- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
select * from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200712 and city_code='E19A'; 另存类型Dbase3
select * from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200901 and city_code='E19A' and serial_number like ‘13%’;
select * from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200901 and city_code='E19A' and serial_number not like ‘13%’;
select * from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200901 and city_code='E19B'
select * from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200901 and city_code='E19C'
select * from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200901 and city_code='E19D'
select * from ts_mxh_user_bill where stat_month=200901
use e:\mbg\info0712
appen from e:\mbg\info0712_1
appen from e:\mbg\info0712_2
PB:select count(*),sum(bill_fee/100) from ts_mxh_user_info where stat_month=200712 ;
VF:sele sum(bill_fee/100) from e:\mbg\info0812
VF:sele sum(fee_sum) from e:\mbg\bill0812
VF:sele sum(debt_fee/100) from e:\mbg\info0812
VF:sele sum(fee_sum) from e:\mbg\debt0812
Do e:\mbg\计算每月通话用户数_07年乡镇团场公话通话统计.PRG
modify command e:\mbg\统计移动公话每月欠费清单.PRG
do e:\mbg\统计移动公话每月欠费清单.PRG
modify command e:\mbg\2008年公话相关数据统计_原件.prg
sele * from e:\mbg\集团信息化收入统计表_总个数577.dbf group by 手机号码
sele a.*,b.city_code,b.bill_fee/100 as 收入12月,bill_fee_m/100 as 短信费12月from e:\mbg\集团信息化收入统计表_总个数577.dbf a,e:\mbg\info0712 b where a.手机号码=b.serial_num and b.bill_fee/100>0
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele * from e:\mbg\集团信息化收入统计表_总个数577 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t1)
copy to e:\mbg\t2
close all
use e:\mbg\t1
appen from e:\mbg\t2
copy to e:\mbg\集团信息化收入统计表_总个数580_12月收入type xls
7、sele 手机号,count(*) from e:\mbg\2007年9月末梢代办放号清单group by 手机号
Do e:\mbg\提取每月零次用户的情况.PRG
Do e:\mbg\计算每月通话用户数_07年乡镇团场公话通话统计.PRG
核实号码是否重复:sele 手机号,count(*) from e:\mbg\4月末稍代办放号清单 group by 手机号
copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele * from e:\mbg\t3 where cnt>1
sele er_id,a.* from e:\mbg\2007年9月末梢代办放号清单 a,e:\mbg\info0709 b where a.手机号=b.serial_num and b.arrive_tag='1'
copy to e:\mbg\t0
sele a.*,er_state,b.debt_fee/100 as 往月欠费,stat_month as 统计月份from e:\mbg\t0 a,e:\mbg\info0712 b where er_id=er_id order by 业务区,部门,代销商
copy to e:\mbg\t1
select a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco
copy to e:\mbg\2007年9月末梢代办放号清单_在第4个月清单
copy to e:\mbg\2007年9月末梢代办放号清单_在第4个月清单 type xls
sele 业务区,部门,代销商,count(*) as 在网数 from e:\mbg\2007年9月末梢代办放号清单_在第4个月清单 where 状态 in ('开通','高额停机') and 往月欠费=0 group by 业务区,部门,代销商 order by 业务区,部门
copy to e:\mbg\2007年9月末梢代办放号清单_在第4个月在网汇总 type xls
sele er_id,a.* from e:\mbg\2007年9月营销员放号清单.dbf a,e:\mbg\info0709 b where a.手机号=b.serial_num and b.arrive_tag='1'
copy to e:\mbg\t0
sele a.*,er_state,b.debt_fee as 往月欠费,stat_month as 统计月份from e:\mbg\t0 a,e:\mbg\info0712 b where er_id=er_id order by 业务区,营销员姓名
copy to e:\mbg\t1
select a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco
copy to e:\mbg\2007年9月营销员放号清单_在第4个月清单
copy to e:\mbg\2007年9月营销员放号清单_在第4个月清单 type xls
sele 业务区,营销员姓名,count(*) as 在网数 from e:\mbg\2007年9月营销员放号清单_在第4个月清单 where 状态 in ('开通','高额停机') and 往月欠费=0 group by 业务区,营销员姓名 order by 业务区,营销员姓名
copy to e:\mbg\2007年9月营销员放号清单_在第4个月在网汇总 type xls
10、sele from where a.in_date>={^2007-7-1} and a.substr(SERVICE_US,2,1)<>'1 and
a.public_tag='0' and
11、sele 负责人所在,负责人,count(*),sum(欠费金额),sum(扣罚金额) from e:\mbg\扣罚明细清单080112 group by 负责人所在,负责人
12、李斌(李斌) 11:19:25
sele serial_num,user_id,bill_fee/100 as 消费,user_state as 状态from e:\mbg\info0712 where arrive_tag='1' and in_date>={^2007-7-1} and substr(SERVICE_US,2,1)<>'1' and public_tag not in ('1','2','3') and user_id in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\discnt0712 where discnt_cod<>20000416 and discnt_cod<>20001933)
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,erstate from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where a.状态=rstateco
copy to e:\mbg\未开通彩铃清单_李斌数据type xls
copy to e:\mbg\未开通彩铃清单_李斌数据deli with tab
13 、前两个月月消费均在100-300元;2、客户品牌神州行天山通;2、需求1600户。
sele stat_month,user_id,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,in_date as 开户时间,folk_code as 民族,age as 年龄,bill_fee/100 as 本月消费from e:\mbg\info0712 where brand_code='G002' and user_state='0' and arrive_tag='1' and bill_fee/100>=100 and bill_fee/100<=300
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*, b.bill_fee/100 as 上月消费from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\info0711 b where er_id=er_id and b.bill_fee/100>=100 and b.bill_fee/100<=300
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,b.folk_name as 民族from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\folk b where a.民族=b.folk_code copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele * from e:\mbg\t2 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\t3 )
copy to e:\mbg\t4
close all
use e:\mbg\t3
appen from e:\mbg\t4
sele * from e:\mbg\t3
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据_天山通type xls
14、有GPRS上网记录;2、无GPRS 5元以上套餐;3、数据需求1000户。
close all
sele stat_month,user_id,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,in_date as 开户时间,age as 年龄,bill_fee/100 as 消费,BILL_FEE_G/100 as GPRS费用from e:\mbg\info0803 wher user_state='0' and arrive_tag='1' and BILL_FEE_G/100>1 and bill_fee/100>50 and user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\discnt0803 where discnt_cod=10 or discnt_cod=11 or discnt_cod=2 or discnt_cod=9 or discnt_cod=90990049 or discnt_cod=90990061 or discnt_cod=90990512 or discnt_cod=90990514 or discnt_cod=90990516 or discnt_cod=90990513 or discnt_cod=90990515)
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,b.BILL_FEE_G/100 as 十一月GPRS费用from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\info0711 b wher er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\t2)
copy to e:\mbg\t3
close all
use e:\mbg\t2
appen from e:\mbg\t3
copy to e:\mbg\t4
sele a.*,b.BILL_FEE_G/100 as 十月GPRS费用from e:\mbg\t4 a,e:\mbg\info0710 b wher er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t5
sele * from e:\mbg\t4 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\t5)
copy to e:\mbg\t6
close all
use e:\mbg\t5
appen from e:\mbg\t6
close all
sele a.*,b.folk_name as 民族from e:\mbg\t5 a,e:\mbg\folk b where a.民族=b.folk_code
sele * from e:\mbg\t5 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\t7)
copy to e:\mbg\t8
close all
use e:\mbg\t7
appen from e:\mbg\t8
sele * from e:\mbg\t7
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据2_无GPRS套餐type xls
sele user_id,city_code as 业务区,develop_de,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,in_date as 开户时间,destroy_ti as 注销时间,user_state,min_debt_b as 最早欠费月份,prepay_tag as 预付费标志,red_tag as 红名单标志,credit_val/100 as 信用度from e:\mbg\info0802 where debt_fee/100>=300 and serial_num like '13%'
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco
sele a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\欠费在300元以上用户清单
sele b.stat_month as 统计月份,a.*,b.debt_fee/100 as 欠费from e:\mbg\欠费在300元以上用户清单a,e:\mbg\info0802 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\欠费在300元以上用户清单type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\2月清单汇总group by 手机号码
sele a.*,er_id from e:\mbg\2月清单汇总a,e:\mbg\info0802 b where a.手机号码=b.serial_num and arrive_tag='1'
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,b.discnt_cod as 数据包from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\discnt0802 b where er_id=er_id and (b.discnt_cod =90990093 or b.discnt_cod =90990094)
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t2)
copy to e:\mbg\t3
close all
use e:\mbg\t2
appen from e:\mbg\t3
copy to e:\mbg\2月清单汇总_数据包type xls
Sele * from e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话交接清单group by 手机号码
close all
use e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话交接清单
modify struc
repl all 手机号码with alltrim (手机号码)
close all
sele a.*,b.* from e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话交接清单.dbf a,e:\mbg\info0801 b where a.手机号码=b.serial_num and arrive_tag='1'
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.手机号码,a.cust_name as 客户姓名,b.FEE_SUM as 当月总欠费from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\debt0802 b where er_id=er_id and b.DEBT_BCYC_=200801
copy to e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话_当月欠费清单type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话交接清单where 手机号码not in (sele serial_num from e:\mbg\t1)
copy to e:\mbg\t2
close all
use e:\mbg\t1
appen from e:\mbg\t2
b.DEBT_BCYC_,b.FEE_SUM,b.FEE_BASE,b.FEE_CALL,b.FEE_OPFC,b.FEE_DATA,b.FE E_INFO,b.FEE_CMNT,b.FEE_OTHE,b.FEE_SMS from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\debt0802 b where er_id=er_id and b.DEBT_BCYC_=200801
copy to e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话欠费清单
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话欠费清单) copy to e:\mbg\t3
close all
use e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话欠费清单
appen from e:\mbg\t3
sele develop_de,sum(bill_fee/100) as 当月应收,sum(fee_sum) as 当月欠费from e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话欠费清单where public_tag in ('1','2','3') group by develop_de
copy to e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话当月欠费
select a.县市名称,a.部门名称,a.部门标识,b.当月应收,b.当月欠费from e:\mbg\depart_id a,e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话当月欠费 b where a.部门标识=b.develop_de
copy to e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话当月欠费_部门
sele * from e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话当月欠费_部门where 部门标识not in (sele develop_de from e:\mbg\计算城区公话的参数表.dbf where 是否农村='农村')
copy to e:\mbg\t0
sele 县市名称,sum(当月应收) as 当月应收,sum(当月欠费) as 当月欠费from e:\mbg\t0 group by 县市名称
copy to e:\mbg\s0
sele 县市名称,sum(当月应收) as 当月应收,sum(当月欠费) as 当月欠费,(当月应收-当月欠费)/当月应收as 欠费回收率from e:\mbg\s0 group by 县市名称
copy to e:\mbg\阿拉山口公话交接清单_当月欠费回收率type xls
sele user_id,develop_de,serial_num from e:\mbg\info0801 where city_code='E19B' and bill_fee/100>=120
copy to e:\mbg\1月消费在120元以上用户
sele a.*,b.city_code as 业务区,b.serial_num as 手机号码,b.cust_name as 客户姓名,b.bill_fee/100 as 消费,b.home_addre as 家庭地址,b.contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\1月消费在120元以上用户a,e:\mbg\info0802 b where er_id=er_id and b.bill_fee/100<120
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识
copy to e:\mbg\精河有价值客户在2月流失清单type xls
close all
sele stat_month,user_id,serial_num as 手机号码,user_state as 状态from e:\mbg\info0802 where arrive_tag='1' and brand_code like 'G0%' and (develop_de='56954' or develop_de='11963' or develop_de='11967' or develop_de='43389' or develop_de='43388')
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where a.状态=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\大河沿和哈镇手机号码type xls
sele user_id,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,in_date as 入网时间,bill_fee/100 as 消费,age as 年龄from e:\mbg\info0802 where brand_code like 'G0%' and user_state='0' and in_date<{^2007-12-1} and substr(SERVICE_US,2,1)<>'1' and public_tag not in ('1','2','3') and user_id in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\discnt0802 where discnt_cod<>20000416 and discnt_cod<>20001933)
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where 消费>50
copy to e:\mbg\未开通来电管家数据_外呼需求type xls
sele user_id,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,in_date as 入网时间,bill_fee/100 as 消费,age as 年龄from e:\mbg\info0802 where brand_code='G002' and user_state='0' and bill_fee_m/100>10
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where 15<年龄and 年龄<25 and 50.0000<消费and 消费<100.0000
copy to e:\mbg\动感地带目标客户_外呼需求type xls
sele user_id,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,in_date as 入网时间,bill_fee/100 as 消费,age as 年龄from e:\mbg\info0803 where brand_code='G002' and public_tag not in (‘1’,’2’,’3’) and bill_fee/100>=120
copy to e:\mbg\tt1
sele a.* from e:\mbg\tt1 a, e:\mbg\info0802 b where er_id=er_id and b. bill_fee/100>=120
copy to e:\mbg\t1
use e:\mbg\call0803
modify struc
sele a.* from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\call0803 b where er_id=er_id and b.call_timez>=650 copy to e:\mbg\t2
use e:\mbg\call0802
modify struc
sele a.* from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\call0802 b where er_id=er_id and b.call_timez>=650 copy to e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单
copy to e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单 1 for recno()>825
copy to e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单 2 for recno()<=825
copy to e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单1 type xls for recno()>825
copy to e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单2 type xls for recno()<=825
sele * from e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单1 where 手机号码in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\前两个月月主叫通话分钟数在650分钟以上的神州行客户清单2)
modify command e:\mbg\每月销号客户清单
sele user_id,stat_month,city_code as 业务区,brand_code as 品牌,serial_num as 手机号码,in_date as 入网时间,cust_name as 客户姓名,user_state,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\info0802 where destroy_ti>{^2008-1-31} and (user_state='6'or user_state='8' or user_state='9' or user_state='E')
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\2008年2月销号客户清单deli with tab
copy to e:\mbg\2008年2月销号客户清单type xls
*!* 统计2007年12月份通话客户在2008年2月份未通话的客户清单
modify command e:\mbg\统计2007年12月份通话客户在2008年2月份未通话的客户清单
select serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,develop_de,user_state,BRAND_CODE as 品牌,in_date as 开户时间,last_stop_ as 最后停机时间,home_addre as 家庭住址,contact_ph as 联系电话from f:\mbg\info0701 where call_time=0 and remove_tag in ('0','1','3') and user_id in (select user_id from f:\mbg\info0712 where call_time>0 ) into cursor s1
copy to f:\mbg\t1
select a.*,b.部门名称from f:\mbg\t1 a,f:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识
into cursor s1
copy to f:\mbg\t2
select a.*,erstate as 用户状态from f:\mbg\t2 a,f:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco into cursor s1
copy to f:\mbg\2007年12月份通话客户在2008年2月份未通话的客户清单type xls
Do e:\mbg\全球通钻金银卡欠费停机申请预销停机客户清单.PRG
sele user_id,stat_month,serial_num as 手机号码,vip_tag ,user_state from e:\mbg\info0803 wher (vip_tag='2' or vip_tag= '3' or vip_tag='4') and (user_state='8' or user_state='F')
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t1 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,b.vip_name as 卡类级别from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\td_m_vipclass b where a.vip_tag=b.vip_tag
copy to e:\mbg\2008年2月全球通钻金银卡欠费停机申请预销停机客户清单type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\info0802 where arrive_tag='1' and in_date<={^2007-2-28} and substr(SERVICE_US,2,1)<>'0' and brand_code like 'G0%'
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where product_id<>10307001 and product_id<>10307002 and product_id<>10307003 and product_id<>36240002 and product_id<>36240003 and product_id<>36240004 and product_id<>90990188 and product_id<>90990237 and product_id<>90990240 and product_id<>90990377 and product_id<>90990378 and product_id<>90990379 and product_id<>90990380 and product_id<>283 and product_id<>296 and product_id<>297
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele * from e:\mbg\t2 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\discnt0802 where discnt_cod=90990439 or discnt_cod=90990441 or discnt_cod=90990092 or discnt_cod=90990093 or discnt_cod=90990094 or discnt_cod=90990381 or discnt_cod=90990382 or discnt_cod=90990383 or discnt_cod=90990384 or discnt_cod=90990075 or discnt_cod=90990072 or discnt_cod=90990076 or discnt_cod=90990073 or discnt_cod=90990074 or discnt_cod=906 or discnt_cod=60000299 or discnt_cod=60000303 or discnt_cod=269)
copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele user_id,stat_month,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 客户号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,in_date as 入网时间,bill_fee/100 as 消费from e:\mbg\t3
copy to e:\mbg\t4
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t4 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\t5
select a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t5 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\大客户服务中心集团彩铃需求清单deli with tab
copy to e:\mbg\大客户服务中心集团彩铃需求清单1 type xls
全球通套餐优惠编码907 (200元包月)全球通200元包月包所有费用除国际费用.
906 (250元包月)
sele a.*,b.end_date from e:\mbg\info0811 a,e:\mbg\discnt0811 b where a.arrive_tag='1' and a.brand_code like 'G0%' and er_id=er_id and b.discnt_cod=907
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele user_id,stat_month,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,in_date as 入网时间,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话,end_date from e:\mbg\t1
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco
copy to e:\mbg\t3
select a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t3 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\截止11月200元包月清单type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\info0802 where arrive_tag='1' and brand_code like 'G0%'
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where user_id in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\discnt0802 where discnt_cod=906)
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele user_id,stat_month,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,in_date as 入网时间,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\t2
copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele user_id,stat_month,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,bill_fee/100 as 消费,in_date as 入网时间,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\t2
copy to e:\mbg\t4
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t4 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\t5
select a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t5 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\t6
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单1月from e:\mbg\t6 a,e:\mbg\info0801 b where
copy to e:\mbg\t7
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0712月from e:\mbg\t6 a,e:\mbg\info0712 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t8
sele * from e:\mbg\t7 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t8 )
close all
use e:\mbg\t8
close all
sele * from e:\mbg\t7 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t8 )
copy to e:\mbg\t9
close all
use e:\mbg\t8
append from e:\mbg\t9
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0711月from e:\mbg\t8 a,e:\mbg\info0711 b where er_id=er_id
close all
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0712月from e:\mbg\t7 a,e:\mbg\info0712 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t8
sele * from e:\mbg\t7 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t8 )
copy to e:\mbg\t9
close all
use e:\mbg\t8
append from e:\mbg\t9
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0711月from e:\mbg\t8 a,e:\mbg\info0711 b where er_id=er_id
append from e:\mbg\t10
copy to e:\mbg\t10
sele * from e:\mbg\t8 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t10 )
copy to e:\mbg\t11
close all
use e:\mbg\t10
append from e:\mbg\t11
close all
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0710月from e:\mbg\t10 a,e:\mbg\info0710 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t12
sele * from e:\mbg\t12 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t10 )
sele * from e:\mbg\t10 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t12 )
copy to e:\mbg\t13
close all
use e:\mbg\t12
append from e:\mbg\t13
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0709月from e:\mbg\t12 a,e:\mbg\info0709 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t14
sele * from e:\mbg\t12 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t14 )
copy to e:\mbg\t15
close all
use e:\mbg\t14
append from e:\mbg\t15
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0708月from e:\mbg\t14 a,e:\mbg\info0708 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t16
sele * from e:\mbg\t14 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t16 )
copy to e:\mbg\t17
close all
use e:\mbg\t16
append from e:\mbg\t17
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0707月from e:\mbg\t16 a,e:\mbg\info0707 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t18
sele * from e:\mbg\t16 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t18 )
copy to e:\mbg\t19
close all
use e:\mbg\t18
append from e:\mbg\t19
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0706月from e:\mbg\t18 a,e:\mbg\info0706 b where er_id=er_id
append from e:\mbg\t20
copy to e:\mbg\t20
sele * from e:\mbg\t18 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t20 )
copy to e:\mbg\t21
close all
use e:\mbg\t20
append from e:\mbg\t21
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0705月from e:\mbg\t20 a,e:\mbg\info0705 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t22
sele * from e:\mbg\t20 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t22 )
copy to e:\mbg\t23
close all
use e:\mbg\t22
append from e:\mbg\t23
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0704月from e:\mbg\t22 a,e:\mbg\info0704 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t24
sele * from e:\mbg\t22 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t24 )
copy to e:\mbg\t25
close all
use e:\mbg\t24
append from e:\mbg\t25
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 账单0703月from e:\mbg\t24 a,e:\mbg\info0703 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t26
sele * from e:\mbg\t24 where 手机号码not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\t26 )
copy to e:\mbg\t27
close all
use e:\mbg\t26
append from e:\mbg\t27
copy to e:\mbg\全球通200元包月客户清单type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\info0802 where arrive_tag='1' and brand_code like 'G0%'
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele * from e:\mbg\t1 where user_id in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\discnt0802 where discnt_cod=906)
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele user_id,stat_month,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,bill_fee/100 as 消费,in_date as 入网时间,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\t2
copy to e:\mbg\t4
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t4 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\t5
select a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t5 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\t6
sele a.*,b.start_date as 优惠开始时,b.end_date as 优惠结束时from e:\mbg\t6 a,e:\mbg\discnt0802 b where er_id=er_id
sele a.*,b.start_date as 优惠开始时,b.end_date as 优惠结束时from e:\mbg\t6 a,e:\mbg\discnt0802 b where er_id=er_id and discnt_cod=906
copy to e:\mbg\全球通250元包月客户清单type xls
close all
use e:\mbg\公话新增清单0802
modify stru
repl all 公话号码with alltrim (公话号码)
sele a.* from e:\mbg\公话新增清单0802 a,e:\mbg\info0802 b where a.公话号码=b.serial_num
and arrive_tag='1' and public_tag in ('1','2','3') group by 公话号码
copy to e:\mbg\公话新增清单0802正确
sele * from e:\mbg\公话新增清单0802 where 公话号码not in (sele 公话号码from e:\mbg\公话新增清单0802正确)
copy to e:\mbg\非2月新增type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\info0801 where brand_code like 'G0%' and new_tag='1'
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele * from e:\mbg\t2 where (substr(serial_num,8,1)=substr(serial_num,9,1) and substr(serial_num,9,1)=substr(serial_num,10,1) and substr(serial_num,10,1)=substr(serial_num,11,1)) or (substr(serial_num,8,1)=substr(serial_num,9,1) and substr(serial_num,9,1)=substr(serial_num,10,1)) or (substr(serial_num,8,1)=substr(serial_num,9,1) and substr(serial_num,10,1)=substr(serial_num,11,1)) or (substr(serial_num,9,1)=substr(serial_num,10,1) and substr(serial_num,10,1)=substr(serial_num,11,1))
copy to e:\mbg\1月办理特殊号码清单type xls
close all
sele * from e:\mbg\info0803 where public_tag not in ('1','2','3') and prepay_tag='0' and brand_code like 'G0%' and serial_num not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\公司员工)
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele user_id,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,in_date as 入网时间,red_tag as 红名单标志,prepay_tag as 后付费标志,bill_fee/100 as 本月消费,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\t1
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t3 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\t4
copy to e:\mbg\全州后付费清单type xls
close all
sele * from e:\mbg\info0803 where public_tag not in ('1','2','3') and prepay_tag<>'0' and credit_val>0 and arrive_tag='1' and brand_code like 'G0%' and serial_num not in (sele 手机号码from e:\mbg\公司员工)
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele user_id,develop_de,user_state,city_code as 业务区,serial_num as 手机号码,cust_name as
客户姓名,in_date as 入网时间,red_tag as 红名单标志,prepay_tag as 后付费标志,credit_val as 信誉度,bill_fee/100 as 本月消费,home_addre as 家庭地址,contact_ph as 联系电话from e:\mbg\t1
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,erstate as 状态from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\userstate b where er_state=rstateco copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele a.*,b.部门名称from e:\mbg\t3 a,e:\mbg\depart_id b where a.develop_de=b.部门标识copy to e:\mbg\t4
copy to e:\mbg\全州信誉度客户清单type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\info0803 where arrive_tag='1' and (serial_num like '1389944%' or serial_num like '1356550%' or serial_num like '1367997%' or serial_num like '1377901%' or serial_num like '1500909%' or serial_num like '1580909%' or serial_num like '1590909%' or serial_num like '1589938%')
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele user_id,serial_num as 客户号码,cust_name as 客户姓名,city_code as 业务区,in_date as 入网时间,age as 年龄,bill_fee/100 as 消费0803,bill_fee_g/100 as GPRS费用0803 ,substr(service_us,2,1) as 是否开彩铃from e:\mbg\t1
copy to e:\mbg\t2
sele a.*,b.bill_fee/100 as 消费0802,b.bill_fee_g /100 as GPRS费用02 from e:\mbg\t2 a,e:\mbg\info0802 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\t3
sele * from e:\mbg\t2 where user_id not in (sele user_id from e:\mbg\t3)
copy to e:\mbg\t4
close all
use e:\mbg\t3
append from e:\mbg\t4
close all
sele a.*,b.product_id as 产品标识,b.discnt_cod as 优惠编码from e:\mbg\t3 a,e:\mbg\discnt0803 b where er_id=er_id
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 type xls
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 deli with tab
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求二0428 deli with tab for recno()>65535
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1389944%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1389944 type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1356550%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1356550 type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1367997%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1367997 type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1377901%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1377901 type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1500909%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1500909 type xls
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1500909 deli with tab
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1580909%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1580909 type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1590909%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1590909 type xls
sele * from e:\mbg\外呼数据需求0428 where 客户号码like '1589938%'
copy to e:\mbg\外呼数据需求1589938 type xls
sele a.*,b.部门类型from e:\mbg\info0804 a,e:\mbg\2008年4月各营业部净增通话统计 b where a.city_code='E19A' and a.arrive_tag='1' and a.brand_code like 'G0%' and a.develop_de=b.部门标识
copy to e:\mbg\t1
sele serial_num as 手机号码from e:\mbg\t1 where 部门类型='城市特许专营店' or 部门类型='普通代理商' or 部门类型='直销渠道内部直销' or 部门类型='自办营业厅'
copy to e:\mbg\博乐城区手机号码type xls
copy to e:\mbg\博乐城区手机号码1 deli with tab
copy to e:\mbg\博乐城区手机号码2 deli with tab for recno()>65535
sele a.*,b.通话时长from e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月).dbf a,e:\mbg\竞争对手查询0804_通话时长 b where a.CDMA手机号=b.号码
copy to e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码4月通话情况
sele * from e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月).dbf where CDMA手机号not in (sele CDMA手机号from e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码4月通话情况) copy to e:\mbg\t1
close all
use e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码4月通话情况
append from e:\mbg\t1
close all
sele a.*,b.通话时长as 通话时长3 from e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码4月通话情况a,e:\mbg\竞争对手查询0803_通话时长 b where a.CDMA手机号=b.号码copy to e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码3月通话情况
sele a.*,b.通话时长as 通话时长3 from e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码4月通话情况a,e:\mbg\竞争对手查询0803_通话时长 b where a.CDMA手机号=b.号码copy to e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码3月通话情况
sele * from e:\mbg\2008年高端手机转网清单(1-4月)_联通号码4月通话情况where CDMA。