Accenture - Business Case White Papers


Accenture Andorra 供应商发票指南说明书

Accenture Andorra 供应商发票指南说明书

GUIA DE F ACTURACIÓN PARA EL PROVEEDOR — ACCENTURE ANDORRA1.1Contenido1.1Contenido (2)2Introducción (3)2.1Apertura y mantenimiento de su Perfil como Proveedor de Accenture (3)2.2Términos de Pago (3)2.3Preparación de las facturas para Accenture (3)2.4Instrucciones especiales para facturas con Órdenes de Compra (PO) (4)2.5Envío de las facturas al Grupo Accenture (4)2.5.1 Otros sistemas utilizados para el envío de facturas (6)2.6Normas de conducta para proveedores de Accenture (6)2.7Información Adicional & Asistencia (6)2.8Compaña de Accenture (7)3Control de la versión del documento (8)2IntroducciónEstimado proveedor, gracias por proporcionar bienes o servicios a Accenture. Accenture siempre tiene como objetivo pagar a los proveedores a tiempo, dentro de los términos de pago acordados, como así también, seguir las regulaciones del gobierno local cuando corresponda. Esto solo se puede lograr con la cooperación de nuestros proveedores, siguiendo las pautas descritas en este documento para garantizar que podamos cumplir con estos objetivos.2.1Apertura y mantenimiento de su Perfil como Proveedor de Accenture•Por favor, asegúrese de que la información que Accenture mantenga en su sistema sea correcta y actualizada. Si usted necesita cambiar algún dato, de la mencionada información, por ejemplo, su dirección postal, dirección de email, persona de contacto para PO (Purchase Order u Orden de Compra), información bancaria, datos fiscales (CIF/NIF), teléfono o fax, etc., Vaya al perfil de su empresa en Supplier Hub y actualice sus datos.Si aún no ha creado el perfil de su empresa en el hub de proveedores, o tiene alguna duda relacionada, póngase en contacto con ***************************•Recuerde también que el Certificado de estar al corriente de pagos con la Seguridad Social tiene una validez de un año a contar desde su fecha de expedición. Por lo que, en caso de continuar la relación comercial con Accenture, deberá enviarnos nuevamente un certificado transcurrido dicho plazo. Este envío debe realizarse electrónicamente a través de la siguiente dirección: *******************************.2.2Términos de Pago•Las condiciones de pago estándar de Accenture son a 60 días desde la emisión de una factura legalmente válida y debidamente presentada (consulte "Envío de facturas al Grupo Accenture", sección 2.5), a menos que se hayan acordado por escrito condiciones de pago alternativas con Accenture Procurement Plus. La fecha de vencimiento indicada en la factura no se tendrá en cuenta si difiere con lo mencionado anteriormente.2.3Preparación de las facturas para AccentureSiempre incluya toda la información que se detalla a continuación en la factura.➢Información de su compañía:•Nombre y apellidos, la razón o denominación social completa (no su nombre comercial).•Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF/CIF).•El número y serie de la factura.•La fecha de expedición de la factura.•El Domicilio Social de su empresa.•El importe total de la factura.•La descripción detallada de los bienes (precio unitario sin IVA y cantidad – el importe neto, el importe de los impuestos e importe total) o los servicios que fueron prestados (el desglose debe corresponder con las diferentes líneas de la orden de compra asociada).•El tipo o tipos impositivos aplicados a las operaciones.•La cuota tributaria repercutida.•Fecha de realización de las operaciones, siempre que se trate de fecha distintaa la de expedición de la factura.➢Información de Accenture:•Número de CIF de Accenture e información general: dirección, ciudad, código postal y país al cual fueron brindados los servicios. (consulte "Compañías del Grupo Accenture", sección 2.8)•Número de la orden de compra de Accenture (PO) que comienza con 60xxxxxxxx o 76xxxxxxxx en las facturas (donde los bienes y servicios se proporcionan contra un PO). Nota: Accenture no será responsable de los cargos por pagos atrasados si se ha proporcionado un número de orden de compra, pero este no se incluye en la factura.•Dirección de correo electrónico del contacto de Accenture que solicitó los bienes o servicios. Nota: Se le pedirá a este empleado que confirme la recepción de los bienes o servicios y que verifique la exactitud de la factura antes de que se pueda liberar el pago. Esto es esencial si no se ha proporcionado una orden de compra.2.4Instrucciones especiales para facturas con Órdenes de Compra (PO) •Accenture requiere una orden de compra (PO) para todas las compras realizadas. Solicite un número de pedido al solicitante del servicio e inclúyalo claramente en la factura para asegurarse de cumplir con esta política (se pueden aplicar algunas exenciones locales; el solicitante le aconsejará si este es el caso)•Si proporciona bienes y servicios a Accenture, y cuenta con más de una orden de compra, debe facturar por cada orden de compra por separado. Solo se puede hacer referencia a un pedido por factura.•Los detalles y el desglose por artículo en la factura deben coincidir exactamente con la descripción indicada en la orden de compra. (Por ejemplo, la dirección "Facturar a" debe coincidir exactamente con la descrita en la orden de compra). •Tenga en cuenta que no se aceptará un número de solicitud de compra ("PRXXXXX"), indique solo un número de pedido válido (por ejemplo, "60xxxxxxxx").•El valor / cantidad de la factura no debe exceder el valor / cantidad de la PO. En caso de tener algún inconveniente, comuníquese con su solicitante de Accenture para actualizar la orden de compra según sea necesario.2.5Envío de las facturas al Grupo AccentureNOTA: Esta guía no aplica para proveedores que utilicen IQN, T-360 & LGI (Formato electronico de grandes facturas - Large Generated Invoices) como forma de facturación con Accenture.•Se solicita a los proveedores que emitan todas las facturas en tiempo y forma.Pedimos, por favor, que todas las facturas sean enviadas dentro de los 5 días hábiles a partir de la fecha de la factura.•En el caso de no emitir o enviar las facturas correctamente, se podrán ocasionar retrasos en los pagos. En ningún caso Accenture será responsable de los honorarios, costos, gastos u otros cargos en los que las facturas no se presenten de manera precisa y/u oportuna.o Envíe la factura original/nota de abono en un formato no editable (ej.PDF) al siguiente buzón: ***************************. En el casoexclusivo de RENTAS,a ****************************Por favor envíe 1archivo PDF por factura/nota de abono. Asegúrese de que toda lainformación de respaldo de la factura/nota de abono se encuentre en 1solo PDF, ocupando la factura la primera página y cualquier informaciónrelevante adicional en las páginas siguientes.o Máximo 1 MB por archivo adjunto, máximo 10 adjuntos por correo y máximo 10 MB por correo (incluyendo adjuntos). No encripte o firmedigitalmente los emails.o Máximo 250 páginas por archivo PDF, tamaño A4, fondo blanco preferentemente.o Agregue cualquier información pertinente en el cuerpo del correo. •Recibirá una respuesta automática de recepción exitosa/fallida de la factura/nota de abono con un Número de Referencia Único (URN –Unique Reference Number). No reenvíe la factura/nota de abono ya que generará duplicados y puede causar demoras. Use el URN como referencia en todas las comunicaciones relacionadas con su factura/nota de abono.•La respuesta automática implica que su factura/nota de abono ha sido correctamente recibida y que será analizada por nuestro equipo de procesamiento. No implica aceptación. De encontrarse algún inconveniente, lo contactaremos informándole las acciones requeridas o solicitándole enviar más información.•En caso de recibir un mensaje de recepción fallida, tome las acciones necesarias y reenvíe el documento. Estas son las causas más frecuentes que impiden la recepción:o Documento electrónico con escritura a mano.o PDF cifrado o documento protegido con contraseña.o PDF con firma digital.o Varios adjuntos con el mismo nombre.o Adjuntos con nombres largos o caracteres especiales.o Facturas con marcas de agua.•Consulte con el equipo de atención al cliente (consulte la sección 2.7) antes de volver a enviar las facturas enviadas con anterioridad. Las facturas dirigidas a buzones personales o directamente a los empleados de Accenture se considerarán no recibidas.•No envíe facturas originales al empleado de Accenture que solicitó los bienes o servicios. Si necesita enviarle una copia de la factura, indique claramente quees una copia y que ya se ha enviado a la casilla mencionada anteriormente. Esto ayudará a evitar la duplicidad en nuestros sistemas y evitar retrasos en los pagos.•El proveedor debe completar un ejercicio de conciliación al menos una vez al año para garantizar que no haya facturas pendientes de pago.2.5.1Otros sistemas utilizados para el envío de facturasAccenture también acepta facturas a través de otras herramientas de facturación; si esto aplica, Accenture ya debería haberlo contactado por separado y recibir toda la capacitación relevante en estas herramientas:a)Ariba Network - Esta es una herramienta de intercambio de documentoselectrónicos, que está completamente integrada y vinculada a lossistemas ERP de los proveedores.•Para cualquier consulta, comuníquese con el equipo de AribaCatalog and Network Enablement en**********************************b)T360 –Esta herramienta solo es aplicable para asesores legales.•Póngase en contacto con ********************************* para obtener más ayuda.c)IQN –Esta herramienta solo se aplica a las agencias de personal quebrindan servicios de tiempo y materiales.•Póngase en contacto con ************************ para obtener más ayuda.2.6Normas de conducta para proveedores de Accenture•Accenture está comprometido con el objetivo de fomentar los más altos estándares éticos en su negocio libre de actividad ilegal, inmoral o fraudulenta.Se espera que los proveedores actúen de manera consistente con los estándares profesionales y éticos de Accenture establecidos en el Código de Ética Empresarial, que incluye informar de manera oportuna de conductas ilegales, fraudulentas o inmorales. Accenture ha establecido mecanismos de comunicación y prohíbe represalias u otra acción adversa por reportar tales conductas. Una copia del Código de Ética Empresarial de Accenture se puede encontrar en el siguiente enlace:/codeofbusinessethics.2.7Información Adicional & Asistencia•Accenture se complace en anunciar que cuenta con un servicio para sus proveedores llamado My Supplier Portal (MSP). MSP es una herramienta web que permite a los proveedores ver el estado de sus facturas e información de pagos a través de Internet 24x7.•El enlace completo de MSP es: https:///•Tenga en cuenta que los buzones ***************************y ****************************son solo para el envío de facturas; todas las consultas, inquietudes o estados de cuenta deben enviarse a nuestro equipo de atención al cliente, ***********************.•Para obtener información sobre su perfil de proveedor de Accenture, facturas, pagos, órdenes de compra o acceso a Mi portal de proveedores, comuníquese con Accenture a través de ***********************.•Nuestros representantes de Atención al Cliente están disponibles en el número indicado a continuación, de lunes a viernes para brindarle asistencia de 12:00 pm a 06:00 pm (hora local).Atención Telefónica:+34 900 053 7072.8Compaña de Accenture3Control de la versión del documentoPropietario: Líder de P+ IberiaRevisor: Líder de Cuentas a Pagar y Líder de P+ Iberia Frecuencia de la revisión:Bianual# Versión Fecha Motivo del cambiov1.0 03/06/2020 Guía de Facturación para el Proveedor adaptada a lanueva plantilla y revisada por P+ y Cuentas a Pagar.v1.1 06/07/2020 Dirección adicional agregada a la sección 2.7v2.0 16/09/2020 Cambios relevantes en la sección 2.5 (cambio en elprocedimiento de envío de facturas); división de lascompañías del Grupo Accenture en la sección 2.7.v2.1 08/10/2020 Cambios menores en las direcciones en la sección 2.7 v2.2 06/07/2021 Additions to sections 2.1 & 2.7v3.0 13/09/2021 Split by companies and countries &Accenture Supplier Standards of Conduct moved tosection 2.6v3.1 22/10/2022 Modificación de la sección 2.5 y 2.7 (bandeja deentrada de ingesta de correo electrónico paracontratos de arrendamiento) & Modificación de lasección 2.1v3.2 08/11/2022 Algunos lineamientos generales fueron actualizadoscon mayor información para un mejor entendimientodel proceso. Se eliminó el párrafo que hacereferencia a la facturación por Fieldglass para evitarconfusiones.。



在国际贸易中,要保持或扩大业务就必 须巩固和发展已有的业务关系,并且不 断物色新的贸易伙伴以建立新的业务关 系。新的业务关系可以通过银行、报 纸广告、因特网、驻外商务机构、国 外商会、商品交易会等多种渠道建立。
To write a letter for establishing business relations,you had better follow the steps below:
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ合式
The Nile Trading Co. Ltd. 161 Pyramid Street, Alexandria, Egypt Tel: (20-3)4900000 Fax: (20-3)4900001
11th May,2001
The Export Manager China Motorbike Co. Ltd 34 Fazhan Street Jinan, Shandong P. R. C.
Yours fainthfully, Abdul Aziz Marketing Manager
H. Woods & Co. Ltd. Nesson House, Newell Street Birmingham B15 3EL Tel: (44-121) 4560000 Fax: (44-121)4560001 1 March, 2001 The Manager Shanghai Textile Trading Co. Ltd. 72 Zhongshan Rd. Shanghai 200001 China Dear Sir or Madam, We are interested in tweed lengths suitable for skirt-making and would like to have details of your prices and terms. It would be helpful if you could supply samples. Yours faithfully, Larry Crane China Trade Manager

职通商务英语(第三版)综合教程1 Unit 8-1

职通商务英语(第三版)综合教程1 Unit 8-1

◎ Comprehensive Tasks
Intensive Reading
Read the text opposite and finish the following comprehensive tasks. (1) What is the customer service? (2) How do we define excellent customer services? (3) What is the relationship between the service representatives and the company? (4) Explain how to perform excellent customer services according to the text. (5) In what sense are customer services regarded as crucial to the businesses?
Lead-in Task 1: Talk about customer services.
3 (3) Complaint handling: Customer complaints provide an opportunity to identify and rectify specific problems in your business. They can also help you to develop your relationship with your customer by allowing you to demonstrate that you value their trade by taking their concerns seriously.



If you speak to Mr Wood about production,ask him to consider the delivery schedule.
As applied to a business message ,correctness means appropriate and grammatically correct language,factual information and accurate reliable figures.
B. To be familiar with the envelope formats of English business letters.
C. To be familiar with the basic principles for English business letter writing.
We won’t be able to send you the brochure this month.
We will send you the brochure next month.
We are shipping your order of September 21 this afternoon.
Fundamentals of Writing English Business Letters
Learning Objectives
☆Knowledge objectives
A. To be familiar with the formats and the structures of English business letters



Pep Boys
$8$1,?000 $60,000 $21,000

Eddie Bauer $72,000 32?,000 40,000
Benbrook Exxon
100,000 79,000 21?,000
Copyright © 2007 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2007 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved
Entity Concept
• Accounting Entity – organization that stands apart as a separate economic unit
Copyright © 2007 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2007 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved
• Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
– Accounting guidelines that govern how accountants measure, process, and communicate financial information
Reliability (Objectivity) Principle
• Accounting information is based on the most reliable data available
– Verifiable – Free from bias – Individuals would arrive at similar conclusions


• 2. What are the two primary types of narration? • Non-fictional and fictional narration. The former, like a memorandum,
records one’s true feelings, experiences, memories, existing in biographies, diaries, anecdotes, etc. The latter narrates a make-up even or series of events, existing in short stories, novels.
• 3. How many organization patterns does argumentation have? • -----All argumentative topics have PROs and CONs. Before starting
writing, it is imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among them for supporting and refuting.
The purpose of argumentation (also called persuasive writing) is to prove the validity of an idea, or point of view, by presenting sound reasoning, discussion, and argument that thoroughly convince the reader. Persuasive writing is a type of argumentation with the additional aim to urge the reader to take some form of action. Examples include:



商务英语写作课后答案课后练习参考答案Chapter One Parts and Formats of Business Letters1. Use the following information to type a letter:Human Resources, Global SecuritiesWorld Financial Center, North Tower - 250 Vesey StreetNew York, NY 10281-1332July 20, 2007Professor Lyndon KentonBusiness Department, University of TennesseeKronxwille, Tennessee 37916Dear Professor Lyndon Kenton,We are considering Joanne Tucker for our Analyst Training Program at Global Securities. She is a promising candidate, and we need more detailed information about her education and your opinion of her ability to handle the rigors of training. Ms. Tucker submitted your name not only as her professor but also as her faculty advisor.In addition to the long hours involved in training, candidates must have a sound, logical approach to problem solving. We are looking for people who are not afraid to express their ideas and who exude confidence in their manner and deed. The job of financial analyst requires not only technical knowledge of the market but also extensive people skills, and we appreciate any information about Joanne Tucker that will help guide our decision.We need your letter of recommendation no later than May 30, but would appreciate it earlier, if convenient. Your evaluation will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with our governing by-laws. Thank you for your time on Ms. Tucker's behalf. Sincerely yours,Sandra Blackmon2. Read the following passage, list the main points and then discuss about it.(答案略)Chapter two Sales Letters1.Translate the following sales letter into Chinese:尊敬的顾客:我们P&S系统有限公司向您介绍即将为您提供的新系列产品,可确保您的办公室更加安全。



商务谈判文稿姓名第一轮第二轮赵健英——Janet 买方翻译卖方老板苏东淼——Elaine 买方老板卖方翻译张雅文——Angela 卖方老板买方翻译任婵——Sophia 卖方翻译卖方老板IntroductionThe buyer Elaine is an English fitness supplies distributor; her company wants to buy Exec-U-ciser from company EDU. Angela is the Chinese manager of the company EDU.BeginningElaine:Nice to meet youAngela:Nice to meet you,tooElaine: I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.Sophia:咱们直接谈价钱吧Angela:好的,有什么问题尽管问吧。

Janet: Shoot. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.Elaine: Your products are very good. But I m a little worried about the prices you are asking.Sophia:你们的产品质量很好。


Angela:贵方认为我方要价太高?Janet: You think we about be asking for more? (Laughs)Elaine: That’s not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I‘d like is a 25% discount.Sophia:贵方要价我方不太认同,我方知道你们技术研究费用高,但我方希望有25%折扣。

Accenture Italia 发票发送指南说明书

Accenture Italia 发票发送指南说明书

GUIDA PER L’INVIO DI F ATTURE —ACCENTURE ITALIA1.1Indice1.1Indice (2)2Introduzione (3)2.1Aggiornamento anagrafica fornitore in Accenture (3)2.2Termini di pagamento (3)2.3Preparazione delle fatture (3)2.4Istruzioni speciali per fatture con ordine di acquisto (PO) (5)2.5Invio delle fatture ad Accenture (5)2.5.1 Invio delle fatture (fornitori stranieri e altri casi previsti dalla legge) (5)2.5.2 Altri sistemi utilizzati per l'invio delle fatture (7)2.6Standard di condotta dei fornitori di Accenture (7)2.7Ulteriori informazioni e assistenza (7)3Controllo versione del documento (9)2IntroduzioneGentili fornitori, grazie per aver reso disponibili i vostri beni o servizi al Gruppo Accenture. Accenture si ripromette di pagare i fornitori entro i termini di pagamento concordati seguendo le normative di legge previste. Questo può essere garantito solo con la collaborazione reciproca. Vi preghiamo di seguire le linee guida delineate in questo documento al fine di garantire questi obiettivi.2.1Aggiornamento anagrafica fornitore in Accenture•Per favore sempre verificare che il contatto di riferimento di Accenture e i riferimenti bancari siano aggiornati. Se il suo codice postale, email aziendale, informazione di contatto per Ordini di Compra, IBAN, tax data (P.Iva / C.F.), telefono di contatto, ecc. deve essere modificato, puó ingressare al suo profilo aziendale in Supplier Hub per realizzare l'aggiornamento.•Se il vostro profilo non é stato ancora creato in Supplier Hub, o per qualsiasi altro quesito puo contattarci su ***************************.2.2Termini di pagamento•I termini di pagamento standard di Accenture sono 75 giorni fine mese dall’emissione della fattura debitamente presentata (v. riferimento “Invio delle fattura ad Accenture”, sezione 2.5),(30 giorni per servizi di catering e altre eccezioni specifiche concordate), tranne nel caso in cui siano state concordate altre condizioni per iscritto con Accenture Procurement Plus.•Se i termini non vengono riportati sulla fattura, verranno applicati quelli contrattuali.2.3Preparazione delle fatture•Le fatture dovranno essere emesse in formato elettronico secondo quanto definito dall’articolo 1, comma 916, della legge n. 205 del 27 dicembre 2017 (c.d.“Legge di Bilancio 2018”), che ha introdotto l’obbligo di fatturazione elettronicaa partire dal 1° gennaio 2019 per la fornitura di beni e le prestazioni di servizioeffettuate tra soggetti residenti, stabiliti o identificati nel territorio dello Stato Italiano.Per tutte le società italiane del gruppo Accenture le fatture elettroniche, nel rispetto della norma, dovranno essere trasmesse riportando quanto di seguito:•Denominazione Sociale della società del Gruppo, Sede Legale, Partita IVA (importante che sia corretta) e Codice Fiscale;- nel campo “Codice destinatario”: inseri te “0000000”;- nel campo “PEC”: lasciate in bianco (non riporti nulla).- nel campo <IdDocumento>: dovrà essere inserito il numero di ordine di acquisto per le fatture con ordine. Per fatture senza ordine,questo campo può essere utilizzato per inserire il nome del richiedente. •In caso di mancata o errata indicazione della partita IVA della società cliente, il fornitore dovrà procedere allo storno e riemissione corretta della fattura.•Si precisa inoltre che le fatture elettroniche trasmesse tramite il Sistema di Interscambio dell’Agenzia delle Entrate (SDI) NON devono essere inviate anche in modalità analogica (su supporto cartaceo o in forma elettronica tramite email) alla nostra società.•Il fornitore deve sempre includere sulla fattura il numero di Ordine di Acquisto -PO, che inizia con 60xxxxxxxx o 76xxxxxxxx. In assenza di tale specificazione, la fattura potrà essere rifiutata e il fornitore dovrà procedere allo storno con l’emissione di una nota di credito (da trasmettere con le stesse modalità della fattura oggetto dello storno) e l’emissione di una nuova fattura con tutte le informazioni richieste.•La fattura deve riportare la stessa struttura delle voci (o articoli) dell'ordine, diversamente non potrà essere confrontata con l'ordine e non potrà essere pagata nei termini convenuti. E' inoltre necessario che sia sempre emessa una fattura a fronte di un singolo numero di ordine.•Per le fatture di importo inferiore ai 500€ o prive di numero di ordine, includete il nominativo del contatto di Accenture e i centri di costo (WBS), che dovranno esservi comunicati dal richiedente del servizio/beni. Se tali informazioni non sono presenti in fattura, Accenture non sarà in grado di procedere al pagamento nei termini concordati.•Per eventuali chiarimenti in merito alla preparazione della fattura, si prega di contattare preventivamente il richiedente in Accenture.•Solo nei casi previsti dalla Legge la fattura potrà essere emessa in modalità analogica, e inviata secondo le modalità previste qui di seguito nella Sezione2.5.1.•Le fatture analogiche devono includere:- Generalità del fornitore.- Dati societari del fornitore e informazioni fiscali (partita IVA con indicazione stato membro).- Generalità del cliente complete di partita IVA.- Numero della fattura.- Data emissione della fattura.- Dati bancari (IBAN).- Il numero di ordine di acquisto (PO).•Indirizzo email del contatto di Accenture che ha richiesto i beni o i servizi (richiedente).•Se emettete una nota di credito a storno di una fattura, indicate il numero della fattura di riferimento, altrimenti, includete dettagli completi del motivo dell’emissione affinché la nota di credito possa essere contabilizzata correttamente.2.4Istruzioni speciali per fatture con ordine di acquisto (PO)•Per Accenture le fatture di importo pari o superiore ai 500€ devono avere un ordine di acquisto (PO) tranne per alcune eccezioni che vi verranno comunicate dal richiedente. Vi chiediamo di chiedere al richiedente il numero di ordine e di riportarlo sempre in fattura. Se fornite beni e servizi ad Accenture con più di un ordine di acquisto, è necessario fatturare separatamente ogni singolo ordine.Ogni fattura può riportare soltanto un numero di ordine.•La fattura deve riportare la stessa struttura delle voci (o articoli) dell'ordine (ad esempio, il dettaglio “Fatturato a” deve corrispondere esattamente a quello indicato sull'ordine di acquisto).•Ogni descrizione presente in fattura deve corrispondere esattamente alla voce (o articolo) presente sull’ordine.•Si fa presente che il numero di richiesta di acquisto ("PRXXXXX") non sarà accettato, Si prega di riportare in fattura un numero di PO valido (ad es."60xxxxxxxx").•Il valore/quantità della fattura non deve superare il valore/quantità dell'ordine di acquisto. In caso di necessità vi chiediamo di contattare il richiedente Accenture per far aggiornare il PO.2.5Invio delle fatture ad AccentureNB: questa guida non è applicabile ai fornitori che utilizzano per la fatturazione le modalità IQN, T-360, SAP RE-FX e LGI. Si prega di fare riferimento alle specifiche già inviate per l’elaborazione di questa tipología di fatture.•Si prega di inviare tutte le fatture entro i 12 giorni dalla data della fattura, ai sensi della Legge italiana. Dovreste sempre ricevere una notifica dall’Agenzia delle Entrate. Qualora riceviate la notifica di errore, vi preghiamo di verificare il tipo di errore e agire di conseguenza correggendo l’errore o rivolgendovi alla vostra Software House o all’Agenzia delle Entrate.•Vi chiediamo di riconciliare le partite almeno una volta all'anno per garantire che non vi siano fatture in sospeso non pagate.•La mancata emissione o ritardato invio della fattura, oppure l’invio senza numero di ordine di acquisto o nome del richiedente, può causare ritardi nei pagamenti.2.5.1 Invio delle fatture (fornitori stranieri e altri casi previsti dalla legge)•Solo per i fornitori stranieri o nei casi previsti dalla legge è possibile emettere la fattura o nota di credito in modalità analogica.•Inviate la/le fattura/e in formato elettronico a *************************** (per Accenture SPA, Accenture Technology Solutions SRL, Accenture Outsourcing SRL, Accenture Managed Services SPA, Avanade Italy SRL, Accenture Finance & Accounting BPO Services SPA e Accenture HR Services S.p.A.) o *********************************(per Sec Servizi S.p.A, Accenture Services and Technology Srl, Accenture Finance and Accounting Services Srl, Fruendo srl and Accenture Financial Advanced Solutions & Technology S.r.l.) in formato non editabile (es. PDF).•Qualora non fosse possibile inviare la/le fattura/e in formato elettronico, inviate il cartaceo al seguente indirizzo:Via Privata Nino Bonnet10,20154, Milano - ItalyNB: si consiglia di inviare le fatture in formato elettronico ove possibile.•Inviate 1 documento PDF per fattura. Vi chiediamo di accertarvi di includere tutte le informazioni di supporto relative alla fattura specifica in un solo PDF, con la fattura in prima pagina e tutte le altri informazioni di supporto pertinenti nelle pagine successive.•Peso massimo di 1 MB per ogni allegato, massimo 10 allegati per e-mail e peso massimo complessivo di 10 MB per e-mail (allegati inclusi). Massimo 250 pagine per ogni fattura/nota di credito. Non inviate e-mail criptate o con firma digitale.•Includete qualsiasi informazione rilevante nel corpo dell’e-mail.•Riceverete una notifica automatica di ricezione con un numero di riferimento unico (URN). Dovreste utilizzare questo URN come riferimento in tutte le comunicazioni relative alla fattura.In caso di notifica di ricezione fallita dovrete capire la problematica e re-inoltrare la fattura o in caso chiedere supporto all’assistenza.•Tenete presente che le seguenti azioni impediranno la ricezione dei documenti: o Fatture inviate tramite posta elettronica certificata (PEC).o Testo scritto a mano sul PDF.o PDF criptati o protetti da password.o PDF con firma digitale.o Allegati con stesso nome.o Allegati con nome lungo o caratteri speciali.o Fatture con filigrana.•Se necesario, verificate con il team di assistenza (v. “Ulteriori informazioni e assistenza”, sezione 2.7) prima di inviare nuovamente le fatture presentate in precedenza.•Per fornitori stranieri o negli altri casi previsti dalla legge: le fatture inviate alle caselle postali personali o direttamente ai dipendenti Accenture saranno considerate come non ricevute.•Si prega di non inviare fatture originali al dipendente Accenture che ha richiestoi beni o i servizi. Se è necessario inviare una copia della fattura al propriocontatto su richiesta, indicate chiaramente nella fattura che si tratta di una copia che è già stata inviata all’Ufficio Contabilità Fornitori. Ciò contribuirà a prevenire la duplicazione nei nostri sistemi e a prevenire ritardi nei pagamenti. •Per l’invio delle fatture di fornitori stranieri o di altri casi previsti dalla legge: se non è possibile inviarle tramite e-mail, possono essere spedite per posta all’indirizzo sopra riportato–Vi preghiamo di non inviarle direttamente alla persona di riferimento di Accenture.2.5.2 Altri sistemi utilizzati per l'invio delle fattureAccenture accetta anche fatture tramite altri strumenti di fatturazione: in tal caso, dovresti essere già stato contattato da Accenture separatamente e aver ricevuto tutta la formazione pertinente su questi strumenti:a) Ariba Network - Si tratta di uno strumento di scambio di documenti elettronici, completamente integrato e collegato ai sistemi ERP del fornitore.• Per qualsiasi domanda, contattare il team Ariba Catalog and NetworkEnablement all'indirizzo **********************************b) T360–Questo strumento è applicabile solo ai consulenti legali.• Contattare ********************************* per ulteriore assistenzac) IQN–Questo strumento è applicabile solo alle agenzie di personale che forniscono servizi di tempo e materiale• Contattare ************************ per ulteriore assistenza.2.6Standard di condotta dei fornitori di Accenture•Accenture si impegna a condurre i propri affari evitando l’esercizio di attività illegali, immorali o fraudolente. Si richiede che anche i fornitori agiscano in modo conforme agli standard etici e professionali di Accenture definiti anche nel codice Etico Aziendale segnalando tempestivamente eventuali comportamenti illegali. Nel link allegato è disponibile la versione in inglese del Codice Etico aziendale: /codeofbusinessethics2.7Ulteriori informazioni e assistenza•Accenture è lieta di annunciare un servizio per i suoi fornitori chiamato MySupplier Portal (MSP). MSP è uno strumento basato sul Web che consente ai fornitori di visualizzare lo stato delle loro fatture e informazioni sui pagamenti via Internet 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7.Il link di MSP completo è: https:///ACC/•Si noti che gli indirizzi e-mail ***************************o ********************************* sono esclusivamente per l’invio di fatture da parte di fornitori stranieri (e per tutti gli altri casi previsti dalla Legge). Tutte le domande, i dubbi o i solleciti devono essere rivolti al nostro team di assistenza fornitori all'indirizzo ********************************.•Per informazioni relative al profilo come fornitore di Accenture, fatture, pagamenti, ordini di acquisto o accesso al portale MySupplier Portal, contattate Accenture all'indirizzo ********************************.•I nostri rappresentanti del servizio fornitori sono disponibili ai seguenti numeri, dal lunedì al venerdì, per fornire assistenza dalle 12 pm alle 6 pm (ora locale):Supporto:Contabilità Fornitori: Telefono gratuito dall'italia - 800 785 493Numero diretto: +353 1 407 8691.2.8Qui di seguito riportati si elencano gli indirizzi di fatturazione delle Società del Gruppo Accenture e la Partita IVA:3Controllo versione del documentoPropietario: Responsabile di P+ ItaliaRevisore: Responsabile di AP e Responsabile di P+ Italia Frequenza della revisione:Semestralmente# Versione Data Ragione della modificav1.0 01/09/2020 Guida per l’invio di Fatture riadattata al nuovotemplatev1.1 06/07/2021 Addition of the new Company Codes to section 2.3v1.2 11/08/2021 Amendments to bill to address to section 2.3 &Addition to section 2.5.2v3.0 13/09/2021 Accenture Supplier Standards of Conduct moved tosection 2.6 & Amendment to section 2.3v3.1 03/02/2022 Additions to Bill to Address to section 2.3v3.2 12/04/2022 Additions to Bill to Address to section 2.3 (Avanade)v3.3 08/11/2022 Guidelines have been updated for further context.Amendment to section 2.8 & Amendment to section2.5.2 (Fieldglass tool paragraph has beeneliminated).v3.4 17/01/2023 Addition to section 2.8 & Addition to note to section2.5。

【最新】爱马仕,邀请函-word范文模板 (6页)

【最新】爱马仕,邀请函-word范文模板 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==爱马仕,邀请函篇一:如何从细节分辨真假爱马仕如何从细节分辨真假爱马仕在《找到真的爱马仕》一文中,针对爱马仕包袋的鉴定,笔者先从价格和流通数量上对典当的爱马仕包袋做了初步的判断,然后又从皮质、走线这两个细节谈到了分辨真假的蛛丝马迹,而本文则再续前言,从厂标、皮带及其印记刻字和金属配件来谈谈鉴定爱马仕皮包的经验。



通常铂金包的材质分为以下几种 The Niloticus Crocodile尼罗鳄——来自于非洲。

这种材质是爱马仕拥护者的经典选择; Veau Togo——最常见,是表面有颗粒触感的母牛皮;Chevre Mysore——是很少见的山羊皮,因为其高品质高尚在爱马仕产品中尤显珍贵。

代表性的颜色则有Blue Jean——非常常见的一种奇异的天蓝色; Vert Amande杏仁绿——近似于草绿; Rouge Vif 亮红——非常明亮的红色,在某种程度上有种唇膏的调调。




Write a perfect Business case template 完美的商业案例模板

Write a perfect Business case template 完美的商业案例模板

Steps to write a perfectBusiness case templateAll about a business case写一个完美的商业案例模板I know developing new ideas and creating a right plan is not an easy thing, for students especially…to avoid this issue, students can go for online assignment help. With this, you will get exposure to a lot of new insights into your specific field.We know that managing a project needs some best business case templates. If you are having a hard time with referring to a business case template I can help you to a great extent.Before getting into explanations let me give brief look to the constituents of this article. Herewith, you will get to know: -What is a business case? -What is a business case template? -How to write a perfect business case template?Dear reader! Stay connected. This is because now I am going to drive you in the details…What is a business case?A business case is a verbal or written value proposition. It aims at educating the decision makers and helps them, or you can say convince them to take apt actions. When the same is present in the written form, the document is referred to as a business case itself.In simple words, you can say that it is a kind of suggestion, either spoken or written. The reaction of a business case is the steps taken by management for a specific project.The Short-term actions which can lead to instant, measurable & substantial benefits are the easiest to argue. For instance, if an office manager notices that the overall productivity is lower than the set standards due to some technical issues, he can present this fact to the higher authority. The management may take needed steps to balance the productivity to the desired goals.When it comes to more critical issues, a business case template should be prepared carefully. It needs to be a document which can show the reader every vital detail. It must informthe reader about the rewards and the risks involved in taking action. Along with this, it should also explain the risks and rewards if the action will not be taken.Yes, it s hould be an overall guide…In all, a perfect business case template will help you know that your business case must tell all the probabilities of taking action. The reader must know all the consequences, both positive and negative. This is important so that the concerned parties can opt the best option and get the best results. So, if you will go through a right business case template you will explore all the feasible approaches. Through a well-crafted business case template you will explore all the feasible approaches to an issue.Now that you know what it is all about, you must have gained some ideas on business case templates.What is a business case template?If you want to know what a business case template is, let me tell you it is a tool which assists in the making of a business case. The business case template is used as an assessment tool. The main purpose of a business case template is to render vital information to determine whether a project is justified or not.So guys after knowing this much about both business case and business case template you must be a little more willing to start preparing one on your own. Though, there may be a slightlow confidence in you. You may or may not be fully prepared. If this is the case with you, before starting a business case..just relax.I have a lot more to tell you in my store. As for now, it’s time to know what it takes to develop a perfect business case template. Plus, how can you make things a little bit easier for you.This is where I should tell what it takes to prepare a business case.How to prepare yourself for writing a business case?First of all, I will tell you the most important trick to start with.Follow a pattern…By pattern I mean look make a list of the facts or things which you need. I will make this easier for you. I am listing 6 key things on which you can, and actually, you must base a business case template.Here they are:1. Benefits of the proposed action2. Risk involved in the proposed action3.Current problems and opportunities4. Impact on operations5. Expected costs including investment appraisal,likely timescale, and technical solutions,6. Organisational capability to deliver the outcomes.Yes, you can get help as wellYes, you are going to get answers to all the questions like you who can help you or how can you get help. If you are a business person or an employee who needs to present your ideas in an organized way but lack time to do so. Or if you are a student who has to accomplish the assigned task asap. There are many professionals out there who can help you. Also, you can head towards business writing service.The reason why I am suggesting you do so is you will get access to the expert writers. And get some help from business experts. They will help you to develop better ideas. Plus the way they organize and present your ideas is something that you will love. The cherry on the cake is that such services are easy on the pockets. You will not have to burden yourself with heavy prices.Getting help by professionals with ease…Isn’t it a nice thing?Why Building a Business Case is important?The need for business case templates occurs when expenditure or resource on a project has to be justified. This is needed for approval of the project which is usually sought from the project sponsor and other parties.How to write a business case?Before starting the process ask yourself a question. The question is- Do I know the main purpose of a business case. I hope you can answer yourself as by now you have read pretty much to understand why you business case templates are referred. You may understandwhy the business case is so vital. Though, most of us must be having different and diverse answers to this question. Your response could be correct too for sure, but I need to tell the basic essence. The main aim of going through business case templates, to write down a business case is –communication. It is an exchange of ideas and opinions. It is about convincing someone to do something or not doing something.So, to know how to write a business case, Should not we think a little more and think about how to communicate better? After all, a business case is all about effective communication. Thus,Here is my tips for preparing a business case template:Make sure that your intended or targeted audience is in the parlance of the business case.Moving further, let me tell you that it must be able enough to render sufficient information to enable decision making. Hope now it sounds a bit easier to you.All you need to do is to try to convince someone. For doing so, you need two things:1. Accurate facts2.Convincing skillsTips to write a perfect business case templateHere are some tips. If you focus on them, you will surely come up with a best business case template.1. Give vital information onlyYou are expected to help the readers by providing them with important information. Do not try to fill up your business case with too extra information. Use only those which the most needed ones.2. Make it clear and conciseMake sure that you do not confuse or bore the reader. Your listeners must be in need of sharp and short opinions. So try to keep the business case concise, clear and interesting as well.3. Remove conjectures and jargons.No matter how perfects your ideas are if you will be doing silly mistakes the reader may not pay heed to your business case. Try to remove conjectures and jargon.4. Focus on future prospectsWe usually have a habit of talking of past too much. But beware, this is a business case. With this, people want to know the future prospects. So make sure to show them the same.5. Keep it practicalYour readers expect some numbers from your end. Analyze the information perfectly. Then,come up with the demonstration of the value. Give them the benefits of projects6. Keep it readableThis is again something about the presentation. Just like silly errors you should avoid heavy language as well. If the document is too hard to be read, it will be less impactful. It is a basic and important factor at the same time. Make sure that your business case is readable.All you should know about a business case templateHave you ever thought why do so many business plans fail? Why do many projects fail to achieve the set goals? Why even the project management practices come of no use?The reasons are:-Poor planning for a project-A weak business case-Ineffective top management involvementHereby I can give you the solution to the second hurdle:How to stop a weak business case ruining your project?I will tell you all about writing down a perfect business case template. Let’s begin here. A business case template has the following foursections: -Executive Summary -Finance -Project Definition -Project OrganisationFocus on each of them equally, and you will soon master in writing down a perfect business case template.1. The Executive SummaryFirst impressions are the last impression! Do you believe in this? I do! And the great business professionals also do the same. This is why the first section of the business case template which, i.e. the executive summary is always considered important. By the term “summary” you may already know what it is. It is a short description of the whole business case. Yes, you have to provide a summary in the beginning to your listeners. This is the first section of the businesscase template, and it is written in the end. Make sure you don’t make it a full-fledged slightly shortened version of the business case.2. The Finance SectionThe finance section of a business case template is written for those who approve the funding. Under this section you should focus on two factors majorly: 1. Financial Appraisal 2. Sensitivity Analysisi. Financial AppraisalWhile preparing the financial appraisal to ask for advice on the presentation and content from the finance function. In case you are a student, who can ask the same from subject matter experts by availing assignment help online.The main aim of a financial appraisal is to:Identify the financial implications for the project Comparing project costs against the forecast benefits Ensure the project is affordable; Assess value for money and predicting cash flowii. Sensitivity AnalysisThe sensitivity analysis in a business case template is concerned about the project risk. It looks at the possible alternatives. For this, it measures the effect of changing values on the project.In all, sensitivity analysis of a business template lets the project accountant experiment with possible scenarios.3. Project DefinitionIt is the largest part of the business case template. It is made for the stakeholders, project sponsor, stakeholders, and project team. As I mentioned it is the largest part of the business case template, you can understand it deals with the description. It answers questions like what, how, when, etc.Here I am outlining the main components of a project definition of a business case template:Background InformationThe purpose of this section is to give a clear introduction to the business case and project. If necessary, refer to related programmes, projects, studies, or business plans.Business ObjectiveThis part tells “why” the project is being carried out. The business objective answers the following questions:What is the goal of the project?How is the project beneficial to the business?What is needed to eradicate the issues?Benefits and LimitationsThis section of the benefits and limitations shares the financial and non-financial benefits in turn. The main aim is to describe why the project is needed. It should also include any limitations as these present potential risk to the project.Option Identification and Selection It is all about to identify the possible solutions of the problem. You have to describe them in a detailed manner so that the readers can understand the same as well.Outline PlanThe outline plan provides a summary of the main activities and overall timescale ― project schedule ― for the project. Ideally, the project should be divided into stages with key decisions preceding each stage. Use this section to answer the following questions:What is required?How is it done?Who does what?When will things happen?This outline plan lists the major deliverables and includes a brief project description plus accountabilities for each activity.Market AssessmentIt is important that the business case gives its readers a thorough assessment of the business context ― the market assessment. A good starting point implementation of PESTLE ― political, economic, sociological, technological, legal, and environmental ― analysis.Risk AssessmentThe risk assessment is all about the significant risks and opportunities and how they are managed. The risks should cover those that could arise from your project or the organization’s ability to deliver change. In this section of a business case template, the writer needs to focus on:The risks involved in the process.The consequences of the risks.The possible opportunities.The available options to deal with the risks.Project ApproachThis part tells the reader the project is going to be tackled. By this, your audience will get an idea about the way you are going to work on.Purchasing StrategyIn a business case template, the pricing strategy tells how a project is going to get funding. Or you can how it is going to be financed. The things which are needed to buy, outsource or lease are a part of purchasing strategy too.4. The Project OrganisationA business case template ends with the project organization. Those who are most interested in this section are the project team, project manager and managers who are concerned withdelivering work. In all, it tells how the project is set up.You can focus on two factors:Project GovernanceThis section of the business case shows the reader how the project is structured and the different levels of decision-making. Usually, a business already have implemented a project governance framework that will support the project through each stage. If your business does not use a structured project management process framework use this section to include: roles and responsibilities in the project, how decisions are made.Progress ReportingAt the end comes progress reporting. It should explain how the progress of the project is recorded.Conclusion:So, guys here we have reached a conclusion. I hope by now you know what is a business case template, and also all the details about a business case. Along with all this, we have read pretty much about the right way to prepare a business case. We know the main components of a business case template. In all, we have discussed everything which is needed to write down a perfect business case. I hope they were explained enough to benefit you.。



Accountant in Business Paper F1 Course Notes ACF1CN07 l i BPP provides revision courses question days mock days and specific material to assist you in this important phase of your studies. F1 Accountant in Business Study Programme for Standard Taught Course Page Introduction to the paper and the course...............................................................................................................iii 1 Business organisation and structure...........................................................................................................1.1 2 Information technology and systems...........................................................................................................2.1 3 Influences on organisational culture............................................................................................................3.1 4 Ethical considerations........................................................................................................................ ..........4.1 5 Corporate governance and social responsibility..........................................................................................5.1 6 Home study chapter – The macro economic environment..........................................................................6.1 End of Day 1 – refer to Course Companion for Home Study 7 The business environment..........................................................................................................................7.1 8 Home study chapter – The role of accounting.............................................................................................8.1 9 Control security and audit............................................................................................................................9.1 10 Identifying and preventing fraud................................................................................................................10.1 11 Leadership and managing people.............................................................................................................11.1 12 Individuals groups teams.........................................................................................................................12.1 End of Day 2 – refer to Course Companion for Home Study Course exam 1 13 Motivating individuals and groups.............................................................................................................13.1 14 Personal effectiveness and communication..............................................................................................14.1 15 Recruitment and selection.........................................................................................................................15.1 16 Diversity and equal opportunities..............................................................................................................16.1 17 Training and development. (1)7.1 18 Performance appraisal (1)8.1 End of Day 3 – refer to Course Companion for Home Study Course exam 2 19 Answers to Lecture Examples...................................................................................................................19.1 20 Appendix: Pilot Paper questions................................................................................................................20.1 ??Revision of syllabus ?? Testing of knowledge ?? Question practice ?? Exam technique practice INTRODUCTION ii Introduction to Paper F1 Accountant in Business Overall aim of the syllabus To introduce knowledge and understanding of the business and its environment and the influence this has on how organisations are structured on the role of the accounting and other key business functions in contributing to the efficient effective and ethical management and development of an organisation and its people and systems. The syllabus The broad syllabus headings are: A Business organisation structure governance and management B Key environmental influences and constraints on business and accounting C History and role of accounting in business D Specific functions of accounting and internal financial control E Leading and managing individuals and teams F Recruiting and developing effective employees Main capabilities On successful completion of this paper candidates should be able to: ?? Explain how the organisation is structured governed and managed ?? Identify and describe the key environmental influences and constraints ?? Describe the history purpose and position of accounting ?? Identify and explain the functions of accounting systems ?? Recognise the principles of leadership and authority ?? Recruit and develop effective employees Links with other papers This diagram shows where direct solid line arrows and indirect dashed line arrows links exist between this paper and other papers that may follow it. The Accountant in Business is the first paper that students should study as it acts as an introduction to business structure and purpose and to accountancy as a core business function. BA P3 MA F2 and FA F3PA P1 AB F1 INTRODUCTION iii Assessment methods and format of the exam Examiner: Bob Souster The examination is a two hour paper-based or computer-based examination. Questions will assess all parts of the syllabus and will test knowledge and some comprehension of application of this knowledge. The examination will consist of 40 two mark and 10 one mark multiple choice questions. The pass mark is 50 ie. 45 out of 90. INTRODUCTION iv Course Aims Achieving ACCAs Study Guide Outcomes Business organisations structure governance and management A1 The business organisation and its structure Chapter 1A2 The formal and informal business organisation Chapter 3 A3 Organisational culture in business Chapter 3 A4 Stakeholders of business organisations Chapter 3 A5 Information technology and information systems in business Chapter 2 A6 Committees in the business organisation Chapter 1 A7 Business ethics and ethical behaviour Chapter 4 A8 Governance and social responsibility Chapter 5 Key environmental influences and constraints on business and accounting B1 Political and legal factors Chapter 7 B2 Macro-economic factors Chapter 6 B3 Social and demographic factors Chapter 7 B4 Technological factors Chapter 7 B5 Competitive factors Chapter 7 History and role of accounting in business C1 The history and functions of accounting in business Chapter 8 C2 Law and regulations governing accounting Chapter 8 C3 Financial systems procedures and IT applications Chapter 8 C4 The relationship between accounting and other business functions Chapter 1 Specific functions of accounting and internal financial control D1 Accounting and financial functions within business Chapter 1 D2 Internal and external auditing and their functions Chapter 9 D3 Internal financial control and security within business organisations Chapter 9 D4 Fraud and fraudulent behaviour and their prevention in business Chapter 10 INTRODUCTION v Leading and managing individuals and teams E1 Leadership management and supervision Chapter 11 E2 Individual and group behaviour in business organisations Chapter 12 E3 Team formationdevelopment and management Chapter 12 E4 Motivating individuals and groups Chapter 13 Recruiting and developing effective employees F1 Recruitment and selection managing diversity and equal opportunities Chapter 15 16 F2 Techniques for improving personal effectiveness at work and their benefits Chapter 14 F3 Features of effective communication Chapter 14 F4 Training development and learning in the maintenance and improvement of business performance Chapter 17 F5 Review and appraisal of individual performance Chapter 18 INTRODUCTION vi Classroom tuition and Home study Your studies for BPP consist of two elements classroom tuition and home study. Classroom tuition In class we aim to cover the key areas of the syllabus. To ensure examination success you will need to spend private study time reinforcing your classroom course with question practice and reviewing areas of the Course Notes and Study Text. Home study To support you with your private study BPP provides you with a Course Companion which helps you to work at home and aims to ensure your private study time is effectively used. The Course Companion includes a Home Study section which breaks down your home study by days one to be covered at the end of each day of the course. You will find clear guidance as to the time to spend on various activities and their importance. You are also provided with sample questions and either two course exams which should be submitted for marking as they become due or an I-pass CD which is full of questions. These may include questions on topics covered in class and home study. BPP Learn Online Come and visit the BPP Learn Online free at/acca/learnonline for exam tips FAQs and syllabus health check. ACCA Forum We have thriving ACCA bulletin boards at /accaforum. Register and discuss your studies with tutors and students. Helpline If you have any queries during your private study simply contact your class tutor on the telephone number or e-mail address that they will supply. Alternatively call 44 020 8740 2222 or your local training centre if outside the London area and ask for a tutor for this paper to speak to you or to call you back within 24 hours. Feedback The success of BPP’s courses has been built on what you the students tell us. At the end of the course for each subject you will be given a feedback form to complete and return. If you have any issues or ideas before you are given the form to complete please raise them with the course tutor or relevant head of centre. If this is not possible please email . INTRODUCTION vii Key to icons Question practice from the Study Text This is a question we recommend you attempt for home study. Real world examples These can be found in the Course Companion. Section reference in the Study Text Further reading is needed on this area to consolidate your knowledge. INTRODUCTION viii 1.1 Syllabus Guide Detailed Outcomes Having studied this chapter you will be able to: ?? Ascertain the appropriate organisational structure for different types and sizes of business. ?? Understand the concepts of span of control and scalar chains. ?? Appreciate the differing levels of strategy in an organisation. Exam Context This chapter lays the foundation for an understanding of what organisations are what they do and how they do it. Section 2 Organisational structure represents a higher level of knowledge. You must be able to apply knowledge to exam questions. Qualification Context An understanding of business structures is important with regard to higher level accounting papers as well as P3 Business Analysis. Business Context Appreciating why organisations are structured in different ways will help with an understanding of how they should be managed. Business organisation and structure 1: BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE 1.2Overview Departments and functions Why does the organisation exist Structural forms Business hierarchy 1: BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE 1.3 1 Organisations 1.1 Definition – An organisation is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals which controls its own performance and which has a boundary separating it from its environment. Boundaries can be physical or social. 1.2 Key categories: ?? Commercial ?? Not for profit ?? Public sector ?? Charities ?? Trade unions ?? Local authorities ?? Mutual associates Class exercise Required Identify a real-world example of the above categories of organisation. 1.3 Organisations owned or run by the government local or national or government agencies are described as being in the public sector. All other organisations are classified as the private sector. Limited liability 1.4 Limited companies denoted by X Ltd or X plc are set up so as to have a separate legal entity from their owners shareholders. Liability of these owners is thus limited to the amount invested. Private v public 1.5 Private companies are usually owned by a small number of people family members and these shares are not easily transferable. Shares of public companies will be traded on the Stock Exchange. Pg 52-561: BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE 1.4 2 Organisational structure 2.1 Henry Mintzberg believes that all organisations can be analysed into five components according to how they relate to the work of the organisation and how they prefer to co-ordinate. a Strategic apex Drives the direction of the business through control over decision-making. b Technostructure Drives efficiency through rules and procedures. c Operating core Performs the routine activities of the organisation in a proficient and standardised manner. d Middle line Performs the management functions of control over resources processes and business areas. e Support staff Provide expertise and service to the organisation. Strategic Apex Support Staff Technostructure Middle Line Operating Core 1: BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE 1.5 Exam standard question Required Match the following staff/rules to Mintzbergs technostructure: a Manager of a retail outlet supervising 40 staff. b A salesman responsible for twenty corporate accounts. c The owner of a start-up internet company employing two staff. d The HR department which provides support to business managers. e The IT department seeking to standardise internal systems. 3 Structural forms for organisations Scalar chain and span of control 3.1 As organisations grow in size and scope different organisational structures may be suitable. 3.2 The Scalar chain and Span of control determine the basic shape. The scalar chain relates to levels in the organisation and the span of control the number of employees managed. 3.3 Tall organisations have a: a Long scalar chain via layers of management b Hierarchy c Narrow span of control. 3.4 Flat organisations have a: a Short scalar chain less layers b Wide span of control. 1: BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE 1.6 3.5 MD Divisional directors Department managers Section managers MD Supervisors Department managers Charge hands Supervisors Workers Workers Tall Flat Pilot paper Required Identify factors which may contribute to the length of the chain and the span of control. Organisational structures 3.6 Entrepreneurial A fluid structure with little or no formality. Suitable for small start-up companies the activities and decisions are dominated by a key central figure the owner/entrepreneur. 3.7 Functional This structure is created via separate departments or functions. Employees are grouped by specialism and departmental targets will be set. Formal communication systems will be set up to ensure information is shared. 1: BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND STRUCTURE 1.7 3.8 Matrix A matrix organisation crosses a functional with a product/customer/projectstructure. This structure was created to bring flexibility to organisations geared towards project work or customer-specific jobs. Staff may be employed within a hierarchy or within specific functions but will be slotted into different teams or tasks where their skill is most needed. The matrix structure is built upon the principles of flexibility and dual authority. Required Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of each structure. Advantages Disadvantages Entrepreneurial Functional Matrix 3.9 Organisations are rarely composed of only one type of structure especially if the organisation has been in existence for some time and as a consequence a hybrid structure may be established. Hybrid structures involve a mixture of functional divisionalisation and at least one other form of divisionalisation. Area Manager A Area Manager B Area Manager C.。



Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
1.Some Basic Concepts of Negotiation
(1)The Concept of Negotiation A negotiation is a process of communication between parties
• 2.The Forms of Business Negotiation
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
3.The Overall Framework of International Business Negotiation
Background Atmosphere Factors
1)the best target; 2)the intermediate target; 3)the acceptable target.
Chapter 1 Business Negotiation
• 5.Basic Rules of International Business Negotiation
• 1.Some Basic Conceots of Negotiation • 2.The Forms of Business Negotiation • 3.The Overall Framework of International Business
Negotiation • 4.Features of International Business Negotiation • 5.Basic Rules of International Business Negotiation • 6.The General Producer of International Negotiation • munication Skills for Negotiations • 8.Types of Negotiation Styles • 9.The Business Contract



5.Entrenched hierarchy
Japanese value order very seriously. Generally people who can act as representative must have the experience of 15-20 years . They pay attention to the qualifications, hoping to be able to negotiate with their opponents position fairly. Japan's women have low status in society, and they are generally not allowed to participate in the operation and management activities of large companies, but not be allowed to be a companion in a number of important occasions.
1.Never rush the negotiations before the opponent is introduced to them. 2. Avoid strong words and say "no“. In explaining the circumstances of one's own, do not be too aggressive, fiery or threatening. If the Koreans come to talk about a transaction, and you are not interested, do not show your dislike directly.



36中国会展 CHINA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION调查·SURVEY霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论在全球会展代理业务中的应用案例分析与研究● 文:肖云飞 ● 责任编辑:常予莹****************随着全球化的不断发展,国际商务和全球会展业务在促进全球经济发展中发挥越来越重要的作用。








Application of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory in global exhibition agency businessCase study and research2023年12月15日第23期 总第551期37一、霍夫斯泰德文化维度理论PeterG.Northouse (2012)在他的著作《领导学:理论与实践》中强调了文化的重要性。




埃伯特 商学精要(英文版 第12版)课件ppt_04

埃伯特 商学精要(英文版 第12版)课件ppt_04
• Import
– product made or grown abroad but sold domestically
• Export
– product made or grown domestically but shipped and sold abroad
Copyright © 2019, 2016, 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2. Explain how differences in import-export balances, exchange rates, and foreign competition determine the ways in which countries and businesses respond to the international environment.
Global Clusters
• North America • Europe • Pacific Asia
Copyright © 2019, 2016, 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Trade Agreements and Alliances (1 of 3)
Copyright © 2019, 2016, 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Contemporary Global Economy (1 of 2)
• Globby which the world economy is becoming a single interdependent system



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The Impact of Certainty
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods
Auto-ID in the Value Chain Auto-ID on Demand February 2003
B- Manufacturing
Auto-ID on Delivery
C- Warehousing /Distribution x x x x
Auto-ID on the Move
D- Transportation x x
Business Case White Papers Auto-ID Center Board Meeting Cambridge, MA
November 13, 2002
• •
Overview 3 Current Business Cases
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods Auto-ID on Delivery: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in the Retail Supply Chain Auto-ID on the Move: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Freight Transportation
• •
Conclusion Next Steps: Auto-ID Adoption Path
Value Targeting / Business Cases Deployment Models Pilots Implementation

Auto-ID Technology Primer Challenges The Elements of Cost
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Outrrent Business Cases
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods Auto-ID on Delivery: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in the Retail Supply Chain Auto-ID on the Move: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Freight Transportation

Demand planning impacts: What, where, and when a product is made and distributed Unsaleables, out-of-stocks, invoice accuracy, asset utilization, COGS The problem: Availability and accuracy of information used to conduct demand planning The answer is certainty Automated data collection Visibility to inventory levels throughout supply chain Information shared between trading partners The impact of certainty Accurate, granular, and timely data Forecast accuracy improvement

Auto-ID technology can enable increased certainty of demand signals throughout the CPG supply chain, improving demand planning forecast accuracy by 1020% Summary Benefits 1-2% increased sales from fewer out-of-stocks and lower costs, due to unsaleables 10-30% decrease in inventory due to decreased safety stock, resulting in improved use of precious working capital More effective manufacturing and distribution capacity, improving asset utilization and reducing capital expenditure needs
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution 6
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods
Technical Infrastructure Information Sharing Practices Product Category Economics

PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
• • • • •
Future Industry Scenario Executive Summary Acknowledgements Introduction Core Content
The Business Problem Solutions Using Auto-ID Technologies Benefit/Cost Scenarios
(cosmetics manufacturer)
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Auto-ID Value Creation Across the Global Value Chain - Manufacturing to the Consumer Accenture White Papers
February 2003
E- Store Operations x
x x
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Common Business Case Structure
PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Not for Publication or General Distribution
Auto-ID on Demand: The Value of Auto-ID Technology in Consumer Packaged Goods Industry Considerations
Function / Activity Auto-ID Financial Benefits Increased Reduced Reduced Sales Costs WC x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A- Cross-Value Chain Demand Planning Item / Lot tracking Security Procurement & Material Storage Production Receiving Picking / Order Selection Shipping Exception Product Location Loss Prevention Asset Utilization Asset Management Yard Management Contract Compliance Routing Receiving Store Planogramming Exception Merchandise Loss Prevention Shelf Maintenance Checkout Returns & Reverse Logistics Post-sales Service