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(必修五Un it 1-Unit 5 )

Unit 1

1. It _____ that he didn ' t tell utsruthhe. I came to the ____ that he is lying. (conelude)

2. The government is providing an _________ $25 million to expand the project, which

3. will __________ to our total. (additi on)

4. Don ' t ___________ yourself to the sun too long. Prolonged (长时间的)

____________ to the sun will be harmful to your skin. (expose)

5. This work has ____ him for several years. He seemed totally ___ in his book ( absorb )

6. The writer pers on ally ___________ $5000 to the earthquake fund. All the

7. __________ will be gratefully received. (con tribute)

8. “ You don ' t sound very __________ about the idea. don ' t”in d;l ” she said, without much ________ (en thusiasm)

9. The ____________ took a very ___________ approach to ____________ . (scientific)

10. “ Dont,_ . She staysstill. She observes the gentle ______ o f the snake. (mov[e 网

11. He was so ______________ (全神贯注)in the book that he did n't ' hear the bell.

12. I ' m sure he _ 11 ____________ 打败)all the competitors.

13. Drunk driv ing should be _________________ (severe) puni shed.

14. The childre n are helpless ________________ (victim) of the fight ing.

15. The old professor is very strict both _______ himself and ________ his work.

16. Be ____________ (小心的)when you cross the street.

17. He finished his work in a ______________ ( 积极的)way.

18. We had to _______ (不接受)your plan simply because it was far below our

19. expectati ons.

20. She showed the visitors around the museum, the ____________ ( _ 建设) of which had

take n more tha n three years.

21. Sorry, I can ' t go to the party with you, for I a hnvne porta nt meeti ng to _______ (参力口).

22. I was impressed by her way of ________ (ha ndle) the affair.

23. You could get into a situati on ________ you have to decide immediately.

24. It is not the husba nd and wife but their pare nts that are _______ blame for the failure

25.of the marriage.

26. The Golde n Bridge ________ (co nstruct) in 1933-1937.

27. The little boy was very _________ at the _________ story. (excite)

Unit 2

1. The greatest __________ (history) treasure of all is London with its museums, art

2. collectio ns, theatres, and buildi ngs.

3. _______ (attract) by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend

ano ther two days on the farm.

28. I think this was perhaps the most __________ (enjoy) occasion we have ever had at

the White House.

29. I am ________ (delight) to have been invited to your school to deliver a speech.

30. Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great _____________________

31. (convenient) to our life.

32. If what you say is not ________ (consist) with what you do, it will have a bad effect

on your childre n.

33. It is strange that the fridge we just bought ____________________ (break) down.

34. The UK, which consists of four countries, is beautiful beyond __________ (describe).

35. With their wedding approaching, they are busy making good ________ (arrange) for it.

36. ________ (divide) into four groups, the whole class bega n to discuss the topic.

37. W hat attracts me most in Beijing is that there are many ____________ , like the Great

38. Wall, the Summer Palace. They are so ________ as to attract eyes from every corner

39. of the world. (attract)

40. H e had bee n search ing for a ______ flat. (fur ni sh)

41. This job doesn ' t pay well, but it ' ll ________ (rough) cover your daily expenses

42. H owever, the souther n part of Irela nd was _______ (willi ng) and broke away to form

43. its own gover nment.

44.1 am happy _______ (clarify) any poi nts that are still un clear.

16. __________________________ M y sister a nd I used to (争吵)all the time.

4. A n _______ (错误)may not be your fault, but it resp 'onssyiboiuiry.

5. A no ther ______ (possible) is that we will go to Mexico in stead.

6. ______ surprised me was that he did very well in the exam.

7.1 don ' t know ________ he said.

8. I don ' t understand _________ happened.

9. ____ seems stra nge that the lady who has bee n cautious all the time should have bee n

cheated as well.

Unit 3

1. The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was __________ 不断地)hit by war.

2. The _____________ (周围的)scenery is very beautiful.

3. The project failed for

____________ (缺乏)of money. 4. Have you had ___________ 先前的)job experienee?

5.1 c an ' t ___ 容忍()your bad manners any more.

6. They want to make an _______________ (adjust) to the teleph one bill.
