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that 2-Furancarboxylicacid,ethylester,4-vinylphenol (4-VP),4-vinylguaiacol(4-VG),1,4-dimethoxybenzene,1,2-dimethoxybenzene,Fluorene,
Geosmin(GSM), [3.3.1] -3-7decadiene-2,9-dione in Baijiu are rice bran odor(RBO) substances, Established a method for quickly and easily
extraction (SPME) condition for extracting aroma compounds in Baijiu,After optimization ,the best extraction condition is Headspace mode,
extraction temperature 60℃,extraction time 40min, salt content 2.5g, stirring speed 500rpm, desorption time 6min. Through GC-O,determine
摘 要:以萃取率为评价指标,采用单因素实验对 SPME 萃取白酒中香气化合物的萃取条件进行了优化,最佳条
件为:顶空模式,萃取温度 60℃,萃取时间 40min,加盐量 2.5g,搅拌转速 500rpm,解析时间 6min,通过 GC-O 分
析,确定了 2- 糠酸乙酯、4- 乙烯基苯酚、4- 乙烯基愈创木酚、1,4 二甲氧基苯、1,2 二甲氧基苯、笏、土嗅素、
2.Hebei Liquor- making Engineering Center, Hengshui Hebei 053000, China)
Abstract :In this study, regarded the extraction rate as evaluation index ,the single factor test was used to optimize solid-phase micro
主要是在稻壳受热时产生的,土糠味的土嗅素和湿糠味的 1,2 二甲氧基苯主要来自于大曲,是由微生物的污染产
生的,2- 糠酸Βιβλιοθήκη 酯是发酵过程产生的,呈现咸糠味。关键词:固相微萃取;气质联用;闻香仪;糠味物质;白酒
Research on Rice Husk-like Odor in Baijiu by GC-O-MS
[3.3.1]壬二烯 -3,7- 二酮等八种物质是白酒中的糠味物质;建立了外标法快速定量七种主要的糠味物质的方法,
高粱壳及大曲中糠味物质的调查,初步确认了典型的糠味物质产生的来源,生糠味物质[3.3.1]壬二烯 -3,7- 二酮
LI Zexia1,2, JIANG Dongming1,2,SHAN lingxiao1,WANG mingyuan1, ZHANG Yuhang1,2*
(1.the Center of technology of Hebei Hengshui Laobaigan Liquor Co., Ltd. Hengshui Hebei 053000, China;
shows a salty RBO.
Key words:solid phase micro extraction(SPME); gas-mass spectrometry(GC-MS); sniffer; rice bran odor (RBO); Baijiu
糠味是白酒中主要的异杂味之一,造成酒体粗 质进行了论述,如辅料清蒸不彻底或用量过大,都易
糙、不愉快、后味不净,影响白酒质量。在国标 使酒中有糠味[2]。为避免糠味的产生,提出了原料要
GB33405-2016 《白酒感官品评术语》 条款 使用新粮,避免使用发陈、发霉的原料,酿造环境保
中定义为白酒中呈现类似生谷壳等辅料的气味特 持干净,不污染杂菌,但糠味物质的具体来源和化学
[3.3.1] -3,7 decadiene-2,9-dione is mainly produced when the rice husk is steamed. The wet RBO 1,2-dimethoxybenzene and GSM is
derived from the contamination by microorganisms, and the 2-Furancarboxylicacid, ethyl ester is produced by the fermentation process and
第 47 卷 第 1 期 2020年1月
Vol.47. № .1 Jan., 2020
GC-O-MS 对白酒中的糠味物质的研究
李泽霞 1,2,姜东明 1,2,单凌晓 1,王明远 1,张煜行 1,2*
(1.河北衡水老白干酒业股份有限公司技术中心,河北 衡水 053000;2.河北省白酒酿造工程技术研究中心,河北 衡水 053000)
quantifying the six main RBO substances with the external standard method. The linearity of the method is good (R2> 0.99), and it has good
repeatability and recovery. The typical RBO is confirmed by the analysis of rice husk, sorghum, sorghum husk, Daqu, , the source of the RBO,