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教学目标Biblioteka 57人 3 roje ct work, cadres , cadre s sele ction and ot her as pects of a total of 19, furt her defined t he dire ction of rectificati on, enhancing the perti nence and effectivene ss of democrati c life. 动 出 共 中 轮 本 乡 1我 组 p 多 均 方 地 的 在 存 能 可 等 塔 铁 线 电 输 路 道 渠 堰 、 洪 山 内 域 区 对 , 查 排 患 隐 全 安 行 进 次
Below, I first District Committee member of the 20XX team annua l democratic meeti ng implementati on of the corrective meas ures, a s well as mem ber of the team a nd of my own report gui delines for the im plementation of the indepe nde nt Commission ag ainst corr upti on stateme nt invited lea ders a nd comrade s criticis m. First, annual party on t he 20 XX team, M ember of democratic life acti on pl an impl ementation year 20 XX, distri ct
Good for thi s meeting, we requested t he Standing Committee of the munici pal party Committee, munici pal Secretary General Ta ng Wenjin, t he City Commissi on for disci pli ne inspe ction Standi ng Committee Ya ng Xu, Jiang Jixue, D eputy Direct or of the personnel office, a nd other lea ding comrade s prese nt gui dance all ows us to warm a ppla use for their welcome a nd tha nks!
课程标准:湖北省中小学《信息技术》课程标准 知识与技能: (1)了解 Excel 的函数基本功能; (2)学会使用函数 SUM 求合,填充柄要求全部掌握; (3)基本掌握最大函数 MAX、最小值 MIN 函数使用; (4)对悟性比较高的学生要求掌握统计函数 RANK,不做过多的要 求; (5)学会数据的排序功能,要求大多数学生掌握。 过程与方法: 教师边演示,学生边操作的方法,一个内容一个操作,没有掌握内容 不能进行下一下内容的讲解。使用 ppt 和极域教室相给合的方法。
thrift of excellent traditi onal a nd style lack dee p of understa ndi ng, one -si ded t hink i n now of good s ituation Xi a, economic sm ooth more fast devel opme nt, and reform made major progres s, a nd people living significantly improve , and s ocial t he care er made new pr ogress, no ne cessary always ha rd has, no a warene ss to Chi na als o ha s many poverty area, a nd al so has many poverty population of exists, m ore living impr ove ha s, more need ke ep hard of style . Thre e is not strictly honest. Total thought units i s a water se ctor, cle an s elf-dis cipline away from himself too far, no real pr oce ssing good living of impr ove and har d, and thrift excell ent traditional of relationshi p, no effective do comply with Constituti on a nd party of regulati ons must from I do up, no right mer cy good bitter Le, a nd wealt h of relati ons hip, no rig ht aware ness t o in comply with Constitution and party of regulations as pe ct s everyone ha s accountability. Four, f uture directi on a nd impr ovement meas ures 1, belief a nd faith, strengthe n party s pirit. One i s to firmly establi sh t he noble ideal s of struggl e for the i deals of communism, communist str uggle for life, ready t o sa crif ice everyt hing for t he party a nd t he people. Se cond is t o conti nuously im prove the quality and standard of political, cons cie nti ously study Deng Xi aopi ng the ory and "three re present s" important t hought a nd the scientific Outl ook on development, im plement t he party's basi c pr ogram for the pr imary stage of s ociali sm, adhere to t he corre ct politi cal orientation, maintai n hig hly con sistent w ith the CPC Ce ntral Committee, is good at t heorie s of socialism wit h Chine se characteri stics t o ana lyze and s olve pr oblem s. Third, strengt heni ng the party s pirit and the w orld tra nsformation, per severance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows t o establish corre ct worl d Outlook, Outlook on life and the worl d, pra ctically em bodies i deals and be liefs into action, combi ne l ofty ideals a nd practi cal activitie s, transformi ng the obj ective w orld, actively participate i n the great pra ctice of buil ding s ocialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 2, kee p the purpose i n concept, cha nging the styl e of work. First, kee p in mi nd that the pur pose of servi ng, a dhere to a ssumi ng power for the people, kee p in mind the people and care a bout pe ople, a nd t he joys a nd sorrows of the masse s, ... According to city dis cipli ne, and municipal organi zation Departme nt requireme nts, today we hel d "implement impl ementation independent Commissi on against corr upti on gui deli nes effective strengt heni ng led cadres style construction" topi c democratic life, main task i s cl ose conta ct thought, and work a ctual , control che ck distri ct Standi ng Committee team an d the personal in im plementation independent Commissi on agai nst corr upti on guideli nes Shang exists of probl em, in-de pth carrie d out critici sm and self-criti cal, further clear re ctification dire ction and mea sures , effective enhanced cl ean politi cs of cons cious ness a nd i nitiati ve, firm set good of ruli ng image. Before t he meeting, t he way we take survey s soli cited a vie ws, combe d, related to team buil ding
模块 4-1
教 学 设 计 表
学科: 信息技术 授课年级: 初二 学校: 仙桃市剅河一中 教师姓名:王治国 第 4 节《Excel 简单函数的应用》教学设计 计划 学时
本节的主要内容是: 复习 Excel 的表格制作, 新授 Excel 函数的运用, 求和函数 SUM、填充柄使用、最大值函数 MAX、最小值函数 MIN、 统计函数 RANK、数据排序。目的是让学生通过实例的讲解,能够 独立地完成简单表格的数据计算。 本节讲解起来, 如果仅讲授理论知 识和例子中的操作,不可避免地会使学生觉得过于沉闷、无趣,为了 激发学生的学习兴趣, 我根据学生们的生活环境、 学习环境让学生制 作与自己生活密切相关的表格, 让学生通过表格功能来解决身边的问 题,以激发学生的学习兴趣。 学生经过前三章的学习,已经认识了工作簿、工作表、单元格、活动 单元格等,使用“∑”自动求和求平均数,为本章 Excel 函数的学习 打下了良好的基础。学生很少或从未接触有关数据处理的知识,对 Excel 的学习是有一定的兴趣,但是由于学生的学习受到学生个体的 知识水平与抽象思维的影响, 因此在 Excel 的学习过程中对知识的理 解会存在不同程度的困难。同时针对学生都比较关心自己的学习成 绩, 所以我又借此课题引导学生使用函数进行“成绩统计表”的相关计 算。使学生进一步从感性上认识到了电子表格中函数的用途。