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【摘要】To study the population growth rate, average proportion of mictic females, average fertilization rate of mictic females, and resting egg production, Brachionus calyciflorus collected from Lake Jinghu were investigated at four tem-peratures (20℃, 24℃, 28℃and 32℃) and three Scenedesmus obliquus densities (1.0×106, 2.0×106 and 4.0×106 cells/mL) by population growth experiments. The results showed that the population growth rate of B. calyciflorus at 28℃ and 32℃ was the highest at all three food levels. At 1.0×106 cells/mL of S. obliquus, the average proportion of mictic fe-males at both 20℃ and 24℃ was significantly lower than that at 32℃, but it was not markedly different compared to that at 28℃. The average fertilization rate of mictic females at both 24℃and 28℃was the highest, and it was the low-est at 32℃. At 2.0×106 cells/mL of S. obliquus, the average proportion of mictic females at 20℃ was the highest. The average proportio n of mictic females at 24℃was lower than that at 32℃, but it was not significantly different compared to that at 28℃. The average fertilization rate of mictic females at 20℃, 24℃and 28℃was all higher than that at 32℃. The resting egg production at 20℃ was the biggest. At
4.0×106 cells/mL of S. obliquus, both the average proportion of mictic
females and the resting egg production at 20℃ were higher than those at any other temperatures. The average fertilization rate of mictic females at both 20℃ and 24℃ was the highest, and it was the lowest at 32℃. Two-way ANOVA analysis indicated that temperature significantly affected population growth rate, average proportion of mictic females, average fertilization rate of mictic females, and resting egg production (P<0.01), food level affected population growth rate and resting egg production
(P<0.01), and temperature and food level cooperatively affected average propor-tion of mictic females and average fertilization rate of mictic females, and resting egg production (P<0.01). These re-sults indicated that the rotifer population adapts high water temperature and water temperature does not directly account for the very low population density of B. calyciflorus in Lake Jinghu in summer, and that the high resting egg production of B. calyciflorus at low temperature may contribute to its reoccurrence in Lake Jinghu during the same period of next year.%运用种群增长实验方法,在4个温度(20℃、24℃、28℃和32℃)和3个斜生栅藻[Scenedesmus obliquus (Turpin) Kuetzing]密度(1.0×106、2.0×106和
4.0×106 cells/mL)共12个条件组合下研究了镜湖夏季出现的萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas)的种群增长率、平均混交率、平均受精率和休眠卵产量等生殖参数。




在1.0×106、2.0×106和4.0×106 cells/mL的斜生栅藻密度以


【作者单位】安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽省高校生物环境与生态安全省级重点实验室,芜湖 241000;安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽省高校生物环境与生
态安全省级重点实验室,芜湖 241000;安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽省高校
生物环境与生态安全省级重点实验室,芜湖241000;安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽省高校生物环境与生态安全省级重点实验室,芜湖 241000
1.5种淡水浮游藻对萼花臂尾轮虫饵料效果的比较研究——藻的最适投喂密度及轮虫相应的种群增长 [J], 王金秋;李德尚;曹吉祥
2.镜湖萼花臂尾轮虫夏季种群等位酶分析以及克隆间的生殖差异 [J], 张雷;席贻龙;董丽丽;温新利
3.镜湖萼花臂尾轮虫夏季种群内不同克隆的生活史特征 [J], 董丽丽;席贻龙;张雷
4.汀棠湖冬季出现的萼花臂尾轮虫对水温的适应 [J], 王爱民;席贻龙;牛翔翔;李瑶;
5.影响萼花臂尾轮虫种群增长的生态学因子的研究──光照的影响 [J], 王金秋;李德尚
