Dynamic performanc eof self-controllinghydro-pick cutting rock




Communication Unit 560CMR01RTU560 product line Remote Terminal Units - Data sheetRTU560 product lineCommunication module for RTU560 with 32 bitCPU•2x serial communication interface (RS-232 or RS-485) for remote communication •2x Ethernet interface (10/100BaseT)•1x USB port•1x serial peripheral bus•Battery buffered real time clockApplicationThe 560CMR01 communication unit is one of the CMU modules of the RTU560 product line.The essential tasks are:•Managing and controlling of the I/O modules via theinterface to the serial I/O bus.•Reading Process events from the input modules.•Send commands to the output modules.•Communicating with control systems and local HMIsystems via the serial interfaces (RS232) and the Ethernet 10/100BaseT interfaces.•Communication with Sub-RTU’s, IED’s or multimeterdevices via the interfaces (RS485) and the Ethernet interfaces.•Managing the time base for the RTU560 product linestation and synchronizing the I/O modules.•Handling the dialog between RTU560 product line andWeb-Browser via the LAN interfaces.Within the RTU560 racks the board occupies . Thecommunication unit is able to handle Ethernet- and UART-character based communication protocols.The unit has a battery buffered real time clock (RTC).The unit is available in 2 versions:•R0001: with standard cyber security functions•R0002: with security chip for advanced cyber securityfunctionsFigure 1: Block diagram 560CMR01CharacteristicsOn the applied ARM cortex A8 controller AM3352 a real-time operating system is implemented. The 560CMR01is responsible for the interface management, the event handling, the time base and the internal data base. The controller acts as master for the SPB I/O bus (serial peripheral bus). RTU560 synchronizes itself to the timereferences supplied by 560RTC0x. The time information of the 560RTC0x is provided to the 560CMR01 on the backplane of the sub-rack.System relevant configuration files are stored in the non-volatile flash memory card (removable SD-card™) in order to guarantee a valid system configuration after Power on Reset (PoR).A battery buffered RTC is used to keep an exact time during power off state.The communication unit provides the following interfaces:•Communication Port 1 and 2 (CP1 & CP2): serial interfaces according RS232C or RS485 with RJ45connectors. The communication ports can beconfigured independant as SPB I/O bus interface tothe front.•Ethernet interface 1 and 2 (E1 & E2): 10/100BaseT with RJ45 connector.•USB 2.0 device interface for diagnosis andmaintenance purposes.•The SPB I/O bus is directly connected to the backplane connector.Technical dataIn addition to the RTU500 series general technical data, the following applies:Main Processing Unit MPUCPU ARM cortex A8, AM3352 @800 MHzRAM128 MByteBoot Flash8 MByteSD cardConnector SD card slot (push push) Type SD 2.0, class 2Capacity 4 GByteReal time clock RTC (Backup)Battery Lithium 3 V DC, CR2032 Time resolution 1 sec, 1ms with timesync Battery lifetime> 10 yearsFree running± 50 ppmSerial interfaces CP1 and CP2Connector RJ45Type RS232C or RS485RS232C:Bit rate200 bit/s - 38.4 kbit/sSignal lines GNDTxDRxDRTSCTSDTRDCD E2/102 D1/103 D2/104 S2/105 M2/106 S1.2/108 M5/109Level typical: ± 6VRS485:Bit rate200 bit/s - 38.4 kbit/s Level typical: ± 6VEthernet interface E1 and E2Connector RJ45Type IEEE 802.3, 10/100BaseTUSB interfaceConnector micro USB Type AB(female)Type USB 2.0 device, low, fulland high speed (max. 480MBit/s)Cable type to PC USB Type A <-> micro USBType B Current consumption for power supplied via RTU560 backplane5 V DC500 mA24 V DC 3 mASignaling by LEDsERR (red)ON: RTU in error stateFlashing: RTU in warningstateFor more details seeRTU500 series FunctionDescriptionRUN (green)Communication module inoperationT Transmit data on serialcommunication ports CPR Receive data on serialcommunication ports CPS Ethernet communicationspeed:ON: 100 Mbit/sOFF: 10 Mbit/sL Link up (ON) / Activity(Flashing) on Ethernetinterface EMechanical layoutDimensions160 mm x 100 mm, 3HEeuro card format4R (20 mm) front panel Housing type Printed circuit board Mounting for mounting in RTU560racksWeight0.14 kgConnection typeRTU560 backplaneconnector48 pole type F DIN 41612Immunity testElectrostatic dischargeIEC 61000-4-28 kV air / 6 kV contact (level3)Performance criteria A Radiated Radio-FrequencyElectromagnetic FieldIEC 61000-4-310 V/m (level 3)Performance criteria A Electrical Fast Transient /BurstIEC 61000-4-44 kV (level X)Performance criteria A SurgeIEC 61000-4-52 kV (level 3)Performance criteria A Conducted Disturbances,induced by Radio-Frequency FieldsIEC 61000-4-610 V (level 3)Performance criteria AImmunity testDamped oscillatory wave IEC 61000-4-182.5 / 1 kV (level 3) Performance criteria AEnvironmental conditions - climatic Operating temperatureEN 60068-2-14-25 °C ... 70 °CStart upEN 60068-2-1-40 °CMax. operating temperature,max. 96hEN 60068-2-2+85 °CRelative humidity EN 60068-2-305 ... 95 % (non condensing)Ordering information560CMR01 R00011KGT036200R0001 560CMR01 R00021KGT036200R0002ABB Power Grids Germany AG P.O. Box 10 03 5168128 Mannheim, Germany /rtu We reserve the right to make technicalchanges or modify the contents of thisdocument without prior notice. With regardto purchase orders, the agreed particularsshall prevail. Hitachi ABB Power Grids doesnot accept any responsibility whatsoeverfor potential errors or possible lack ofinformation in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in thesubject matter and illustrations contained therein.Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties orutilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – isforbidden without prior written consent of HitachiABB Power Grids.© 2020 Hitachi Power GridsAll rights reservedABB is a registered trademark of ABBAsea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Power Grids company.1KGT15915V71。

Infoprint 250 導入と計画の手引き 第 7 章ホスト

Infoprint 250 導入と計画の手引き 第 7 章ホスト

Type of service...............: TOS
Maximum transmission unit.....: MTU
: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
60 1500
: xxxx
48 Infoprint 250
31. AS/400
WRKAFP2 (V3R1 & V3R6)
Advanced function printing............:
AFP attachment........................:
Online at IPL.........................:
Separator drawer......................:
Separator program.....................:

Control-of-Dynamic-Systems (3)

Control-of-Dynamic-Systems (3)

Control of Dynamic Systems Control of dynamic systems is a crucial aspect of engineering and technology, as it involves the management and regulation of systems that are constantly changing and evolving. This field encompasses a wide range of applications, from industrial processes and manufacturing to aerospace and automotive systems. The ability to effectively control dynamic systems is essential for ensuring safety, efficiency, and reliability in various engineering and technological domains. One of the key challenges in the control of dynamic systems is the inherent complexity and unpredictability of these systems. Dynamic systems are characterized by their continuous and time-varying behavior, making it difficult to accurately model and predict their responses to different inputs and disturbances. This complexity often requires the use of advanced control techniques and algorithms toeffectively manage and regulate dynamic systems in real-time. Another important aspect of controlling dynamic systems is the need to account for uncertainties and disturbances that can affect the system's behavior. These uncertainties can arise from various sources, such as variations in operating conditions, environmental factors, and component failures. As a result, control strategies must be robust and adaptive to ensure that the system can continue to operate safely and effectively under changing and unpredictable conditions. In addition to technical challenges, the control of dynamic systems also involves ethical and social considerations. For example, in the automotive industry, the development of autonomous vehicles raises important questions about safety, liability, and the ethical implications of delegating control to machines. Similarly, in industrial automation, the implementation of advanced control systems can have significant implications for the workforce and employment, raising concerns about job displacement and the ethical use of technology. From a practical standpoint, the control of dynamic systems also requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving expertise in engineering, mathematics, computer science, and other related fields. Engineers and technologists working in this field must be able to collaborate effectively across different disciplines to develop and implement controlsolutions that are both technically sound and practical to deploy in real-world applications. Furthermore, the control of dynamic systems also presentsopportunities for innovation and advancement in engineering and technology. As new control techniques and technologies continue to emerge, there is potential for significant improvements in the performance, efficiency, and safety of dynamic systems across various industries. This ongoing innovation is essential for addressing the evolving needs and challenges of modern society, from sustainable energy systems to advanced transportation solutions. In conclusion, the control of dynamic systems is a complex and multifaceted field that plays a critical role in engineering and technology. From technical challenges and ethical considerations to practical and interdisciplinary requirements, the control of dynamic systems requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. By addressing these various perspectives and challenges, engineers and technologists can continue to advance the state of the art in controlling dynamic systems, leading to safer, more efficient, and more reliable technologies for the benefit of society.。



菜单栏:File 文件Open 打开F3Attach 附加Exit 退出View 查看Log 日记Executable modules 可执行模块Memory 内存Heap 堆栈Threads 线程Windows窗口Handles 句柄CPUSEH chain SEH链Patches 补丁Call stack 调用堆栈Breakpoints 断点Watches 监视References 参考Run trace Run跟踪Source 源码Source files 源文件File 文件Text files 文本文件Debug 调试Run 运行Pause 暂停Restart 重新开始Close 关闭Step into 单步步入Step over 单步步过(不进入call)Animate into 自动步入Animate over 自动步过Execute till return 执行到返回Execute till user code 执行到用户代码Open or clear run trace 打开或清除RUN跟踪Trace into 跟踪步入Trace over 跟踪步过Set condition 设置条件Close run trace 关闭Run跟踪Hardware breakpoints 硬件断点Inspect 检查Call DLL export 使用DLL输出Arguments 参数Select import libraries 选择导入库Select path for symbols 选择符号路径Plugins 插件Bookmarks 书签插件,该插件支持调试程序时设置10个书签Command line 命令行插件,该插件支持输入命令进行调试Options 选项Appearance 界面选项Debugging options 调试设置选项Just-in-time debugging 实时调试设置Add to Explorer 添加到资源管理器右键菜单Window 窗口Always on top 总在最前Cascade 层叠Tile horizontal 水平平铺Tile vertical 垂直平铺Arrange icons 排列图标Help 帮助About 关于Contents 帮助内容Select API help file 选择API帮助文件Open API help file 打开API帮助文件寄存器窗口右键菜单Backup 备份Create backup 创建备份Load backup from file 从文件载入备份Save date to file 保存数据到文件Copy 复制To clipboard 到剪贴板To file 到文件Select all 全选选择程序Binary 二进制Edit 编辑File with 00’s 用00填充File with NOPs 用NOP填充Binary copy 二进制复制Binary paste 二进制粘贴Assemble 汇编Label 标签Comment 注释Break point 断点Toggle 切换Conditional 条件Conditional log 条件记录Run to selection 运行到选定位置Memory,on access 内存访问Memory,on write 内存写入Hardware,on execution 硬件执行Set real SFX entry here 设置真正的自解压入口HIT跟踪添加选择部分添加函数过程添加所有已识别的函数过程Run trace RUN跟踪添加选择部分添加函数过程添加函数过程中的分支添加所有函数过程的入口Skip selection when tracing 跟踪时忽略选定的部分Set condition 设置条件New origin here 此处为新EIPGo to 转到Origin EIPPrevious 上个Expression 表达式上个函数过程下个函数过程Follow in dump 数据窗中跟随Selection 选择查看调用树Search for 查找Name(label) in current module 当前模块中的名称(标签)Name in all modules 所有模块中的名称Command 命令Sequence of commands 命令序列Constant 常量Binary string 二进制字符串All intermodular calls 所有模块间的调用All commands 所有命令All sequences 所有命令序列All constants 所有常量All switches 所有分支All referenced text strings 所有参考文本字符串User-defined label 用户定义的标签User-defined comment 用户定义的注释Find references to 查找参考Selected command 选定命令Jump destination 跳转到目的地View 查看Executable file 可执行文件Relative address 相对地址Module 模块Copy to executable 复制到可执行文件Selection 选择Analysis 分析Analyse code 分析代码Remove analyse from module 从模块中删除分析Scan object files 扫描目标文件Remove object scan from module 从模块中删除目标扫描假定参数Remove analyse from section从选定内容删除分析During next analysis,treat selection as 在下次分析时,将徐泽部分视为CommandByteWordDoublewordCommandsBytesWordsDoublewordsASCII textUNICODE textCode doctorFKVMP VMP脱壳工具IDAFicator 窗口布局StrongOD 反反调试工具loadMapEx 加载map file到od的cpu窗口当前汇编代码所在的模块运行脚本Script Functions 脚本软件用OllyDump脱壳调试进程Zeus VMProtect分析及自动脱壳插件中文搜索引擎Appearance 界面选项Always on topShow barShow horizontal scrollDefault columnsFont(this)Colors(this)Font(all)Colors(all)Highlighting模块窗口右键Actualize 刷新Follow import in Disassembler 反汇编窗口中跟随输入函数Follow in Dump 数据窗口中跟随Find references to import 查找输入函数参考View call tree 查看调用树Toggle breakpoint on import 在输入函数中切换断点Conditional breakpoint on import 在输入函数上设条件断点Conditional log breakpoint on import 在输入函数上设条件记录断点Set breakpoint on every reference 在每个参考上设置断点Set log breakpoint on every reference 在每个参考上设置记录断点Remove all breakpoints 删除所有断点Copy to clipboard 复制到剪切板Sort by 排序按Appearance 界面选项Code doctor1、反混淆比如遇到花指令或是什么的,可以在OD中先选中要反混淆的代码,然后单击插件命令中的“Deobfuscate”即可将代码还原。



















Perforce的工作原理可以概括为以下几个步骤:1. 开发人员通过客户端从depot中检出文件到本地工作空间(workspace)。

2. 开发人员对文件进行修改,并在本地工作空间中进行测试和调试。

3. 开发人员将修改后的文件提交到服务器,生成新的修订版本。

4. 其他开发人员可以通过更新(update)操作从服务器获取最新的修订版本,并进行后续的开发工作。



第28卷第1期2021年2月工程设计学报Chinese Journal of Engineering DesignVol.28No.1Feb.2021 LYP1050轮转胶印机控制系统设计王奔1,朱龙彪1,沈祖军2,陈小林2(1.南通大学机械工程学院,江苏南通226019;2.如皋中罗印刷机械有限公司,江苏如皋226553)摘要:为满足印刷市场对高速、高质量及高效率胶印机的需求,设计了一种LYP1050轮转胶印机控制系统。






关键词:轮转胶印机;多轴同步;张力控制;自动套色中图分类号:TH-39;TP273文献标志码:A文章编号:1006-754X(2021)01-0112-09Design of control system of LYP1050rotary offset pressWANG Ben1,ZHU Long-biao1,SHEN Zu-jun2,CHEN Xiao-lin2(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Nantong University,Nantong226019,China;2.Rugao Zhongluo Printing Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Rugao226553,China)Abstract:In order to meet the demand of printing market for high-speed,high-quality and high-efficiency offset presses,a LYP1050rotary offset press control system is designed.Firstly,taking the Inovance AC810motion controller as the main controller and the Inovance IT6000series touch screen as the human-computer interaction interface,the hardware platform of the LYP1050rotary offset press control system was built by combining the servo drive unit.Then,the methods including the multi-axis synchronization control,the tension control of closed-loop speed and winding taper and the automatic registration control for the LYP1050rotary offset press were proposed;at the same time,the lower computer program and human-computer interaction interface of the LYP1050rotary offset press control system were designed.Finally,the reliability of the designed control system was verified by collecting the registration error of the LYP1050rotary offset press prototype during actual operation.The test results showed that the registration accuracy of this rotary offset press could be controlled within±0.05 mm,which met the registration requirements.The designed control system is safe and reliable,with good synchronization,high color registration accuracy,low failure rate,and wide versatility,which can provide references for the design of the similar rotary offset press control system.Key words:rotary offset press;multi-axis synchronization;tension control;automatic registration印刷业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,印刷产品广泛应用于生产、生活领域[1]。

perfsight 原理

perfsight 原理

perfsight 原理PerfSight原理解析PerfSight是一种性能分析工具,用于帮助开发人员诊断和优化软件应用程序的性能问题。





























二、dynamic_reconfigure使用方法1. 定义参数在使用dynamic_reconfigure之前,我们首先需要在ROS包中定义参数。



2. 生成配置库在定义好参数配置文件后,我们需要使用ROS的动态参数配置库来生成对应的配置库文件。


3. 编写节点在编写ROS节点程序时,我们需要添加与dynamic_reconfigure相关的代码。



4. 启动参数配置节点在启动ROS节点之前,我们需要启动参数配置节点。



failed to satisfy dynamic state constraints 概述说明1. 引言1.1 概述动态状态约束在现代软件系统中具有重要意义。


然而,在设计和开发过程中,我们经常会遇到动态状态约束无法完全实现的情况,即"failed to satisfy dynamic state constraints"。


1.2 文章结构本文将围绕动态状态约束未能满足的问题展开,探讨其原因、影响以及解决方法。







1.3 目的本文旨在深入探讨"failed to satisfy dynamic state constraints"这一问题,并提供解决方法和策略。



2. 动态状态约束的重要性:2.1 动态状态约束的定义与作用:动态状态约束是指在软件系统运行过程中,限制系统各个组件或对象的状态满足一定条件的规则和要求。


Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 开发常见问题解答区

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 开发常见问题解答区

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 开发常见问题解答发布日期: 3/30/2005 | 更新日期: 3/30/2005Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 开发的常见问题解答。

这个FAQ 有部分是通过编辑公共.NET Compact Framework 新闻组(pactframework) 贴出的问题和解答而得到的。

.NET Compact Framework 团队衷心感谢参加公共新闻组的每个人,感谢他们对本FAQ 和整个 .NET Compact Framework 开发社区做出的贡献。

要想获得FAQ 项,请将电子邮件发送到netcfaq@。

本页内容1. 开发2. 图形3. 部署4. 图形用户界面(GUI):窗体5. 图形用户界面(GUI):常规6. 互操作性和本机代码7. 常规8. 通信和Web 服务9. SQL CE 和数据10. 其他信息11. 连接12. 基于Windows Mobile 的Smartphone1. 开发1.1. 什么是Microsoft .NET Compact Framework?Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 是针对Microsoft .NET 计划的智能设备开发框架,是实现Microsoft 随时随地在任何设备上为客户提供良好体验的目标的关键所在。

.NET Compact Framework 将托管代码和Web 服务带给了智能设备,它允许安全的、可下载的应用程序在诸如个人数字助理(PDA)、移动电话和机顶盒等设备上运行。

/mobility/prodtechinfo/devtools/netcf/overview/default.asp x1.2.开发 .NET Compact Framework 应用程序需要什么工具?Visual Studio .NET 为基于Windows Mobile 的Pocket PC 2000、基于Windows Mobile 的Pocket PC 2002 和Windows CE .NET 4.1 设备开发基于 .NET Compact Framework 的应用程序需要2003 Professional 或更高版本。

dynamicexpresso 多参数复杂运算 -回复

dynamicexpresso 多参数复杂运算 -回复

dynamicexpresso 多参数复杂运算-回复动态LINQ库是一种功能强大的解析和执行动态表达式的工具,而其中的DynamicExpresso就是这个库中的一个组件。










我们可以使用以下代码创建一个ExpressionEvaluator对象:ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator();接下来,我们可以使用evaluator.Evaluate方法执行我们的表达式。


例如,如果我们的表达式是"arg1+arg2",我们可以使用以下代码进行计算:object result = evaluator.Evaluate("arg1+arg2", new object[] { 5, 10 });在这个例子中,我们将5和10作为参数传递给表达式,并将结果存储在result变量中。



dynamics 365 customize session forms -回复

dynamics 365 customize session forms -回复

dynamics 365 customize session forms -回复Dynamics 365 Customize Session Forms: A Step-by-Step GuideIntroduction:Dynamics 365 is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool that offers various features and capabilities to help businesses streamline their operations. One key aspect of Dynamics 365 is its ability to customize forms, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to customize session forms in Dynamics 365, helping you enhance user experience and achieve maximum efficiency.I. Understanding Dynamics 365 Forms:Before we dive into the customization process, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the different types of forms available in Dynamics 365. There are three main types of forms: main forms, quick view forms, and quick create forms.- Main Forms: Also known as the full form, these are the primaryforms used to view and edit records. Main forms allow users to access all the fields and functionalities associated with a particular entity.- Quick View Forms: These forms provide a snapshot view of related fields from a different entity. They are designed to provide quick access to essential information without switching between different records.- Quick Create Forms: As the name suggests, these forms allow users to create a new record quickly. They typically contain limited fields and are used for creating records on the go.II. Customizing Session Forms:Now that we understand the different types of forms in Dynamics 365 let's move on to the steps for customizing session forms.Step 1: Accessing Form Customization:To begin with, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to customize forms in Dynamics 365. Navigate to the "Settings" menuand select "Customization" from the available options. Then, click on "Customize the System" to access the Customization page.Step 2: Selecting the Desired Entity:On the Customization page, locate the entity for which you want to customize the session form. Click on the entity name to proceed with the customization process.Step 3: Understanding Form Structure:Before making any changes to the form, it's crucial to understand its structure. Dynamics 365 forms are made up of various components, such as sections, tabs, fields, and subgrids. Familiarize yourself with these components to better navigate and customize the form.Step 4: Adding and Removing Fields:To add or remove fields from the session form, locate the "Fields" section within the form customization page. Click on "Add Field" to select the fields you want to add, or click on the field's name andthen choose "Remove" to remove specific fields.Step 5: Rearranging Fields:It's common for businesses to prefer a specific layout for their session forms. To rearrange fields on the form, click and drag the field from its current position to the desired location. This will allow you to create a more logical and user-friendly form layout.Step 6: Customizing Tabs and Sections:To further enhance the organization and user experience, you can customize tabs and sections. Click on the "Tabs" or "Sections" links within the form customization page to access the respective components. From there, you can create new tabs or sections, rename existing ones, and move fields between sections.Step 7: Applying Business Rules:Dynamics 365 offers a powerful feature known as Business Rules, which allows you to configure actions and conditions based on certain criteria. You can use Business Rules to control the visibilityor mandatory status of fields, change field values dynamically, or perform other custom actions. Navigate to the "Business Rules" section within the form customization page to create and apply rules as per your business requirements.Step 8: Enabling Security Roles:Security is a significant concern for any business system. Dynamics 365 allows you to control the accessibility of various forms based on user roles. To customize the security roles for session forms, click on the "Security Roles" link within the form customization page. From there, you can grant or restrict access to specific forms based on role assignments.Step 9: Preview and Publish:After completing the customization process, it's vital to preview the form to ensure it meets your expectations. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes, then select the "Publish" button to make the customized form available to users.Conclusion:Customizing session forms in Dynamics 365 offers businesses the flexibility to design user-friendly interfaces tailored to their specific needs. By understanding the different types of forms, following the step-by-step guide, and leveraging the customization features available within Dynamics 365, businesses can create an efficient and intuitive CRM system. With a customized session form, users can navigate and update records with ease, leading to improved productivity and customer satisfaction.。

dynamicclientfactory nullpoint

dynamicclientfactory nullpoint

dynamicclientfactory nullpoint dynamicclientfactory nullpoint 是指动态客户端工厂(DynamicClientFactory)在运行时遇到nullpoint 的异常错误。

在本文中,我们将探讨dynamicclientfactory nullpoint 异常的原因、可能的解决方法以及如何预防此类错误的发生。

一、dynamicclientfactory nullpoint 异常的原因动态客户端工厂是一个常用的Java 类,它负责创建和管理动态客户端对象。

当出现dynamicclientfactory nullpoint 异常时,一般是由于以下原因之一所致:1. 未正确初始化dynamicclientfactory 对象。

在创建dynamicclientfactory 对象之前,必须确保所有必要的参数和配置已正确设置。


2. 动态客户端对象在运行时被意外地设置为null。



二、解决dynamicclientfactory nullpoint 异常的方法虽然dynamicclientfactory nullpoint 异常可能会导致程序终止或崩溃,但这并不代表我们无法解决它。

下面是一些可能的解决方法:1. 检查参数和配置:首先,确保在创建dynamicclientfactory 对象之前,所有的参数和配置已正确设置。



2. 异常处理:在代码中加入适当的异常处理机制,以捕获并处理可能的空指针异常。

可以使用try-catch 块来捕获异常,然后在catch 块中进行相应的处理,比如输出错误信息、记录日志或进行补救操作。

zabbix fping用法

zabbix fping用法

zabbix fping用法【实用版】目录1.Zabbix 简介2.Fping 简介3.Zabbix 与 Fping 的结合4.Zabbix fping 用法详解5.总结正文1.Zabbix 简介Zabbix 是一款开源的监控和警报软件,可以用于监控 IT 基础架构,包括服务器、网络设备和应用程序等。

它提供了丰富的功能,如主机监控、应用程序监控、网络监控等,并支持多种通知方式,如邮件、SMS 等,以便在发现问题时及时进行处理。

2.Fping 简介Fping 是一款用于检测网络故障的工具,通过发送 ICMP Echo 请求并监听响应来检测网络中的设备是否可达。


3.Zabbix 与 Fping 的结合Zabbix 可以通过 SNMP、Agent 等方式获取网络设备的信息,但无法直接检测网络故障。

而 Fping 正好可以弥补这一不足,通过 Zabbix 与Fping 的结合,可以实现对网络设备的监控和故障检测。

4.Zabbix fping 用法详解在 Zabbix 中使用 Fping,需要先安装并配置 Fping。

具体步骤如下:(1)安装 Fping在 Ubuntu 系统中,可以使用以下命令安装 Fping:```sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install fping```(2)配置 Fping编辑 Fping 的配置文件`/etc/fping.conf`,设置扫描目标、扫描方式等。

例如:```target=间隔=2协议=icmp水源=udp```(3)创建 Zabbix 主机在 Zabbix 中创建一个新的主机,并设置相应的 IP 地址、主机名等。

(4)添加 Fping 键值在 Zabbix 中添加一个新的键值,如:```ame: Fping to fping8Value: 0```其中,`Name`表示键值的描述,`Key`表示键值的名称,`Value`表示键值的值,这里的值为 0 表示 Fping 未检测到故障。

arm forceinline用法

arm forceinline用法

arm forceinline用法
arm forceinline用法指的是在ARM体系架构下使用forceinline关键字的方法。




1. 只有在函数定义处使用forceinline关键字才有效果,函数声明处使用不会起作用。

2. 编译器会根据代码的复杂度和函数的大小来决定是否真正将其内联,因此使用forceinline并不一定会让函数被内联。

3. 在一些情况下,编译器会自动地将函数内的函数调用进行内联,因此使用forceinline关键字可能并不会带来明显的性能提升。

forceinline void myFunction() {
// 函数内的代码
int main() {
myFunction(); // 调用处
return 0;


第28章 Dynamic ARP Inspection配置

第28章 Dynamic ARP Inspection配置

第28章Dynamic ARP Inspection配置本章主要介绍Dynamic ARP Inspection功能的使用和配置方法。

本章主要内容:●Dynamic ARP Inspection功能简介●Dynamic ARP Inspection基本指令描述●Dynamic ARP Inspection配置示例●Dynamic ARP Inspection监控和调试28.1Dynamic ARP Inspection功能简介动态ARP检测功能能够有效发现和阻止ARP欺骗攻击。


设备对来自未开启dynamic arp-inspection功能的端口的所有ARP报文不进行检测,直接放行,未开启dynamic arp-inspection功能的端口一般是设备的上联口。

对来自启动了dynamic arp-inspection功能的端口的ARP报文按照DHCP Snooping表或IP Source Guard手工配置的IP静态绑定表进行检测:⏹当ARP报文中的源IP地址及源MAC地址的绑定关系与DHCP Snooping表项或者手工配置的IP静态绑定表项匹配,且ARP报文的入端口及其所属VLAN与DHCP Snooping表项或者IP Source Guard手工配置的IP静态绑定表项一致,则为合法ARP报文,进行转发处理。

⏹当ARP报文中的源IP地址及源MAC地址的绑定关系与DHCP Snooping表项或者手工配置的IP静态绑定表项不匹配,或ARP报文的入端口及入端口所属VLAN与DHCP Snooping表项或者IP Source Guard手工配置的IP静态绑定表项不一致,则为非法ARP报文,直接丢弃,并打印log信息。









以下是使用enforceCallingOrSelfPermission方法的示例代码: ```public void addUser(User user) {// 检查调用方是否具有MANAGE_USERS权限enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission. MANAGE_USERS,'You do not have permission to add a user');// 添加用户// ...}```在上面的代码中,enforceCallingOrSelfPermission方法被用于检查调用方是否具有MANAGE_USERS权限。





Control-M使用手册中亦安图科技发展(北京)有限公司二零一二年十二月1体系结构1.1架构说明CONTROL-M生产管理建立在一个三层结构基础上,它包括CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager,CONTROL-M/Server和CONTROL-M/Agents三个组件。

➢CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager(以下简称:CONTROL-M /EM)提供一个统一的,适用于所有平台的GUI界面。


➢Control-M的服务器(Server)Control-M 处理的核心,它是调度作业、管理作业处理流程、提供作业流状态信息的引擎。




Control-M/Agent可安装在各种操作系统上,并提供如AFT(文件传输),DATABASES (数据库存储过程),SAP(SAP软件相关)等功能模块方便不同的应用进行作业执行。

注:另外在CONTROL-M/Server和CONTROL-M/EM Server支持高可用,保障整个系统的不受故障影响。






idynamicapicontroller 析构

idynamicapicontroller 析构

idynamicapicontroller 析构在编程领域,IDynamicApiController构造是指创建和初始化IDynamicApiController接口实例所需的一系列步骤,而析构是指在不再需要IDynamicApiController实例时,进行资源释放和清理的过程。

IDynamicApiController是一个动态Web API控制器接口,用于在运行时动态创建和执行Web API控制器。



首先,构造IDynamicApiController的过程包括以下步骤:1. 定义构造函数:为IDynamicApiController接口创建一个构造函数,以便在实例化时进行初始化。


2. 实例化对象:使用构造函数创建IDynamicApiController的实例,将其赋值给一个变量以供后续使用。

3. 初始化配置:对IDynamicApiController进行必要的配置,如设置路由规则、绑定数据源等。


4. 设置权限:根据需要,对IDynamicApiController进行权限设置,确保只有授权用户可以访问和调用相关的API方法。

5. 注册拦截器:如果需要对API方法进行拦截或者修改,在构造过程中可以注册拦截器组件,以便在执行API方法前后进行相关操作。

6. 初始化日志:如果需要记录错误日志或者调试信息,可以在构造过程中初始化日志组件,方便后续的日志记录和跟踪。

7. 初始化其他资源:根据具体需求,可以进行其他必要的资源初始化,如数据库连接、文件句柄等。

接下来,析构IDynamicApiController的过程包括以下步骤:1. 释放资源:在不再需要IDynamicApiController实例时,首先需要释放占用的资源,如数据库连接、文件句柄等。

ftrace 跟踪函数

ftrace 跟踪函数

ftrace 跟踪函数ftrace是Linux内核提供的一种跟踪工具,它可以跟踪内核中的函数调用关系,从而帮助我们分析内核性能问题。

本文将介绍如何使用 ftrace 进行函数跟踪。

首先,我们需要确保系统内核已经开启了 ftrace 功能。

可以通过查看 /proc/config.gz 文件来确定内核是否开启了CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER 选项。


接下来,我们需要使用 trace-cmd 工具来设置 ftrace 的参数和启动跟踪。

例如,我们可以使用以下命令来跟踪 sys_open 函数: trace-cmd record -p function_graph -g sys_open 这个命令将记录从当前时间开始执行的所有 sys_open 函数调用,并以函数调用关系树的形式显示。

我们还可以使用 trace-cmd report 命令来查看跟踪结果,例如: trace-cmd report -F -g function_graph这个命令将以平面视图的形式显示函数调用关系,并且会给出每个函数调用的耗时信息。

除了跟踪单个函数外,ftrace 还支持跟踪整个进程或线程的函数调用关系。

例如,我们可以使用以下命令来跟踪一个进程的所有函数调用:trace-cmd record -e sched_switch -p <pid>这个命令将记录进程 <pid> 中所有的函数调用关系,并且会在进程调度时触发跟踪器。

总之,ftrace 是一个非常强大的内核跟踪工具,它可以帮助我们快速定位内核性能问题。

但是,由于 ftrace 的使用比较复杂,需要一定的技术功底,因此在使用时需要谨慎。

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Dynamic performance of self-controlling hydro-pick cutting rockSongyong Liu a,b,Xiaohui Liu a,b,n,Weimin Cai a,b,Huifu Ji a,ba School of Mechatronic Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou221116,Chinab Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Mine Mechanical and Electrical Equipment,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou221116,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received25June2015Received in revised form25October2015Accepted1January2016Keywords:Self-controllingHydro-pickWater jetDynamic responseRock breakinga b s t r a c tA new self-controlling hydro-pick,which can control waterflow automatically,was designed based onhydrodynamic theory.Firstly,the balance of forces acting on the pick was shown to present the operatingprinciple of it,specifically,the force exerted by the water pressure acting over an annual area of the pick.A rock-breaking test bed was developed to study the frictional resistance,dynamic response,flow androck-breaking characteristics of the self-controlling hydro-pick.The results indicate that,the external andinternal diameter of the annual area on the pick should be40.6mm and40mm,respectively to ensurenormal shutdown of the self-controlling hydro-pick at a jet pressure40MPa.The opening times(timetaken to open the valve)increased with jet pressure and decreased with the cutting depth.For a jetpressure and cutting depth of40MPa and12mm,respectively,the opening time was0.035s.The waterflow of the self-controlling hydro-pick was less than that of the common hydro-pick when the diameterof the damping hole was0.5mm.The percentage waterflow reduction increased with the jet pressureand cutting depth.When the jet pressure and cutting depth are40MPa and12mm,respectively,thepercentage cutting force reduction was22.6%,the depth of the cutting slot increased by24.2%,and thevolume of rock breakage increased by29.3%.&2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionConical picks are essential cutting tools that are widely used inengineering machinery.The pick that directly impacts rocks is in aharsh cutting environment.1–3During the excavation of hard rock,conical picks are subjected to high cutting forces,extensive wearand high temperatures,which result in a short life and low cuttingefficiency.4,5Many studies have been conducted,and the resultsshow that the cutting efficiency can be improved by changing thepick structure,although this does not solve the fundamentalproblems of extensive wear and high temperature.6–11In contrast,it has been shown that using a water jet in rock breaking couldeffectively assist the cutting tools and reduce the cutting force,wear,temperature and dust.12–17Thus,the performance of water jet was studiedfirstly in nu-merical and experimental.18–24It has been pointed out that thereare two main types of rock fragmentation via a water-jet,thecutting effect and extrusion effect.For cutting effect,the rock isinitially cut by the water jet,which results in a certain depth ofslotting and the formation of a free surface on the rock surface,followed by fragmentation via machine tools.This approach canimprove the rock fragmentation efficiency and reduce the cuttingforce of the machine tools.When the water jet acted via an ex-trusion effect,cracks are generated under the action of cutting viamachine tools,which extend and propagate via the water jet,leading to rock further breaking.Then,water jet technology has been widely used to assist toolsfor rock breaking,such as PDC cutters25–28and drilling tools.29Asexpected,it has been also applied in rock breaking by a conicalpick.The mechanism of rock breaking via a pick assisted by a high-pressure water jet was studied and found to be divided into threeprocesses:12(1)the hydraulic erosion process,when the water jeterodes the rock breaking zone;(2)the hydraulic fracturing pro-cess,when the expansion of micro cracks is accelerated by a waterjet;and(3)the pore pressure process,when a pressurized waterjet produces expansion,thus accelerating crack initiation andpropagation.At present,the arrangements of the water jet and pick are JCP(a water jet through the centre of the pick),JFP(a water jet placedin front of the pick),JSP(a water jet placed at the side of the pick)and JRP(a water jet placed behind the pick),as shown in Fig.1(a)–(d).30–32The JCP mode is proved the best,followed by the modesof JRP and JFP,and the worst mode is JSP.The decrease in the ratesof the pick force of the JCP,JRP,JFP,and JSP mode are up to30.96%,28.96%,28.17%,and25.42%,respectively,in experiments.For the JRP,the nozzle is easy to interfere with rock in thecutting process,thus a new typed JRP was designed,shown inContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/ijrmmsInternational Journal ofRock Mechanics&Mining Sciences/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2016.01.0041365-1609/&2016Elsevier Ltd.All rightsreserved.n Corresponding author at:School of Mechatronic Engineering,China Universityof Mining and Technology,Xuzhou221116,China.E-mail address:TB13050011@(X.Liu).International Journal of Rock Mechanics&Mining Sciences83(2016)14–23Fig.1(e).33Experiments on JFP,N-JRP and the combination of those two water jet con figuration modes were conducted.The combined mode is shown in Fig.1(f).The results showed that,the N-JRP is less effective than the JFP on decreasing cutting force.The variance of JFP is smaller compared with the N-JRP.The combination of those two water jet con figuration modes is effective for rock breaking.It can both decrease the cutting force and low down the fluctuation.However,the effect of the combined water jet con-figuration is not that of the direct adding of JFP and N-JRP.Thus,the combined water jet should not be applied due to much waterand energy waste.The fruitful achievements of the previous studies provide a reference for this paper,but there still exists room for improve-ment.On the one hand,during the cutting progress,picks work in severe conditions.To avoid damage to nozzles by broken rocks,nozzles are installed far away from picks,resulting in long stand-off distances and high energy losses.Moreover,due to installation errors,the impact points of the pick and water jet may not be the same,and thus,water wedging cannot be fully effective.Thus,water jet should flow through the centre of the pick.On theotherFig.1.Arrangements of water jet andpick.Fig.2.Structure of the self-controlling hydro-pick and carbide tip.S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Sciences 83(2016)14–2315hand,sustainedflow from the nozzle can lead to large amounts ofwasted water and energy,even producing inundations in thetunnelled surface.A new self-controlling hydro-pick,which canadjust the outletflow automatically,is designed and studied tosolve the above problems.2.Self-controlling hydro-pick2.1.Structural designThe structure of the self-controlling hydro-pick is shown inFig.2.The pick shank(2)is installed in the pick holder(3)and canmove axially.The valve sleeve(5)is installed in the pick holder tocontrol the axial displacement of the pick shank.There is an an-nual area(6)on the pick shank.An O-ring(7)is installed in thesealing groove.Centreflow channel(9)is established in the pickshank,carbide tip and pick holder.The pick shank is equippedwith a damping hole(11)to reduce the pressure.The nozzle(8)and the centreflow channel(9)are set in thecarbide tip and the pick shank along the axial direction.The radialthrough-hole(10)and damping hole(11)are set at the root of thepick shank.The inlet hole(12)and the leaking hole are set on thepick-holder.The shape of the carbide tip is similar to that of acommon one,and the inside is shaped as a cylinder nozzle,asshown in Fig.2.The shrink angleδ1is13°,the diffusion angleδ2is 90°,the diameter of the nozzle inlet D is6.4mm and the diameterof the outlet d is0.6mm.The carbide tip was processed usingmould shaping.With powder metallurgy technology applied,asteel wire same to the nozzle in diameter was put in the centre ofthe pick carbide before its shaping.Then,the nozzle was formedby drawing the steel wire out after the shaping of pick carbide.The flow channel was grinded repeatedly to avoid disturbing the streamlines,pressurefluctuations and cavitations formed by the impact of a high pressure water jet.2.2.Operating principle of self-controlling hydro-pickThe opening and closing of a high-pressure water jet is con-trolled by the relative motion of the pick shank and pick-holder. There are two moving states for the pick shank.The opening and closing time,the key performance parameters of the self-con-trolling hydro-pick,are time taken to open and close the valve, respectively.The working principle of the self-controlling hydro-pick is shown in Fig.3.When cutting rock,the pick bears cutting re-sistances F a along the axis of the pick,frictional resistance F f1and annual area force F2on the annual area(part6in Fig.2or annual area in Fig.3),as shown in Fig.3(a).When the cutting resistance is greater than the resultant force of F f2and F2,the pick shank moves back.As a result,a high-pressure channel is opened,which is shown in Fig.2(a).Because the inner cavity is always full of water, theflow and impact kinetic energy increase rapidly.When the rock is broken,there is no cutting resistance F a,and the pick moves forward when F2is greater than F f2.As a result,the high-pressure channel closes,as shown in Fig.2(b).High-pressure water is then released as lower-pressure water through the damping hole to reduce waste.At the same time,the inner cavity of the pick is full of water,which can prevent dust from entering into the pick and blocking the nozzle.3.Experiments on self-controlling hydro-pickThe test self-controlling schematic is shown in Fig.4,which consists of a cutting system,a hydraulic system,an electrical control system,high-pressure water system and a test system.A high-pressure plunger pump was used to provide high-pressure water with a maximum pressure of80MPa and a maximumflow rate12L/min.A speed control valve was used to control the re-ciprocating speed of the self-controlling hydro-pick.A pushing cylinder was integrated to linearly reciprocate the pick.The oil pressure and water pressure were measured by a pressure trans-ducer and recorded using an NI data acquisition card.3.1.Frictional resistance characteristicsThe self-controlling hydro-pick suffers internal frictional re-sistance while working.Thus,it is necessary to study its frictional resistance characteristics to improve its structural design.For that forces loaded on the pick is complex on the cutting condition,the resultant force is not completely along the axis of the pick.Thus, the radial of pick also bears great force,and the opening frictional resistance F f1is not easy to test.While there is no load on the radial of pick in the unload condition,it is easy to test the closing frictional resistance F f2.In this section,it mainly presents the method to test the closing frictional resistance F f2.The test sche-matic to evaluate the frictional resistance characteristics ofself-Fig.3.Working principle of self-controlling hydro-pick.S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics&Mining Sciences83(2016)14–2316controlling hydro-pick is shown in Fig.5.The self-controlling hydro-pick was installed on the test bench,and high-pressure water was pumped in ensure that the pick was in the unloaded condition.The tensile-compressive force sensor was fixed on the front plate of the test bench.The water pressure from the water pump was set to 0MPa,10MPa,20MPa,30MPa,and 40MPa.The advancing speed of the pick was set to 0.005m/s by the speed control valve and veri fied by the displacement sensor.At a water jet pressure of 40MPa,the force variation measured by the tension-compression sensor is shown in Fig.6As shown in Fig.6,the force was initially nearly 0,which indicates that the pick was not in contact with the sensor from 0to 4.5s,while at 4.5–4.6s,the force increased greatly to a local peak corresponding to the maximum static friction.At this time,static frictional re-sistance formed between the pick shank and pick holder,but the force measured by the sensor was less than the static frictional resistance.From 4.6to 5.3s,the force remained stable after a slight fall,which indicates that stable dynamic frictional resistance occurred between the pick shank and pick holder and that the dynamic value was smaller than the static value.Finally,the force increased gradually and remained stable,indicating that the self-controlling hydro-pick opened completely and the pick shank re-mained relatively motionless with respect to the pick holder.Ignoring the dynamics of the pick,a force balance analysis ofthe pick was conducted,as shown in Eq.(1).Eq.(2)is used to calculate the force acting on the annual area.=+()F F F 1a f 22Fig.4.Rock breaking test bench for self-controllinghydro-pick.Fig.5.Test schematic for frictionalresistance.Fig.6.Force variation from tension-compression force sensor.S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Sciences 83(2016)14–2317π=(−)()F pD d 42222where F f 2is the closing frictional resistance (N),F a is the force variation from the tension-compression sensor (N),F 2is the force acting on the annual area (N),p is the water jet pressure (MPa),D is the external diameter of the annual area (mm),and d is the internal diameter of the annual area (mm).The forces on the self-controlling hydro-pick under different water pressures are shown in Table 1.It can be seen that the frictional resistance increased with water jet pressure.During the closing process of the self-controlling hydro-pick,the pick was subjected to the annual area force F 2and closing frictional resistance F f 2.To ensure normal shutdown of the high pressure channel for the unloaded condition,the relation between F 2and F f 2should be satis fied as follows:>()F F 3f 22The internal diameter of the annual area was set to 40mm,and the external diameter was varied to change the load acting on the annual area.The annual area force and frictional resistance during the closing process varied with the external diameter under dif-ferent water jet pressures,as shown in Fig.7.The annual area force was calculated according to the Eq.(2),and the frictional re-sistance is according to Table 1.In Fig.7,the annual area force shows a linear relationship with the larger diameter.Additionally,the higher the water jet pressure is,the more rapidly the annual area force increased with the diameter.When the force F 2is greater than the closing frictional resistance F f 2,the high pressure channel can shut down normally.As the load on the pick is complex in reality,the annual area should be designed to ensure normal opening and shutdown.The annual area parameters under different water jet pressures are shown in Table 2,where it can be seen that the external dia-meter increases with the water jet pressure,while the internal one remains unchanged.When the water jet pressure is 10MPa,the optimum external diameter is 40.6mm to ensure normalshutdown and rapid opening of self-controlling hydro-pick.3.2.Dynamic response performanceAs the rotating cycle of the cutting head is short,the self-controlling hydro-pick should have a rapid dynamic response to ensure its effectiveness.Dynamic response performance experi-ments were conducted on a test bed,and the test principle is shown in Fig.8(a)and (b).An acceleration sensor was fixed to the bottom of the pick,and a cylindrical hole was processed into the bottom of the pick holder.The length of the cylindrical hole was 0.5mm smaller than that of the acceleration sensor.When the self-controlling hydro-pick cutting rock,the oil pressure increased,the pick moved along the x-direction,and time was recorded as t 1.When the relative dis-placement of the pick and pick holder reached 3mm,the accel-eration sensor contacted the pick holder,and the time was re-corded as t 2.The opening time was de fined as t ¼t 2Àt 1.The external and internal diameters for optimum design were 40.6mm and 40mm,respectively,to ensure normal shutdown and rapid opening of the hydro-pick.The in fluences of cutting speed,water jet pressure and cutting depth on the dynamic re-sponse performance were studied.The cutting speed was set to 0.05m/s,0.1m/s,0.15m/s,0.2m/s,0.25m/s and 0.3m/s.The water jet pressure was set to 20MPa and 40MPa.The cutting depth was set to 3mm,6mm,9mm and 12mm.All of the listed cutting speed and cutting depths were tested at each of the jet pressures.When the cutting depth and speed were 3mm and 0.3m/s,respectively,the dynamic response was as shown in Fig.8(c)and (d).From Fig.8(c),the oil pressure and the pick acceleration were nearly 0,indicating that the pick was in the unloaded condition from 0to 1.967s;At 1.967–2.159s,the oil pressure increased gradually,but the acceleration remained near 0.The pick began to contact the rock and move backwards relative to the pick holder,and the valve port began to open gradually during the opening process.From 2.159to 3.223s,the oil pressure fluctuated stably,while the acceleration increased rapidly at first and then stabilized.While cutting the rock,the pick remained in the opening process.The acceleration sensor maintained contact with the bottom of the pick holder,and the fluctuations re flect the breakage of the rock.After 3.223s,the oil pressure and pick acceleration decreased ra-pidly,signifying that the pick was in the unloaded condition,and the valve port closed while the pick moved forward relative to the pick-holder,pressed by high pressure water.Similarly,from Fig.8(d),the dynamic response of self-control-ling hydro-pick includes three processes,opening process,cutting process and unload process.However,the opening time of 40MPa water jet is longer than the one of 20MPa water jet.Moreover,the maximum speed set in the hydraulic system of the test bed was 0.3m/s,less than the real cutting speed of the pick,which made it challenging to test the dynamic response under real conditions.Thus,it was necessary to study the relation between the dynamic response performance and cutting speed.Table 1Force of self-controlling hydro-pick under different water pressures.p /MPa F 2(N)F a (N)F f 2(N)001541541063610163802012721903631301909285494540254538811336Fig.7.Annual area force and frictional resistance during closing process.Table 2Design parameters of annual area.Water jet pressure (MPa)External diameter of an-nual area (mm)Internal diameter of annual area (mm)1040.60402040.50403040.50404040.5340S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Sciences 83(2016)14–2318The dynamic response under real conditions was predicted ac-cording to experiments.The relationship between the opening time and the cutting velocity (cutting depth 3mm)is shown in Fig.9(a).When the cutting velocity was less than 0.2m/s,the opening time decreased with the cutting velocity,and when the cutting velocity was larger than 0.2m/s,the opening time remained stable.Therefore,it would be reasonable to use 0.3m/s to simulate a real situation.The relationship between opening time and cut-ting depth (cutting velocity 0.3m/s)is shown in Fig.9(b).It can be seen that the opening time decreases linearly with the cutting depth.Therefore,the self-controlling hydro-pick is more suitable for cutting rock to larger cutting depths.Moreover,the opening time increased with the water jet pressure,and the smaller the cutting depth is,the greater is the in fluence of water jet pressure on opening time.When the cutting depth is 3mm,the opening time for a water pressure of 40MPa is two times that at 20MPa.When cutting depth and pressure are 12mm and 40MPa,re-spectively,the opening time is 0.035s.Thus,the water jet should be set according to the cutting depth for rapid dynamic response.3.3.Flow performanceTo demonstrate that the self-controlling hydro-pick can pro-duce high-pressure flow during cutting and low-pressure flow when unloaded,a flow performance experiment was conducted.Two kinds of picks were tested,including a common hydro-pick and a self-controlling one.The common hydro-pick is a standard pick with a centre flow channel,through which is not self-controlling so that water flows all the time.The damping hole of the self-controlling hydro-pick was 0.5mm.The common hy-dro-pick and the self-controlling one had the same inlet and outlet nozzle diameters to ensure the same flow during the opening process and different flows in the closing process.The test schematic for the flow performance experiments is shown in Fig.10(a).The common hydro-pick and the self-con-trolling one were axially fixed into their respective pick holders.Water at 10MPa,20MPa,30MPa,and 40MPa was pumped into each pick.A water storage tank was used to collect water from the picks after achieving stable flow.An electronic scale was used to weigh the water in the storage tank after 10min.The flow from the common hydro-pick and self-controlling hydro-pick in the unload condition is shown in Fig.10(b).The flows in the unload condition increased with the water jet pressure,and the trends for both picks were the same.It can be seen that the flow of the self-controlling hydro-pick was much less than that of the common one.Therefore,the self-controlling hy-dro-pick meets the design requirements and operates normally.The flow test above was in the unload condition.However,the pick impacts the rock during half the time in realcuttingFig.8.Test principle of dynamic response characteristics and dynamic responses of self-controlling hydro-pick.S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Sciences 83(2016)14–2319processes.To further consider the in fluence of the closing and opening processes on the flow performance,a percentage flow reduction η1was introduced ,which can be calculated byη=−(−+)+(−+)()⎡⎣⎤⎦q q t t q t t t q /4t t 1121212210100where q 1is the flow of common hydro-pick (L/min),q is the flowof the self-controlling hydro-pick in the unload condition (L/min),t 1is the opening time (s),t 2is the closing time (s),and t 0is the cutting cycle time (s).The percentage flow reduction of the self-controlling hydro-pick for different water jet pressures and cutting depths is shown in Fig.10(c).As seen in Fig.10(c),the percentage flow reduction of the self-controlling hydro-pick was approximately 30%.Under the same water jet pressure,the percentage increased with the cutting depth.The increases were small for pressures of 10MPa and 20MPa,while they were greater for 30MPa and 40MPa,as a re-sult of the close relationship between the dynamic response and the cutting depth.The higher the water jet pressure is,the greater is the in fluence of cutting depth on the closing and opening times.Under the same cutting depth,the percentage flow reduction decreased with the water jet pressure;the larger the cutting depth is,the less the decrease is.However,the in fluence of the cutting depth on the percentage flow reduction was not large (within 5%),as the closing and opening times were shorter than the cutting cycle time.Thus,the in fluence of the cutting depth could beignored if the dynamic response of the self-controlling hydro-pick was suf ficient.3.4.Rock breaking performanceRock breaking experiments for the common pick and the self-controlling hydro-pick were conducted on the rock breaking test bench (Fig.4).The common pick is a standard pick with no water jet assistance.The advancing speed of the pick was set to 0.25m/s by a speed control valve and veri fied by a displacement sensor.TheFig.9.Relationship between opening time and cuttingparameters.Fig.10.Test principle and results of flow characteristics.S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Sciences 83(2016)14–2320water jet pressure was set to 10MPa,20MPa,30MPa and 40MPa.The cutting depth was set to 3mm,6mm,9mm and 12mm.All of the listed cutting depths were tested at each of the jet pressures.The rock is arti ficial,con figured by cement,sand and gypsum.Its compression strength is 15.5MPa,its density is 2456kg/m 3,and its size is 600Â500Â200mm 3.During the experiments,the rock was placed on the propulsion unit and the cutting depth could be increased by placing a steel sheet under the rock sample.The rock could be fixed by the clamping cylinder to ensure the stability of the cutting process.After cutting,the pick was moved backwards and the rock was released by retracting the clampingcylinder.Then,the propulsion unit moved the rock sample to a new position for the next cutting.The cutting resistances of the common pick and the self-con-trolling hydro-pick (cutting depth 12mm and speed 0.25m/s)are shown in Fig.11.The force fluctuations of the common pick were greater than those of the self-controlling hydro-pick.Moreover,the fluctuations became smaller and steadier with increasing water jet pressure,which could reduce the wear and increase the life of the pick.It can be concluded through analysis that the rock broke under the common pick mainly from crack propagation and energy ac-cumulation and that this process took a long time.In contrast,by cutting with the self-controlling hydro-pick,the water jet en-hanced crack propagation,swept away the rock fragments im-mediately,and decreased the cutting force,and it took less time for the rock to break.Moreover,the water jet was more effective at higher pressures.However,bene fits of jet assistance are much lower than re-ported by other researchers.There are mainly two reasons.On one hand,the valve in self-controlling hydro-pick will not open only if the cutting force is great enough,thus,there will not be bene fits of jet assistance when cutting force is small.On the other hand,ac-cording to the research above,the higher the water jet pressure,the longer the opening time,then,the less effective the jet assis-tance.Thus,there will not be obvious bene fits of jet assistance with the increase of water jet pressure.The forces of the common pick and the self-controlling hydro-pick (cutting depth 12mm and speed 0.25m/s)were analysed statistically,as shown in Fig.12.The common pick operated under a water pressure of 0MPa,while the self-controlling hydro-pick operated under pressures of 10MPa,20MPa,30MPa and 40MPa.It can be seen that the average,maximum,peak average and the standard deviation of the cutting resistance decreases with the water jet pressure,and the downtrend is almost the same.To analyse the rock breaking performance,a water jet-assisted percentage statistics force reduction η2was introduced.η=−()F F F 5p z p2where F p is the force of common pick (kN)and F z is the force of the self-controlling hydro-pick (kN).Then,the percentage statistics force reduction of the self-con-trolling hydro-pick are calculated according to the data in Fig.12,shown in Fig.13.The percentage reduction of average,maximum,peak average and the standard deviation of the cutting resistance with water pressure were calculated.The degree of reduction was small from 20to 30MPa and larger from 0to 20MPa and from 30to 40MPa.It can be expected that there exists a critical pressure and an optimum crushing effect near this critical pressure.The average force reduction rate was 22.6%at a water jet pressure of 40MPa and a cutting depth of 12mm.Moreover,it should be noted that the standard deviation of the results is much more than the mean at different water jet pressure.It can be concluded that,for self-controlling hydro-pick,it is easier to reduce fluctuationofFig.11.Force of common pick and self-controllinghydro-pick.Fig.12.Force statistics for common pick and self-controlling hydro-pick.S.Liu et al./International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Sciences 83(2016)14–2321。
