D AJ55TB2-4T AJ55TB2-8TAJ55TB2-16T AJ55TB2-4R AJ55TB2-8RAJ55TB2-16R AJ55TB32-4DT AJ55TB32-8DTAJ55TB32-16DT AJ55TB32-4DR AJ55TB32-8DRAJ55TB32-16DR十二.特殊模块A1SJ71LP21 A1SJ71BR11 A1SJ71AP21 A1SJ71AR21 A1SJ71AT21B A1SJ72T25B A1SJ71PT32-S3 A1SJ71T32-S3 A1SJ71C24-R2A1SJ71UC24-R2 A1SJ71UC24-R4 A1SJ71UC24-PRF A1SD51SA1SG62 A171SENC A172SENC A1SJ71QLP21 A1SJ71QBR11A1SJ71QC24 A1SJ71QC24-R2 A1SJ71QC24N A1SJ61QBT11A6WA-28P A2SWA-28P A7PUS AC30R4-PUS A6CON1A6CON2 A6CON3 A6BAT A1SG60 A1SG62 A1SC01BA1SC03B A1SC60B A1SC05NB A1SC07NB A1SC30NBA1SC50NB A6TE2-16SRN AC06TE AC10TE AC30TEAC50TE AC100TE A1STA32 A1STA32-3 A1STA32-7A6TBXY36 A6TBXY54 A6TBX70 A6TBX36-E A6TBY36-EA6TBX54-E A6TBY54-E A6TBX70-E AC05TB AC10TBAC20TB AC30TB AC50TB大A系列CPU:A3ACPU A3ACPUP21 A3ACPUR21 A2ACPU-S1 A2ACPUP21-S1A2ACPUR21-S1 A2ACPU A2ACPUP21 A2ACPUR21 A3NCPUA3NCPUP21 A3NCPUR21 A2NCPU-S1 A2NCPUP21-S1 A2NCPUR21-S1 A2NCPU A2NCPUP21 A2NCPUR21 A1NCPU A1NCPUP21A1NCPUR21 A0J2CPU A0J2HCPU A0J2HCPUP21 Q2ACPUQ2ACPU-S1 Q3ACPU Q4ACPU Q4ARCPU A221AM-20二.底板A32B A35B A38B A55B A58B A65B A68B A38HB三.电源A61P A62P A63P A65P A66P A68P四.内存卡A3NMCA-0 A3NMCA-2 A3NMCA-4 A3NMCA-8 A3NMCA-16A3NMCA-16 A3NMCA-24 A3NMCA-40 A3NMCA-56 A4UMCA-1284KRAM 16KRAM 4KROM 8KROM 16KROM 16KHROM16KQROM 4KEROM 64KWROM 128KWROM 256KWROM旁路开关:A6BSW-P-S3 A6BSW-P-S4 A6BSW-P-S5A6BSW-P-S6 A6BSW-P-S7 A6BSW-R六. 输入模块AX10 AX11 AX20 AX21 AX40 AX41 AX41-S1AX42 AX42-S1 AX60-S1 AX70 AX71 AX80EAX81 AX82七. 输出模块AY10 AY10A AY11 AY11A AY13 AY13E AY22AY23 AY40 AY40P AY41 AY42 AY42-S1AY42-S3 AY50 AY51 AY51-S1 AY51ULAY60 AY60S AY70 AY71 AY80 AY81EP AH42八. 特殊模块A68AD A68ADN A616AD A60MX A60MXRA616TD A68DAV A68DAI-S1 A616DAV A616DAIA68RD3 AD61 AD61-S1 AD71-S2 AD71TUAD72 AD75P1-S3 AD75P2-S3 AD75P3-S3AD75M1 AD75M2 AD75M3 AD51H-S3 AJ71C24-S8AJ71C24-S3 AJ71UC24九. 网络模块AJ71E71N-B5T AJ71E71N-B2 A7BDE-J71AP21AJ71AP21 AJ71AR21 AJ72P25 AJ72R25AJ71AT21B AJ72T25B AJ71PT32-S3 AJ71LP21AJ71LP21G AJ71BR11 AJ61BT11 AI61A11VC AG62 A7PU AJ71QC24 AJ71QC24-R2AJ71QC24N-R2 AJ71QLP21 AJ71QLP21G AJ71QBR11AJ61QBT11 A7BDE-J71AR21 AJ71LP21GEA6BR10 A6BR10-DC A8PUE AC20R4-A8PU AC300R4AC30R4 AC30R2 A6SW16 A6SW32十:远程通信模块:AJ65SBTB1-8D AJ65SBTB1-16D AJ65SBTB1-16D1 AJ65SBTB1-32DAJ65SBTB1-32D1 AJ65SBTB2N-8A AJ65SBTB2N-16A AJ65SBTB3-8D AJ65SBTB3-16D AJ65SBTC1-32D AJ65SBTC1-32D1 AJ65SBTC4-16D AJ65SBTCF1-32D AJ65FBTA4-16D AJ65FBTA4-16DE AJ65SBTW4-16D AJ65MBTL1N-16D AJ65MBTL1N-32D AJ65BTB1-16D AJ65BTB2-16D AJ65BTC1-32D AJ65SBTB1-8T AJ65SBTB1-8T1AJ65SBTB1-16T1 AJ65SBTB1-32T AJ65SBTB1-16T1 AJ65SBTB1-32T1 AJ65SBTB2-8T AJ65SBTB2-8T1 AJ65SBTB2-16T AJ65SBTB2-16T1AJ65SBTB2N-8R AJ65SBTB2N-16R AJ65SBTB2N-8S AJ65SBTB2N-16S AJ65SBTC1-32T AJ65SBTC1-32T1 AJ65SBTCF1-32T AJ65FBTA2-16T AJ65FBTA2-16TE AJ65MBTL1N-16T AJ65MBTL1N-32T AJ65BTB1-16T AJ65BTB2-16R AJ65BTB2-16T AJ65BTC1-32T AJ65SBTB1-16DTAJ65SBTB1-16DT1 AJ65SBTB1-16DT2 AJ65SBTB1-16DT3AJ65SBTB1-32DT AJ65SBTB1-32DT1 AJ65SBTB1-32DT2AJ65SBTB1-32DT3 AJ65SBTB32-8DT AJ65SBTB32-8DT2AJ65SBTB32-16DT AJ65SBTB32-16DT2 AJ65SBTC1-32DTAJ65SBTC1-32DT2 AJ65SBTC1-32DT3 AJ65SBTC1-32DT1AJ65SBTC4-16DT AJ65SBTC4-16DT2 AJ65SBTCF1-32DTAJ65FBTA42-16DT AJ65FBTA42-16DTE AJ65SBTW4-16DTAJ65MBTL1N-16DT AJ65BTB1-16DT AJ65BTB2-16DRAJ65SBT-64AD AJ65BT-64AD AJ65SBT-62DAAJ65BT-64DAI AJ65BT-64DAV AJ65VBTCU68DAVNAJ65VBTCU68ADV AJ65VBTCU68ADI AJ65BT-64RD3AJ65BT-64RD4 AJ65BT-68TD AJ65BT-D62AJ65BT-D62D AJ65BT-D62D-S1 AJ65BT-D75P2-S3AJ65BT-G4-S3 AJ65BT-R2 AJ65SBT-RPTAJ65SBT-RPS AJ65BT-RPI-10A AJ65BT-RPI-10BA6CAP-DC1 A6CPA-WP1 A6CVR-8 A6CVR-16A6CVR-32 A6CON-P214 A6CON-P220 A6CON-P514A6CON-P520 A6CON-LJ5P A6CON-PWJ5PQ系列CPU:Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU Q02CPU Q02HCPU Q06HCPUQ12HCPU Q25HCPU Q12PHCPU Q25PHCPU Q12PRHCPUQ25PRHCPU Q02CPU-A Q02HCPU-A Q06HCPU-A主板:Q33B Q35B Q38B Q312B Q63B Q65B Q68B Q612BQ52B Q55B Q38RB Q68RB Q32SB Q33SB Q35SBQA1S65B QA1S68B QA65B QA1S33B QA1S35BQA1S38B QA1S65B QA1S68B冗余控制数据跟踪电缆:QC10TR QC30TR电源模块:Q61P-A1 Q61P-A2 Q62P Q63P Q64P Q64RP Q61SP扩展电缆:QC05B QC06B QC12B QC30B QC50BQC100B电池:Q6BAT Q7BAT Q7BAT-SET适配器:Q6DIN1 Q6DIN2 Q6DIN3内存卡:Q2MEM-1MBS Q2MEM-2MBS Q2MEM-2MBF Q2MEM-4MBFQ2MEM-8MBA Q2MEM-16MBA Q2MEM-32MBA存储卡用适配器:Q2MEM-ADP软件:GX-DEVELOPER-MELSEC PLC 编程软件(GPPW/LLT) (英文版)GX-DEVELOPER-MELSEC PLC 编程软件(GPPW/LLT) (中文版)GX-CONFIG. - ADMELSEC-Q 专用模拟- 数字模块设置/监视工具(英文版) GX-CONFIG. - DAMELSEC-Q 专用数字- 模拟模块设置/监视工具(英文版) GX-CONFIG. - CTMELSEC-Q 专用高速计数模块设置/监视工具(英文版) GX-CONFIG. - TCMELSEC-Q 专用温度控制模块设置/监视工具(英文版) GX-CONFIG. - FL MELSEC-Q 专用FL-NET模块设置/监视工具(英文版) GX-CONFIG. - PTQD70P 定位模块设置/监视工具(英文版)GX-CONFIG. - QPQD75P/D/M 定位模块设置/监视工具(英文版)GX-CONFIG. - SCMELSEC-Q 专用串行控制模块设置/监视工具(英文版) MX COMPONENT用于通讯的ACTIVE X 库(英文版)MX LINK - E 用于通讯的DDL 库(英文版)GX-EXPLORER 维护工具英文版GX-CONVERTERExcel/文本用的数据转换器英文版GX-CONFIG.-TI MELSEC-Q 专用温度输入模块设置/监视工具(英文版)MX-SHEET 支持Excel通讯的工具英文版GX REMOTE SER远程维护工具英文版PX-DEVELOPER-过程控制用FBD编程软件监视工具输入模块:QX10 QX28 QX40 QX40-S1 QX41 QX41-S1QX42 QX42-S1 QX70 QX71 QX72 QX80QX81 QX82 QX82-S1输出模块:QY10 QY18A QY22 QY40P QY41P QY42PQY50 QY68A QY70 QY71 QY80 QY81PI/O混合型:QH42P QX48Y57中断模块:QI60模拟量模块:Q64AD Q68ADV Q68AD1 Q62DA Q64DA Q68ADVQ68ADI Q64AD-GH Q62AD-DGH Q62AD-FG温度控制模块:Q64RD Q64RD-G Q64TCTT Q64TCTTBW Q64TCRT Q64TCRTBW隔离通道热电偶模块Q64TDQ64TDV-GH高速计数模块:QD62 QD62D QD62E-[连接电缆]QC30R2 Q6HLD-R2-[终端电阻]A6RCON-R75-[终端排适配器]Q6TA32-[终端排适配器--专用工具]Q6TA32-TOL-[弹簧夹子接线端子]Q6TE-18S定位模块:QD75P1 QD75P2 QD75P4 QD75D1 QD75D2 QD75D4QD75M1 QD75M2 QD75M4 QD75P4 QD75P8通讯模块:QJ71E71-B2 QJ71E71-B5 QJ71E71-100 QJ71LP21-25QJ71LP21S-25 QJ71LP21G QJ71LP21GE QJ72LP25-25QJ72LP25G QJ72LP25GE QJ71BR11 QJ71BR15Q80BD-J71LP21-2 Q80BD-J71LP21G Q80BD-J71BR11QJ61BT11N QJ61CL12 QJ71C24N QJ71C24N-R2QJ71C24N-R4 QJ71CMO QD51 QD51-R24 QJ71FL71QJ71FL71-B2 QJ71AS92 A80BDE-J61BT11FX2N1、主机有16点、32点、48点、64点、80点、128点6种类型,I/O点数各占一半;2、该类型PLC可以带0N、2N的数字量扩展模块(单元) ,最多可扩展到256点;3、可直接连接220V市电,内置8K步的RAM存储器,内有锂电池以保持程序数据;4、该系列PLC不能直接驱动伺服或步进马达,但可通过定位模块控制伺服马达;5、该系列PLC可以带模拟量扩展模块及温度控制模块,但最多为8个;6、该系列PLC通过安装2N系列BD板,可实现RS232、RS485、RS422、CC-LINK通讯;7、2N系列的PLC是FX中功能较强大的PLC,支持复杂的应用指令,价格相对较高;简要提示:在什么条件下选择FX2N系列的PLC?(1)、系统的总I/O点数不超过256点,并且有时系统有较多的模拟量信号需要控制;(2)、系统对运算速度有较高的要求时,系统要做复杂的浮点运算;(3)、其MT系列的PLC,Y0、Y1两输出端可发出20KHz的脉冲,由于其CPU不支持ZRN、DRVI、DRVA指令,但支持PLSV、PLSY指令,故可简单地低速驱动2路的伺服或步进(如滑台的往复运动),对于相对复杂的运动系统的控制,要选用FX2N系列的定位模块来完成。

三菱Q系列PLC CC-Link通讯方法的实现

三菱Q系列PLC CC-Link通讯方法的实现

CC-Link 协会现有会员 150 多家。
三、 特点、功能
1、 速率
使用双绞线,通讯距离为 100 米时通讯速率为 10Mbps,1200 米时通讯
速率为 156Kbps。可以通过增加中继器加长距离,通讯距离可达到 7.6Km,使
用光中继器时,可达 13.2Km(注:普通 RS232,RS485 通讯的通讯速率为
2、 通讯数量
三菱 Q 系列 PLC CC-LINK 通讯方法的实现
每个 CC-Link 系统最多可处理 4096 个远程 I/O 点,其中远程输入(RX) 为 2048 个,远程输出(RY)为 2046 个。每个系统最多可处理 512 个远程寄 存器 RW(包括远程写寄存器 RWw 和远程读寄存器 RWr)。每个系统中最多链 接的站点为 64 个。
在一个系统中最多可以有 26 个智能站。 五、 CC-Link 的配置 1、 传输介质 数据传送可以用屏蔽双绞线(TP)。 线定义:DA,DB:数据线
DG:地线 SLD:屏蔽线 为提高数据传输的抗干扰能力,普通 TP 可以在 DB、DA 间接一 110Ω的电阻, 高性能 TP 在两数据线间接 330Ω的电阻。 2、 站号分配 主站为 0 号站,从站站号为 1~64。 3、 占用站 有时一个模块并不一定占有一个站号,有可能占有 2 个或 2 个以上的站号, 但最多占有 4 个站号。 五、 通讯原理 CC-Link 的通讯原理是基于数据链接和自动刷新的原理。具体如下: PLC 分别在 CC-Link 模块和 CPU 中开辟出一块内存缓冲区(BFM),其
主站为 0 号站,带有两个从站:1 号站 16 点远程输入模块和 2 号站 16 点 远程输出模块。



Doc.No.DOC1029432-1OSHA Standards Nozzle for One-touch FittingsKNA(G)-Q10-180Doc.No.DOC1029432-11.Saftey Instructions3~42.Specific Product Precautions5~73.Applications84.Specifications85.Troubleshooting86.Construction9OSHA Standards Nozzle for One-touch FittingsKNA(G)-Q10-180 SeriesSafety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.” They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could resultin minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury.OSHA Standards Nozzle for One-touch Fittings KNA(G)-Q10-180 SeriesSafety InstructionsLimited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.2.Specific Product PrecautionsDesign/ Selection(1) Confirm the specifications.This product is designed to be used only in a compressed air system (including vacuum). Do not operate at pressures, temperatures, etc., beyond the range of specifications, as this can cause damage or malfunction. (Refer to the specifications.)Please contact SMC when using a fluid other than compressed air. We do not guarantee against any damage if the product is used outside of the specifications range.(2) Do not block the discharge port on the side face of the product.For the safety purpose, this product is equipped with a discharge port on its side face so that the pressure does not rise even when the blow port is blocked. The product is compliant with the OSHA standard (1910.242(B)) (in use under a pressure of 0.5 MPa or below, the pressure rise is 30 psi (0.21 MPa) or below).When the discharge port is blocked, the pressure may rise above the standard value and safe use of this product may be disabled.MountingWhen mounting this product (nozzle) to a one-touch fitting, correctly insert this product all the way to the back.After inserting the product all the way to the back, pull the product to make sure it cannot be removed. If the product is not correctly inserted all the way to the back or fitting condition of the product in the one-touch fitting is not good, this product may jump out when a pressure is applied, which poses a risk of injury and accident.Mounting(1) Do not give shock to this product (nozzle)and twist or strike it with a tool.Otherwise, the product may be broken.(2) KNAG-Q10-180 (SUS type) may not be able to be combined with a one-touch fitting depending on its series.For one-touch fittings for which this product can be mounted, refer to Table 1.Table 1One-touch fittingsSeries KNA-Q10-180 KNAG-Q10-180 RESIN type SUS typeKQ2 ○ -*1 KS/KX ○ -*1 KC ○ -*1 KB ○ -*1 KG ○ -*1 KP ○ -*1 KQB2 ○ ○ KQG2 ○ ○* Note 1: To incompatible one-touch fitting series, KNAG-Q10-180 (SUS type) cannot be mounted. The chuck of an incompatible one-touch fitting may not be able to retain the product, and the product may jump out when a pressure is applied, which poses a risk of injury and accident.(3) Do not use one-touch fittings other than our brand products.If a one-touch fitting from another manufacturer is used in combination with this product, this product may come off, which poses a great danger.Separately purchase a compatible one-touch fitting manufactured by us in accordance with the combinations in Table 1, and then use it. For details of the tube fitting, refer to the WEB catalog.(4) Keep the instruction manual and check its contents.Install the products and operate it only after reading the operation Manual carefully and understanding its contents. Also, keep the Manual where it can be referred to as necessary.(5) Do not use this product on the blow gun(VMG Series).Otherwise, collision of the nozzle with a workpiece or wall surface may break the nozzle or one-touch fitting or, when a pressure is applied, may cause the nozzle to jump out, posing a risk of injury or accident.Warning WarningKNA-Q10-180 (RESIN type) KNAG-Q10-180 (SUS type) Discharge port CautionBlow portBlow port(1) Refer to the Fittings & Tubing Precautions forhanding One-touch fittings.(2) Preparation before pipingBefore piping is connected, it should be thoroughly blown out with air (flushing) or washed to remove chips, cutting oil and other debris from inside the pipe.(1) Type of fluidsPlease consult with SMC when using the product in applications other than compressed air.(2) When there is a large amount of drainageCompressed air containing a large amount of drainage can cause the malfunction of pneumatic equipment. An air dryer or water separator should be installed upstream fromfilters.(3) Drain flushingIf condensation in the drain bowl is not emptiedon a regular basis, the bowl will overflow andallow the condensation to enter the compressedair lines. This causes the malfunction ofpneumatic equipment.If the drain bowl is difficult to check and remove,the installation of a drain bowl with an auto drainoption is recommended.For compressed air quality, refer to SMC catalog"Compressed Air Purification System".(4) Use clean airDo not use compressed air that containschemicals, synthetic oils that include organicsolvents, salt, corrosive gases, etc., as it cancause damage or malfunction.(1) Install an air filter.Install an air filter at the upstream side of valve. Select a filtration rating of 5 µm or below, or that equivalent to or lower than ISO 8573-1:2010 [6:4:4]* This rating is equivalent to the rating produced when an air filter is installed for the purity class [7:4:4] of the inlet side compressed air.(2) Ensure that the fluid and ambienttemperatures are within the specified range. If the fluid temperature is 5℃ or less, the moisture in the circuit could freeze, causing damage to the seals or leading to equipment malfunction. Therefore, take appropriate measures to prevent freezing.For compressed air quality, refer to SMC catalog "Compressed Air Purification System".(1) Do not use in an atmosphere containing corrosive gases, chemicals, sea water, water,water steam, or where there is direct contactwith any of these.(2) Do not expose the product to direct sunlight for an extended period of time. (3) Do not use in locations subject to vibration or impact. (4) Do not mount the product in locations where it is exposed to radiant heat.(5) At such a location where the electrificationcharacteristic of static electricity poses aproblem, do not use this product. Otherwise,a system defect or failure may occur.(6) Do not use the product at such a locationwhere spatter occurs.Otherwise, spatter may cause a fire. (7) Do notuse the product in anenvironmentwhere the productis directly exposed tocutting oil, lubricant, coolant oil, etc. CautionWarningCautionWarning(1) Do not disassemble the product or make any modifications.Do not disassemble the product or make any modifications, including additional machining. Doing so may cause human injury and/or an accident.(2) Ensure sufficient space for maintenance. (3) Perform maintenance and inspectionaccording to the procedures indicated in the operation manual.If handled improperly, malfunction or damage of machinery and equipment may occur. (4) Maintenance workIf handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.Assembly, handling, repair and element replacement of pneumatic systems should be performed by a knowledgeable and experienced person.(5) Drain flushingRemove drainage from air filters regularly.(6) Removal of equipment, and supply/exhaustof compressed air.Before components are removed, first confirm that measures are in place to prevent workpieces from dropping, run-away equipment, etc. Then, Cut the supply pressure and electric power, and exhaust all compressed air from the system using the residual pressure release function. When machinery is restarted, proceed with caution after confirming that appropriate measures are in place to prevent sudden movement.Be sure to wear safety goggles for regular maintenance.WarningCaution3.ApplicationThis product is designed to discharge air, remove foreign matters, cool workpieces, eject NG workpieces, and others.4.Specifications5.Troubleshooting- 9 -6.ConstructionKNA-Q10-180(RESIN type)KNAG-Q10-180(SUS type)4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL https://Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. © 2023 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。

安德斯+海杯器Liquiphant M、Liquiphant S 安全说明书

安德斯+海杯器Liquiphant M、Liquiphant S 安全说明书

Products Solutions ServicesXA01039F-A/00/EN/01.1271191158Safety InstructionsLiquiphant M, Liquiphant SFTL50/51(H), FTL51C, FTL70/71Ex d IIC/IIB T3...T6 Ga/Gb Ex d IIC T2...T6 Ga/Gb TÜV 13.0900 XSegurançaOCP 0004TÜVDocument: XA01039F-ASafety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areasXA01039F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S 2Endress+HauserLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S XA01039F-AEndress+Hauser3Liquiphant M, Liquiphant SFTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71Associated DocumentationThis document is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions:KA00143F/00, KA00163F/00 (FTL50/51); KA00144F/00, KA00164F/00 (FTL50H/51H); KA00162F/00, KA00165F/00 (FTL51C); KA00172F/00, KA00173F/00 (FTL70/71)The Operating Instructions which are supplied and correspond to the device type apply.Supplementary Documentation Explosion-protection brochure:CP00021Z/11Designation Explanation of the labelling and type of protection can be found in the explosion protection brochure.Applied standardsDesignation of type of protectionEx d IIC T3...T6Ga/Gb Ex d IIB T3...T6Ga/Gb Ex dIIC T2...T6Ga/GbABNT NBR IEC 60079-0:2008ABNT NBR IEC 60079-1:2009ABNT NBR IEC 60079-26:2008XA01039F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S4Endress+HauserSafety instructions:General Electronic inserts:FEL51, FEL52, FEL54, FEL55, FEL56, FEL57, FEL58, FEL50A, FEL50D•Staff must meet the following conditions for mounting, electrical installation, commissioning and maintenance of the device:–Be suitably qualified for their role and the tasks they perform –Be trained in explosion protection –Be familiar with national regulations•Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions and any other valid standards and regulations.•Do not operate the device outside the specified electrical, thermal and mechanical parameters.•Only install the devices in media for which the wetted materials have sufficient durability.•Avoid electrostatic charging:–Of plastic surfaces (e.g. housing, sensor element, special varnishing , attached additional plates, ..)–Of isolated capacities (e.g. isolated metallic plates)•Relationship between the permitted ambient temperature for the electronics housing, dependent on the range of application, and the temperature classes: → 3 and 4.•Modifications to the device can affect the explosion protection and must be carried out by staff authorized to perform such work by Endress+Hauser.Safety instructions:Special conditions•Permitted ambient temperature range at the electronics housing: –60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C. Restrictions for covers with glass window: –50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C. Observe the information: → 3 and 4.Safety instructions:Installationå 1A Zone 11Tank; Zone 0, Zone 12Electronic insert 3Housing–T13, Aluminium with separate connection compartment –F13, Aluminium –F27, Stainless steel 4Power supply5Potential equalization line 6Local potential equalizationType of protection/level of protection TypeEx d IIC T3…T6 Ga/Gb FTL50(H), FTL51(H),FTL51C with coating of enamel or conductive PFA Ex d IIB T3…T6 Ga/Gb FTL51C with coating of ECTFE or non-conductive PFA Ex d IIC T2…T6 Ga/GbFTL70, FTL71Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S XA01039F-AEndress+Hauser 5•Comply with the installation and safety instructions in the Operating Instructions.•Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions and any other valid standards and regulations.•Pay attention to the maximum process conditions according to the manufacturer's Operating Instructions.•At high medium temperatures note flange pressure load capacity as a factor of temperature.•To maintain the ingress protection of the housing IP66/68, install the housing cover and cable glands correctly.•Install the device to exclude any mechanical damage or friction during the application. Pay particular attention to flow conditions and tank fittings.•Support extension tube of the device if a dynamic load is expected.•Install the device to exclude impact and friction sparks on the aluminium housing.•In case of additional or alternative special varnishing of the enclosure or other metallic parts the danger of an electrostatic charging must be observed. Do not rub surfaces with dry cloth.•Do not open the electrical connection of the power supply circuit under voltage in an explosive atmosphere.•Do not open the connection compartment cover under voltage in an explosive atmosphere.•Only use suitable certified cable entries for the application.•Observe national regulations or standards. Accordingly, the connection terminal does not include any ignition sources.•For operating the transmitter housing at an ambient temperature under –20 °C, appropriate cables and cable entries permitted for this application must be used.•For connection through a conduit entry approved for this purpose the associated sealing facility shall be mounted directly to the housing.•Seal unused entry glands with approved sealing plugs that correspond to the type of protection.The plastic transport sealing plug does not meet this requirement and must therefore be replaced during installation.•When mounting the device:–Exclude any mechanical damage or friction during the application. –Pay particular attention to flow conditions and tank fittings.•Only use certified cable entries suitable for the application.Observe national regulations and standards. Accordingly, the connection terminal does not include any ignition sources.•In potentially explosive atmospheres:–Do not open the electrical connection of the power supply circuit when energized.–Do not open the connection compartment cover and the electronics compartment cover when energized.•Before operation:–Screw in the cover all the way.–Tighten the securing clamp on the cover.•During operation, the cover must be screwed all the way in and the cover's safety catch must be fastened.Accessory high pressure sliding sleeve•The high pressure sliding sleeve can be used for a continuous setting of the switch point and is suited for zone division if mounted properly (→ Operating Instructions).F13, T13 housing•Covers with glass window are allowed but only for the following range of ambient temperatures: –50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C.F27 housing•Cover with glass window is not permitted.XA01039F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S6Endress+HauserSafety instructions:Zone 0•Only operate devices in potentially explosive vapour/air mixtures under atmospheric conditions:–Temperature: –20 to +60 °C–Pressure: 80 to 110 kPA (0.8 to 1.1 bar)–Air with normal oxygen content, usually 21 % (V/V)•If no potentially explosive mixtures are present, or if additional protective measures have been taken, the transmitters may be operated under other atmospheric conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.•Only install the devices in media for which the wetted materials have sufficient durability (e.g. process connection seal).•The sensor part of the device approved for Zone 0 does not cause any ignition hazards if it is operated under non-atmospheric pressures and temperatures.Operating Instructions:•Do not open the connection or electronics compartments under voltage in an explosive atmosphere.•Waiting time before opening the electronics compartment after switching off the power supply: 17min.Instructions: Ex d joints •If required or if doubt: ask manufacturer for specifications.Explosion protection with heat insulationDevice type FTL70, FTL71•While observing the "temperature derating", the device is suitable for process temperatures up to 300°C (→ 8).•When operating, ensure that you rule out contact between hot component surfaces and potentially explosive atmospheres beyond the limits of the corresponding temperature class (→ 7).Suitable measures: e.g. thermal insulation at container and/or pipes.•The temperature of 85 °C specified at the reference point may not be exceeded.•To protect the electronics, observe the specified ambient temperature at the electronics housing.å 2T a Ambient temperature T p Process temperature 1Sensor2Temperature class, e.g. T63Housing4Reference point: max. +85 °C 5E.g. thermal insulationLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S XA01039F-AEndress+Hauser 7Temperature tables The dependency of the ambient and process temperatures upon the temperature class:Device type FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51Cå 3A Additional temperature range for sensors with temperature spacer or pressure-tight bushing 1Temperature spacer or pressure-tight bushing 2ECTFE3PFA, enamel4T a for cover with glass window: –50 °C...+70 °CTypeTemperature classProcess temperature (sensor), T p (process)Ambient temperature (electronics), T a (ambient)FTL50(H), FTL51(H);FTL51C (ECTFE, PFA or enamel coating)T6–50 °C...+85 °C–60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C for cover with glass window:–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °CFTL70, FTL71–60 °C...+85 °C FTL50(H), FTL51(H);FTL51C (ECTFE, PFA or enamel coating)T5–50 °C...+100 °CFTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C:–60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C for cover with glass window:–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C with temperature spacer;without temperature spacer → 3FTL70, FTL71:–60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C for cover with glass window:–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C FTL70, FTL71–60 °C...+100 °C FTL51C (ECTFE coating)T4–50 °C...+120 °C FTL50(H), FTL51(H);FTL51C (PFA or enamel coating)T4–50 °C...+135 °C FTL70, FTL71–60 °C...+135 °C FTL50(H), FTL51(H);FTL51C (PFA or enamel coating)T3–50 °C...+150 °C FTL70, FTL71T3–60 °C...+200 °C –60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C for cover with glass window:–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +70 °C For restrictions, → 4FTL70/71-.......... L T2–60 °C...+230 °C FTL70/71-.......... N T2–60 °C...+280 °C FTL70/71-.......... YT2–60 °C…+300 °CXA01039F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S8Endress+HauserDevice type FTL70, FTL71å 41Temperature spacer: 1.1isolated1.2free-standing2T a for cover with glass window: –50 °C...+70 °CLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S XA01039F-A Endress+Hauser9XA01039F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S 10Endress+HauserLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S XA01039F-A Endress+Hauser1171191158。



HWhere measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.Flow ControlsFLow control functions for applicationsup to 350 bar (5000 psi) and 350 L/min (92 USgpm)Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.Functional SymbolFlow ControlsValve locatorFlow Typical Model Cavity Rating PressurePageFlow regulator valve, fixedL/min (USgpm) bar (psi)FR5-8 C-8-2 10 (25) 280 (4000) H-100FR5-10 C-10-2 23 (6) 280 (4000) H-110FR1-16 C-16-2 114 (30) 210 (3000) H-120FR1-20C-20-2227 (60)210 (3000)H-130Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePageFlow regulator valve, adjustableL/min (USgpm) bar (psi)FR2-10 C-10-2 38 (10) 210 (3000) H-140FR2-16C-16-2114 (30)210 (3000)H-150Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePageFlow regulator with check L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)2CFRC60 A7447 4-60 (1-16) 350 (5000) H-160FAR1-10 C-10-2 1-38 (0.25-10) 310 (4500) H-170FAR1-12 C-12-2(u) 1.5-95 (0.4-25) 310 (4500) H-180FAR1-16C-16-23.8-114 (1-30)310 (4500)H-190Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePagePriority flow regulator, bypass, fixedL/min (USgpm) bar (psi)PFR5-8 C-8-3 <10 (2.5) 280 (4000) H-200PFR5-10 C-10-3 <23 (6) 280 (4000) H-210PFR15-10 C-10-3 <38 (10) 350 (5000) H-220PFR11-12 C-12-3 <30 (8) 350 (5000) H-230PFR11-16C-16-3<114 (30)350 (5000)H -240Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePagePriority flow regulator, bypass, adjustableL/min (USgpm) bar (psi)2CFP60CVA-27-04-0 <60 (16) 350 (5000) H-250PFR12-0 C-10-3 <64 (17) 350 5000) H-254PFR12-12 C-12-3 <45 (12) 350 (5000) H-260PFR2-16 C-16-3 <114 (30) 210 (3000) H -270PFR12-16C-16-3<114 (30)350 (5000) H -280Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePagePriority flow regulator L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)PFRD/S-12 C-12-5S 76 (20) 280 (4000) H-290PFRD/S-16 C-16-5S 150 (40) 280 (4000) H-300PFRD/S-20 C-20-5S 230 (60) 240 (3500) H-3102121313HWhere measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.Functional SymbolFlow Controls (cont.)Valve locatorFlow Typical Model Cavity Rating PressurePageManual rotary flow restrictorL/min (USgpm) bar (psi)MRV2-10 C-10-2 <56 (15) 210 (3000) H-320MRV2-16C-16-2<170.3 (45)210 (3000) H-330Flow ModelCavityRatingPressure PageNeedle valve L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)2CR80A7447 <80 (20) 350 (5000) H-340Flow Typical ModelCavity Rating PressurePageNeedle valveL/min (USgpm) bar (psi)NV1-8 C-8-2 <45 (12) 280 (4000) H-342NV1-10 C-10-2 <45 (12) 210 (3000) H-350FCV7-10 C-10-2 <45 (12) 210 (3000) H-380FCV11-12 C-12-2(u) <114 (30) 350 (5000) H -390FCV6-16C-16-2<208 (55)210 (3000) H -400Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePageNeedle valve L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)NV1-16 C-16-2 <151 (40) 210 (3000) H -360NV1-20C-20-2 <265 (70) 210 (3000) H -370Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePagePressure compensator, restrictive L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)PCS3-10 C-10-3 <38 (10) 210 (3000) H-410PCS13-10 C-10-3 <38 (10) 350 (5000) H-420PCS3-12 C-12-3 <58 (15) 240 (3500) H-430PCS13-12 C-12-3 <58 (15) 350 (5000) H-440PCS3-16 C-16-3 <114 (30) 210 (3000) H -450PCS13-16 C-16-3 <114 (30) 350 (5000) H -460PCS3-20C-20-3<189 (50)210 (3000)H -470Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePagePressure compensator bypass/priority L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)PCS4-10C-10-4 <38 (10) 210 (3000) H-480PCS14-10 C-10-4 <38 (10) 350 (5000) H-490PCS4-12 C-12-4 <58 (15) 240 (3500) H-500PCS14-12 C-12-4 <58 (15) 350 (5000) H-510PCS4-16 C-16-4 <114 (30) 210 (3000) H -520PCS14-16 C-16-4 <114 (30) 350 (5000) H -530PCS4-20 C-20-4 <189 (50) 210 (3000) H -540122232Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.Functional SymbolFlow Controls (cont.)Valve locatorFlow Typical Model Cavity Rating PressurePageFlow regulator/diverter L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)2FPH55 <55 (14) 280 (4000) H-5502FPH95 <95 (25) 350 (5000) H-5502FPH195<160 (42) 350 (5000) H -550Flow Typical ModelCavity Rating PressurePageFlow regulator/diverter L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)2FPH250 <200 (52) 350 (5000) H -5602FPH350<350 (92) 350 (5000) H -560Flow Typical Model Cavity Rating PressurePageFlow fuse L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)VF1-10 C-10-2 23 (6) 210 (3000) H-570VF11-1O C-10-2 23 (6) 350 (5000) H-570VF1-16 C-16-2 114 (30) 210 (3000) H-580Flow Typical Model Cavity Rating PressurePageFlow divider/conbiner L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)FDC1-16 C-16-4 <178 (47) 210 (3000) H -590FDC11-16 C-16-4 <140 (37) 350 (5000) H -6002CFD50 A12744 <40 (10.5) 350 (5000) H -6102CFD200CVB-42-04-0<220 (58)280 (4000)H -620Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePageFlow divider/combiner L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)FDC1-20Inline <141 (37) 210 (3000) H -630Flow Typical Model Cavity Rating PressurePageFlow divider/combiner, posi-traction L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)FDC3-16 C-16-4 <152 (40) 210 (3000) H -640Flow Typical ModelCavityRatingPressurePageFlow divider/combiner, posi-traction L/min (USgpm) bar (psi)FDC3-20 Inline <570 (150) 210 (3000) H-650Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.This section gives basicspecifications for the complete line of Eaton's IntegratedHydraulics threaded cartridge flow control valves. Itspurpose is to provide a quick, convenient reference tool when choosing cartridge valves or designing a system using these components. Valve Features and Benefits Eaton offers a complete range of Integrated Hydraulics flow controls cartridge valves, with a variety of features, including:• P roducts in this catalog have been Fatigue tested to one million cycles at 132% or 10 million cycles at 115% of rated pressure.• N on-adjustable, pressure compensated, flow regulator for flows to 227 L/min (60 USgpm).• A djustable, pressurecompensated, flow regulator for flows to 114 L/min (30 USgpm).• F ixed and adjustable priority bypass type flow regulator for regulated flows to 114 L/min (30 USgpm).• A djustable flow control without free reverse flow check with flows rated to 114 L/min (30 USgpm).• A djustable flow control with free reverse flow check with flows rated to 45 L/min (12 USgpm).• N eedle valves with flows rated to 265 L/min (70 USgpm).• V elocity fuses with flows rated to 227 L/min (60 USgpm).• F low divider/combiners (FDC1 and FDC11) with flows rated to 568 L/min (150 USgpm).• P osi-traction valves (FDC13) with flows rated to 567 L/min (150 USgpm)• O perating pressures to 350 bar (5000 psi).Here are some of the benefits of Eaton flow controls:• A ll operating parts arehardened steel, ground and honed for long life and low leakage.• D esigned for maximumflexibility and minimal space requirements.• A ll exposed cartridgesurfaces are zinc dichromate plated to resist corrosion. Steel housings are available for cartridges rated to 350 bar (5000 psi) application pressures.• A ll aluminum manifolds are gold anodized to resist corrosion.• R eliable, economical and compact.• L ow leakage.• V ariety of adjustment options.• A djustments designed not to go spring solid at “full in” position or to allow the adjustment to be removed when backed out.Notable are the two styles of flow divider/combiner:FDC1/FDC11The FDC*1 is a cartridge type hydraulic flow divider-combiner valve. It divides and combines flow, regardless of systemload or pressure, proportionally per specified flow division.For example: FDC*1-10-*–66 will divide an incoming flow of 45 L/min (12 USgpm) equally out each port with an accuracy of 10% each side. With 45 L/min (12 USgpm) in at “3” port, flow out port “4” can be 22 L/min (6 USgpm) 4,5 L/min (1.2 USgpm) while flow at port “2” is 22,7 L/min (6 USgpm) 4,5 L/min (1.2 USgpm).The combining accuracy is the same with incoming flow at port “4” and “2” and flow out port “3” of 45 L/min (12 USgpm). Inlet flow at port “4” will be 22 L/min (6 USgpm) 4,5 L/min (1.2 USgpm). Inlet flow at port “2” will be 22 L/min (6 USgpm) 4,5 L/min (1.2 USgpm).Flow division or combining will be maintained even if unequal loads are placed on ports “4” and “2”.A special feature of the FDC*1–** is that it provides rephase flow to either port 2 or port 4 when one of the two is blocked. This feature is useful in hydraulic circuits that require cylinders to move at the same time. If one cylinder bottoms out first, the opposite cylinder is provided with “rephase” flow to allow the cylinder to bottom and start the cylinders together for movement in the opposite direction.FDC3/FDC13The FDC*3 is a cartridge type positive traction valve that divides and combines flow, regardless of system load or pressure, proportionally per specified flow division.This valve is used in place of a standard flow divider-combiner in systems where hydraulic motors are used as drive wheels on each side of the machine. The positive traction valve acts much like a standard flow divider-combiner as the vehicle travels in a straight line. Equal amounts of flow go to each “C” port. As the vehicle turns a corner, a standard flow divider will maintain equal flow to each drive motor. On a turn, it is necessary for the outer wheel to turn faster than the inner wheel. A standard flow divider-combiner will provide equal flow to each motor causing the drive motors to skid. The positive traction valve solves this problem by allowing the one motor to turn faster than the other.This operates in a similar way as a mechanical differential on an automobile. In a turn, the inside drive motor is restricted and builds up pressure, while the outside drive motor is without restriction. Under conditions of high differential pressure, the positive traction valve passes extra flow to the least restricted motor to prevent skidding. Under straight running conditions the differential pressure is low and equal amounts of flow are provided to each drive motor.Flow ControlsSection OverviewWARNINGFor pressure over 210 bar (3000 psi)use steel housing.Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.AdjustmentsSetting must ALWAYS be carried out using an appropriate gauge and it must NOT be assumed that screwing anadjuster to its maximum or minimum position will yield the maximum or minimum stated design setting for that valve.‘R’ - HANDKNOB‘L’ - LEVER LINEAR ADJUSTMENT THROUGH 180° . VARIABLE TO GIVE1 TO 95 LITRES/MIN WITH THE ABILITY TO SET A MAXIMUMBETWEEN THESE FLOWSAvailable onlyon:2FP952FB952FR952FRC952FBAR95133.5 MAX75.0 M A X109‘D’ - DETENT11 POSITIVE POSITIONS 320° ROTATIONAvailable onlyon:2FP952FB952FR952FRC952FBAR95ø60.0049.00 M A X‘P’ - LEAKPROOF SCREWSetting must ALWAYS be carried out using an appropriate gauge and it must NOT be assumed that screwing an adjuster to its maximum or minimum position will yield the maximum or minimum stated design setting for that valve.‘R’ - HANDKNOB ‘L’ - LEVER LINEAR ADJUSTMENT THROUGH 180° . VARIABLE TO GIVE 1 TO 95 LITRES/MIN WITH THE ABILITY TO SET A MAXIMUM BETWEEN THESE FLOWS Available only on:2FP952FB952FR952FRC952FBAR95133.5 MAX 75.0 M A X109‘D’ - DETENT 11 POSITIVE POSITIONS 320° ROTATION Available only on:2FP952FB952FR952FRC952FBAR95ø60.0049.00 M A XAlternative Adjusters。



1455KleppeLane|Sparks,NV89431|[p]775.359.4712|[f]775.359.7424|[e]***************||3March,2009 DISCLAIMER: Continued product improvements make specifications subject to change without notice. Check for the latest product information and updates.1455 Kleppe LaneHAWS AG Bachweg 3 CH-3401 Burgdorf SwitzerlandHaws Mfg. Pte Lt. 2A Sungei Kadet Drive Singapore 729554 Avlis-Avenido Senador, Testonio Vilela 505 Jardim Aeroporto Itu, S.P. 13304-550 BrasilE-mail: *************** website: No. 2076519(6) Model 1011HPSMS/1011MSDrinking FountainNOTE TO INSTALLER: Please leave this information with the Maintenance Department.LIMITED WARRANTYHAWS® warrants that all of its products are guaranteed against defective material or poor workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. HAWS liability under this warranty shall be discharged by furnishing without charge F.O.B. HAWS Factory any goods, or part thereof, which shall appear to the Company upon inspection to be of defective material or not of first class workmanship, provided that claim is made in writing to company within a reasonable period after receipt of the product. Where claims for defects are made, the defective part or parts shall be delivered to the Company, prepaid, for inspection. HAWS will not be liable for the cost of repairs, alterations or replacements, or for any expense connected therewith made by the owner or his agents, except upon written authority from HAWS, Sparks, Nevada. HAWS will not be liable for any damages caused by defective materials or poor workmanship, except for replacements, as provided above. Buyer agrees that Haws has made no other warranties either expressed or implied in addition to those above stated, except that of title with respect to any of the products or equipment sold hereunder and that HAWS shall not be liable for general, special, or consequential damages claimed to arise under the contract of sale. The drinking fountain manufactured by HAWS is warranted to function if installation and maintenance instructions provided are adhered to. The units also must be used for the purpose for which they were intended.NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ARE AUTHORIZED, PROVIDED OR GIVEN BY HAWS.SHOULD YOU EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTY WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THIS MODEL, PLEASE CALL:1-800-766-5612FOR PARTS CALL:1-800-758-9378(U.S.A. AND CANADA ONLY) MONDAY-THURSDAY: 6:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. PSTFRIDAY: 6:00 A.M – 1:00 P.M. PST12/06 Model 1011HPSMS/1011MS Page 1 of 4RECOMMENDED TOOLS: Hack saw, pipe joint sealant, screwdriver, level, 12" adjustable wrench, 10" pipe wrench, 5/32” hex key wrench, 9/16”, 1/2", 7/16” socket wrench or open end wrench.LOCATION OF UNIT: When installing Model 1011HPSMS/1011MS Drinking Fountain is a wheelchair accessible drinking water facility. The height dimensions shown, meet current ADA requirements. When installing this unit, local, state or federal codes should be adhered to. If height other than shown is required, then dimensions must be adjusted accordingly.SUPPLY LINE: The minimum recommended line size is 1/2“IPS with 30-90 psi (2-6 ATM) flowing pressure. Where sediment or mineral content is a problem, an inlet filter is recommended.PLUMBING CONNECTIONS: Inlet is 3/8” O.D. compression fitting. Waste elbow outlet is1-1/4” O.D. tube.MAINTENANCE: Periodically clean the strainer. Refer to 5874 Valve Manual for more information.TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEM REPAIR CHECKLIST1. Insufficient bubbler flow. 1a. Check that inlet screwdriver stop valve(not supplied) is wide open.b. Verify minimum 30 psi flowing supplypressure.c. Clean strainer. See 5874 Valve Manual.d. Adjust valve to increase flow. Use frontadjust screw or see 5874 Valve manual. © 2006 Haws® Corporation – All Rights ReservedHAWS® and other trademarks used in these materials are the exclusive property of Haws Corporation.12/06 Model 1011HPSMS/1011MS Page 2 of 4。



Fuel Manifold
Honeywell 131-12
Fuel Manifold
Honeywell 131-13
Flex-Slide Connection
63 Eaton 64 Eaton 65 Eaton 66 Eaton 67 Eaton 68 Eaton 69 Eaton 70 Eaton 71 Eaton 72 Eaton 73 Eaton 74 Eaton 75 Eaton 76 Eaton 77 Eaton 78 Eaton 79 Eaton 80 Eaton 81 Eaton 82 Eaton 83 Eaton 84 Eaton 85 Eaton 86 Eaton 87 Eaton 88 Eaton 89 Eaton 90 Eaton 91 Eaton 92 Eaton 93 Eaton 94 Eaton 95 Eaton 96 Eaton 97 Eaton 98 Eaton 99 Eaton 100 Eaton 101 Eaton 102 Eaton 103 Eaton 104 Eaton 105 Eaton 106 Eaton 107 Eaton 108 Eaton 109 Eaton 110 Eaton 111 Eaton 112 Eaton 113 Eaton 114 Eaton 115 Eaton 116 Eaton 117 Eaton 118 Eaton 119 Eaton 120 Eaton 121 Eaton 122 Eaton 123 Eaton 124 Eaton 125 Eaton 126 Eaton 127 Eaton 128 Eaton 129 Eaton
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UE J6 Series 压力开关说明书

UE J6 Series 压力开关说明书

U N I T E D E L E C T R I C C O N T R O L SJ6 SeriesJ 6-B -04featureS• Gasketed, Die Cast Aluminum Enclosure with Epoxy Coating • SPDT Switch Output • Adjustable Deadband Option • Sealed, Isolated Metal Bellows Sensors• Adjustable Pressure Ranges: 30 ”Hg Vac to 6000 psi(-1 to 414 bar)Pressure and Vacuum switches2 w w w .u e o n l i n e .c o m J 6-B -04J6 Series6 The UE J6 is a reliable, sensitive pressure switch, originally designed for instrument air applications in process plants. Its compact design and combination of set-point sensitivity and narrow or optional adjustable deadband, offers cost-saving solutions for a variety of applications.The J6 is ideally suited for a wide range of industrial processes such as alarm/shutdown and low/high service pressures. OEMs also utilize the J6 in machinery and equipment for threshold protection.overviewfeatures• UL listed and cUL certified • Optional ATEX or GOST intrinsic safety compliance • Designed to meet Enclosure Type 4X• SPDT switch output• Adjustable deadband option for precise on-off control • Brass or stainless steel bellows sensors• External manual reset optionJ 6 S e r i e sspecificationsStorage temperature -65° to 160°F (-54 to 71°C)ambient temperature -40° to 160°F (-40 to 71°C); set point typically shifts less than 1% of range for a 50°FlimitS (28°C) ambient temperature changeSet point repeatability Models 126-364, 680: ± 1% of adjustable range; models 610-614: ± 1.5% of adjustable rangeShock Set point repeats after 15 G, 10 millisecond duration Vibration Set point repeats after 2.5 G, 5-500 HzencloSureDie cast aluminum, epoxy powder coated, gasketed; captive cover screws encloSure claSSification Designed to meet Enclosure Type 4X requirementsSwitch output One SPDT; switch may be wired “normally open” or “normally closed"electrical rating 15 A 125/250/480 VAC resistive. Electrical switches have limited DC capabilities.Consult factory for additional information.weightApprox. 1 lb., 8 oz. (0.68 kg.)electrical connection 1/2” NPT (female)preSSure connectionAll models 1/4” NPT (female) except models S126B-S160B: 1/2” NPT (female)approvalscul CertifiedCSA C22.2 No. 14, file #42272european unionateX directive (94/9/ec)II 1 G EEx ia IIC T6 (optional - code m405)Tamb = -50°C to +60°CUL International DEMKO A/S (N.B.# 0539)Certificate #DEMKO 03 ATEX 0335063EN 50014, 50020 & 50284low Voltage directive (lVd) (73/23/ec & 93/68/eec)Compliant to LVDProducts rated lower than 50 VAC and 75 VDC are outside of the scope of the LVDThe Low Voltage Directive does not apply to products for use in hazardous locationspressure equipment directive (ped) (97/23/ec)Compliant to PEDProducts rated below 7.5 psi are outside the scope of PEDruSSiagosgortechnadzor Permit (optional - code m406)OExia IIC T6Tamb. = -50°C to +60°CNANIO CCVE Certification Center Certificate #RRS 00-22739GOST R 51330.0, 51330.1, 51330.10 & 51330.14J6 Series6 pressure model chart* over range pressure : The maximum pressure that may be applied continuously without causing damage and maintaining set point repeatability.** proof pressure : The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g., start-up, testing).modeladjustable set Point rangedeadbandOver rangeProofLow end of range on fall; Pressure*Pressure**High end of range on rise psi barpsibarpsibarpsibar(unless noted)(unless noted)(unless noted)(unless noted)(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)J6S e r i e smodel adjustable set Point range deadband Over range Proof Low end of range on fall; Pressure* Pressure**High end of range on risepsi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) Array†Several of these models were previously offered with adjustable deadband as J6D. Specify option code 1520 if adjustable deadband is required.J6 Series6how to orderBUILDING A PART NUMBERSelect a typeRefer to the “Type” section below.Determine type number based onswitch output, enclosure, adjustmentand reference.Fill in the type portion of your partnumber with the corresponding number.Select a modelRefer to the “Model Charts”.Determine model based on adjustablerange, deadband and proof pressure.Fill in the model portion of your partnumber with the corresponding number.Select an optionRefer to the “Options” section.Determine option number based onswitch output, optional materials orother product enhancements.Fill in the option portion of your partnumber with the corresponding number.Leave “option” portion blank if nooptions are needed. For multipleoptions: Call United Electric Controls. type deScriptionPressure type J6 - One SPDT output; epoxy coated enclosure; internal adjustment with no reference dialSwitch optionS*0140 Gold flashed contacts, 1 A 125 VAC resistive0500 Close deadband, 5 A 125/250 VAC resistive1070 10 A 125 VDC resistive; deadband and minimum set point will increase1520 Adjustable deadband, 15 A 125/250/277 VAC resistive. Adjustment wheel changes rise setting only - if adjustment on fall setting is required, use primary adjustment. NOT AVAILABLE ON MODELS 258-274,354-364, 610-614, 680. NOTE: Must select this option for models previously listed as J6D.1530 External manual reset, 15 A125/250/480 VAC resistive, latches on rising pressure only2000 20 A 125/250 VAC resistiveSenSor and other optionSM201 Factory set one switch; specify increasing or decreasing pressure and set pointM277 Range indicated on nameplate in kPa or MPa factory selectedM278 Range indicated on nameplate in Kg/cm2M405 Intrinsic safety compliance for European Union per ATEX standardsM406 Instrinsic safety compliance for Russia per Gosgortechnadzor standardsM444 Paper ID tagM446 Stainless steel ID tag & wire attachmentM540 Viton® construction (deadbands and low end of range may increase slightly); wetted parts include Viton® O-ring and standard connection material. AVAILABLE ON MODELS 610-614 ONLYM550 Oxygen service cleaning; internal construction may changeM913 1/4" NPT (female) 316L stainless steel pressure connection. AVAILABLE MODELS S126B-S160BM914 1/2" NPT (female) 316L stainless steel pressure connection. AVAILABLE MODELS 354-364* All switches have limited DC capabilities. Consult factory for details.Viton® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPontJ 6 S e r i e sdimensional drawingsDimensional drawings for all models may be found at pressure Sensorsmodels S126b-S160bmodels 354-364, 680models 610-614international officeSCHINAUnited Electric Controls, shanghai office Room 1011, 10th Flr,Huai Hai Zhonghua BuildingNo. 885, Renmin Road, Luwan District Shanghai 200010, P.R. China Phone: +8621-6255 8059email:***********************United Electric Controls, Beijing office Room 1006, Jainhao International Bldg. Block D, No. 116Zizhuyuanlu, Haidian District Beijing, China 100089Phone & Fax: +86-10-5893-0551 email:*************************EASTERN EUROPE & SCANDINAVIAUnited Electric Controls 05-806 Komorow Kujawska 5, Poland Phone: +48 22 499 4804email:*******************************GERMANYUnited Electric ControlsAn Der Zentlinde 21D-64711 Erbach, GermanyPhone: 496-062-7400 email:**************************INDIAUnited Electric Controls402, Aries Avenue-I, 58-United ColonySama, Baroda - 390008, India Phone: +91-265-2788654 email:***********************ASIA-PACIFICUnited Electric Controls, Far EastNo. 1-2-2, 2nd Floor Jalan 4/101C Cheras Business Centre Batu 5, Jalan Cheras56100 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaPhone: 603-9133-4122email:*************************MEXICOUnited Electric Controls Zacatecas #206 Suite 20 Col Guadalupe CP 89120 Tampico, Tamaulipas Mexico Phone: 52 (833) 2175201 email:******************************RUSSIA United Electric Controls, Moscow Elninskaya str., 15-140 Moscow, 121552, Russia Phone: +7 (495) 792-88-06 email:*************************u.S. SaleS officeS United Electric Controls 31 Old Stage RoadHampton Falls, NH 03844 Phone: 617-899-1132 email:***************************United Electric Controls 28 N. Wise Ave. Freeport, IL 61032 Phone: 815-341-2588 email:*************************United Electric Controls 1022 Vineyard Drive Conyers, GA 30013 Phone: 770-335-9802 email:***************************United Electric Controls 5829 Grazing Court Mason, OH 45040 Phone: 513-535-5486email:*****************************United Electric Controls 102 Salazar CourtClayton, CA 94517Phone: 925-408-5997email:***************************United Electric Controls 27 Summit Terrace Sparta, NJ 07871Phone: 973-271-2550email:*************************United Electric Controls 4306 Whickham Drive Fulshear, TX 77441 Phone: 832-457-6138email:***************************United Electric Controls 5201 Arbor Court Odessa, TX 79762 Phone: 432-770-4164 email:***************************canadaEASTERN 68 Mosley Crescent Brampton, Ontario Canada L6Y 5C8 Phone: 905-455-5131 FAX: 905-455-5131 WESTERN 148 Silver Ridge Close N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T3B 3T4 Phone: 403-247-3724 FAX: 403-247-3724recommended practiceS and warningSUnited Electric Controls Company recommends careful consideration of the following factors when specifying and installing UE pressure and temperature units. Before installing a unit, the Installation and Maintenance instructions provided with unit must be read and understood.• To avoid damaging unit, proof pressure and maximum temperature limits stated in literature and on nameplates must never be exceeded, even by surges in the system. Operation of the unit up to maximum pressure or temperature is acceptable on a limited basis (e.g., start-up, testing) but continuous operation must be restricted to the designated adjustable range. Excessive cycling at maximum pressure or temperature limits could reduce sensor life.• A back-up unit is necessary for applications where damage to a primary unit could endanger life, limb or property. A high or low limit switch is necessary for applications where a dangerous runaway condition could result.• The adjustable range must be selected so that incorrect, inadvertent or malicious setting at any range point cannot result in an unsafe system condition.• Install unit where shock, vibration and ambient temperature fluctuations will not damage unit or affect operation. When applicable, orient unit so that moisture does not enter the enclosure via the electrical connection. When appropriate, this entry point should be sealed to prevent moisture entry.• Unit must not be altered or modified after shipment. Consult UE if modification is necessary.• Monitor operation to observe warning signs of possible damage to unit, such as drift in set point or faulty display. Check unit immediately.• Preventative maintenance and periodic testing is necessary for critical applications where damage could endanger property or personnel.• Electrical ratings stated in literature and on nameplate must not be exceeded. Overload on a switch can cause damage, even on the first cycle. Wire unit according to local and national electrical codes, using wire size recommended in installation sheet.• Do not mount unit in ambient temp. exceeding published limits.limited warrantySeller warrants that the product hereby purchased is, upon delivery, free from defects in material and workmanship and that any such product which is found to be defective in such workmanship or material will be repaired or replaced by Seller (Ex-works, Factory, Watertown, Massachusetts. INCOTERMS); provided, however, that this warranty applies only to equipment found to be so defective within a period of 24 months from the date of manufacture by the Seller. Seller shall not be obligated under this warranty for alleged defects which examination discloses are due to tampering, misuse, neglect, improper storage, and in any case where products are disassembled by anyone other than authorized Seller’s representatives. EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY OF REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT STATED ABOVE, SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.limitation of Seller’S liabilitySELLER’S LIABILITY TO BUYER FOR ANY LOSS OR CLAIM, INCLUDING LIABILITY INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH (I) BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, (II) A BREACH OF CONTRACT, (III) A NEGLIGENT ACT OR ACTS (OR NEGLIGENT FAILURE TO ACT) COMMITTED BY SELLER, OR (IV) AN ACT FOR WHICH STRICT LIABILITY WILL BE INPUTTED TO SELLER, IS LIMITED TO THE “LIMITED WARRANTY” OF REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT AS SO STATED IN OUR WARRANTY OF PRODUCT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEqUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES OF A LIKE GENERAL NATURE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION, OR LOSS OR EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE INCURRED BY THE BUYER OR ANY THIRD PARTY.ue specifications subject to change without notice.。



技术参数垒块类型403 405/407 410/412 415最大供应压强200毫巴(20千帕)360毫巴(36千帕)IP等级IP54外界温度外界温度-15℃至+70℃电磁阀DIN EN 161,A类,2组电压/频率~(AC)50-60Hz220-230V-15%至+10%~(AC)50-60Hz230V-15%至+10%功率/需求24V A~(AC)230V20℃28VA~(AC)230V20℃50VA~(AC)230V20℃50V A~(AC)230V20℃除尘装置过滤器网眼规格为0.8mm,不许移动气体吸发装置即可更换过滤器组件布置图右失(刃)垒块由以下部分构成1-法兰1-过滤器2-气体压强测试点1-气体压强开关3-法兰固定螺丝1-压强稳定器4-阻尼器调节装置2-电磁阀5-制动器调节装置-可迅速打开的安全阀6-输出装置螺母-缓慢打开的调整阀7-用于螺母的固定螺钉(未密封的)图1. 8-低气压开关MB DLE 405-407-410-412-415 B01 S20 MB DLE 403 B01 S20气体吸收装置的组装气体吸收装置必须在燃烧器的左侧安装,如安装需在右侧进行时,有必要将另一侧的压强测试点移动。

(2)对于型号MB DLE 403 B01,有必要移动气压开关的位置。








除特别说明外,钥匙开关置于1,2档时无效):*序号名称状态功能备注0 大灯及位置灯均关闭1 位置灯打开/大灯仍关闭*钥匙开关1,2,3 档时位置灯均有效;钥匙开关 3 档仪表照明驱动有效。

远光点动有效1 位置灯/大灯2 位置灯/大灯开关均打开远光点动有效,远光、近光组合开关有效0 前雾灯关闭2 前雾灯1 前雾灯打开前提条件:灯光开关打开0 后雾灯关闭3 后雾灯 1 后雾灯打开前提条件:(1)灯光开关1档打开,前雾灯已打开;或(2)灯光开关2档打开0 紧急报警关闭5 紧急报警1 紧急报警功能打开钥匙开关1,2,3 档时均有效;功能见后详述0 电喇叭被选择使用6 喇叭选择开关 1 气喇叭被选择使用0 功能关闭7 取力器开关1 功能打开取力器电磁阀被驱动,取力器到位开关未到位时仪表上相应指示灯闪亮,到位后全亮0 功能关闭8 取力器空挡阀1 功能打开取力器翘板开关通,取力器电磁阀驱动且取力器到位开关也到位时,取力器空挡阀被驱动0 功能关闭9 轮间差速驱动1 功能打开轮间差速电磁阀被驱动,轮间差速到位开关未到位仪表上相应指示灯闪亮,到位后全亮0 功能关闭10 轴间差速驱动1 功能打开轴间差速电磁阀被驱动,轴间差速到位开关未到位仪表上相应指示灯闪亮,到位后全亮0 功能关闭11全轮驱动1 功能打开全轮驱动电磁阀被驱动,全轮驱动到位开关未到位仪表上相应指示灯闪亮,到位后全亮0 工作灯关闭12 工作灯开关 1 工作灯打开工作灯驱动0 功能关闭13 冷启动1 功能打开点动开关,有效时:启动过程中电喷乙醚泵驱动,发动机启动后,此功能自动取消* 翘板开关序号中未出现“4”是由于功能描述时“1”和“4”为组合在一起的“灯光开关,为避免理解相混,这里不标序号“4”翘板开关的9脚在当打开位置灯时接通 30# 线,驱动指示灯弱亮以照明开关轮廓(约3-4 毫安,串接电阻: 7K5 ),当翘板开关接通时,会由翘板开关的5脚流过10毫安左右的电流(串接电阻: 2K),经由翘板开关内部的1K 串联电阻到地(电流较大以提供开关接通的指示)。


位置开/关阀 全关/全开位置可以根据实际需要任意设定,取消原有的行程开关,实现免开盖调 试功能。
综合故障继电器状态 本电动装置的综合故障继电器用于监视电动装置是否可用,在电动装置没有任何故 障时(包括电源掉电、电源缺相、电机过热、阀门开/关过力矩、阀门开/关卡死),综 合故障继电器保持常态。出现上述故障的任何一种故障时,综合故障继电器被激励,常 开触点闭合,常闭触点断开。(特别注意:没有上电之前综合故障继电器都是处于激励 状态,控制器判断为电源掉电故障!) 2. 保护和报警功能 阀门开/关向力矩保护 运行方向超过设定的输出转矩保护值时,该方向的运动被禁止,反向电动或反向手 轮操作可解除此保护。 力矩旁路 当电动装置在开阀时,开过力矩保护将从阀门全关至设定的开度(最大为20%)区 间被屏蔽。当电动装置在关阀时,关过力矩保护将从阀门全开至设定的开度(最小为 80%)区间被屏蔽。力矩旁路可使电动装置的运行力矩超过额定力矩,最大可以达到电 装失速力矩。该功能可以用来打开“粘连”的阀门。在力矩旁路区间之外,将按照设定 的输出力矩保护值保护电动装置。 阀门开/关向卡死保护 当发出电装动作命令后,阀门位置在设定的时间内(0.1~9.9秒)没有发生变化, 且没有任何报警,则认为阀门已经卡死,将停止该方向运行,保护阀门和电装电机,反 向手动或电动操作可解除此保护。 缺相保护 供电电源缺相时禁止运行。 (单相供电,说明书中有关相序和缺相的功能的描述并 不存在) 电机过热保护 电动机内部埋入温度开关当其跳断时禁止运行,直至恢复。 瞬时反转保护 为保护电动装置和阀门,设置了反向运行保护时间,从0.3~9.9秒。正在运行的电 动装置接到反方向运行命令时会停止运行,并在保护时间过后反向运行。
第1章 整体型阀门电动装置概述
1.1 产品概述 一体化阀门电动装置是新型的机电产品,其创新性的设计,对传统的阀门电动装置进

伊萨瓦 蝶阀 产品 说明书

伊萨瓦 蝶阀 产品 说明书

32Our flexibility to your successsales company, we offer long-lasting, certified and on-time available product solutions for exhaust gas cleaning systems and the connection of scrubber systems to the ballast system. Whether for new built ships, retrofit or maintenance requirements, a large range of liners, disc and actuators enable to create valve configurations that perfectly meet your specific application needs.Thanks to our flexible production and in-depth application know-how, we are able to assist you to realise the most efficient solution on time.54Always reliableExpect moreReliabilityOur butterfly valves convince with their superior technical features. They guarantee a trouble-free operation and high lifetime.AvailabilityFlexible production sites inSwitzerland, Spain and China enable short delivery times, even for large sizes.Certified productsOur products are DNV, RINA and BV approved. 2.2, 3.1 or 3.2 certificates can be provided upon request.Product varietyThe resistant body, robust liner and discs are available in different materials in order to create the best solution for your application.Centric butterfly valve for scrubber and ballast systems as well as for sea water and chemicals in general.Desponia ®Elastomer-lined butterfly valveCentric butterfly valve for scrubber and ballast systems as well as for sea water and chemicals at higher pressures.Desponia ® plusElastomer-lined butterfly valveCentric butterfly valve for scrubber systems and for highly corrosive chemicals.BiancaPTFE-lined butterfly valveThe right configuration for your system Exhaust gas cleaning system Butterfly valvesDesponia®BiancaDamper valvesSaturniaCheck valvesNeptunia98Reliable valve solutions for exhaust gas cleaning systems and itsconnection to the ballast systems –With InterApp butterfly valves Desponia ® and BiancaMarine worldwideHigh quality solutions and first-class logistics are essential to meet the tight projects schedules in the marine business.InterApp has been active in the marine market for many years where its butterfly valves and actuators are installed in various places. Due to the new regulations which aim toreduce the Sulphur oxides emissions of ships, installations of marine scrubber systems to cleanse the exhaust gases of SOx are continuously increasing.In order to meet the tight project schedules, scrubber manufacturers, installers and retrofit companies, as well as shipyards depend on reliable partners. InterApp has proven itself to be a competent and reliable valve supplier for marine applications by providing on time the necessary products to the various destinations.For each project and in close cooperation with the customers, the engineers at InterApp design a complete package, using the appropriate materials and types of valves. Marine approved, safe and reliable valves, aquick availability of valves and spare parts as well as a first-class logistics guarantee to realise the most efficient system solution in the requested quality and time.InterApp’s product range for exhaust gas cleaning systems and ballast systemsincludes rubber lined butterfly valves, PTFE-lined butterfly valves, check valves, ball valves, actuators and accessories.Whether for retrofit or newbuilding, with the supply of projects worldwide, InterApp and its partners make a significant contribution to reduce emissions and protect the environment.11InterApp AG reserves the right to changeor remove products or services from its range at any time and without prior notificationor obligation. InterApp AG does not assume any liability for consequences resulting from the use of this document. There is no guarantee that the information provided here is complete, accurate or up to date.© 2020 InterApp AG. All rights reserved.The duplication of this document or a part thereof is only permitted with priorwritten consent from the owner of the copyrighted material.InterApp AGGrundstrasse 246343 RotkreuzSwitzerland****************.net 。

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