



宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A 卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:分子生物学科目代码:941适用专业:海洋生物学、生物化学与分子生物学第1页共1页一、名词解释(40分,每个4分)NCBI 、mutiple cloning site 、nested-PCR 、genetic central dogma 、RNA splicing 、intron 、gene family 、trans-acting factor 、Klenow fragment 、microsatellite DNA二、问答题(50分)1、简述原核生物DNA 复制过程中需要哪些酶和蛋白的参与,各具有何作用?(10分)2、原核生物基因转录的终止子的种类及作用机制。

(10分)3、真核生物mRNA 与原核生物mRNA 的区别。



(10分)三、分析题(60分)1.简述RNA 提取方法,并描述如何确定提取RNA 的质量?(15分)2.简述SDS-PAGE 电泳和Western blot 检测流程?(15分)3.引物设计题:已知下列序列,请根据此序列下划线标示区设计上下游引物。


(20分)1)选择pET28a 为原核表达载体,假定某基因A 的ORF 序列中包含下列限制性内切酶位点Bam H I 、Hind III 、Sac I 。

pET28a 的多克隆位点如下:请为基因A 原核表达选择合适的限制性内切酶位点。

2)请写出实现A 基因在大肠杆菌中表达的实验流程。



宁波大学2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 教育管理学科目代码:832适用专业: 教育经济与管理一、简答题(每题10分,共100分)1、如何理解教育管理学的学科性质。












第 1 页共 1 页宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:教育管理学科目代码:832适用专业:教育经济与管理一、简答题(每题10分,共100分)1、如何认识教育管理学的特点。
































2. 颅高压病人,腰穿释放脑脊液后突然呼吸停止,其原因是: ( ) A. 小脑扁桃体疝 B. 小脑幕裂孔疝 C. 脑室出血 D. 颅内压过低 E. 空气栓塞
3. 最易形成小脑幕裂孔疝的是: ( ) A. 额叶肿瘤 B. 颞叶肿瘤 C. 顶叶肿瘤 D. 枕叶肿瘤 E. 小脑肿瘤
4. 60 岁女性患者,头部棍击伤,无昏迷及意识障碍,无颅骨骨折。1 个月后出现颅高压症状。最可能的
29. 患者,女性,26 岁,因双膝关节肿痛半年,发热伴面部红斑 2 周就诊。体检:体温 38.0℃,面部红 斑,口腔黏膜有溃疡,肝脾不肿大,双膝关节肿胀,有压痛。尿液检查蛋白(+),ANA(+),抗 Sm 抗体(+)。 首选治疗药是: ( ) A.硫唑嘌呤 B.羟氯喹 C.泼尼松 D.CTX E.NSAID
第 8 页 共 21 页
宁波大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
第 7 页 共 21 页
宁波大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 750 总分值: 300 科目名称:
为 1.2cm2。问题:(1)诊断及诊断依据,下一步还需做哪些检查?(2)患者容易出现哪些并发症?(3)该患者应
第 3 页 共 21 页
宁波大学 2020 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 750 总分值: 300 科目名称:
17. 大量蛋白尿的出现提示糖尿病肾病已达到; ( ) A.糖尿病肾病Ⅰ期 B.糖尿病肾病Ⅱ期 C.糖尿病肾病Ⅲ期 D.糖尿病肾病Ⅳ期 E.糖尿病肾病Ⅴ期



科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合

1. 男性,55岁。


2. 肺心病的主要死亡原因是:()
3. 患者女性,20岁,诊断结核性胸膜炎,行胸穿抽液50ml时,感觉胸闷、头晕、心慌、出汗、面色苍白、血压下降,最可能是:()
4. 气管向右侧移位,不考虑下列哪种情况?()
5. 某呼吸科医师近月来自觉嗜睡,纳差,咳嗽,痰少,体重下降2.5kg。

第 1 页共16 页。


目 录
2007年宁波大学618预防医学考研真题(A卷)及答案 2008年宁波大学618预防医学考研真题(A卷)及答案 2009年宁波大学618预防医学考研真题(A卷)及答案 2010年宁波大学618预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2011年宁波大学618预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2012年宁波大学618预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2013年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2014年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2015年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2016年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(A卷) 2017年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(B卷) 2018年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(B卷) 2019年宁波大学751预防医学考研真题(A卷)
2007年宁波大学618预防医学考研 真题(A卷)及答案
2008年宁波大学618预防医学考研 真题(A卷)及答案
2009年宁波大学618预防医学考研 真题(A卷)及答案
2010年宁波大学618预防医学考研 真题(A卷)
2011年宁波大学618预防医学考研 真题(A卷)
2012年宁波大学618预防医学考研 真题(A卷)
2013年宁波大学751预防医学考研 真题(A卷)
2014年宁波大学751预防医学考研 真题(A卷)
2015年宁波大学751预防医学考研 真题(A卷)
2016年宁波大学751预防医学考考研 真题(B卷)
2018年宁波大学751预防医学考研 真题(B卷)
2019年宁波大学751预防医学考研 真题(A卷)

宁波大学基础英语考研真题试题2009 、2010、2012、2016年—2019年

宁波大学基础英语考研真题试题2009 、2010、2012、2016年—2019年

考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第2页共8页12.Piquette must have been seventeen then,although she looked about twenty.I stared at her,astounded that anyone could have changed so much.A.overwhelmed B.greatly surprised C.worried D.frightened13.Hitler’s blood lust and the hateful appetites have impelled him on his Russian adventure.A.ambition B.stomach C.belly D.intestines14.Burne-Wilke’s cabin had the dark,warm,comfortable look of a library den.“I say,Henry,what is your position on shipboard drinking?I have a fair bottle of cherry here.”A.much-contented B.just C.nice D.beautiful15.No one would anticipate that my case would snowball into one of the most famous trials in history.A.evolve B.run C.develop D.roll16.Mr.President,I second the proposal!(A silence;Hancock swats a fly.)A.succeed B.propose C.support D.stand17.The house detective’s gaze moved on to sweep the spacious,well-appointed room.A.clean B.mop C.clear D.examine18.They rise out of the earth,they sweat and starve for a few years,and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard.A.work hard B.feel hot C.fall ill D.feel hungry19.Sitting in her chair,she clasped her hands in order to conceal their trembling.A.pretend B.uncover C.prevent D.disguise20.I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.A.imposed B.described C.inscribed D.subscribedSection B.Lexical interpretation.There are ten words or phrases underlined in the following sentences.You are required to use other English words or phrases to explain them with the meanings that best suit those sentences (1×10points).For example:Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.Answer:great eloquence1.Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards,taut and protesting.2.I went back to my room with a heavy heart.I had gravely underestimated the size of my task.3.Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs,or the simple,everyday kitchenware used in this country.考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第3页共8页4.Barring the catastrophe of nuclear war,it will continue to shape both modern culture and the consciousness of those who inhabit that culture.5.The Nazi regime excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.6.It was familiar ground;boy and man,I had been through it often before.But somehow I had never quite sensed its appalling desolation.7.This is a war in which the whole nation is engaged without distinction of race,creed,or party.8.Ever-increasing production,the drive to make bigger and better things,have become aims in themselves,new ideals.Work has become alienated from the working person.9.I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.10.What they had wanted was an America more sensitive to art and culture,less avid for material gain.II.Cloze (20points)Directions:There are twenty blanks in the following passage.You are required to fill the words or phrases in them that best complete the passage to make a smooth and logical reading semantically,syntactically and textually.The words that you use to fill in the blanks can be any that you think are suitable and able to make the passage smooth in meaning and grammar.Radical feminists,however,remained hostile to the temptations of consumer capitalism.Drawing inspiration from the civil rights slogan “The Personal is Political,”movement activists (1)_______as Casey Hayden and Mary King began (2)_______organize women against the male domination (3)_______SNCC (Students for a Democratic Society),and (4)_______groups.Despite the radical community’s support (5)_______equal rights,they asserted,New Left men reflected the establishment culture by assigning women office duties (6)_______other minor tasks.Feminists also complained (7)_______the male-oriented sexual revolution degraded women (8)_______treating them (9)_______playthings and objects (10)_______conquests.While their male colleagues greeted their efforts with ridicule and open hostility,New Left women introduced “rap”sessions to share (11)_______complaints and address gender identity issues.(12)_______1968,200(13)_______feminists organized (14)_______first women’s liberation demonstration.Calling themselves the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (WITCH),activists projected (15)_______“sexism”and capitalism’s “objectification”of women’s bodies.They picketed the Miss America Pageant and threw “instruments of torture”such as brassieres考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第4页共8页and high-heeled (16)_______into a “freedom trash can.”Feminists focused (17)_______women’s control of their (18)_______bodies with an agenda (19)_______included the right to legal abortions,distribution of birth control literature,and passage of tougher laws (20)_______rape and spousal abuse.III.Error Detection and Correction (20points)Directions:There are twenty-one errors in the following passage.You may detect and correct either twenty of them or more than that.When you get more than twenty correct answers,your scores will not surpass twenty.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.As a human beings,you have maintained across time a core sense of self,thanks in good part as memory.Nevertheless,the I that is you is daily modified by what you experience,by what you were learning and coming to know.Five year ago,you were not the same person you are today;ten years hence,you will not precisely the person you now are.As you are age,you steadily accumulate knowledge,some of it formally,some of it informally.Considering some of the things you know in present—about history,about people,about work,about etiquette,about science,about style.Then think about what you garnered that knowledge.Chances is that some of it you acquired formally in school:what you to know about the contribution of Ancient Greece of modern democracy,your understanding of photosynthesis or Euclidean geometry,you ability to differentiate satire from irony.Some things you may have learn through a combination of formally instruction,observation and practice:how to work successful in a group,how to wait on customers efficiently and courteously,how to apply brakes skillfully in traffics,how to cut food with a knife,what clothes to wear to the prom.And some knowledges you probable acquired almost exclusively from extended experience:what acquaintances to trust and not to trust,what writers and musicians appeal or do not appeal to you,what aptitudes your possess or lack for particular fields of study.(1)_______________(2)_______________(3)_______________(4)_______________(5)_______________(6)_______________(7)_______________(8)_______________(9)_______________(10)______________(11)______________(12)______________(13)______________(14)______________(15)______________(16)______________(17)______________(18)______________(19)______________(20)______________(21)______________考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第5页共8页IV.Sentence Paraphrase (10points)Directions:There are five long or difficult sentences underlined in the following passage.You are required to paraphrase them in your own words according to the context.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(1)Britain’s merchant navy seldom grabs the headlines these days;it is almost a forgotten industry.Yet shipping is the essential lifeline for the nation’s economy.Ninety-nine per cent of our trade in and out of the country goes by ship—and over half of it in British ships.(2)Shipping is also a significant British success story.It earns over £1000million a year in foreign exchange earnings:without our merchant fleet,the balance of payments would be permanently in deficit,despite North Sea oil.But,today this vital British industry is more in peril than ever before.(3)On almost all the major sea routes of the world,the British fleet risks being elbowed out by stiff foreign competition.The threat comes from two main directions:from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries (4)who are now in the middle of a massive expansion of their merchant navies,and carving their way into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies;and from the merchant fleets of the developing nations,(5)who are bent on taking over the lion’s share of the trade between Europe and Africa,Asia and the Far East—routes in which Britain has a big stake.V.Reading Comprehension (30points)Directions:There are three sections in this item with a passage in each section.Section A requires you to read a passage and provide a brief answer to each of the given questions.Section B requires you to read and judge whether the relevant statements are true or false.Section C requires you to read and then write a summary of it.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A.Read the following passage and provide a brief answer to the questions after the passage (2.5×4points).If someone says to you ‘Our car has broken down’,your reaction may simply be to feel sorry.For the linguist,though,even such a simple utterance calls for quite an elaborate explanation.As far as the meaning and the grammar of the sentence are concerned,a traditional description would try to paraphrase the meanings of the words used;it would analyze the clause pattern (here a simple combination of subject and verb or predicate),and would probably go on to discuss the use of the present perfect tense.Modern linguists have on the whole not been satisfied with the traditional explanation of grammatical structures and word meanings.Indeed much work in modern linguistics has been devoted to constructing rules that would produce our initial sentence,but would exclude sentences like We car has考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第6页共8页broken down or Our car has jumped up as not well-formed.The ultimate goal of this endeavor has been to establish a body of logical rules for generating the sentences of a language that are grammatically correct and semantically acceptable.For the individual words a set of ‘objective’semantic features has been proposed which would guarantee that the words are inserted appropriately into the grammatical structure.Thus the meaning of car would be described with the semantic features ‘inanimate’,‘concrete’,‘movable’and ‘self-propelled’.Assuming that the logical rules and objective semantic features which generate language are stored in our memory,it seems only natural to claim that they are of a mental nature.This approach is therefore also ‘cognitive’in the original sense of the word (i.e.‘related to knowledge’).However,it is not the kind of ‘cognitive linguistics’that our topic is about.To distinguish this approach from what we have in mind when we talk about ‘cognitive linguistics’,we will characterize it as the logical view in cognitive linguistics.As we understand the term,cognitive linguistics is today chiefly represented by the experiential view.Its main claim is that instead of postulating logical rules and objective definitions on the basis of theoretical considerations and introspection,a more practical and empirical path should be pursued.For example,one can ask language users to describe what is going on in their minds when they produce and understand words and sentences.As experiments have shown,people will not only state that a car has a box-like shape,that it has wheels,doors,and windows,that it is driven by an engine and equipped with a steering wheel,an accelerator and brakes,and that it has seats for the driver and the passengers.More likely than not,it will also be mentioned that a car is comfortable and fast,that it offers mobility,independence and perhaps social status.Some people may connect the notion of car with their first love affair,or with injury if they were once involved in an accident.1.What would a traditional linguist do with ‘Our car has broken down’?2.What would a modern linguist do with ‘Our car has broken down’?3.How is the logical view related to ‘cognitive linguistics’?4.What is the claim of the experiential view?Section B.Read the following passage and decide whether the statements after it are true or false (2.5×4points).It is strange and disturbing to watch the straight (i.e.,mainstream)community’s angry,sometimes violent reaction to the hippies.There are many reasons for this.The principal one is appearance.The hippies dress strangely.They dress this way because they have thrown a lot of middle-class notions out of the window and with them the most sensitive middle-class dogma:the neutral appearance.The straight world is a jungle of taboos,fears,and personality games.People in that jungle prey on each other mercilessly.Therefore,to survive in any jungle requires good protective coloring:the camouflage of respectable appearance.The anonymity of middle-class dress is like a flag of truce.It means (whether true or not):“I’m not one of the predators.”It is in the nature of an assurance of harmlessness.Unusual or bright-colored clothing then becomes an alarm,a danger signal to the fearful and their armed truce with the rest of mankind.They see it as a challenge.They are fearful,unsure of themselves,and fear sours into anger.It is but a step to thinking that the anger is “good.”The oldest fallacy in the world is that anything that makes you angry must be mad.考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学第7页共8页The sin of the hippies is that they will not play the straight game of camouflage.Their non-participation,in effect,exposes them as another tribe,whose disregard of straight taboos of dress makes them seem to be capable of anything,and therefore a danger.That danger moreover is felt clear up to city hall,that shrine of Squaredom.Why else,I submit,does the Health Department of this city have such a tender solitude about the living conditions of human beings at the Haight when they have ignored the conditions at Hunter’s Point,the Mission and the Fillmore?Many people cannot understand the hippies’rejection of everything that is commonly expected of the individual in regard to employment and life goals:steady lucrative employment,and the accumulation through the years of possessions and money,building (always building)security for the future.It is precisely this security hypochondria,this checking of bank book rather than pulses,this worrying over budgets instead of medicine cabinets,that drive the youth of today away.It is this frantic concern with money that also drives the young into the Haight-Ashbury.They have seen their parents slave for years,wasting away a lifetime to make sure that the house was paid off,that the kids got through school in order to get “good”jobs so that they could join the frantic scramble,later on.The parents’reward for this struggle is that they wind up old and tired,alienated from their children,and just as often each parent from the other.1.The hippies dress strangely because they have defied the dressing values of the middle class.()2.For middle class,to survive in the straight world is to protect themselves by the camouflage of respectable appearance.()3.The hippies belong to another tribe of people because they have a different custom of dresses.()4.The hippies understand their parents struggling their way all their lives and sympathize them.()Section C.Read the following passage and then write a summary of it within 100words (1×10points).The vast majority of books on the English language take British English as their starting point.There are many reasons for this:British English is the old variety,and traditionally British English has enjoyed more prestige,at least in Europe and in former English colonies,than American English.Until not so long ago,American English was considered less educated,less cultured,less beautiful than British English.Teachers in many European countries were not allowed to have an American accent,and high-school students who returned from a year in the United States were sometimes punished with low grades by conservative teachers.This attitude seems mostly to have disappeared even if there are still traces of it.Another reason for the predominance of British English is simply one of publishing traditions:Britain has a long tradition of producing textbooks and dictionaries and of marketing them all over the world,whereas there have been relatively few American textbooks or dictionaries written for audiences worldwide.The result is a curious situation:The majority of the world’s native speakers of English are Americans,about 240million people.They make up the majority of the 400million native speakers,compared with about 57million speakers in Britain.They speak English with American pronunciation,vocabulary,and grammar.Much more American than British English is heard in films and on television,and more American English is used in international business,computing,and science.宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:基础英语科目代码:661适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学Yet the textbooks for non-native speakers that are used in schools in many countries are still mostly oriented toward British English,sometimes presenting American English as an aberration,often just in the form of a collection of words to learn.There are some useful books on American English,mostly designed for college or university use,that deal with vocabulary,spelling and pronunciation,but they usually give very little information concerning grammar or practical language use in the United States. Nor do they make any attempts to explain why there are differences between the two major varieties.SummaryVI.Writing(50points)Directions:Now in universities or colleges,some BA students want to work and earn money after graduation while other BA students plan to continue their education as MA students.The chief reasons for those BA students who intend to further their study can be either that it is hard to find a good job as BA students or that they love study and make greater contribution for their country.That is,the former read for MA just to get a higher degree so as to find a better job;the latter read for MA just to give a full expression to their academic ability and do research work.What is your purpose to read for MA?Or what kind of BA students do you belong to when you are taking this MA entrance exam?In the following topic of writing,please clarify your purpose to read for MA and give your reasons.You are suggested to make your argument in three major paragraphs with introduction,argumentation and conclusion in about400words.Remember to write your essay on the Answer Sheet.My Purpose to Read for MA科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学I.Vocabulary(30points)This part consists of two sections.Section ADirections:Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter.Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(1×20points).1.He avowed his commitment to those ideals.A.acknowledgedB.convertedC.conformedD.renounced2.The political dissident was accused of instigating a plot to overthrow the government.A.devisingB.supportingC.fundingD.provoking3.I wish you two would stop bickering.plaining B quarreling C.bargaining D murmuring4.The defendant is facing severe verdict despite the appeal for clemency by his lawyer.A.forgivingB.releaseC.leniencyD.impartiality5.The little boy listened,enthralled by the Captain’s story.A.fascinatedB.swindledC.shockedD.bored6.I was impressed by his expertise on landing craft.A.encouragementB.special skillC.shrewdnessD.eloquence7.Your action is a breach of our university regulations.A.observationB.violationC.creationD.attack8.Subsequent events vindicated his policy.A.predicateB.swingC.dilateD.verify9.Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death penalty in most countries in the world.A.impulsiveB.multicoloredC.obligatoryughable10.Morality,for him,was doing what is expedient.A.undesirableB.unavailable C advantageous D.inappropriate11.“The giant was big”is a tautological statement,to say the least.A.tightB.redundantC.illogicalD.relative科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学III.Error Detection and Correction(20points)Directions:There are twenty errors in the following passage.You should detect and correct all the errors.Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Marxist Criticism is a criticism based on the historical,economic,and sociology1 theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.According to Marxism,the conscious2of a given class in a given historical moment derives modes of material production.3The set of beliefs,values,attitudes,and ideas that constitute the consciousness of this4 class forms a ideological superstructure,and this ideological superstructure is5 shaped and determined by the material infrastructure and economic base.Hence the6 term"historic materialism."Marxism assumes the ontological priority of matter7 above mind and sees mind as the product of historical forces.There is thus a dialectical8 relationship between the literature work and its socio-historical background.9 Dialectical criticism focuses on the causal connections of the content or form10of the work and the economic,class,social,or ideological factors that shape and11 determines that content and form.Bourgeois writers,for example,inevitably propagate a12 bourgeois ideology that seeks to universalizing the status quo,to see it as natural rather13 than historical.The notion that there is a one-to-one correspondence to the class14 consciousness of the writer,the ideology of the work,and the society-historical15 background out of which it emerges is often labeled vulgarly Marxism,even by16 Marxists themselves.Sophisticated Marxism,however,like Fredric Jameson17 points out,is concerned with"the influence of the given social raw material,not only18on the content,but on the very form of the work themselves....[The dialectical19 interaction of work and background],this fact of sheer interrelationship,is prior of20any of the conceptual categories,such as causality,reflection,or analogy,subsequently evoked to explain it."科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学IV.Reading Comprehension(30points)Directions:There are three sections in this item with a passage in each section. Section A requires you to read a passage and provide a brief answer to each of the given questions.Section B requires you to read and judge whether the relevant statements are true or false.Section C requires you to read and then write a summary of it.Remember to write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A.(10points)By the mid-century there emerged a trend in writing that favored a new approach to constructing the novel that abandoned many of the time-honored traditions of form.Indeed,there has been debate about whether many of the works of the times should rightly be considered novels at all.Although not all writers of the period pursued experimental methods,two of them,William Burroughs and Henry Miller,served as exemplary figures.William Burroughs published journals depicting his travels through South America and North Africa.He was heavily influenced by his encounter with foreign languages and associations with strange customs.The impact of his experiences on his writing led to a uniquely detached style.Often it is difficult to determine who is telling the stories,or where the characters have come from.In his most celebrated work Naked Lunch,Burroughs is said to have physically cut up the manuscript and pasted it back together,to further disturb the conventional notion of narration.Although these writing techniques did not boost initial sales of his works,American academia accepts him as an important practitioner of literary theory.Henry Miller wrote about his personal life in a depth that previous authors had avoided.In order to better expose compulsive desires,he used very graphic language to describe the details of his intimate relationships.His books Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer were banned in some states when they were first published.Although there are disagreements about Miller's moral positions,he is acknowledged as an important contributor to mid-twentieth century American fiction.1.What is the main topic of this passage?2.What did the passage preceding this one probably discuss?3.What can we assume about Burroughs'earlier works?4.What is the most difficult aspect of reading the book Naked Lunch?5.What can we infer about the works of the two men?科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.According to this passage,Shakespeare’s sonnets might have contained a continuity of love story.2.The speaker of Shakespeare’s sonnets is perfectly happy with both the young noble man and the“dark lady”,according to the passage.3.Shakespeare’s sonnets were dedicated to a“W.H.”,who must be Henry Wriothesley,the Earl ofSouthampton.4.It could be inferred from the passage that most life stories about Shakespeare are conjectures.5.Shakespeare wrote153sonnets,all of which have the feel of autobiographical poems.Section C(10points)Read the following passage and write a summary of it within200words.Knowing that Mrs.Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble,great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her,in broken sentences;veiled hints that revealed in half concealing.Her husband's friend Richards was there,too,near her.It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received,with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of"killed."He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful,less tender friend in bearing the sad message.She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same,with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance.She wept at once,with sudden,wild abandonment,in her sister's arms.When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone.She would have no one follow her.There stood,facing the open window,a comfortable,roomy armchair.Into this she sank,pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life.The delicious breath of rain was in the air.In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her faintly,and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window.She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair,quite motionless,except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.科目代码:661科目名称:基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学翻译学She was young,with a fair,calm face,whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes,whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.It was not a glance of reflection,but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it,fearfully.What was it?She did not know;it was too subtle and elusive to name.But she felt it,creeping out of the sky,reaching toward her through the sounds,the scents,the color that filled the air.Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously.She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her,and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips.She said it over and over under the breath:"free,free,free!"The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.They stayed keen and bright.Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her.A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial.She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind,tender hands folded in death;the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead.But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.There would be no one to live for during those coming years;she would live for herself.There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.And yet she had loved him--sometimes.Often she had not.What did it matter!What could love,the unsolved mystery,count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!"Free!Body and soul free!"she kept whispering.Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole,imploring for admission."Louise,open the door!I beg;open the door--you will make yourself ill.What are you doing, Louise?For heaven's sake open the door."。



科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合
科目代码:750 总分值:300 科目名称:临床医学综合。



入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 预防医学科目代码:751 适用专业: 流行病与卫生统计学、劳动卫生与环境卫生学、营养与食品卫生学入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 预防医学科目代码:751 适用专业: 流行病与卫生统计学、劳动卫生与环境卫生学、营养与食品卫生学入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 预防医学科目代码:751 适用专业: 流行病与卫生统计学、劳动卫生与环境卫生学、营养与食品卫生学入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:预防医学科目代码:751适用专业:流行病与卫生统计学、劳动卫生与环境卫生学、营养与食品卫生学一、名词解释(每题4分,共60分)1.定量资料和定性资料2.续发率3.双盲4.共变法5.突发公共卫生事件6.非参数统计7.窒息性气体8.职业工效学9.矽肺10.二次污染物11.氧债12.静力作业13.蛋白质互补作用14.必需脂肪酸15.食物的营养价值二、填空(每空1分,共80分)1.在临床试验中,常用的随机化分组方法有()、()和()三种。












1. 对COPD的诊断最有价值的检查是:()
A. 胸部X线检查
B. 胸部CT检查
C. 肺功能检查
D. 血气分析
E. 纤支镜
2. 支气管哮喘发作禁用:()
A. 地塞米松
B. 氨茶碱
C. 沙丁胺醇
D. 肾上腺素
E. 吗啡
3. 下列哪一项肿瘤标志物对肺癌诊断意义不大? ()
B. CA-50
C. CA-125
D. CA-199
4. Pancoast瘤引起的Horner综合征主要是因为:()
A. 肿瘤压迫上腔静脉引起
B. 肿瘤颅内转移引起
C. 肿瘤压迫颈部交感神经
D. 肿瘤压迫迷走神经
E. 肿瘤分泌了5-羟色胺引起
5. 肺炎球菌肺炎痰呈铁锈色与哪一病理分期有关:()
A. 水肿期
B. 消散期
C. 灰色肝变期
D. 充血期
E. 红色肝变期
第 1 页共 16 页。

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)假设。Mill 准则是在形成病因假设最常用的逻辑推理
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 751 总分值: 300 科目名称:
1.一项研究摄盐量与高血压关系的研究表明,257 名高血压患者摄盐量高者有 178 人,而在 514
名对照中摄盐量高者有 243 人。
(2)如何分析摄盐量与高血压之间的关联? 结论是什么?(当检验水准取 0.05 时,统计量=3.84)
15.Logistic 回归常用检验方法有(


20.2016 版膳食指南的核心推荐指出:成年居民应多吃(
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 751 总分值: 300 科目名称:
一、名词解释:(每题 4 分,共 60 分)
1.流行过程 2.公共卫生监测 3.分层抽样 4.总体和样本 5.Poisson 分布 6.生存概率与生存率 7.食品污染 8.营养 9.食源性疾病 10.尘肺病 11.职业接触限值 12.职业工效学 13.时间加权平均容许浓度 14.生态环境 15.生化需氧量
三、简答题(每题 10 分, 共 60 分)
四、问答题(每题 20 分, 共 100 分)
第 1 页, 共 3 页
宁波大学 2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生
二、填空(每空1分,共 80 分)
) 和(
陷、但( )的个体,同那些(
6.流感病毒根据抗原特异性及其基因特性的不同,分为 (
8.比较 20 名成年男性身高和体重的变异程度应该用(
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 751 总分值: 300 科目名称:
3.做假设检验时,Ⅰ型错误是指( ),其概率用( )表示;Ⅱ型错误是指( ),其概率用( )表 示。 4.秩和检验的步骤可归纳为排序、( )、( )和( )。 5.线性相关系数说明具有( )关系的两个变量( )和( )的统计量。 6.一项调查收集了当地哮喘疾病频率资料,并从有关部门获取了该年度空气质量检测数据,欲作 哮喘患病与空气质量关系研究。这种研究方法的名称是( ),它的特点是( )。
一、名词解释:(每题 4 分,共 60 分)
1.构成比与率 2.齐同对比原则 3.等级资料 4.散发 5.突发公共卫生事件 6.筛检 7.生物浓缩作用 8.环境污染 9.可吸入颗粒物 10.职业卫生与职业医学 11.职业病 12.听觉疲劳 13.膳食纤维 14.食品添加剂 15.细菌性食物中毒
二、填空(每空1分,共 80 分) 1.在四格表2 检验中,当 n>40,T>5 时,应用四格表的( )公式,当 n>40,1<T<5 时,应用四格表 的( )公式;当 n<40 或 T<1 时应用( )方法。其中的 T 为( )频数。 2.两均数比较的 t 检验有( )、( )和( )三种形式。这些方法适用于( )资料类型。
宁波大学 2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生
入 学 考 试 试 题(A 卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上)
10.方差分析后,如果 P<0.05 要做(
12.Pearson 卡方检验是用于比较两组或多组总体(
13.线性回归的假设检验中,SS 总=(