目录/CONTENTS前言 (3)1产品概览 (4)2产品说明 (4)3产品功能 (5)4使用入门 (7)5安全信息 (11)6质量保证及售后服务 (13)7有毒有害物质表 (14)前言在低压配电的营业管理中,台区线超标一直以来都是让人头痛的问题,在实际工作中,没有合适手段解决线损超标,只能采用“拉闸验电”的方式进行核查。
DT2-100/220/380G型有效值电压监测仪操作使用说明书1、概述1.1 关于本说明书本说明书旨在指导用户进行DT2型电压监测仪的安装和操作。
1.2 安全性1.2.1电压监测仪的安装、维护和操作需由具有相关专业知识和技能的人员进行。
1.3 使用条件1.3.1环境温度:-25℃至+65℃1.3.2海拨高度:不超过2000M1.3.3大气条件:空气湿度不超过90%1.3.4环境条件:介质无导电尘埃1.4 产品认证2、技术参数2.1 执行标准电力工业行业标准《 DL 500—92 》2.2 基本参数2.2.1工作电压:AC 100V / 220V / 380V ±20%50Hz ± 10%三种规格同一个机型,接线方式不相同。
2.2.2本机功耗: 3V A2.2.3测量精度:0.5级2.2.4分辨率:0.1V或0.01KV2.2.5单相电压监测(三相电压监测的需另行定制)2.2.6抄表方式:掌机无线抄表,掌机红外抄表,RS232有线抄表,RS485有线抄表,短信方式抄表等多种数据传输方式,可升级到GPRS方式通讯,也可在显示屏上翻页直读。
2.2.7外形尺寸:298 ×180×97 mm2.2.8安装方式:壁挂式2.3 功能指标2.3.1实时显示:电压、时间、日期2.3.2查询过去一年内任意一天的统计数据2.3.3查询过去一年内任意一月的统计数据2.3.4查询过去一年内任意一天的24小时整点电压值(显示的只是24个整点电压,保存的可以是最短5分钟一个点的电压(5分,10分,15分,30分,60分可设),一天最多达288点电压)2.3.5日统计数据和月统计数据的项目包括(月或日的数据):(1)运行时间(2)电压合格率/ 合格时间(3)超上限率/ 超上限时间(4)超下限率/ 超下限时间(5)电压最大值/ 发生的时刻(6)电压最小值/ 发生的时刻(7)最近30条停电记录,包括停电时刻/来电时刻/停电时间。
RTU测试方法步骤V1.0.6修正时间:20150423 add by hui v1.0.4修正时间:20150427 add by hui v1.0.5修正时间:20150430 add by hui v1.0.6 增加gps\zigbee modem、远程升级、功耗测试一、RTU外设接口测试步骤及接线方法:(有图有真相哦)测试准备:RTU的默认IP地址http://,测试时先更改RTU的IP以免跟别的设备冲突。
更改RTU IP方法:打开IE输入RTU的IP地址http://,把192.168.1.2改为192.168.1.196(不能冲突,没有IP另外申请一个)。
RTU管理平台地址为:管理员:用户名admin进入WEB页面,点击“服务器参数配置”—“Edit”, 配置服务器参数为27.154.56.174,端口18000,配置如图:RTU ID号改成RTU后台管理平台上面有的(没有的话可以在管理平台—注册管理—添加设备里添加),然后重启RTU。
目录一、概述 (1)二、结构 (2)三、工作原理 (3)四、主要技术指标 (6)五、系统特点 (9)六、使用方法 (10)七、使用注意事项及常见故障维修 (19)八、装箱清单 (20)1.概述CGL044-1c电表数据采集器适用于大、中、小用户计量点电能量数据的自动采集和处理。
CGL044-1c 电表数据采集器采用液晶显示、轻触式按键,可实现当地查询和设置。
外型尺寸:260×175×95 mm31.液晶显示器2.按键3.红外接口图2:CGL044-1c外型3.工作原理工作原理参见CGL044-1c原理框图(图3)。
集系统通信协议》等标准对终端的要求。 在安装使用本终端前,请先仔细阅读本手册。
1 主要特点
1.1 高性能 32 位 CPU,大容量存储,高精度时钟, 高点阵大屏幕液晶的硬件平台,满足数据采集、 存储,高速运算,通讯,控制等要求。
概述 ..............................................................................2 主要特点 ......................................................................2 技术指标 ......................................................................3 安装与接线 ..................................................................5 安装 ..............................................................................5 端子接线说明 ..............................................................8 本地 RS232 端口 ......................................................10 红外接口 ....................................................................10 终端面板说明 ............................................................11 面板说明 ....................................................................11 指示灯说明 ................................................................12 液晶显示与键盘操作 ................................................13 运输和贮存 ................................................................15 售后服务 ....................................................................16
国网专变采集终端技术与使用说明书目录1、概述 (3)2、执行标准 (3)3、GK200技术参数 (4)3.1 型号命名 (4)3.2 供电方式 (4)3.3电源要求 (4)3.4性能指标 (4)3.5输入回路 (5)3.6输出回路 (5)3.7通道接口 (5)3.8停电运行 (5)3.9外壳与结构 (6)3.10使用环境 (6)3.11端钮盒 (6)4、GK200主要功能 (7)4.1、数据采集功能 (9)4.2数据处理功能 (9)4.3 参数设置和查询 (13)5、GK200人机交互功能 (17)5.1显示界面风格.................................................................................................................................5.2液晶使用附加说明.........................................................................................................................6、安装及接线 (18)6.1 安装准备 (18)6.2 终端安装一般要求 (18)6.3 终端接线和铺设一般要求 (18)6.4 终端安装方法 (18)1、概述GK200专变采集终端采用高性能32位的ARM微处理器、实时操作系统,具有功能强大,处理速度快,运行稳定可靠等优点。
具有电度量采集、远程抄表、电量计算、功率计算、需量计算、历史数据查询、远程或本地定值设置、功控、电控,购电控、遥测、遥信、负荷越限报警、通讯等功能,可以通过GPRS 网络等方式进行远程数据传输。
JY-I智能数据采集仪系统V1.0用户手册JY-I智能数据采集仪系统V1.0 - 1 -1、概述根据国内表盘式试验机的特点,结合检测单位检测信息管理计算机化的需求,在调查国内数十家检测单位的十几种表盘式显示试验机的实际使用状况,听取多名业内专家及实际操作员的意见基础上,经多年的研发,并在现场的使用过程中逐步积累经验和发现问题不断改进,现推出现场无需电脑采集国内首创的新产品“PKPM建材试验机智能数据采集仪”。
典型的模型就是:依托一台配置有COM通讯口的PC机,通过COM口连接一个RS232 转RS485的转换器,下驳最多可12台智能数据采集仪,实现对只能采集仪对各试验机的试验数据的集中采集。
电量采集器HT2000 使用说明书西安汇通测控技术有限责任公司一、采集器说明书(变电站电能量采集装置)HT-2000 eRTU是西安汇通测控技术有限责任公司设计的一款电能量远方终端。
本说明书包括概述、硬件描述、操作说明、超级终端操作说明等四部分,主要对HT-2000 eRTU所采用的技术、主要特点、实现原理、功能和性能指标、软件和硬件的操作使用方法等进行了详细的说明。
西安汇通测控技术有限责任公司2009年11月19日第一章概述1.0 引言HT-2000 eRTU电能量远方终端是一种用于采集、存储和转送发电厂与变电站关口表采集和生成的计量计费信息的装置。
赢创 PD 系列32路PLC外形模拟量采集模块产品使用手册此说明书适用于:1:PD3058-PLC32-V系列:16位、18位单端输入,32路PLC外形电压(30V-500V)采集模块2:PD3058-PLC32-I20mA:14位、16位单端输入,32路PLC外形20mA电流采集模块本产品从“PD3058”衍生而来,因此相关资料请参考“模拟量采集模块说明书”V2.2 2015-05-061 概述1.1:PD3058-PLC32-V,16位、18位单端输入,32路电压采集模块此模块的最大应用领域是串联电池组单体电压测量,常用规格如下:量程规格 应用领域 分压电阻比例 AD满度实际测量范围30V 30V以内电压测量 390K:3.24K 256mV -20V左右 到 +31V60V 60V以内电压测量787K:3.24K 256mV -40V左右 到 +62V 基站2V电池串联的48V电池组160V 120V以内电压测量 2.2M:3.24K 256mV -110V 到 +173260V 12V电池18节串联,总电压216V,最高260V 3.3M:3.24K 256mV -120V 到 +260V500V 12V电池24节串联,总电压288V,最高350V 3.3M:3.24K 512mV -240V 到 +521V1.2:PD3058-PLC32-I20mA,14位、16位单端输入,32路20mA电流采集模块★、32路20mA采集,接口全带保护,可以带电安装2线变送器。
2线变送器的正极接电源正极,变送器的负极接INx 输入端。
1.3:模块外形尺寸:155*110*602 模块图片2.1:32路电压采集模块2.2:32路电流采集模块2.3 模块接口电源(+ 、-)接供电8V-30V的正负极。
DT-3型电压监测仪说明书目录一、产品简介 (1)二、产品型号说明及主要技术参数 (1)三、产品原理图 (2)四、产品数据采集 (2)1.GPRS无线通讯模块采集 (2)2.GSM短信采集 (2)3.RS485通讯采集 (2)五、通信管理系统 (3)六、监测终端设备功能 (4)七、产品按键说明 (6)八、产品安装 (6)九、产品外形尺寸图 (8)不会由于人为的误操作给您或您的单位带来不必要的损失。
DT3型100V/220V/380V电压监测仪根据DL/T 500-2009《电压监测仪订货技术条件》研发设计,是供电和用电部门、企业监测与统计工频电压有效值的智能仪表。
GPRS公网、GSM 短信均属于无线通讯,无线通信模块采用同一种型号,通信模块具备工业级标准,三种方式有各自的优点。
P5122P5122 ENCORE P5122 PROMOPassive High Voltage ProbesP5100A-TPP0850-P5122-P5150-P6015A DatasheetSafe high voltage probe solutions for ground-referenced voltage testing. It is critical to safely and accurately capture real-time signal information from "elevated" or "floating" voltage systems. Our portfolio of high voltage probes provides the safety you need for single-ended, differential or isolated measurements.Key performance specificationsP5100ADC to 500 MHz2500 V Peak , 1000 V RMS CAT II 100X with readout coding TPP0850DC to 800 MHz2500 V Peak , 1000 V RMS CAT II 50X with readout codingDesigned for use with the MSO/DPO5000 and MSO/DPO4000B Series Oscilloscopes P5122DC to 200 MHz1000 V RMS CAT II when DC-coupled*1100 XFloatable up to 600 V RMS CAT IIFor TPS2000 and THS3000 Series OscilloscopesP5150DC to 500 MHz2500 V Peak , 1000 V RMS CAT II 50 XFloatable up to 600 V RMS CAT II or 300 V RMS CAT III For TPS2000 and THS3000 Series Oscilloscopes P6015ADC to 75 MHzHigh Voltage - 20 kV DC / 40 kV Peak (100 ms Pulse Width)Optional 1000X readout codingApplicationsPower supply designDesign motor drive Electronic ballast Power semiconductors Switch mode control UPS systems Power convertersP5100A High-Voltage ProbeThe P5100A is a low input capacitance, high-voltage probe (2.5 kV)designed for higher-frequency applications. The probe can becompensated to match plug-ins and oscilloscopes with nominal input capacitances of 7-30 pF. A variety of screw-on accessories provide easyconnection to the device-under-test.TPP0850 High-Voltage ProbeThe TPP0850 offers the industry's highest bandwidth probe (800 MHz) for high-voltage signals (up to 2500 V p-p). This is ideal for testing power semiconductors and switch-mode power supplies, which continue to increase in switching speed to minimize power loss, creating a need for faster rise time, higher bandwidth, and higher voltage probes. TheTPP0850 meets this need and can be used with switching transistor circuits operating at 1200 V RMS, above the voltage operating range of standard general-purpose probes. It will also be able to accommodate emerging power applications that will require even faster rise time capabilities.P5150 and P5122 IsolatedChannel™ApplicationsIn many applications, it is important to be able to isolate the measurement from earth ground and also to isolate the common voltage between channels. The P5150 or P5122, coupled with the TPS2000 and THS3000 Series digital storage oscilloscopes, deliver both the isolation for the measurement from earth ground and full isolation between the channels. The P5150 is the recommended probe for measuring ripple on high-voltage DC supplies. The P5122 probe should not be used on the TPS2000 Series oscilloscopes for AC-coupled measurements on signals with greater than 300 V DC offset.P6015A High-Voltage ProbeFor heavy-duty high-performance measurements of voltages over 2.5 kV, the P6015A is the industry standard. You can measure DC voltages up to 20 kV RMS and pulses up to 40 kV (peak, 100 ms duration). The 75 MHz bandwidth enables you to capture fast, high-voltage signals.The P6015A uses an environmentally safe silicone compound for a dielectric and never needs refilling. Other features include: A 7-49 pF compensation range, small compensation box that fits on adjacent amplifier inputs, and a readout option for use with most Tektronix digital scopes. With the readout option, displayed voltage amplitude values will be the actual signal value rather than understated by a factor of 1,000.Note: Using the readout version with other than Tektronix digital oscilloscopes may result in an erroneous readout display.DatasheetPassive High Voltage ProbesSpecificationsAll specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.Model overviewEMC environment and safetyP5100A UL61010-031, EN61010-031, IEC61010-031, CSA61010-031TPP0850UL61010-031, EN61010-031, IEC61010-031, CSA61010-031P5122UL61010-1, UL61010B-2-031, CSA61010-1P5150UL61010-031, EN61010-031, IEC61010-031, CSA61010-031P6015A UL3111-1, EN61010-1, IEC61010-2-031, CSA1010.1, CSA1010.2.031DatasheetOrdering informationModelsP5100A/TPP0850100X, High Voltage ProbesIncludes: Large hook tip (013-0389-xx), small hook tip (013-0388-xx), 6 in. ground lead (196-3526-xx), 18 in. ground lead(196-3527-xx), ground spring (214-5299-xx), crocodile clip (344-0461-xx), adjustment tool (003-1433-xx), color bands (016-1886-xx), instruction manual.P5122100X, High-voltage Probe for TPS2000/B and THS3000 Series Oscilloscopes.Includes accessory kit (020-3046-xx) Contents: large retractable hook tip, lead with hook tip, lead with crocodile clip, adjustmenttool, instruction manual, ground spring.P515050X, High-voltage Probe for TPS2000/B and THS3000 Series Oscilloscopes.Includes: Large hook tip (013-0389-xx), small hook tip (013-0388-xx), 6 in. ground lead (196-3526-xx), 18 in. ground lead(196-3527-xx), common spring (214-5299-xx), crocodile clip (344-0461-xx), color bands (016-1886-xx), adjustment tool (003-1433-xx), instruction manual.P6015A1000X, 3-meter High-voltage Probe.Includes: Hook probe tip (206-0463-xx), banana plug tip (134-0016-xx), crocodile clip - plugs onto ground lead (344-0461-xx),ground lead (196-3363-xx), carrying case (016-1147-xx), instruction manual (070-8223-xx), probe tip (206-0116-xx).Recommended accessories (for P5100A, TPP0850, P5150)Probe Tip to BNC Adapter013-0291-xx0.080 in. diameter Spring Tip206-0060-xxWarrantyOne year parts and labor.OptionsOptions (P6015A only)Option 1R3-meter length with readoutService options (P6015A)Opt. C3Calibration Service 3 YearsOpt. C5Calibration Service 5 YearsOpt. D1Calibration Data ReportOpt. D3Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Opt. C3)Opt. D5Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Opt. C5)Opt. R3Repair Service 3 Years (including warranty)Opt. R5Repair Service 5 Years (including warranty)Service options (TPP0850)Opt. C3Calibration Service 3 YearsOpt. C5Calibration Service 5 YearsOpt. D1Calibration Data ReportOpt. D3Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Opt. C3) Opt. D5Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Opt. C5) Opt. R3Repair Service 3 Years (including warranty)Opt. R5Repair Service 5 Years (including warranty)Tektronix is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by SRI Quality System Registrar.Passive High Voltage ProbesDatasheetASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900 Austria 00800 2255 4835*Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777 Belgium 00800 2255 4835*Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627 Canada180****9200Central East Europe and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777 Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777 Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777 France 00800 2255 4835*Germany 00800 2255 4835*Hong Kong 400 820 5835 India 000 800 650 1835 Italy 00800 2255 4835*Japan 81 (3) 6714 3010 Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777 The Netherlands 00800 2255 4835*Norway 800 16098People's Republic of China 400 820 5835 Poland +41 52 675 3777 Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea 001 800 8255 2835 Russia & CIS +7 (495) 6647564 South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain 00800 2255 4835*Sweden 00800 2255 4835*Switzerland 00800 2255 4835*Taiwan 886 (2) 2722 9622 United Kingdom & Ireland 00800 2255 4835*USA180****9200* European toll-free number. If not accessible, call: +41 52 675 3777 Updated 10 April 2013 For Further Information. Tektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology. Please visit . Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification andprice change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies.17 Nov 2015 56W-10262-12 P5122P5122 ENCORE P5122 PROMO。
进入菜单:终端参数查看,记录终端 地址,如3200-43226
1、监测线路未接; 2、监测等级设置错误;
感 谢 聆 听!
接线端子: 工作电源和监测电 源接入端子
01-2 安装尺寸
安装尺寸:218*144mm,安装示意图 如下:
01-3 接线端子
打开电源端子盖,在接线端子中 出现“1L 1N”形式的标识的电压端子。NET NhomakorabeaAB
1L 1N 2L 2N
终端可监测 100V、220V、 380V,只需要 修改相应的电压
1.第一路日统计 2.第一路月统计 3. 第一路测点事件 4. 装置事件记录 5.装置参数设置 6.厂家管理设置 7.装置信息查询 8.装置通道状态 9.重启装置
03-3 参数二级菜单
1.通讯参数设置 2.测点工作参数设置 3.装置工作参数设置
04 终端常见故障及处理
04-1 终端常见故障
装置离线 1
装置在线, 系统内离线
3 系统装置在线无统计数据
04-2 装置篇
模块损坏,需更换电压监测仪, 返厂维修
1、检查SIM卡是否完好; 2、检查SIM卡安装是否牢固; 3、与底座接触是否良好; 4、重新固定SIM卡 5、调整后重启终端,验证登陆情况.
国网专变采集终端技术与使用说明书目录1、概述 (3)2、执行标准 (3)3、GK200技术参数 (4)3.1 型号命名 (4)3.2 供电方式 (4)3.3电源要求 (4)3.4性能指标 (4)3.5输入回路 (5)3.6输出回路 (5)3.7通道接口 (5)3.8停电运行 (5)3.9外壳与结构 (6)3.10使用环境 (6)3.11端钮盒 (6)4、GK200主要功能 (7)4.1、数据采集功能 (9)4.2数据处理功能 (9)4.3 参数设置和查询 (13)5、GK200人机交互功能 (17)5.1显示界面风格.................................................................................................................................5.2液晶使用附加说明.........................................................................................................................6、安装及接线 (18)6.1 安装准备 (18)6.2 终端安装一般要求 (18)6.3 终端接线和铺设一般要求 (18)6.4 终端安装方法 (18)1、概述GK200专变采集终端采用高性能32位的ARM微处理器、实时操作系统,具有功能强大,处理速度快,运行稳定可靠等优点。
具有电度量采集、远程抄表、电量计算、功率计算、需量计算、历史数据查询、远程或本地定值设置、功控、电控,购电控、遥测、遥信、负荷越限报警、通讯等功能,可以通过GPRS 网络等方式进行远程数据传输。
地理交通M :优用2MU5公Nh 沪优甬寓連公杯績出人口. 3加逍 tt$:宁昨IfM 际机场(E 余績仍公星) *M :杭甬运阿机州■山19际机场(E 余R 熔判P ——世称帝舜.是屮华民M 逊于原的社会驼期那 痣大联刃的着名領袖.他级唐尧而承首长(帝位)・成 为上古五帝之一.余紈名称的由来:境内有旬余山及魏水味《r, tt* 名为余娩.舜出生從余境的娩壊.余加是虞舜的故里.阳:太阳.朝阳.余仪地处大站东甯沿祥・屋着名的河H;旄盘二"; 地,是历史文化底■深斥的江*水乡、文献名邦;余龍 维处东方,是量早升起太阳的地方.•彝阳”商标.寓童從水乡江飢一轮红日正冉冉 升起.很1£看东方水乡古城充満了生机、活力和希壇.注:阳“育标是本企业fiwnwn 政管環朋育标局批扈统计式电质些测仪使用说明书.“鼻阳"育标转义的注册商标.注®i£»r7OM7号地理交通M:优用公踣:沪优甬寓連公杯鏡出人口. 32^fli8 tt$:宁昨社回反机场(E余做址星)*M:Mi«M忱州■山僅际机场<E*tt7S^«)ft——世称帝舜.是中华民族处于原始社会*期那落大联91的着名領袖.他握唐尧而承首长(帝位)・成为上古五帝之一.余紈名称的由来:境内有旬余山及加水tttt. tt« 名为余舜出生在余筑的Mtt.余姚是虞舜的故里• 阳:太阳.朝阳.余姚地处大站东隋沿敞屋署名的河H;旄乂二f;地,是历史文化底■探斥的江电水乡、文献名邦;余龍址处东方,是最事升趁太阳的地方.*阳”商标.寓童崔水乡江飢一絵红日正冉冉升起.象征着东方水乡古城充満了生机、活力和希壇.注:阳”育标是本企业轻M家工育行政管JW 标局批虐的注册■标.注册i£第2(X47号概述.................................................主要技术性能 ................................面板功能.........................................安装与接线...........操作说明...............校准.......................常见“故障“的分析与排除仪表系统配置 ...........仪表分类...............户外接线端子箱安装方法…卜一、数据通倍 ........................... 十二、可第性统计功能.........................十三、对显示和操作权限的设豎• “命阳”育标转义4、丘、疋、七、人、(1 ) (1 ) (5 ) (10) (16) (23) (26)(28)(29)(30)(31 )(32) (36)十四、I路每日毎Smin诡:i J伯⑺;!1取(371・1 *擬述 主要技术性能 面板功能 安装与接线 操作说明 校准 常见“故障“的分析与排除 仪表系统配置 仪表分类 户外接线端子箱安装方法… 、数据通信 可靠性统计功能 ........... 对显示和操作权限的设豎2011年7月版习〕匸门二;二;:工;匾二:::m 二■龙门二;;:£ JW-L a」「Jd么:£■ JMLz 狂▲▲V A X I _b▲•£y•^Fj ■ • .• F , r t^i c °j . — . ■ I A J" *^l : ♦ tT • • V . • I >J K * K ✓十 ■ • 4 v 4/ ifK■ ♦ ♦ ■_r • ■么•已 导厶兀(亠 1^- J.■■ 片^T7_ J4匕 丄乂■iL^I ih .t亠iwia ▲ ,u 鼻▲厶• y ・上匚4・L 亠$丄■丄■▲“■L 佗匚乙1洽^^・、&H HE M 圧无U -王诃.E 工;X LL Z ;丄;£ 3二 U FWm 莎电 *tmiLIEfLjI^t 訂 cnw^i^TTm^^T 厂二厂 mTZ^ 厂门 :F \》u ■ ■・■工「r 丁二厂章二 w 二 丁 t :汙七 ・■」<3*丘<电小|彳丄JML, N 八一亠;庄MLE.-Jd •▼甘为方便用户对电圧监测仪的检定,本产品已几备与电fESXM 仪检定仪的联机接口,能够方便地实现联机检定;可灵 活设定月统计起始日,方便用户辅以功鸽强劲的塚合实现电压监测数据的鋭计汇总、报表生成网 快速上报.2.1 ttH •对象町对为PT~57.7Vjftl00V 的3kV 及以上高圧电网电圧.220V 电圧或是3S0V 电压信号进行采*、昼示、分类 ・以一次电压形式星示出来.十四、【路每日毎5min 闲:i J 値⑺:》取 (371 4、&、-K 、; 七、■K , 卜一 卜二、 十三、(1 ) (1 ) (5 ) (10) (16) (23) (26) (28) (29)(30) (31 ) (32) (36)二、主要技术性能KW ■皿Mm 必皿叫 2011年7月版•3・执行标准:中华人民共和国电力行业标准DL500-2009《电压监测仪使用技术*件》.DTK DT5糸刊统计式屯压监测仪一■槪述舜阳MDT1. DT5M 列统计式电压监测仪.是以MCS-96M 列離片•十Att«t 机为核心的高档电网电压质*监测统廿仪 它能对汝入的电压信号进行转拱处理,庄时伸的同步控划下.自动统计和分析乞琐电压值并上存.供用户选择读出.可 "虽多为三路电网削压信号(PTlt 出-57.7V. 1OOV. 22OV 或3BOV )进行采集.显示、分类嫌计.是电力糸貌监测、考 电网电圧质量的必备手段之一.对于/B 察列.采用■壳便携式结构;对于/C 累列.采用佚壳槽影表结构;对于/CM 列.采用86集列三相电能表 盘及专用罩壳捶式结构;对于DT5/GM 列采用新颖的ABSffiH 结构.外观亮欧 站实、安装便捷、使用方便.由/采 离档瞅片微机及大規模IC 及SMT 发面貼製技术'并轻过多年的市场应用和枕礼.证明仪农功能强.具有很高的可廉性。
12When connecting aluminium conductors, ensure that the contact surfaces of the conductors are cleaned, brushed and treated with grease.Re-tighten contacts terminals after 6 to 8 weeks' time.Conditions for Delivery and SaleFor domestic business, the Standard Terms for Delivery of Products and Services of the Electrical Industry (ABB Form 2292) shall apply in connection with the Standard Sale Terms (ABB Form 2327) in their then applicable version. For foreign business, the Standard Terms for Delivery of Products and Services of the Electrical Industry (ABB Form 2293 German-English, or ABB Form 2294 German- French) shall apply in connection with the Standard Sales Terms (ABB-Form 2381 English) in their then applicable version.WarrantyWe assume warranty in accordance with the Standard Sale and Delivery Terms. Complaints shall be made in writing within eight days following receipt of the goods.Technical information and illustrations are not binding and subject to change without notice.Residual current operated circuit-breakerF 360 X seriesContents pageGeneral Overview (4)Possible applications (6)Technical descriptionsTechnical data (5)Installation and operation instructions (8)Dimension drawings (9)Usage in various types of circuits (10)Definitions (14)Selection tablesResidual current operated circuit-breaker F 360 X, busbars (11)Busbar blocks, end caps (12)Accessories (13)34Residual current operated circuit-breakerF 360 X seriespulse shape 8/20, Î = 250 Aaccording to DIN VDE 0432 Partand IEC 60-2pulse shape according to IEC 1008(0.5 µs/100 Hz)SK51Z95SK92Z94OverviewThe residual current operated circuit-breaker (RCCB) F 360 X has a balancing transformer with a permanentmagnet release for measuring.It detects:b a.c. fault currents and is surge proof up to 250 ATransient, excessive residual current impulses may result from ripple voltage generated by e.g.switching of fluorescent lamps, x-ray equipment, IT systems and the use of thyristor controls.In connection with an upstream type gL 100A fuse , F 360 X may withstand solid short-circuit currents of upto 10 kA ().It is also possible to use a STOTZ selective main circuit breaker type S 700 E 100 instead of a fuse.RCCB F 360 X is suitable for an ambient temperature range of – 25 °C / -13° F to + 55 °C / 131° F.Protection against electric shockMeasures against electric shock:b protection in the case of indirect touch (indirect protection of persons) and fault protectionwhen disconnecting impermissibly high touch voltages caused by short-circuit to exposedconductive parts.b protection in the case of direct touch (direct protection of persons) – disconnection as additionalprotection where live conductors are touched directly.Hazardous shock currents are disconnected within no time if the rated residual current of thedevice is I̅nͨ 30 mA.b protection against electrically ignited fire (fire protection) – if the rated residual current of the deviceis I̅nͨ 300 mA .Field of applicationTo attain a higher degree of safety in all installations, as well as in areas for which mandatory rules provide foror recommend residual current protective devices.SK132BF 362 XF 364 XSK134B2 Surge strenght (see page 5)5Technical datastandards:IEC 1008, EN 61008 BS 4293No. of poles: 2 and 4 poles rated current I n :80 and 100 A rated residual currents I ̅n :30 mA tripping range:0.5 ... 1· I ̅n tripping times at1 · I ̅n :ͨ 200 ms 5 · I ̅n :ͨ 40 mssurge strength:250 A (impulse wave shape 8/20)(pulse shape see page 4)200 A (ring wave 0.5 µs/100 kHz)rated residual making &breaking current I ̅m :1000 A rated switching capacity I m :1000 A rated short-circuit current I nc :6000 A rated residual short-circuit current I ̅c :6000 Ashort-circuit withstand capacity:10000 A; in connection withSTOTZ selective main circuit-breaker S 700 E 100 A or an upstream fuse type gL 100 A rated voltage U n :230/400 V ȁfrequency:50 ... 60 Hz max. service voltage U smax :U n + 10%operative range of testing equipment U T :100 ... 264 V ȁinsulation co-ordination:according to DIN VDE 0110 Parts 1 and 2–overvoltage category:IV –pollution degree:2–surge voltage (1,2/50 µs): 6 kV –power-frequencyvoltage strength (50/60 Hz): 2.5 kVcasing:grey moulded plastic (RAL 7035)operating lever:black test button:blackdegree of protection:IP 20, IP 40 in the distribution board protection against electric shock:according to DIN VDE 0106, Part 100overall dimensions:according to DIN 43880 size code 1mounting position:anyfixing:snap-on to DIN rails connection cross section top:1.5 to 25 mm 2 bottom: 1.5 to 25 mm 2connection:individually or collectively via a busbarterminals: top:combined box terminal using M5-type screws bottom:box terminal using M5-type screws serviceable life:at least 5000 switching cycles climatic resistance according to IEC 1008 / IEC 68 Part 2-30:damp heat, cyclic (28 cycles)ambient temperature:T min – 5 °C / 23°F, T max + 55 °C / 131°F virbration resistance:according to IEC 1008, EN 61008trip-free mechanism:yesweight:see selection tablefor definitions, see page 14àfine-stranded conductors shall be fitted with a connector sleeve or a cable lugResidual current operated circuit-breaker F 360 X series6For universal use in normal circuits STOTZ-RCCBFor additional protection of socket outlet circuitsSTO TZ people protectorResidual current protective devicesPossible areas of applicationS K 0030 B 94S K 0027 B 94S K 0028 B 94S K 0029 B 94S K 0031 B 947To achieve a high degree of service security STO TZ Main RCCB For commercial and industrial power installations STO TZ ”multiSTO TZ”Residual current protective devices Possible areas of applicationS K 0032 B 94S K 0035 B 94S K 0033 B 94S K 0034 B 94S K 0036 B 948Mounting and operation instructions1. MountingInstall in any desired mounting position by means of snap-on fastening to DIN rails EN 50022,35 mm.Caution:Installation and removal mustbe carried out by authorised personnel only2. AnschlußEnsure proper, secure connection Incoming supply from above or below. To ensure proper test button functionality ofof conductorsfour-pole RCCBs operated as two-pole devices, connect terminals 5 and 7 or, as the case may be, 6 and 8. In the case of a 3-phase circuit with U n 127/230 V (without neutral Max. pick-up torque 3 Nmconductor N) terminals 4 and 8 have to be bridged.3. O peration F 360 is switched ON and OFF with the black operating lever.4. O perating testNo maintenace other than To carry out the operating test, the circuit-breaker must be properly installed. Press the test the monthly operating test button in the ON position, and the RCCB must trip immediately (the operating lever jumps from is required.position ”I” to ”0”).5. Test of effectiveness of protectionIn addition to the operating test, test the effectiveness of the circuit-breaker's protection of the installation according to the applicable code of practice. The maximum permissible earth/electrode resistance for rcd protection is as follows:max permissible max. permissible earth-electrode resistance touch voltage U L if rated residual current is 30 mA 100 mA 300 mA 25 V 833 ⏲250 ⏲83 ⏲50 V1666 ⏲500 ⏲166 ⏲6. CleaningDirty RCCBs may be cleaned with a damp cloth moistened with soapy water if dry cleaning is impossible. Never use caustic detergents or solvents.7. MalfunctioningThe high-quality STOTZ residual current operated circuit-breakers are throurougly adjusted and tested in our works. Where damage occurs (caused e.g. by transport, storage , etc.) no repair work must be undertaken.If the device responds immediately after putting the RCCB into operation, check the down-stream active circuit and any connected current-consuming appartus for earth fault current.Remove insulation faults or connections between the neutral conductor and the protective conductor existing in load circuit.Where the RCCB does not trip in the first operating test after pressing the test button, check first whether the test circuit is connected correctly. Where none of the above causes apply, or should the operating test be completed unsuccessfully, the RCCB must be replaced.Opening the device will lead to a loss of warranty.Residual current operated circuit-breaker F 360 X seriesS K 0213Z 00S K 0012 Z 96S K 0272 Z98S K 0019 Z 97dismountingmountingon off9Dimension drawingsall measurements in mmResidual current operated circuit-breaker F 360 X series AccessoriesTerminal coversSK 0136 Z 96PCD 2 NPCD 4 N PCD 6 NSK 0137 Z 96PCD 8 NSK 0138 Z 96F 362 X F 364 XS K 0212 Z 00F 362 X, F 364 XCasing of insulation materialQES 4/3 NQES 6/3 NS K 0078 Z 98S K 0079 Z 98S K 0150 Z 93Mounting railsDSW 4 and 6codeA A1DSW 117.515DSW 23520DSW 352.537.5DSW 47055DSW 61059010TN-C-S systemneutral and protective conductor (PEN) combined in one part of the networkቢonly indicated by line isolation monitorIT systemThe residual current operated circuit-breaker trips if a double fault occurs, as e.g. is indicated as fault 1 and fault 2 above.TT systemExplanation of abbreviations L1, L2, L3”l ine” outer conductorPE ”p rotection e arth” protective conductor N ”n eutral”PEN PE and N combined T”t erre” direct bond to earthI ”i solation”C ”c ombined” PE and N (PEN) in the network S”s eparated” PE and N in the network”...”terms used in international IEC standardsS K 0040 Z 94Residual current operated circuit-breakerExamples for protection against electric shockS K 0017 Z 95TN-S systemseparate neutral and protective conductors throughout the network S K 0038 Z 94S K 0005 Z 9711Residual current operated circuit-breaker F 360 X series 80 and 100 ASelection tablerated rated order details bbn price price weight pack.residual current - 1 piece group 1 pc.unit current I n I ̅n mAAtype codeorder codeEANDMkgpc.S K133 B 00F 362 XS K 0135 B 00F364 XF 360 X seriesResidual current operated circuit-breaker F 362 X, 2 poles 3080 F 362-80/0,03GH F362 0046 R2620-0.2801100F 362-100/0,03GH F362 0046 R2630-0.280Residual current operated circuit-breaker F 364 X, 4 poles 3080 F 364-80/0,03GH F364 0046 R2620-0.4301100F 364-100/0,03GH F364 0046 R2630-0.430Busbarscross length no. of order details bbnprice price weight pack section poles40 12233 1 piece group 1 pc.unitmm 2mmtype codeorder codeEANDMkg pc.Universal comb busbars for cross-wiring STOTZ RCCBs F 360 X from below with STOTZ MCB S 2Single-phase feederMounting comb busbars in no way affects protection against unintentional touch of live parts according to DIN VDE 0106Part 100.1221012 x 1SZ-KS 1/12GJI 2 322 322 R000159790 10.0151002421012 x 1SZ-KS 2/12GJI 2 322 322 R000359810 60.031100Mounting rails (EN 50022 – 35 x 7.5)mounted individually with 2 screws on an even surface (1 module = 17.5 mm)for 2 modules DSW 2GH S210 1926 R000213590 50.01210for 3 modules DSW 3GH S210 1926 R000313600 10.01810for 4 modules DSW 4GH S210 1926 R000413610 00.02410for 6 modulesDSW 6GH S210 1926 R000613620 90.03010S K 0091 B 93DSW 2 (6)SZ-KS 1/12SZ-KS 2/12SK 0014 Z 0112Residual current operated circuit-breaker Busbar blocksend caps:PSB-END 3end caps:PSB-END 4end caps:PSB-END 3SK 0119 Z 96SK 0120 Z 96SZ-PSB 97 NSK 0121 Z 96PSB-ENDSK 0073 Z 91Busbar blocks for RCCBs withcombined box terminal(no connectors required)(bottom end cap)cross length no. of order details bbnprice weight pack section x polestype 40 12233 1 pc. 1 pc.unit mm²mmcodeorder codeEANDMkgpc.for RCCB type F 362 X,2 polesfeeder:1 phase + N10213 6 x 2SZ-PSB 53 N GH V036 0874 R003154940 50.0783010103529 x 2SZ-PSB 54 N GH V036 0874 R003254950 40.4031016213 6 x 2SZ-PSB 55 N GH V036 0874 R003354960 30.1063016103529 x 2SZ-PSB 56 NGH V036 0874 R003454970 20.53410type F 364 X,4 poles3 phases + N10213 3 x 4SZ-PSB 61 N GH V036 0874 R003955020 30.1123010105615 x 4SZ-PSB 62 N GH V036 0874 R004055030 20.6501016213 3 x 4SZ-PSB 63 N GH V036 0874 R004155040 10.1563016105615 x 4SZ-PSB 64 NGH V036 0874 R004255050 00.88410for combination of RCCB type F 364 X, 4 poles + MCB S 260, S 270, S 280feeder:3 phases + N102133x3+2x1SZ-PSB 97 N GH V036 0875 R00255549040.0993010101815 x 4SZ-PSB 98 N GH V036 0875 R002655500 00.480103x3+2x1(N recess)End caps for shock-protected busbar blocksPSB-END 5GH L520 1921 R000597410 80.00150PSB-END 6GH L520 1921 R000697420 70.00150PSB-END 3GH V036 1325 R000155630 40.00150PSB-END 4GH V036 1352 R000255640 30.00150S K 0074 Z 9113Residual current operated circuit-breaker Accessoriesdescription order details bbnprice weight pack 40 12233 1 piece 1 pc.unit type codeorder code EAN DM kg pc.Terminal cover with base plate, degree of protection IP 20The terminal cover is snapped onto the base plate and is sealable.The base plate has an integrated top-hat mounting rail.for 2 modules PCD 2 N GH S270 1921 R000212402 6 ባ0.08 1for 4 modules PCD 4 N GH S270 1921 R000412404 0 ባ0.14 1for 6 modules PCD 6 N GH S270 1921 R000612406 4 ባ0.175 1for 8 modules PCD 8 N GH S270 1921 R000812408 8 ባ0.63 1earth (PE) rail ቢES GH S270 1912 R000136660 60.0810blanking plateBPGH S270 1913 R000112857 4 ባ0.005101 module = 17.5 mm(half normal module width)ቢ for retrofitting into terminal cover PCD...Casing of insulating material, degree of protection IP 55package includes mounting rails EN 50 022 and 3 or 5 cable entry grommets Pg 21for 4 modules, knockouts: on top 1 x Pg 21, on bottom 2 x Pg 21with 2 grommets QES 4/3 N GH L111 2304 R001312644 0 ባ0.330 1for 6 modules, knockouts: 3 x Pg 21 on each top and bottom with 2 grommets QES 6/3 NGH L111 2306 R001312646 4 ባ0.4201casing for 10 modules (QES 10/3 N) upon requestባ bbn No. 80 0012QES 4/3 NS K 0019 B 98PCD 4 NS K 0077 B 96PCD 8 NS K 0079 B 9614Residual current operated circuit-breaker DefinitionsExtracts from DIN VDE 0664 Part 101/EN 61008-1...+A17:2000:Rated residual making and breaking capacity I ∆mThe rated residual making and breaking capacity is the r.m.s. value of the a.c. component of residual prospective current, assigned by the manufacturer, which an RCCB can make, carry and break under specific circumstances.Rated making and breaking capaity (rated switching capacity) I mThe rated making and breaking capacity is the r.m.s. value of the a.c. component of prospective current,assigned by the manufacturer, which an RCCB can make, carry and break under specific circumstances.Rated conditional short-circuit current I ncThe rated conditional short-circuit current is the r.m.s. value of prospective current, assigned by the manufacturer, which an RCCB, protected by an SCPD, can withstand under specified conditions without undergoing alterations impairing its functions.Rated conditional residual short-circuit current I ∆cRated conditional residual short-circuit current is the value of the prospective residual current, assinged by the manufacturer, which an RCCB, protected by an SCPD, can withstand under specific conditions without undergoing alterations impairing its functions.Protection ensured by types AC, A and B residual current devices (RCD) according to CEI IEC 755form ofcorrect functioning of residual current devices 1)residual currenttypesAC A Bsinusodial a.c.suddenly applied +++slowly risingpulsating d.c.suddenly applied with and without ++superimosed smoothd.c. of 6 mAslowly risingsmooth d.c.+1)correct functioning is marked with an +Classification of STO TZ residual-current-operated devicestypes AC A B F 360F 370 F 804F 360 X F 390 F 220 BFF 660F 670F 694F 270P 270F 402S K 0005 Z 96S K 0003 Z 96S K 0001 Z 961516P u b . N o . G S K 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 S 0 2 0 1For classic installation applicationsThe modular System pro M for installation on DIN rails incor-porates Europe’s best-selling miniature circuit-breakers and residual-current-operated circuit-breakers as well as a com-plete range of built-in devices.The system components have been designed with various functions and performance capabilities and are therefore able to optimally cover the complete range of applications in build-ing installation:b conventional domestic electrical installationsb industrial and commercial installationsb protection and switch functionsb checking and monitoring tasksb control and time-dependent tasks etc.System pro M compactȭThe extension of System pro M for targeted use in domestic electrical installations stands out due to its compact and easily comprehensible range of miniature circuit-breakers, residual-current-operated circuit-breakers and cross wiring tools as well as an optimized installation technology taking into ac-count the special circumstances and requirements of domestic electrical installations.System ConnectThis pioneering system concept contains seamlessly inte-grated system units – consisting of miniature circuit-breakers and residual-current-operated circuit-breakers as well as apparatus racks and flush-mounted wall boxes - was de-signed to suit the special requirements of domestic electrical The entire System Connect was developed by ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT and Striebel & John, within the framework of their successful system partnership.EIB Installation SystemsFor intelligent Building InstallationHighly modern, programmable installation systems with bus technology based on the European EIB standard.ABB i-busȭ EIBSystem with special 2-core bus cable, primarily for new buildings.ABB Powernet EIBSystem for retrofitting in existing buildings. Transfer of information via the existing network.Security SystemsAll-in-one ProtectionWide range of security systems and components: intruder and fire alarm systems, radio-controlled alarm systems, door locking system and signalling components.During the century-long experience of the company, it has always contributed pioneering solutions to the safe applica-tion of electricity.Today, ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH is an integral part of the ABB Group, a major player on the electrical and electronic markets.ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH P.O. Box 10 16 80D-69006 Heidelberg Germany Phone ++ 49 ( 62 21) 701 - 0 Fax ++ 49 ( 62 21) 701 - 723 www.abb-stotz-kontakt.de。
D-126DINSTRUMENTATIONCALIBRATOR FORVOLTAGE AND CURRENTMODEL CLGIncludes test leads and carrying caseas shownCLG$1190Model ShownShown smaller than actual sizeCALIBRATOR FOR VOLTAGE AND CURRENT, MODEL CLGD-127Special functions:1. Fixed steps (programmable, 10%or 20% divisions)2. Signal ramping (up/dwell/down)Reference:22°C ±1Calibration: Traceable to National Standards with correlation to NIST Long Term Stability:0.02% / year of spanIndicated Accuracies:Specified for 15to 35°C. Outside these limits; ±1lsd max. on zero and ±0.001% /°C of span Operating Temperature:-10 to + 50°C (14 to 122°F)Storage Temperature:-20 to + 70°C (-4 to 158°F)Warm Up Time:2 minutes to rated accuracyRelative Humidity: 0 to 90% non-condensingInput/Output Protection:70 Volts on millivolt input, 30 Volts on outputs, 200Volts on Volts inputInput/Output Isolation:500 Vdc continuousOutput Voltage:Protected by load monitor, Displays “check loop”Output Current:Protected by load monitor, Displays “check loop”Transmitter Power Supply:Available for user; 24 Vdc current limited at 34mAOrdering example: CLG , Calibrator for Voltage and Current, $1190.Model CLG includes: carrying case, batteries, instruction manual, calibration certificate, spare fuse & set of test leads.FUNCTIONRANGE RESOLUTION ACCURACY % OF READING REMARKSMEASURE MVOLTS 0 to 120mV 0.01mV ±0.017% ±1 digit R-input > 20 M ΩOUTPUT MVOLTS 0 to 120mV 0.01mV ±0.017% ±1 digit R-output 0.2 ΩMEASURE VOLTS 0 to 120V 0.01V ±0.04% ±1 digit R-input 1 M ΩOUTPUT VOLTS 0 to 12V 0.001V ±0.017% ±1 digit R-output 0.2 ΩMEASURE MA 0 to 52mA 0.01mA ±0.04% ±1 digit R-input 3.5 Ωfused OUTPUT MA0 to 24mA 0.01mA ±0.04% ±1 digit R-max. 900 ΩTRANSMITTER SIM.0 to 24mA0.01mA±0.04% ±1 digitV-max ext. 56 VoltsSPECIFICATIONSTo Order (Specify Model Number)MODEL NO.PRICE DESCRIPTIONCLG $1190Calibrator for voltage and currentCLBPS 138Power Supply/charger for Ni-Cad batteries 191-0117Rechargeable Ni-Cad Batteries - 4 required GTL40Test leads & small parts for CLGCLG Calibratorwith optional ac adaptor CLBPS ($138)Shown smaller than actual sizeRead-out:Simultaneous read-out of input and output values Dialogue in EnglishBatteries: 4 x 1.5 Volt, Size C alkaline (included) or optional type R14rechargeable NiCd see “To Order”Battery Life: 22 hours with alkalinebatteries at 20°C (68°F), 7 hours with 20mA loadLow Battery Indication:pre-warning alternately flashes “bat”.External Power Supply:By optional charger/line adaptor model number CLBPS 230/115V - 50/60HzConnections:Suitable for 4mm test plugsProtection: IP 53Housing:Textured high-impact ABS plasticSize:200 x 117 x 32 mm(8.0 x 4.7 x 1.3") without carrying case Weight:0.9 kg (2 lb) including batteries, carrying case and test leadsSpecifications subject to change without noticeMOST POPULAR MODELS HIGHLIGHTEDCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
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1 前言 (3)
1.1 引言 (3)
1.2 说明书内容 (3)
1.3 修改建议 (3)
2 设备使用、包装和运输 (3)
2.1 使用条件 (3)
2.2 运输的准备 (3)
2.3 运输条件 (3)
3 设备功能说明 (4)
4 测试设备操作说明 (4)
4.1 现场采样 (4)
4.2 数据读取 (7)
4.3 格式转换 (9)
5 安全告知 (9)
6 相关附件 (9)
1 前言
1.1 引言
1.2 说明书内容
1.3 修改建议
2 设备使用、包装和运输
2.1 使用条件
电源 3.7V 锂电池
2.2 运输的准备
2.3 运输条件
3 设备功能说明
4 测试设备操作说明
4.1 现场采样
4.1.1 硬件准备
2)极性确认:接入被测电压后,使用万用表电压档,红、黑表笔分别接于ADC0+、ADC0- 端子,测得电压为正说明极性正确,否则
图4-1 电压采集设备接线图
图4-2 采集速率设定
4.1.2 安装电池
2)将电池按图4-4方向装入电池盒,注意极性不可装反,观察到板载ACT 指示灯以1s左右周期进行闪烁。
4.1.3 启动采样
4.1.4 停止采样
4.2 数据读取
4.2.1 硬件准备
3)将连好的读取器插入计算机USB口,在系统设备管理器中观察到“USB-SERIAL CH340 (COMX)”,如图4-6,说明驱动已安装成功,否则请安装读取器驱动;
图4-5 采集板-读取器连接方式
图4-6 读取器系统识别
4.2.2 读取数据
图4-7 读取器界面设置
图4-8 读取器接收指令
4.3 格式转换
5 安全告知
6 相关附件
1)18650锂电池(Samsung, ICR18650-26F);
2)锂电池充电器(Nitecore, I2);