Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Research Report 2017



本规范共分 22 章和 13 个附录,主要内容包括:总则,术语,基本规定,墙体节能 工程,幕墙节能工程,门窗节能工程,屋面节能工程,地面节能工程,供暖节能工程, 通风与空调设备节能工程,空调与供暖系统冷热源节能工程,空调与供暖系统管网节能 工程,配电节能工程,照明节能工程,地源热泵系统节能工程,太阳能光热系统节能工 程,太阳能光伏节能工程,监测与控制节能工程,建筑环境工程,资源综合利用工程, 建筑节能(绿色建筑)工程现场实体检验,建筑节能(绿色建筑)工程质量验收。
( 7 ) 本 规 范 第 16.2.10 条 依 据 国 家 标 准 《 太 阳 能 供 热 采 暖 工 程 技 术 规 范 》 GB50495-2009 第 5.3.5 条的规定。
(8)本规范第 3.4.4 条为绿色建筑工程涉及的建筑环境与资源综合利用子分部工程 验收方式的规定。
本规范由重庆市城乡建设委员会负责管理,由重庆市建设技术发展中心(重庆市建 筑节能中心)、重庆市绿色建筑技术促进中心负责具体技术内容解释。在本规范的实施 过程中,希望各单位注意收集资料,总结经验,并将需要修改、补充的意见和有关资料 交重庆市建设技术发展中心(重庆市渝中区牛角沱上清寺路 69 号 7 楼,邮编:400015, 电话:023-63601374,传真:023-63861277),以便今后修订时参考。
建设部备案号: J13144-2015
重庆市工程建设标准 DBJ50-234-2016Leabharlann 公共建筑节能(绿色建筑)工程
Code for acceptance of energy efficient public building(green building) construction
(3)本规范第 1.0.4、3.1.2、11.2.4、22.0.6、22.0.7 条内容分别依据国家标准《建 筑节能工程施工质量验收规范》GB50411-2007 第 1.0.5、3.1.2 条、11.2.3、15.0.5、15.0.5 条等强制性条文要求。



WARRANTY Please refer to the specification sheet at
Heating Element
ting Element
1 800 463-7043 •
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Electric Baseboard Heater PEG Series
CORNERS AND BLANK SECTIONS Install blank sections and corners the same way as heating unit of this series. Use ‘‘BX’’cable to run wiring into these options.
When using electrical appliances, basic precautions should always be taken to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury, including the following: Read all instructions before using this heater.
- A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. Do not use it in areas where gasoline, paint, or flammable liquids are used or stored.



Unit 8 》Part II 》Related Reading
Translation of the Texts
For Related Reading

全球范围实现农业生物技术面临的挑战 为提高农作物生产力,增加收成并且最终保证食品 安全而进行的投资复杂而微妙。生物技术只是其中的一 部分。将生物技术革新引入发展中国家的农业耕作体系 中面临着几个挑战。 挑战1:开发合适的并且能够承担得起的技术 现在需要开发的技术是对现有耕作体系和当地农作 物的补充,并且价格更能够承担得起,同时对人类和环 境来说是安全的。当地开发出的应用需要满足当地的条
Unit 3 》Part II 》Main Reading
Translation of the Texts
For Main Reading
读懂男女差异 尽管没有人会争议男性和女性在身体上的明显差 异,男女之间的心理差异却相对比较隐蔽。对此人们会 比较难以描述。但是, 这些差异对于我们如何形成并 维持人际关系会产生深刻的影响,这些关系可以是工作 关系、朋友关系,以及婚姻关系、亲子关系等等。 认识、理解、探讨男女差异并据此巧妙地处理两者 之间的关系并不容易。没有意识到差异、不承认这些差 异客观存在可能会成为我们这一生与异性相处中失望、 沮丧、紧张甚至最终关系告吹的根源。
Unit 3 》Part II 》Related Reading
Translation of the Texts
For Related Reading
食品产业:科学怪食之子? 由克隆动物生产食品已经获得了法律许可。当前, 各公司需说服消费者购买。 没有任何理论表明由克隆动物所产食品是不安全 的。因而,美国食品及药物管理局的首席食品安全专家 史蒂芬·桑德洛夫于本周发表了声明,称由克隆牛、克 隆猪和克隆羊的后代所产的食品是安全的,人们可以放 心食用。恰在此决议公布前几天,欧洲食品安全局也公 开发表了类似结论。

自动化专业英语 unit3 新能源 全文翻译

自动化专业英语 unit3 新能源 全文翻译

























DB11 510-2017 公共建筑节能施工质量验收规程

DB11 510-2017 公共建筑节能施工质量验收规程

2017-10-01 实施
Specification for acceptance of energy efficient construction quality of public buildings
8 地面节能工程.............................................................................................................................. 16
8.1 一般规定 .................................................................................................................................................16 8.2 主控项目 .................................................................................................................................................16 8.3 一般项目 .................................................................................................................................................17


缩 写 ABR ACET ACU ADMPR ADRFT AGTR AHTR AIR COND APHTR ARG ASW ATMP ATOM BAS BC BCS BCS BCW BCWP BF BFP BFPT BLDWN BLO BLR BLV BMC B-MCR BMS BMS BNR BOT BSTR BSV CAMR CG COLL CYCL DETN DETN DEVN DIA 全 absorber air conditioning unit air damper air draft agitator air heater(electric) air conditioning air preheater air register ash sluice water attemperator atomizer/atomizing boiler automation system belt conveyor boiler control system burner control system boiler circulating water boiler circulating water pump boiler feed boiler feed pump boiler feed pump turbine blowdown blower/blowing boiler block valve boiler modulating control boiler maximum continuous burner management system boiler master sequence burner bottom booster boiler stop valve camera clinker grinder collector cyclone(s) detection detector deviation diameter 第 1 页 称 中 文 减振器,吸收器 空预器最低冷段平均壁温 空气调节装置 空气挡板 通风 搅拌机 暖风器 空气调节 空气预热器 空气挡板,风门 冲灰水 减温器 喷嘴/雾化 锅炉自动系统 皮带运输机 锅炉控制系统 燃烧器控制系统 锅炉循环 炉水泵 锅炉给水 锅炉给水泵 小汽机 放水,放气,排污 鼓风机/吹风 锅炉 截止门 锅炉调制控制 锅炉最大连续出力 燃烧器管理系统 锅炉主控顺序 燃烧器 底部 升压泵,升压器 锅炉截止门 摄象机 碎渣机 除尘器 旋风除尘器,旋风的 检测到的 检测 偏差 直径 备 注










关键词:碳市场;碳金融;碳达峰;碳中和;油气行业;能源转型DOI :10.3969/j.issn.2095-1493.2023.04.013The impact of carbon market development on oil and gas industry LIN ConglongInstitute of Chemicals&Advanced Materials (Beijing )Co .,Ltd .,CNOOCAbstract:The carbon market is an important means to control carbon emission.The greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas industry account for about 9%of total global greenhouse gas emissions during operational production.The development of carbon markets will certainly have an impact on the oil and gas industry.In order to achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,carbon market regulates carbon price by means of carbon quota and carbon emission reduction index,which directly affects the production cost of oil and gas,urges the country and the industry to optimize the energy structure,reduce the consumption of petroleum and other fossil energy,promote oil exploita-tion,petrochemical industry and industrial upgrading,accelerate the transformation of the energy in-dustry,control the unchecked construction of projects with high energy consumption and high emis-sion,and build a clean,low-carbon,safe and efficient new energy system.Keywords:carbon market;carbon finance;carbon peaking;carbon neutrality;oil and gas indus-try;energy transformation作者简介:林从龙,工程师,2010年毕业于东北石油大学(油气田开发、新材料专业),138****6440,***************.cn,北京市昌平区未来科学城南区中海油园区C 座7层,102209。



Serie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBA257BS0Accessori integrati1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ538200 Guide telescopiche a 2 livelli, HEZ538S00 Guide telescop. a 2 livelli+1 guida clip, HEZ625071 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi,HEZ633001 Coperchio per tegame professionale, HEZ633070 Tegame professionale, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ636000 Leccarda in vetro 455x364x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ638200 Set griglie telesc.2 pl, HEZ638300 Set griglie telesc.3 pl, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata 455x375x59 mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l., HEZG0AS00 Cavo di collegamento 3m, HEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ333001 Coperchio per leccarda extra profonda, HEZ530000 2 leccarde slim 455x188x39 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA),HEZ533000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x81 mm (LxPxA)Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.• Programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.• Comode manopole a scomparsa push-pull: per una pulizia piùsemplice del panello frontale.• EcoClean Direct: facile pulizia grazie a un rivestimento che dissolve il grasso durante la cottura.Dati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: ....Idrolisi, 3 pannelli catalitici, 3 pannelli catalitici Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......675 x 660 x 690 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ..............................................................vetro Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................34.1 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: .Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, riscaldamento inferiore, grill ventilatoMateriale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: ..........................................Meccanico Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005056309)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.97 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................60; 50 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: .......1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBA257BS0Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.- Eco Clean: soffitto, parete posteriore, pareti laterale- Programma di pulizia EcoClean- Display digitale LCD a colore bianco- Programmi automatici: 10- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Raggiungimento temperatura- Illuminazione interna alogena- Volume cavità: 71 l- <8088brandlookup_nl(TUE,- KIN, SIK, SIB, REW, STA, TKS)>- Ventola tangenziale di raffreddamento- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.4 kW- Dimensioni apparecchio (AxLxP): 595 mm x 594 mm x 548 mm- Dimensioni nicchia (AxLxP): 560 mm - 568 mm x 585 mm - 595 mm x 550 mm- Si prega di fare riferimento alle quote d'installazione mostrate nel disegno tecnicoEtichetta energetica- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.97 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lDimensioniSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, Acciaio HBA257BS0。



世界空调市场的主要焦点及展望1.2013年空调市场需求量1亿台 (10年成2倍增长)2.空调节能技术(日本,欧洲,澳洲,中国近期的能源效率基准提高,变频的需求量急剧增长)3.日本企业volume zone的扩张(高品质,降成本)4.由于汇率变动加大,给全球生产厂家造成贸易限制,增加了当地化制造5.美国企业对亚洲的投资和确保亚洲企业的VRF, Split 技术和流通渠道(因素变更),来进入美国市场6.对低 GWP 替代冷媒的关注度增加, 预定公开发表AHRI 冷媒的评价项目7.印尼,土耳其,尼日利亚,乌克兰市场急剧上升,是可开发国家1.美洲(美国)2.市场容量总体 1,416万台,其中美国占据1,360万台(窗机 720万台)3.认证LEED,日本的VRF,风管机产品增长(Tax Incentive) DOE New SEER 14(15年) 能源 Star,HCFC 禁止(20年) Low GWP AREP, EPA 强化活动4.开利东芝合作伙伴(扩大VRF/ Ductless split ) 三菱北美适用的 VRF技术和为了开发Ductless Split, Daikin*应用传统的美国中央空调系统变频技术5.美国重视品牌和流通 -> 环保,对应的高能效产品1.拉美(巴西,智利,阿根廷,墨西哥2.以685万台,巴西居首位" (家用空调分体机占72%,窗机占 28%, US 风管机5万3千台, 包含VRF的PAC有40万台)"3.产品及趋势-巴西;VRF市场急剧上升 (7,000台) 原产品的进口关税是35%, 以中国的进口急剧下降能源铭牌义务, 减少R-22 (15年~),认证LEED,HMES(13 年~), 扩大变频的比重(11%)-智利,阿根廷认证R-410A(40%), 12kW以上的能源和稳定限制 R-22 -> 变更为R-410a4.日立在圣保罗 HAPC生产,内销和50Hz的出口大金15年目标 4亿5千万美元准备建立连商用空调都可生产的工厂。



环球资讯Global News76《生活用纸》2019·12期美洲{美国}■宝洁在美国、加拿大和西欧购买100%可再生能源电力宝洁公司宣布,公司已实现原计划于2020年在美国和加拿大购买100%可再生能源电力的目标。




位于德克萨斯州Tyler Bluff的风电场以及位于佐治亚州奥尔巴尼的现场生物质热电联产设施是宝洁最重要的可再生能源供应地。

Tyler Bluff风电场可供应宝洁美国及加拿大织物护理和家庭护理工厂(生产汰渍、Downy、Cascade和Mr. Clean等品牌)100%的用电需求;而生物质热电联产设施可满足奥尔巴尼工厂Bounty和Charmin产品生产中100%的蒸汽要求。









Growth momentum of global air conditioner market in 2023
1. 市场规模持续扩大
2. 技术创新与节能环保
1. 市场规模:xxxx亿美元
2. 同比增长率:5.5%
Analysis of Global Air Conditioner Market Trends in 2023
பைடு நூலகம்
Analysis of the Global Air Conditioning Market in 2022
5.5% year-on-year increase



介绍加热器的英语作文Heater Introduction。

A heater is an essential appliance in many households, especially during the winter season. It is a device that generates heat and helps to keep the indoor temperature warm and comfortable. There are several types of heaters available in the market, and each one has its unique features and advantages.The most common type of heater is the electric heater, which uses electricity to generate heat. It is easy to use and very convenient, as it can be plugged into any standard electrical outlet. Electric heaters come in different sizes and shapes, from small portable heaters to large wall-mounted units.Another popular type of heater is the gas heater, which uses natural gas or propane to generate heat. Gas heaters are more efficient than electric heaters and can heat up aroom much faster. However, they require a gas line to be installed in the house, which can be costly.Oil-filled heaters are also becoming increasingly popular. These heaters use oil as a heat transfer fluid, which is heated by an electric heating element. The oil then circulates through the heater, generating heat and warming up the room. Oil-filled heaters are safe and energy-efficient, but they take longer to heat up a room than other types of heaters.Radiant heaters are another type of heater that uses infrared radiation to generate heat. These heaters areideal for outdoor use, as they can heat up a large area quickly and efficiently. They are also used in some indoor spaces, such as garages and workshops.In conclusion, a heater is an essential appliance in every household, especially during the winter season. There are several types of heaters available in the market, each with its unique features and advantages. It is important to choose the right type of heater based on your needs andbudget, to ensure that your home is comfortable and warm during the cold winter months.。



Professional EnglishHomework 1学院:环境与市政工程学院专业:建筑环境与设备工程专业班级:学号:姓名:EXE1Ⅰ. Translate Terms of Special English into English or Chinese1.LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)液化石油气2.ACGIH(American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)美国政府工业卫生学家会议3.EIA(Electronic Industries Association)美国电子工业联合会4.NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)非政府组织;民间组织5.ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineer)美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会6.V A V(Variable Air V olume)变风量7.HVAC&R(Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning)采暖空调8.AHU(Air Handling Unit)空气处理机组9.DDC(Defense Documentation Center ; Direct Digital Control)国防情报资料中心;直接数字控制10.EIA(Electronic Industries Association)美国电子工业联合会11.EER(Energy Efficiency Ratio)能效比12.COP(Coefficient Of Performance)性能系数13.LVG(solar heat gain factors)日照得热量因子14.ODP(Ozone depletion potential)破坏臭氧层潜值15.GWP(Global Warming Potential)全球变暖潜值16.SHGFs(solar heat gain factors)日照得热量因子17.CAD(Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计18.TFM(Transfer Function Method)传递函数法19.VOCs(V olatile organic compounds)挥发性有机化合物20.IAQ(Indoor Air Quality)室内空气品质21.SBS(Sick Building Syndrome)病态建筑综合症22.PM(Particulate Matter)颗粒物质23.ETS(environmental tobacco smoke)工作场所吸烟问题24.PAQ(perceived air quality)感受到的空气品质25.WHO(World Health Organization)世界卫生组织26.EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)环境保护局27.TWA(Trans world Airlines)环球航空公司28.SPF(Seasonal Performance Factor)季节性能系数29.BTU(British Thermal Unit)英国热量单位30.AHU(Air Handling Unit)空气处理机组31.PU(packaged unit)整体式空调机组32.DX coil(direct expansion coil)直接膨胀式盘管33.ISO(International Standardization Organization)国际标准化组织(write out their full name) expansion tank开式膨胀水箱35.volumetric efficiency容积效率36.temperature-entropy coordinates温熵图37.thermal resistant热阻38.interdisciplinary science 跨学科科学39. human thermoregulation体温调节40.potential adverse health effect 潜在的健康危害41.upper respiratory tract 上呼吸道42.face velocity迎面风速43.区域供热district heating44.循环泵circulating pump45.超高效过滤器ultrahigh-efficiency filter46.舒适性空调系统comfort air-conditioning system47.工艺性空调系统processing air-conditioning system48.多级蒸气压缩式制冷multistage vapor compression refrigeration49.容积效率volumetric efficiency50.表面张力surface tension51.水力直径hydraulic diameter52.放射性污染物radioactive contaminant53.负荷计算load calculation54.工业洁净室industrial cleanroom55.干/湿球温度dry/wet-bulb temperature56.空气源热泵air-source heat pump57.水环热泵closed-loop heat pump58.四通转向阀four-way reversing value59.热舒适性thermal comfort60. 风机盘管机组fan coil unit61.全空气系统all air system62.定风量空调系统constant air volume system63.变风量末端设备variable air volume terminal unit64.最小新风量minimum fresh air requirement65.热电偶thermocouple66.垂直温度梯度perpendicular temperature gradient67.能量守恒energy balance68.地板采暖floor heating69.易燃粉尘combustible dust70.夜间蓄能系统night energy storage system71.室内装修interior decoration72.可持续发展sustainable development73.性能系数coefficient performance74.绝热膨胀isentropic expansion75.负荷计算load calculation76.水力计算hydraulic calculation77. 瞬时冷负荷cooling load instantaneously78.稀释通风dilution ventilation79. 换气次数the number of air changes80. 置换通风make–up ventilation81. 居住建筑residential buildings 82.辐射供热radiant heatingⅡ. Sentences Translation (pay attention to your translation skills)1.The time could have been more profitably spent in making a detailedinvestigation.花费一些时间来做一个详细的调查是很有益的。






1.2009年全球风能继续迅猛增长 [J], 叶慧
2.全球风能发电迅速增长 [J],
3.光纤、宽带、IPTV市场全面增长欧洲FTTH用户数增长43% [J], 赵光磊
4.2013年中国将占全球复材市场43%的增长份额 [J],
5.2009年全球风能发电增长31% [J],





大家网1 / 132009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词)环保热词...... 1 Copenhagen Jargon 哥本哈根大会专用语...... 10 哥本哈根气候大会--读懂COP15 的N个关键缩略语 (12)环保热词碳税 carbon tax 联合国气候变化会议于当地时间 12 月 7 日在哥本哈根召开. 中国是否有必要实施碳税? 又该如何减少碳税实施后对公众福利的影响?对此,专家指出,只有进一步节能减排,才能逾越西方发达国家今后可能设立的贸易壁垒.温室气体排放税(费)或者碳税(费)政策可以起到宏观调控的作用. 请看《中国日报》的报道: Carbon tax, one of the market mechanisms that China is considering adopting, will raise the current energy price from fossil fuel sources, including gasoline, electricity, coal and natural gas. "碳税"是中国正在考虑要实行的市场机制之一,该机制的实行将提高现有包括汽油,电力,煤炭和天然气等在内的化石能源的价格. 文中的 carbon tax 就是指"碳税",是基于市场的主要减排方案之一,根据 fossil fuel (化石燃料)燃烧后排放碳量的多少,针对化石燃料的生产,分配或使用来征收税费.而相比之下,使用 wind(风力) ,sunlight(日光) ,hydropower(水电)等 non-combustion energy sources(非燃烧能源)则更加环保. Carbon tax 是一种针对 greenhouse gas(温室气体)中的 emissions of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳排放)征收的 environmental tax(环境税) .征收 carbon tax 的目的在于控制climate change(气候变化)和 global warming(全球变暖) .此外,人们还常采用 carbon capture and storage(碳捕获和存储)等方法来处理 emissions of carbon dioxide. 碳足迹carbon footprint 随着联合国气候变化峰会的召开,关于温室气体排放,碳足迹,以及节能减排的讨论成为各家媒体热议的话题.有关专业机构还设计出一个碳足迹计算器,让每个人都了解自己的行为对环境造成的影响.那么,这个"碳足迹"到底是什么意思呢?我们今天就来说一说. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). In other words: When you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on its fuel consumption and the driving distance. When you buy food and goods, the production of the food and goods also emitted some quantities of CO2. Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2. 碳足迹指直接或间接支持人类活动所产生的温室气体总量,通常用产生的二氧化碳吨数来表示.换句话说,你开车的时候,发动机在燃烧汽油的同时会释放出一定量的二氧化碳, 这个量由耗油量和行驶里程决定.你购买食物和商品的时候,生产食物和商品的过程也会更多精品在大家!大家网,大家的!2 / 132009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词).doc释放出一定量的二氧化碳.就算你家的房子是用电采暖,电能产生的过程也是释放二氧化碳的. Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2, which were inducedby your activities in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. 你的碳足迹就是在一定时间段内你的所有活动引起的二氧化碳排放总量.通常情况下,碳足迹是以一年为一个时间段进行计算的. 碳减排 carbon emission reduction 哥本哈根气候变化会议召开在即,中国就自身的减排目标做出郑重承诺,决定到 2020 年中国单位 GDP 二氧化碳排放比 2005 年下降 40%至 45%,我国将正式进入碳总量控制时代. 请看《中国日报》的报道: China's commitment oncarbon emission reductionis scientific and practical, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference following the China-EU summit Monday. 本周一,在中欧峰会结束后的新闻发布会上,温家宝总理称,中国所做的碳减排承诺是科学和实际的. 文中的 emission reduction 就是指"减排",在这里则具体指 carbon emission reduction (碳减排) ,控制greenhouse gas emission(温室气体排放) ,降低 GDP per capita energy consumption(GDP 单位能耗) ,走 low-carbon urbanization way(低碳城市化道路) . 温家宝还指出,中国应平衡发展 primary, secondary and tertiary industries(三大产业) 而不应过于倚赖制造业. 2003 年至 2008 年间, , 在由于 energy-intensive industries (高能耗产业)的迅猛发展,以及 energy demand(能源需求)的不断增长,我国的 energy consumption(能耗)一直以double-digit growth(两位数的速度增长) . 《京都议定书》Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at combating global warming. The Protocol was initially adopted on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan and entered into force on 16 February 2005. 《京都议定书》是《联合国气候变化框架公约》制定的一项协议,目的在于制止全球变暖, 最初于 1997 年 12 月 11 日在日本京都签署,并在 2005 年 2 月 16 日正式生效. 大功率电器 high-power electrical appliance 11 月 24 日凌晨在俄罗斯莫斯科人民友谊大学学生宿舍发生的特大火灾,至今已造成至少 38 人丧生,其中包括至少 9 名中国留学生.为了吸取教训,中国教育部日前发出紧急通知, 要求进一步加强学校防火安全工作. 请看新华社的报道: The use of high-power electrical appliances in student dormitories is strictly prohibited, the circular said. (教育部的)通知严令禁止在学生宿舍使用大功率电器. 在上面的报道中,high-power electrical appliance 就是"大功率电器",与之相对的就是 low-power electrical appliance(小功率电器) ,二者都属于我们在生活中经常接触到的household electrical appliance(家用电器) ,按功能还可以分为major appliance(大件电器)和 small appliance(小家电) . 冬天天气干燥,容易发生火灾,因此中国教育部要求在学校 intensify fire control(加强消防工作) ,加强 fire-fighting education(消防知识教育) ,遵守 fire control 大家网,大家的! 更多精品在大家!大家网3 / 13regulations (消防法规) 确保学校建筑 meet fire-proof standards , (达到防火安全标准) . 一次性筷子 disposable chopstick 从今年 4 月 1 日起,中国将调整现行消费税政策,而普遍引起环保人士关注的木制一次性筷子将被纳入此次税改的征收范围之内. 请看《中国日报》的相关报道: Consumption tax will be imposed ondisposable wooden chopsticks, wooden floor panels, yachts, luxury watches and more oil-based products from April 1, the authorities announced yesterday. The move is designed to regulate energy usage and help protect the environment by reducing the exploitation of timber resources. 报道中的 disposable wooden chopsticks 就是我们日常颇为熟悉的"木制一次性筷子", disposable 的英语释义是 designed to be rid of after use(使用后即可遗弃的) ,它源于动词 dispose(去除,丢掉 ) .既然现代社会流行"一次性"消费,我们可得到很多类似的相关表达,如:disposable paper tissues(一次性餐巾纸) ;disposable diapers(免洗尿布) ;disposable razors(一次性剃须刀) . 值得一提的是,动词 dispose 还有另一层含意"处理,处置",因此,其相应形容词 disposable 可表示"可自由支配的",如 per- capita disposable income(人均可支配收入) ;disposable business income(企业可用收入) ;Church-going has become a disposable option.(上教堂做礼拜已成为可自由选择的事情了. ) 另外,报道中的 consumption tax(消费税)是国际上普遍征收的一个税种,我国自1994 年开始征收,它具有调节生产,引导消费和间接调节收入分配等功能. 污水治理 sewage treatment 今后五年,中国投入环保领域的资金总额将达到约 1.4 万亿元人民币,投资将主要集中在水污染,大气环境,固体废物等领域. 请看《中国日报》相关报道:China plans to invest 1.4 trillion yuan (US$175 billion) in environmental protection between 2006 and 2010. At a cost of 180 billion yuan,sewage treatmentfacilities with a combined daily capacity of 40 million tons will be built in 10 river valleys to dispose of wastewater discharged by cities. 城市的"污水处理"常用sewage treatment 来表达,sewage 指"污水".由此,"生活污水"可用 domestic sewage 来形容,而"工业污水"则是industrial sewage.Sewage 做 "污水"更侧重指"下水道,排水沟排出的固体,液体废物",所以,与生活息息相关的 "化粪池"可表示为 sewage tank. 看下面一个例句:Sewage treatment methods vary.(污水处理的方法多种多样. ) 另外,由报道,我们可看出"污水处理设备"是sewage treatment facilities,不过单个单词--sewerage--也可表达词义. 可再生能源renewable energy 为从法制上"推动开发利用可再生能源,优化能源结构",上海日前研究制定《上海市可再生能源条例》 ."十一五"期间,上海发展可再生能源的目标是:到 2010 年,风力发电的规模达到 20 万-30 万千瓦,光伏发电规模达到 7 兆-10 兆瓦……请看《中国日报》相关报道: Shanghai has created the ShanghaiRenewable EnergyRegulations to boost the development of renewable energy and optimize the energy structure during the 11th Five-Year Program period. 更多精品在大家! 大家网,大家的!大家网翻译交流论坛精华资料汇总翻译考试真题及指定教材:CATTI全国人事部翻译考试最全指定教材和真题(PDF+MP3)下载汇总 CATTI全国人事部翻译考试 2009 版指定教材(PDF+MP3)下载上海英语中高级口译笔试口试历届真题+听力+答案大汇总(含 2009) [真题来源]英语权威资料《经济学人》2009 年珍藏版TheEconomist2009 汇总 CATTI口笔译资料一帖全(更新中)翻译书籍推荐:100 本口笔译教程资料下载汇总(不断更新)翻译技巧:翻译技巧经验大汇总 [下载]复旦大学名师翻译讲义 [下载]北外英语专业超全面翻译笔记(近 10 万字) [原创]我个人收集的翻译资料大汇总(精华)有图为证钱歌川: 《翻译的技巧》时事备考热点:2009 年热点话题回顾口译笔试口试备考资料大汇总 2009 年 12 月外交部发言人举行例行记者会中英文对照PDF汇总下载翻译精练:外交部,国内外名人致辞及热点话题中英文对照WORD 温家宝总理 2004 年记者招待会口译实录中英文对照及学习札记WORD下载 2006.03.07 中国外长李肇星答记者问口译MP3 及文稿翻译阅读:翻译阅读--经济学人等权威新闻杂志电子版PDF下载汇总翻译词汇:翻译词汇大全汇总贴 2009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词)WORD 下载英语词汇学习丛书-词汇入门,基础,提高,拓展,突破,飞跃翻译词典:各类翻译词典下载汇总 [迅雷下载]英汉百科翻译大词典(上下册) 精品下载:英语新闻分类词典.rar 词典级汉英分类词汇大全(超有用)翻译语法:赖世雄教你学英语语法上下册(PDF+MP3)下载中文版夸克_英语语法大全PDF下载外研社--张道真实用英语语法PDF下载原版英语语法Macmillan-EnglishEssential下载原版英语语法书AGlossaryofEnglishGrammar下载翻译拓展:翻译拓展--中英文原版小说等下载集合张培基《英译中国现代散文选》WORD下载4 / 132009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词).docDuring the period, Shanghai plans to increase wind power to 200,000 or 300,000 kilowatts (kW) and photovoltaic (PV) power to seven to ten megawatts (MW); construct ten solar energy buildings yearly, develop solar water heater technology, and build garbage power-generating projects. 报道中,"可再生能源"相应的英文表达是"renewable energy",renewable 在这里指自然生态循环的"可再生",如"renewable resource"(可再生资源) . "Renewable"(可再生的)源于动词"renew"(更新,修复,继续,续借) ,由动词的多个词义可猜出,renewable 除表达"可再生的"之外,还含有多个含义,现列举几个常用表达: 由"to renew the library books"(续借图书)可得"renewable books"(可续借的书籍) ;"renewable subscriptions"(可续订的杂志) . 由"to renew a contract"(续签合同)可得"a one-year renewable contract"(为期一年可续订的合同) . 由"to renewed the antique furniture"(修复老式家具)可得"renewable parts"(可更新的零件) . 绿色"生物燃料" 最近的期货市场,国内玉米期货涨至阶段性高点.原因嘛,"生物燃料"新概念——用粮食加工酒精替代石油能源——深入人心. 请看《中国日报》相关报道:For the first time in China's history, grain prices are rising not due to a poor harvest or increasing demand but because of soaring international oil prices. To feed the nation's increasing appetite for energy, a huge amount of capital including from overseas is chasing corn, soy and wheat forbiofuelproduction; and pushing up prices to record highs. 报道中的"biofuel"就是时下颇为热门的"生物燃料".作为最重要的可再生能源之一, "biofuel"指利用生物体制取的燃料,比如用玉米杆,玉米芯等发酵产生的酒精,沼气, 就属于生物燃料. 显然,"biofuel"(生物燃料)是个合成词,前缀"bio-"指"生物的,生物体的",与此相关的能源词汇还有:bioenergy(生物能源) ,bio-diesel(生物柴油) ,bio-ethanol (生物乙醇) ,bio-hydrogen(生物氢) ,bio-gas(生物气体,既"沼气") . 馏出燃料 Distillate fuel 3 月 2 日,纽约商业期货交易所(NYMEX)的原油期货收购价超过了 53 美元/桶,接近四个月以来的新高记录.美国能源部公布上周原油和汽油库存增加,但取暖用燃油和柴油减少; 国际能源机构预测今年全球能源需求将上升. 外电报道如下: Crude oil prices ended above53 dollars a barrel Wednesday after a US government report showed a drop in heating fuel stockpiles. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, oil futures for April delivery rose 1.37 dollars to end at 53.05 dollars per barrel. On London's International Petroleum Exchange, the April Brent crude-oil futures contract climbed 1.11 dollars to settle at 51.22 dollars a barrel. On Wednesday, a US government report showed that inventories of distillate fuel, a category that include heating oil and diesel, fell 1.7 million barrels to 110 million. Analysts had expected a 1.2-million-barrel decline. 大家网,大家的! 更多精品在大家!大家网5 / 13Distillate fuel 表示"馏出燃料",如民用燃料油和柴油.Distillate 有"蒸馏液;馏出物;浓缩物;精华"等含义,例如:the distillate of wisdom(智慧的结晶) ;fuel oil distillate(燃料油馏出物)light oil distillate(轻油馏分) . "地热"怎么说如今,在经济社会发展日益受到能源和环境制约的大背景下,低碳经济已在全球范围内受到广泛认同,我国国内对低碳经济,低碳消费重要性的认识也在逐步深化.日前,鸟巢工程师就表示,如果现在修建鸟巢的话,他会使用环保手段供热,取消地热井供暖. 请看新华社的报道: "I would choose to use solar film to power air-conditioners in the Bird's Nest instead of the currentground-source heat pump," said Ding Gao, an engineer of the landmark building. 地标式建筑"鸟巢"的一位工程师丁高(音)说:"(如果现在修建鸟巢)我不会选择目前使用的地热井装置,而会使用太阳膜(防晒隔热膜)来为鸟巢的空调设备提供电力." 文中的ground-source heat 就是指"地热",而 ground-source heat pump 则是指"地热井".顾名思义,ground-source heat 就是地壳内部的温度产生的热量.地球从地表以下平均每下降 100 米,温度就升高 3℃,由此产生的 ground-source heat 可以用来发电,供暖,或建 hot spring(温泉) . 为实现 low-carbon economy(低碳经济)和 circular economy(循环经济) ,最终实现sustainable development(可持续发展) ,我国目前大力发展green technology(绿色科技)和 environment-friendly technology(环保技术) ,减低 carbon dioxide emission (二氧化碳排放量) ,提高 bio-energy(生物能源)和 nuclear power(核能)所占比例, 并打造更多的 eco-city(生态城市) . 液化天然气 liquefied natural gas 古时候人们用柴火烧饭,后来我们烧煤做饭,再后来有了液化煤气,而现在越来越多的人用上了液化天然气,那么"液化天然气"的英文说法是什么呢? 请看外电的报道: Australia and China struck their biggest trade deal ever yesterday as the world's two most valuable listed oil companies, ExxonMobil and PetroChina, agreed a $41-billion liquefied natural gas deal. 昨天世界上最有价值的两个上市石油公司埃克森美孚和中国石油达成了 410 亿美元的液化天然气交易,这是澳大利亚和中国有史以来最大的贸易项目. 在上面的报道中,liquefied natural gas 就是"液化天然气",简称 LNG,被公认是地球上最干净的能源, 无色, 无味, 无毒且无腐蚀性. 我们以前用的"煤气"是 coal gas 或 gas, "液化石油气"则是 liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) . Liquefy 一词是 liquid(液体)的动词形式,意思是"(使)液化, (使)溶解" . 例如: Victims die of shock or liver failure within days; often their insides liquefy. 受害者将在数日内死于休克或肝功能衰竭,而通常情况下他们的内脏会液化. 可燃冰 flammable ice 中国地质部门在青藏高原发现了一种名为可燃冰(又称天然气水合物)的环保新能源,预计十年左右能投入使用.这是中国首次在陆域上发现可燃冰,使中国成为加拿大,美国之后,在陆域上通过国家计划钻探发现可燃冰的第三个国家.初略的估算,远景资源量至少有 350 亿吨油当量. 更多精品在大家! 大家网,大家的!6 / 132009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词).doc请看《中国日报》的报道: Gas hydrate, also called "flammable ice," is almost pure methane mixed with water turned to ice by low temperatures and high pressures in permafrost or under the sea. Gas hydrates exist in vast quantities around the world but so far isn't producible as an energy resource. 气水合物,又称为"可燃冰",是近乎纯粹的甲烷与低温或高压下所形成冰的混合物,在永久冻结带或海底形成.全球各地都有大量的气水合物,但目前还不能作为能量来源进行生产. 在上面的报道中,flammable ice 就是指"可燃冰",flammable ice 是水和天然气在高压, 低温条件下混合而成的一种固态物质,具有使用方便,燃烧值高,清洁无污染等特点,是公认的地球上尚未开发的最大新型能源,被称为"沉睡的未来能源". Flammable ice 是一种 new energy(新能源)以及 clean energy(清洁能源) .为了解决能源问题,各国积极开发各种 alternative energy(可替代能源)和renewable energy(可再生能源) ,例如 wind energy(风能)和 solar energy(太阳能) ,由于这类能源具有环保特点,因此也被称为green energy(绿色能源) . 限制和交易cap-and-trade 美国总统奥巴马在近日提出的 2010 年度国家财政预算计划引来了诸多置疑.奥巴马的财政预算之所以备受争议,主要是因为他的计划中的两项提议将大大增加财政支出,而这很有可能带来巨额的财政赤字,使本已不乐观的财政状况雪上加霜. 请看外电的报道: Obama's $3.6 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 contains ambitious programs to overhaul the US health care system and initiate new "cap-and-trade" rules to combat global warming. 奥巴马提出的 3.6 万亿美元 2010 财政年度预算中包括了他雄心勃勃的美国医疗整改项目和对抗全球变暖的"总量管制和交易"新规则的推行计划, 2010 财政年度将自10 月 1 日起开始. 在上面的报道中,cap-and-trade rules 指的就是"总量管制和交易"规则.所谓"总量管制和交易",是指在限制温室气体排放总量的基础上,通过买卖行政许可的方式来进行排放.具体来说,就是美国等发达国家对于空气品质未达标准的污染源(这些污染源多分布在发展中国家) ,依照其空气品质改善目标配给"容许排放权",并规范其逐年应削减的排放量比例, 达成的目标年及最终容许排放权.各污染源取得容许排放权后,即能于开放性市场中自由进行交易买卖. 这一机制为《京都议定书》首创, 旨在通过对排放权的限制来减少碳排放量. Cap 这个词我们最熟悉的意思是"帽子",而在 cap-and-trade 这个表达当中,cap 表示 the upper limit on what is allowed,即"(允许的)上限",比如,"薪水上限"pay cap,"价格上限"price cap 等.上面报道中提到的"限制温室气体排放总量"也就是 to cap the emission of greenhouse gases 或者 greenhouse gas emission cap. 自然保护区 nature reserve 本月,喜爱大熊猫的人们将以徒步旅行 350 公里和举行电影节的方式纪念大熊猫科学发现 140 周年.参加这次徒步旅行的人们将于 8 月 15 日从成都的四川大学华西药学院出发,沿着大熊猫发现者生物学家戴维当年的足迹,再现当年发现大熊猫的历程. 请看相关报道: The hikers were expected to arrive at the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center of the Wolongnature reserveAugust 25. 大家网,大家的! 更多精品在大家!大家网7 / 13徒步旅行者预计将于 8 月 25 日到达卧龙自然保护区的中国保护大熊猫研究中心. 在上面的报道中,nature reserve 就是"自然保护区".其中 reserve 是"保护区,专用地,禁猎区"的意思.例如:a game reserve(禁猎区) ;wild reserve(野生动物保护区) . 此外, reserve 还有"储备, 储备金"的意思. grain reserves 如: (储备粮) gold reserves ; (黄金储备) ;keep a great reserve of food(储备大量食品) .在体育比赛中,我们也可以接触到这个词,如:He is first reserve for Liverpool.(他是利物浦队的第一号替补队员. ) 除此之外, reserve 还可以用来形容一个人言语, 行动上的拘谨, 沉默寡言, 如: 例 mistake one's reserve for haughtiness(把某人的沉默寡言误认为高傲) .在刚刚接触一个人的时候,我们或多或少会有一些保留(with some reserve) ,但是随着聊天的深入,我们会说着说着变得随和起来(lose our reserve in talking) ,如果聊得投机,一见如故的话, 可能还会share things without reserve. 生态旅游 ecotourism 生态旅游所阐发的人与自然和谐相处的理念依稀可以在我国古代先哲们那里找到思想的源泉,但是,生态旅游在我国的发展目前仍处于理论界研究发展,实际行为较少.目前的生态旅游主要是依托于自然保护区,森林公园,风景名胜区等来发展的. 请看外电的报道: Though there are no exact figures for theecotourismsegment, a government-sponsored push for rural tourism -- usually involving staying with farmers -- has become popular in China in recent years. 虽然生态旅游方面还没有确切的统计数据, 不过近年来由政府资助推出的乡村旅游项目 (通常被称为"农家乐")却已在中国广受欢迎. 上面的报道中,ecotourism 就是近几年经常被提及的一种旅游形式"生态旅游",其实就是 ecological 和 tourism 两个词结合而成的,类似的用法还有 eco city(生态城市) , eco-farming(生态农业)等.另外,这里还提到了 rural tourism"乡村旅游",算是 ecotourism 的一个初步形式吧. 其他常见的旅游形式还有: package tour 背包游) DIY tour ( , (自助游) ,group/organized tour(团体游) ,medical tour(医疗旅游)等. 全面禁烟 carpet smoking ban 近日,北京市政府第二次常务会议审议通过了《北京市公共场所禁止吸烟范围若干规定》 , 该规定自 2008 年 5 月 1 日起施行.届时,本市不包括餐馆,网吧在内的 10 类场所全面禁止吸烟. 请看《中国日报》的报道: Beijing restaurants, bars and Internet cafes have been exempted from a proposed smoking ban at public venues in response to concerns expressed by business owners. Lawmakers and health experts said the difficulty in introducing acarpet smoking banunderlines the grave challenges faced in a country with the highest number of smokers. 鉴于经营者表现出的忧虑,北京的餐馆,酒吧和网吧不会实施近期提出的公共场所禁烟令. 立法人士和健康专家表示,实施全面禁烟令苦难重重,对于这个拥有最多烟民的国家来说, 是一个巨大的挑战. 该报道中,carpet smoking ban 就是"全面禁烟令"的意思.Carpet 原本的意思是"地毯, 毛毯;铺以地毯,铺盖",在这里则是一个引申的用法,表示 covering completely, as if with a carpet,也就是"地毯式的,全面的"意思,比如:carpet bombing(地毯式/全面轰炸) .exempt from 是"免除,豁免"的意思,be exempted from a smoking ban 则是更多精品在大家! 大家网,大家的!8 / 132009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词).doc"免受禁烟令的限制". 再生水 recycled water 再生水 recycled water 由于北京近几年投入大量资金进行水污染治理及再生水设施建设,通惠河,坝河,清河, 凉水河水系的水污染已取得成效,城区水环境得到了明显改善.那么,"再生水"怎么说呢? 请看新华社的报道: "In 2006, we recycled 46 percent of the treated water and the commitment on water treatment will be surpassed this year after a 10 billion yuan ($1.34 billion) investment in the city's sewerage system over the last decade," Wang Hongchen, chiefengineer of the Beijing Drainage Group, told a news conference at the Qinghe plant.北京排水集团总工程师王洪臣在清河污水处理厂介绍说,北京治理污水 10 多年来,共投入资金 100 多亿元进行水污染治理和再生水设施建设.2006 年北京的再生水回用率已达到46%,今年这一比例将超过去年. 再生水为 "recycled/ treated water"; 污水处理为"sewage treatment",水回收装置为"water reclamation plant". 可回收的旧报纸 scrap-newspaper 点击有关两会的新闻,一个日常毫不起眼但却经常被公众挂在口边的词--"废旧的,可回收再利用的"--竟然成为两会的一大亮点.据报道,今年参加" 两会"的代表,委员们使用的铅笔,将由木质改成纸质;而温家宝总理召开的新闻记者发布会的请柬,也将使用以回收的旧纸为原料制成的再生纸.由此可见,建设节能社会,提倡环保理念,已成为党中央的一大重要决策. 请看《中国日报》的相关报道:The pencils, for the first time in the history of the CPPCC as well as the National People's Congress (NPC), were made ofscrap-newspaperpulp rather than wood. They are but one of the environmentally-friendly moves by the NPC and the CPPCC to set an example in building a "saving society," where energy conservation, waste reduction and respect for nature are integral to the concept. 报道中的 scrap-newspaper pulp 就是"以回收的旧报纸为原料而制成的纸浆",scrap 在这里是形容词 , 意思是 articles that are discarded or waste for the purpose of reprocessing(废弃的,供可回收再利用的) ,由此,我们可得出日常所说的"废旧电池"就是scrap-battery,而"废物,垃圾堆"则可用 scrap heap 来表达. Scrap 表达"废弃"的意思时,也可用作动词,如:I decided to scrap my plans(我决定放弃我的计划) 除此之外, . scrap 在俚语中可表示"争吵, 殴打", Let's not have a scrap 如: about it(咱们别再为这件事抬杠了) ;Those two will scrap at the least provocation (这两个人稍有口角就会扭打起来) . 无车日 car-free day 9 月 22 日,住房和城乡建设部将继续在全国开展"中国城市无车日活动".今年无车日活动主题为"健康环保的步行和自行车交通",这一主题旨在鼓励地方政府改善步行和自行车出行环境,改善城市空气质量和节约能源. 请看《中国日报》的报道: The theme for thecar-free dayis to choose healthy and environmentally friendly ways of traveling. So far, 112 cities have encouraged residents to travel "green." 大家网,大家的! 更多精品在大家!大家网9 / 13今年无车日的主题是"选择健康环保的交通方式". 目前已有 112 个城市鼓励居民"绿色" 出行. 在上面的报道中,car-free day 就是指"无车日".1998 年 9 月 22 日,法国一些年轻人最先提出"In Town, Without My Car! (城市里没有我的车)"的口号,一年之后,66 个法国城市和 92 个意大利城市参加了第一届 car-free day 活动.今年中国的 car-free day 当天,将在早 7 点至晚 7 点建立 traffic-free zones(无机动车区域) ,鼓励人们 travel green. 作为世界的 bicycle kingdom(自行车王国) ,很多人首选自行车作为 primary mode of transportation(基本交通工具) .Travel green 可以帮助缓解 shortage of energy(能源短缺) ,annoying traffic jams(令人烦恼的交通堵塞) ,还可以改善 poor air quality (糟糕的空气质量) . Free 在这里做后缀,意思是"无……的","免……的".例如:an ice-free harbor(不冻港) nuclear-weapon-free zone(无核武器区) ,a ,an interest-free loan(无息贷款) 等等. 北京奥运期间机动车实行"单双号"行驶北京市政府发布奥运期间机动车临时管理措施,决定从 7 月 1 日起禁止黄标车上路和外地货车进京;7 月 20 日到 9 月 20 日,北京本市机动车和外地进京车辆实行单双号行驶,其中 8 月 28 日前为全市范围,之后为五环以内.公交,警车,救护等车辆不受限制.单双号限行期间,在京各级政府的公车将停驶。


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Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Research Report 2017Hard Copy: 2900 USDPDF Copy (single user): 2900 USDEnterprise wide License: 5800 USDPages: 113Tables and Figures: 136Published Date: May 2017Publisher: QYR Machinery & Equipment Research CenterContact: Tel: 1-6262952442; 86-10-82945717; Email: sales@SummaryIn this report, the global Electrical Air Heaters market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Electrical Air Heaters in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaGlobal Electrical Air Heaters market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingHoneywell(US)Durex Industries(US)Watlow(CN)Elmatic(UK)Omega Technologies(US)Elmess(Germany)Osram(US)ValadElectric(US)Vulcanic(Germany)TPI Corporation(US)Ohmex(UK)Indeeco(US)Rheem(US)Tempco(US)Hotwatt(US)On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share andgrowth rate of each type, primarily split intoWall HeaterSpace HeaterOtherOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Electrical Air Heaters for each application, includingHouseholdCommercial UseOtherTable of ContentsGlobal Electrical Air Heaters Market Research Report 20171 Electrical Air Heaters Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Electrical Air Heaters1.2 Electrical Air Heaters Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category) (2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Wall Heater1.2.4 Space Heater1.2.5 Other1.3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Segment by Application1.3.1 Electrical Air Heaters Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Household1.3.3 Commercial Use1.3.4 Other1.4 Global Electrical Air Heaters Market by Region (2012-2022)1.4.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Electrical Air Heaters (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Status and Outlook (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2012-2022)2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.4 Manufacturers Electrical Air Heaters Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Electrical Air Heaters Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Electrical Air Heaters Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Electrical Air Heaters Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 North America Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 Europe Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.7 China Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.8 Japan Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.9 Southeast Asia Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.10 India Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Electrical Air Heaters Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2012-2017)4.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption by Region (2012-2017)4.2 North America Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 Europe Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.6 Southeast Asia Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.7 India Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue (V alue), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)6 Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption and Market Share by Application (2012-2017)6.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/Countries7 Global Electrical Air Heaters Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Honeywell(US)7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Honeywell(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Durex Industries(US)7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Durex Industries(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Watlow(CN)7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Watlow(CN) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Elmatic(UK)7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Elmatic(UK) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Omega Technologies(US)7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Omega Technologies(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Elmess(Germany)7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Elmess(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Osram(US)7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Osram(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 ValadElectric(US)7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 ValadElectric(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.9 Vulcanic(Germany)7.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.9.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.9.2.1 Product A7.9.2.2 Product B7.9.3 Vulcanic(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.10 TPI Corporation(US)7.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.10.2 Electrical Air Heaters Product Category, Application and Specification7.10.2.1 Product A7.10.2.2 Product B7.10.3 TPI Corporation(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)7.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.11 Ohmex(UK)7.12 Indeeco(US)7.13 Rheem(US)7.14 Tempco(US)7.15 Hotwatt(US)8 Electrical Air Heaters Manufacturing Cost Analysis8.1 Electrical Air Heaters Key Raw Materials Analysis8.1.1 Key Raw Materials8.1.2 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials8.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials8.1.4 Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure8.2.1 Raw Materials8.2.2 Labor Cost8.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses8.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Electrical Air Heaters9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers9.1 Electrical Air Heaters Industrial Chain Analysis9.2 Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing9.3 Raw Materials Sources of Electrical Air Heaters Major Manufacturers in 20159.4 Downstream Buyers10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders10.1 Marketing Channel10.1.1 Direct Marketing10.1.2 Indirect Marketing10.1.3 Marketing Channel Development Trend10.2 Market Positioning10.2.1 Pricing Strategy10.2.2 Brand Strategy10.2.3 Target Client10.3 Distributors/Traders List11 Market Effect Factors Analysis11.1 Technology Progress/Risk11.1.1 Substitutes Threat11.1.2 Technology Progress in Related Industry11.2 Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change11.3 Economic/Political Environmental Change12 Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Forecast (2017-2022)12.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production, Revenue Forecast (2017-2022)12.1.1 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)12.1.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)12.1.3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Price and Trend Forecast (2017-2022)12.2 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption , Import and Export Forecast by Region (2017-2022)12.2.1 North America Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2017-2022)12.2.2 Europe Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2017-2022)12.2.3 China Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2017-2022)12.2.4 Japan Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2017-2022)12.2.5 Southeast Asia Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2017-2022)12.2.6 India Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2017-2022)12.3 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production, Revenue and Price Forecast by Type (2017-2022)12.4 Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Forecast by Application (2017-2022)13 Research Findings and Conclusion14 Appendix14.1 Methodology/Research Approach14.1.1 Research Programs/Design14.1.2 Market Size Estimation14.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation14.2 Data Source14.2.1 Secondary Sources14.2.2 Primary Sources14.3 DisclaimerList of Tables and FiguresFigure Picture of Electrical Air HeatersFigure Global Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Types (Product Category) (2012-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share by Types (Product Category) in 2016Figure Product Picture of Wall HeaterTable Major Manufacturers of Wall HeaterFigure Product Picture of Space HeaterTable Major Manufacturers of Space HeaterFigure Product Picture of OtherTable Major Manufacturers of OtherFigure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption (K sqm) by Applications (2012-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share by Applications in 2016 Figure Household ExamplesFigure Commercial Use ExamplesFigure Other ExamplesFigure Global Electrical Air Heaters Market Size (Million USD), Comparison (K sqm) and CAGR (%) by Regions (2012-2022)Figure North America Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Figure Europe Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022) Figure China Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022) Figure Japan Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022) Figure Southeast Asia Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022)Figure India Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2012-2022) Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) Status and Outlook (2012-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm) Status and Outlook (2012-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Major Players Product Capacity (K sqm) (2012-2017) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity (K sqm) of Key Manufacturers (2012-2017) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity Market Share of Key Manufacturers (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity (K sqm) of Key Manufacturers in 2016Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity (K sqm) of Key Manufacturers in 2017Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Major Players Product Production (K sqm) (2012-2017) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) of Key Manufacturers (2012-2017) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)Figure 2016 Electrical Air Heaters Production Share by ManufacturersFigure 2017 Electrical Air Heaters Production Share by ManufacturersFigure Global Electrical Air Heaters Major Players Product Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) by Manufacturers (2012-2017) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)Table 2016 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Share by ManufacturersTable 2017 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Share by ManufacturersTable Global Market Electrical Air Heaters Average Price (USD/sqm) of Key Manufacturers (2012-2017)Figure Global Market Electrical Air Heaters Average Price (USD/sqm) of Key Manufacturers in 2016Table Manufacturers Electrical Air Heaters Manufacturing Base Distribution and Sales Area Table Manufacturers Electrical Air Heaters Product CategoryFigure Electrical Air Heaters Market Share of Top 3 ManufacturersFigure Electrical Air Heaters Market Share of Top 5 ManufacturersTable Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity (K sqm) by Region (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Figure 2016 Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity Market Share by RegionTable Global Electrical Air Heaters Production by Region (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) by Region (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Figure 2016 Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share by RegionTable Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) by Region (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Table 2016 Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share by RegionFigure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm) and Growth Rate (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table North America Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table Europe Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table China Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table Japan Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table Southeast Asia Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table India Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption (K sqm) Market by Region (2012-2017) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share by Region (2012-2017)Figure 2016 Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption (K sqm) Market Share by RegionTable North America Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Import & Export (K sqm) (2012-2017)Table Europe Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Import & Export (K sqm) (2012-2017)Table China Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Import & Export (K sqm) (2012-2017)Table Japan Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Import & Export (K sqm) (2012-2017)Table Southeast Asia Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Import & Export (K sqm) (2012-2017)Table India Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Import & Export (K sqm) (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) by Type (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Share by Type (2012-2017)Figure Production Market Share of Electrical Air Heaters by Type (2012-2017)Figure 2016 Production Market Share of Electrical Air Heaters by TypeTable Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) by Type (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Share by Type (2012-2017)Figure Production Revenue Share of Electrical Air Heaters by Type (2012-2017)Figure 2016 Revenue Market Share of Electrical Air Heaters by TypeTable Global Electrical Air Heaters Price (USD/sqm) by Type (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption (K sqm) by Application (2012-2017)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share by Application (2012-2017) Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share by Applications (2012-2017)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share by Application in 2016Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017) Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017) Table Honeywell(US) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable Honeywell(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Honeywell(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure Honeywell(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Honeywell(US) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Durex Industries(US) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable Durex Industries(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Durex Industries(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017) Figure Durex Industries(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017) Figure Durex Industries(US) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Watlow(CN) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable Watlow(CN) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Watlow(CN) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure Watlow(CN) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Watlow(CN) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Elmatic(UK) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors Table Elmatic(UK) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Elmatic(UK) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure Elmatic(UK) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Elmatic(UK) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Omega Technologies(US) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable Omega Technologies(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Omega Technologies(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017) Figure Omega Technologies(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Omega Technologies(US) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017) Table Elmess(Germany) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable Elmess(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Elmess(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure Elmess(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Elmess(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Osram(US) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors Table Osram(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Osram(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure Osram(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Osram(US) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table ValadElectric(US) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable ValadElectric(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure ValadElectric(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure ValadElectric(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure ValadElectric(US) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Vulcanic(Germany) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable Vulcanic(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure Vulcanic(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure Vulcanic(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017)Figure Vulcanic(Germany) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table TPI Corporation(US) Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its CompetitorsTable TPI Corporation(US) Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/sqm) and Gross Margin (2012-2017)Figure TPI Corporation(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Growth Rate (2012-2017)Figure TPI Corporation(US) Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share (2012-2017) Figure TPI Corporation(US) Electrical Air Heaters Revenue Market Share (2012-2017)Table Production Base and Market Concentration Rate of Raw MaterialFigure Price Trend of Key Raw MaterialsTable Key Suppliers of Raw MaterialsFigure Manufacturing Cost Structure of Electrical Air HeatersFigure Manufacturing Process Analysis of Electrical Air HeatersFigure Electrical Air Heaters Industrial Chain AnalysisTable Raw Materials Sources of Electrical Air Heaters Major Manufacturers in 2016Table Major Buyers of Electrical Air HeatersTable Distributors/Traders ListFigure Global Electrical Air Heaters Capacity, Production (K sqm) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Price (Million USD) and Trend Forecast (2017-2022) Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) Forecast by Region (2017-2022)Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Production Market Share Forecast by Region (2017-2022)Table Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption (K sqm) Forecast by Region (2017-2022) Figure Global Electrical Air Heaters Consumption Market Share Forecast by Region (2017-2022)Figure North America Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Figure North America Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Table North America Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export and Import (K sqm) Forecast (2017-2022)Figure Europe Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Figure Europe Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Table Europe Electrical Air Heaters Production, Consumption, Export and Import (K sqm) Forecast (2017-2022)Figure China Electrical Air Heaters Production (K sqm) and Growth Rate Forecast (2017-2022)Figure China Electrical Air Heaters Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate Forecast。
