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九年级英语检测(Unit 1-2)
Name __________ Mark ________ 一•单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
( )1. Hobo, it's nice ____________ you __________ me the newspaper here・
A.for, to take
B. of, bring
C. of, to bring
D. for, take
( )2. SOme PeOPle believe that PeOPle __________ the Same anima Sign Share Similar CharaCteriStiCS・
A.born Under
B. born in
C. born through
D. born On
( )3. — HOW do you Iike the two PairS Of trousers?
―They don't fit me Well・ They are ______ too IOng ______ too ShOrt・
A.not only: but also
B. both; and
C. neither; nor
D. either; Or
( )4.1 hope you Can agree _________ me・
B. about
C. to
D. for
()5. ― COUld you tell me __________ ? ― Look! He is Playing basketball OVer there.
A. Where SCOt is
B. What is SCOt doing
C. how SCOt did it
D. Why SCOt is doing it ( )6. DO you know about colours?
A. anything interested
B. anything interesting
C. interesting anything
()7.Which Of the SentenCeS is RIGHT?
A. I'd rather Wear White than pink.
B. Γd rather White to pink.
C. I'd rather to Wear White than Pink・
D. I'd rather Wearing White than Pink
( )8. YOU are ___________ to Wait for a IOng time WithOUt getting angry・
A. Patient enough
B. enough Patient
C. impaticm enough
D. not Patient enough
( )9. He has SOme difficulty _____ the task On time・
A. finishing
B. finishes
C. finish
D. to finish
( )10. He PrOmiSed ________ h is OId friend during his Stay in Tianjin.
A. See
B. Seeing
C. SaW
D. to See
( )11 ・ I'm sleepy. I Prefer ____ at home to going OUt for a Walk・
A. SleePing
B. to SleeP
C. SIePt
D. SleeP
( )12.—Sam・ What Can I do to get UP early?
■一Set the alarm(闹钟)at 6:00a.m., __ you, 11 make it.
A. Or
B. but
C. and
( )13.Γm thankful to you for_____ the new ChairPerSon.
A. recommend Ine as
B. recommending me as
C. recommend me for
D. recommending me for
( )14. ■一WhiCh do you PrefeE a CD Player Or a Walkman? —_______ ・ I Prefer a POrtable COmPUter.
A. BOth
B. Either
C. NOne
D. Neither
( )15.0Ur PhySiCS teacher told US Iight ________ faster than SOUnd・
A. travels
B. traveled
C. traveling
D. to travel

M: GOOd afternoon. I believe this house is for Sale ・
W: ThatS right.
M: May I have a l∞k at it, please? W: Yes, Of COUrSe. Let me 16 you around it.
M: HOW IOng have you IiVed here?
W: Γve IiVed here SinCe my SOn 17 born, and he s 30.
M: Oh, that ,s 18 IOng time. Then Why do you Want to Sell it?
W: Γve just retired. I Want to buy a Small house in the COUntry. Il's quiet and the air is fresh there. M: HOW InUCh do you Want 19 it?
W: $150,000・
M: Thafs 20 money. Can you bring it down (减价)?
W: Γm SOrry but I think it's WOrth the PriCe ・
M: WeIL I Iike the house but I can ,t decide yet. My Wife must See it first.
HOw to COmPlain? HOW do you disagree 21 Or COmPlain to SOnleOne in a POIite way?
YOUr teacher SayS PlUtO is a Planet (行星)and you know that it s not. Here's One 22 Way to tell the teacher. YOU Can 23 "Excuse me, teacher, but I have heard that SCientiStS now don't Call PlUtO a planet." If you don't Say "excuse me" and USe WOrdS Iike " 24 ", your teacher Will feel 25 .
We need to COmPlain at Other times too. YOU have bought an MP3 player. The ShOP assistant told you that the Player also had a radio. YblI buy it but find that it doesn't. YbU need to go back to the 26 and COmPlam. YbU Call Say to the assistant, T WaS told that the MP3 had a radio but it doesn 5t ・ I WOUld Iike my InOney back please." ThiS is a POlite Way Of 27 ・ YOIl Say Why you are not SatiSfied (满意的),but you do not CalI the assistant a Iiar (骗子)・
We have disagreements With 28 SOmetimeS. If your friend IeaVeS teacups and Candy
WraPPerS (糖纸)around, you Can try this: "It ,s really a bit CIiffiCUlt to do my homework in here With this mess (脏舌L)・ WOUld you 29 being a IittIe tidier please? ()16. A. ShOW
B. ShOWed
C. ShOWing (
)17.A. is B. WaS C. be (
)18. A. quite a B. a quiet C. Very r a (
)19. A. With B. of C. for ( )20. A. many
B. IOt Of
C. a IOtS
D. to ShOW D. Were D. quic( a D. at D. a IOt Of W: WOnlen always have the IaSt word.
AlWayS remember, If you have to disagree Witll someone, it's
()21. A. With
()22. A. rude
()23. A. tell
()24. A. right
()25. A. happy
()26. A. StOre
( )27・ A. requesting ()2& A. teachers
()29. A. mind
()30. A. always B. about
B. POlite
B. COrreCt
B. UnhaPPy
B. home
B. COmPlaining
B. relatives
B. realize
B. SOmetimeS
C. for
C. USUal
C. Say
C. g∞d
C. PICaSant
C. ICader
C. inviting
C. friends
C. Care
C. SeldOm
30 best to be polite!
D. to
D. COmmOn
D. talk
D. WrOng
D. ImPlCaSam
D. OffiCe
D. OrdCring
D. neighbors
D. remind
D. never

TearS Came into this InOther,s eyes When She talked about Waking UP her son. EVCry morning, her ten-year-old boy PUtS UP One finger With his eyes StilI closed, begging for One more minute to sleep.
Why is he SO sleepy? Because, Iike thousands Of StUdent "early birds" in China・ he has to get UP before 6 a.m. every InOrning・
SChOOl StUdentS USUally need eight to ten hours, SleeP a night. BUt in Shanghai, it's reported that 90% Of the StUdentS Can not get enough SIeeP・ And StUdieS ShOW that WithOUt a good night ,s sleep. StUdentS Seem to be Weaker than they ShOUId be. Many become near-sighted as a result・
Li Ming, a StUdent at Qing Hua High SChOOI, Said that he USUany goes to bed after 11 p.m. BUt When he has exams COming up. he Can Stay UP as Iate as midnight. ThiS "night birds" IifeStyle has Inade many StUdentS nod Off (打盹)in ClaSS・ Li Ming Said that it is during afternoon CIaSSeS that he feels most sleepy. “My ParentS are USUally happy to See Ine StUdying SO late," he said.八They think I WOrk Very hard and they make Ine CUPS Of coffee."
HOweVen not all ParentS are happy about this "My daughter gets UP SO early. She IOOkS tired and it really hurts mcT Said One Of the ParentS・ Why don't SO many StUdentS get enough sleep? NOW many members Of SOCiety began to think about it.
()31 .The 10-year-old boy,s mother talked about Waking UP her SOn With tears in her eyes because _______________ .
A.her son,s IaCk Of SleeP (缺少睡眠)hurt her but She had to Wake him UP
B.her SOn WaSn,t good at IeSSOnS
C.She thought her SOn WaS too IaZy
D. her SOn WaS badly ill
()32.School StUdentS USUany need to SleeP for ________ a night.
A. more than 10 hours
B. at IeaSt 8 hours
C. IeSS than 8 hours
D. 6 to 8 hours
()33.For SChOOl StUdentS JaCk Of SleeP may Iead to _____________ .
A. the body s WeakneSS
B. nodding Off in CIaSS
C. near-sighted eyes
D. all the above
()34.Li Ming5s mother is _________ to SeC him StUdying la©
A. SOrry
B. WOrried
C. happy
D. angry
()35.Which One is TRUE according to the passage?
A.All the ParentS hope their Children Stay UP
B.NO StUdentS COmPIain about their IaCk Of SleeP
C.MOSt StUdentS WatCh TV Or Play COInPUter games deep into night.
D.SOme ParentS WOrry about the fact that most Of the StUdCntS don,t have enough SleeP・
PEOPLE have been gardeners in Britain for hundreds Of years・ They IOVe to PUt On their OId ClOtheS and get their hands dirty in the back garden On a SUnday afternoon.
MOSt PCOPle in Britain have Small gardens at the backs Of their houses and SOmetimeS at the fronts Of them too. EVen a PerSOn IiVing in a tower block (髙层建筑)Will have a WindOW box for a few flowers・BritiSh gardens are not Iike ChineSe OneS・ A garden in Britain Will mostly be made UP Of a IaWn(草坪)・AlOng the SideS Of the IaWn Will be flowerbeds WhCre PeOPle grow roses, daffodils (水仙)and tulips (郁金香)∙There Will also be bushes and Small trees. PeOPle keep their gardens Very CarefUlly. They mow (害IJ) the grass CVCry Week. AS SOOn as they See a Weed (里于草)・they take it out.
They WOrk VerJ f hard in their gardens・ but they Iike to enjoy them too. In the SUnlmertime, When the Weather is warm, they Iike to Sit in them and eat their IUnCheS Or read newspapers. YOUng ChiIdren make
mud PieS (泥团)in them and get VCry dirty. The OIder OneS USe the Iawn to Play f∞tball on. SOmetinleS the grown-ups even join in!
( )36.A BritiSh garden is Inade UP Of _____ ・
A. a IaWn
B. SOme flowerbeds
C. bushes and Small trees
D. all the above
( )37・ HOW do PeOPle in Britain keep their gardens?
A. They Play games in their gardens・
B. They mow their IaWn every day.
C. They try to keep WeedS OUt Of their gardens・
D. They did nothing in their gardens・ ( )38・Where do PeOPle IiVe in tall buildings grow PlantS according to the text?
A. InSide their flats.
B. In Small COntainerS (容器)OInSidC the windows.
C. On the tops Of the buildings・
D. Insidc a PaPer box・
( )39・ The grown-ups Often _______ i n IhCir gardens・
A. make mud PieS
B. eat IUnCheS and read newspapers
C. Play football
D. NOne Of the above・
( )40. We Can infer from the StOry r that ________ ・
A. PeOPle in Britain enjoy their IiVeS
B. there are more flowers in Britain than in China
C. CVCryOnC IikeS to have gardens
D. BritiSh gardens are SimiIar to ChineSe OneS・
When you are Iearning English, listening, SPeaking and Writing are important, but reading Can also be Very helpful. When you read, you CannOt Only Iearn SOme new words, but also you Can Iearn how to USe these EngIiSh WOrdS・ When you read, it gives you a good example for Writing・
GOOd reading tips (建议):
Try to read at the right IeVel (水平)∙RCad SOmething that you Can (more Or IeSS ) UnderStand. If you need to StOP every three WOrdS to USe a dictionary, it is not interesting.
Try to increase the number Of your new WOrdS・If there are four Or five new WOrdS On a page, Write them In your notebook. BUt you don't have to Write them While you read. Instead, try to guess their meanings as you read, and mark them With a Pen・ Then COme back When you have finished reading to IOOk them UP in a dictionary and Write them in your OWn VOCabUlary book. Then try to remember them・Try to read regularly (定期)∙FOr example. read for a ShOrt time OnCe a day. Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday. FiX (固左)a time to read and keep to it. FOr example, you COUId read for fifteen minutes When you go to bed, Or When you get UP Or at IUnChtime.
Read What interests you. ChOOSe a book Or a magazine about a SUbjeCt that you Iike・ BeCaUSe you are going to SPend time and money to read it, ChOOSe an interesting One・ YOU Can also read newspapers ・There are Inany EngIiSh newspapers in China. FOr example, 21st CentUry TeenS .It is easy enough for you to UnderStand・ There is SOnIething interesting in it.
( )41 ・ HOW many reading tips does the Writer give us?
A. Six.
B. Three.
C. Five.
D. Four.
()42. WhiCh Of the following is tπιe?
A.When you read, you Can Only ICarn SOme new WOrdS・
B.It is interesting for you to StOP every three WOrdS to USe a dictionary.
C.Reading a IOt Can help you Write bette匚
D.Try to Iead SOmethlilg that you can't UnderStand to make your EngliSh bette匚
( )43・ If you meet a few WOrdS On a Page While reading, __________________ ・
A. Write them down at OnCe
B. guess the meaning at first
C. give UP reading
D. don't IlIark Witll a Pell
( )44. TO make your reading better, _________________ ・
A.OnIy read a magazine about a SUbjeCt that you Iike
B.reading EngliSh for two hours every SUnday is much better than a ShOrt time OnCe a day
C.you ShOUld read SOmething that you Iike for a ShOrt time OnCe a day at IeaSt
D.ιt,s enouglι for you to read 21st CennIry TeellS
( )45. The best title is _________________ .
A. Reading is Very HeIPfUl
B. When to RCad
C. What to Read
D. HOW to Make Reading Better
四.词汇(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) °

46.Do you know Jim has WOn high __________________ (赞扬)from PrOfeSSOr Wang?
47.Mr WU is Patient enough to SPend IOtS Of time ________________ (解释)things to us.
48.What We read Can _________________ (影响)Our thoughts.
49.My teacher Often ______________ (建议)me reading more to improve my EngIiSh.
50.RCd Can help you When you have ___________________ (困乂隹)making a decision.

51 ・ Hc didift PaSS the exam because Of his ____________ (care).
52.YOIl ShOUld try your best _____________ (PraCtiCe) Singing and dancing.
53.BIUe is a CaInl and PCaCefUl COlOUn SO Wearing blue Can make US feel ________________ (relax).
54.RiCky is COnfident enough to express _______________ (he) Well・
55.The Slln gives US not Only Iight but also _____________ (hot).

do extra WOrk decide OrganiZed advice SUitable
56.It's really difficult to Inake a final ___________ nOW. I give it up.
57.Annie WantS to USe the COnIPUter to help herself get _______________________ than before・
58.MaX gave me SOme _________________ On how to Iearn EngIiSh WeIl IaSt night.
59.Andy is ______________________ One to be the InOnitOr Of all the StUdentS・
60.WOUld you mind _____________________________ for the StUdents, Union?
五•完成句子(每空限填一词,共6小题;每空1分,满分15分) 61•他很容易就能想到一个好主意。

It is easy for him to __________________________________ a good idea.

Mr Wang has _____________ his Iife ______________________ maths.

We ShOUld try to ______________ him _____________ .

BlUe ___________ g∞d ____________ you.

We think IhiS SOng Can _____________ him ___________ his ParentS・

A year ___________________________________ four different seasons.

(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
In a Prinlary school, a teacher asked her StUdCntS What they WiShed to become When they grew up. There Were SeVeral a_67_ ■一 a doctor, a teacher, a film-star and SO on.
One Of Ihe StUdentS gave a S_68_ answer. TllIS ClIild said,"I ^r ant to be a television!'The teacher asked the Child W_69_ he had SUCh a wish. He said. With his eyes full O_70_ tears,4 There IS no One at home to WatCh me Or Care for me・ EVeryOne SitS around the television・ If there is a_7l_ WrOng With the T∖∖tlιey give great attention to It aιιd fix it at once."
The IOVing teacher met the child's mother and t_72_about this WItll her. The mother said. "My husband is a Very busy businessman・HC n_73~ IlaS tmιe to IOOk after the Chlld " "But What about you ?'、the teacher asked the mother ^What do you know about me? Γm the PreSidCnt Of the women's club. I have S_74 many meetmgs and activities/5 The teacher now UnderStOOd why the ChiId f_75_ IOneIy at home.
"I think Children Want their ParentS to SPend m_76_ time Wlth them/' SaId the teacher.












Dear Mr Wu.
YOUrS SinCereIy,
