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1) 要⿎励学⽣⾃⼰掌控学习,⽽不是只依赖⽼师。

(take control of, rather than)
The students should be encouraged to take control of their learning rather than just rely on the teacher.
2) 医⽣建议我储备⼀些蔬菜和⽔果。


(stock up on, in the meantime, keep track of)
The doctor advised me to stock up on fruits and vegetables. In the meantime, I also need to keep careful track of my weight.

(conquer, temptation, fall off the wagon)
A bad habit is hard to conquer. Sometimes one small temptation is enough to make someone fall off the wagon.

(weekly, focus on)
Since she started to exercise weekly, she has felt healthier and better able to focus on her work.
5) 减少了每天摄⼊的卡路⾥总量后,他注意到了体重的持续减轻。

(total, calorie, ingest, consistent)
After reducing the total number of calories ingested daily, he noticed a consistent loss of weight.
6) 很少有⼈能不借助医学帮助就克服⼀个成瘾性的习惯。

(rare, overcome, elements of addiction, medical assistance)
It’s rare for someone to overcome without medical assistance a habit that has elements of addiction.
7) ⼀旦下决⼼减肥,要作出决定,如能坚持⼀个⽉就给⾃⼰奖励。

(resolve, decide on, persevere)
Once you’ve resolved to lose weight, decide on a reward you will give
yourself if you persevere for one month.
8) 如果你不想饿昏或饿死,就多吃点,并且记住:健康永远是第⼀位的。

(faint, starve to death, take priority)
If you don’t want to faint from hunger or starve to death, eat more and remember that health always takes priority.
1) 每天腾出半个⼩时锻炼⾝体。


(set aside, pay off, in the long run)
Set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise. Regular exercise pays off in the long run.
2) 彼得沉浸在读书的愉悦之中。


(indulge in, besides, growth) Peter indulges himself in the joy of reading. He believes that besides bringing enjoyment to life, reading contributes to one’s personal growth.
3) 我们的⽼师会不时地邀请有趣的嘉宾演讲者到班级来演讲,就某个话题带来新鲜的想法。

(from time to time, invite)
From time to time, our teachers would invite interesting guest speakers into the classroom to bring fresh ideas on certain topics.
4) 在不知道电脑各个部件是如何组装的情况下便把它拆开是不明智的。

(make sense, take apart)
It doesn’t make sense to take your computer apart if you don’t know how its components fit together.
5) 你是否曾为不知该从哪⼉⼊⼿来装饰你的家⽽感到灰⼼丧⽓? (figure out, decorate)
Have you ever felt frustrated because you couldn’t figure out where to start when decorating your home?
6) 由于没有⾜够的经营零售业务的知识和经验,最终他们毫⽆赢利。

retail, end up)
Without enough knowledge and experience to operate a retail business, they ended up not making any profit.
7) 你如果觉得难以把注意⼒集中在演讲者的演讲上,那就试着在脑海中重复他的话语,这能够帮助你专注于他想传达的信息。

(concentrate on, convey)
If you find it difficult to concentrate on what the speaker is saying, try repeating his words mentally as he says them —this will help you stay focused on the message he wants to convey.
8) 如果你要的物品没有存货,必要的话,我们可以从供货商那⾥获取样品和图⽚让你过⽬。

(in stock, obtain, if necessary)
If the items you need are not in stock, we will obtain samples and pictures, if necessary, from our suppliers for you to review. Uint3

(spectacular, buy into)
As he has made spectacular improvement in his English through that method, more and more of his classmates are now buying into the approach.
2) 在这种情况下你若指望汤姆来帮忙的话,你很可能会失望的。

(count on, chances are that)
If you count on Tom for help under such circumstances, chances are that you will get disappointed.
3) 那本记录了他的商⾏倒闭的书教我懂得成功路上没有任何东西可以取代勤奋与持之以恒。

(document, substitution)
The book that documented the collapse of his business taught me that there was no substitution for diligence and perseverance on the road to success.
4) 世界上⼤部分⼈都渴望在⽣活中获得成功者,但是很少有⼈能制定所需⽬标并为之⽽奋⽃。

(have a hunger for, set goals) Most people in the world have a hunger for success in life but few of us will set the needed goals and work hard at them. 5) 就假想这个世界果真如这部电影所描述的那样美好吧!这个⼼态(state of mind)对我们的⼼理健康是必要的。

(make-believe, essential)
Just make-believe that the world is as beautiful as the film describes; such a state of mind is essential to your mental health.
6) 虽然他现在财源滚滚,他从不浪费⼀个⼦⼉⽤于个⼈享受。

(roll in cash, squander)
Even though he is rolling in cash, he never squanders a penny on his own enjoyment.
7) 如果你知道如何把别⼈的想法融⼊到⾃⼰的计划中,我肯定你将会取得预期的成果。

(incorporate, prospective)
If you know how to incorporate other people’s ideas into your plan, I am sure you will achieve the prospective results.
8) 虽然他全职⼯作了多年,但是汽车对他的家庭来说仍然是个昂贵的东西。

(fulltime, big-ticket item)
Although he has worked full-time for many years, an automobile is still a big-ticket item for his family.
1) 房东说我只能在郊区租⼀套不太⼤的⼀室户;在城⾥富裕的社区这么低廉的租⾦甚⾄连付⼀间房间的租⾦都不够。

(landlord, rent, modest, suburb, affluent)
The landlord said that I could only rent a modest one-bedroom apartment in the suburbs; such a low rent would not even pay for a room in an affluent city community.
2) 他常常花钱⽐⼯资还多,所以负债累累。


(wage, frugality, overspend, be saddled with)
He often overspends his wages and so is saddled with great debts; someone should teach him a lesson in frugality.
3) 在她的新书中,她提问道:“努⼒奋⽃的年轻⼈能否不靠⽗母的帮助⽽实现⾃⼰的抱负呢?”(pose, striver, ambition)
In her new book she poses the question "Can young strivers realize their ambitions without the help from their parents?" 4) 就在这位制造商⼏乎破产甚⾄付不出公⽤事业费的时候,他奇迹般地从银⾏贷到60万美元,还清了所有债务。

(manufacturer, afford, utility, miraculously)
Just when the manufacturer was almost broke and could not even afford the utility fee, he got a loan of $600,000 from the bank miraculously and paid back all his debts.
5) 贝蒂穿的时髦丝质衬衫引来众多羡慕的⽬光。

(admire, fancy, silk, blouse)
That fancy silk blouse Betty wears draws a lot of admiring glances.
6) 我从他频繁地下饭馆吃饭推断他近来经济宽裕多了。

(frequent, financially, better off, infer)
I inferred from his frequent visits to the restaurant that he was much better off financially.
7) 在开始关于消费习惯的讨论之前,带队者对研讨会与会者的每⽉预算做了⼀番调查。

(probe, discussion, consumption, budget)
Before starting the discussion on consumption habits, the leader probed those who attended the seminar about their monthly budget.
8) 我们计划明年放弃其他商品,专卖电⼦产品,以迎合年轻⼀代的爱好。

(cater to, electronics, forgo, merchandise)
We plan to forgo other merchandise and focus only on electronics in order to cater to the younger generation.
1) 在经济衰退期间,商店为了吸引顾客不得不多次降低商品的价格。

(recession, again and again, draw in)
During the recession, stores had to lower the prices of the goods again and again to draw customers in.
2) 她从以往的⼯作中获得了⼤量的经验,并将把这些经验运⽤到新的⼯作中。

(a wealth of, previous, put… to use)
She has gained a wealth of experience from previous jobs and will put it to use in the new job.
3) 史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)⽆疑是技术产业的领军⼈物之⼀。


(no doubt, brand, a household name)
Steve Jobs was no doubt one of the leading figures of the tech industry. He turned the Apple brand into a household name.
4) 随着业务的发展,⼯⼚主开发了许多新产品,雇⽤了更多的⼯⼈。

(expand, a host of, employ)
As the business expanded, the owner of the factory developed a host of new products and employed more workers.
5) 虽然凭信⽤购物是当时的惯例,梅西买卖商品时却只做现⾦交易。

(merchandise, exclusively, on a cash basis, credit, norm)
Macy bought and sold merchandise exclusively on a cash basis though using credit was the norm at that time.
6) 从⼏乎⼀⽆所有他最终成为了他那个时代最成功的商⼈,在零售⾏业取得了巨⼤的成就。

( comparatively, ultimately, era, accomplishment)
From comparatively nothing, he ultimately became the most successful merchant of his era, having achieved great accomplishments in the retail industry.
7) 他到城市⾥来找⼯作,并且还尝试做零售⽣意,想要多赚些钱。

(in search of, dabble in, retail, intention)
He moved to the city in search of a job, dabbling in the retail business with the intention of making more money.
8) 凭着从失败的⽣意中吸取的教训,他开展了⼀些新颖的⼴告宣传活动,这些后来成为了其公司营销策略的主要部分。

(build on, innovative, advertising campaign, part and parcel, marketing strategy)
Building on lessons learned from his failed ventures, he launched some innovative advertising campaigns which later became part and parcel of his company’s marketing strategies.。
