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13.Less than that!
If Maggie put the oldquilts on the bed, they wouldbe in rags less than fiveyears、
14.This was thewaysheknewGod to work、
She knew this was the way she should behave、

A big fire burned morethan 300homesto the ground in the slum、
Aslong as you are upright and not afraid oflosing anything,youcan look anyone inthe eye、

Despite the flood, the losses in agricultural production were notthat serious thisyear、
Thisblouse doesn't matcheither the color or the style of theskirt、5)咱们一边喝咖啡一边谈这件事情吧
Let's talk aboutthematterovera cup of coffee、
I can't imagineyoudoingdisgraceful things、
Hecouldn't imagine why peoplewere opposed tohis opinion s、

Steppingout of the car,the officialwasconfronted by two terrorists、

As longas westickto these principles,weare sureto succeed、

She was extremelyshocked atthenews,butshe soon reposed h erself、

It is very difficult to tracethisquotation to its source、
12)她们得生活方式可以追溯到一千多年前她们得祖宗所开创得古老传统. Theirwayof life couldbetraced to theancient traditions passed down tothem by their ancestors over athousand yearsago、
Lesson5Speech on Hitler's Invasionof the U、S、S、R、1) Hitler wascounting on enlistingcapitalist andRightWingsympathies inthis country and the U、S、A、
Hitlerwasexpectingthathe wouldwin the support of capitalist andRight in Britainand the U、S、
2) Winant said thesame wouldbe true of the U、S、A、
Winant said theUnitedStates would do the same、
3) My life is much simplifiedthereby、
Itis easier for me to make decision、
4)I see theGerman bombers and fighters in thesky still smart ing from aBritish whipping,delighted to find what they belie veis aneasier and a saferprey、
I could imagine the German bombers and fighters in the skywho aft er sufferingsevere losses inthe aerialbattle of England,n owfeel happy,because they thinkthey can easily beat theRussian without heavyloss、
5)We shall be strengthenednot weakenedin determination and in resources、
We shall bemoredetermined andmakebetteruse of ourresources、
6) Letus redouble ourexertions,andstrike with united strengthwhilelifeandpowerremain、、Let us strengthen ourunity andmake ourefforts tofight a gainst Hitleras long aswe have life and power、

This is trueof the rural area aswellasof theurban area、2)她指望她们给予支持。

He was counting on their support、
I couldn't remember his exactwords,butI'm sure he did saysomethingto that effect、

Churchill said,"Tell StalinthatBritainhas but one desiret odefeat Hitler、”
Only/ All but 9%of the populationin thatcountry remains illiterate、

Theydid nothave any choice but to rely on his efforts、

The guests were overwhelmed by thewarm reception、8)她们用出其不意得进攻打垮了敌人.
They overwhelmed theenemy by a surprising attack、

Their difficulty is ourdifficulty just as we view their victory asourownvictory、

Itis clear that German fasciststried to subjugate the p
eople in that region、
Lesson 6 Blackmail
1) Thehousedetective’s piggy eyes surveyedhersardon ically from his gross jowled face、
The house detective'ssmall narroweyes looked at her upand down scornfully from hisfat face with a heavy jowl、
2)Prettyneat sit-upyoufolksgot、
Youhave got a prettyniceroom
3) The obese body shook in anappreciativechuckle、
The fatbody shook with a self-enjoy chuckle、
4)Helowered thelevel ofhis incongruous falsetto voice、He loweredthe volume of hisunnaturallyhigh-pitched voice、
5)The words spatforthwith suddensavagery,allpretense o fblandness gone、
The words werespat out suddenly with brutality,the pretended soothing disppearing、
6) The duchess ofCroydon—threecenturies and a half ofinbredarrogance behind her -—did not yield easily、
The Duchesswas supported by her arroganceing from noble families with a history of three centuriesand ahalf、Shewouldn't give up easily、
7) “It isno go,old girl、I‘mafraid、Itwas a goodtry、”
It's no use、Ithink anything is worthyto try to save thesituation、8)“That’s morelikeit," Ogilvie said、He lit the fresh ciga r,“now we are getting somewhere、”
"That's more satisfied,”Ogilvie said、He litanother cigar,"Now we're making some progress、"
9)、、、hiseyessardonically on the Duchessasifchallen ging her objection、
、、、he looked atthe Duchess in a cynical wayas if he wa nted to seeif shedaredtoobject to his smoking、
10)The housedetective clucked his tonguereprovingly、
The house detectivemadenoises with histongue tosho whisscolding、

There is no call for hurry、Take your time。

Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie?
He tried every means toconceal the fact。


Athoughour chance of successis very slim, weshall stilldo our best.

Neither of us is adept at figures.
Assuming we set outat5o’clock in the morning,would it bepossible toreach thatplace before dusk?

He was reluctant to ply with her request、

Iknow you are from theSouth、 Your accent has betrayed you、9)在这件事情上,我们没有任何选择得余地。

Wehave no alternative in this matter、

We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning, unless notifi
ed analternativetime.
Lesson 9Mirror ofAmerica
1) A man whobecameobsessedwiththe frailties of the humanra ce、
A man became preoccupied by the moral weaknesses of man kind、
2) Mark Twain digested the new Americanexperience beforesharingit with theworldas writer and lecturer、
Mark Twain first observed andabsorbed the newAmerican experience, and then introduce itto theworldinhis b ooks or lectures、
3)The cast of characters set before him inhisnew profession was rich and varied—-acosmos、
Inhis newprofessionhecould meetpeopleof all kinds、4)Broke and discouraged,he accepteda job asreporterwi th the Virginia CityTerritorial Enterprise 、
Penniless and disheartened,he accepted a jobasreporter with Territorial Enterprise inVirginiaCity、
5) Mark Twain began digginghisway toregional fame as a newspaper reporter andhumorist、
MarkTwain began working hard to becamefamous locally asa newspaper reporter and humorist、
6)”and when she projects a newsurprise, thegrave world smilesas usual,and says 'Well,thatisCalifornia allover''
“and when California organizes another new surprising enterprise,the solemnpeoplein other states of the U、S、sm ileasusual,makinga ment "that’s typical of California”
7)Bitternessfed on theman who had made theworldlau gh、
The man whohadmade theworld laugh washimself consumed bybitterness、

He was obsessedwithfear of poverty、
Dongting Lake teemswithfish and shrimps、
Tomwas everybitas bright as the topstudent in his class、4)我认识她,但我们说不上就是朋友。

Heis anacquaintanceofmine,butnot a friend、
Underpressure,hehad no other choicebuttoquit offic e、

Finally hesuccumbed to her persuasion anddecided to changehisoriginal plan、

Many childrensuccumbed to small poxthen、

Much tohis horror, he found the cabin flooded、

The kids did extremely well in their exam,to the great satisfactionof both parents andteachers、

That's Peter allover、
Notuntil midnightdidthesurgeon finish the operation、

The history course has acquaintedme withancient civilizations、

Theold writershapedthe folktale into afilmscenario、14)新上演得那出话剧充分表现了中国人民大无畏得革命精神。

The dauntless/boldrevolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds fullexpression inthenew play、
Lesson10The TrialThat Rocked the World
1)We'llshow them a few tricks、
Wewill demonstatesomesklls tosurpassthem、2)The casehaderupted roundmy head
The casehad occurred to me unexpectedly and violently、3)The fundamentalists adhered toa literal interpretation of the OldTestament、
The fundamentalists believe in aword-for-wordacceptance of what is said in theBible、
4)Thatallanimal life、、、had evolvedfromamon ancestor
Thatallanimallife had developed gradually from a monoriginal organism、
5)"Let's take this thing tocourt andtest thelegality ofit、"
Let’saccuse Scopes of teachingevolutionand letthe cour tdecide whether heis breakingthe lawor not、
6) People from the surroundinghills, mostlyfundamentalists,ar rived to cheer Bryan against the "infidel outsiders、”
People from the nearbymountains,mostly fundamentalist s,came to support Bryanagainst those professors,scientists,
andlawyers who came fromthe northernbigcitiesand were not fundamentalists、
7)As my fathergrowled,"That's one hellofajury!”
Asmyfather plainedangrily,”That’ sno jury atall、"
8)He isherebecauseignorance andbigotry arerampant、He is put ontrialbecauseunenlightmentand prejudicearespreading、
9)Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whetherthey might be related、
People had to pay in ordertohave alook atthe ape andto consider carefullywhetherapes andhumans cou ldhave a mon ancestry、
10)Andthe crowd punctuatedhis defiant replies with fervent"Amens”
Andthe spectators interrupted his bold repliesby shouting"Amens”in a zealousway、

At that timemetaphysics was rampant.
I did not anticipate that1would get involved in this dispute

If you want tolearn something, you must involveyourself in t hework
The jury brought in averdictofguilty and the judge sentencedhimto three years'imprisonment

Thoughracialsegregation is against the law,racial
discriminationstillexists invarious formsin the United States
Hethinks the twoviewscanbe reconciled、
He seemedreconciledto theidea、

The spectators'heartswentoutto the defendant、

The London papersexpressed theviewthat the collapseof

Heestimatedthe numberof scouts as rangingfrom three tofive、

Theproject got under way soonafter the signing of the contr act、。
