Chemical Modification of Poplar Wood with Foaming PU
美国FDA批准EnstilarFoam美国处方信息更新,纳入斑块型银屑病治疗长期使用数据2020年10月22日, LEO制药宣布,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已经批准了Enstilar®(卡泊三醇和倍他米松)泡沫治疗成人银屑病美国处方信息的更新,纳入了PSO-LONG临床试验的数据的长期使用数据。
Enstilar Foam是钙磷三烯(一种维生素D类似物)和倍他米松二丙酸酯(一种皮质类固醇)的组合,在美国被指定用于12岁及以上患者的局部治疗斑块状牛皮癣。
美国补充新药申请(sNDA)提交是基于PSO-LONG 3期临床试验的数据。
一项随机,双盲,载体对照试验(NCT02899962)评估了Enstilar Foam在治疗成功的成年患者中的长期使用情况。
在每天一次使用Enstilar Foam进行最初的四周治疗后,与基线相比至少改善了两级。
关于PSO-LONG临床试验这项为期12个月的国际,多中心,随机,赋形剂对照,双盲,两臂,平行组试验比较了Enstilar Foam与赋形剂泡沫(注:赋形剂是一种无疗效的基质或物质, 用以传送某种起作用的药的施用)在成人寻常型牛皮癣(斑块状牛皮癣)中的安全性和有效性。
参与者(n = 545)被随机分配,在连续两天的非连续两天中每周两次接受Enstilar Foam或赋形剂泡沫,最多连续52周。
经历反应减退(定义为PGA评分至少为“轻度”)的受试者每天用Enstilar Foam 治疗一次,持续4周,而那些PGA评分在4周后恢复为“清除”或“几乎清除”的受试者然后恢复随机长期使用治疗。
结果表明,那些每周两次接受Enstilar Foam治疗的患者,与使用赋形剂泡沫的患者相比,第一次丧失反应的时间更长,反应的损失也更少。
与赋形剂泡沫相比,Enstilar Foam延长了首次缓解时间的响应时间(30天vs 56天. ;P <0.001),达到了PSO-LONG试验的主要终点。
巴西禁 用敌 百 虫
巴西 当局 宣 布禁 用 有机 磷 酸酯 类 杀虫/ 杀螨 剂 敌百虫 ,即时开始 实行 。上 个月底 ,巴西 国家健康 监 督 局 A vs ,发 表 了 一项 结 束使 用 敌 百 虫 的决 ni a 令 。它经 历 了同样 的重 新评估 程序 。限令 包括 :摄 入 量从 原来 的 O0 / s减少 到 00 5gk ;只可 用 .1 k g . /s 0 于拖 拉机 :含亚 胺硫磷 的制剂 只能在 金属包 装 中以
定 。去 年 A v a建 议 撤销 使 用 敌 百 虫 .随后 发 表 ni s
新安 排 ,其 中 4种 南二 、j 季度 提前 到第 一 季度 , 表 1 21 0 2财年 新有效 成分登记 决 定计划
A F N F A联 合 审查 : 进 口容 许 量
表 2 0 0财 年获批 的新有 效成 分 2 1
( 智燕) 严
2 1 财 年 的 9种 新有 效 成分 的登 记 审批 决 定 时 间 0 l 不变。
21 0 0财 年
21 0 0财 年 E A 批 准 了 5种 新 有 效 成 分 .而 P 20 0 9财年 仅批 准 了 1种 。2 1 0 0财年 批 准 的 5种 新
有 效 成 分 包 括 2种 除 草 剂 、1种 杀 菌 剂 、1种 杀 虫 剂和 1 熏蒸 剂 。 种
物 的杀虫/ 杀螨/ 线虫 剂 主 要 用于 土豆 和 棉花 。 杀 它仅 限于被认证 的操作 者使 用 。风 险评估 是 由于杜
邦 提 出扩 大使 用请求 时 ,确 定 了现 有使 用 的风 险 。 20 0 9年 l 2月杜 邦 撤 销 了杀 线威 的扩 大使 用 请求 。
美 E A 正 致力 于减 轻 已确 认 的现 有 使 用 的风 险 。 P 在 审 批期 间 ,E A将要 求 进 行 生 态 风 险评 估 的数 P 据 。修正饮 食和职 业风 险评估 同样也 很必要 。
摘要:本发明是关于ULV植物保护杀节肢动物制剂, 其中除了含有溶解在脂肪烃和向日葵油混合物中的 添加剂外还含有烷芳基聚乙二醇醚。
本发明制剂对植 物表面的初接触角大于13°,20分钟后大于6°, 120分钟后至少仍为2°。
功能型木材改性剂对速生杨木物理力学性能的改性效果郎倩;陈鹤予;佘颖;武国峰;蒲俊文【摘要】Impregnation drying of fast-growing poplar wood was conducted through wood modifiers, and the characteristics of poplar wood before and after modification were observed with X-ray diffractometer (XRD) , scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive spectrometer and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer to analyze the physical properties of the wood. The results indicated that the modification could significantly improve physical properties of the poplar wood. XRD data showed that wood modifier could reduce crystallinity of wood from 39.65% to 36.89%. The findings of energy-dispersive spectrometer indicated that N, 0 and C were evenly distributed in the wood. SEM spectrum analyzed the distribution of wood modifier in the wood pores. Finally, the FTIR spectra showed that there was cross-linking reaction between the modifier and the internal parts of the wood and the number of hydroxyl decreased sharply.%以速生杨木为研究对象,通过木材改性剂对速生材浸渍强化处理,使用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜、能谱分析仪、傅氏转换红外线光谱分析仪对改性前后的木材进行表征,并分析改性前后木材的物理性能.结果表明:经木材改性后,速生材物理性能显著提高.X射线衍射仪数据表明,木材改性剂使木材结晶度从39.65%降到36.89%,能谱分析仪结果显示:氮(N)氧(O)碳(C)元素在木材内部分布均匀,扫描电子显微镜谱图分析了木材改性剂在木材管孔中的分布,最后红外光谱图表明改性剂与木材内部集团发生交联反应,并且羟基数目大量减少.【期刊名称】《浙江农林大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(029)005【总页数】5页(P686-690)【关键词】木材学;速生木材;木材改性剂;化学改性【作者】郎倩;陈鹤予;佘颖;武国峰;蒲俊文【作者单位】北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院,北京100083;北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院,北京100083;北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院,北京100083;北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院,北京100083;北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S781.7木材及木质材料作为社会经济建设中的重要生产资料,不仅广泛应用于日常生活中的各个领域,还广泛应用于交通、建筑、航天等工业领域[1]。
[ 8] 吴 述超 ,胡荣 宗 ,黄维维 ,等 . 电渗 析离子 交换一 离子色谱 法检测脱硫 胺液 中的热稳态盐 [ J ] . 石 油化
T ,2 0 0 6 ,3 5( 4):3 8 4—3 8 8 .
的方法研究 [ J ] . 硫 酸工业 ,1 9 9 5( 6 ) :2 5 —3 1 .
离子[ J ] . 化T环保 ,2 0 0 3 ,2 3 ( 1 ) :4 2—4 5 .
[ 1 2] 南京大学 《 无机及分析化学 》 编写组. 无机及分析化学 实验 [ M] . 南京 :高等教育出版社 ,2 0 0 6 :1 4 4—1 4 6 .
[ 1 3 ] 韩文平. E D T A容量法测定碱式硫酸铝溶液 中硫酸根
2 0 1 3 年第 3 3 卷
[ 5 ] 胡容平, 吴良, 俞于 , 等. 分光比浊法测定高纯磷酸
锌 中硫 酸根 [ J ] . 化 工技术 与开发 ,2 0 0 ,温庆辉. 间接光度法 测定 水中硫酸
( 编辑
张艳 霞 )
信 息 与 动 态
壳牌公 司打造世界首个油砂碳捕集项 目
C h e mi c a l E n g i n e e r i n g ,2 0 1 2 ,1 1 9【 1 0) :1 6
人类健康危害 。十溴联苯醚的生产将于2 0 1 3 年1 2 月
十溴 联 苯 醚 是 一 种 常 见 的 阻燃 剂 ,常用 于 电
子 、交通工具及建筑材料 ,在人及动物体内会造
1.更多农药有效成分列入欧盟指定附录Ⅰ [J], 蔡德玲
2.更多有效成分列入欧盟附录一 [J], 陈功珏(译)
3.更多新有效成分列入欧盟附录1中 [J], 宋俊华
4.更多审查的EU有效成分列入附录1 [J],
5.多个产品列入EU附录1 [J],
1.PTT原料1,3-丙二醇的开发 [J], 闫承花
2.以生物柴油的副产品甘油为原料生产1,3-丙二醇 [J], 金离尘
3.朗盛在中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展上展示一系列丰富的高品质个人护理品原料 [J], Grace
4.科莱恩携个人护理品原料系列产品亮相2013中国国际日化产品原料及设备包装展览会 [J],
5.全新陶氏个人护理业务部亮相亚洲个人护理品原料展 [J],
1.α-萘氧乙酸和β-萘氧乙酸无保护流体室温磷光性质和有机溶剂的影响比较 [J], 陈小康;牟兰;李隆弟
2.2-(咪唑[1,2-α]吡啶-2-基)-2-氧代乙酸自由基及其高氯酸盐的晶体结构和磁性 [J], 沈忱;张一曼;雍国平
3.混合三烃基锡有机酸酯化合物构效关系(Ⅰ)二环己基-甲基-2,4-二溴-β-甲基苯氧乙酸锡酯及二环己基-甲基-2-甲氧基-4-丙烯基苯氧乙酸锡酯的晶体结构和分子结构 [J], 毛治华;周宗华;洪洲;单书香;姜李;谢庆兰
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2.美加州裁定草甘膦产品不需标记致癌警示标签 [J], 无;
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4.美国环保署:草甘膦不是致癌物——致癌指控和禁限用令频出草甘膦承压之下转机浮现 [J],
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Chemical Modification of Poplar Wood with Foaming Polyurethane ResinsGao Zhenhua,Li DongMaterial Science and Engineering College,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin,People’s Republic of ChinaReceived30October2006;accepted7December2006DOI10.1002/app.25963Published online28February2007in Wiley InterScience().ABSTRACT:This study was devoted to chemically mod-ifying poplar wood with foaming polyurethane(PU)resin, which improved both dimension stability and mechanical property of wood.The controlled tests demonstrated the poplar wood treated with only solvent acetone had decreases of both dimension stability and mechanical property,while the wood modified with solution of poly-metric methylenebis(phenylisocyanate)in acetone had an excellent improvement of dimension stability but a little strength loss.Seven foaming PU resins with NCO/OH mole ratio from12to2.5were used to chemically modified wood,of which the mole ratio 3.0gave best balance between dimension stability and mechanical property.The 24-h volumetric swelling coefficient(VSC24h)and24-h water absorption coefficient(WAC24h)of the modified wood reduced34.29%and57.60%and the modulus of rap-ture and modulus of elasticity improved39.89%and 37.15%,respectively.The improvements of dimension sta-bility were contributed to that of the hydrophilic hydroxyl groups in wood were blocked by isocyano groups and water movement was hindered by successive cued PU de-posit on the surface of vessels.The improvements of me-chanical property were owed to the reinforcement of foamed PU on the cell wall and void space of wood.Four morphologic models of foamed PU within wood were dis-covered by SEM.Ó2007Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J Appl Polym Sci104:2980–2985,2007Key words:modification;polyurethane;mechanical prop-erty;curing of polymersINTRODUCTIONWood is a biodegradable and renewable native poly-meric material that is widely used in variousfields for its many advantages different from other materi-als such as metal,cement,and synthetic polymer. However,some disadvantages of wood,such as bad dimension stability,relatively low strength,easy worm-eaten and decay,and badfire resistance,pre-vent wood wider utilizations.1Many studies were devoted to modify these disadvantages,by which improve wood quality,enlarge their utilization,and add more value to wood.It is especially significant to fast-grown wood.Resin impregnation treatment is one of oldest and effective methods to modify wood.The common res-ins used are phenol–formaldehyde resin,2,3urea–formaldehyde resin,4melamine–formaldehyde resin,5and polyethylene glycol(PEG).6Recently,some iso-cyanate resins were used to modify the dimension stability,decay preservation,andfire resistance of wood.Williams7modified wood with monofunc-tional and bifunctional isocyanate monomers by which obtained the better decay resistance of wood. Engonga et al.8impregnated the mixed solution of isocyanate and perfluoroalkyl alcohol into wood and well improved the dimension stability.Some scien-tists impregnated the mixture of isocyanate with or-ganic compounds with element of chloride9or phos-phor10to improve thefire-and/or decay resistance. Isocyanate is a highly reactive compound that can react with most materials with active hydrogen,11 which was used to prepare PU adhesive.Wood is mainly composed of cellulose,lignin,and hemicellu-lose all of which contain hydrophilic hydroxyl groups that lead to bad dimension stability.12The isocyanate will react with these hydroxyl groups, which improved dimension stability.After reacted with water,the isocyanate converted into polyur-ethane and released carbon dioxide,by which the isocyanate used to prepare various PU foams indus-trially.It was discovered that the impregnated iso-cyanate was distributed within void spaces of wood.8,13Therefore,the study was devoted to form-ing the impregnated isocyanate within void spaces to improve both dimension stability and mechanical property of poplar wood.Correspondence to:Z.Gao(gao_zhenhua@). Contract grant sponsor:Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Sci-ence—Research Foundation;contract grant number:LBH-Q05011.Contract grant sponsor:Innovation Fund of Northeast Forestry University.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol.104,2980–2985(2007)EXPERIMENTALMaterialsThe poplar(suriensis)logs were fallen from local wood farm.The fresh logs were cut into lumber with thickness of20mm,then enough air-dried,and finally cut into specimens with dimension12mmÂ12mmÂ140mm.The longest direction of specimen was perpendicular to the annual ring,and the regu-lar specimens were selected without faults and with similar weight to ensure the equivalent density. Polymetric methylenebis(phenylisocyanate)(P-MDI) was supplied by Yantai Wanhua polyurethane with NCO content30.52%.PEG chemical purity was supplied by Tiantai Chemicals,Tainjin,China.The solvent acetone,catalyst triethylamine,and sodium hydroxyl were obtained from chemical market in Harbin.The preparation of foaming PU resinA three-neckedflask was charged with stoichiomet-ric P-MDI,PEG,andfirst part of solvent acetone. The reaction mixture was stirred and heated to408C for30min,and then heated until the condenser just refluxing and held for3h.After that cooled to508C, charged second part of solvent acetone,and further stirred for10min.Finally,the reaction mixture was transferred into a container and sealed.Titration of the residual isocyanate groups,NCO, was carried out according to ASTM D-2575-97:‘‘Standard test methods for isocyanate group in ure-thane materials or prepolymers.’’Then,the prepared PU resin was diluted by acetone into concentration 20wt%,and the20wt%of P-MDI/acetone solution was also prepared as controlled resin.The impregnation and foaming of PU resinWood pretreatmentTotally,20poplar specimens without any fault were selected and labeled,and then dried at about1038C for5h and weighed each specimen(W1).Resin impregnationThe pretreated specimens were hold under vacuum (75kPa)for30min for removing air within wood. After that specimens were infused into impregnated solution under vacuum without leaking.When the specimens were immerged within solution,held for 5min,then infused into air by atmosphere pressure, and held for another30min.Finally,the specimens were taken out and washed by acetone to remove the resin from the surface.Foaming(curing)and dryingCatalyst solution was prepared in advance by solv-ing4g of triethylamine and1g of sodium hydroxyl in995g of water.Then,impregnated specimens were immerged within catalyst solution for5min. After then,each specimen was wrapped on foilfilm and dried at1208C for90min.Finally,the foilfilm and the foamed resin on surface were removed and dried at1038C and85kPa vacuum for4h and weighed each specimen immediately(W2). Characterization of treated andnontreated woodWeight percentage gainThe weight percentage gain(WPG)was determined by the difference in oven dry weight of each speci-men before treatment(W1)and after treatment(W2) according to the following equation[WPG¼(W2ÀW1)/W1Â100].The average WPG of total20 specimens was reported in the article.Dimension stabilityThe dimension stability was evaluated in terms of24-h volumetric swelling coefficient(VSC24h)and24-h water absorption coefficient(WAC24h).The dimen-sions(length,width,and thickness)and weight of each specimen before soaking(l1,w1,t1,and W1)and after soaking(l2,w2,t2,and W3)in208C water for24h were determined by micrometer and analytic balance, respectively.The VSC24h was calculated according to the following equation[SVC24h¼(l2w2t2Àl1w1t1)/ l1w1t1Â100].The WAC24h was calculated according to the following equation:[WAC24h¼(W3ÀW1)/ W1Â100].The averaged VSC24h and WAC24h of total 10specimens were reported in the article.Mechanical propertyThe mechanical property was evaluated in terms of modulus of rapture(MOR)and modulus of elasticity (MOE).The MOR and MOE were measured referred to Standard ISO3122-1975.The averaged MOR and MOE of total10specimens were reported in the article.Scanning electron microscope analysisThe samples cut from dry untreated and treated specimens were handsplit in the cross section and tangential surface.The SEM samples were coated with$10–20nm of gold before examined with QUANTA-200SEM at15or20kV.MODIFICATION OF POPLAR WOOD WITH FOAMING PU RESINS2981Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/appRESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe controlled groupsTo evaluate the effects of foaming PU,P-MDI,and solvent acetone on the modified wood,the following controlled groups were selected.The Controlled I, the native poplar wood without any treatment,was compared with those treated by chemicals.The Con-trolled II,the poplar wood treated by acetone,was compared with the Controlled I for evaluating the effect of solvent acetone.The Controlled III,the pop-lar wood modified by P-MDI/acetone solution,was compared with those modified by foaming PU for verifying the purpose of foaming PU modification on wood.The averaged properties of each controlled were presented in Table I.The VSC24h and WAC24h of wood treated by only acetone were34.90%and43.86%more than that of wood without any chemical treatments, respectively,and the9.65%MOR and23.36%MOE were reduced.These indicated solvent acetone could spoil the crystallinity of celluloses and the structure of cellulose-lignin-hemicellulose composite by reduc-ing the hydrogen bonding between celluloses or destroying the interface of cellulose and lignin.The primary function of lignin in wood is crosslinking and stiffening agent.12Therefore,the wood treated by acetone was the looser,which resulted in water that could be easily moved within wood and more absorbed by wood and wood lost some strength. The dimension stability of wood modified by P-MDI was well improved with50.72%VSC24h and 56.83%WAC24h reduced because the hydrophilic hydroxyl groups were blocked by isocyanate and con-verted into hydrophobic carbamate.In addition,the P-MDI-entered wood cured on the surface of wood void space and formed successive PU deposit,as shown in SEM photos in Figure1,which could further prevent water moving or entering.In the cross section of wood,the thickness of cell wall in P-MDI-treated wood[Fig.1(C)]was thicker than that in acetone-treated one[Fig.1(A)]because of the PU deposit,and some small void spaces were crammed with deposit. In the tangential surface of wood,the vessel of ace-tone-treated wood seemed to be smooth and clean,as shown in Figure1(B),while that of P-MDI-treated wood wasfilled with dry mudlike deposit and the surface had many crystallized polyurea.These SEM photos also indicated that only P-MDI could not and did not foam in void spaces of wood.The P-MDI could react with the hydroxyl groups in wood,which resulted in some crosslinks between woodfibers within the P-MDI-treated wood.Besides, the successive PU deposit on the vessel surface could reinforce the vessel to some degree.Therefore, the MOR and MOE of P-MDI-treated wood were 31.70%and27.95%,respectively,more than those of acetone-treated wood.When compared with the nontreated one,the MOR and MOE of P-MDI-treated wood were reduced to 6.78%and19.32%, respectively,because of the crystallinity of cellulose spoiled by the solvent acetone.It was interesting that all MOR specimens of P-MDI-treated wood were ruptured brittlely during mechanical testing. Poplar modified by foaming PU resinsThe controlled results indicated that wood modified by only P-MDI would improve the dimension stabil-ity and do a little harm to strength.As a result,the study devoted to forming impregnated PU in void space of wood by which improved both the dimen-sion stability and mechanical property.The different formulations of foaming PU resin will give different modified effects.To balance the dimension stability and mechanical property best, total seven PU resins with different NCO/OH mole ratio were prepared.The properties of seven PU res-ins and their modifications on poplar wood were shown in Table II.Under the same treating condition,the weight per-centage gains of each batch were ranged between 20.60%and23.94%though the NCO/OH ratio varied from12to2.5.The average weight percentage gain of all specimens was21.68%.The VSCs ranged between 7.05%and13.79%did not correlate with the NCO/ OH ratio.Both all VSC24h and WAC24h,higher than that modified with only P-MDI for some isocyano groups,were reacted with water to foam.However, all WAC24h and four out of seven VSC24h of woods modified with foaming PU were better than that of Controlled II(wood treated with acetone).The mechanical property analysis indicated that all wood modified with foaming PU had better MOR and MOE than that of P-MDI-modified one or acetone-treated one.In general,the MOR was increased atfirst and then decreased with NCO/OH ratio reducing.The PU resins with higher NCO/OH ratio,more than4.5,were bad foamed for the resin had smaller molecular weight,which brought about bad sustainment against the PU bubbles during foaming.However,PU resins with too lower NCO/ OH ratio could not well form as well because the resin had too less free isocyano groups,andTABLE IThe Averaged Properties of the ControlledID WPG(%)VSC24h(%)WAC24h(%)MOR(MPa)MOE(MPa)Controlled I–11.7556.5793.206368Controlled II–12.1681.3884.214880Controlled III22.55 5.7924.4286.8862452982ZHENHUA AND DONG Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/appthe molecular weight may be too large to well impregnate into wood.The resin with low free iso-cyano groups would lead to bad dimension stability of modified wood for much fewer isocyano groups could block the hydrophilic hydroxyl groups in wood,which confirmed by A7modifiedwoodFigure 1The SEM photos of acetone-treated and P-MDI-treated wood.A:Acetone-treated wood in the cross section;B:Acetone-treated wood in the tangential surface;C:P-MDI-treated wood in the cross section;D:P-MDI-treated wood in the tangential surface.TABLE IIThe Modified Effects of Seven PU ResinsID NCO/OH mole ratio NCO content (%)WPG (%)VSC 24h(%)WAC 24h(%)MOR (MPa)MOE (MPa)PU A11217.3221.147.0537.3994.975112PU A2815.2720.6012.4355.6993.485391PU A3613.9323.9411.3754.9694.814865PU A4 4.512.0620.9510.6947.94105.486317PU A5 3.510.4720.8912.7549.94120.137725PU A639.3621.397.9934.50117.806693PUA72.57.8322.8713.7954.10100.315531MODIFICATION OF POPLAR WOOD WITH FOAMING PU RESINS 2983Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appwhose VSC24h was higher than that of the Con-trolled II.Among seven foaming PU resins,resin A6with NCO/OH ratio 3.0embodied best balances of dimension stability and mechanical property.When compared with the Controlled II,the VSC24h and WAC24h reduced34.29%and57.60%,respectively, and the MOR and MOE improved39.89%and 37.15%,respectively.The resin A5with NCO/OH ratio3.5gave best improvement of mechanical prop-erty with42.66%MOR and58.30%MOE more than that of Controlled II.The SEM analysis indicated the PU resin impreg-nated wood was foamed indeed,as shown in Figure2(A,B).The foamed PU adhered to the vessel wall andfinally made the wall become thicker than those modified by P-MDI,which gave better sus-tentation when suffered from stress andmanifestedFigure2The SEM photos of foaming PU-modified wood and their four morphologic models.A:Foamed PU within wood in the cross section;B:Foamed PU within wood in the tangential surface;C:PU foamed within wood(Model I);D: PU foamed within wood(Model II);E:PU foamed within wood(Model III);F:PU foamed within wood(Model IV).2984ZHENHUA AND DONG Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/appbetter MOR apparently.The PU foam in wood gen-erally presented four morphologic models,as shown in Figure2(C–F).Due to the difference of foaming degree of PU resin,which resulted from the catalyst, (the mixture of triethylamine and NaOH)was intro-duced after PU resin impregnated and therefore was distributed unevenly within the wood.The Models I and IV embodied that the PU foamed worst and best within wood,respectively.The PU foam as Model IV was preferably thought to be in favor of the improvement of mechanical property for the foam was full of void space and could sustain the vessel. However,the detailed effects of each foaming model on the dimension stability and mechanical property need more devotions,and how to control the foam-ing model shall be well studied as well.CONCLUSIONSThe dimension stability and mechanical property of wood treated by only acetone would be reduced for acetone spoiled the crystallinity of celluloses and the interface of cellulose and lignin.The dimension sta-bility of wood modified by only P-MDI will be well improved for hydrophilic hydroxyl groups was blocked by isocyanate and PU resin formed succes-sive deposit,while the mechanical property was reduced a little.Both dimension stability and mechanical property of wood modified by foaming PU resin were improved since combinations of some hydroxyl groups blocking,hindrance of water movement in wood,and wood cell wall reinforced by the foamed PU.The modification was affected by NCO/OH mole ratio of PU resin.The PU resin with NCO/OH mole ratio3.0gave best balance between dimension stability and mechanical property,while the PU resin with mole ratio3.5manifested best mechanical property.Four morphologic models of foamed PU within wood were discovered by SEM.References1.Galperin,A.S.Holzforschung1995,49,45.2.Keiko,S.;Masahiro,M.;Kazuya,M.J Wood Sci1999,45,227.3.Wu,Y.;Hiroaki,M.;Yutaka,K.Scientia Silvae Sin2003,39,136.4.Deka,M.;Saikia,C.N.Bioresour Technol2003,73,179.5.Chen,D.China Wood Ind1997,10,9.6.Makoto,O.J Wood Sci2002,48,394.7.Williams,F.C.;Hale,M.D.Holzforschung1999,53,230.8.Engonga,P. 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