jack welch
Jack London杰克伦敦简介
London had always explored the true meaning of his life. His exploration spirit and his faith of never yielding to any pressure have been praised by many people
Jack London
Presented BY Jasmine
London was part of the radical literary group “The Crowd” in San Francisco and a passionate advocate of unionization(工会), socialism, and the rights of workers. He wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics.
我宁愿是燃烧过后的灰烬也不愿为地上的灰尘! 我宁愿让点点星火猛烈燃烧殆尽也不愿任其干腐. 我宁愿做一闪而过的流星,让每一点碎片都擦出火光,也不愿做死寂的恒星. 人的职责是生活,而不是存在. 我不会浪费时间试图延长寿命. 但,我会用尽生命中的每一秒.
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宏碁集团的施振荣和前美国GE总裁韦尔奇(Jack Welch)等,都是老虎型领导人。
﹁ 经 营 之 神 ﹂ 王 永 庆
全球华人富豪中,被誉为‚经营之神‛的台湾塑胶集团董事 长王永庆是一位凭个人奋斗走向商业成功的典型代表。从一个贫 苦的农家子弟到拥有数百亿资产的巨富,王永庆的创业历程充满
2008年,王永庆病逝美国,享寿九十二岁,各界惋惜。他终 其一生强调‚追根究底、实事求是‛态度经营企业,由年产量仅4
几十年后的今天,王永庆所拥有的台塑集团已是台湾最 大的民营制造企业,旗下有30多家分公司和海外公司,在整
人 格 魅 力
我要求很高。他本着‚心到、力到、功夫到,无所 不成‛的信念,认准了目标就锲而不舍全力以赴地 去实践和探索。 ‚贫寒的家境,以及在恶劣条件下的创业经验, 亦不足忧,成功的关键完全在于一己的努力‛,王
人 格 魅 力
事例:对环保的态度转变 对于全力追求价廉物美的王永庆来说,在保证质量的基础上,降低成本是第一 位的,环保投入可免则免。早在70年代,就已经有人关注到台塑关系企业的工业 污染问题。接踵而来的严峻事实却一次又一次地告诉生财有道的塑胶大王:对待污 染问题不能再含糊其辞了,只求降低成本不讲环保的观念亟待更新! 1985年2月,台化厂由于维护废气回收设备的人为疏忽,导致硫化氢气体外泄,
创 业 史
王永庆先到茶园当杂工,后来在亲友的介绍下,又到嘉义一间 米店当学徒。他暗暗下定决心:自己开一间米店,自己当老板。 第二年,他用借来的200元钱做本金,在嘉义开了一家小米店。 在新开张的那段日子里,王永庆的米店冷冷清清。怎样才能 吸引更多的顾客到自己的米店来呢?经过实地考察和认真思考, 王永庆决定在改善服务态度上下功夫。硬件比不过人家,便在软 件上胜人一筹:①卖净米;②送货上门;③销售记录。 在王永庆的苦心经营下,米店生意终于红火起来,从最初的 一天卖不到12斗米,逐渐发展到后来的一天就可卖出100多斗。 在小有积蓄后,王永庆又办了一家碾米厂。当时台湾是日占 区,日本人经营的米厂,技术、设备和待遇都要比中国人的米厂 优越。在王永庆的米厂隔壁,就有一家由日商福岛正夫经营的碾 米厂,他暗下决心,要通过加倍的辛勤劳动,打败福岛正夫。 几年下来,王永庆终于把福岛正夫的米厂远远地甩在了后面。 但此时,抗战爆发。台湾作为资源供应地,粮食买卖受到限制。 王永庆遭受了经商以来的第一次沉重打击。
APPLICATIONS• All industrial applications requiring Ethernet• All industrial equipment with RJ45 connectivity• Industry Computers• Hubs• Routers• Wireless access pointsELECTRICAL• 10 / 100 Base-T Ethernet, 1 Gbps• Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 2250 V DCMECHANICAL• -40…+85 °C; min. 750 mating cyclesMATERIALS• Plating thickness 0,76 µm [30 µinch] gold over1,27 µm [50 µinch] nickel• UL 94 V-0• 260 °C reflow capable• High grade LCP (liquid crystal polymer material)STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS• IEC 60603-7-51 for 1 Gbps• IEC 60603-7-5 for 10 / 100 Mbps• Product Specification 108-94552• Application Specification 114-94447PRODUCT COMPLIANCE• UL recognized• RoHS compliantIndustrial RJ45 jacks with integrated magnetics offer a highlyintegrated connectivity solution-from the cable to the physicallayer-for Industrial Ethernet. Integrating the magnetics into thejack allows for a much improved EMI noise shielding, enablingmore reliable connections. A standardized portfolio with 1x1straight and R / A, 1x2, 2x1 form factors addresses many ofthe industrial applications, which allows customers to find thesolution they are looking for. Specific industrial requirementssuch as high reliability through improved corrosion resistance,extended temperature range and long product lifetime areall addressed, including support of the latest reflow solderingproduction processes.KEY FEATURES• Extended temperature. range -40…+85 °C• Minimum product life requirement of 10 years• 260 °C reflow Pin in Paste Soldering• Plating thickness 0,76 µm [30 µinch] gold over1,27 µm [50 µinch] nickel• Improved EMI integrity and signal integrity performance• Both current and voltage mode PHY-chips supportedBENEFITS• The standardized RJ45 jack portfolio with integratedmagnetics with 1x1 straight and R / A, 1x2, 2x1 form factorsaddresses many of the industrial applications• Integrated magnetics reduces the (analog) design effortsrequired by the customer• Thicker gold plating (30 µinch over 50 µinch nickel) improvescorrosion resistance reducing equipment electrical problemsover lifetime• TE’s products (260 °C reflow capable) fit industrialassembly / solder processes without the need for an extraassembly / solder step• Extended temperature range addresses industrial equipmentrequirements where standard temperature (0…70 °C) rangeis too limited• Offering standardized T ape & Reel or Tray packing for fullyautomated or manual assembly process• PLC’s• Switches• All Ethernet enabled equipmentDescription Speed Ports Orientation Tab LEDs Packaging VoltageModeCurrentMode TE PNRJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up No T&R No Yes2301994-1 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up Yes T&R No Yes2301994-2 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up No T&R No Yes2301994-3 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 10 / 1001 x 1R / A Down No T&R No Yes2301994-4 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x1 INV.1G1 x 1R / A Up No T&R Yes Yes2301994-5 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down No T&R Yes Yes2301994-6 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down No T&R No Yes2301994-7 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up Yes T&R No Yes2301994-8 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 10 / 1001 x 1R / A Down Yes T&R No Yes2301994-9 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down Yes T&R Yes Yes1-2301994-0 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 INV. low1G1 x 1R / A Up Yes T&R Yes Yes1-2301994-1 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down Yes T&R No Yes1-2301994-2RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. Gb 1x1 VERT. 1G1 x 1Vertical–No T&R Yes Yes2301995-1 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 VERT.10 / 1001 x 1Vertical–No T&R No Yes2301995-2 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 VERT.10 / 1001 x 1Vertical–Yes T&R No Yes2301995-3 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 VERT.1G1 x 1Vertical–Yes T&R Yes Yes2301995-4RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x2 INV.10 / 1001 x 2R / A Up No T&R No Yes2301996-1 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x2 10 / 1001 x 2R / A Down No T&R No Yes2301996-2 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x2 INV.1G1 x 2R / A Up No T&R Yes Yes2301996-3 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x2 1G1 x 2R / A Down No T&R Yes Yes2301996-4 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x2 INV.10 / 1001 x 2R / A Up Yes T&R No Yes2301996-5 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x2 10 / 1001 x 2R / A Down Yes T&R No Yes2301996-6 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x2 INV.1G1 x 2R / A Up Yes T&R Yes Yes2301996-7 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x2 1G1 x 2R / A Down Yes T&R Yes Yes2301996-8RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up No Tray No Yes5-2301994-1 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up No Tray No Yes5-2301994-2 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up No Tray No Yes5-2301994-3 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x110 / 1001 x 1R / A Down No Tray No Yes5-2301994-4 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x1 INV.1G1 x 1R / A Up No Tray Yes Yes5-2301994-5 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down No Tray Yes Yes5-2301994-6 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down No Tray No Yes5-2301994-7 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 INV.10 / 1001 x 1R / A Up Yes Tray No Yes5-2301994-8 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 10 / 1001 x 1R / A Down Yes Tray No Yes5-2301994-9 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down Yes Tray Yes Yes6-2301994-0 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 INV. - low1G1 x 1R / A Up Yes Tray Yes Yes6-2301994-1 RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 1G1 x 1R / A Down Yes Tray No Yes6-2301994-2TE ConnectivityAutomation & Control Pfnorstr. 1D-64293 Darmstadt Germany+49 6151 607 1999 LEGAL ENTITY/rj45magneticsTE Connectivity, TE Connectivity (logo) and Every Connection Counts are trademarks. All other logos, productsand/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners.The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity‘s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity‘s Standard T erms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application.© 2017 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies All Rights Reserved.1-1773921-5 06/2017 Original: WRPRODUCT SHEETFor additional features or requests, please reach out to your TE sales representative or our customer care specialists.DescriptionSpeedPortsOrientationTabLEDsPackagingVoltage Mode Current ModeTE PNRJ45 JACK INT.MAG. Gb 1x1 VERT.1G 1 x 1Vertical –No Tray Yes Yes 5-2301995-1RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x1 VERT.10 / 1001 x 1Vertical –No Tray No Yes 5-2301995-2RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x1 VERT.10 / 1001 x 1Vertical –Yes Tray No Yes 5-2301995-3RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x1 VERT.1G1 x 1Vertical–YesTrayYesYes5-2301995-4RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x2 INV .10 / 1001 x 2R / A Up No Tray No Yes 5-2301996-1RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 1x2 10 / 1001 x 2R / A Down No Tray No Yes 5-2301996-2RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x2 INV .1G 1 x 2R / A Up No Tray Yes Yes 5-2301996-3RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 1x21G 1 x 2R / A Down No Tray Yes Yes 5-2301996-4RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x2 INV .10 / 1001 x 2R / A Up Yes Tray No Yes 5-2301996-5RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 1x2 10 / 1001 x 2R / A Down Yes Tray No Yes 5-2301996-6RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x2 INV .1G 1 x 2R / A Up Yes Tray Yes Yes 5-2301996-7RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 1x21G1 x 2R / ADownYesTrayYesYes5-2301996-8RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 2x110 / 1002 x 1R / A Down No Tray No Yes 2301997-2RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb 2x11G 2 x 1R / A Down No Tray Yes Yes 2301997-4RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 10/100 LED 2x110 / 1002 x 1R / A Down Yes Tray No Yes 2301997-5RJ45 JACK INT.MAG. 1Gb LED 2x11G2 x 1R / ADownYesTrayYesYes2301997-7。
杰克.韦尔奇名言50句(Jack Welch famous 50 sentences)Jack Welch famous 50 sentencesA brilliant management and leadership guru who served as president of the General Company, GE achieved brilliant results, especially with a return on investment higher than Buffett and Gates's.!Concentrate on the absolute intransigence of a war against bureaucracy.To respect the ability of people, and let people do not have the ability to go.For senior talents, as long as they think it is worthwhile to pay, never stingy.Always use the top-notch business talent and dig for it at any cost.In addition, there is no shackles of mind, completely breaking grade, portal, see beifen.Only participate in the industry's most promising areas, stripped of the lack of innovation in the space sector.Any industry, only the eyes of the leading leader.A cyclical industry that is not involved in performance, often outside of environmental changes, and beyond its control.Only realistic business prospects, never in accordance with their expectations, the forecast of the so-called vision of the problem.Instilling a sense of community values and community consciousness, and striving to implement geographical and human rights in the globalization strategy.Set up extreme addictions to adequate preparation and realistic analysis of a large number of charts.Let the best people feel their worth in the main battlefield and the front line of the company.The opportunity comes, strives for.Substitutions are unambiguous, and the use of people does not frown.Discover and form a talent pool in the middle of your career.Eliminate those who have no passion.Set goals that you can jump up to.Act before change.Directly link staff learning with promotion.Instill one's own culture, including confidence, to everyone in the company.Establish an internal school.Discussion and research can take place for hours on end, but you must fight to get close to the real answer.Shoot all the formalism of officialese.Always prepare a comprehensive analysis of possible actions by competitors.Digital makes the company more flexible.Let everyone, every brain, take part in company affairs.The inside and outside cultural differences, and ask yourself and other people in the implementation of internal culture so as always.The less management, the better the company.Communicate with employees, eliminate the role of police in management, and don't try to catch subordinates' little braids.Within the company, ideas, stimuli, and energy must flow continuously and spread at light speed.Bureaucracy often goes hand in hand with formalism.Looking for people with team motivation.Cut off from the controlling, conservative, and tyrannical managers.Don't spend too much effort trying to change people who don't meet the company's culture and requirements, fire them directly, and then look for them again.The best care staff care, give them support and reward, bonus and power.Don't organize the company's operations with orders.Live in close harmony with the wisest of the subordinates.Attitude is everything.Give the greatest support and resources to the best talent.The company's business strategy is one of the best in the middle of each department, so the pricing power in the competition will be great, and the risk of the combination of the company can be dispersed.Productivity can either be improved by downsizing or by merging, and must be self pressurized.Old organizations are built on control, and new organizations must add free ingredients.There is no limit to the exchange of ideas between different divisions.From monitors, inspectors, out of care and approver to "provide convenience", "proponent" and "business operation partner".Value the company's unified values through the value guide memo card.Consistency, simplification, repetition, persistence, is that simple.Good ideas come from all sides. Ideas should be communicated anytime, anywhere.Let employees discover and see the meaning of their work and its implementation mechanism.One or two penalties, failure, and then dismissal;Celebrate every progress, though it may still be far from the overall goal.Encourage and even force everyone to put forward his own opinions.terry gou1, not to read literature, will lose the calm and mind the taste of life;2, without the study of history, there will be no dealer strategy;3. Ignorance of trends and processes will not know where you are;4, without practice, is always an armchair strategist;5, without positioning, will not be able to break through the encirclement and get ahead;6, without purpose, will be unhappy all day long;7, without thinking, language will not kill;8, no quality of contacts, will be a drag on the burden;9, no clear summary, will not be able to gain and loss;10, without good habits, will be unable to enter the cause of the state;11, there is no movement decompression, emotions will play fast and loose efficiency will decline, thinking, will rest on its laurels;12, there is no accumulation, the opportunity will not be yours;13, without records, everything will blur the lake;14, there is no system, can not become expert authority.15, the information age does not lie in the possession ofinformation, but in the depth analysis and utilization of information.16, as a businessman, Longmen to jump to drill hole;17, China businessman never bold but cautious, lack of courage, lack of thinking bold decisions before science, cautious, system;18, a promising businessman should be a pragmatic idealist. Retreat and pragmatic are equally important, the retreat is a dream, is planning a great career from a great dream.Bill Gates1., society is full of unfair phenomena. You don't want to change it first, you can only adapt to it. Because you can't manage it.The 2. world will not care about your self-esteem, people will see only your achievements. Don't overemphasize self-esteem until you have achieved anything.(because the more you emphasize self-esteem, the more it's against you.).3. you just graduated from high school and you don't usually become a CEO until you get your CEO position.People don't mind. You just graduated from high school.4., when you get into trouble, don't complain, you can only learn from it silently.(you must rise up quietly and rise again).5., you need to know that your parents are not as boring as they are now without you". You should think of this as a great price to pay for bringing up you. You must always be grateful and show filial obedience to them.6., in school, you test is not so important, but entering society is not. No matter where you go, you should rank.(social, company rankings are common. It takes courage to compete.).7., there are holidays in the school, the company does not work, you can hardly rest, rarely relaxed holidays.(or you run behind in your career, or even leave you behind forever).8. in school, the teacher will help you study, but the company will not. If you think the school teacher is very strict with you, then you have not worked in the company yet. Because if the company isn't tough on you, you're going to lose your job.(you must be soberly aware that companies are more demanding than school.).9. people like to watch TV, but you don't watch it, it's notyour life. As long as you work in a company, you don't have time to watch TV shows.(advise you not to watch, or you will go on the road to watch TV series and enjoy it, then you will lose your qualifications for success).10., never criticize others behind your back. Especially, you can't criticize your boss for being ignorant, mean and incompetent.Because of this state of mind,Will make you go on a bumpy and difficult road to growth.6 principles of decision making. They go straight to the sources of information, make the argument more violent, overcome the fear of adventure, keep the vision in mind every day, listen attentively, and make everything transparent. It is these principles that guide leaders from different departments and industries to go through the ups and downs.。
Jack Welch 杰克韦尔奇
In 1889, Drexel, Morgan & Co., a company founded by J.P. Morgan and Anthony J. Drexel, financed Edison’s research and helped merge those companies under one corporation to form Edison General Electric Company which was incorporated in New York on April 24, 1889. The new company also acquired Sprague Electric Railway & Motor Company in the same year. At about the same time, Charles Coffin, leading Thomson-Houston Electric Company, acquired a number of competitors and gained access to their key patents.
Jack's early life and education
Jack Welch was born in Peabody, Massachusetts to John, a Boston & Maine Railroad conductor, and Grace, a homemaker. Jack is Irish American. His paternal and maternal grandparents were Irish. Welch attended Salem High School and then University of Massachusetts Amherst, graduating in 1957 with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering. He is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity.He received a MS and PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1960.
Jack Welch Leading Organizational Change at GE
Company Logo
当在2001年,通用电 年 当在 气(GE)董事长兼首席执 ) 行官杰克·韦尔奇退休后 韦尔奇退休后, 行官杰克 韦尔奇退休后, 他可以回顾一个非常成功 的职业生涯。 的职业生涯。 1981年, 年 他45岁,成为首席执行官 岁 当时, 有一个非常官 。当时,GE有一个非常官 僚准则的,复杂的组织结 僚准则的, 构。 他的第一个变化之一是 启动战略指导方针, 启动战略指导方针,每个 企业应该在各自领域内争 做第1或2。如果情况并非 做第 或 。 如此, 如此,经理们解决了这个 问题的选项可以是, 问题的选项可以是,出售 其特定的业务, 其特定的业务,或关闭它 。
Jack Welch was personally involved in developing managers at GE's training center in Crotonville. Leaders, Welch suggested, are not only those who achieve result but also those who share the values of the company .Managers who shared the company values but did not achieve results got another opportunity to improve performance, while managers who achieved results but did not share the values received coaching aimed at changing their value orientation. There was little hope for managers who did not achieve results nor shared the company's values.
专利名称:VISCOSE PRODUCTION PROCESS发明人:WIZANI, WOLFGANG,KROTSCHECK,ANDREAS,SCHUSTER, JOHANN,LACKNER,KARL申请号:EP94900624.1申请日:19931202公开号:EP0672207B1公开日:19961106专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A process is disclosed for producing viscose from lignocelluloses such as those of deciduous trees, coniferous trees or annual plants. The lignocellulose is first processed in a digester with saturated steam to cause the preliminary hydrolisis of hemicelluloses, and is then processed without relaxation with hot black liquor (HSL) from a previous sulfate-cellulose digestion, if required with the admixture of fresh white liquor (WL) to neutralise the resulting acid reaction products, so that a neutralisation liquor (NL) is formed in the digester. After the required amount of alkali for delignification is added as fresh white liquor (WL), if required accompanied by the expulsion of neutralisation liquor (NL) and temperature regulation, digestion is carried out, with or without a temperature gradient. When the desired degree of disaggregation is reached, digestion is stopped by expulsing the hot black liquor (HSL) with cold alkaline washing filtrate (WF), so that the cellulose is at the same time freed from still adhering lignin decomposition products, and the thus obtained cellulose is discharged from the digester at a temperature below 100 °C.申请人:VOEST-ALPINE INDUSTRIEANLAGENBAU GMBH,VOEST ALPINE INDANLAGEN,VOEST-ALPINE INDUSTRIEANLAGENBAU GMBH,LENZING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT,CHEMIEFASER LENZING AG,LENZING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 地址:AT,AT国籍:AT,AT代理机构:Weinzinger, Arnulf, Dipl.-Ing.更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Jack Welch杰克韦尔奇英文版 优质课件
Jack Welch
Jack Welch, the former CEO and chairman of GE, was born on November 19, 1935 in Salem, Massachusetts. In 1960,he joined GE .In April1981, Jack Welch became the youngest chairman and CEO of GE.
If the direction of the stragy is right, and it also has a certain development space, the strategy does not need to often change.
"5 slides" examination(五张幻灯片检测法)
Growth experience
His great mother
Business restructuring management restructuring
1957 1960
1971 1979 1981
2001 2004
Restructure GE
所有企业都必须在 其产品市场上名列 第一或第二,不能 达到这个标准的企 业,将被整顿、关 闭或出售
Change management Crisis management “4E”and “ 1P” project
Six Sigma quality project 六西格玛质量计划
Measure where the error is.
2.学员抽到的每套试卷均为随机组合;但抽到试卷中的所有试题均在下列题库中可以找到原题及答案!!第一大题:选择题(随机抽其中5道)―Can I have three days off next week,Mr.Smith?―__________.I can manage without you.A.I’m afraid notB.Of courseC.It depends[答案]B正确答案解释:解析:本题考查情景对话。
句意为:我下周能请三天假吗,史密斯先生?当然可以(of course)。
根据下文I can manage without you可知,Mr.Smith同意对方请假,所以答案应该是B。
―Don’t worry,Mum.The doctor said it was only a common cold.―_______________A.What a reliefB.How surprisingC.I’m so sorry[答案]A正确答案解释:解析:本题考核情景交际。
―If you don’t believe in yourself,no one else will.―_________.Confidence is really important.A.That’s not the pointB.I don’t think soC.I couldn’t agree more[答案]C正确答案解释:解析:本题考查情景对话。
完全赞成(I couldn’t agree more).自信真的很重要。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告上海杰克嘉文机械设备有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:上海杰克嘉文机械设备有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分上海杰克嘉文机械设备有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业通用设备制造业-其他通用设备制造业资质空产品服务械设备销售;货物进出口;技术进出口;电子1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
国开期末考试《管理英语4》机考满分试题(第2套)(试卷代号:0863,整套相同,祝同学们取得优异成绩!)一、交际用语(共5题,共10分)1、 Reading is the best way to pass time on the train。
(B),I never go traveling without a book。
A、You are jokingB、That’s trueC、It sounds like fun2、How did your meeting go yesterday?(A)actually,it was really frustrating。
A、Not so goodB、Very goodC、Nothing special3、Jack,I’d like to have your opinions about my written report。
But I have one suggestion(A)。
A、It looks fine to meB、You are too modestC、That’s a good idea4、 Terribly sorry to interrupt,but may I use your dictionary?Yes,(A)。
A、of courseB、it doesn’t matterC、no hurry5、 This project is too big for me to finish on time。
A、Please do me afavorB、You may ask for helpC、I’ll give you a hand二、词汇与结构(共15题,共30分)1、The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions (C) employ the best possible workers。
韦尔奇式管理(JackWelch'sManagement)1 什么是韦尔奇式管理?2 韦尔奇式管理的具体内容3 韦尔奇式绩效考核方法和非韦尔奇绩效考核方法[1]4 相关条目5 参考文献什么是韦尔奇式管理?“奇式”管理是由通用电气公司前CEO韦尔奇提出的一套管理方法,可用一个简单的英文单词“力量”FORCE来代表。
CRAFTSMAN 2-1 4 吋汽车扶手操作手册说明书
Operators Manual••••PartsFLOOR JACKModel 950524 - 2-1/4 Ton CapacitySears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179Visit our Craftsman website: /craftsmanPrinted in ChinaBEFORE using this product, read this manual and follow all its Safety and Operating instructions. Failure to do so may result in personal injury and/or property damage.Warranty.....P. 2Save these instructions.....P. 2Safety instructions.....P. 3Assembly instructions.....P. 4Operation.....P. 4 & P. 5Maintenance.....P. 6Troubleshooting.....P. 7Parts.....P. 7Service.....Back coverCRAFTSMAN ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTYIf this Craftsman product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free replacement.This warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179For your safety, read, understand, and follow the information provided with and on this jack.•The owner and operator of this equipment shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator shall be aware that use and repair of this product may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and safety information shall be conveyed in the operators native language before use of this product is authorized. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove from service immediately.•Inspect before each use. Do not use if broken, bent, cracked, or damaged parts (including labels) are noted. Any jack that appears damaged in any way, operates abnormally or is missing parts, shall be removed from service immediately.•If the jack has been or suspected to have been subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue use until jack has been checked by a Sears or other qualified service center. It is recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified personnel.• Labels and Operators Manual are available from Sears (see PARTS section on page 7).! SAFETY MESSAGE !Be sure all tools and personnel are clear before lowering load. No alterations shall be made to this device. Only attachments a n d /o r a d a p t e r s s u p p l i e d b y t h e manufacturer shall be used. Lift only on areas of the vehicle as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.NOTE: Jack stands are rated per pair unless otherwise noted.Use 1 matched pair per vehicle only.OPERATIONKNOW YOUR JACKCompare Fig. 2 illustration with your jack BEFORE operation to become familiar with the location of various jack components.SPECIFICATIONSRated Capacity: 2-1/4 Ton/4500 Lbs Jack Dimensions: 21” x 8-1/2” x 5-1/2”Lifting Range:5-1/2” ~ 15” (Approx.)(140mm - 381mm)Oil Capacity: 90 cc ± 5 ccNet Weight: 27.1 lbs. (Approx.)BEFORE USE•Read the operator's manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with the product, its components and recognize the hazards associated with its use.•Occasionally during shipment and/or handling air can get trapped in the system,which can interfere with the jacks lifting performance.•It is recommended to cycle the jack a few times without applying load:•Engage release valve with notched end of jack handle. Close release valve by turning the jack handle clockwise until tight.•Insert jack handle into handle sleeve.Pump the handle until the jack saddle reaches its maximum height.•Engage release valve with notched end of jack handle. Open release valve by turning jack handle counterclockwise, but no more than 1/2 full turn. Allow the saddle to reach its lowest position.•Repeat the above procedure a few times.•To release air from the hydraulic system:•Engage release valve with notched end of jack handle. Open the release valve b y t u r n i n g t h e j a c k h a n d l e counterclockwise, but never by more than 1/2 full turn.•Remove the oil filler plug from the cylinder.(see Fig. 3)•Insert jack handle into handle sleeve.Rapidly pump jack handle through several full strokes.•Reinstall the oil filler plug into the cylinder again and jack is now ready to use.FIG. 2oil filler plug (not shown,on reservoir)TO ASSEMBLE THE CARRY HANDLE ONTO THE JACKSnap the carry handle onto the nuts of jack’s middle axle. (see Fig. 1)OPERATING PRINCIPLES•With release valve closed, an upward stroke of the jack handle draws oil from the reservoir tank into the plunger cavity. Hydraulic pressure holds a valve closed, which keeps the oil in the plunger cavity.• A downward stroke of the jack handle releases oil into the cylinder, which forces the ram out. This raises the saddle. (NOTE: T o avoid damage to the cylinder if the load exceeds the rated capacity of the jack, oil is automatically released back into the reservoir through the safety overload valve.)•When the ram reaches maximum extension, oil is bypassed back into the reservoir to prevent an over-extended ram stroke and possible damage to the jack.•Opening the release valve allows oil to flow back into the reservoir. This releases hydraulic pressure on the ram, which results in lowering the saddle.HOW TO USE YOUR JACK RAISING THE JACK•With notched end of the jack handlle (see Fig. 2) close release valve by turning the handle clockwise.•Chock the vehicle’s wheel with appropriate devices to ensure lifting stability.•Refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s owners manual to locate approved lifting points on the vehicle. Position jack so that the saddle is centered under the load at an appropriate lift point.•Insert jack handle into handle sleeve. Pump jack handle until saddle almost contacts the vehicle. Check to see that the saddle is centered and will contact the load lifting point firmly.•Continue to pump the jack handle to lift the vehicle to the desired height. After lifting, support the load with appropriately rated jack stands BEFORE working on theRated capacity of jack stands is per, it is NOT the sum of individual capacities unless specifically noted to the contrary by the jack stand manufacturer.Do Not exceed rated capacity. Ensure that the vehicle support points are fully captured between the outer lugs of both jack stands.Use a matched pair of jack stands per vehicle to support 1 end only. Use 1 pair per vehicle only. Failure to do so may result in sudden loss of load, which may cause personal injury and/or property damage.area when lowering load.•Raise load high enough to clear the jack stands, then carefully remove jack stands (always used in pairs).•With notched end of jack handle, SLOWLY open the release valve by turning the handle counterclockwise, but never more than 1/2 full turn. If the load fails to lower:e another jack to raise the vehiclehigh enough to reinstall jack stands.b.Remove the affected jack and then thestands.ing the other jack, lower the load byturning the operating handle counter-clockwise, but no more than 1/2 full turn.•After removing jack from under the load, push saddle down to reduce ram exposure to rust and contamination.MAINTAINING OIL LEVELImportant: When adding or replacing oil,ALWAYS use a good grade Hydraulic Jack oil. We recommend M obil DTE13M or equivalent. DO NOT use Hydraulic Brake Fluid, Alcohol, Glycerine, Detergent, Motor Oil or dirty oil. Use of an improper fluid can cause serious internal damage to your jack.ADDING OIL•Position the jack on level ground and fully lower the saddle. (Ram will be all the way in). Remove oil filler plug located under cover plate (see Fig. 3).•Oil should be filled to the level of about 3/16” above the inner cylinder as seen from the oil filler hole. If low, add oil as needed.•Re-install oil filler plug and cover plate. The jack is now ready to use.LUBRICATION•Add lubricating oil to all moving parts as needed.PREVENTING RUST•Check ram and pump plunger (see Fig. 3)every few months for any signs of rust or corrosion. Clean as needed by wiping with an oily cloth.FIG. 3•When not in use, ALWAYS store jack with saddle lowered all the way down.ANNUAL INSPECTIONTo ensure that it is in optimum condition,annual inspection of the jack at a Sears Service Center is recommended.REPLACING OIL•T o drain oil, remove cover plate and oil filler plug and open release valve. Turn jack over and drain old oil out through the oil filler hole and into a suitable container.Note: Dispose of hydraulic oil in accordance with local regulations.•Refill with new oil through the oil filler hole.DO NOT allow dirt or foreign material to enter the hydraulic system when filling.•After refilling, remove any air from the hydraulic system by opening the release valve and rapidly pumping the jack handle several times.•Re-install oil filler plug and cover plate and the jack is ready to use.Ram all the way inPlunger DownRelease ValveOil Filler PlugProper Oil LevelPROBLEM-SOLVING HINTSMODEL NUMBER: 50524The Model Number and Serial Number are found on the lifting arm and handle sleeve respectively. Always mention the Model Number and Serial Number when requesting service or repair parts for your jack.INDIVIDUAL PARTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR REPLACEMENT ASSEMBLIESSymptom Possible CausesCorrective ActionJack does not lift load Jack bleeds off (starts to lower) after lift Jack does not lower afterunloadingPoor lift performance•Release valve not tightly closed•Overloaded - too much weight on jack • Release valve not tightly closed • Hydraulic unit malfunction •Oil reservoir overfilled •Linkages binding •Ensure release valve is tightly closed •Reduce weight on jack•Ensure release valve is tightly closed •Replace power unit assembly •Drain fluid to proper level•Clean and lubricate moving parts •Ensure proper fluid level•With ram fully retracted, open release valve, pump handle several times to expel trapped air Does not lift to fullextension•Fluid level low•Fluid level low•Air trapped in system•Ensure proper fluid levelKey Description 1Saddle2Power Unit Assembly 3Handle Assembly 4Front Wheel Assembly 5Rear Castor Assembly 6Cover Plate 7Oil Filler Plug —Operators Manual ––Warning LabelFIG. 41234567For after sale support and assistance:Call 1-888-332-6419, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM CST., Monday - Friday© Sears Brands, LLC® Registered Trademark / TM Trademark / SM Service Mark of Sears Brands, LLC® Marca Registrada / TM Marca de Fábrica / SM Marca de Servicio de Sears Brands, LLCMCMarque de commerce / MD Marque déposée de Sears Brands, LLCwww.sears.ca。
情境故事:奇异⼈才九宫格 找出A级员⼯奇异(GE)集团资深顾问艾佛.戴维斯(Ivor K. Davis)曾是奇异克鲁顿维尔(Crotonville)学院领导⼒发展学程总监。
奇异集团前董事长威尔许(Jack Welch)在改造奇异初期,坚持奇异如果⽆法在某个产业稳坐前2名,公司便要退出该市场。
因⽽与麦肯锡顾问共同发展出「经营分析矩阵」(GE McKinsey Matrix),横轴为竞争优势(Competitive Strength),纵轴为市场吸引⼒(Market Attractiveness),⽽在横轴与纵轴量表上,均分成⾼(High)、中(Medium)与低(Low)三区,成为⼀个切割成9等分的图形,⽤来盘点各个策略事业单位的竞争⼒,在这9个⼩区⾥,也可填⼊相对应的产品或因应对策。
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9-394-065April 12,1994 Jack Welch: General Electric’sRevolutionary杰克·韦尔奇:通用电气公司的革命**Translated in full with permission of Harvard Business School by Dick Zhao of CEIBS, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. Sole responsibility for the accuracy of this translation rests with the translator.This translation, Copyright © 2001 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.The original case entitled “Jack Welch: General Electric’s Revolutionary” (9-394-065), Copyright ©1993 by President and Fellows of Harvard College, was prepared by Professor Joseph L.Bower as the basis of classroom discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.经哈佛商学院许可,由中华人民共和国上海中欧国际工商学院赵楠全文翻译。
此译文的版权2001归President and Fellows of Harvard College所有。
原文题为“Jack Welch: General Electric’s Revolutionary” (9-394-065), 版权1994归President and Fellows of Harvard College所有。
此案例由Joseph L.Bower教授撰写,其目的是作为课堂讨论的基础,而不是说明对Jack Welch: General Electric’s Revolutionary杰克·韦尔奇:通用电气公司的革命1993年,杰克·韦尔奇领导下的通用电气公司所取得的成就在作为价值最终决定者的股票市场似乎得到较高的评价,这或许会令杰克·韦尔奇感到满意。
韦1“通用电气公司:战略地位,1981”(HBS案例第381-174号),Francis J. Aguilar和Richard G. Hamermesh 教授著。
以底特律的汽车制造商为突破口,3Richard F. Vancil,《移交权杖》(波士顿:哈佛商学院出版社),1987年。