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1.概述 (6)1.1装置保护功能及适用范围 (6)1.2选型说明 (6)1.3主要特点 (6)2.技术条件 (8)2.1 额定电气参数 (8)2.2 功率消耗 (8)2.3 超载能力 (8)2.4 极限环境条件 (8)2.5 机械性能 (8)2.6 绝缘耐压性能 (9)2.7 输出接点容量 (9)2.8 电磁兼容性 (9)2.9 保护功能主要技术指针 (9)3.保护原理说明 (10)3.1 保护程序结构说明 (10)3.2 距离保护的启动和复归 (11)3.2.1 “负序和零序” 启动元件 (11)3.2.2相电流突变量启动元件 (12)3.2.3过流启动元件(静稳检测元件) (12)3.3选相元件 (12)3.3.1近处或者短线路(3>Ls Z Z 线路阻抗系统阻抗)故障 ............................................................................ 12 3.3.2 故障点较远,线路较长(3<L s Z Z 线路阻抗系统阻抗) ....................................................................... 14 3.3.3 故障点很远,线路很长 (14)3.4工频变化量距离继电器 (14)3.5三相故障距离保护 (15)3.5.1 保护启动后140ms 以内 (15)3.5.2 保护启动140ms 以后 (18)3.6 I ,II 段接地距离继电器 (18)3.7 I ,II 段两相故障距离继电器 (20)3.8 振荡闭锁 (22)3.8.1 不对称故障开放元件 (22)3.8.2对称故障开放元件 (22)3.9 距离保护动作逻辑 (24)3.10不对称相继速动 (25)3.11 距离三段 (26)3.12 变压器远后备保护 (27)3.13 零序方向过流保护和零序反时限过流保护 (29)3.14 重合闸 (30)3.15 合闸后加速 (32)3.16 双回线横联保护 (33)3.17 PT断线后紧急状态保护 (34)3.18 低频解列 (34)3.19 母线TV断线 (36)3.20 线路TV断线 (36)3.21 TA断线 (37)3.22 开关位置异常告警 (37)3.23 角差异常告警 (37)3.24 过负荷告警 (37)3.25 控制回路断线 (38)4.硬件原理说明 (39)4.1装置硬件组成 (39)4.2装置各组件原理说明 (40)4.2.1电源模块 (40)4.2.2互感器模块 (41)4.2.3管理板MCPU (41)4.2.4保护板PCPU (42)4.2.5键盘板KEYB9100 (42)4.2.6开入板INPUT9100 (42)4.2.7开出板OUTPUT9100 (43)4.2.8操作板OPT9100 (44)4.2.9电压切换板SWITCH9100 (45)4.2.10通讯板COM9100 (46)4.2.11开入开出板INOUT9100 (47)4.2.12 CAN网卡CAN9100 (47)4.2.13 以太网卡ETH9100 (47)4.3结构与安装 (48)5.保护整定说明 (49)5.1 定值清单 (49)5.1.1 距离保护定值及整定说明 (49)5.1.2 零序方向过流保护 (50)5.1.3 低频保护定值 (51)5.1.4 重合闸以及合闸后加速定值 (52)5.1.5 断线告警定值 (52)5.1.6其它定值 (53)6 使用说明 (54)6.1 概述 (54)6.1.1 彩色液晶屏 (54)6.1.2 按键组 (54)6.1.3 LED指示灯 (54)6.1.4 PS2接口 (55)6.2 基本界面操作说明 (55)6.2.1 界面操作概述 (55)6.2.1 开机描述 (56)6.2.2 主菜单 (57)6.2.3 实时浏览实时浏览的菜单结构如下: (58)6.2.4 保护整定 (62)6.2.5 事件信息 (64)6.2.6 打印操作 (67)6.2.7 系统设置 (68)6.2.8 版本信息 (72)6.2.9 对窗口操作的说明 (73)6.3 重要窗口说明 (73)6.3.1 事件弹出窗口 (73)6.3.2 密码操作窗口 (74)6.3.3 模块选择窗口 (75)6.3.4 录波浏览窗口 (76)6.3.5 液晶参数设置窗口 (77)7、调试说明 (79)7.1试验设备及试验接线的基本要求 (79)7.2 外观及接线检查 (79)7.3 绝缘电阻检测 (79)7.3.1 试验前准备工作如下: (79)7.3.2 绝缘电阻检测 (79)7.4 通电初步检验 (79)7.5 定值整定 (80)7.5.1 整定值的整定 (80)7.5.2 整定值的失电保护功能检验 (80)7.6 开关量输入回路检验 (80)7.7 交流采样系统检验 (80)7.7.1 零漂检验 (80)7.7.2 模拟量输入的幅值特性检验 (80)7.7.3 模拟量输入的相位特性检验 (80)7.7.4 遥测检查 (80)7.8 保护功能及定值检验 (81)7.8.1 距离保护检验 (81)7.8.2 零序方向过流保护检验 (83)7.8.3 交流电压回路断线时保护检验 (83)7.8.4低频减载试验 (84)7.8.6 过负荷告警试验 (84)7.9 拉合直流电源,拉合交流PT电压试验 (84)7.10 整组开关传动试验 (85)7.11 带负荷试验 (85)8.装置异常情况分析及处理 (85)8.1 自检故障分析及处理 (85)8.2 输入量异常分析及处理 (86)8.2.1 交流输入量异常分析及处理 (86)8.2.2 开入量异常分析及处理 (86)8.3 通信故障分析及处理 (87)8.3.1 与上位机的串行通讯不正常 (87)8.3.2 与上位机的网络通讯不正常 (87)8.4 打印故障分析及处理 (87)8.4.1 打印机打印出乱码数据 (87)8.4.2 打印机无响应 (87)9.运输及检查 (88)9.1运输及储存 (88)9.2开箱检查 (88)10.订货须知 (88)附录1. 预告信号分析及处理 (89)附录2.串口103规约 (90)1.物理接口和链路层性能 (90)1.1通信接口 (90)1.2传输速率 (90)1.3通讯格式 (90)1.4通讯方式 (91)1.5超时和重发 (91)1.6报文格式 (91)1.7控制域定义 (91)1.8地址域定义 (92)2.应用服务数据单元(ASDU)说明 (92)2.1类型标示1(ASDU1):带时标的报文(监视方向) (93)2.2类型标示1(ASDU1):带时标的报文(扩展)(监视方向) (93)2.3类型标示6(ASDU6):时间同步 (94)2.4类型标示7(ASDU7):总召唤启动(控制方向) (95)2.5类型标示8(ASDU8):总召唤终止(监视方向) (95)2.6类型标示10(ASDU10):响应读一个组的描述或值(监视方向) (95)2.7类型标示21(ASDU21):读一个组的描述或值(控制方向) (96)2.8类型标示42(ASDU42):遥信状态信息(监视方向) (97)2.9类型标示42(ASDU42):遥信状态变化信息(监视方向) (97)2.10类型标示50(ASDU50):遥测信息(监视方向) (98)2.11类型标示51(ASDU51):突变遥测信息(监视方向) (99)2.12类型标示64(ASDU64):控制断路器命令(控制\监视方向) (99)3.报文交换过程 (100)3.1初始化过程 (100)3.2总召过程 (101)3.3保护动作事件信息上送 (101)3.4带时标的开关量遥信变位(SOE)和遥信状态变化信息上送 (102)3.5遥测突变信息上送 (102)3.6遥控操作 (103)4.信息说明 (103)4.1遥测信息 (103)4.2遥信信息 (104)4.3遥控信息 (104)4.4事件信息 (104)1.概述1.1装置保护功能及适用范围DMP9100微机线路保护装置包括工频变化量距离保护、完整的三段相间和接地距离保护、四段零序方向过流保护、零序方向反时限过流保护、变压器远后备保护、不对称相继速动保护、双回线横联保护、低频解列保护、双回线跨线不接地保护、PT断线后紧急状态保护;配置有三相一次重合闸、合闸后加速、故障测距、过负荷告警、频率跟踪采样等功能;装置还带有跳合闸操作回路和交流电压切换回路。
波士奇911 Targa 4商品说明书
Specifications Porsche 911 Targa 4*Body:Two-plus-two seat Targa with steel rollover protection bar andretractable central roof section; lightweight body in intelligentaluminum-steel construction with wings, doors, boot and bonnetlids made of aluminum; two-stage driver and front passengerairbags; side and head airbags for driver and front passenger. Aerodynamics:Drag coefficient c d:0.30Frontal area A: 2.05 m2cx A:0.62dEngine:Water-cooled flat-six engine; aluminum engine block and cylinderheads; four overhead camshafts, four valves per cylinder; variableinlet and outlet valve timing, inlet valve lift (VarioCam Plus);hydraulic valve clearance adjustment; direct petrol injection; bi-turbo charging; one three-way catalytic converter per cylinderbank, each with two oxygen sensors; engine oil 13.1 liters (refillvolume 8.0 liters); electronic ignition with solid-state ignitiondistribution (six active ignition modules); thermal managementfor coolant circulation; auto start/stop function.Bore91.0 mmStroke76.4 mmDisplacement2,981 cm3Compression ratio10:1Engine power370 hp (272 kW) at 6,500 rpmMax. torque450 Nm at 1,700 – 5,000 rpmPower output per liter124.1 hp/l (91.2 kW/l)Max. engine speed7,500 rpmFuel type super plusElectrical system:12 Volt; alternator 2,450 W; battery 80 Ah;electrical system recuperation.* Specifications may vary according to marketsStatus: January 2016Power transmission:Engine and transmission bolted together to form a single driveunit; active all-wheel drive with electro-hydraulically actuated,map-controlled multi-plate clutch (PTM); seven-speed manualtransmission with two-plate clutch; optional seven-speed dualclutch transmission (PDK)Gear ratios Manual transmission PDK1st gear 3.91 3.912nd gear 2.29 2.293rd gear 1.58 1.584th gear 1.18 1.185th gear 0.940.946th gear 0.790.797th gear 0.620.62Reverse 3.55 3.55Constant RA ratio 1.16 1.16Total RA ratio 3.09 3.09Final drive ratio,front axle 3.46 3.46Clutch diameter228 mm202/153 mm Chassis:Front axle: strut suspension (MacPherson type, Porsche opti -mized) with wheels independently suspended by transverselinks, longitudinal links and struts; cylindrical coil springs withinternal dampers; electromechanical power steering; optionalfront axle lift system.Rear axle: multi-link suspension with wheels independentlysuspended on five links; cylindrical coil springs with coaxialinternal dampers.Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) with electro -nically controlled dampers; two manually selectable dampingprograms.Brakes:Dual-circuit brake system with separate circuits for front andrear axles; Porsche Stability Management (PSM); vacuum brake booster; brake assistant; electric duo-servo parking brake; auto-h old function; post-collision braking system.Front axle: four-piston aluminum monobloc brake calipers, per -forated and internally ventilated brake discs with 330 mm dia -meter and 34 mm thickness.Rear axle: four-piston aluminum monobloc brake calipers, per -forated and internally ventilated brake discs with 330 mm dia -meter and 28 mm thickness.Wheels and tires:front8.5 J x 19 with 235/40 ZR 19rear 11.5 J x 19 with 295/35 ZR 19Weights:Unladen weight (DIN) 1,570 (1,590) kgPermissible gross weight2,000 (2,015) kg Dimensions:L ength 4,499 mmWidth 1,852 mm Width with door mirrors 1,978 mm Height 1,288 mm Wheelbase 2,450 mm T rack widths front1,541 mm rear1,558 mm Luggage comp. capacity front125 l rear 160 lFuel tank capacity68 l (67 l)(Refill volume)Values in brackets refer to vehicles with PDK transmission.Performance figures:Top speed289 (287) km/hAcceleration0 – 100 km/h 4.7 (4.5) swith Sport Plus and PDK 4.3 s0 – 200 km/h16.5 (16.0) swith Sport Plus and PDK15.7 s0 – 60 mph 4.5 (4.3) swith Sport Plus and PDK 4.1 s1/4 mile (400 m)12.9 (12.7) swith Sport Plus and PDK12.6 sFuel consumption:Combined 8.9 (7.9) l/100 km (NEDC)Urban12.4 (10.3) l/100 kmExtra-urban 6.9 (6.5) l/100 km emissions:Combined 206 (182) g/km CO2Emissions class:Euro 6 Values in brackets refer to vehicles with PDK transmission.。
911 Carrera 4 GTSYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRXBX6G3Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheOcode.PRXBX6G3911 Carrera 4 GTSExterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite Q2Wheels bQO.b1Oinch TurFo S wheels /ainted in Satin Black54EStandard qxui/-entInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Interior Colours & Materials RaceOTeH interior /ackage in Flack G, ArraySeats S/orts seats Plus8 electrical 4Oways242Standard qxui/-entExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & Performance DOs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()•G1GStandard qxui/-ent911 Carrera 4 GTSStandard Equipment WheelsM bQO.b1Oinch TurFo S wheels /ainted in Satin BlackPainted WheelsM0heels /ainted in Satin BlackWheel AccessoriesM Tyre Pressure Aonitoring Syste- KTPA•SeatsM S/orts seats Plus8 electrical 4OwaysExterior packagesM S/ort(esign PackageExterior designM SideskirtsM qHterior -irror lower tri- /ainted in eHterior colour including Airror Base in BlackM Side 0indow Tri-s in BlackM Rear lid grille with vertical slats in Satin BlackRoof and transport systemsM&lu-inu- roofLettering and decalsM Aodel designation on rear tri- in Satin BlackM(ecorative side logoPowertrain & PerformanceM6Ocylinder FoHer engine with twinOturFo8 dis/lace-ent: 3mQ litresM&llOwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiO/late clutch Porsche Traction Aanage-ent KPTA•M P&SA S/ort Sus/ension KO1Q --•M Porsche Torxue Vectoring Plus KPTV Plus•M S/ort Chrono Package inclm -ode switch8 Porsche Track Precision &// ;a-/L tyre te-/erature dis/layM S/orts eHhaust syste- Ktail/i/es in Black•M Power steeringM Brake syste- with Brake Cali/ers /ainted in RedM DOs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()•911 Carrera 4 GTS Lights & VisionM Tinted ‘q( -ain headlights including Porsche (yna-ic ‘ight Syste- Plus KP(‘S Plus•M Taillight stri/ with ’PWRSC,q' letteringM IPWRSC,qI logo /ainted in satin BlackM jnterior -irror di--ed -anuallyM qHterior -irrors on door waist rails8 electrically adzustaFle and heataFle8 as/herical on driverIs sideInterior packages & decors/materialsM jnterior tri- in Flack Frushed alu-inu-Steering wheel, gearshiv/selector leTerM GT S/orts Steering 0heel RaceOTeHM Steering wheel with -anual fore.aN and height adzust-entM Gear selector with RaceOTeH accentInterior designM Seat Felt /retensionersM jnstru-ent dial FlackM Co-/ass instru-ent dial.S/ort Chrono sto/watch instru-ent dial FlackM RooUining and &O.BO. CO/illar tri-s in faFric8 &O/illar tri- in leatherM&irFagsM(oor sill guards in Frushed alu-inu- in Black with -odel designationM Sun visorsM5loor -atsAssistance systemsM Park&ssist Kfront and rear• with visual and audiFle warningM Cruise controlComfort & eTeryday usabilityM TwoO7one auto-atic cli-ate controlM Particle./ollen plter with active carFon plterM³onOs-oking /ackageInfotainmentM³avigation ,ighM Voice ControlM Sound Package PlusM S-art/hone integrationM₂SBOC /orts911 Carrera 4 GTSDechnical 1ata Power unit³u-Fer of cylinders6Bore91mQ --Stroke Y6m4 --(is/lace-ent b89D1 c-Power Kk0•3E3 k0Power KPS•4DQ PSRPA /oint -aHi-u- /ower68EQQ 1.-inAaHi-u- engine s/eed Y8EQQ 1.-in AaHm torxue EYQ ³-RPA range -aHi-u- torxue b83QQ O E8QQQ 1.-in AaHm out/ut /er liter Kk0.l•11DmQQ k0.l AaHm out/ut /er liter KPS.l•161mQQ PS.lConsumption/Emissions2³WH e-issions14m4 -g.k-Consumption/Emissions WLDP(5uel consu-/tion urFan19mQ O 1Dm6 l.1QQ k-5uel consu-/tion suFurF1QmD O 1Qm3 l.1QQ k-5uel consu-/tion eHtra urFan9m6 O 9mQ l.1QQ k-5uel consu-/tion highway1QmE O 9mY l.1QQ k-5uel consu-/tion co-Fined11m4 O 1QmD l.1QQ k-CWbOe-issions low K0‘TP•431 O 4bb g.k-CWbOe-issions -ediu- K0‘TP•b4E O b34 g.k-911 Carrera 4 GTS CWbOe-issions high K0‘TP•b1Y O bQ4 g.k-CWbOe-issions eHtra high K0‘TP•b39 O bb1 g.k-CWbOe-issions co-Fined K0‘TP•bE9 O b4E g.k-Sound leTel Utype approTed based on N-5R )2BSound level of stationary vehicle9b dBK&•Sound level of stationary vehicle Kr/-•383bE 1.-in Sound level of /assing vehicle Yb dBK&•Consumption/Emissions UECEB5uel consu-/tion urFan1EmQ l.1QQ k-5uel consu-/tion eHtraOurFan YmD l.1QQ k-5uel consu-/tion co-Fined1Qm4 l.1QQ k-CWb e-issions co-Fined b3D g.k-3ody‘ength48E33 --0idth18DEb --0idth Kwith -irrors•b8Qb4 --,eight183Q1 --0heelFase b84EQ --Turning circle11mb -₂nladen weight K(j³•18E9E kg₂nladen weight Kq₂•1186YQ kgPer-issiFle gross weight b8Q1Q kgAaHi-u- load41E kg911 Carrera 4 GTSAaHi-u- /er-issiFle roof load with Porsche roof trans/ort syste-YE kgCapacities‘uggage co-/art-ent volu-e8 front13b lW/en luggage co-/art-ent volu-e KFehind front seats•b64 l5uel tank6Y lPerformanceTo/ s/eed3Q9 k-.h&cceleration Q O 6Q -/h with S/ort Chrono Package3m1 s&cceleration Q O 1QQ k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package3m3 s&cceleration Q O 16Q k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package YmY s&cceleration Q O bQQ k-.h with S/ort Chrono Package11mD sjnOgear acceleration KDQO1bQk-.h• KEQOYE -/h• with S/ort Chrono Package bmb s1.4 -ile with S/ort Chrono Package11mE s1m(ata deter-ined in accordance with the -easure-ent -ethod rexuired Fy lawm Since 1 Se/te-Fer bQ1Y certain new cars have Feen ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide ,ar-onised ‘ight Vehicles Test Procedure K0‘TP•8 a -ore realistic test /rocedure to -easure fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-issionsm &s of 1 Se/te-Fer bQ1D the 0‘TP re/laced the ³ew quro/ean (riving Cycle K³q(C•m (ue to the -ore realistic test conditions8 the fuel.electricity consu-/tion and CW e-ission values deter-ined in accordance with the 0‘TP will8 in -any cases8 Fe higher than those deter-ined in accordance with the ³q(Cm This -ay lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle taHation fro- 1 Se/te-Fer bQ1Dm ou can pnd -ore infor-ation on the di erence Fetween 0‘TP and ³q(C at wwm/orschemco-.wlt/ Currently8 we are still oFliged to /rovide the ³q(C values8 regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess usedm The additional re/orting of the 0‘TP values is voluntary until their oFligatory usem &s far as new cars Kwhich are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0‘TP• are concerned8 the ³q(C values will8 therefore8 Fe derived fro- the 0‘TP values during the transition /eriodm To the eHtent that ³q(C values are given as ranges8 these do not relate to a single8 individual car and do not constitute /art of the o erm They are intended solely as a -eans of co-/aring di erent ty/es of vehiclem qHtra features and accessories attach-ents8 tyre for-ats8 etcm• can change relevant vehicle /ara-eters such as weight8 rolling resistance and aerodyna-ics and8 in addition to weather and tra c conditions8 as well as individual handling8 can a ect the fuel.electricity consu-/tion8 CW e-issions and /erfor-ance values of a carmbmThese values corres/ond to your current conpgurationm jf you add or re-ove exui/-ent this -ay change the values currently shownm3mBody3m10eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC (irectives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation onlym W/tional exui/-ent increases this pgurem The pgure given includes YEkg for the driver911 Carrera 4 GTS911 Carrera 4 GTS911 Carrera 4 GTS。
100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V 100V
2N3055H SI-N
2N3716 SI-N
2N3767 SI-N
2N3772 SI-N
1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V
0.3A 1A 1A 1A 1A 0.2A 1.5A 1.5A 2A 2A 2A 2A 3A 3A 6A 6A 25A 16A 16A 6A 6A 8A 2A 2A 4A 4A 12A 12A 20A 20A 4A 4A 8A
AUTO-DIALER 911微电脑自动求救机CCTV SECURITY ALARM AUTOMATION SYSTEM电气特性:工作电压:DC11V TO 15V静态电流:20mA (MAX)拔号方式:音频/脉冲,跳线选择J1报警方式:N.C.、N.O.和电压信号跳线选择J2、J3录音时间:20秒,掉电后电话号码、语音不丢失储存电话号码:4组电话,每组最长可存入16位数字二级私密码:0-6位私人密码,前三位可用解除报警,整体(六体)密码用于更改设置出厂密码:911外观图:①喇叭②麦克风③7段显示器:输入所要储存之号码时,会同时显示其号码④E4指示灯:设定E4号码时,此灯会亮⑤E1指示灯:设定E1电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮⑥E2指示灯:设定E2电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮⑦ E3指示灯:设定E3电话或行动电话号码时,此灯会亮若设定密码时,E1、E2、E3及E4指示灯会亮⑧接至电话接头⑨○10接至DC12V电源,桔色线(或红色)接正电压,咖啡色线(或黑色)接负电压○11○12信号触发线,当接到N.C.或N.O.干接点时,不分极性,作为DC12V电压输入时,蓝色线(或黄色)接正电压,绿色线接负电压○13 P按键可作为以下用途:可储存6位数字作为密码当使用于语音自动回报系统之总机时,可作为暂停时间,按1次,两秒;按2次,4秒,以此类推.有此功能,即可自动打到分机○14接并联电话机设定触发信号及电话系统:①打开背盖②可看见印刷电路板上有3个跳线座J1、J2、J3,依序并排。
(A)N.C.输入:将J2置于“左边”,J3亦置于“左边”(B)N.O.输入:将J2置于“右边”,J3置于“左边”(C)电压输入:将J2置于“左边”,J3置于“右边”⑤设定完成后,请将背盖盖上微电脑自动求救机AUTO-DIALER操作程序开机后先自检:自检完毕后进入工作状态,七段显示器的右下角小数点闪烁,若已存有信息,则收到报警信号后AUTO-DIALER 自动开始报警,如要设置或改变设置,按以下步骤可以储存,检查电话号码,密码及录音、放音1 进入编程状态:P 0-6位)然后按下注意:出厂密码为911P ⑨①① ENTER如密码输入正确则显示一下□,然后进入编程状态显示5若密码输入错误则显示一下E,退回工作状态,可按上述步骤重新输入2 储存第1组电话号码:在编程状态下,即显示5状态下:例如电话号码为93953399,则操作程序如下:A9○3○5○3○3○99键入时间始储存号码,如显示□,则表示已正确存入,然后返回5状态,如显示一下E,则表示未能正确存入,机器会返回5 状态,用户可重新操作,如要清除第1组电话号码时,只需在5 状态下键入B 若先拨至语音自动播报总机,不透过接线员转接,再自动拨到分机,假设分机号码为12,则储存方式如下:9○3○5○3○3○99①②C 每按一次(储存第2、3、4组电话号码方式均与第1组相同)3查询所预存之电话号码:在编程状态下,即显示5状态下,按3键,此时显示匚,表示CHECK,再按所欲、、或或显示器开始显示所预存之电4储存及播放求救语音信息:A 本机可储存20秒语音信息,在编程状态下,即5状态下,按1键(此时显示器显示┌表示RECORD),即可直接录音,其操作程序如下:①开始讲话,录音回音嘟响(20秒后录音完毕,即自动停止。
Leakage Current (Note 2) Total Capacitance Reverse Recovery Time
IRM CT trr
¾ ¾ ¾
2 1. Device mounted on glass epoxy PCB 1.6” x 1.6” x0.06”; mounting pad for the cathode lead min. 0.93in. 2. Short duration test pulse used to minimize self-heating effect.
Marking Information
Date Code Key Year Code Month Code 1998 J Jan 1 Feb 2 1999 K March 3
XXX = Product Type Marking Code (See Page 1) YM = Date Code Marking Y = Year ex: N = 2002 M = Month ex: 9 = September
DS12003 Rev. 12 - 2
1 of 3
See Note 1
TA = +150°C
TA = +125°C 10 TA = +75°C TA = +25°C TA = -25°C 600 800 1000 1200
0 0
‘M/M机械螺丝规格表-10-30 10:11:41环首螺帽 EYE NUTS齿形螺帽 KEP NUTS齿花螺帽 CLINCH NUTS普通六角螺帽 HEX NUTS六角重型螺帽 HEAVY HEX NUTS薄型螺帽 HEX JAM NUTS焊接螺帽 WELD NUTS高张力螺帽 HEIGH STRENGTH NUTS 建业用螺帽 STRUCTURAL NUTS不锈钢螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL NUTS 铜螺帽 BRASS NUTS铝螺帽 ALUMINUM NUTS合金钢螺帽 ALLOY STEEL NUTS重型车螺帽 HEAVY DUTY WHEEL HUB NUTS铁器焊接袋帽 ACORN CAP NUTS金属预置扭矩式螺帽 ALL-METAL PREVAILING TORQUE TYPE NUTS耐候钢六角重型螺帽 CORTEN STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS铁盖+尼龙圈组合盖帽 DIN 986 DOMED CAP NUTS突缘尼龙盖帽 FLANGE NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS不锈钢突缘螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL FLANGE NUTS不锈钢六角轮缘尼龙螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL FLANGE NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS 不锈钢六角重型螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS不锈钢六角螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL HEX NUTS不锈钢尼龙嵌入螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS尼龙嵌入防松螺帽 NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS机械螺丝用六角螺帽 HEX MACHINE SCREW NUT圆螺帽 ROUND NUTS四角螺帽 SQUARE NUTS管用螺帽 PIPE NUTS轮壳螺帽 WHEEL NUTS壁虎螺帽 ANCHOR NUTS大尺寸螺帽 BIG SIZE NUTS平面华司螺帽 FLAT WASER NUTS六角割沟螺帽 HEX SLOTTED NUT自锁螺帽 SELF-LOCKING NUTS制止螺帽 SLIDING NUTSSLN-自动防松螺帽 SLN SELF-LOCKING NUTS其它特殊螺帽 SPECIAL NUTS弹簧螺帽 SPRING NUTS铁盖袋帽 CLOSED END ACORN NUTS盘形华司螺帽 CONICAL WASHER NUTS六角盖头螺帽 HEX CAP NUTS六角锯齿螺帽 HEX SERRATED NUTS六角轮缘螺帽 HEX FLANGE NUTS高脚螺帽 HEX COUPLING NUTS(HIGH NUTS)蝶型螺帽 WING NUTSU形螺帽 U NUTST形螺帽 T NUTS易购螺丝5月价目表目录DIN912/GB70.1 12.9级杯头 M3-M14------------------·1·DIN912/GB70.1 12.9级杯头 M14-M30-----------------·2·DIN912/GB70.1 12.9级杯头 M30-M42-----------------·3·DIN912/GB70.1 12.9级全牙杯头 M3-M24--------------·4·DIN933/931 12.9级外六角 M6-M22-------------------·4·DIN933/931 12.9级外六角 M22-M30------------------·5·ISO7380/GB70.2 10.9级圆杯 M2-M16-----------------·6·DIN7991/GB70.3 10.9级平杯 M2-M20-----------------·7·DIN916 45H杯尾无头螺丝 M2-M24--------------------·8·GB70-76 8.8级杯头 M3-M36----------------------·9-10·GB5783/5782-86 8.8级外六角 M5-M42------------·11-12·5月25日最新折扣:10.9平头内六角5.8折包邮, 10.9级圆头内六角5.8折包邮12.9级内六角杯头6折包邮, 12.9级外六角螺丝6折包邮各类12.9级紧定螺丝7折包邮8.8级内六角红本上30%包邮(江浙沪除舟山、崇明单品种128元上20%) 8.8级外六角红本下20%包邮(江浙沪除舟山、崇明单品种128元下25%)江浙沪皖(除舟山、崇明), 可发天天、韵达、宅急送、优速、邮政小包京津粤闽鲁冀晋陕豫赣包邮限宅基送, 优速( 邮政小包每份+2元) 湘鄂桂川渝黑吉辽蒙包邮限宅基送, 优速( 邮政小包每份+2元) 云贵甘宁青新藏琼港澳台, 不发货, 量大可走佳吉德邦盛辉等。
单片微型计算机在现实中的应用十分广泛,我们现在智能便捷的生活都是单片机芯片 的功劳。
DP911单片机模式 显示编辑区原来 存放的指令
+1键: 按下此键,光标处数字+1
-1键: 按下此键,光标处数字-1
WRI键:进入编辑界面,确认键,每修改完一个数据,按一 下确认键,然后光标跳到下一个数据区,确认键相当于电脑 中的回车键。
社会上习惯于把科学和技术连在一起,统称为科学技术简称科技。 实际二者既有密切联系,又有重要区别。科学解决理论问题,技 术解决实际问题。
单片微型计算机,由于单片机主要运用于控制系统,所以又称为微控 制器(MPU)。是一种集成电路芯片,是采用超大规模集成电路技术把具有 数据处理能力的中央处理器CPU、随机存储器RAM、只读存储器ROM、多种 I/O口和中断系统、定时器/计数器等功能(可能还包括显示驱动电路、脉宽调 制电路、模拟多路转换器、A/D转换器等电路)集成到一块硅片上构成的一个 小而完善的微型计算机系统,在工业控制领域广泛应用。
PCB 9110D说明书
PCB 9110D说明书美国PCB 9110D便携式振动校准器在外观和操作上9100D类似,脱颖而出的附加功能,使用户能够采取便携式校准这个额外的步骤。
值得注意的是,9110-CALROUTE允许用户运行半自动测试,并在9110D 屏幕上显示通过/失败结果。
新功能美国PCB 9110D便携式振动校准器实时计算并在读数屏幕上显示测试传感器的灵敏度。
这些也可以通过本机的USB端口通过Report Generation Workbook复制或传输到随附的USB闪存驱动器。
然后可以将保存的数据传输到计算机,并生成和打印符合ISO 17025的可定制校准证书。
美国PCB 9110D便携式振动校准器功能:坚固的便携性坚固的内部振动筛元件设计,碳纤维复合材料的电枢弯曲防水,防摔两个推拉闩锁简单优雅的可用性只需两个拨盘即可调整频率范围和幅度设置LCD屏幕上的英制或公制单位轻巧,重量仅为18磅(8.2千克),便于移动电池续航时间长达18小时精确控制和稳定性集成式ICP®石英参考加速度计先进的数字电子技术现场验证的理想选择确保端到端功能确认警报跳变点设置正确9100-CALROUTE的半自动测试功能预编程频率和振幅点轻松在多个传感器上运行相同的测试可追溯至NIST的集成参考加速度计确保测试的准确性和可靠性验证5 Hz至10 kHz(300至600 000 CPM)振幅高达20 g无论您的目标是振动监测回路检查,接近度传感器校准,加速度计校准,4-20 mA变送器验证还是其他振动系统检查,美国PCB 9110D 便携式振动校准器均可以帮助提高安全性,提高效率。
潘基斯特-Porsche 911 型号 2021 年车辆使用指南说明书
v w
Main Menu
Starting the Engine
Table of Contents
Use caution if you ever drive your vehicle on very rough or rutted roads. You could damage the suspension and underbody by bottoming out. Going too fast over parking lot ‘‘speed bumps’’ can also cause damage.
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. In cold weather, turn off all electrical accessories to reduce the drain on the battery.
3. Push the clutch pedal down all the way. The ENGINE START button has no effect unless the clutch pedal is pressed.
6. If the engine does not start within 15 seconds, or starts but stalls right away, repeat step 5 with the accelerator pedal pressed halfway down. If the engine starts, release pressure on the accelerator pedal so the engine does not race.
英语911法则The 911 Law, also known as the Emergency Alert System, is a critical component of public safety in the United States.It is a system designed to alert the public about emergencies, such as natural disasters, terrorist threats, or other incidents that require immediate attention and action.In the event of an emergency, the 911 system allows individuals to quickly connect with emergency services, suchas the police, fire department, or ambulance services. Thisis achieved by dialing the number '911' on a telephone, which then routes the call to the nearest emergency response center. The system is equipped with technology that can pinpoint the location of the caller, even if the caller is unable toprovide an address.The 911 Law mandates that all telephone service providers must support this emergency number and ensure itsavailability to the public at all times. It also requiresthat the system be maintained and updated to accommodate technological advancements, such as wireless and VoIP communications.Moreover, the law promotes education and awareness about the proper use of the 911 system. It is important that the public understands when to use 911 and how to provide clear and concise information to the emergency dispatcher. Misuseof the system can lead to delays in response times and canpotentially put lives at risk.In conclusion, the 911 Law is a vital part of the infrastructure that ensures the safety and security of the American public. It is a testament to the commitment of the nation to protect its citizens and to provide a reliable and efficient means of communication during times of crisis.。
波士塞特911 Turbo Cabriolet配置说明书
911 Turbo CabrioletYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRXZ96M2Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheYcode.PRXZ96M2SummaryBour 911 Turbo Cabriolet Conpguration£ase Price,16901SSmSS*u- of selected o/tions,SmSSTotal PriceA,16901SSmSSAincluding VFT Y Please note the i-ages dis/layed here -ay not be a co-/lete and accurate re/resentation of your chosen s/ecipcation and so they should not be relied onm qor further infor-ation on the a//earance of colour0 eOui/-ent0 and other o/tions0 /lease contact your Porsche Centrem911 Turbo CabrioletExterior Colours & WheelsCategory G/tion G/tion code Price Exterior colours UT *ilver Metallic42,SmSSConvertible To/ in black1V,SmSS Wheels2SY.21Yinch 911 Turbo wheels N6E*tandard QOui/-entInterior Colours & SeatsCategory G/tion G/tion code Price Interior colours & materials£lack leather interior F4,SmSS ArraySeats*/orts seats0 electrical 1NYway with -e-ory /ackage J28*tandard QOui/-entExterior OptionsCategory G/tion G/tion code Price ArrayPowertrain & chassis DYs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()•U1U*tandard QOui/-ent911 Turbo CabrioletStandard EquipmentWheels52SY.21Yinch 911 Turbo wheels52SY.21Yinch 911 Turbo wheels with 233.x3 ZR 2S front tyres and x13.xS ZR 21 rear tyres5qorged alloy wheels with 3Yhole bolting0 in twoYtone look Ktitaniu- coloured with brightly /olished wheel centre•0 wheel hub cover with Porsche crest5Tyre Pressure Monitoring *yste- KTPM•5Tyre re/air kit with sealing co-/ound and electric air co-/ressorSeats5*/orts seats0 electrical 1NYway with -e-ory /ackagePowertrain & chassis5DYs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()•56Ycylinder bo7er engine with VTU twin turbo0 dis/lace-ent: xmWN3 litres0 -a7i-u- /ower out/ut: N2W kI K3DS P*•0 -a7i-u- torOue: W3S E-5DYs/eed Porsche (o//elku//lung KP()• Y DYs/eed dualYclutch trans-ission with -anual control via gearshi& /addles at steering wheelm ;ncludes an auto-atic -ode5McPhersonYfront a7le with antiYroll bar and rear a7le steering5MultiYlink rear a7le with antiYroll bar56Y/iston alu-iniu- -onobloc p7ed brake cali/ers at front and NY/iston alu-iniu- p7ed -onobloc brake cali/ers at rear0 brake discs with brake cha-bers -ade of alu-iniu-0 dia-eter NSD -- at front and xDS -- at rear0 internally vented and crossYdrilled0 brake cali/ers in Red5FllYwheel drive with -a/ controlled -ultiY/late clutch Porsche Traction Manage-ent KPTM•5*/ort Chrono /ackage inclm -ode switch0 Porsche Track Precision F// Ha-/L tyre te-/erature dis/lay5Flu-iniu- engine block and cylinder heads5Qlectro-echanical /ower steering with variable steering ratio and steering /ulse generator5IaterYcooled engine with ther-al -anage-ent5Porsche Fctive *us/ension Manage-ent KPF*M•5*tationary -anage-ent with jGz( function5Porsche *tability Manage-ent KP*M• inclm F£* with e7tended brake functions5 2 turbochargers with variable turbine geo-etry KVTU•0 2 intercoolers5Futo start.sto/ function5(irect quel ;n+ection K(q;• with /ie'o in+ectors5VarioCa- Plus variable valve ti-ing and li&5;ntegrated dryYsu-/ lubrication with an onYde-and controlled oil /u-/5Two xYway catalytic converters and onYboard diagnostics for -onitoring e-ission control syste-5 2 gasoline /articulate plters KUPq•5Q7/ansion intake -anifold5Q7haust syste- with 2 dualYtail/i/e tri-s in 911 Turbo design -ade of stainless steel silver coloured KhighYgloss•5Qlectrically o/erated /arking brake5Porsche TorOue Vectoring Plus KPTV Plus• in con+unction with P() includes fully variable electronically controlled rear di‘erential lock and fully variable torOue distribution5zightweight starter battery zqPExterior52’2 seater cabriolet with wide 911 Turbo body and rear engine5;ntelligent lightweight construction in alu-iniu- and steel co-/osite5Tri- on side skirts in £lack911 Turbo Cabriolet5Retractable door handles5Model designation on rear tri- in zightsilver5®PGR*CjQ® lettering integrated in taillight stri/5*ide window tri- stri/s in £lack5Rear lid grille with vertical slats in silver KhighYgloss•5Porsche Fctive Ferodyna-ics KPFF• with autoYde/loying front s/oiler0 active cooling air ¹a/s and wing ele-ent5qront a/ron with side air intakes inclm active cooling air ¹a/s and air blades in black5Rear side /anel with air intakes for the engine5Rear a/ron and rear a/ron lower section with integrated tail/i/e tri-s and intercooler5Q7terior -irror lower tri-s in e7terior colour5Metallic /aint5Qlectrically o/erated0 fully auto-atic fabric hood with three integral -agnesiu- ele-ents and a heatable rigid glass rear screen0 o/erable u/ to a//ro7m x1 -/h0 convenient o/eration by key re-ote5;ntegral electrically /owered wind de¹ectorLights & vision5zQ( -ain headlights including dayti-e running lights with NY/oint zQ( s/otlights and Porsche (yna-ic zight *yste- Plus KP(z* Plus•5Reading lights0 orientation0 ignition lock0 luggage co-/art-ent0 footwell0 glove co-/art-ent and door lightning all build on zQ( technology5;llu-inated vanity -irrors in sun visors for driver and /assenger5(ual front light units inclm /osition lights and direction indicators as well as side indicators lights all built on zQ( technology5Taillight stri/ including integrated /arking lights and rear fogYlight5Futo-atic headlight activation inclm ™Ielco-e jo-e³ lighting5ThreeYdi-ensional zQ( taillights inclm reversing light and direction indicators as well as integral third brake lights5Q7terior -irrors on door waist rails0 electrically ad+ustable and heatable0 as/herical on driver®s side5Iindscreen washer syste- with aero wi/er blades and washer +ets5Futo-atically di--ing interior and e7terior -irrors with integrated rain sensorInterior design52Y'one auto-atic cli-ate control with se/arate te-/erature settings for driver and front /assenger0 auto-atic airYrecirculation -ode including air Ouality sensor5;nstru-ent cluster with central rev counter and two WYinch TqT dis/lays0 1Sm9Yinch Centerdis/lay5Multifunctional steering wheel with shi& /addles and -anual heightY and reach ad+ust-ent5qront luggage co-/art-ent5Particle./ollen plter with active carbon plter5zeather interior with decorative stitching in Crayon as well as Ouilting seat centres and door /anel5*/orts seats featuring electric ad+ust-ent K1NYway• of all seat functions5Qlectric ad+ust-ent of backrest angle0 seat height0 fore.a& /osition0 sOuab angle and length of the seat cushion as well as lu-bar su//ortm jeadrests with e-bossed ®turbo® logo and backrest Kfront.rear• with Ouilted seat centres5Me-ory function for both e7terior -irrors0 steering colu-n und seat /osition Kdriver®s side• as well as other /ersonalised inYcar settings5qullYsi'e airbags KtwoYstage• for driver and front /assenger5Uear indicator in rev counter5P() gear changer lever with auto-atic -ode0 -anual gear selection via shi& /addles at the steering wheel5Fscending centre console with storage co-/art-ent5Q-bossed leather on front center seat0 side bolsters and front seat headrests5UT s/orts steering wheel in leather with -ultifunction0 including shi& /addles in (arksilver0 -ode switch as well as electric reach and height ad+ust-ent5*torage co-/art-ent in each door5Porsche *ide ;-/act Protection KPG*;P•0 co-/rising side i-/act /rotection ele-ents in the doors0 Curtainairbag KjeadY. Iindowbag• and thora7 airbag for driver and front /assenger 5Ulove co-/art-ent Klockable• and storage co-/art-ent in each door5(oor handles0 tri- stri/s on dashboard and door /anel as well as centre console tri- in zightsilver0 decorative inlays in (ia-ar darksilver5Two individual cu/holders K17 as inlet in the center console and 17 /assenger side•5Mounting /oints on /assenger seat for ;*Gq;X child seat -ounting syste-911 Turbo Cabriolet5Qngine i--obiliser with re-ote central locking and alar- syste- with ultrasonic soundYbased interior surveillance5UreenYtinted ther-ally insulated glass5jeated rear screen5Roo¹ining and FY0 £Y and CY/illar tri-s in RaceYTe75(oor sill guards in brushed alu-iniu- with -odel designation5 2 4*£YC /orts in center console -ain storage co-/art-ent lid0 socket K12Yvolt• in /assenger footwell5qloor -ats5Clothes hooks on seat backrests5*eat heating Kfront•5*/litYfolding rear seat backrests5*/ort Chrono clock with distinguishable dial5FutoYde/loying rollYover /rotection syste-5Qlectrically o/erated rear side windowsComfort & usability5Q-ergency call syste- eCall5Porsche IQT Mode5Iarn and £rake Fssist inclm Pedestrian /rotection5)eyless drive5ParkFssist front and rear including reversing ca-era5Qlectric window li&s with oneYtouch o/eration and door seal /rotection5Cruise control5Re-ote control for central locking syste- and luggage co-/art-ent lid release5Pre/aration for Porsche (ashca-Infotainment5(igital radio5£G*Q *urround *oundY*yste- with 12 louds/eakers inclm subwoofer0 12 a-/liper channels and with a total out/ut of 3WS watts as well as FudioPilot Eoise Co-/enstion Technology and *oundTrue Qnhance-ent Technology5Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent KPCM• including Gnline Eavigation 0 Mobile Phone Pre/aration0 Fudio ;nterfaces and Voice Control5Porsche Connect online navigation Ksee Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent•0 -usic strea-ing and online radio0 Re-ote *ervices and a wide range of other Porsche Connect *ervices 5Porsche Vehicle Tracking *yste- KPVT*• Y Eote: To use the PVT*0 you need to /urchase the Car *ecurity Package fro- the Porsche Connect *torem qor further infor-ation on followYon costs0 /lease visit wwwm/orschemco-.connect or consult your Porsche Centrem5*-art/hone ;ntegration inclm F//le CarPlay and Fndroid Futo911 Turbo CabrioletTechnical DataPower unitConpguration . nu-ber of cylinders6(is/lace-ent x0WN3 c-Power KP*•3DS P*Ma7i-u- /ower at RPM603SS 1.-inMa7m torOue KE-•W3S E-Ma7i-u- torOue at RPM range2023S Y N03SS 1.-inConsumption (WLTP)quel consu-/tion co-binedA K-odel range•22m6 Y 2xmx -/gCG2Ye-issions co-bined2W3 g.k-Q-ission standard Quro 6dY;*CYqCM quel consu-/tion co-bined2xmx -/gCG2 e-issions co-binedA K-odel range•2DN Y 2W3 g.k-Body dimensions and weightszength N03x3 --Iidth K-irrors folded•109SS --Iidth Kincluding -irrors•20S2N --jeight10xS2 --Iheelbase20N3S --4nladen weight K(;E•10W1S kgPer-issible gross weight201SS kgMa7i-u- /ayload x9S kg911 Turbo Cabriolet Capacitieszuggage co-/art-ent volu-e Kfront•12D litresG/en luggage co-/art-ent volu-e Kbehind front seats•16x lquel tank6W litresPerformanceTo/ s/eed199 -/h Fcceleration SY62 -/h KSY1SS k-.h• with */ort Chrono Package2m9 secs911 Turbo Cabriolet911 Turbo Cabriolet911 Turbo Cabriolet。
波士莎911 Turbo (997) 维护手册说明书
Vehicle Ident. No. ___________________Working instructionfor order no.! Minor maintenanceat 30,000, 90,000, 150,000, 210,000 km etc. / 18,000, 54,000, 90,000, 126,000 miles etc.(Labour operation 03 24 00 ..)For a description of the various models, see Technical ManualContinued overleaf Copyright byDr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGAfter Sales EngineeringPrinted in Germany - 10/08Mix fuel in fuel tank with additive (Keropur from Porsche; Part No. 000 043 206 89)Windscreen wiper/washer system, headlight washer system: check fluid level and nozzle settings,check antifreeze in winter months; check wiper bladesNote: If the mileage for scheduled maintenance is not reached, minor maintenance must be carried out after 2, 6, 10...... years.Change engine oil and oil filter (please observe oil change service plan for the 911 Turbo)Drive shafts: visual inspection of the boots for leaks and damageParticle filter: replace filter elementThe term 'checking' includes all necessary subsequent work such as adjusting, readjusting, correcting and topping up, but does not include repairing, replacing and reconditioning parts or assemblies.Replace spark plugs: see Additional maintenanceTyres: check condition and tyre pressureVehicle lighting: check operationAll headlights: check adjustmentHorn: check operation"Battery: check functional state and fluid levelCheck the door locks, lid locks and safety hooks of the front lid to ensure that they are secure and functioning properly Diagnostic system: read out fault memory; reset maintenance intervalElectrical equipment, warning and indicator lights: check operationBrake system: visual inspection of the brake pads and brake discs for wearVehicle underbody and engine compartment: visual inspection for leaks (oils and fluids) and chafing damage (lines and hoses)Underbody panels: visual inspection for completeness, secure installation and damageCoolant hoses: check conditionRadiators and air inlets: visual inspection for external contamination and blockageCoolant: check level and antifreezeBrake hoses and lines: visual inspection for leaks, damage, routing and corrosionVehicle Ident. No. _______________________Working instruction for order no.! Additional maintenance for spark plugs(Labour operation 03 81 00 ..)"! Additional maintenance for drive belt (Labour operation 03 60 00 ..)(Labour operation 03 70 00 ..)! Additional maintenance every 90,000 km / 54,000 miles or every 6 years (Labour operation 03 83 00 ..)! Additional maintenance every 180,000 km / 108,000 miles or every 12 years (Labour operation 03 88 00 ..)! Every 2 years ! Every 4 years ! After 4 years, then every 2 years ! After 4, 8, 10 years, then every 2 yearsSignature (mechanic): _______________________________Test drive:Oils, fluids: visual inspection for leaksSignature (final check): _________________________Copyright byDr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGAfter Sales EngineeringPrinted in Germany - 10/08Porsche Centre Ancillary unit mounts and suspension: visual inspection of all rubber mounts for damageChange brake fluidInspect airbag systemCheck tyre pressure monitoring system battery Check roll-over protection system (911 Turbo Cabriolet only)Automatic transmission: change oil in final driveFile condition report for long-life guaranteeCheck drive beltReplace tyre sealantCheck drive belt Lubricate adjustment mechanism for Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG)911 Turbo Replace fuel filter (911 Turbo only)Controlled all-wheel drive (911 Turbo): change oilevery 30,000 km / 18,000 miles or every 2 years Remote control, front seats, footbrake and handbrake (also actuation travel), engine, clutch, steering, transmission, ParkAssist, cruise control, PSM switch, PASM switch, Sport switch, heating, air conditioning and instruments: check operation Automatic transmission: change ATF and ATF filterAll-wheel final drive: change oilManual transmission: change oilReplace drive beltevery 60,000 km / 36,000 miles or every 4 years every 150,000 km / 90,000 miles or every 10 years every 240,000 km / 144,000 miles or every 16 years ! Additional maintenance for convertible topService and maintain convertible top Check drive beltevery 20,000 km / 12,000 miles or every 4 years。
任务导航 知识储备 尝试探索 实践创新
任务导航 知识储备 尝试探索 实践创新
1为什么有的门,人一靠近门 铃就会响,门就会自动打开? 2.门开的同时可以加提示音吗
任务导航 知识储备 尝试探索 实践创新
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实验1:制作红外传感门铃(15分 钟)
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当红外传感器检测门外有人时,蜂鸣器会 发出一段音乐“5-6│5-3│5 32 1│5– –”
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通过红外探测传感器的工作原理, 能否在使用的门铃上加一个全彩的 LED灯?(15分钟)
请同学们参考本节和之前所学编 写程序
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红外探测传感器用于检测前方是否有障碍物。在一定范围内,如果没有障碍物, 发射出去的红外线,因为传播距离远二逐渐减弱,最后消失,输出高电平;如
任务导航 知识储备 尝试探索 实践创新
指令名称 操作码
指令格式 操作数
Porsche 911 Carrera T 技术数据说明书
Individual optionsTechnical dataStandard optionsVehicle pictures Vehicle informationS-GO 4026P o r s c h e911C a r r e r a TImportant InformationAlthough this image is intended to reflect your actual vehicle configuration, there may be some variation between this picture and the actual vehicle. Some items shown are European specifications.T e c h n i c a l d a t a7-S p e e d M a n u a l T r a n s m i s s i o n P o w e r u n i tM a x.t o r q u e(N m)450 NmM a x i m u m t o r q u e a t R P M r a n g e1,950 - 5,000 1/minE m i s s i o n s(N E D C E q u i v a l e n t)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n*u r b a n18.8 mpg (UK)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n*e x t r a-u r b a n38.7 mpg (UK)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n*c o m b i n e d27.7 mpg (UK)C O2e m i s s i o n s*c o m b i n e d232 g/kmC o n s u m p t i o n(W L T P)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d*(m o d e l r a n g e)25.9 - 27.4 mpgC O2-e m i s s i o n s c o m b i n e d235 g/kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d27.2 mpg (UK)C O2e m i s s i o n s c o m b i n e d*(m o d e l r a n g e)247 - 234 g/kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n l o w18.3 l/100 kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n m e d i u m10.3 l/100 kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n h i g h8.9 l/100 kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n e x t r a-h i g h8.7 l/100 kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d10.4 l/100 kmC O2-e m i s s i o n s l o w416 g/kmC O2-e m i s s i o n s m e d i u m234 g/kmC O2-e m i s s i o n s h i g h201 g/kmC O2-e m i s s i o n s e x t r a h i g h198 g/kmF u e l c o n s u m p t i o n l o w15.4 mpg (UK)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n m e d i u m27.4 mpg (UK)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n h i g h31.7 mpg (UK)F u e l c o n s u m p t i o n e x t r a-h i g h32.5 mpg (UK)B o d y d i m e n s i o n s a n d w e i g h t sL e n g t h4,530 mmH e i g h t1,293 mmU n l a d e n w e i g h t(D I N)1,470 kgP e r m i s s i b l e g r o s s w e i g h t1,850 kgM a x i m u m p a y l o a d380 kgP e r f o r m a n c eT o p s p e e d181 mphA c c e l e r a t i o n0-62m p h(0-100k m/h) 4.5 secsT e c h n i c a l d a t a(c o n t i n u e d)7-S p e e d M a n u a l T r a n s m i s s i o nT e r r a i n f e a t u r e sS l o p e a n g l e,f r o n t/r e a r(s t e e l s u s p e n s i o n)11.5 - 13.5 °M a x.g r o u n d c l e a r a n c e(s t e e l s u s p e n s i o n)115 mmS t a n d a r d o p t i o n sE x t e r i o r• 2 seater with rear engine• Intelligent lightweight construction in aluminium and steel composite• Side air intakes at front with active cooling air flaps and air blades• Auto-deploying rear spoiler• Trim on side skirts in Black• Retractable door handles• Model designation on rear trim in Agate Grey• 'PORSCHE' lettering integrated in taillight strip• Side window trim strips in Black• Slat Inlays on rear lid painted in in Agate Grey (high-gloss)• ʻ911 Carrera Tʼ decorative side logo in Agate GreyD r i v e t r a i n a n d C h a s s i s• 6-cylinder boxer engine with twin-turbo, displacement: 3.0 litres, maximum power output: 283 kW (385 PS), maximum torque: 450 Nm• 7-Speed Manual Transmission (Note: with 7-speed manual transmission: Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV) is standard with a mechanically locking rear differential)• McPherson-front axle with anti-roll bar• Multi-link rear axle with anti-roll bar• 4-piston, aluminium fixed monobloc brake calipers front and rear, brake discs with 330 mm diameter front and rear, all discs internally vented and cross-drilled, brake calipers Black• Rear-wheel drive• Sport Chrono Package incl. mode switch, Porsche Track Precision App & tyre temperature display• Aluminium engine block and cylinder heads• Electromechanical power steering with variable steering ratio and steering pulse generator• Water-cooled engine with thermal management• PASM Sport Suspension (-10 mm) - Electronically variable active damping system with two manually selectable modes ʻNormalʼ and ʻSportʼ; ride height lowered by 10 mm. Aerodynamically adapted front spoiler lip and higher rear spoiler extension for downforce oriented aerodynamic performance• Stationary management with HOLD function• Porsche Stability Management (PSM) incl. ABS with extended brake functions• 2 turbochargers, 2 intercoolers• Auto start/stop function• Direct Fuel Injection (DFI)• VarioCam Plus variable valve timing and lift• Integrated dry-sump lubrication with an on-demand controlled oil pump• Two 3-way catalytic converters and on-board diagnostics for monitoring emission control system• 2 gasoline particulate filters (GPF)• Expansion intake manifold• Sports exhaust system (tailpipes in Black)• Electrically operated parking brakeS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)W h e e l s• 20-/21-inch Carrera S wheels in Titanium Grey (high gloss)• Front: 8.5 J x 20 ET 53 with 245/35 ZR 20 tyres• Rear: 11.5 J x 21 ET 67 with 305/30 ZR 21 tyres• Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPM)• Tyre repair kit with sealing compound and electric air compressorL i g h t s a n d v i s i o n• LED main headlights including daytime running lights with 4-point LED spotlights• Reading lights, orientation, ignition lock, luggage compartment, footwell, glove compartment and door lightning all build on LED technology• Illuminated vanity mirrors in sun visors for driver and passenger• LED auxiliary light units in the front end with position lights, direction indicators and side indicators• Taillight strip including integrated parking lights and rear fog-light• Automatic headlight activation incl. ʻWelcome Homeʼ lighting• Three-dimensional LED taillights incl. reversing light and direction indicators as well as integral third brake lights • Exterior mirrors on door waist rails, electrically adjustable and heatable, aspherical on driver's side• Windscreen washer system with aero wiper blades and washer jets• Automatically dimming interior and exterior mirrors with integrated rain sensor• Lightweight and noise insulated glass - Lightweight glazing made of compound glass and acoustic film, for windscreen, door- and rear window. Offers a weight advantage over 4 kg and improved interior acoustics by minimising external noise such as rolling and wind noiseC o m f o r t a n d a s s i s t a n c e s y s t e m s• Emergency call system eCall• Porsche WET Mode• Warn and Brake Assist incl. Pedestrian protection• Keyless drive• ParkAssist front and rear• Electric window lifts with one-touch operation and door seal protection• Cruise control• Remote control for central locking system and luggage compartment lid release• Preparation for Porsche DashcamI n t e r i o r• 2-zone automatic climate control with separate temperature settings for driver and front passenger,• Instrument cluster with central rev counter and two 7-inch TFT displays, 10.9-inch Centerdisplay• Multifunctional steering wheel with manual height- and reach adjustment• Front luggage compartment• Particle/pollen filter with active carbon filter• Sports seats Plus, electrical 4-way, in leather with Sport-Tex seat centres. Leather headrests embroidered with '911' logo in blackS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)• Full-size airbags (two-stage) for driver and front passenger• Gear indicator in rev counter• PDK gear changer lever with automatic mode, manual gear selection via shift paddles at the steering wheel• Ascending centre console with storage compartment• Embossed leather on front center seat, side bolsters and front seat headrests• Smooth-finish leather on steering wheel rim, door handles, door panel armrests and centre console storagecompartment lid• Storage compartment in each door• Porsche Side Impact Protection (POSIP), comprising side impact protection elements in the doors, Curtainairbag (Head-/ Windowbag) and thorax airbag for driver and front passenger• Glove compartment (lockable) and storage compartment in each door• Dashboard trim strip, centre console trim and door panel trim strips in Diamar darksilver• Two individual cupholders (1x as inlet in the center console and 1x passenger side)• Mounting points on passenger seat for ISOFIX child seat mounting system• Engine immobiliser with remote central locking and alarm system with ultrasonic sound-based interior surveillance • Green-tinted thermally insulated glass• Heated rear screen• Rooflining and A-/B-/ C-pillar trims in fabric, A-pillar trim in leather• Door sill guards in brushed aluminium in Black with '911 Carrera T' model designation• 2 USB-C ports in center console main storage compartment lid, socket (12-volt) in passenger footwell• Floor mats• Clothes hooks on seat backrests• Seat heating (front)A u d i o a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n• Digital radio• Sound Package Plus, analogue sound system, 8 loudspeakers, 150-watt total output with integral amplifier and digital signal processing• Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including Online Navigation¹, Mobile Phone Preparation, AudioInterfaces and Voice Control• Porsche Connect online navigation (see Porsche Communication Management), music streaming and online radio, Remote Services and a wide range of other Porsche Connect Services• Porsche Vehicle Tracking System (PVTS) - Note: To use the PVTS, you need to purchase the Car Security Package from the Porsche Connect Store. For further information on follow-on costs, please visit /connect or consult your Porsche Centre.• Smartphone Integration incl. Apple® CarPlay and Android Auto™• Porsche Connect online navigation (see Porsche Communication Management), music streaming and online radio, Remote Services and a wide range of other Porsche Connect ServicesIndividual optionsOrder no.Model year Vehicle9921502023911 Carrera TIndividualisationCategory Order no.Individual equipmentExterior Colour P3Racing YellowInterior Colour YD Carrera T interior package with extensive items in leather, stitching in Slate Grey SeatsQ1K Full bucket seatsExterior3FFLightweight carbon roof Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur2D5SportDesign Package painted in Black (high-gloss) Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur QJ4Side window trims in black (high-gloss)Drivetrain and chassisG1M 7-Speed Manual Transmission1N3Power Steering Plus 0N5Rear-Axle SteeringWheels46I20-/21-inch Carrera S wheels in Titanium Grey (high-gloss)Lighting and vision 8JUTinted LED Main Headlights with Matrix Beam including Porsche Dynamic Light System Plus (PDLS Plus) Porsche Exclusive ManufakturVW7Lightweight and noise insulated glass incl. privacy glass Porsche Exclusive ManufakturComfort and assistance systems 7Y1Lane Change Assist Interior Race-Tex6NN Roof lining in Race-Tex5XK Sun visors in Race-Tex Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur2ZFHeated Multifunction GT Sports steering wheel in Race-Tex Your Porsche Code /PPV2BAN9Wheel Accessories 1G8Tyre sealing compound and electric aircompressor1PDAnti-theft wheel boltsP14Automatically dimming interior and exterior mirrors with integrated rain sensorInterior Q1KFull bucket seatsS-GO 4026I m p o r t a n t i n f o r m a t i o nF o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n a v a i l a b i l i t y a n d e x a c t e q u i p m e n t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s,p l e a s e c o n s u l t y o u r P o r s c h e C e n t r e.A l l p r i c e sa r e r e c o m m e n d e d r e t a i l i n c l u d i n g V A T a r e e f f e c t i v e f r o m t h e1s t J a n u a r y2015.P o r s c h e r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o a l t e rs p e c i f i c a t i o n,d e l i v e r y p a c k a g e,l e a d t i m e s,p r i c i n g a n d o t h e r p r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e.C o l o u r s a n dm a t e r i a l s m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h o s e s h o w n.E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d.Porsche Cars Great Britain Limited and its group companies* (or via its agents) may use the information you provide and other information we have about you to contact you, including by mail, phone, SMS, fax or email, with offers orinformation. Tick this box if you do not want offers or information from us [ ] or from our carefully selected partners [ ].By taking this form you consent to our processing any sensitive data (such as health data) for the above purposes, to our keeping your information for a reasonable time and transferring it to countries which do not provide the same level of data protection as the UK (if necessary) for the above purposes.*Group companies include Porsche Retail Group Limited, Porsche Financial Services GmbH, Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGPage 10。
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3 2 1
Sy mb o l
VCBO Collector-Base Voltage (IE = 0)
VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage (IB = 0)
IC = 10 A
IB = 2.5 A
VBE∗ Base-Emitter Voltage IC = 5 A
VCE = 4 V
hFE∗ DC Current Gain
IC = 0.5 A IC = 5 A IC = 10 A
VCE = 4 V VCE = 4 V VCE = 4 V
Transition frequency IC = 0. 5 A
DC Current Gain (PNP type)
DC Transconductance(NPN type)
DC Transconductance(PNP type)
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (NPN type)
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (PNP type)
0.49 0.61 1.14 1.14 4.95 2.4 10.0
13.0 2.65 15.25 6.2 3.5 3.75
mm TYP. 1.27
MAX. 4.60 1.32 2.72
0.70 0.88 1.70 1.70 5.15 2.7 10.40
Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. .
5 5 1 1 1
1 3 2.5
1.5 250 150
Unit µA µA mA mA mA mA mA
Safe Operating Area
Derating Curves
DC Current Gain (NPN type)
BD909 / BD910 / BD911 / BD912
BD909 / BD910 / BD911 / BD912
Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (NPN type)
Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (PNP type)
Transition Frequency (NPN type)
The ST logo is a trademark of STMicroelectronics © 1999 STMicroelectronics – Printed in Italy – All Rights Reserved
STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco -
0.027 0.034 0.067 0.067 0.203 0.106 0.409
0.551 0.116 0.620 0.260 0.154 0.151
P011/ BD910 / BD911 / BD912
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.
Symbo l
Pa ram et e r
Test Conditions
Collector Cut-off Current (IE = 0)
for BD909/910
for BD911/912 Tcase = 150 oC for BD909/910
for BD911/912
VCB = 80 V VCB = 100 V
VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage (IC = 0)
IE,IC Collector Current
Base Current
Ptot Total Dissipation at Tc ≤ 25 oC
Tstg Storage Temperature
Max. Operating Junction Temperature
Transition Frequency (PNP type)
A C D D1 E F F1 F2 G G1 H2 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 L9 DIA.
BD909 / BD910 / BD911 / BD912
MIN. 4.40 1.23 2.40
For PNP types voltage and current values are negative.
October 1999
-65 to 150
Un it
V V V A A W oC oC
BD909 / BD910 / BD911 / BD912
Rthj-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tcase = 25 oC unless otherwise specified)
VCB = 80 V VCB = 100 V
Collector Cut-off Current (IB = 0)
for BD909/910 for BD911/912
VCE = 40 V VCE = 50 V
IEBO Emitter Cut-off Current (IC = 0)
VCEO(s us)∗ Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage (IB = 0)
DESCRIPTION The BD909 and BD911 are silicon Epitaxial-Base NPN power transistors mounted in Jedec TO-220 plastic package. They are intented for use in power linear and switching applications. The complementary PNP types are BD910 and BD912 respectively.
∗ Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5 % For PNP types voltage and current values are negative.
VCE = 4 V
Min. Typ.
80 100
40 15 5 3
Max. 500 500
14.0 2.95 15.75 6.6 3.93 3.85
MIN. 0.173 0.048 0.094
0.019 0.024 0.044 0.044 0.194 0.094 0.393
0.511 0.104 0.600 0.244 0.137 0.147
inch TYP. 0.050
MAX. 0.181 0.051 0.107
VCE(sat)∗ Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage