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Essential Organic Chemistry
Paula Yurkanis Bruice
What is Organic Chemistry?
What is chemistry?
Answer: If you look 'chemistry' up in Webster's Dictionary, you'll see: “chem·is·try” n., pl. –tries. 1. the science that systematically studies the composition,
課程內容 課程教學大綱簡介與評量方式說明; 序言~有機化學是什麼? 和平紀念日放假一天 CH.1-電子結構與化學鍵結 CH.2-酸與鹼 CH.3-有機化合物簡介:命名、物理特性與結構式表示法 CH.4-烯類的結構、命名、穩定度與反應性介紹 兒童節放假一天 期中筆試 (一) CH.5-烯類和炔類的反應 CH.6-異構物與立體化學 CH.7-共振對穩定性、反應性及pKa之效應 CH.8-芳香族化合物之反應性 期中筆試 (二) CH.9-鹵烷類之取代與移除反應 CH.10-醇、酚、醚、胺與環氧化合物之反應 CH.11-羰基化合物-親核性醯類取代反應 CH.12-羰基化合物-醛、酮、酸及其衍生物之反應 期末筆試
6. Chemistry teaches useful skills. Because it is a science, learning chemistry means learning how to be objective and how to reason and solve problems.
2. A basic understanding of chemistry helps you to read and understand product labels.
3. Chemistry can help you make informed decisions. Will a product work as advertised or is it a scam?
10. Chemistry is fun! There are lots of interesting chemistry projects you can do using common everyday materials. Chemistry projects don't just go boom. They can glow in the dark, change colors, produces bubbles and change states.
Physics tends to focus more on the nuclear part of the atom, as well as the subatomic realm.
Really, they are two sides of the same coin.
But if you ask me, “What is chemistry?”……
It now includes the study of carbon compounds which are not found in living things and so is an incredibly large branch of modern chemistry.
What makes carbon so
Science teachers study chemistry. Fire fighters and people who make fireworks learn about chemistry.
So do truck drivers, plumbers, artists, hairdressers, chefs... the list is extensive.
Here are some of the best reasons to study chemistry.
1. Chemistry helps you to understand the world around you. Why does leaves change color in the fall? Why are plants green? How is cheese made? What is in soap and how does it clean?
5. A command of chemistry can help keep you safe! You'll know which household chemicals are dangerous to keep together or mix and which can be used safely.
Another definition is short and sweet:
Chemistry is the “scientific study of matter and energy and the interactions
between them”.
This is also the definition for physics, by the way. Chemistry and physics are specializations of physical
What is organic chemistry?
We used to describe organic chemistry as the chemistry of living things.
Since the chemistry of living things is based on carbon, the chemistry of carbon compounds has come to be known as organic chemistry.
7. Chemistry helps you to understand current events, including news about petroleum, product recalls, pollution, the environment and technological advances.
Carbon forms four bonds
Carbon can form four bonds, and forms strong covalent bonds with other elements
This can be represented in many ways …
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱCH3 CH3
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon and the study of the chemistry of life.
What fields of study use chemistry?
You could use chemistry in most fields, but it's commonly seen in the sciences and in medicine.
Chemists, physicists, biologists, and engineers study chemistry. Doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physical therapists, and veterinarians all take chemistry courses.
science. Chemistry tends to focus on the properties of substances
and the interactions between different types of matter, particularly reactions that involve electrons.
Since not all carbon reactions are organic, another way to look at organic chemistry would be to consider it the study of molecules containing the carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bond and their reactions.
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8. Chemistry makes life's little mysteries a little less.... mysterious. Chemistry explains how things work.
9. Chemistry opens up career options. There are many careers in chemistry, but even if you're looking for a job in another field, the analytical skills you gained in chemistry are helpful.
Why study chemistry?
Answer: Chemistry is everywhere in the world around you! It's in the food you eat, clothes you wear, water you drink, medicines, air, cleaners... you name it. Chemistry sometimes is called the "central science" because it connects other sciences to each others, such as biology, physics, geology and environmental science.
properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc. 3. a. sympathetic understanding; rapport. b. sexual attraction. 4. the constituent elements of something; the chemistry of love.
It has a “central” role in all living organisms. It has 4 valence electrons. It makes 4 covalent bonds.
It can bond with any element, but really loves to bond with other carbon atoms and make long chains
4. Chemistry is at the heart of cooking. If you understand the chemical reactions involved in making baked goods rise or neutralizing acidity or thickening sauces, chances are you'll be a better cook.