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n<br> 方法 Tie2-GFP转基因小鼠7只,左侧颈总动脉永久性
结扎结合右侧颈总动脉短暂结扎方法制备慢性脑缺血模型,分别在脑缺血前(D0)和脑缺血后7 d(D7),利用颅窗和激光共聚焦显微镜活体观察小鼠脑缺血前后

n<br> 结果①缺血前和脑缺血
后7 d毛细血管直径分别是(6.62±0.75)μm和(12.50±3.29)μm,脑缺血后
毛细血管直径较缺血前扩张(P<0.001);②脑缺血前和脑缺血后7 d毛细血管
密度分别为每感兴趣区域(region of interest,ROI)(11.67±1.72)个和每ROI(11.08±2.06)个,差异无显著性(P=0.0583);③脑缺血前和脑缺血后7 d分支毛细血管、网状毛细血管、集合毛细血管及细动静脉直通支直径分别为(6.33±0.94)μmvs (12.36±3.20)μm,(6.87±1.10)μmvs (12.37±2.78)μm,(6.37±0.52)μmvs (11.41±3.10)μm及(6.35±0.92)μmvs

n<br> 结论慢性脑缺血后皮层

%Objective To dynamically observe the morphological changes of the cortical vessel in mice after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion through a cranial window. n<br> Methods The left common carotid artery ligation and transient right common carotid artery ligation operations were performed on 7 Tie2-GFP transgenic mice. The cortical vessels were observed using confocol microscopy through a cranial window before brain ischemia (D0) and 7 days after brain ischemia (D7). The diameter and density of capillaries, along with the diameter and morphological change of arterioles and venules, were analyzed. n<br> R esults①The diameters of capillary before and 7 days after the brain ischemia were (6.62±0.75)μm and (12.50±3.29)μm, which increased significantly after brain ischemia (P<0.001).②The capillary densities before and 7 days after the brain ischemia were (11.67±1.72) segments per region of interest (ROI) and (11.08±2.06) segments per ROI. The difference was not signiifcant
(P=0.0583).③The diameters of the precapillary arteriole, post capillary venule, true capillary and thoroughfare channel before and 7 days after the brain ischemia were (6.33±0.94)μmvs (12.36±3.20)μm, (6.87±1.10)μmvs
(12.37±2.78)μm, (6.37±0.52)μmvs (11.41±3.10)μm and (6.35±0.92)μm vs
(13.91±6.17)μm, respectively, all increased significantly after brain ischemia (P<0.01, <0.01,<0.01, and <0.05, respectively). The most signiifcant dilation was observed in thoroughfare channel.④The diameters of venules on D0 and D7 were (19.59±8.74)μm and (24.81±6.25)μm, which increased signiifcantly after brain ischemia (P=0.0054). However, the diameters of
arterio les on D0 and D7 were (12.71±2.10)μm and (13.20±3.09)μm, the difference was not signiifcant (P=0.2947);⑤Capillary remodeling, tortuosity and new anastomosis between venules were observed after brain ischemia. n<br> Conclusion The dilation of capillaries and venules were observed after brain ischemia. These changes may contribute to the regulation of cerebral blood flow after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.
【作者单位】100044 北京北京大学人民医院神经内科;100044 北京北京大学人民医院神经内科;北京大学医药卫生分析中心;100044 北京北京大学人民医院神经内科
1.反复脑缺血-再灌注导致血管性痴呆小鼠行为学变化的动态观察 [J], 王天俊;吕佩源;王贺波;张和振;靳玮;郭宗成
2.活体双光子成像观察小鼠脑血管CO2反应性及其机制 [J], 李明月;吴腾腾;张赛;裴中;陶玉倩
3.脑缺血再灌注拟血管性痴呆小鼠皮层及海细胞病理形态学动态观察 [J], 赵建新;田元祥;李国明;王利慧;甄彦君
4.慢性氟中毒伴糖尿病小鼠红细胞形态学变化的研究 [J], 秦纹;钟近洁;吕文魁;白生宾;范淑玲;李甜;冯树梅;廖礼彬;张亚楼;王洪波
5.应用活体冷冻技术动态观察各种血流动力学改变时血清白蛋白在小鼠近端肾小管的分布变化 [J], 李子龙;N.Terada;N.Ohno;S.Ohno
