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Part I Reading COmPrehenSiOn (60 marks, 60 minutes)
FOrmat 1(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)
DireCtions:There are 4 PaSSageS in this part. EaCh PaSSage is followed by five questions. For each Of them there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide On the best ChOiCe and blacken the COrreSPOnding Ietter On AnSWer Sheet.
PaSSage one
QUeStiOnS 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
AU.N.reportsayswaterisi ndema ndaro Un dtheworldastemperatures On Earth'ssurfacerisea nddem an dgrowsalo ngwithpopulatio HsThereportwasreleasedthisweekattheWorIdWaterForumi nBrasilia.T hec Onferen CehaSbee ndescribedastheworld'slargestwater-relatedeve nt.
FederaIDiStriCtGOvernorRodrigoRollembergspokeatapa neldiscussi Onon TUeSdayattheforum.H
ai nfallaswellasfasta nddisorderlygrowthi
nBrasilia,whichispartoftheFederalDistrict,Rollembergsaid. InJanU
ary2016,afterthreeyearsoflittlerai n,districtofficialsbega nlimit in ghowmuchwaterpeoplecould use.Thegover nmen tsoftheFederalDistricta ndthe nearbystateofGoiasalsogave$166millio ntodevelop Wateri nfrastructure.
Dema ndaro Un dtheworldisexpectedto in CreaSeb yn early On e-thirdby2050.Bythe
n,5billi On people CouldbeleftwithpooraccesstowaterMeUNwar nedi
nits2018WorldWaterDevelopme ntReport.Toav OidSUChaCriSiS,U.N.officialscalledfor" nature-basedsoluti on s"thatuseorcop yn aturalprocessesthatsho UIdbeUSedtOi ncreasewateravailability.Theysaidsolutio nscouldi ncludecha ngi ngfarmi ngmethodssofi eldskeepmoremoisturea ndnu trie nts,collecti ngrai nwater,a ndprotecti ngwetla
nds.Theofficialsalsopro POSedreeStabIiSh in gfloodpla insan dsaidthatpla ntscouldbegrow non housetops.Suchproposalswillbec omemoreimporta ntaswateri ndustriesgrow.
1. Who talked about Water ShOrtageS in BraSiIia at a Panel discussi on?
A. JOUrnaIiSt
B. A U.N. OffiCiaI
C. A FederaI DiStriCt OffiCiaI
D. An OffiCial from the State of Goias
2. What is among the reas OnS for less PUbIiC Water SUPPIy in BraSilia?
A. WaSte of rain Water
B. In SUffiCie nt rain fall
C. Growi ng pla nts On the roofs
D. Developme nt in in frastructure
3. What did the FederaI DiStriCt gover nment do to deal With Water shortage?
A. They Con trolled populati On
B. They Iimited Water Con SUmPtiO n
C. They inVeSted in artificial rainmaking
D. They SUggeSted nature-based solutions”
4. What is Not a nature-based solution"?
A. Gatheri ng rain Water
B. PreSerVi ng wetla nds