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单词填空专项练习(必修五)Unit 1-Unit 5

Unit 1

t tell ustruththe. I came to the _____ that he is lying. (conclude) 1.It______ that he didn

'The government is providing an _______ $25 million to expand the project, which 2.

will____________ to our total. (addition) ) 的 3.Don't ____________ yourself to the sun too long. Prolonged ( 长时间

____________ to the sun will be harmful to your skin. (expose) . absorb)4.This work has_____ him for several years. He seemed totally ___ in his book(The writer personally ___________ $5000 to the earthquake fund. All the 5.___________ will be gratefully received. (contribute)

she said, ”You don 't sound very _________ about the idea. don't mind,“I ”6.“without much_________ (enthusiasm) The

_____________ took a very ___________ approach to ____________. (scientific) 7.“Dont网”. She staysstill. She observes the gentle_____ of the snake. (move)['_____8. hear the bell. ) in the book that he didn't'全
