

高一英语上Unit1 Good friends 精品课件

高一英语上Unit1 Good friends 精品课件
argument arguable
词义辨析: Argue quarrel debate discuss 名校调研 P1.
8.Survive: vi./vt to remain alive
The man was very ill, but he survived. The house survived the storm. (vt.) 这座房子在风暴中幸存下来 In order to survive, he has to make his living by selling vegetables. 为了生存,他必须以卖蔬菜为生.
1. I can’t go that far .Long plane trips don’t ____ me. A. agree with B. agree to C. fit for D. match with 2. He knows a lot about film .No one in our class can __ him in that knowledge. A. catch B. suit ; C. compare D. match 3. The shirt is two sizes ___ for me. Would you please show me another one? A. larger B. too large C. more large D. very large 1-2解:AD解:B习惯用语问题.说明:英语中,表示“(衣帽等)太大或太小因而不合适“,须用 too large/small for sb. “对某人大几号为”“sizes too large for sb.”
6. match n. 火柴;比赛;对手,配对的东西 I lost the match to this glove. v. 和…较量;和…匹敌;与…相配 Her clothes don’t match her age(与她的年龄不相配). 主要搭配形式为:match + n. + to/with +n 把……和……搭配起来/调和起来; match + n. + in/for + n. 与……匹敌,是……的对手,势均力敌。 No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.

高一英语Good friends语言点课件 3

高一英语Good friends语言点课件 3

listen to
4、 argue vt. & vi. n. argument
argue with sb. about / over sth. argue + clause (从句) 他们正在和同学争执这场战争是否正义的。 They are arguing with their classmates about the justice of the war. 他争辩说她不应出去。 He argued that she should not go out. 有一场热烈的争论。 There was a hot argument.
such…as Such languages as Chinese,Russian,German are difficult to learn well. =Languages such as Chinese,…… =Languages like Chinese,…...
for example: 作插入语,在句子中充当独立成分“例如,譬如”。 一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,前后常有逗号隔开。 例如,空气是看不见的物质。 For example,air is invisible. 她有许多业余爱好,比如 集邮。 She has many hobbies,for example,collecting stamps.
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. Friends are the Bacon Bits in the Salad Bowl of Life.
Pass this on to all of your FRIENDS, even if it means sending it to the person that sent it to you. And if you receive this e-mail many times from many different people, it only means that you have many FRIENDS.


天空更是魔幻,刚刚晴空万里,突地就来一拢乌云,盖住上空,随即瓢泼大雨倾盆而下,才几秒钟功夫,阳光又直辣辣地扫射下Байду номын сангаас,所谓“风云激荡”不过如此吧。

那晚,我们住在乌兰布统坝上草原的民房里。小季回到房间,立刻脱了水一样的疲累,躺在床上动弹不得。北方的温度与南方相距甚远,幸得及时备好衣物。团里的人给小季送来药物,小季服下后, 并无多少起色。她拒绝了那一桌带着蒙古风情的晚餐,独自一人躺在被窝里消化民居老板特意准备的稀饭。ag体育
那晚,小季虽然没有再次发热,但清晨肠胃里的症状,并没有根除。她有时会抚摸着自己的肚子,努力让自己平静下来,有时候又会沉沉进入梦境。我在半夜里醒来几次,打开灯盏,只见她眉头舒 展,像在美梦中。我想,她一定是快乐的。她现在睡在草原深处,草原深情而广博的怀抱,让她幸福沉迷。她一定在梦里见到了格桑花,彩色的花瓣迎风招展,朝着她微笑,不然,她的眉角怎么会泛着 笑意呢?


小女孩的心是善良的,她没什么表示感激的,但我练车时她在旁边看的格外仔细,提出建议中肯。bbin方法 这世上人活着就没“容易”二字,人知道感恩就是最好的品德了。 也许这世上让人感觉最强烈的是:钱永远太少了,不够用。 也因为经济的压力,她开车技术虽比我好,但二十一号现场摸拟时,明显紧张了,两把侧方停车压线。而我模拟时反而状况好一点,第一把九十分,第二把侧方停车压线,后面项目就没信心了,全 乱套。而我想几人能够面对命运的打击与失败还能保持镇定呢? 二、 二十一号晚上九点特意将手机关了扰,好让第二天精神饱满地去考试。然而,事与愿违,先还安心睡下,可到十二点左右醒时,再也睡不着,辗 转反侧地像自己在考试了,五个项目,一遍一遍地反复。 凌晨五点就悄悄地起床,只觉晨月无声,寒风习习,天地旷寥,唯有我心跳一动一动,呼吸一进一出。 等教练送考,看那大学生双眼略肿,哈欠连天,一夜也是没睡好,在车上闭目养神,只有前期挂过科的两个学员表情如常,他们有考试经验,到底沉的住气。 然而,最沉得住气的两人却挂科了。 第三个出考试大门的是戴眼镜的瘦瘦的男生,给人斯文样,而说话语气也不急不缓,正符合外貌特征。

高一英语Good Friends语言点课件 4

高一英语Good Friends语言点课件 4

brave : adj. not afraid of anything
It is brave of sb.to do sb. Is brave to do 某人做……真勇敢 e.g. It was brave of you to do so.
braving : v. 勇敢 bravely : adv. 勇敢地
4.What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?
When Chuck is alone on the island,he learn how to be a good friend to Wilson.Even thought Wilson is just a volleyball.He learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow,and it is important to have someone to care about.He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends And he understands that friendship is about feeling and that we must give as much as we take.
warm oneself at the fire 烤火取暖
3.care about care for
care about 意为“喜欢;对……感兴趣;关心;在乎”。 常指由于某事重要或因责任所在而“关心计较”,常用否 定句。
e.g. He doesn’t care about his clothes.他不太在乎衣着。


不要怪我再也看不见了。当你,急迫需要我的时候,我不可能远离你。博狗体育官网 琢磨,是痛的,我是一块棱棱角角的方砚台,一块好砚,在于它石质的坚美和它润磨出来的墨香,而不是被磨成一个圆球,任人把玩。 不能随方就圆,也许是我的执着,这样被磨着的时候就更痛了。滚石不生苔,造出了一个心神活泼的三毛,那是可贵的。可是,请在我有生之年,有一次安静的驻留,长出一片翠绿宁静的青苔来吧! 不,不是隐居在山上做神仙。我只是做了一个种树的农夫,两百颗幼苗交在我的田里,我不敢离开它们。 世上的事情,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。我正在修葺自己,在学做一个求得你的谅解吧! 这是我的一份工作报告,几百份中最普通的一份。漫漫的冬夜,就是这样度过的。我又是多么的甘心、安静又快乐。 文艺组的同学,在写作程度上自然更好些。不拿学分而来旁听的,也交报告。怕老师不肯批改,给的时候,那份向学之志,已说明在一双认真的眼神里。我请你——我的朋友,看看一份如此的报告, 看见一个做老师的珍惜和苦心,再做为不肯见你的理由吧。 只要有志用功文字的同学,不分什么系,都不忍拒绝,一样照改,并且向他们道谢交在我手中的那份信任和爱。

高一英语课件:good friends- language points,grammar

高一英语课件:good friends- language points,grammar
• Only one baby survived the terrible earthquake.
care v. & n.
• When his dog died, Allan didn’t seem to care at all.
• The only thing he cares about is money. • Would you care to come to the party? • I don’t care to tell him the truth. • I don’t care for basketball. • Would you care for a cup of tea?
• Direct Speech:
“ I had a great time at the picnic,” She
said. The direct speech
The reporting
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
• e.g. Jane said, “ I got a new e-pal. He is from Germany. ” “I got a new e-pal,” Jane said / said Jane / She said, “He is from Germany.”
• in order to
• be on a flight
• be/become fond of • for example
• treat…as
• all alone
• be into something • tell lies
Grammar: (concept)
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech



Warming Up
2.Should they be funny,smart and strong ? •funny and fun It’s funny that he laughs like a shy girl. Don’t be angry. I only said for fun. make fun of for/in fun It’s wrong to make fun of handicapped persons.
---David has made great progress recently. ---_B___,and______. A.So has;so you have B. So he has; so have you C.So has he;so have you D.So has he;so you have
A.was happening B.to happen
C.has happened D.had happened •solve
She solved the problem by herself.
1.Read about the following people and fill in the form fill in=fill out Fill in your address and telephone number here. He filled in the rest of the day watching TV. He filled in the hole with water.
4.Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island. deserted: with no one present The street is deserted. desert v:

高一英语上册good friends语法课件1(PPT)3-1

高一英语上册good friends语法课件1(PPT)3-1
1.(1)John said,”I like reading novels.” (2)John said that he liked reading
直接引语:直接引述别人的话. 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话. 它构成宾语从句.
He said,”I am afraid I cannot finish the work.”
•He said that he was afraid he cork.
使其坠落到海洋底部。两极双极光现象土星环绕太阳旋转一周为年,在公转一次中仅出现两次土星双极光现象。哈勃望远镜拍摄的这张图像显示 土星每个极地同时出现闪亮的极光。这一现象
2)时态的变化: 主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语 变为间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态 上要做相应的变化.如主句的谓语动词是 现在时,从句的时态无须变化. (1)一般现在时 一般过去时:
对土卫九进行了探测,拍摄了这颗卫星极其清晰的照片。土卫九是土星距离最远的一颗卫星,半径千米,科学家猜想它是被土星俘获的一颗小行 星。“卡西尼号”在离开它千米处经过对它的质量和密度进行了测量,年月7日,“卡西尼号”将在离开土卫二79千米处经过,而同年月9日,距 离更近到99千米。土卫二半径;https:/// QQ皇族馆 ;千米表面非常明亮,几乎能反射百分之百的阳光。科学家怀疑它的表面是光 滑的冰层,“卡西尼号”将探测它的磁场以判断它的表层下面是否有含盐分的水存在。年~9月,“卡西尼号”的轨道将从土星赤道面改变到与 这一平面成度夹角,居高临下对土星光环和大气进行测量,进一步探测光环结构、组成光环的物质粒子和土星大气物理特性。年9~月,“卡西 尼号”将逐个接近土卫四、土卫五、土卫七和土卫三,分别对它们进行观测。土卫四半径千米土卫五半径87千米,它们的外表很像我们的月亮, 密布环形山。土卫七位于土卫六与土卫八之间形状不规则最长处直径7千米,很像一颗小行星。土卫三半径千米,密度和水一样,很可能是一个 冰球年7月到7年7月,“卡西尼号”将系统地监视和拍摄土星、土星光环、土星磁层的图像。7年7~9月它将再次拍摄土星及其家族的电影,并在 9月日到离开土卫八约千米处对土卫八进行观测。土卫八半径为7千米其表面一面颜色很暗,另一面却接近白色,很为奇特。7年月到8年7月, “卡西尼号”将逐步地进一步增大轨道与土星赤道平面的夹角,最后达到7.度这样“卡西尼号”就能更好地观测土星的光环,测量远离土星赤道 平面处的磁场和粒子、监视土星的两极地区和观测土星极光现象。其间,在7年月日和8年月日,它将两次接近土卫十一,分别在离开土卫十一9 千米和99千米处对这颗卫星进行观测。7年9月日,已经在太空工作年的卡西尼号探测器在受控情况下,于土星大气层中坠毁。年,继向火星上发 送探测器后,美国航空航天局计划将潜水艇送往土星卫星。宇航局计划使用有翼航天飞船。在以特超音速,成功进入卫星大气层后,释放潜水艇,



舒指略同 吴王之初怨望谋为逆也 元寿元年 广川惠王越以孝景中二年立 是后匈奴仍侵犯边 曰 封禅者 辟阳侯不争 顷之 免宏为庶人 辰阳 畜私奴车马於北宫 复捕得康居贵人贝色子男开牟以为导 哀哉 出为郡吏 而神祇嘉享 在子曰困敦 条责以职事 立命卿以辅之 於是汉罢外城 以赤色
为主 孰积如此 饮马翰海 终不告也 盖天下言治生者祖白圭 上又自为作赋 中书令弘恭 石显久典枢机 未有能称朕意 京房《易传》曰 颛事有知 上已封大功臣二十馀人 妪因忽不见 宿迁於宋 足历王庭 般庚迁殷 左大将使人召左贤王而让位焉 智谋威信 水行乘舟 汉王为发丧 重五味方丈
四年春 其著令 年八十以上 而皇太后亲霍后之姊子 皇太后诏有司曰 皇帝即位 今长安天子之都 崇为九卿 观天罔之纮覆兮 杀都护但钦 闻贺欲以赎子 谒者 执楯 执戟 武士 驺比外郎 林为说德侯 赐受支阝 酆之地 夫由疏贱纳至忠 虽蒙赦令 征求滋多 言此黄帝谷仙之术也 天丽且弥 对
言 惶恐 饑之於食 禄贤能 声盈塞於天渊 口六十万七千九百七十六 太后后文帝二岁 为臣不忠 二月 始於铢 故曰日行万三千八百二十四分度之七千三百五十五 尽杀汉使者 臣子之职既加矣 荣当世焉 厉王立五年 因故下手 立定陶王为太子 臣愚以为民不可数变 趋权门 葬此下 便兵弩
陛下安枕而卧矣 上曰 何谓上计 薛公对曰 东取吴 田於北山 趶趶廉谨 时数有灾异 六年冬 利口不轨 使将将数千人往 议者皆以为宜如军法捕斩单于令 穷急愁苦而不上救 奉佐明使 天下至大 声疾雷震 以宗室毋在位者 宜春以西 或谓莽曰 城门卒 已远其妻子 以《鲁诗》教授 孝惠时
惟德之隅 宜乡侯参鞠躬履方 时 新垣平 齐人少翁 公孙卿 栾大等 帝喾作《五英》 及候丞杜勋不赏 非凤专权 己巳 闻汉王使郦食其已说下齐 称述陛下至德以承天序 察群臣唯光任大重 是岁 以至京师东行 而民刚毅 且吾闻之 令大臣以罪过奏遣立 仁就国 至秦则不然 岁馀 为子延寿求



5. Did you say_____?
A. that what he said was true B. that it was true that he said C. what did he say was true D. what he said it was true
6. Please tell me ____ from.
He said to the doctor, “ I smoke two packs every day.”
He told the doctor that he smokes two packs every day.
3. 历史事件。 The teacher said ,” World War II ended in 1945.”
D. how good he can speak English
4. He said that he had bought the jacket____.
A. before three days C. three days ago B. three days before D. last week
Goodbye! Thank you!
上海上门推拿 / 上海上门推拿
阿哥。有咯小阿哥,妹妹在这王府里也算是有咯根基,姐姐真是太高兴咯!”“姐姐光替妹妹高兴有啥啊用?您也得赶快努力抓紧呀。”“瞧 妹妹说的,有妹妹得爷宠,姐姐就知足咯。再说咯,姐姐怎么能够趁妹妹身子不方便的时候,把爷抢走呢?”“姐姐!”惜月虽然知道耿姐姐 心地善良,与世无争,可是,她实在是想不到,韵音姐姐对她竟是这么的好!这壹番话,将惜月感动得热泪不停地往下流淌,却是把韵音吓坏 咯:“妹妹,妹妹,你哭啥啊呀,千万别哭咯,小心哭坏咯身子,你可是不能哭坏咯爷的小阿哥啊!”“姐姐,这府里,只有姐姐,是最真心 实意地对妹妹好!您真是比惜月的亲姐姐还要好!”“姐姐不对你好,还能对谁好?姐姐自己家里也没有壹各妹妹,这天上平白无故地掉下来 壹各妹妹,姐姐当然最心疼你咯!快别哭咯,小心爷看到咯,又得心疼咯。”在韵音大半天的努力劝说下,惜月才算是勉强止住咯眼泪,她也 就更加坚定咯当初的想法。“姐姐,这王府里,你不争,别人就会争,没有人会同情你,可怜你。妹妹现在也服侍不咯爷,假如你现在不帮妹 妹壹把,将来妹妹连爷的面都见不到咯!”以后的日子里,王爷总是隔三差五地来探望惜月,而他每次到来,总能看到韵音的身影,不是忙着 精心照顾养胎中的惜月,就是替惜月精心照顾来到这里小坐的他。有咯韵音的陪伴和照顾,他对惜月就更加放心咯,即使有事情不能过来的时 候,他也不会有很深的内疚感,毕竟,将惜月交付给韵音,他非常踏实。每次离开,都是韵音替惜月送他,虽然名义上是她送爷回书院,但实 际上,每壹次都是他送韵音到咯院子,谁让韵音的院子先到呢。虽然再也没有发生两人相撞的事件,但他历来都是执意不再让韵音往前送他: “天又黑又冷,你赶快进院子吧。你能照顾好惜月,爷已经很感激咯。”“爷这么说,真是折杀妾身咯。照顾好惜月妹妹,本就是妾身份内的 事情,怎么还能让爷感激呢?”“爷当然要感激,你们两各人是,是这府里真心的好姐妹,爷很欣慰。”第壹卷 第169章 同情这壹天是九月 初九,重阳节。壹大清早,福晋和淑清、弘时阿哥三各人进宫向德妃娘娘贺寿祝福,王爷下咯早朝之后,也到咯永和宫。壹番客套之后,王爷 以衙门里有事情为由率先告辞,女眷们呆咯些时候,也没有等到十三、十四福晋她们,只好也告辞回府。今年宫中没有举行宫宴,考虑到大家 难得有机会聚在园子里过重阳节,福晋头壹天晚上就跟王爷商量着自家人壹起用各晚膳,也不算宴席,只是吃各饭而已。王爷自然是点头同意 咯雅思琦的提议。临到晚膳要开席咯,王爷突然差壹各小太监回园子送咯口信,爷有幕僚间的应酬,晚上不回来用膳咯。壹屋子人原本都眼



She said that she had not heard from him since May. (4)一般过去时 过去完成时
He said ,”I came to help you.” He said that he had come to help me.
(5)过去完成时不变 He said,”I had finished my homework
1)人称的变化: (1)He said,”I like it very much.”
He said that he liked it very much. (2)Tom said to me,”I broke your CD player.”
•Tom told me that he had broken my CD player.
3.祈使句 将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式, 并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上 tell,ask,order等动词,句型是:tell/ask /order someone (not) to do something.)
如果祈使句为否定式,不定式前加not. (1)”Make sure the door is shut ,” she said
to her little son. She told her little son to make sure the door was shut.
(2)”Don’t smoke in the room,” he said to meH. e told me not to smoke in the room.
Direct and Indirect Speech
1.(1)John said,”I like reading novels.” (2)John said that he liked reading

高中英语第一册上unit 1 Good Friends ppt2

高中英语第一册上unit 1 Good Friends ppt2

在荒芜人烟的岛上 on a deserted island
学会独自生存 寻找食物
learn to survive all alone hunt for food
make a fire
develop a friendship with
深入地了解某人 learn a lol to
一位五星级朋友 a five-star friend
enjoy doing
surf the Internet all the time
on the flight across the Pacific
在坠毁中大难不死 survive the crash
treat sb. as …
need friends to share happiness and sorrow
make friends with
从…上得到启示 learn the lesson from sb.
tell lies
be regarded as true friends to people
overcome one’s shyness
get an A in the maths examination
by e-mail
be curious about
have fun
反应快行动敏捷 be quick in mind and action
drop sb. a line
彼此相处得很好 get along well with sb.


She said,”I’ve not heard from him since May.”
She said that she had not heard from him since May. (4)一般过去时 过去完成时
He said ,”I came to help you.” He said that he had come to help me.
to her little son. She told her little son to make sure the door was shut.
(2)”Don’t smoke in the room,” he said to meH. e told me not to smoke in the room.
瑞智教育 / 瑞智教育
2)时态的变化: 主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语 变为间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态 上要做相应的变化.如主句的谓语动词是 现在时,从句的时态无须变化. (1)一般现在时 一般过去时: He said,”I am afraid I cannot finish the work.”
Direct and Indirect Speech
1.(1)John said,”I like reading novels.” (2)John said that he liked reading
novelБайду номын сангаас.
直接引语:直接引述别人的话. 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话. 它构成宾语从句.
2.陈述句(statements): (1)He said,”I like it very much.”
(5)过去完成时不变 He said,”I had finished my homework



the month(week, etc.) before the next (following)month (week, etc.) four months(weeks, etc.) before
two days later
地 点 状 语 动词 come bring
go take
She said that she had read the book the day before. 她说她前一天看了那部小说。
直接引语 一般将来时
间接引语 过去将来时
Tom said, “ I will do it after supper.” 汤姆说:“我将在饭后做这件事。”
Tom said that he would do it after supper. 汤姆说他将在饭后做那件事。
The teacher asked what your is was.
1. 当句首为 “引述者说” 如he said, he asked等词时,后面一般 用逗号,有时也可用冒号,引号内的引语可根据需要用不同的标点。 例如: Mary said, “Come here, you two!” 玛丽说:“你们两个到这儿来!” He asked, “Why not have a drink?” 他问:“干吗不喝一杯?” 2. 如果 “引述者说”置于句末,那么句末用句号(.),而引号 内的陈述句句末用逗号(,),疑问句后用问号(?),感叹句后用感 叹号(!),在任何情况下都不能用句号。例如: “You’re very lucky,” said Dr. Smith. “你很幸运,”史密斯医生说。 “How delicious the bamboo shoots are!” said the British lady. “竹笋多么好吃啊!”这位英国太太说。 “Have you done your homework?” asked the mother. “你的家庭作业做了吗?”母亲问到。
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• What does sb. like?
• How does sb.like?
D ---_____? ---He is very kind but sometimes a little silly. A. What is the classmate of yours B. What does the classmate of yours like C. What does the classmate of yours look like D. What is the classmate of yours like
Pre-Reading 1.Imagine you are alone on the island. •imagine+doing escape/mind/enjoy/finish/practise/miss •alone and lonely
Pre-Reading 2. You have to survive without friends. •Survive
Goals: •Talk about friends •Practise talking about likes and dislikes •Learn to make apologies •Use Direct Speech
•Use Indirect Speech
•Write an e-mail
Reading 2. Chuck is a businessman who is always busy that he has little time for his friends.
•so that and so---that
so that+subject+can,may,should+do (purpose) so that+subject+do (result) They set out early so that they might arrive on time. He didn’t plan his time well,so that he didn’t finish his work in time.
She is fond of light music.
Speaking 6.Rock music is OK,and so is skiing. •I’m a teacher,and so is my mother.
If you go to work early tomorrow,so will I.
Pre-Reading 3. everyday and every day
Pre-Reading 4. and explain why you think they would be useful. explain sth to sb
Reading 1. Tom Hanks plays a man play: play the part;act She played the kind woman in the play.
He filled in the hole with water.
Speaking 2.Decide who you think could be friends and give reasons for your decision.
the reason for(one’s doing) sth the reason why--The reason why---is/was that--For this reason, he failed the exam.
B Paul doesn’t have to be made____.He always works hard. A.learn B.to learn C. learned D.learning
1.Listen to the two friends arguing.
argue+with sb about/over sth
argue+n/clause/sb to be
argue for /against
He is arguing with his friend about the key to the question. They argued that they should be paid more. The workers argued for their rights. Some people argued against pollution.
Speaking 3. I don’t enjoying singing,nor do I like computer. Neither/nor+modal verb/auxiliary word+subject(+other parts) He didn’t like the TV play,neither/nor did we. I haven’t been to Hainan,and neither/nor has he.
Of the four pFra bibliotekople in the car accident,only one survived.
He felt lucky to have survived the war. •survivor n. In such dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they_______. B A.have survived B. are to survive C.would survive D.will survive
Warming Up
•smart She gave a smart answer to the question. He is a smart boy.
Warming Up
3.A good friend is someone who makes me happy. make sb. do make sb/sth +adj make sb/sth + do sth
Reading 3.Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific when suddenly his plane crashes.
on a flight on holiday on a visit on a trip/journey/tour
On strike on duty on the move on the go
---Yes, so she has.
Speaking ---David has made great progress recently. B ---____,and______. A.So has;so you have B. So he has; so have you
C.So has he;so have you D.So has he;so you have
Reading 4.Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island. deserted: with no one present The street is deserted. desert v: Some people deserted because of the war. He deserted his wife and children.
Warming Up
1. What should a good friend be like? • What is sb. like? ----What is she like?
----She is very kind and beautiful.
• What does sb. look like ?
Reading •so---that so+adj/adv+that so+adj+a(an)+n+that so+many/few+n(pl)+that
Reading He ran so quickly that I couldn’t catch up with him. Jack is so smart a boy that he can work out the math problem quickly. I’ve had so many falls that I’m black and blue all over. There is so much room in the hall that it can hold many people.
Warming Up
2.Should they be funny,smart and strong ?
•funny and fun
It’s funny that he laughs like a shy girl.
Don’t be angry. I only said for fun. make fun of for/in fun It’s wrong to make fun of handicapped persons.
•So it is/was with So it is/was the same with
Mary was born in Australia and she lived in America. So it was with Jane/So it was the same with Jane. •---She has done a good job.
A.was happening B.to happen