产品规格书SPECIFICATION产品名称N ame.NO:0805白光White产品型号Model.NO:KTR-0805CWD文件编号Document.NO:MQ8032版次REV.NO:K3.0描述Description:■ 2.0×1.25mm贴片发光二极管2.0×1.25mm Chip SMD ■胶体颜色Colloid Color:黄色Yellow■发光颜色Emission Color:白色White■半功率角度Viewing Angle:120°深圳市科特翎科技有限公司SHENZHEN KETERINE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.编制Prepared by审核Checked by核准Approved by市场部Market Dept.客户确认CUSTOMER CONFIRMATION确认Confirmed by审核Checked by核准Approved by确认Confirmed by1.外形尺寸Dimensions单位(Units):毫米(mm)注意:所有尺寸单位为mm,如无特殊说明误差范围为±0.1mmAll dimensions area in mm tolerance is±0.1mm unless otherwise noted.2.光电特性Electrical/Optical characteristics (1)最大限度值Absolute Maximum Ratings(TA=25±5ºC)项目Item符号Symbol最大额定值Absolute Maximum Rating单位Unit正向电流Forward Current IF20mA正向峰值电流Pulse Forward Current IFP100mA反向电压Reverse Voltage VR5V功率消耗Power Dissipation PD70mW工作温度Operating Temperature Topr-40ºC To+85ºC°C贮藏温度Storage Temperature Tstg-40ºC To+85ºC°C焊接温度Soldering Temperature Tsld ReflowSoldering:260ºC For10sec. 1/10周期,0.1msec脉宽IFP Conditions:1/10Duty Cycle,0.1msec Pulse Width.(2)样品光电参数Initial Electrical/Optical Characteristics(TA=25±5ºC)符号Symbol 项目Item单位Units最小值Min.规格值Typ.最大值Max.测试条件TestConditionsVF正向电压Forward Voltage V 2.6 3.2IF=10mAIR反向电流Reverse Current uA10VR=7V2θ½发光角度Viewing Angleº120ºIF=10mAø发光强度Luminous Intensitymcd6001080IF=10mATC色温Colour Temperature k700011000IF=10mARA显色指数Color Rendering Index Ra7080IF=10mA 正向电压允许误差±0.05V Tolerance of measurement of Vf is±0.05V.亮度允许误差±10%Luminous Intensity Measurement allowance is±10%.3.特性曲线Characteristic curve4.可靠性RELIABILITY (1)测试项目及结果Test Items and Results实验项目Test Items 参考标准Reference实验条件Test Conditions时间Time样品数Quantity判据Criterion冷热冲击Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202G-40℃(30min)←→100℃(30min)循环200次200cycles220/22湿热循环Temperature And Humidity Cyclic JEITA ED-4701200203-10℃——+65℃,0%-90%RH24hrs./1cycle循环10次10cycles220/22高温储存High Temperature Storage JEITA ED-4701200201Ta=100℃1000h220/22低温储存Low Temperature Storage JEITA ED-4701200202Ta=-40℃1000h220/22高温高湿储存High Temperature High Humidity Storage JEITA ED-4701100103Ta=60℃,RH=90%1000h220/22常温寿命试验Life Test JESD22-A108D Ta=25℃IF=20mA1000h220/22高温寿命High Temperature Life Test JESD22-A108D Ta=80℃IF=20mA1000h220/22低温寿命Low Temperature Life Test JESD22-A108D Ta=-40℃IF=20mA1000h220/22耐焊接热Resistance to Soldering Heat GB/T4937,Ⅱ,2.2&2.3Tsol*=260℃10secs.2次2times220/225.注意事项Cautions(1)焊接条件Soldering Conditions本产品最多只可回焊两次,且在首次回焊后须冷却至室温之后方可进行第二次回焊。
一、产品名称:通用名:D-二聚体检测试剂盒(胶体金法)商品名:D-D DOT 英文名:D-Dimer assay by DIGFA method二、包装规格:20人份/盒三、预期用途:本产品在Uppergold U2金标斑点法定量读数仪上可快速测定血浆中的纤维蛋白降解产物D-二聚体浓度。
七、适用仪器:仅适用于上海奥普生物医药有限公司生产的金标斑点法定量读数仪Uppergold U2。
6. 立刻在U2金标定量仪D-二聚体项目下测读,测读时间不宜超过5分钟。
十、正常参考值:本试剂盒推荐正常人的预期读数应<0.3 mg/L。
1608芯片是一种封装形式的电子元器件,其尺寸为16mm x 8mm。
1.3 软件a)软件名称:半自动血凝分析仪检测系统b)软件型号规格:OCG-101c)软件发布版本及版本命名规则软件发布版本:V1命名规则:V 1代表软件主版本号。
代表软件版本号Version的英文缩写d)运行环境:MDK-ARM Professional Version:5.18e)硬件配置:Flash 128kB SRAM 64kB2.性能指标2.1外观与结构a)分析仪外观应清洁、整齐、色泽均匀、无伤痕、划痕、锋棱和毛刺。
2.5 测量准确度FIB的测量的相对偏倚不超过±10.0%。
2.6 线性测定FIB项目,在(0.6-9)g/L线性范围内,线性相关系数r应≥0.975。
2.7 连续工作时间连续工作时间不应小于24h。
2.8 仪器功能2.8.1 条码读取分析仪通过读取试剂卡上的条码获取测试项目信息。
2.8.2 结果显示测试结束后显示屏显示该项目测试结果。
2.8.3 历史记录查询分析仪提供历史记录查询与删除。
2.8.4 时间设置分析仪具有日历功能,同时可对时间进行设置调整。
2.9 正常工作状态分析仪通电后,能正常开机并进行样本测试。
2.10 环境试验分析仪的环境试验应符合GB/T 14710-2009中气候环境试验Ⅰ组、机械环境Ⅰ组的要求,运输试验、电源电压适应性试验应符合GB/T 14710-2009中第4章、第5章的要求。
β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶(β-GD)活性检测试剂盒说明书 可见分光光度法
β-GD(μmol/h/g鲜重)=(C标准管×V1)×(A测定管-A对照管)÷(A标准管-A空白管)÷(W ×V1÷V2)÷T=2×(A测定管-A对照管)÷(A标准管-A空白管)÷W(2)按样本蛋白浓度计算:单位定义:每小时每mg组织蛋白催化产生1μmol酚酞的量为一个活力单位。
4.5 Ω typical on resistance 1 Ω on-resistance flatness Up to 470 mA continuous current ±3.3 V to ±8 V dual-supply operation 3.3 V to 16 V single-supply operation No VL supply required 3 V logic-compatible inputs Rail-to-rail operation 16-lead TSSOP and 16-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP
A0 A1 EN
Figure 2.
The low on resistance of these switches make them ideal solutions for data acquisition and gain switching applications where low on resistance and distortion is critical. The on-resistance profile is very flat over the full analog input range, ensuring excellent linearity and low distortion when switching audio signals.
产品承认书产品名称:0603-T0.6粉红贴片式发光二极管产品型号:XL-1608UPC-06客户名称:客户料号:承认日期:深圳市成兴光电子科技有限公司制定审核核准客户承认栏确认审核核准一、产品描述:●外观尺寸(L/W/H): 1.6x0.8x0.6mm●颜色:粉红●胶体:粉色●EIA规范标准包装●环保产品,符合ROHS要求●适用于自动贴片机●适用于红外线回流焊制程二、外形尺寸及建议焊盘尺寸:C athode A nodeG reen m ark建议焊盘尺寸备注:1.单位:毫米(mm)2.公差:如无特别标注则为±0.10mm三、建议焊接温度曲线:有铅制程无铅制程四、最大绝对额定值(Ta=25℃):参数符号最大额定值单位消耗功率Pd80mW最大脉冲电流(1/10占空比,0.1ms脉宽)I FP100mA正向直流工作电流I F25mA 反向电压V R5V 工作环境温度Topr-30°C~+85°C存储环境温度Tstg-40°C~+90°C焊接条件Tsol 回流焊:260°C,10s 手动焊:300°C,3s五、光电参数(Ta=25℃):参数符号最小值代表值最大值单位测试条件光强IV 90---150mcd IF =5mA 半光强视角2θ1/2---120---deg IF =5mA 正向电压VF 2.8--- 3.1V IF =5mA 反向电流IR------1uAVR=5V亮度分档:代码最小值最大值单位测试条件M790110mcd IF=5mAM8110130M9130150电压分档:代码最小值最大值单位测试条件W12 2.8 2.9VIF=5mAW13 2.9 3.0W143.03.1色温分档:代码最小值最大值单位测试条件DF319143573K IF=5mADF421065517DF5278812707六、光电参数代表值特征曲线:注:如无另外注明,测试环境温度为25+3 C七、标签标识:CAT :光强(mcd )HUE :XY REF :电压(V )误差范围a.Luminous Intensity:±15%b.HUE:±0.003c.Forward Voltage:±0.1V八、包装载带与圆盘尺寸:φ13.0U ser Feed D irection备注:1.尺寸单位为毫米(mm);2.尺寸公差如无标注,为±0.15mm ;AAA-A剖面图φ60九、圆盘及载带卷出方向及空穴规格:尾端空壳载带的组合开始端空壳载带的组合盖带与空壳载带的组合十、内包装及外包装:内标签圆盘干燥剂防潮防静电袋5cartons/box外标签抽真空、热封10bags/carton至少160mm盖带和装有零件部分至少160mm盖带和至少160mm独立盖带或十一、信赖性实验:测试项目测试条件测试次数参考标准失效判定标准失效LED 数量(PCS )防潮等级1.回流焊最高温度=260℃,10秒,2次回流焊;2.回流焊之前存储条件:30℃,相对湿度=70%,168H;-JEITAED-4701300.301﹟10/22焊接信赖性(无铅回流焊)回流焊最高温度=245±5℃,5秒(无铅回流焊)-JEITAED-4701303303A ﹟20/22冷热循环-40℃30分钟~25℃5分钟~100℃30分钟~25℃5分钟300个循环JESD22-A104﹟10/22冷热冲击-35℃15分钟转换时间3分钟85℃15分钟300个循环JESD22-A106﹟10/22高温存储Ta=100℃1000小时JESD22-A103﹟10/22低温存储Ta=-40℃1000小时JESD22-A119﹟10/22常温老化Ta=25℃IF=20mA1000小时JESD22-A108﹟10/22(2)失效标准★U.S.L :规格上限L.S.L :规格下限标准﹟项目测试条件失效标准﹟1正向电压(V F )I F =20mA >U.S.L*1.1光强(IV )I F =20mA <L.S.L*0.7反向电流(I R )V R =5V >U.S.L*2.0﹟2焊接可靠性/锡膏覆盖焊盘比例小于95%十二、使用注意事项:◆使用:1.过高的温度会影响LED的亮度以及其他性能,所以为使LED有较好的性能表现,应将LED远离热源。
Keysight 16089A, B, C, D 金值 全尺寸接线片操作和维护手册说明书
16089C16089A16089B16089C16089A 16089B16089DKeysight 16089A, B, C, D Kelvin/Alligator Clip LeadsOperation andService ManualNotices© Keysight Technologies 1991-2015 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies as governed by United States and international copyright laws.Manual Printing HistoryThe manual’s printing date and part number indicate its current edition. The printing date changes when a new edition is printed (minor corrections and updates that are incorporated at reprint do not cause the date to change). The manual part number changes when extensive technical changes are incorporated. November 1991 Edition 1 January 2000 Edition 2April 2001 Edition 3November 2002 Edition 4July 2010 Edition 5 (part number: 16089-90020)May 2015 Edition 6 (part number: 16089-90030)Manual Part Number16089-90030EditionEdition 6, May 2015Printed in MalaysiaPublished byKeysight TechnologiesInternational Japan G.K,1-3-3 Higashikawasaki-choChuo-kuKobe-shi, Hyogo, JapanWarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THISDOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,”AND IS SUBJECT TO BEINGCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, INFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THEMAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BYAPPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHTDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITHREGARD TO THIS MANUAL AND ANYINFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.KEYSIGHT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FORERRORS OR FOR INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCONNECTION WITH THEFURNISHING, USE, ORPERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENTOR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREIN. SHOULD KEYSIGHT AND THEUSER HAVE A SEPARATE WRITTENAGREEMENT WITH WARRANTYTERMS COVERING THE MATERIAL INTHIS DOCUMENT THAT CONFLICTWITH THESE TERMS, THE WARRANTYTERMS IN THE SEPARATEAGREEMENT WILL CONTROL.Technology LicensesThe hardware and/or softwaredescribed in this document arefurnished under a license and may beused or copied only in accordancewith the terms of such license.Restricted Rights LegendIf software is for use in theperformance of a U.S. Governmentprime contract or subcontract,Software is delivered and licensed as“Commercial computer software” asdefined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June1995), or as a “commercial item” asdefined in FAR 2.101(a) or as“Restricted computer software” asdefined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987)or any equivalent agency regulation orcontract clause. Use, duplication ordisclosure of Software is subject toKeysight Technologies’ standardcommercial license terms, andnon-DOD Departments and Agenciesof the U.S. Government will receive nogreater than Restricted Rights asdefined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2)(June 1987). U.S. Government userswill receive no greater than LimitedRights as defined in FAR 52.227-14(June 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015(b)(2) (November 1995), as applicablein any technical data.Safety NoticesCAUTIONA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to the productor loss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION noticeuntil the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.WARNINGA WARNING notice denotes a hazard.It calls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury ordeath. Do not proceed beyond aWARNING notice until the indicatedconditions are fully understood andmet.Safety SummaryThe following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases ofoperation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with theseprecautions or with specific WARNINGS given elsewhere in this manual mayimpair the protection provided by the equipment. Such noncompliance wouldalso violate safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of theinstrument. Keysight Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’sfailure to comply with these precautions.• DO NOT Operate In An Explosive AtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in the presence of inflammable gasses or fumes.Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes asafety hazard.• Keep Away from Live CircuitsOperating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Componentreplacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenancepersonnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Undercertain conditions, dangerous voltage levels may remain even after the powercable has been disconnected. To avoid injuries, always disconnect the powerand discharge circuits before touching them.• DO NOT Service or Adjust the Instrument AloneDo not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capableof rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.• DO NOT Substitute Parts or Modify the Instrument.To avoid the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substituteparts or perform unauthorized modifications to the instrument. Return theinstrument to a Keysight Technologies Sales and Service Office for service andrepair to ensure that safety features are maintained in operational condition.• Dangerous Procedure Warnings.Warning, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerousprocedures throughput this manual. Instructions contained in the warningsmust be followed.WARNING Dangerous voltages level, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this instrument.CertificationKeysight Technologies certifies that this product met its publishedspecifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Keysight Technologiesfurther certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the UnitedStates National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed bythe Institution’s calibration facility, or to the calibration facilities of otherInternational Standards Organization members.WarrantyThis Keysight Technologies instrument product is warranted against defects inmaterial and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment,except that in the case of certain components listed in InstrumentSpecifications of this manual, the warranty shall be for the specified period.During the warranty period, Keysight Technologies will, at its option, eitherrepair or replace products which prove to be defective.For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facilitydesignated by Keysight Technologies. The Buyer shall prepay shipping chargesto Keysight Technologies and Keysight Technologies shall pay shippingcharges to return the product to the Buyer. However, the Buyer shall pay allshipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to KeysightTechnologies from another country.Keysight Technologies warrants that its software and firmware designated byKeysight Technologies for use with an instrument will execute its programminginstruction when property installed on that instrument. Keysight Technologiesdoes not warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmwarewill be uninterrupted or error free.Limitation of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper orinadequate maintenance by the Buyer, Buyer- supplied software or interfacing,unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmentalspecifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.No other warranty is expressed or implied. Keysight Technologies specificallydisclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose.Exclusive RemediesThe remedies provided herein are Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. KeysightTechnologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legaltheory.AssistanceProduct maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreementsare available for Keysight Technologies products.For any assistance, contact your nearest Keysight Technologies Sales andService Office.Safety SymbolsGeneral definitions of safety symbols used on the instrument or in manuals.Instruction Manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbolwhen it is necessary for the user to refer to the instrument manual inorder to protect against damage to the instrument.Alternating current.Direct current.On (Supply).Off (Supply).In-position of push-button switch.Out-position of push-button switch.A chassis terminal: a connection to the instrument’s chassis, whichincludes all exposed metal structure.Standby.Contents 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General InformationIntroduction 9Using the 16089A, B, C, D 9Product Description 10Accessories Supplied 10Operating and Safety Precautions 11Operating 11Service 11Specifications 12Common Specifications for the 16089A, B, C, D 12Specifications for the 16089A, B, C 12Specifications for the 16089D 12Supplemental Performance Characteristics 13Supplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089A 13Supplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089B 13Supplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089C 13Supplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089D 132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preparation for UseIntroduction 15Initial Inspection 15Ambient Environmental Considerations 20Operating and Storage 20Connecting the Test Leads for Use 20Packaging the Test Leads 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OperationIntroduction 21Test Leads Features 2116089A, B, C 2116089D 22OPEN and SHORT Compensation 23ContentsOperation 244 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ServiceIntroduction 25Replaceable Parts 2516089A Replaceable Parts 2616089B Replaceable Parts 2616089C Replaceable Parts 2716089D Replaceable Parts 28Introduction16089A, B, C, D Operation and Service Manual1General InformationIntroductionThe purpose of this manual is to enable you to use your Keysight 16089A, B, C,Kelvin Clip Leads and Keysight 16089D Alligator Clip Leads efficiently andconfidently. This manual contains both general and specific information. Touse the 16089A, B, C, D to perform a specific function (without having to readthe entire manual), follow the directions in "Using the 16089A, B, C, D". Using the 16089A, B, C, DThe 16089A, B, C, D has been designed to operate specifically with the LCRMeter.•To install the 16089A, B, C, D, turn to Chapter 2.•To operate the 16089A, B, C, D, turn to Chapter 3.•To order replaceable parts for the 16089A, B, C, D, turn to "ReplaceableParts" in Chapter 4.Product DescriptionProduct DescriptionThe 16089A, B, C, D has been designed to operate specifically with thefollowing four-terminal-pair type LCR meters and impedance analyzers.The 16089A, B, C, D make it possible to measure odd-shaped components thatcannot be measured with conventional test fixtures. The 16089A, 16089B, and16089C consist of a direct attachment, four-terminal-pair type test leads thatare equipped with two insulated Kelvin clips. Three sizes of Kelvin clips areprovided. The 16089A Kelvin Clip Leads is equipped with two large Kelvin clips,the 16089B Kelvin Clip Leads is equipped with middle size clips and the16089C Kelvin Clip Leads is equipped with small size clips. The 16089D consistof a direct attachment, four-terminal-pair type test leads that are equippedwith four alligator clips.Accessories SuppliedThe following accessories are supplied with the 16089A, B, C, D:Table 1-1 Furnished AccessoriesDescription Part Number QuantityOperation and Service Manual This manual1Operating and Safety PrecautionsOperating and Safety PrecautionsOperatingYou need to observe only normal precautions in handling and operating the16089A, B, C, D. Do not exceed the operating input power, voltage, andcurrent level and signal type appropriate for the instrument being used, refer toyour instrument's operation manual.CAUTION Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the highly sensitive microcircuits in yourinstrument. ESD damage is most likely to occur as the test leads are being connected ordisconnected. Protect them from ESD damage by wearing a grounding strap that providesa high resistance path to ground. Alternatively, ground yourself to discharge any staticcharge built-up by touching the outer shell of any grounded instrument chassis beforetouching the test port connectors.Never touch the test clip contacts.Use a work station equipped with an anti-static work surface.ServiceThe voltage levels found in these test leads when used with the intendedinstruments do not warrant more than normal safety precautions for operatorsafety. Nevertheless, service should be performed only by qualified personnel.SpecificationsSpecificationsThis section lists the complete 16089A, B, C, D specifications. Thesespecifications are the performance standards and limits against which the 16089A, B, C, D is tested. When shipped from the factory, the 16089A, B, C, D meets the following specifications:Common Specifications for the 16089A, B, C, DSpecifications for the 16089A, B, CSpecifications for the 16089DMaximum dc Bias Voltage ±42V peak max Frequency Range 5 Hz to 100 kHz Operating Temperature 0 to 55°COperating Humidity ≤95% RH (@40°C) Non-operating Temperature – 40 to 70°C Non-operating Humidity ≤95% RH (@40°C)Weight300 gCable length0.94mCable length1.3mSupplemental Performance CharacteristicsThis section gives supplemental performance characteristics. Supplemental performance characteristics are not specifications, but are typical characteristics included as additional information for the operator. Supplemental performance characteristics are not guaranteed.Supplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089ASupplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089BSupplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089CSupplemental Performance Characteristics of 16089DApplicable DUT sizeDiameter of DUT’s terminals≤15mmApplicable DUT sizeDiameter of DUT’s terminals ≤7.9mm Length of DUT’s terminals≥3mmApplicable DUT sizeDiameter of DUT’s terminals ≤1mm Space between DUT’s terminals ≥2mm Length of DUT’s terminals≥2mmApplicable DUT sizeDiameter of DUT’s terminals≤5mmIntroduction16089A, B, C, D Operation and Service Manual2Preparation for UseIntroductionThis chapter explains how to install the Keysight 16089A, B, C Kelvin ClipLeads and Keysight 16089D Alligator Clip Leads. The topics covered includeinitial inspection, ambient environmental considerations, connecting the testleads for use, and repackaging the test leads for shipment.Initial InspectionThese test leads have been carefully inspected electrically and mechanicallybefore being shipped from the factory. They should be in perfect physicalcondition, no scratches, dents or the like. They should also be in perfectelectrical condition. Verify this by carefully performing an incoming inspectionto check the test lead set for signs of physical damage and missing contents.Ifany discrepancy is found, notify the carrier and Keysight Technologies. YourKeysight Technologies sales office will arrange for repair and replacementwithout waiting for the claim to be settled•Inspect the shipping container for damage. Keep the shipping materialsuntil the inspection is completed.•Verify that the shipping container contains everything shown in Figure 2-1, Figure 2-2, Figure 2-3, and Figure 2-4 and listed in Table 2-1, Table 2-2,Table 2-3, and Table 2-4•Inspect the exterior of the 16089A, B, C, D for any signs of damage.16089AFigure 2-116089A Product Overview1 Keysight internal-only part number.2 Operation and Service Manual is not shown in Figure 2-1.Table 2-1 Contents of 16089A Description Keysight Part Number QuantityKelvin Clip Leads16089-6000111Operation and Service Manual 216089-900301.16089BFigure 2-216089B Product Overview1 Keysight internal-only part number.2 Operation and Service Manual is not shown in Figure 2-2.Table 2-2 Contents of 16089B Description Keysight Part Number QuantityKelvin Clip Leads16089-6000211Operation and Service Manual 216089-90030116089CFigure 2-316089C Product Overview1 Keysight internal-only part number.2 Operation and Service Manual is not shown in Figure 2-3.Table 2-3 Contents of 16089C Description Keysight Part Number QuantityKelvin Clip Leads16089-6000311Operation and Service Manual 216089-900301Initial Inspection16089DFigure 2-416089D Product Overview1 Keysight internal-only part number.2 Operation and Service Manual is not shown in Figure 2-4.Table 2-4 Contents of 16089D Description Keysight Part Number QuantityKelvin Clip Leads16089-6000411Operation and Service Manual 216089-900301.Ambient Environmental ConsiderationsAmbient Environmental ConsiderationsOperating and StorageThe 16089A, B, C, D must be operated within an ambient temperature range of0°C to 55°C and relative humidity up to 95% at 40°C (non-condensing).The 16089A, B, C, D may be stored within a temperature range of -40°C to+70°C, and at a relative humidity of up to 95% at +40°C (non-condensing). Connecting the Test Leads for UseFigure 2-5 Connecting the Test LeadsPackaging the Test LeadsIf shipment to a Keysight Technologies service center is required, each testlead set should be repackaged using the original factory packaging materials.Alternatively, comparable packaging materials may be used. Wrap the testleads in heavy paper and pack in anti-static plastic packing material. Usesufficient shock absorbing material on all sides of the 16089A, B, C, D toprovide a thick, firm cushion and to prevent movement. Seal the shippingcontainer securely and mark it FRAGILE..Introduction16089A, B, C, D Operation and Service Manual3OperationIntroductionThis chapter describes using the test leads and compensation techniques forthese test leads.Test Leads Features16089A, B, CFigure 3-1 16089A, B, C Test Leads Features1.Kelvin Clips. These are connected to the DUT.2.Four-terminal-pair BNC terminals. These terminals are connected to theUNKNOWN terminals of your measurement instrument.Test Leads Features16089DFigure 3-2 16089D Test Leads Features1.Alligator Clips (red). These are connected to the high terminal of the DUT.2.Alligator Clips (black). These are connected to the low terminal of the DUT.3.V markers. These show the H pot and L pot terminals.4.Four-terminal-pair BNC terminals. These terminals are connected to theUNKNOWN terminals of your instrument.OPEN and SHORT CompensationThe 16089A, B, C, D have inherent stray capacitance, residual inductance, andresidual resistance that affect the measurement. To cancel the effects causedby these residuals and thus minimize their effect on measurement accuracy,the measurement instrument's OPEN and SHORT compensation capabilitiesmust be used. The procedures are described in the measurement instrument'soperation manual.Figure 3-3 Making a Short Condition for the 16089B and 16089CWhen you perform SHORT compensation for the 16089A or 16089D, use thefurnished short bar as shown in Figure 3-4.Figure 3-4 Making a Short Condition for the 16089A and 16089DNOTE If the furnished short bar of 16089A or 16089D is corroded, worn or damaged, reverse the position or replace it with a new short bar. To reverse the short bar, remove the 2 screwsthat fixes the short bar and reverse the position.OperationStep-by-step instructions on how to make a measurement with the 16089A, B,C, D are:1.Set the Cable Length setting according to the LCR meter/ ImpedanceAnalyzer operation manuals.2.Connect the test leads of 16089A, B, C, D to the measurement instrument'sUNKNOWN terminals.3.Perform OPEN and SHORT compensation as described in the measurementinstrument's operation manual. Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4 show how tomake short condition for the SHORT compensation.4.Connect the component to be tested into the test clips.NOTE When 16089D is used, connect the test clips to the DUT correctly as follows:•Connect all test clips to the DUT.•Connect the same color test clips to the same terminal of the DUT.•Connect the H pot and L pot clips (marked “V") closer to the DUT than H cur and L cur clips.Figure 3-5 also shows how to connect a DUT using the alligator clips of the16089D. Figure 3-5 Connecting the DUT to the16089DIntroduction16089A, B, C, D Operation and Service Manual4ServiceIntroductionThis chapter gives replaceable parts information for the 16089A, 16089B,16089C and 16089D.Replaceable PartsTable 4-1,Table 4-2, Table 4-3 and Table 4-4 list the replaceable parts for the16089A, B, C, and D, respectively. Figure 4-1 shows the connection from thecable to the clip assembly of the 16089C. The parts listed can be ordered fromyour nearest Keysight Technologies office. Ordering information should includethe Keysight part number and the quantity required.1 The whole unit. Keysight internal-only part.Red and orange cables are screwed on the one Kelvin clip assembly. Gray and black cables are screwed on the other Kelvin clip assembly. Orange and gray cables are marked “V”.16089B Replaceable Parts1 The whole unit. Keysight internal-only part.On one Kelvin clip, the orange cable is screwed on the “V” marked side, and the red cable is screwed on the non-marked side. On the other Kelvin clip, the gray cable is screwed on the “V” marked side, and the black cable is screwed on the non-marked side.Table 4-116089A Replaceable Parts Keysight Part Number Quantity Description16089-600011Test Leads 116089-040011Cover Top0515-09142Screw Flat Head M3X0.5 L616089-600112Large Clip Assembly 7121-26962Wire Marker “V”16089-012011Short Bar 0515-15502ScrewTable 4-216089B Replaceable Parts Keysight Part Number Quantity Description16089-600021Test Leads 116089-040021Cover Top0515-09142Screw Flat Head M3X0.5 L616005-600102Kelvin Clip Assembly.* Corresponding to designator in Figure 4-1.1 The whole unit. Keysight internal-only part.Connection from the cables to the Kelvin clip is shown in Figure 4-1.Figure 4-1Kelvin Clip ConnectionsTable 4-316089C Replaceable PartsReference Designator*Keysight Part Number Quantity Description16089-600031Test Lead 116089-040031Cover Top0515-09142Screw Flat Head M3X0.5 L6116005-600131Test Clip Assembly Red 16005-600151Test Clip Assembly Black 20890-1809 2 cm Tube Heat Shrinkable Red 0890-18082 cmTube Heat Shrinkable Black1 The whole unit. Keysight internal-only part.Table 4-5 shows the correspondence between the Alligator Clips and the Cables.Table 4-416089D Replaceable Parts Keysight Part Number Quantity Description16089-600041Test Leads 116089-040041Cover Top0515-09142Screw Flat Head M3X0.5 L60340-10852Insulator Alligator Clip Red 0340-10861Insulator Alligator Clip Black 1400-12524Alligator Clip 7121-26962Wire Marker “V”16089-012011Short Bar 0515-15502ScrewTable 4-5Clip and Cable Correspondence Alligator Clip Color Cable Color Marker Red Orange “V”Red Red Black Gray “V”BlackBlackThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies 1991, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2010, 2015Edition 6, May 2015*16089-90030*16089C16089A16089B16089C16089A 16089B16089D。
产品性能:A、灵敏度:测蜂蜜:20ng/mL;测组织:100ng/mL;测牛奶:100ng/mL 测水产:100ng/mL 测鸡蛋:100ng/mLB、特异性:用100ug/ml氯霉素、大环内酯类、氨基糖苷类、β-内酰胺类、氟喹诺酮类等药物检测结果显示均呈阴性。
目录一、概述 (1)二、功能特点 (2)三、技术指标 (3)3.1.数据采样口 (3)3.2通讯接口 (3)3.3机械特性 (4)3.4电源要求 (4)3.5环境 (4)3.6认证资料 (4)四.安装与接线 (5)4.1模块安装 (5)五、通讯设置及通讯协议 (8)5.1ADVANTECH通信协议 (8)5.2MODBUS通信协议 (11)六、软件驱动的安装 (12)七、系统软件使用说明 (13)7.1系统概述 (13)7.2运行环境 (13)7.3软件安装 (13)7.4界面介绍 (14)7.5主菜单栏 (14)7.6工具栏 (14)7.7显示主窗口 (14)7.8建立设备和通讯设置 (15)7.9历史数据 (20)7.10系统退出 (23)八、故障分析与排除 (24)一、概述TP1608采集卡采用工业级双485和标准TPYE-C接口,1608外观时尚简约、小巧便携,可导轨安装。
E M C C o m p o n e n t sJuly 2016片式磁珠电源线用MPZ系列MPZ1608型MPZ16081608[0603 inch]** 表示尺寸代码。
保存时间为12个月以内,保存条件(温度5~40°C 、湿度10~75%RH 以下),需充分注意。
预热温度与焊接温度及芯片温度的温度差要在150°C 以内。
本产品目录中记载的产品是指在通用标准用途意义上使用于一般电子设备(AV 设备,通信设备,家电产品,娱乐设备,计算机设备,个人设备,办公设备,计测设备,工业机器人),并且该一般电子设备要在通常的操作和使用方法下使用。
对于需要高度安全性和可靠性的,或者设备的故障,误动作,运转不良可能会给人的生命,身体及财产等造成损害,以及有可能产生莫大社会影响的以下用途(以下称‘ 特定用途’)中的适用性,性能发挥,品质,本公司不予保证。
(1) 航空,航天设备(2) 运输设备(汽车,电车,船舶等)(3) 医疗设备(4) 发电控制设备(5) 核动力相关设备 (6) 海底设备(7) 交通工具控制设备(8) 公共性的高度信息处理设备(9) 军用设备(10) 电热用品,燃烧设备(11) 防灾防盗设备(12) 各种安全装置(13) 其他被认定为特定用途的用途此外,对使用本产品目录中所记载产品的设备进行设计时,请确保符合该设备的使用用途及状态的保护回路和装置,并设置备用回路等。
1.1 产品规格1.2组成成分1.2.1 试剂组成ALB:GA-试剂1GA-试剂21.2.2 校准品的组成糖化白蛋白校准品的组成:单水平的冻干校准品,在30g/L的牛血清中添加糖化氨基酸纯品,稳定剂<0.1%;定值范围:(0.5-1.5)g/dL。
2.1 外观试剂1:黄绿色液体。
2.2 净含量液体试剂的净含量不得低于标示体积。
2.3 空白吸光度糖化白蛋白试剂空白吸光度应≤0.1;白蛋白试剂空白吸光度应≤0.8。
2.4 分析灵敏度糖化白蛋白浓度为1.0g/dL时,吸光度变化应≥0.01;白蛋白浓度为4.0g/dL时,吸光度变化应≥0.4。
2.5 线性糖化白蛋白在[3,68]%线性范围内,线性相关系数r ≥0.990;在[3,30]%范围内绝对偏差不超过3%,在(30,68]%范围内的相对偏差不超过±10%。
2.6 批内重复性变异系数CV应≤8%。
2.7 批间差不同批号之间测定结果的相对极差应≤10%。
2.8 准确度:检测参考物质,测量结果与参考物质靶值的相对偏差应不超过±10%。
聚乙二醇干扰素α2b注射液 注射用人干扰素α1b 人干扰素α1b注射液 注射用人干扰素α2a 注射用人干扰素α2b
人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片 人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾胶囊
人干扰素α2a栓 人干扰素α2b栓 人干扰素α2b凝胶 重组人干扰素α1b喷雾剂 人干扰素α2b喷雾剂 人干扰素α1b滴眼液 人干扰素α1b滴眼液
天津未名生物医药有限公司 北京三元基因药业股份有限公司 长春生物制品研究所有限责任公司
667.38 262.5 28.53 18.99 16.78 99.87 46.9 37.98 104.79 46.23 43.97 33.58 15.96 16.01
70% 60% 30% 80% 80% 80% 70% 80% 80% 70% 80% 70% 30% 60%
注射液 注射剂(冻干粉针剂)
注射液 冻干粉针剂 冻干粉针
泡腾片 阴道泡腾胶囊
栓剂 栓剂 凝胶剂 喷雾剂 喷雾剂 滴眼液 滴眼液
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ规格
180μg(66万U)/0.5 ml/支(预充式) 30μg/支
1ml:300万IU(30ug) 300万IU/瓶 300万IU 50万IU/片 80万IU/粒 50万IU 50万IU
约定采购量(片/粒/ 支/瓶)四舍五入取
整 16918 157425 78712 102060 107721 6597 121818
753 3250 2637275 1104 112612
16 31
10万IU/g,10g/支 25万IU(25μg)/5ml/支 20ml:200万IU(240喷) 2ml:20ug(20万单位) 2ml/瓶(含人干扰素α1b 20万单位)
安全技术说明书页: 1/10 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 27.05.2023版本: 4.0日期/上次修订: 28.02.2022上次版本: 3.0日期 / 首次编制: 12.02.2014产品: 叶黄素酯Product: Xangold® 10% (Beadlet)(30530885/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 28.08.20231. 化学品及企业标识叶黄素酯Xangold® 10% (Beadlet)推荐用途和限制用途: 饮食补充, 食品工业原料公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:根据 GHS 标准,该产品不需要进行分类。
巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 27.05.2023版本: 4.0产品: 叶黄素酯Product: Xangold® 10% (Beadlet)(30530885/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 28.08.2023 标签要素和警示性说明:根据GHS标准,该产品不需要添加危险警示标签其它危害但是不至于归入分类:在一定条件下,产品可形成粉尘爆炸。
广州大彩光电科技有限公司版权所有版本记录版本日期修改原因页面撰写人审核人V1.02023/6/30创建文档all林青田林绍佳销售与服务广州大彩光电科技有限公司电话:************-601传真:************Email:*************(咨询和支持服务)网站:地址:广州黄埔区(科学城)玉树华新园C栋3楼网络零售官方旗舰店:https://成都办事处电话:************地址:成都市高新区天府大道中段500号东方希望天祥广场C座39楼3910号上海办事处电话:136****2080地址:上海市浦东新区长清路1200弄森宏旗臻商务楼39号813深圳办事处电话:*************地址:深圳市宝安区新安街道华联城市全景花园G座1203室目录1.产品外观介绍 (1)1.1外壳展示图 (1)2.硬件介绍 (2)2.1硬件配置 (2)2.2调试工具 (2)3.安装示意图 (4)4.产品规格 (5)5.产品尺寸 (7)6.引脚定义 (8)7.可靠性测试 (9)7.1ESD测试 (10)7.1.1执行标准 (10)7.1.2测试环境 (10)7.1.3测试数据 (10)7.2高低温老化测试 (11)7.2.1测试环境 (11)7.2.2测试数据 (11)7.3群脉冲测试 (12)7.3.1执行标准 (12)7.3.2测试环境 (12)7.3.3测试数据 (12)8.型号定义 (13)9.协议配置 (14)10.LUA脚本配置 (15)11.包装与物理尺寸 (16)12.产品架构 (17)13.开发软件 (18)13.1什么是虚拟串口屏 (18)13.2Keil与虚拟串口屏绑定调试 (19)14.开发文档 (20)15.免责声明 (21)1.产品外观介绍本产品使用全新的外壳,相比旧外壳有以下4个大改动:1.表面玻璃盖板使用2.5D立体结构,2.上下两边采用窄边框设计,3.外壳整体厚度降低,4.不使用螺丝锁扣安装,采用背板式卡扣,使安装更加便捷。
Байду номын сангаас
7.40 8.40
独家中药产品,由13味中药组成:人参、陈皮、 枳壳、白术、甘草、麦牙(炒)、山楂(焦)、 桔梗、砂仁、茯苓、莱服子(炒)、香附(醋 制)、石斛。治疗加调理,效果显著,适合各个 中药制剂,竞品少,儿童方便服用 独家产品,组方科学,由11味中药组成高山红景 天、淫羊藿、牡蛎、牛膝、熟地黄、枸杞子、补 骨脂、人参、地黄、木香、甘草。主治功能突 出,具有滋补肝肾、养血活血、益气安神功效。 临床有效率为93.2%,能够明显改善腰痛、乏力、 头晕耳鸣、失眠纳差、阳痿、心悸、健忘、气短 、出汗、畏寒、小便频、大便溏等虚劳气阴两虚 同品竞争少,有临床基础,独特的功效,在传统 的取方中应用药物基因激活技术,具有抑制病毒 微生物.保肝抗炎,改善微循环,改善肝细胞代谢 、增强免疫的功效,能显著改善慢肝患者的临床 症状和体征,促进胆汗分泌及排泄、减轻肝细胞 的负担,提高机体抵抗力。 芫蒿护肝片含有独特 的乙肝病毒细胞转明介质芫蒿素,快速启动肝细 胞再生程序,促使肝细胞DNA合成,可以激活被病 毒破坏的免疫细胞,唤醒寄生在肝细胞内休眠的 乙肝病毒,在药物浓度最高的时候将其消灭。 中药制剂,只有两家投入生产,市场上同名竞品 少,主治功能好,临床病例有效率94.17%,市场 保护好。 纯中药制剂,竞品少,治疗加调理
清热养阴,凉血活血。用于原发性血小板 减少性紫癜血热伤阴挟瘀症,症见皮肤紫 癜、齿衄、鼻衄,妇女月经过多、口渴、 烦热、盗汗。 清热解毒。用于急性咽炎属风热证。症 见:咽痛,咽干灼热,咽部粘膜或悬雍垂 红肿等。治疗 1、急性咽炎,发热、咽痛 、舌边尖红。 2、感冒引起的吞咽困难、 咳嗽、咳痰、胸痛。3、扁桃体肿大、悬雍 垂红肿、咽后壁滤泡增生。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告宁波爱迈德电子有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:宁波爱迈德电子有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分宁波爱迈德电子有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
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Copyright 2004, Offshore Technology ConferenceThis paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 3–6 May 2004.This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Offshore Technology Conference or its officers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in printis restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented.AbstractThis paper summarizes the responsibilities between the Minerals Management Service (MMS), United States Coast Guard (USCG), the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), and BP Exploration & Production, Inc. (BP) as the Operator for gaining regulatory approval on the new technology of synthetic (polyester) moorings. More specifically, the Mad Dog Project received the first approval for the permanent use of polyester moorings in the Gulf of Mexico.Authors present the regulatory strategy and corresponding structure in regard to the Mad Dog Truss Spar Taut Leg Mooring System. This paper chronicles the Operator’s roadmap in engaging the MMS, USCG, and ABS upon making the decision to use polyester through obtaining the necessary regulatory concurrence.IntroductionThe offshore industry in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) has expanded to water depths in the 10,000’ range. Technology has also expanded to take on the ever-increasing challenges presented in the harsher conditions, one such innovation being the use of synthetic moorings.Polyester moorings have been successfully used on floating facilities in offshore Brazil in water depths over 4000 feet. Also, BP ran a test case on a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) to test handling, installation, and recovery procedures, as well as functionality testing and testing of recovered lines. While the latter was in the GoM, it was set as a temporary mooring configuration.In order to gain approval for the permanent use of polyester mooring in the GoM, the regulations as set out by the MMS and USCG, as well as the delegations of responsibility resulting from the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU)1, had to be satisfied or equivalencies established. ABS was also involved in the process, with their role being to satisfy Classing requirements and provide third party verification.This concept was considered new and unusual for the GoM, although acknowledgement existed that the constituent parts of this concept were indeed proven technologies. However, since the common established mooring practice for floating facilities is steel rope and wire chain, it was necessary for BP as the Operator to demonstrate that polyester provides an equivalent or better level of operability. This paper summarizes the methods and strategies used in positively engaging the regulatory agencies with this new technology and eventually gaining the necessary consensus approvals, all within a relatively short time period and with a tight project schedule.Mad Dog Truss Spar and Mooring Configuration The Mad Dog Truss Spar is located approximately 190 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana in Green Canyon (GC) Block 782. The nominal water depth is 4500’ and the field runs along the Sigsbee Escarpment (where the bottom is 6500’). The local regulatory offices are the MMS Houma District as part of the MMS GoM Region and the USCG Morgan City Marine Safety Office as part of the USCG Eighth District.The hull is 128’ in diameter, 555’ long, and has an 11-line taut mooring configuration. There are three mooring line groups – two with four lines and one with three lines. Technical paper OTC 16589 details this further2.Regulatory and Classification Organizations Regulatory Agencies and Corresponding Regulations. The MMS and the USCG had integral approval responsibilities of this process. Their respective main regulations are referenced3,4,5. Through the MOU, both agencies share responsibilities of the mooring system. Polyester moorings are not specifically addressed as such therefore, two recommended practices by the American Petroleum Institute (API) became very important.API Recommended Practice (RP) 2-SM for syntheticmoorings and 2-SK for station keeping discuss guidelines forOTC 16089Mad Dog Project: Regulatory Approval Process for the New Technology of Synthetic (Polyester) Moorings in the Gulf of MexicoD.L. Bugg, BP Exploration & Production, Inc.; D.T. Vickers, BP Exploration & Production, Inc.; and C.J. Dorchak, Jr., American Bureau of Shipping2 . OTC16089synthetic mooring design, fabrication, and installation as well as station keeping abilities as applicable to any set of moorings6,7.Classification. Classification generally covers design, fabrication, and installation as well as inspection, maintenance, repair, and retirement (IMRR) planning. ABS has Rules, Guides, and Standards that have been developed over the years for this and other purposes8,9,10. This also includes ABS Guide for Synthetic Ropes in Offshore Mooring Applications 11. The Mad Dog Truss Spar will be classed as✤A1 Floating Offshore Installation (FOI)upon completion of the appropriate reviews. Classification is not a requirement but is considered an excellent assurance tool.MMS. Located within the Department of the Interior, the MMS acts as the steward of the federal waters of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and is responsible for balancing the Nation’s search for energy and marine minerals with the protection of the human, marine and coastal environment. The MMS is the primary agency for managing oil and gas production in the GOM. The role of MMS is conservation of natural resources and economic return, protection of the environment, and safe operations. Functions lie within Region and District levels.USCG. Located within the newly formed Department of Homeland Security, the USCG’s five primary operating goals are: Safety, Protection of Natural Resources, Mobility, Maritime Security and National Defense. The USCG is the primary agency for assurance of vessel seaworthiness, personnel protection on floating vessels, and oil spill response. ABS. The ABS is a vessel classification society that acts as an agent for the USCG for specific items under a unique regulatory arrangement with the USCG. ABS also performs Certified Verification Agent (CVA) duties.Responsible Offices. The responsibility for this review fell specifically on two entities:• the Office of Structural and Technical Support of the MMS GoM Region in New Orleans, Louisiana and • the Structures and Stability Branch of the USCG Marine Safety Center in Washington, D.C.The involvement of ABS served as a Third-Party verification of the planning as well as fulfilling class requirements. This primarily came from their Engineering Group in Houston, Texas.Other groups within these organizations contributed / assisted as well.Regulatory Roadmap for Mad DogConsiderations / Questions. While many things were taken into consideration during the process of deciding to pursue polyester moorings for the Mad Dog Project, following are some of the key considerations from the regulatory perspective:• Are there safety and/or environmental issues(positive and negative)?• If negative, what are the mitigating factors?• Is polyester or other synthetic moorings being used elsewhere?• If yes, where, how long, and in what type(s) ofapplication(s)?• Are there design guidelines?• What are the benefits to the project?• Conversely, what are the potential consequences with and/or without use?Overall, will a polyester taut-leg mooring system be an equivalent or better system than a traditional steel-wire chain system for this application?Process. Once the project team felt the technical decisions were sound, the options had been weighed, and the decision made12, the regulatory strategy was laid out and executed. Table 1 is a chronology that tracks the time from the BP’s decision until final approvals. The following twelve items summarize the process:• Development of a Regulatory Engagement Plan• Early notification to the regulatory agencies• Early engagement of the verification agent / technical authorities• Establishing points-of-contact• Basic information sharing and education on theconcept• Initial submittals• Periodic communication to gain clarity and promote cooperation• Continued cooperative negotiation and revisions• Approvals in principle• Agreement on finalized terms• Final submittals and approvals• Post-approval communicationsDevelopment of a Regulatory Engagement Plan. Once the project team had decided to seek the use polyester moorings and asked BP Regulatory for advice, some time was taken initially to think through the entire process and construct a strategy. This strategy involved:• Early identification of agencies involved and the individual groups within• Resource identification• Project timeline and requirements in relation to contractor negotiations and overall schedule • Making agencies true partners in understanding the project and polyester moorings systemsEarly notification to the regulatory agencies. Simultaneously, the identified agency groups were informed of our intentionsOTC 16089 3and our desire to meet with them to begin formalizing the process. BP did was not want to give the perception that a rushed decision was expected on such a major topic, but also wanted to be open about the project scheduling. Subsequently, face-to-face meetings ensued.Early engagement of the verification agent / technical authorities. In conjunction to contacting the regulators, the third-party verification agent was notified and invited to all meetings. Through their external work and validation, this helped strengthen the Operator’s position and fulfill various regulatory third-party requirements.Furthermore, contract engineering technical services were employed to supplement internal technical authorities.Establishing points-of-contact. To provide efficiency and clarification, points-of-contact were established between the various organizations.Basic information sharing and education on the concept / Initial submittals. Deployment plans, past history of existing polyester lines, and technical information of polyester mooring lines (as well as traditional lines) were shared with the regulators to further enhance the knowledge base. The intent was to give a technical and practical case for polyester in general – leading to the Mad Dog Project in particular. During the initial meetings, submittal protocol and expectations were set. The first submittals were:• New Technology Portion of the PreliminaryDeepwater Operations Plan – submitted to the MMSTechnical Assessment and Operations SupportSection, working in conjunction with the Office ofStructural and Technical Support (also, a copy wassent to the MMS Houma District).• Proposal to Use Polyester Moorings – submitted to the USCG Structures and Stability Branch, workingin conjunction with the Vessel and Facility,Operating and Environmental Standards Division(also, a copy was sent to the Marine Safety Divisionof the Eighth Coast Guard District).Periodic communication to gain clarity and promote cooperation. BP was contacted as each agency made their respective initial reviews. The USCG and MMS worked in concert during this process, raising questions and requesting clarifications in related timeframes and in a manner that answered questions all respective queries.During this time, BP also submitted two documents that became very important pieces in the road to approval, those being:• Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, and Retirement (IMRR) Plan• Quality Assurance (Rope Manufacture and Splicing) PlanThese documents were also submitted to ABS.Continued cooperative negotiation and revisions. While both agencies saw the importance in each document, the MMS focused on the IMRR and the USCG on the QA. The main point for the MMS was the conditions that would warrant a shut-in. There also was a desire to reduce / eliminate any unclear conditions and replace with clear situations with predetermined outcomes.The main point for the USCG was assurance in the quality of the rope manufacturing, especially the splicing. The splice operation is done by hand and therefore introduces a potential greater chance for human error. Figure 1 shows a picture of a section of polyester rope being machine-assembled. Approvals in principle. Upon the agencies receiving a comfort level in the basic tenets of the proposal and the supporting information, approvals in principle were given. This basically served as an indication to continue our project planning with polyester as the base case, but also with the acknowledgement that there were clearly specified items that needed to be addressed. This also enabled the project team to continue the selection process of finding a rope vendor. Agreement on finalized terms / Final submittal and approvals. This marked a period of revision submittals and subsequent conversations, whether via telephone or face-to-face (or a combination). Amongst many items, clear decisions in the IMRR were agreed upon for conditions of shut-in and in the QA plan for acceptability criteria.It proved very beneficial to have a final conversation with the agencies and go through a checklist of the specific items and the solutions / answers to address. After the compilation of the last considerations, the final plans were submitted and subsequently approved.Post-approval communications. The approval process was a cooperative effort complete with open dialogue. Therefore, post-approval communications transpired which included updates of rope manufacturing, overall project updates, installation timelines, and other items of interest as related to the mooring system. This is an evergreen process. ConclusionThe approval and implementation of the Mad Dog Taut-Leg Polyester Mooring System exhibited the true spirit of cooperation and dedication / commitment to the advancement of the offshore industry and domestic energy production.A thorough regulatory plan is necessary with all contacts identified. Early examination of the agencies’ major concerns and focus on gaining information to answer those concerns was critical. By involving the MMS and USCG early, there was consistency and clarity for the final approvals.16089 4 . OTCBy involving ABS and other technical authorities early, theproject teams were able to avoid potential discrepancies withregulatory requirements thus saving review times.Undoubtedly, this has opened the doors to other GoMapplications and will further the industry by continuing toextend the applications of technology development to theultra-deepwater.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the Mad Dog Project Team, especially theMad Dog Floating Systems Team for their diligence in pullingthe information together for the various submittals and theircollaboration during this process. We also thank the severalpersons at the MMS (especially the Offices of Structural andTechnical Support and the Technical Assessment andOperations Support Section) and the USCG (especially theTank Vessel and Offshore Division, Structures and StabilityBranch) who worked with us to successfully gain approvalsfor the first permanent use of synthetic (polyester) moorings inthe Gulf of Mexico.References1. Memorandum of Understanding between Mineral ManagementService and the United States Coast Guard ConcerningRegulation of Activities on the Outer Continental Shelf of theUnited States, December 16, 19982. OTC 16589, "Mad Dog Polyester Mooring - Prototype Testingand Stiffness Model for Use in Global Performance Analyses",by D.J. Petruska, J.F. Geyer and A.Z. Ran.3. MMS: Code of Federal Regulations – Mineral Resources, Title30 Part 250 - 20014. USCG: Code of Federal Regulations – Navigation andNavigable Waters, Title 33 - 20015. USCG: Code of Federal Regulations – Shipping, Title 46 - 20016. American Petroleum Institute Recommend Practice 2-SM –Synthetic Moorings, 20017. American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 2-SK –Station Keeping, 19968. ABS Guide for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore DrillingUnits, 20019. ABS Guide for Building and Classing Floating ProductionInstallations, 200010. ABS Guide for Building and Classing Facilities on OffshoreInstallations, 200011. ABS Guide for Synthetic Ropes in Offshore MooringApplications, 199912. OTC 16589, "Mad Dog Polyester Mooring - Prototype Testingand Stiffness Model for Use in Global Performance Analyses",by D.J. Petruska, J.F. Geyer and A.Z. Ran.OTC 16089 5Table 1: Mad Dog Polyester Mooring Approval ChronologyDate Event12/15/2001 Internal conversation ensued about the use of polyester mooring to help gain topsides payload.BP Regulatory to approach MMS.1/10/2002 MMS Structural Section Chief approached during an industry meeting about the idea. He said hewas going to be in Houston and encouraged our moorings group to brief him.2/4/2002 Briefing was held – a larger meeting was recommended and set up for 3/7/2002.3/4/2002 USCG was invited to meeting and accepted invitation.3/7/2002 Meeting in New Orleans between MMS/USCG and BP occurred -• Both agencies did not want to be rushed into a decision.• It was said that this would be a “one-off” and if viewed as a “policy” decision, approvaltime could be over a year and into the years.• The spirit of cooperation was invoked by all parties (MMS, USCG, ABS, and BP).3/14/2002 BP Polyester Readiness Plan was submitted to MMS/USCG3/21/2002 The New Technology Portion on the Preliminary Deepwater Operations Plan / Proposal to UsePolyester Moorings was submitted to MMS / USCG3/26/2002 Received call from USCG – Washington D.C, requesting a further review meeting (set for4/5/2002). Also received call from MMS Technical Assessment group verifying receipt of ourpackage.3/27/2002 BP Regulatory invites MMS from New Orleans and from Washington, D.C. technical headquartersto 4/5/2002 meeting – invitation accepted.4/5/2002 Meeting in Washington, D.C. between USCG/MMS and BP occurred –• USCG stressed that they would take the time needed while remaining cognizant of ourschedule.• MMS concurred• ABS involvement continued5/13/2002 Rev 0 versions of the Mad Dog IMRR and QA plans submitted to MMS / USCG and ABS.6/13/2002 Rev 1 version of the Mad Dog IMRR Plan submitted to MMS / USCG and ABS.6/20/2002 USCG letter was received, stated polyester moorings “acceptable in principle” with some pendingplan questions.8/8/2002 Meeting at MMS occurred with Regional Director in attendance. He stated that all submittalsshould continue to fit into “regulatory framework”.8/8/2002 In a post-meeting discussion with the MMS Structural Section Chief, verbal endorsement wasgiven to continue with polyester moorings as base case.9/5/2002 Teleconference occurred with MMS / USCG in reviewing the IMRR / QA Plans.9/6/2002 Rev 2 version of the Mad Dog IMRR Plan submitted to MMS / USCG and ABS.10/23/2002 Rev 1 version of the Mad Dog QA plan submitted to MMS / USCG and ABS.11/15/2002 Teleconference with MMS / USCG in reviewing the IMRR / QA Plans.11/19/2002 Rev 3 version of the Mad Dog IMRR Plan submitted to MMS / USCG and ABS.11/19/2002 MMS approval of IMRR Plan granted.1/27/2003 USCG verifies and amplifies “approval in principle” and states IMRR and QA plans “Examined”.16089 6 . OTCFigure 1: Mad Dog Polyester Mooring Picture during Manufacturing10-5/8” diameter rope section being assembled。