

Data Bank of Oral English

Unit 1 Campus life

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0418188913.html,eful Sentences:


●Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.

●How are you doing?/ How’s everything?/ How’s going?/

How are you getting on these days?

●Fine, thank you./ Pretty good./ So-so./ It’s good. /

Everything’s all right.

●Haven’t seen you for ages/ for some time. How’s


●Just fine. ●Glad to meet you./ How nice to meet you!/ What a pleasant



●May I introduce myself?

●Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s …

●My name’s David. I study in English Department.

●By the way, do you know each other? James Martin, Susan


●I want you to meet my friend, James Martin.

●Allow me to introduce James Martin.

3.In the library

●I’d like to apply for a library card.

●Can you find me a book on computer?

●Have you got the latest issue of The World of English?

●I just need some general information on the library.

●Could you recommend a book to me?

●I want to keep it for one more week.

●I’m sorry, the book is out.

●Please don’t forget to return it by the due date.

4.In the dormitory

●How do you feel about your life here?

●How do you like your roommate?

●He is kind of noisy and likes partying too much.

●How was the dinner in the dining room?

●I’ve been here for two years, but I haven’t got used

to the heat here.

●My laundry has really piled up.

●I’m going to the post office to pick up my parcel.

5.Studying lessons

●As for me, passing the exam is not an easy job.

●I’m very poor in math. So I’m afraid I’ll fail it.

●Don’t be discouraged.

●I’m thinking of taking the course in modern English


●Taking notes is very important for us.

●I have to concentrate on my studies.

●What’s your major?

●I major/specialize in English Education at college.

I’m going to attend the lecture given by the American visiting scholar.

II.Related Words and Phrases:

administrative staff 行政人员


borrower’s card借阅卡

to enroll入学

to quit school辍学

to be 5 minutes late for class上课迟到5分钟

to cut class旷课

to miss class缺课

disciplinary measures纪律处分

to burn the mid night oil开夜车to jot down匆匆记下

to cram死记硬背

difficult points难点

further study深造

bibliography参考书目[,b?bl?'?gr?f?] school year学年

class hour学时


classroom teaching课堂教学

class mark学号

credit point学分

credit system学分制

college entrance examination高考composition作文

language laboratory语音室

compulsory courses必修课[k?m'p?ls(?)r?] elective/optional courses

mid-term examination期中考试

final examination期末考试

make-up examination补考

to cheat on exams考试作弊

quality-oriented education素质教育syllabus教学大纲

teaching plan教学计划

lesson plan教案



assistant professor副教授professor教授

visiting professor客座教授

III. Suggested Answers for the main topics:

●Wha t’s a good teacher?

Good teachers should have great responsibility. Students would like to talk with them. They can give students a lot guidance.

●What’s a bad teacher?

A bad teacher doesn’t have the patience to answer student s’ questions, and a bad teacher is always late for the classes.

●What are the difficulties teachers will confront?

If students are not very cooperative in the class, I guess

the teacher will be upset. Besides, teachers do not like students who are absent-minded in the class.

●Do you think being a teacher is a good profession?

It depends. The salary is not high, but a teacher has a lot of free time.

●How can you become a teacher?

If you want to become a teacher, you should graduate from a teacher’s college or a normal university. You should have the ability to speak mandarin (['m?nd(?)r?n]国语,普通话).

●What’s the greatest responsibility of a teacher?

I guess guiding students to be both confident and competent (['k?mp?t(?)nt]有能力的) is the duty of a teacher. Besides, a teacher should also be able to teacher students how to acquire knowledge. ●What do you think of the relationship between teachers

and students?

Their relationship is close. Teachers are quite conscientious ([,k?n??'en??s]认真的,尽责的), and they will try their best to make students have all-round development.

Unit 2 Food and Drink

I. Useful Sentences:

1. Restaurant English

●Is this table free?

●Have you got a table for two?

●Is the table by the window reserved?

●Have you got a reservation?

●I made a reservation.

●Please give me the menu./ May I see/ have the menu?

●What’s the special for today?

●Please recommend some dishes./ What do you recommend? ●May I take your order?

●What kind of dishes do you prefer?

●What would you like to start/ begin with?

●What do you like, Chinese food or Western food?

●How do you like you steak?

●I want the steak rare/ medium rare/ medium/ well-done.

●I’m not picky.

●What would you like to drink?

●What will you have for dessert?

●Please rush our orders.

●May I have the bill/check?/ Can you bring me the bill?/

Let me have the bill.

●It’s on me./ It’s my treat.

●Let’s go Dutch. / Let’s split the bill.

●Is that for here or to go?

2. Talking about food and drinks

●Chinese cooking is colorful, varied, and nutritious.

●American cooking at its best is regional in character.

●I hope the dishes are to your taste/liking.

●The soup has a wonderful flavor.

●Both the food and the service are excellent here.

●The dish is overcooked/ undercooked.

●Can I have another cup of tea? This one is cold.

3. Treat at home

●Make yourself at home.

●Have some more chicken, please. ●To your health!/ To our friendship!

●I propose a toast to our friendship.

●Let’s drink to our friendship.

●How would you like your tea, with sugar or cream?

●How would you like your coffee, black or with sugar and


III.Related Words and Phrases:




afternoon tea下午茶

late snack宵夜


main course主菜



milk shake奶昔

liquor/ spirits白酒



beverage饮料['bev(?)r?d?] soft drink软饮料

coconut milk椰汁

soda water汽水

mineral water矿泉水Coca Cola/ Coke可乐green tea绿茶black tea红茶

lemon tea 柠檬茶

black coffee黑咖啡

white coffee加奶咖啡

fast food快餐


instant noodles方便面fried bread stick油条steamed bread馒头

French fries炸薯条ketchup番茄酱['ket??p; -?p] to fry煎

to boil煮

to stew炖

to steam蒸

to roast烤

Unit 3 Shopping

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0418188913.html,eful Sentences:

1. Requesting:

●Where’s the shoe department?

●Have you got the latest dress styles from Korea?

●Do you have any skirts for about a hundred dollars?

●Does this sweater come in red?

●What is this dress made from?

●I’m looking for a skirt to go with this sweater.

●Is green the in-color this year? ●Do you have any gloves on sale today?

2. Explanation:

●We have all kinds of shoes available.

●We have a good variety of children’s hats in all sizes

and styles.

●We’ve run out of that size in this style.

●It’s of high quality.

●This windbreaker is perfect for spring.

●It wears very comfortably and keeps its shape.

●This material is unshrinkable and colorfast after


●Jeans are quite durable.

●Sorry, we have only one price.

3. Trying on:

●May I try it on?

●Where is the fitting room?

●May I hear some of this record?

●Can I have a sample/taste of that?

●Certainly. As you prefer.

●Does this dress look OK on me?


●It was a perfect fit.

●I’m afraid this dress is too big in the shoulders.

●This one doesn’t match the suit in color.

●It’s too tight around the bottom, but a bit wide in the

waist. ●I’m afraid this is too loose for me.

4. Bargaining and making a deal:

●That’s a highway robbery!

●Can you come down a little bit?

●If I buy more, can you give me more of a discount?

●If you buy four, you can get one free.

●I can’t give you more than 100 yuan.

●The price can barely cover the cost.

●The discount had been given already.

●Let’s meet (each other) half way.

●I can’t come down that much. How about ten bucks off?

●You drive a hard bargain. I’m losing money on this.

●It cost me an arm and leg.

●It’s a deal.

●I’d like to buy one.

●I’ll take it.

●How much does it come to altogether?

●Can I pay by cheque/ credit card/ cash?

●Do you accept coupons([‘ku?p?n]优惠劵)?

IV.Related Words and Phrases:


counter 柜台

pattern 图案



brand牌子checkout/ cash desk收银台origin产地



tag/ label标签


sale price特价

regular price原价reduction减价



to refund退货


to exchange更换

warranty [‘w?r?nti] 保修期

to shrink缩水

to fade褪色




tight-fitting clothes紧身衣mink coat貂皮大衣






high-heel shoes高跟鞋wedge ([wed?]) heel shoes 坡跟鞋/楔形跟鞋slippers拖鞋

twin set两件套



pajamas [p??d?ɑ?m?z]睡衣









vending machine自动售货机


III. Suggested Answers for the main topics:

●Is there any difference between the shopping habits of

the old and young?

Well, young people like to buy something cute and fashionable although it may not be very useful. The old prefer to buy things that are guaranteed with good quality.

●What’s the living standard of Chinese people like


With the development of our society, the living standard of Chinese people has been improved significantly. So, nowadays, more and more people can afford to buy some expensive goods.

●How can a store attract people?

A good department store should provide customers with various brands of commodity, because people may have different demands. Besides, whether the shop assistants are kind or not is also a very important feature.

●What’s the change of department stores in the past


The most significant change is that there are more goods available in department stores nowadays. Besides, the service of the shop assistants has been improved greatly. You can always get satisfactory service there. And the shop assistants will sincerely give you some advice when you want to buy something. However, in the past, they were very

indifferent and arrogant.

●What’s the difference between shopping malls and shops?

I think you have a wider choice in a shopping mall, but

a shop can give you great convenience.

●What do you think of on-line shopping?

Well, many consumers are using this way of shopping nowadays, but I think we should pay attention to the safety of payment. We should know how to protect ourselves.

●What do you think of the after-sale service of the

department stores?

Well, I think service is better now. The competence is stronger and every department store is conscious of this. They’re making great efforts to attract consumers.

●What’s the role of service for a store?

It determines whether the store is going to have more customers in the future. Once a consumer is maltreated, the negative effect will come out.

●Why do some many people enjoy in buying things? People get pleasure from shopping, and it is their nature. They want to possess more things. Besides, they can afford it.

●How will shopping change in the future?

Online shopping will be part of our life. People stay at home, click the mouse and then make the order. When their order is confirmed, their purchase will be delivered.

●What are the difference between cash and credit cards? Credit cards bring convenience to people. It is dangerous for people to carry cash around. People prefer to use credit

cards to pay a large sum of money.

●What is the difference between men and women in shopping? Men rarely go shopping as a habit, but as for women, shopping is the process of relaxation.

Unit 4 Entertainment

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0418188913.html,eful Sentences: 1. About TV/ movie:

●What’s on TV now?

●What program is this?

●There is a good program named Dialogue on Channel 9


●Which do you prefer, Chinese films or foreign films?

●Have you got any tickets left?

●The new movie Transformer is on.

●Most of the TV programs are a complete waste of time.

●Presenting the news is what TV does best.

●I don’t like comedies very much. I like adventure


●Do you like Wild West film?

●Who is the leading lady in that movie?

●What do you think of the TV news report?

2. About music:

●What kind of music is popular now?

●What do you think of rock and roll music?

●Are you a music lover?

●What instrument do you play?

●Who’s your favorite pop song singer/ composer?

●Do you often go to concerts?

●Where can I download these records?

●I’m keen on light music.

●I really enjoy classical music.

●KTVs have to meet security and fire-safety regulations.

●People can free themselves from the stress and hectic

life of the city in KTV.

●Which song made the deepest impression on you?

●That was the most exciting live concert I’ve ever seen.

●I find jazz more relaxing.

3. About other entertainment activities:

●Would you like to dance?

●I don’t go dancing very often.

●Peking opera is terrific.

●I always chat online by QQ.

●Some young boys are addicted to network games.

●Do you often play chess in your spare time?

●The internet plays an important role in modern society.

II.Related Words and Phrases: cable TV有线电视

TV program电视节目

TV series电视剧

TV viewer电视观众

remote control遥控器

to switch over换台


movie/ film电影

action movie动作电影

adventure movie惊险片

horror film恐怖片

music film音乐电影

popular music流行音乐folk music民族乐








symphony交响乐['s?mf(?)n?] pirated盗版的

authorized正版的['??θ?ra?zd] solo独唱






amateur业余的['?m?t?; -t??; -tj??; ,?m?'t??] director导演







rock and roll摇滚乐

classical music古典乐

soul music灵魂音乐light music轻音乐opera歌剧

Peking Opera京剧


musical instrument乐器guitar吉他





viola中提琴[v?'??l?] cello大提琴['t?el??] flute长笛[flu?t]



to play bridge打桥牌

to play chess下象棋

to play mahjong打麻将

Talk Show脱口秀

to surf the internet网上冲浪

cyber café网吧


to go fishing垂钓

to go hiking远足

III. Suggested Answers for the main topics:

●What sort of music do you like most and why?

I like pop music because the rhythm is strong. ●Can you tell me the western music’s impact on the world


Oh, the western music is undoubtedly great and it has a long history. It greatly influences the world music. Many musical talents and distinguished musicians were born and bred in western country, such as Beethoven, Mozart and so on. Excellent songwriters often go to Vienna to get education.

●Do you think it’s necessary to open a music course in

high school?

Yes, of course. The leisure activities of students are extremely limited. We can improve their quality and trait if we give them music lessons. Students can learn to appreciate music. They will be guided to the right way of


●Do you like music?

Yes, I like singing in a karaoke. I often sing for my friends. When they praise me, I feel happy.

●What program is your favorite?

I always watch a program named Dialog. In this program, some important people are invited to be guests, and the TV presenter often asks them a lot of significant problems.

●What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching


As far as I am concerned, watching TV makes well-informed and relaxed, but on the other hand, it takes too much time which distracts us from our study or work.

●Why is watching TV an important way of relaxation?

TV viewers just sit in front of TV sets with the remote control in their hands. They don’t have to think about anything. They just get the information passively.

●Are there too many advertisements on TV?

I guess so. TV programs are interrupted every few minutes. Sometimes our interest is taken away from the programs ●What is the leisure style in your hometown?

Old people like to take a walk in the streets, and young people always sing karaoke, play sports or surf the internet.

●What is the importance of relaxation?

People can have the energy to continue to work or study. Besides, their life is going to be happy. They will have both physical and metal health.


A aborigine n. 澳大利亚土著居民(6L&T) ◆ abortion n. 流产,堕胎(4a) absence n. 不在,缺席(8a) ◆ absolutely adv. 完全的;绝对的(5b) absorb v. 吸收;吸引(6b) academy n. 专科院校;学会;研究院(2b) accent n. 口音(6b) activity n. 活跃,活动(7a) ▲ addicted adj. 成瘾的(1a) administration n. 行政管理;全体行政管理人员;政府(2b) adopt v. 收养;过继(4L&T) adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的(3L&T) afterwards adv. 以后,过后,后来(7b) ◆ agony n. 痛苦(7a) ah int. 啊,哈(1L&T) ◆ ailing adj. 不舒服,生病(1a) air-conditioner n. 空调机(1L&T) air-conditioning n. 空调机(系统) (1L&T) alike adj. 相同的(6L&T) alter v. 改变,变更(7L&T) ▲ ambitious adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,有野心的(3b) ambulance n. 救护车(8a) ancient adj. 古代的(6a) ◆ angle n. 角(2a) anniversary n. 周年纪念(2L&T) anxety n. 忧虑;焦虑(7L&T) ◆ aphorism n. 警句,格言,箴言(5a) apparently adj. 明显的(2a) appeal (to) v. (to)吸引,对…有号召力,投…所好(5b) appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器(1L&T) apportion v. 分摊;分配(2CS) appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏(2L&T) approach n. 方式,方法(6a) ◆ Arab n. 阿拉伯人(8b) adj. 阿拉伯的 ▲ arena n. 竞争场所,竞争场(2b) argument n. 争论,辩论(2L&T) arrangement n. 安排(8L&T) arrest v. 逮捕(7b) artificial adj. 人造的(1L&T) ▲ aspiration n. 强烈愿望;渴望(8b) associate v. 联系;联想(5a)


1. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的 chronic可指疾病长期的,慢性的或连续复发的,如: Arthritis is a chronic disease. 关节炎是一种慢性病。 另外,chronic还可指某种问题长期存在的,习惯性的,如: Unemployment has been a chronic problem in this country. 在这个国家,失业问题长期存在。 2. circulation n. 循环;发行(量) circulation的动词形式是circulate。 Reader has a large circulation in China. 《读者》在中国发行量很大。 3. climax n. 高潮;顶点,最高点 v. (使)达到顶点(或高潮)

Here comes the climax of the play. 整场戏的高潮来了。 4. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守 英语中表示坚持的词还有很多,如insist,persist,adhere等,它们的区别如下: cling 与to连用,指对信仰、意见、习惯等的坚持。 adhere 也与to连用,指坚持意见、计划或承诺等,含有坚持不懈的意思。 insist 通常用于对意见、主张等的坚持。 persist 用于褒义时指坚持继续做某事,但更常用于贬义,指不听劝告,顽固坚持。 persevere 含褒义,强调坚持不懈的努力。 cling的过去式和过去分词是clung,cling to sth.=become attached to sth. Don't cling to your old ideas, it's 21 century now!


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配1、介词+名词 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外 in addition to 除......之外 in the air 在流行中,在传播中 on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在......的基础上 at (the) best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case of 假使,万一 in case 假使,以防(万一)免得 in no case 决不 by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge (of) 负责,主管 (a) round the clock 昼夜不集地 in common 共用,共有,共同 in conclusion 最后,总之 on cond0ition that 在......条件下 in confidence 信任 in connection with/to 关于 in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于......的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反 in contrast with/to 与......成对照 out of control 失去控制 under control 被控制住 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以......为代价 in the course of 在...过程中,在...期间 of course 当然,自然 in danger 在危险中,垂危 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的 up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债 in detail 详细地 in difficulties 处境困难in the distance 在远处 off duty 下班 on duty 值班,上班 on earth 究竟,到底 at all events 无论如何 in any event 有效;实际上 in the event of 万一,如果发生 for example 例如 with the exception of ......之外 in the face of 面对,不顾,即使 in fact 其实,实际上 on fire 烧着 on foot 步行 in force 有效;实施中 in favo(u)r of 有利于,赞成,支持in front of 在......面前 in (the) future 今后,将来 on guard 警惕,防范 in general 通常,大体上 in half 成两半 at hand 在手边,在附近 from tip to toe 彻着彻尾,完全 by hand 用手 hand down to 往下传,传给(后代)hand in hand 手拉手,携手 in hand 在掌握中,在控制中 on hand 在手边,临近 on (the) one hand ... 一方面......, on the other hand ... 另一方面......,at heart 在内心;实质上 by heart 牢记,凭记忆 at home 在家,在国内;自在,自如in honour of 以纪念,向......表示敬意on one's honour 以名誉担保 in a hurry 匆忙地,立即 for instance 例如,举例说 at intervals 不时,时时 at last 最终,终于 at least 至少,最低限度 in the least 一点,丝毫 at length 终于,最后;详细地 in the light of 按照,根据 in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line with 与......一致,按照

大学体验英语综合教程 词汇表

A aborigine n. 澳大利亚土着居民 (6L&T) ◆ abortion n. 流产,堕胎 (4a) absence n. 不在,缺席 (8a) ◆ absolutely adv. 完全的;绝对的 (5b) absorb v. 吸收;吸引 (6b) academy n. 专科院校;学会;研究院 (2b) accent n. 口音 (6b) activity n. 活跃,活动 (7a) ▲ addicted adj. 成瘾的 (1a) administration n. 行政管理;全体行政管理人员;政府 (2b) adopt v. 收养;过继 (4L&T) adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的 (3L&T) afterwards adv. 以后,过后,后来 (7b) ◆ agony n. 痛苦 (7a) ah int. 啊,哈 (1L&T) ◆ ailing adj. 不舒服,生病 (1a) air-conditioner n. 空调机 (1L&T) air-conditioning n. 空调机(系统) (1L&T) alike adj. 相同的 (6L&T) alter v. 改变,变更 (7L&T) ▲ ambitious adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,有野心的 (3b)

ambulance n. 救护车 (8a) ancient adj. 古代的 (6a) ◆ angle n. 角 (2a) anniversary n. 周年纪念 (2L&T) anxety n. 忧虑;焦虑 (7L&T) ◆ aphorism n. 警句,格言,箴言 (5a) apparently adj. 明显的 (2a) appeal (to) v. (to)吸引,对…有号召力,投…所好 (5b) appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器 (1L&T) apportion v. 分摊;分配 (2CS) appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏 (2L&T) approach n. 方式,方法 (6a) ◆ Arab n. 阿拉伯人 (8b) adj. 阿拉伯的 ▲ arena n. 竞争场所,竞争场 (2b) argument n. 争论,辩论 (2L&T) arrangement n. 安排 (8L&T) arrest v. 逮捕 (7b) artificial adj. 人造的 (1L&T) ▲ aspiration n. 强烈愿望;渴望 (8b) associate v. 联系;联想 (5a) assume v. 假设,假定 (5a)


大学英语四级常考词汇及例句解析(1) 导读:本文大学英语四级常考词汇及例句解析(1),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 英语四级常考词汇及例句1: 1. aggravate v. 加重;使严重;恶化 这个词的意思就是使某种情况变得更坏,所以他的同义词是worsen,但在写作中使用aggravate显然会比worsen高级许多。 Smoking aggravates his cough. 吸烟使他的咳嗽变得更严重了。 另外,在口语中aggravate也可表示激怒,它是指因他人长时间的反复行为而使人感到不快。 2. alleviate v. 减轻;使……缓和 很明显,这个词跟上面的aggravate是一对反义词,所以背诵时可以对照起来看哦。 She often watches variety show to alleviate pressure. 她经常通过看综艺节目来减轻压力。 3. alternate v./a 交替(的) n. 代替者,候补人员 alternate作名词意思跟substitute类似,但substitute强调某人替代他人或某物的替代作用。 I go to play badminton on alternate 我每隔一个周六就去打羽毛球。 4. ambiguous a. 歧义的;模棱两可的;含糊不清的

它的同义词有vague,indefinite等。 His ambiguous speech irriate the consumers. 他模棱两可的发言激怒了消费者。 5. amplify v. 扩大(声音);增强;详述 amplify的同义词有很多,比如broaden,intensify,expand,augment等。其名词形式是amplification,表示扩大。amplifier则表示扩音器。 The president intends to amplify the company. 总裁打算扩大公司规模。 6. analogy n. 类比;类似,相似 by analogy There are a lot of analogies in the development of Japan and America. 日本和美国在发展中有很多相似之处。 7. anonymous a. 匿名的 跟这个词结构类似的词有synonymous(同义的),antonymous(反义的),在记忆的时候一定要分清楚哦。 An anonymous letter was sent to the Congress. 有人给国会寄了封匿名信。 8. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许;拍手喝彩 表示“赞扬,称赞”的词有好几个,我们来看看他们的区别。 applaud 尤指对出色的表演或高尚的行为等的大声叫好,热烈鼓掌。 praise 普通用词,指用言语或其他方式表示赞扬。 commend 正式用词,支队某人的具体功绩或重大成就表示嘉奖。 compliment 侧重客气和礼貌,有时含恭维之意。


Glossary lesson 1 academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱 affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的 baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力contribute 贡献 counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋 ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的 guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任

newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解 position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议 relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2


最新大学英语三级短语 a few 有些,几个all right 好,行as though好像a good deal 大量,许多all the time 一直,始终as to至于,关于a good deal of 大量的,许多的along with 与···一起as usual照常,照例a good many 大量,许多and so forth 等等as well也,又a great deal 大量,许多and so on 等等as well as(除···之外)也,既···又···a great deal of 大量的,许多的and then其次,然后,于是as yet 到目前为止,到那时为止a great many 许多,大量and yet 可是,然而aside from 除···以外a little 一点,稍anything but 除···以外任何事(物),并不,绝at a loss困惑,不知所措a lot 大量,很多arrive at达到,得出at a time每次,一次a lot of 大量的,很多的as…as 像···一样at all costs不惜任何代价,无论如何a matter of(关于···)的问题;大约as a matter of fact 其实,事实上 at any rate无论如何a number of 若干as a result 因此,结果at best充其量,至多a series of 一系列,一连串as a result of 由于···的结果at first最初,起先above all首先,最重要的是as a rule 通常,照例at first sight乍一看,处看起来according to 按照,根据as far as…be concerned 就···来说at hand在手边,附近account for 说明(原因等)as follows 如下at intervals不时,时时add up to 合计,总计as for 至于,就···方面说at large一般,大体上after all 终于,毕竟as good as 和···几乎一样,事实上等于at last 最后,终于ahead of 在···前面as if 好像,仿佛at least至少all at once 突然,同时as long as 只要at length终于,最后;详细地all but 几乎,差一点,除···之外,其余都是as regards 关于,至于at most至多,不超过all over 遍及,到处as soon as 一···就,刚···便at no time从不,绝不 at once 立刻by reason of 由于due to由于,因为at one time 同时;曾经,从前by the way顺便说,附带说一下each other相互at present现在by virtue of 由于either…or…或者···还是,不论···还是at the cost of 以···为代价by way of 经由,通过even if即使,虽然at the mercy of 在···支配下call for 邀约;要求,需要even then即使那样,连···都at the monent现在,此刻call forth唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起even though即使,虽然at the same time 同时,然而call off放弃,取消ever since从那时起,自那时以来at times有时can’t/couldn’t help禁不住,不得不ever so非常,及其back and forth 来来往往的,来回carry into effect使生效,使起作用 every other每隔一个的be able+to V 能,会carry into practice实施,实行except for除···之外be about +to V 即将carry off夺去fall in with符合,与···一致;碰见be absorbed in 专心于carry on 继续下去far from远非;远离be attached to 附属于,隶属于carry out贯彻,执行,实现feel like 欲,想要be concerned with 有关,从事于cast light on 阐明,使明figure out计算出,理解,明白


大学英语四级考试写作常用短语及例句 很多同学在大学英语四级考试中会存在一些误区,认为语法不那么重要,其实英语语法是学习英语的指南,以下是给大家的大学英语四级考试语法基础:英语四级考试写作常用短语及例句,希望可以帮到大家 1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为 it is monly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认 it is undeniable that…/ there is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 as far as i am concerned, / personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 argument on both sides


词汇表 (Vocabulary) abandon [?'b?nd?n] n. 1. 狂热 2. 放任 vt.1. 遗弃; 2. 放弃 ability[?'biliti] n. 1. 能力,能耐 2. 才能 aboard [??????] adv.1. 在飞机上; 2. [船] 在船上; 3. 在火车上 prep. 在…上 absence['?bs?ns] n. 1. 没有; 2. 缺乏; 3. 缺席; 4. 不注意 absolute [ ????●◆??] adj.1. 绝对的; 2. 完全的; 3. 专制的 n. 1. 绝对; 2. 绝对事物 absolutely [ ????●◆??●?] adv.1. 绝对地; 2. 完全地 absorb [???????] vt.1. 吸收; 2. 吸引; 3. 承受; 4. 理解; 5. 使…全神贯注 abuse [?'bju:z, ?'bju:s] n. 1. 滥用; 2. 虐待; 3. 辱骂; 4. 弊端; 5. 恶习,陋习 vt. 1. 滥用; 2. 虐待; 3. 辱骂 academic [ ?k?'demik] adj.1. 学术的; 2. 理论的; 3. 学院的 n. 1. 大学生,大学教师; 2. 学者 accelerate[?k'sel?reit] vt.1. 使……加快; 2. 使……增速 vi.1. 加速; 2. 促进; 3. 增加 accent ['?ks?nt, ?k'sent] n. 1. 口音; 2. 重音; 3. 强调; 5. 重音符号 vt. 1. 强调; 2. 重读; 3. 带…口音讲话 accept [?k'sept] vt. 1. 接受; 2. 承认; 3. 承担; 4. 承兑; 5. 容纳 Vi .1. 承认; 2. 同意; 3. 承兑 acceptance[?k'sept?ns] n. 1. 接受; 2. 接纳; 3. [金融] 承兑; 4. 赞同 accident ['?ksid?nt] n. 1. 事故; 2. 意外; 3. [法] 意外事件; 4. 机遇 accompany [?????????] vt. 1. 陪伴,伴随; 2. 伴奏 vi. 伴奏,伴唱 accomplish [??????●??] vt.1. 完成; 2. 实现; 3. 达到 accordance [?????????] n. 1. 一致; 2. 和谐 account[?'kaunt] n. 1. [会计] 账户; 2. 解释;[会计] 账目, 账单; 3. 理由 vi.1. 解释; 2. 导致; 3. 报账 vt.1. 认为; 2. 把…视为 accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] vi.1. 累积; 2. 积聚 vt. 积攒 accurate['?kjur?t] adj. 精确的 accuse [?'kju:z] vt.1. 控告,指控; 2. 谴责; 3. 归咎于 vi.1. 指责; 2. 控告 accustomed [?????????] adj.1. 习惯的; 2. 通常的; 3. 独有的 v. 使习惯于(accustom的 过去分词) ache [eik] vi. 1. 疼痛; 2. 渴望 n. 疼痛 achieve [???????] vt.1. 达到; 2. 完成 vi.1. 达到目的; 2. 如愿以偿 achievement [???????????] n. 1. 成就; 2. 完成; 3. 达到 acid ['?sid] n. 1. 酸; 2. <俚>迷幻药 adj. 1. 酸的; 2. 讽刺的; 3. 刻薄的 acquaintance [?'kweint?ns] n. 1. 熟人; 2. 相识; 3. 了解; 4. 知道 acquire[?'kwai?] vt. 1. 获得; 2. 取得; 3. 学到; 4. 捕获 acre ['eik?] n. 1. 土地,地产; 2. 英亩 across [??????] prep.1. 穿过; 2. 横穿 adv. 1. 横过; 2. 在对面 act [?kt] vt. 1. 扮演; 2. 装作,举动像 vi. 1. 行动; 2. 扮演,充当; 3. 表现,举止; 4. 假装,演戏; 5. 起作用,见效 n. 1. 行为,行动; 2. 法令,法案; 3. (戏剧,歌剧的)一 幕,段; 4. 装腔作势 action [ ?????] n. 1. 行动; 2. 活动;


Unit 1 College Life (P169) sample n-count: (1) 样品;货样A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like. Eg: ---- We're giving away 2000 free samples. ---- They asked me to do some sample drawings. (2) (用于化验的)取样,样本A sample of a substance is a small amount of it that is examined and analyzed scientifically. Eg: ---- They took samples of my blood. Verb: (1) 品尝;试尝If you sample food or drink, you taste a small amount of it in order to find out if you like it. Eg: ---- We sampled a selection of different bottled waters. 我们品尝了一系列不同品牌的瓶装水。 (2) 体验;尝试If you sample a place or situation, you experience it for a short time in order to find out about it.

Eg: ---- ...the chance to sample a different way of life. definitely adv.清楚地;明显地;肯定地;当然You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion Eg: ---- I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people. adj.definite明确的;一定的;肯定;有把握 Eg: ---- Mary is very definite about this. n.definition定义;规定,明确;[物]清晰度;解释<复数definitions> Eg: ----我给这个字下了定义。 I made a definition for this word. diversity n. : (1) 多样性;多样化;多元性The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements. Eg: ---- ...the cultural diversity of British society.


大学英语三级高频词汇 三星级单词★★★ (出现频率极高) 单词词性及释义 local adj.地方性的,当地的;n.当地居民market n.市场,交易,集市 nice adj.美好的,和蔼的,做得好的 park n.公园,游乐场,停车处 pleasure n.快乐,愉快,令人高兴的事 scientist n.科学家 space n.位置,空间,太空 table n.桌子,餐桌 thanksgiving n.(对神的)感谢,感恩祈祷 already adv.已经,早已 angry adj.生气的,愤怒的 bill n.账单,清单 build vt.建立,建造 case n.情形,情况,箱子,病例,案例 class n.班级,阶级,种类,课 daughter n.女儿 death n.死亡 either adj.(两者之中)任一的;pron.任一个face n.脸,面容,外观;vt.面对,面临film n.胶卷,电影;vt.拍摄 ground n.地面,土地,底;adj.磨碎的,磨平的hold vt.握着,抓住,握住;vi.持续,保持interest n.兴趣,嗜好,利益;vt.使感兴趣Internet n.互联网 least n.最少,最小;adj. & adv.最少(的)likely adj.有可能的;adv.或许,可能 tired adj.疲乏的,疲倦的;劳累的 welcome adj.受欢迎的;vt.欢迎,接待;n.欢迎area n.区域,面积,范围 born adj.天生的 clothes n.衣服 deal vt.发,分配;vi.处理,应付 foreign adj.外国的 forget vt.& vi.忘记 heart n.心,心脏,中心,内心 level n.水平,水准


公共英语>>>大学体验英语(1)责任教师:徐薇 浙江广播电视大学《大学体验英语1》课程教学大纲 普通专科班非英语专业 责任教师:徐薇 为指导浙江广播电视大学非英语专业大学英语教学,特制订本大纲。大纲的各项规定可作为大学英语教学安排、教材编写、教学质量检查的依据。 一、教学对象 本课程为公共英语课,教学对象是浙江广播电视大学非英语专业的学生。 二、教学目的 大学英语教学的目的是,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。大学英语教学应帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。 三、教学要求 本课程采用由宁春岩主编,由高等教育出版社出版的《大学体验英语》系列教材第一册。本课程参照《大学英语教学大纲》对各级的要求,分为1—6级。每级由《综合教程》、《扩展教程》、《听说教程》以及配套的多媒体学习课件、网络课程以及电子教案等组成。教学要求如下: 1、词汇:在二级的基础上掌握550-600单词(其中18%可通过泛读和其他学习项目掌握) 以及由这些单词构成的常用词组。对其中300左右的常用词要求拼写正确,并掌握它们的基本用法。 2、读:精读量:7000-8000词;泛读量:30000-35000词。能正确理解与课文难度相仿的文章。学会基本阅读技能,阅读速度达到每分钟65词。阅读难度略低、生词不超过总词数3%的材料,速度达到每分钟65词,理解准确率以70%为合格。

3、听:能听懂英语讲课及简短会话、谈话和讲座,抓住中心大意、要点和有关细节,领会作者观点和态度。对题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上没有生词、语速每分钟约120词的听力材料, 两遍可以听懂, 理解准确率以70%为合格。 4、写:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记、回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题和提纲在半小时内写出100词左右的短文,能写短信和便条。表达意思清楚,无重大语法错误。 5、说:能进行简单的日常会话, 能就教材内容作简短问答和复述。能就熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达思想基本清楚。 四、教学安排 学期总学时综合教程课程应不少于72学时,每周应不低于4学时。听说课程不少于36学时,每周不低于2学时。地方电大可根据实际情况适当增加学时, 课内外学习时数的比例应不低于1:2。 五、测试 1、测试是检查教学大纲执行情况、评估教学质量的一种有效手段,是获取教学反馈信息的主要来源和改进教学工作的重要依据。语言测试应重点考核学生的语言基础和语言应用能力。测试要做到科学、公平和规范。 2、本课程的测试按教学大纲的要求进行,每学期安排一次,由浙江广播电视大学统一命题。期末测试内容紧密结合所学的教材,尽量结合大学英语水平等级考试的题型。期末测试成绩占学期总成绩的80%。,平时成绩占20%,由地方电大的英语老师给出平时成绩,记入学期总成绩。(平时成绩=形成性考核成绩,由书面作业和口试两部分组成) 3、各地方电大可以统一组织学生参加省内三级水平测试。有条件的电大应组织学生参加四级水平测试。 六、教学原则与方法建议 1、重视打好语言基础,注意提高文化素养。 大学英语教学必须把重点放在打好语言基础上。语言基础包括语言知识和语言应用能力,前者指语音、语法和词汇等方面的知识,后者指综合运用这些知识进行读、听、说、写、译等语言活动的能力。正确的语音语调、扎实的语法、一定的词汇量和熟练的词汇运用能力的提高有助于提高外语学习的效率,有利于提高语言运用能力。语言运用能力的提高又必将促进语言知识的加深和巩固。 大学英语教学还应有助于学生开阔视野,扩大知识面,加深对世界的了解,借鉴和吸收外国文化的精华,提高文化素养。文化与语言有密切的联系,一定的文化背景知识有助于促进语言应用能力的提高。 2、重视培养实际运用语言进行交际的能力。 语言是交际工具,语言教学的最终目标是培养学生以书面或口头方式进行交际的能力。因此,在教学过程中既要传授必要的语言知识,也要引导学生运用所学的语言知识和技能进行广泛的阅读和其他语言交际活动。教学活动要有利于语言技能的培养和功能意念的理解及表达。不仅要重视句子水平上的语言训练,还要逐步发展在语篇水平上进行交际的能力。



妙招连连:100个句子背会四级单词 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤

圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 8.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.


大学英语精读第二册单词表UNIT 1. Is There Life on Earth? NEW WORDS humorous a. funny; that makers people laugh 幽默的 humor n. essay n. 散文,随笔 excitement n. the state or quality of being excited planet n. large body in space that moves round a star esp. round the sun 行星Venusian a. of or having to do with the plant Venus 金星的 n. supposed Venus being 金星人 satellite n. spacecraft that goes round the planet earth and sends back radio and television signals; heavenly body that goes round a plant (人造)卫星 signal n. 信号;暗号 astronomer n. person who studies the science of the sun, moon, stars and planets 天文学家 telescope n. instrument with special glasses used for seeing distant things extremely ad. very 极端,非常 extreme a. feasibility ad. possibility of being carried or done 可行性 feasible a. manned a. occupied by one or more persons 载人的 saucer n. 浅碟;茶托 flying saucer n. 飞碟 conference n. meeting press conference n. meeting arranged by an important person to which news reporters are invited to listen to a statement or ask questions 记者招待会 technology


大学英语三级词汇表下载: A a,an art.一,任一,每一 abandon v.1.放弃,2.离弃,抛弃 ability n.1.能力 2.才能,能力 able a.1.有能力的,有才干的 2.显示出才华的be~ to V.能,会 aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上 prep.在(船.飞机.车)上 about prep.1. 在…周围,2.关于,对于 ad.1.周围,附近,到处2.大约 be ~ to V.即将 above prep. 高于,在…之上 a.上面的,上述的 ad.以上,在上面 abroad ad.到国外,在国外 absence n.1.不在,缺席,2.缺乏,没有 absent a.(from)不在的,缺席的 absolute a.完全的,绝对的 absorb vt.吸收 be ~ed in专心于 abstract a. 抽象的 n.摘(提)要 vt. 提(抽)取 abuse n.& v.1.滥用, 2.辱骂 academic a.1.学院的, 2.学术的 accent n.1.口音,腔调 2.重音 accept vt.1.接受,领受 2.同意,承认 acceptable a.可接受的 access n.1.接近. 进入,接近(或进入)的方法 have/gain ~ to 可以获得accident n.事故,意外的事 by ~ 偶然 accompany vt.1.伴随,陪同 2.为……伴奏 accomplish vt.完成 according ~ to 按照,根据 account n.1.账,账户 2叙述,说明 vt.说明 ~ for说明(原因等) on ~ of 因为 take into ~ 考虑 accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性) accurate a.准确的,精确的 accuse vt.(of)控告,谴责 ache vi.痛 n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt.1.完成 2.达到,得到 achievement n.1.完成,达到, 2.成就,成绩 acid n.酸 a.酸的 acquire vt.1.取得,获得 2.学到 across prep.1.横过,穿过 2.在……对面与……交叉 ad. 1.横过,穿过2.宽,阔 act vi.1.行动,做事 2.(on)作用 n.行为,动作 action n.1.行动,行为,活动 2.(on) 作用于 active a.1.有活动力的,积极的,活跃的 2.在活动中的 activity n.1.活动 2.活性,活力 actor n.男演员
