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毕 业 设 计 说 明 书


思杰桌面虚拟化与应用虚拟化 院 系

安徽工商职业学院电子信息系 专 业

计算机网络技术 班 级

13计算机网络技术4班 学 号

130630 学生姓名 魏建武

年 月 日

指导教师: 茹兴旺







而随着网络带宽和硬件能力的不断发展,基于云计算的虚拟化技术已经日趋成熟,用户可以虚拟PC 主机或虚拟应用桌面,将能够以更低的成本获得更好的使用体验。但这也带来诸多问题,包括终端的快速更新换代带来的扩展性问题、软硬件的维护问题、个人文档的有效保存、信息安全的防范等问题。为了有效解决所面临的各类问题,本文通过构建面向个人和中小型企业用户,基于电脑、瘦终端、手机和多媒体移动终端的云桌面服务平台,建立应用商店及可扩展应用执行环境,集成云桌面应用服务,打造新一代的电信运营商服务平台。本文设计的云桌面平台利用XenServer技术,将服务器虚拟化,组成庞大的服务器集群,提供海量的计算能力和灵活的资源调配机制,也大大地提高了平台的安全性和稳定性,确保平台达到国家级运营商平台的要求;利用XenDesktop技术,将虚拟机桌面推送给使用客户,解决了用户端设备局限性的问题,在网络宽带大幅提速的条件下,利用虚拟桌面推送方式可实现任何应用程序的推算

服务;利用XenApp技术,将应用的执行环境放在云端,打造SaaS (Software-as-a-service)的服务模式,




And along with the continuous development of the network bandwidth and hardware capabilities, based on cloud computing and virtualization technology has matured, the user can host virtual PC desktop or virtual applications, will be able to lower cost for better use experience. But this also brings a lot of problems, including the rapid upgrading of the terminal to bring the problem of scalability, hardware and software maintenance problems, the effective preservation of personal documents, information security and other issues. In order to effectively solve the facing all kinds of problems, this paper build for individuals and small business users, based on computer, thin terminals, mobile phones and multimedia mobile terminal desktop cloud service platform, the establishment of the app store and scalable application execution environment, integrated cloud desktop should be with the service, to create a new generation of service platform for telecom operators. Cloud desktop platform based on XenServer technology is designed in this paper, the server virtualization, composed of a large server cluster, providing massive computing power and flexible resource allocation mechanism, but also improve the safety and stability of the platform greatly, ensure that the platform to achieve national operator platform requirements; using XenDesktop technology, virtual machine the desktop pushed to the customer, customer premise equipment to solve the problem of limitations, in a substantial speed broadband network conditions, push mode can realize the calculation service of any application using virtual desktop; using XenApp technology, the application execution environment in the cloud, build SaaS (Software-as-a-service) service model, build software resource platform, unified application platform and service platform for users. In this paper, the research shows the cloud desktop platform to achieve, including portal website, the personal user and enterprise user management background, as well as for the operators of the business management background and customer information management system. Users through the website, directly customize and use desktop cloud provides all kinds of application, content, and individual host rental service, while avoiding the personal terminal upgrades, maintenance, software installation, updates and other complicated problems. Users simply through personal computers, mobile phones or other cloud terminal equipment, and through mobile or fixed network can easily access to public computing resources. This paper gives solutions that can be implemented to replace the traditional computer virtual desktop. Users simply by installing a simple thin terminal. Use contains operating system, tools, software, games and other
