



5.7 E16c/E16d区,缩放键图标
E16c/E16d区,计划区缩放键图标。E16c区显示放 大键图标,E16d区显示缩小键图标。
5.8 E17 区,日期和时间
在此区域分三行显示: ➢ 第一行显示文本“时间日期”, ➢ 第二行显示时间,显示格式是“小时:分:秒”,如
DMI共有19个按键,2块键盘。右侧键盘为8个可扩展功 能键,屏幕正下方11个按键为固定功能键。
体如下所示 序号
5.6 E16b区,GSM-R网络状态和与RBC连接 状态
E16b2区,显示RBC的连接状态。 表示与RBC未连接、正在连接或已经连接的状态。
使用两种方法表示TSM区离目标点的距离: ➢ 柱状光带表示法 ➢ 数字表示法。
1.2 A2区,目标距离
➢ 柱状光带颜色总为白色,光带正上方为数字表示区。 ➢ 柱状光带的左侧为坐标系刻度,该坐标系采用对数坐标 (0-100米采用线性坐标),最大显示范围是1000米。 ➢ 当目标距离大于1000米时,光带上方用数字显示实际目
标距离,柱状光带的高度保持不变,数字显示的精度为 10米; ➢ 当目标距离小于1000米时,柱状光带逐渐缩短,数字显 示的精度为1米。



F8fg9545t550-04 XO-21VF将服务器插入OCSS ,则四个模块均可监控;插入MCSS ,可监控除OCSS 的其他三个模块;插入DBSS 或DISS 只能监控对应模块本身。


一. Ocss 重要菜单:1。

监控(MONITOR )M-1-1-1(CAR MONITOR ),此 菜单可用来监控轿厢的状态,操作模式,运动状态,门状态,内外呼的数目,以及负载状态。


群组中 轿厢方向 位置 操作模式 状态 前后门状态上方向运动 前开到底,后关到底负载状态下0 10%开关动作其中,操作模式是非常重要的信息。

M-1-1-2(IO MONITOR ),此菜单可检查一些重要的串行输入输出状态.M-1-1-3(GROUP MONITOR ),此菜单可监控群组中其他电梯的状态。

2M-1-2-11,2,3来监,OFF 键来强制输出口的状态。

串行连接 地址 地址位数M-1-2-2-1(运行时间分发生5次 最近一次发生于3分钟以前 M-1-2-2-2(MODES )模式记录 。


M-1-3-2M-1-3-3(MASKS ),用于多种屏蔽服务,共四个子菜单,最常用的是第一个。

M-1-3-4(POS INDICATORS ),各楼层显。

M-1-3-5,楼层表(FLOOR TABLE ),OCSS 与MCSS 楼层对应关系。

4.特殊参数设置(SPECIAL SETUP )M-1-4-4(OPMODE ENABLE ),操作模式屏蔽。

注意设为PROTECT 者无法屏蔽。

M-1-4-6(BCP DG TABLE),各层BCP对应表,用于语音报站。


5.清零(CLEAR)M-1-5-1(CLEAR PF RAM),用于清除保持在RAM中的故障信息。




第三部分通讯软件手册目录概述 (48)一、通讯软件 (49)1.1安装驱动 (49)二、使用说明 (51)2.1 DT300采集器程序说明及设置通讯座DIP开关 (51)2.1.1 DT300采集器程序说明 (51)2.1.2 通讯座DIP (51)2.2下载程序文件 (52)2.2.1 通讯线缆 (52)2.2.2 通讯座DIP开关设置 (52)2.2.3 Lmwin425设置 (52)2.2.4 DT300数据采集器系统设置 (53)基本设置 (53)传输应用程序 (54)2.3下载数据文件 (56)2.3.1 通讯线缆 (56)2.3.2 DIP开关设置 (56)2.3.3 Lmwin425设置 (56)2.4上载数据文件 (58)2.4.1 通讯线缆 (58)2.4.2 DIP开关设置 (58)2.4.3 Lmwin425设置 (58)概述1、简要说明使用对象数据采集设备管理人员。

使用目的使数据采集设备管理人员能够熟练掌握采集设备与计算机( PC)进行更新应用程序的操作,保障今后数据采集设备的软件版本升级/更新。



3、通讯软件简介通讯软件: Lmwin425。

配套软件: USB驱动程序。

软件应用环境: WIN2000系统(Win XP操作系统未经微软验证,不建议使用)4、参考资料在阅读本手册前请先参考《硬件维护手册》、《操作系统手册》。

一、通讯软件驱动安装1.1安装Lmwin425通讯软件在使用前必须安装USB 驱动程序(IPXpress USB IrDA Ver2.1),安装USB 驱动程序的操作方法如下:此时选择安装路径,继续按“NEXT ”选择Next 继续:安装完成通讯软件的驱动程序。



CTCS3-300T列控车载设备DMI司机操作手册(V1.2)文件历史Document History版本号Rev. 发布日期Issue Date更改章节和描述Description and Chapters of Changed作者AuthorV0.3 2008-11-22 根据初稿讨论修改V0.5 2009-3-20 根据庞巴迪的修改意见进行修改V1.0 2009-3-30 设计院评审后发布V1.1 2009-6-20 删除CTCS-3D相关内容V1.2 2009-9-1 增加注意事项等内容目录1 阅读说明 (6)1.1 使用的图标 (6)1.2 术语 (6)1.3 缩写词 (7)2.DMI操作按键布置说明 (9)3 DMI显示界面说明 (10)3.1 DMI显示区域分布 (10)3.2 DMI显示信息说明 (11)4 机操作菜单说明 (23)4.1 菜单结构 (23)4.2 菜单及按键功能介绍 (24)5 语音和声音 (26)5.1 语音信息 (26)5.2 声音信息 (27)6 文本信息 (28)6.1 主要功能性文本信息 (28)6.2 主要维护性文本信息 (29)7 驾驶操作说明 (31)7.1 概述 (31)7.2 车载设备上电 (35)7.3 启动过程 (37)7.4 运行模式 (46)7.5 其它功能 (64)7.6 关闭驾驶室 (77)7.7 车载设备断电 (77)7.8 隔离车载设备 (78)8 注意事项 (80)8.1隔离开关的使用 (80)8.2制动测试 (80)8.3安全相关数据的输入与确认 (80)8.4其它需要注意的事项 (80)1 阅读说明1.1 使用的图标本手册使用了以下图标:1.2 术语¾最限制速度曲线(MRSP: Most Restrictive Speed Profile):是所有速度限制因素中,最低值(最不利限制部分)的集合。




热导率测量仪器保护热流计测量方法DTC-300 导热仪用于测量各种材料的导热系数,包括高分子材料,陶瓷,复合材料,玻璃,橡胶,一些金属,及其他的具有低、中等导热系数的材料。




该仪器遵循ASTM E1530标准。





DTC-300 导热仪的特点每一台DTC-300都在出厂前都使用已知热阻的若干个样品定标,覆盖指定的区域。






●保护热流计方法● -20℃— 300℃●完全计算机控制操作●50毫米直径的样品●遵循ASTM E 1530灵活的温度/样品选项如果使用自来水供给散热器,样品的测量温度是在50℃附近。



系统软件每个DTC-300系统包括Windows™ 下的操作及数据处理软件(不包括计算机)。




序号 版本号 修订内容简述 1、 修改图 3-3,增加 E13 区图标说明 2、 第 3.2.2 节增加休眠模式或驾驶台未激活状态下的速度显示; 3、 第 3.2.3 节表 3-6 删除 CTCS-3D; 3 CTCS 3D CTCS-3D 级
4、 第 3.2.5 节表 3-11 删除无线盲区; 2 无线盲区
5、 第 3.2.5 节 E13 区增加站台侧方向信息,表 3-13 增加图标显示; 1 2 左侧站台 右侧站台
6、 第 3.2.5 节表 3-14 修改 MT 注册到 GSM-R 网络状态显示; 一个MT注册 1 到GSM-R网络 16 H 2 到GSM-R网络 7、 第 3.2.5 节表 3-15 修改 RBC 连接状态显示; 已经与两个 RBC 建立连接 8、 第 3.3.1 节修改图 3-10 菜单结构图; 9、 第 3.3.1Байду номын сангаас节删除停车修改车次号要求; “ 注意:运营中如需修改车次号,可在停车后通过重启驾驶台的方式 两个MT注册
缓解制动。 ”说明; 20、 增加第 7.14 节“车尾保持注意事项” ;
A10-B16-000105 CTCS3-300S 型列控车载设备司机操作说明 H CFC
1 2
目录 适用范围................................................................................................................................... 1 系统简介..................................................................



















UR-301 3-3/4 位自动量程万用表说明书1.安全操作规程:。



* 89/336/EEC(1992年11月的EMC,电磁兼容性)* 73/23/EEC(产品安全条款1979年6月11日;安全电压条款1973年2月19日)。










2. 标志:安全提示二极管交流蜂鸣器直流双重绝缘3.性能:。










数据保持4.概述:显示:3 3/4位液晶显示,最大示值“3260”33节棒条模拟显示全符号显示极性:自动显示“—”测量方式:双积分A-D转换系统超量程显示:数字系统“OL”显示,棒条模拟“超量程”显示电池不足显示:“”符号出现在显示屏右侧使用温度范围:0℃-40℃电池:五号电池(R6,AA UM3)两节仪表尺寸:140×70×36毫米重量:包括电池350克5.面板说明:1.显示屏:3 3/4位液晶显示。




维深科技企业 1北京维深科技发展有限公司 Http:DT300使用手册D T300键盘面板使用说明 .........................................3 1.键盘面板概要介绍..........................................3 2.键盘面板总概流程图 .......................................4 3.具体按键说明 ............................................4 DT300系统菜单使用说明 .........................................5 1.EXECUTE AP(运行应用程序): ...............................5 2.SET MODE(模式设置): .....................................5 2.1 Environment Setting(环境设置): .......................6 2.2 Display Mode Setting(显示模式设置): ..................6 2.3 Barcode(扫描码): .....................................7 2.4 SET ID(设置ID 号): ...................................8 3.设置系统的日期和时间: ....................................9 4.传输: ...................................................9 4.1.接收应用程序和文件, ..................................9 4.2.两个终端间通讯, .....................................9 4.3.屏幕显示: ........................................ 10 4.4.设置通讯协议, .................................... 10 5.显示操作系统版本 ....................................... 11 DT300通讯软件使用说明-----LMWIN425 .............. 错误!未定义书签。



Thermal Conductivity InstrumentsDTC-300Site Preparation GuideTable of ContentsTable of Contents (1)Ideal Setup ................................................................................................................................... 2-3 System Components .. (3)Instrument Measurements (4)Utility Requirements (5)Power (5)Gas (6)Coolant (7)Water (8)Computer Requirements (9)Site Preparation Checklist (10)TA Instrument Offices (11)Ideal SetupIDEAL PLACEMENT AND BENCH MEASUREMENTSSelect a location with adequate floor space and a rigid laboratory bench that is level and is in a vibration-free environment.Bench length: 1.8 m (6 ft)Bench depth: 76 cm (30 in)Ideal Setup and ComponentsCOMPONENTSPlace the chiller on the same level as the instrument.A. ChillerB. InstrumentC. Computer (Controller)ABCInstrument Measurements INSTRUMENT MEASUREMENTSWidth: 64 cm (25 in)Depth: 71 cm (28 in)Height: 94 cm (37 in)Weight: 44 kg (98 lbs)POWERInstrument∙100–120 VAC, 10 A, 60 Hz (US)∙200–240 VAC, 10 A, 50/60 Hz (Non-US)∙Installation of a 16A Class B or C main fuse is recommended.Power cords providedUse power cords with plugs appropriate for your circuit.∙NEMA 5-15 plug for 100–120 VACOR∙NEMA 6-15 plug for 200–240 VACNEMA 6-15 plug NEMA 5-15 plugSupply voltages lower than indicated may result in a degradation of performance.Ensure that the mains assigned do not also supply power to noise generating equipment nearby, such as motors, welders, transformers, etc.An independent heavy GROUND wire must be provided through the power hookup. Improper grounding may cause severe damage for which the supplier will not accept responsibility. All power strips must be fully grounded and carry the ground through to the sockets into which the computer is plugged.GASPneumatic RamGas Requirements for Pneumatic Ram Type Must be nitrogen or airSource Must be from a gas cylinder, Grade 5 purityInlet Pressure Minimum: 40 psig (2.75 bar) Maximum: 50 psig (3.45 bar)Tubing ∙¼” tubing is supplied to connect f rom instrument to gas regulator∙Tubing is rated to 100 psig (7 bar)Purge GasGas Requirements for PurgeType Must be nitrogen; at sub-ambient temperatures to prevent frost and moisture buildup on internal metal componentsInlet Pressure Less than 5 psig needed–it is simply a low, steady flow to flush the furnace cavityTubing∙Purge gas port requires 1/8” tubing (provided)∙ A 1/8” stem to ¼” tubing adapter is also providedThe customer is required to supply either compressed air, dried and filtered, to 10 microns, or laboratory grade inert gas (such as nitrogen from a high pressure cylinder).COOLANTRequirementsPressure 4.3 psig (0.30 bar) maximumFlow Rate 20 L/min (5 gal/min) maximumOperating close to or below min. pressure will result inerratic operation.Cooling Capacity ∙At -20°C = 265W ∙At 0°C = 650W∙At +20°C = 1000WCoolant Liquid ∙50/50 mix of DI water and laboratory grade ethylene glycol for testing up to 300°C∙Denaturalized alcohol for sub-zero testingConnections Supplied: Two hoses (6 feet / 1.8 meters each) to connect to the Coolant Inlet and Outlet ports on the back of the furnace. The other end of each hose is blank; a male 3/8” barb with ¼” threads (provided) must be installed to connect to the coolant source.Place the chiller on the same level as the P/N 202612.001 (120V for 60Hz power) or202442.001 (240V for 50Hz power)Coolant Inlet and Outlet ports and hosesWATERExcessively cold water will result in “sweating” and corrosion of cooled metal surfaces. The purge of nitrogen gas through the furnace will prevent this.Operating below the minimum chiller coolant level will result in erratic operation. A chiller/circulator is recommended for this instrument.If a chiller/circulator is to be used, it must be placed at the same level as the instrument.Computer RequirementsHARDWARE REQUIREMENTS∙Unused RS-232 (serial) port∙Unused USB portInstrument drivers and software are provided on a CD.Computer should not be attached to other analytical instruments or LAN.SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTSItem RequirementOperatingSystem∙Windows 7 or 10, 32- or 64-bit, Ultimate, Enterprise & Professional∙Home version not supportedNetwork∙TA Instruments is not responsible for resolving issues associated withconnections to your corporate network.∙Network cards and/or certain network operation frequently interferewith the operation of the instrument and software.ConflictsTA Instruments is not responsible for resolving hardware/software conflictscreated by the addition of third party hardware or software to thecomputer.Site Preparation ChecklistThermal Conductivity Instruments: DTC-300 Sufficient bench space for instrument, computer, and chiller (if needed): ☐ Length: 1.8 m (6 ft)☐ Depth: 76 cm (30 in)Instrument power is☐ 100–120 VAC, 10 A max, 60 Hz (US)☐ 220–240 VAC, 10 A max, 50/60 Hz (Non-US)Computer, monitor, and chiller power is☐ 120 V (US)☐ 220–240 V, 6.4 A max, 50/60 Hz (Non-US)Pneumatic Ram Gas – Air or Nitrogen☐ Regulator to allow 40–50 psig (2.75–5.50 bar)Purge Gas – Dry Nitrogen☐ Under 5 psig (2.75–5.50 bar)Water Circulation☐ Nominal flow rate of 20 L/minute (5 gal/min)☐ Maximum pressure of 4.3 psig (0.30 bar)☐ Sufficient cooling capacity ☐ 50/50 mix of DI water and laboratory grade ethylene glycol (for temperatures up to 300°C)☐ Denaturalized alcohol (for sub-zero measurements) I hereby acknowledge that all utility requirements have been met per the checklist above and that they will be ready at the agreed time of installation.If all utility requirements are not met at the agreed time of installation, additional charges may be incurred for a return Service trip.CustomerDD MM YYYY CompanyCity State CountryPlease send a signed copy of the completed checklist to your local Service representative.TA Instruments Offices For information on our latest products, contact information, and more, see our website at: .To find your local TA Instruments office and contact information, visit/contact/ta-directory/TA Instruments – Waters LLCCorporate Headquarters159 Lukens DriveNew Castle, DE 19720USATelephone: 302-427-4000Fax: 302-427-4001Email: **********************。

牧田充电式液压钳 DTC300 使用说明书

牧田充电式液压钳 DTC300 使用说明书

使用说明书充电式液压钳DTC300中文简体: 原本使用前请阅读。


型号主要功能DTC300电机无刷直流电机电压18 VDC额定输出127 kN压接范围14至250 mm2(铜线用非绝缘压接端子和套管)产品尺寸(装上BL1860B时)330(长)x 85(宽)x 330(高)mm 重量 4.7 kg(包括250 mm2模具和电池)•请注意,主要功能和形状可能会因改进而发生变化。










● 噪音控制规定法律和地方法规中订立了有关噪音的规定。



JPB292-1• 塑料箱• 压接框• 压接轭•母模(6种)14-150压接轭(14-38)(60-70)(80-100)(150)(200)(250)•公模(6种)(14)(22)(38-70)(80-150)(200)(250)• 肩带您可以将此肩带接到工具上的肩带纽上,以便随身携带本产品。

• B L1815N电池(容量1.5 Ah)• B L1820B电池(容量2.0 Ah)• B L1830B电池(容量3.0 Ah)• BL1860B电池(容量6.0 Ah)• 附件通过使用以下附件,可以使用此工具进行各种工作。

用途类别产品名称T型/六角压接200AT-T240压模轭T型压模T模11T模16T模20T模26T模44T模60T模76T模98T模122T模154T模190T模240六角压模CU模8至14CU模22至38CU模45至70CU模75至100CU模110至125CU模150CU模180至200切割电缆剪电缆剪* 此信息如因附件的添加和改进而更改,恕不另行通知。

DTC 系列温度控制器 说明书

DTC 系列温度控制器 说明书

ΐሤ 0 న‫ؠ‬ᕇ
ҽ‫ݒ‬ PV 0
ҽ‫ݒ‬ PV న‫ؠ‬ᕇ
ဦ̣ĈPIDଠ‫ט‬ĂDead bandࠎϒࣃ
ဦ̱ĈPIDଠ‫ט‬ĂDead bandࠎ࢑ࣃ
PID ඀ёଠ‫ט‬Αਕᄃણᇴన‫ؠ‬ೡࢗĈ!
PID 可程序化的控制共可分成 8 个样式(Pattern0 ~ 7)。每一个样式有 8 步骤(Step 0 ~ 7),以及各一个连结参数(Link Pattern)、循环参数 (Cycle)、执行步骤数(Max Step)。 起始样式:设定过程控制由第几个样式开始执行。 步骤设定:包括设定点 X 及执行时间 T 两个参数设定,代表设定值(SV)在 T 时间后,要达到目标值 X。如果设定点 X 与前次设定相同,则 此过程称之为 Soak,否则此过程称之为 Ramp,故过程控制又称 Ramp Soak 控制。第一个执行步骤程序预设为 Soak 控制, 先将控制点控制到设定点 X,再将目标状态保持在 X,全部过程时间为 T。 连结参数:设定本样式执行完毕后将接着执行的样式,如果设为非 0 ~ 7 的值则表示执行完此样式后程序结束,目标值维持在最后步骤的 设定。 循环参数:此样式额外执行的循环次数。例如将此参数项设为 2,代表此样式须额外执行 2 次,连原来执行的一次,总共需重复执行 3 次。 有效步骤:每一个样式执行的步骤数目(可设定为 0 ~ 7) 。例如此项设为 2,代表相对应样式将执行步骤 0 ~ 步骤 2,其余步骤将不执行。 执行参数:可设定为执行、程序暂停、程序中止或输出停止。 当设定为执行时,程序由起始样式的步骤 0 开始执行,并依序执行。 当设定为输出停止时,程序停止并且控制输出关闭。 当设定为程序停止时,程序停止,温度控制在停止前的设定值上,重新选择执行时,会由起始样式的步骤 0 重新开始执行。 当设定为程序暂停时,程序停止,温度控制在停止前的设定值上,重新选择执行时,会接续停止前的步骤及剩余时间开始执行。

CLASSIC 300 D 操作手册说明书

CLASSIC  300 D 操作手册说明书

CLASSIC ®300 DFor Machines with Code Numbers 10545, 10546, 10657, 10658, 10911 and 10927IM631-BMay, 2006Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thoughtful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL,OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful.Copyright © 2006 Lincoln Global Inc.Mar ‘95vvfor selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!• Lift only with equipment ofFALLINGEQUIPMENT can • Do not operate machine while cause injury. suspended from lift bale.------------------------------------------------------------------------• Stop engine while fueling.• Do not smoke when fueling. DIESEL FUELcan cause fire.ENGINE BREAK-INLincoln Electric selects high quality, heavy-duty indus-trial engines for the portable welding machines we offer. While it is normal to see a small amount of crankcase oil consumption during initial operation, excessive oil use, wetstacking (oil or tar like sub-stance at the exhaust port), or excessive smoke is not normal.Larger machines with a capacity of 350 amperes and higher, which are operated at low or no-load condi-tions for extended periods of time are especially sus-ceptible to the conditions described above. To accomplish successful engine break-in, most diesel-powered equipment needs only to be run at a reason-ably heavy load within the rating of the welder for some period of time during the engine’s early life. However, if the welder is subjected to extensive light loading, occasional moderate to heavy loading of the engine may sometimes be necessary. Caution must be observed in correctly loading a diesel/generator unit.1. Connect the welder output studs to a suit-able resistive load bank. Note that anyattempt to short the output studs by con-necting the welding leads together, directshorting of the output studs, or connectingthe output leads to a length of steel willresult in catastrophic damage to the gener-ator and voids the warranty.2. Set the welder controls for an output cur-rent and voltage within the welder ratingand duty cycle. Note that any attempt toexceed the welder rating or duty cycle forany period of time will result in catastrophicdamage to the generator and voids thewarranty.3. Periodically shut off the engine and checkthe crankcase oil level.Auxiliary PowerThe AC auxiliary power, supplied as a standard, has a rating of 3.0 kVA of 115/230 VAC (60 hertz).With the 3.0 kVA, 115/230 VAC auxiliary power, one 115V duplex and one 230V duplex, grounding type receptacle are provided. The circuit is protected with circuit breakers.The rating of 3.0 kVA permits a maximum continuous current of 13 amps to be drawn from the 230 volt duplex receptacle. Or a total of 26 amps can be drawn from the 115 volt duplex receptacle. The 115 volt duplex receptacle has a configuration which permits 20 amps to be drawn from either half. The total com-bined load of all receptacles is not to exceed 3.0 kVA. An optional power plug kit is available. When this kit is specified, the customer is supplied with a plug for each receptacle.Remote Control Kit (K924-4) - Contains switch, receptacle, remote control rheostat, and 100 ft (30.5m) cable for adjusting the OCV at the welding site.(For Codes below 10911.)Remote Control Kit (K924-5) - Contains remote control rheostat and 100 ft. (30.5 m) cable for adjust-ing the OCV at the welding site. (For Codes 10911 and above.)Remote Control Kit (K2464-1) - Contains remote control rheostat (for adjusting the CC “STICK OVC), remote control potentiometer (for adjusting the CV “WIRE” OCV) and 100 ft. (30.5 m) cable.TIG OPTIONSTIG Module (K930-2) - Provides high frequency and shielding gas control for AC and D C GTAW (TIG) welding applications. Its compact case is designed for easy carrying, complete with a handle. High frequen-cy bypass is built in.The K938-1 Contactor Kit must be field installed in the TIG Module when used with a ZR-10. Additionally, the K936-3 control cable is required if remote control is used. If remote control is not used the K936-4 control cable is required.PTA-26V TIG Torch K1783-9-Air cooled 200 amp-torch equipped with valve for gas flow control. 25Ft. length.Magnum Parts Kit For PTA-26V TIG Torch KP509Remote Control Cable (K936-4)- Control cable for connecting the K930-2 TIG Module to a ZR-10 not equipped with a K892-1 Remote Kit. 9-Socket to a grounded 115 V plug and a 6 pin MS-connector. (Contains circuits 31, 32, and ground)Arc Start Switch K814Contactor Kit K938-1Control Cable Extension K937-45-Cable is 45Ft. in length.Water Valve Kit K844-1-For use with a water-cooled TIG torch. Installs inside TIG Module.Wire Feed Module (K623-1) - Provides constant voltage (CV) output with improved arc stability for Innershield welding. Excellent for MIG welding. Recommended wire feeders are the LN-7, LN-23P and LN-25. (Factory installed on the K1643-2).LN-25 Wire Feeder K449-Portable CC/CV unit for flux-cored and MIG welding. Includes Gas Solenoid & Internal Contactor. Requires Wire Feed Module.Remote Volta ge Control Kit for LN-25 K444-2 Provides 25 ft. (7.5m) of remote output voltage control and output jumper (2 and 4) for machines having 14 pin MS-type connector.Magnum® 350 Innershield Gun (for LN-25)K126-2-For self-shielded wire with 15 ft. (4.5m) cable. For .062-3/32” (1.6-2.8mm) wire.Magnum® 200 MIG Gun (for LN-25)K497-3-With 15 ft. (4.5m) cable. For .025 (0.6m) wire.Ma gnum Gun Connector KiT-Connects Magnum 200 MIG gun to LN-25 Wire Feeder.LN-23P Wire Feeder K316L-1-Portable CV unit for Innershield pipe welding. Control cable operates con-tactor inside Wire Feed Module for “cold” electrode. Requires LN-23P Adapter Kit (K350-1) and Gun and Cable Assembly.LN-23P Adapter Kit K350-1-Required to adapt LN-23P to any Lincoln power source. Makes 14 pin con-nection at power source.Magnum®250 Innershield Gun (for LN-23P) K355-10-For lighter weight and easier handling. Rated 250 amps, 60% duty cycle. For .068 through 5/64” (1.7 through 2.0 mm) Innershield wire and includes reduced speed switch. For pipewelding, an M11476 62°gun tube is recommended.62°gun tube for Pipe Welding KP1909-1-Recommended modification for K355-X or K345-x guns with 90°gun tubes. Compatible with K126-1,-2,K264_8 and K355-10.SPOOL GUN WELDERMa gnum Spool Gun K487-25-Hand held semiauto-matic wire feeder requires SG Control Module. 25 ft. length.SG Control Module K488-The interface between the power source and the spool gun. Provides control of wire speed and gas flow.Input Cable K691-10.-For Lincoln engine drives with 14-pin MS-type connection, separate 115V NEMA receptacle and output stud connections. 10 ft. length.D-3 D-3MAINTENANCEGFCI RECEPTACLE TESTING AND RESET-TING PROCEDUREThe GFCI receptacle should be properly tested at least once every month or whenever it is tripped. To properly test and reset the GFCI receptacle:•If the receptacle has tripped, first carefully remove any load and check it for damage.•If the equipment has been shut down, it must be restarted.•The equipment needs to be operating at high idle speed and any necessary adjustments made on the control panel so that the equipment is providing at least 80 volts to the receptacle input terminals.•The circuit breaker for this receptacle must not be tripped. Reset if necessary.• Push the "Reset" button located on the GFCI recep-tacle. This will assure normal GFCI operation.• Plug a night-light (with an "ON/OFF" switch) or other product (such as a lamp) into the GFCI receptacle and turn the product "ON".• Push the "Test" button located on the GFCI recepta-cle. The night-light or other product should go "OFF".•Push the "Reset" button, again. The light or other product should go "ON" again.If the light or other product remains "ON" when the "Test" button is pushed, the GFCI is not working prop-erly or has been incorrectly installed (miswired). If your GFCI is not working properly, contact a qualified, certified electrician who can assess the situation, rewire the GFCI if necessary or replace the device.TROUBLESHOOTINGHave qualified personnel do the troubleshooting work. Turn the engine off before working inside the machine. In some cases, it may be neces-sary to remove safety guards to perform required maintenance. Remove guards only when necessary and replace them when the maintenance requiring their removal is com-plete. Always use the greatest care when work-ing near moving parts.Do not put your hands near the engine cooling blower fan. If a problem cannot be corrected by following the instructions, take the machine to the nearest Lincoln Field Service Shop.------------------------------------------------------------ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Do not touch electrically live parts or electrode with skin or wet clothing.• Insulate yourself from work and ground• Always wear dry insulating gloves.EXHAUST can kill.Use in open, well ventilated areas or vent exhaust outside.------------------------------------------------------------------------MOVING PARTS can injure.• Do not operate with doors open or guards off.• Stop engine before servicing.• Keep away from moving parts.------------------------------------------------------------------------See additional warning information at thefront of this operator’s manual------------------------------------------------------------(1) FLASHING THE FIELDS:1.Stop the engine welder and remove the cover from the exciter.2.Turn the “Fine Current Adjustment” (rheostat) to “100” on the dial.ing a 12 volt automotive battery, connect it’s negative terminal to the negative brushholder. Thenegative brushholder is the one nearest to the rotor lamination. See the wiring diagram. With theengine NOT running, touch the positive battery terminal to the positive brushholder. Remove thebattery from the circuit.4.Replace the exciter cover. Start the welder and the generator voltage should build up.L 10877C L A S S I C 300D W I R I N G D I A G R A M (F O R C O DE S 10658 A N D B E L O W )N O T E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e d i n s i d e t h e m a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r .N O T E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e d i n s i d e t h e m a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r .JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.••• Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide •Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: 。



- 1 - 非常感谢您选用台达产品请在使用前详细阅读本使用说明书并将手册放置于易拿处以便参考。




1. 请使用适合M3螺丝的压着端子最大宽度7.2mm端子螺丝在锁紧时请勿过度用力。

2. 如果有尘土或金属残渣掉入机身可能会造成误动作。


3. 确认配线接到正确适当的端子。



4. 在以下情况会发生的场所避免使用此温控器。

1灰尘过多及有腐蚀性气体2高湿度及高辐射3震动及冲击5. 实施配线时及更换温度传感器时务必关闭电源。

6. 热电对的引线要延长时或有结线的场合请依热电对的种类务必使用补偿导线。

7. 白金测温阻抗体的引线延长时或有结线的场合请使用阻抗体的物体。

8. 由测温体到温调本体的配线路请用最短距离配线为了避免噪声及诱导的影响尽可能将电源线和负载配线分开。

9. 本机器为开放型机壳必须安装于具防尘、防潮及免于电击∕冲击之外壳配电箱内。

10. 上电前请确认电源??信号装配是否正确否则可能造成严重损坏。


11. 切断电源一分钟之内线路未完全放电请勿接触内部线路。


系列名称DTA台达A系列温控器面板尺寸W×H 48481/16 DIN W48 ×H48mm 48961/8 DIN W48 ×H96mm 96481/8 DIN W96 ×H48mm 7272W72 ×H72mm 96961/4 DIN W96 ×H96mm 输出选项R继电器输出SPDT4848为SPST 250VAC 5A V电压脉冲输出14V 10 -20Max. 40mA C电流输出4 20mA 通讯选购0无通讯1含RS-485通讯功能CT选购□无CT T含CT - 2 -输入电源交流电100 240V 50/60Hz 操作电压范围额定电压85 110 电源消耗功率5VA Max. 显示方法七段LED显示目前温度值红色设定温度值绿色输入温度传感器热电偶对K J T E N R S B U L Txk 白金测温电阻Pt100 JPt100 显示刻度0.1 全刻度控制方法PID或ON/OFF或手动输出继电器输出交流250V5A单刀双闸4848为单刀单闸电压脉冲输出直流14V最大输出电流40mA 控制输出种类电流输出直流4 20mA输出负载阻抗需小于600?? 采样周期0.5秒耐震动10 55Hz 10m/s2 3轴方向10min 耐冲击最大300m/ s2 3轴6方向各3次操作环境温?0°C 50°C 存放环境温度-20°C 65°C 操作高度2000公尺操作环境湿度35 85 RH无结露面板防护等级IP65 运转模式运转控制相关参数设定显示器说明出厂默认值RUN/STOP设定控制动作开始或停止RUN ALARM1 HIGH第一组警报上限设定4.0°C ALARM1 LOW第一组警报下限设定4.0°C ALARM2 HIGH第二组警报上限设定4.0°C ALARM2 LOW第二组警报下限设定4.0°C Key lock全部按键锁定只允许SV值变更及OFF同时按下和可恢复按键功能OFF 输出量显示及手动输出时输出量调整。



DTCDIGITALTORQUECHECKER PAGE LANGUAGE 1 EnglishIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING Risk of flying particles.Do not apply torque above rated capacity of DTC.Over-torquing can cause breakage. Force against flex stops on flex head can causehead breakage. An out of calibration DTC can cause part or tool breakage. Brokenhand tools, sockets or accessories can cause injury. Excess force can causecrowfoot or flare nut wrench slippage.Read this manual completely before using DTC.For personal safety and to avoid DTC damage, follow good professional tooland fastener installation practices.Periodic recalibration is necessary to maintain accuracy.Wear safety goggles, user and bystanders.Be sure all components, including all adaptors, extensions, drivers and socketsare rated to match or exceed torque being applied.Observe all equipment, system and manufacturer's warnings, cautions andprocedures when using this checker.Use correct size adapter for torque wrench.Do not use sockets showing wear or cracks.Replace fasteners with rounded corners.To avoid damaging DTC: Never use checker with power off. Always turn ONDTC so applied torque is being measured.Do not press POWER while torque is applied.Never use this checker to calibrate torque wrenches.Do not use extensions, such as a pipe, on handle of wrench.Check that DTC capacity matches or exceeds each application beforeproceeding.Verify calibration if dropped.Never attempt to test an impact tool or pulse type tool on this checker.Make sure ratchet direction lever is fully engaged in correct position.Verify calibration of DTC if you know or suspect its capacity has beenexceeded.Always adjust your stance to prevent a possible fall should something givewhile checking torque wrench.Do not attempt to recharge Alkaline cells.Store DTC in dry place.Remove batteries when storing checker unused for periods longer than 3months.WARNING Electrical Shock Hazard.Electrical shock can cause injury. Do not use on live electrical circuits.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSDisclaimerOperation of DTC is not warranted in an EU member state if operating instructions are not in that State’s language. Contact C DI Torque Products if a translation is needed.SpecificationsSocket Type∙ ½” Female Square DriveDisplay∙ DISPLAY TYPE: Dot Matrix LCD (192 x 65 Resolution) ∙ VIEWING DIRECTION: 6:00 ∙ BACKLIGHT: WHITE (LED) Sealed Button PadPOWER - ON/OFF and torque re-zeroENTER - measurement mode select and menu entry UP – increments settings and menu navigation DOWN - decrements settings and menu navigation UNITS - units select (ft-lbs, in-lbs, Nm) RECALL – Recalls last applied peak torqueFunctions∙ Track - real time display of torque∙ Peak Hold – 5 sec. flashing of peak torque on release of torque∙ First Peak – 5 sec. flashing of peak torque after initial drop off in torque ∙ Peak Torque Recall – 5 sec. flashing display last peak torque measurement Accuracy∙ Temperature: @ 22°C (72°F)CW CCW∙ Torque: ±1% ±1%of reading, 10% to 100% of full scaleDimensions: Length / WeightDTC Range∙ TORQUE: (Display Range and Resolution as shown below)Operating Temperature: 0°F to 130°F (-18°C to 54°C) Storage Temperature: 0°F to 130°F (-18°C to 54°C)Measurement Drift: TORQUE: +0.01% of reading per Degree C Humidity: Up to 90% non-condensing Battery: Three "AA" Alkaline Cells, up to 40 hours continuous operationA/C Adapter (Not included) A/C Adapter transformer, Voltage Input: 90 to 240VAC, 50-60 Hz, 0.8A P/N: (DTS8269) Voltage Output: 9VDC, Current 2.2A D/C Cigarette Lighter Receptacle D/C Adapter Cigarette, Voltage Input: 12V(Not Included) P/N: (3325-0320-01) Voltage Output: 12V, Current 5A Default Auto Shut-off: After 5 minutes idle – (Adjustable, see Settings)Model Square Drive ft-lb in-lbs Nm overload (ft-lb) 2503-F-DTC ½ in. 25.0-250.0 300-3000 34.0-339.0 312.5User InstructionsBasic Functions (Quick Start)1.PEAK FT-LBSFigure 1Install three fresh "AA" cells into battery holder.DTC Power On SequenceNote: Do not turn on DTC while torque wrench is mounted to checker, otherwise torque zero offsetwill be incorrect andDTC will indicate a torque reading when torque is removed. If this occurs, remove torque wrench from DTC and re-zero by momentarily pressing POWER qbutton. 1. Turn On DTC .Momentarily press POWER q button. CDI logo is displayed followed by torque re-zeroing screen. After re-zeroing, the torque screen is displayed. 2. Select Mode Of Operation.Toggle between PEAK, 1.PEAK and TRACK by repeatedly pressing ENTERbutton. o PEAK = Used to check Dial and or Electronic Torque Wrenches o 1.Peak = Used to check Click Style Torque Wrencheso Track = Can be used to check Dial and Electronic Torque Wrenches3. Select Units Of Measure.Toggle between IN-LBS, FT-LBS and NM by repeatedly pressing UNITS button.4. Peak Torque Recall.Recall last peak torque applied by pressing and holding RECALL R button.Main MenuMain menu displays DTC operational information.1. From torque measurement screen, press and hold ENTER button for 3 seconds.2. Use UP ☐/DOWN ❑ buttons to highlight menu selection then press ENTER button.ON/OFF AND RE-ZEROMenu Selections:o EXIT - Exits Main menu and returns to torque screen.o CYCLE COUNT - Displays torque cycle count screen.o SETTINGS - Displays DTC settings menu.o CALIBRATION – Displays password screen (see Calibration manual).3.To exit Main menu and return to torque measurement screen, press ENTER button whilemenu selection is highlighted.Note: Sleep mode turns off the DTC to conserve battery power. Do not apply torque while in sleep mode.Note: Calibration menu is password protected. Contact the CDI Repair Center regarding Calibration.0.001. PEAK FT-LBEXITCYCLE COUNTSETTINGSCALIBRATIONENTERbuttonheldMeasurement Screen Main menuEXITCYCLE COUNTSETTINGSCALIBRATIONSettings Menu SelectionPressENTERbuttonEXITSHOW INFOSLEEP TIMELCD CONTRASTPressENTERbuttonCAL: 2014/01/01CWOI: 0.00CWOR: 35CW1I: 250.10CW1R: 15931CCWOI: 0.00CCWOR: 10CCW1I: 250.10CCW1R: -15870TQZ: 18OVR CNT: 0VER: 1.0.0PressENTERButtonto EXITShow Info ScreenscreenCycle Count Screen EXITCYCLE COUNTSETTINGSCALIBRATIONMain MenuPressENTERbuttonCOUNT: 12CLEAREXITUP/DOWNbuttonsCOUNT: 0CLEAREXITPressENTERbuttonPressENTERbuttonto Exit EXITSHOW INFOSLEEP TIMELCD CONTRASTCONTRAST: 40 CONTRAST: 80PressENTERbuttonLCD Contrast Selection LCD Contrast Screen LCD Contrast Screen EXITSHOW INFOSLEEP TIMELCD CONTRASTSLEEP TIME5 MINEXITSLEEP TIME8 HREXITPressENTERbuttonUP/DOWNButtons toselectfrom2 min. to 8hrs.PressENTERbuttonto ExitBattery ReplacementReplace with three "AA" cells only.o Do not attempt to recharge alkaline cells. o Do not mix different battery types. o Replace all batteries at same time. o Store DTC in dry place.o Remove batteries when storing DTC unused longer than 3 months.Note: When Replace Battery screen is displayed DTC will no longer operate until batteries arereplaced. Only POWERbutton functions which immediately turns off DTC.Optional Power Adapters.When A/C or D/C power Adapters are used,A plug symbol will appear In LCD screen and checker does not enter sleep mode.Battery CompartmentBattery slide-out compartment0.01. PEAK FT-LBREPLACE BATTERYLOW BATTERY100% BATTERY LOW BATTERYEXITCYCLE COUNT SETTINGS CALIBRATION Press ENTER buttonENTER PASSWD0 0 0 0 0Press ENTER button 5xINVALID ID PASSWD PRESS TO EXITPress ENTER Button to EXITCalibration Menu SelectionEnter Password ScreenInvalid Password ScreenDTC OrientationProper Useo Have a solid balanced stance.o Push torque wrench at center of handle.o When torque wrench reaches audible click or buzz release torque wrench. o Push torque wrench slowly and evenly.∙ CERTIFICATIONThis DTC was calibrated at factory using torque calibration system that is traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.). Testing parameters comply with ISO 6789:2003 and ASME B107:300-2010 (B107.29). ∙ MAINTENANCE / SERVICEClean DTC by wiping with a damp cloth. DO NOT use solvents, thinners or carburetor cleaners. DO NOT immerse in anything.Service, repair and calibration are to be done by CDI Service Center only. Contact your CDI Torque Products representative.∙ CALIBRATIONContact your CDI sales representative for calibration services.Horizontal MountingClockwise Vertical Mounting Counter Clockwise Vertical MountingPush torque wrench in this direction for clockwise checkPush torque wrench in this direction for counterclockwise check1019220 San Jose Ave.City of Industry, CA 91748Phone: 626-965-0668Fax: 626-965-2410Email:*******************Website: Made in USA with US and Global Components20-3325-CDI REV. -Snap-on Tools Company Kenosha, WI 53141-1410 USAPrinted in USA14-10。


該車未配備/或 無DTC 有DTC
此故障碼存在於 ETACS ECU中
點選有DTC之ECU,右 側DTC欄反藍部份即為 所屬之DTC
回到「刪 除及讀取 所有故障 碼」選項
此故障碼存在於 ETACS ECU中 有DTC
讀取所有故障碼前,請確 認年份、車型是否正確後 再執行,否則無法讀取到 該ECU之DTC。(車型代 碼請參閱技術特徵手冊, 若無法及時查閱,建議點 選頂級車型)
全選或取 消全選
MUT-III 所有DTC讀取與刪除功能操作
中華汽車 服務部售服組技術訓練課
版本: PRG05121版以後 才有此功能 05代表2005 12代表12月 1代表第1版

博世 AutoDome 300系列PTZ摄像头系统说明书

博世 AutoDome 300系列PTZ摄像头系统说明书

u High-speed PTZ domeuFully interchangeable CPUs, cameras, housings,communications, and mountsuChoice of 540 TVL 36x day/night night camera with 128x wide dynamic range or 26x and 18x day/night camerasuOptional hybrid operation provides simultaneous analog (coax) and IP connectivity uAdvanced privacy maskingBosch’s AutoDome modular camera system is a revolutionary new concept in dome cameras and is ideal for conference venues. More than just a series of cameras, it’s a dome platform built around a system of intelligent, interchangeable modules that allow you to update camera functionality quickly and cost-effectively.300 Series highlightsThe AutoDome 300 Series includes support for 18x,26x, and the industry-leading 36x day/night PTZcameras, and several advanced features – including an alarm management “rules” engine and privacy masking.The AutoDome 300 Series supports a variety of standard and optional video and data transmission methods, including Bilinx (over coax and UTP), fiber,and even TCP/IP over Ethernet. Remote control,configuration, and firmware updates can also beperformed over these cables, offering you unparalleled control of your cameras. Cable compensation provides extended coaxial and UTP distance runs whilepreventing the image quality degradation caused by signal losses from long cable lengths.FunctionsDirect Camera controlThe DCN system can be used in the Direct Camera Control (DCC) mode. A single AutoDome system is then directly connected to a CCU for automatic camera control. The video output of the AutoDome system is connected to a monitor or other video display device. The DCC mode is available both for DCN Next Generation stand‑alone systems without a control PC and for DCN Next Generation systems with control PC. Setting AutoDome system pre-positions in DCN Next Generation systems with DCC requires use of AutoDome controller, both for DCN Next Generation stand-alone systems and PC-controlled DCN NextGeneration systems. The DCC mode can only be used in combination with:• A Bosch AutoDome•Central Control Unit DCN-CCU2 or DCN-CCUB2High-performance PTZ day/night camerasImage control and quality are integral aspects of any PTZ dome system, and the AutoDome delivers. The 300 Series is available with a choice of 18x, 26x, or an industry-leading 36x optical zoom lens, and all 300Series systems offer a full 12x digital zoom. The 18x and 26x cameras provide 470 TVL (NTSC) or 480 TVL(PAL), and the 36x camera provides a full 540 TVL of horizontal resolution for outstanding clarity and image detail. The 36x camera also incorporates technology that dramatically improves the dynamic range by 128 times. Also known as WDR (wide-dynamic range), it results in clear image reproduction in extreme high-contrast environments.The AutoScaling (proportional zoom) and AutoPivot (automatically rotates and flips the camera) features ensure optimal control.Day/night capabilities and outstanding sensitivity make 300 Series cameras exceptional performers in all lighting conditions. In low light, these cameras automatically switch from color to monochrome by removing the IR filter to boost infrared illumination sensitivity, while maintaining superior image quality. For operation in the darkest conditions, the SensUp control feature automatically extends the shutter speed to as much as one second. This increases sensitivity by more than 50 times.With super-quick, 360° per-second pan and tilt speeds, the AutoDome 300 Series outperforms other domes in its class. The 300 Series supports 99 pre-positions and two styles of guard tours: preset and record/playback. The preset tour can handle up to 99 pre-positions with a configurable dwell time between pre-positions; the order and frequency with which each preset is visited can be customized. The AutoDome 300 Series also provides support for two recorded tours, which have a combined duration of 15 minutes of movement. These are recorded macros of an operator’s movements, including pan, tilt, and zoom activities, and can be played back continuously.For more information about cameras, refer to the CCTV Data Book.VG4312CCS AutoDome 300 Series PTZ Day/Night Ana-logPAL, 18x, in ceiling, clear domeOrder number VG4-312-CCSVG4312PCS AutoDome 300 Series PTZ Day/Night Ana-logPAL, 18x, indoor, clear dome, without wall armOrder number VG4-312-PCSVG4-A-PA2 Pendant Arm Mount with 230 VAC Trans-formerPendant arm mount with power supply box for AutoDome Series cameras with a 230 VAC transformer, whiteOrder number VG4-A-PA2Represented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 12000 Portland Avenue South Burnsville MN 55337, USA Phone: +1-800-392-3497 Fax: +1-800-955-6831*********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2013 | Data subject to change without notice 1777601163 | en, V2, 03. Jun 2013。

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QUICKLINE -10 TM保护热流计法导热仪操作手册4.0 版本2003年6月第一章简介QuickLine-10热导仪可以用于测量固体材料在室温附近的导热系数。





受测样品的截面必须固定为边长25 mm 的矩形,或者是直径25 mm的圆形,或者是直径50 mm的圆形。



QuickLine-10-[3]所适用的是直径50 mm的圆形试片。

第二章测量方法2.1 ASTM E1530测试标准QuickLine-10是依照ASTM E1530来测量导热系数。




在热平衡时,被测样品会符合下列Fourier热流方程式:Rs = [(T u━T l) / Q]━R int (1)式中 Rs 为测样品的热阻T u为上面板的表面温度T l 为下面板的温度Q 为通过样品的热流量R int 为样品与上下面板表面的总的接触热阻受测样品的热阻值定义如下:Rs = d /λ (2)where d = sample thicknessλ = thermal conductivity方程式(1)是包括界面间的热阻值,因为QuickLine-10并不是直接量测受测样品本身的实际温差,而是量测和样品接触的上下金属表面间的温差。




Q = N (T l━T h) (3)where N = reference calorimeter heat transfer coefficientT l = lower plate surface temperatureT h = heat sink temperature合并方程式(2)与(3)能够获得下列与样品热阻值有关的展开式:Rs = F [(T u━T l) / (T l━T h)]━R intor Rs = F (ΔTs /ΔTr )━R int (4)where F = proportionality constantΔTs = temperature difference across the sampleΔTr = temperature difference across the reference calorimeter在实验系统的表面没有获得或逸散热流的理想情况下,参数F与参考卡计的热转移系数N互为反比。

由于QuickLine-10 所设计的样品温度接近室温,所以上述理想情况的假设与QuickLine-10的情况非常接近。

QuickLine-10必须先进行校正,才能求得方程式(4)中的参数F和R int。

方程式(4)显示Rs和 (ΔTs/ΔTr )间有线性关系。


线段的斜率代表F,线段在y轴的截距是━ R int。





虽然R int能够在实验数据中求得,但是它对于实验的准确度仍然有影响。





2.2 准确度与操作范围视样品的热阻值不同,QuickLine-10所测量的热传导系数约有3 % ~ 8 %的误差。

当方程式(4)中的R int小于Rs时,能够获得最高的准确度。

QuickLine-10所能够量测的Rs最小值为0.0002 m2K/W。

为了得到最好的结果,Rs必须大于0.0005 m2K/W。




在QuickLine-10仪器中的参考卡计是用来计算方程式(4)的比例常数F,其所能够量测的Rs上限值是0.025 m2K/W。


这种机型可以量测的Rs值范围为0.001 ~ 0.1 m2K/W。

2.3 校正样品每一台QuickLine-10导热仪配备一组3种的校正样品。

可供选择的校正样品其热阻值Rs的范围为0.0004 ~ 0.05 m2K/W。



当购买时未有特别指定的情况下,仪器所配备的校正样品其热阻值的范围为0.0008 ~ 0.016 m2K/W。

2.4 操作压力标准的QuickLine-10以气压装置提供测试区域压力。


垂直的压力可以尽量降低界面间的热阻值R int,并且让校正样品或者是未知的受测样品与仪器的接触具有再现性。

调整空气压力可以改变仪器对样品所施加的压力,范围为35 ~ 350 kPa ( 5 ~ 50 psi )。

在测试一个表面平坦的硬质样品时,以35 kPa ( 5 psi )的压力压合即足以获得良好的接触。

在某些情况下,需要以大于35 kPa ( 5 psi )的压力来进行实验,例如塑胶薄膜(参考段落2.5)。



利用放置不同重量在支撑托盘上面,可以变化操作压力,范围为5 ~ 50 kPa ( 0.7 ~ 7 psi )。

需要极高操作压力的情况下,Anter公司所制造的QuickLine-10 SX67能够提供3.5MPa ( 500 psi )的操作压力。

2.5 薄膜样品测试厚度薄的样品,例如塑胶膜、纸制品与橡胶垫等的热阻值多半低于QuickLine-10所能够正确测定的最小值。

当薄型、可挠曲的样品其热阻值Rs低于段落2.2所提及的最小值0.0005 m2K/W时,下列所提出的两种实验方法可以正确的量出其值。

将样品堆叠成数层,其量测所得的热阻值大于0.0005 m2K/W时,样品的导热系数可依下列方程式计算:λË = ( n * d ) / Rs (5)where n * d = overall thickness of n sample layersRs = measured thermal resistance of n sample layers堆叠样品的层数不要多于10层,以避免受测物的整体厚度难以正确量测。




如果堆叠10层的单层样品,所测得的热阻值仍然低于0.0005 m2K/W时,可以先将QuickLine-10所配备校正用的不锈钢块放置于测试槽下方模组的平面上,再将单层样品堆叠成数层的受测物置于校正用不锈钢块的上方,将上述两者一起进行量测。





当受测物的堆叠层数增加时,其所增加的热阻值R total只和所增加的堆叠层数有关。




2.6 执行程式QuickLine-10提供电脑的执行程式来进行数据分析。










)仪器所使用的空气压力不能大于690 kPa (100 psi)。




)将空气压力设定在10 ~ 20 psi (69 ~ 138 kPa)。


调整RAM SPEED CONTROL旋钮,可以改变加热模组升降的速度。
