Google Tag Manager Pro 安装 设置指南 Magento 2说明书

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Google Tag Manager Pro - Installation/Set-
up Guide for Magento 2
1. Upload Package: Upload the content of the module to your root
folder. This will not overwrite the existing Magento folder or files, only the
new contents will be added.
2. Install extension: After the successful upload of the package you
have to run the commands on Magento2 root directory via SSH
“php bin/magento setup:upgrade”
“php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy”
3. Clear Caches: This can be done from the admin console by navigating
to the cache management page (System->Cache Management), selecting
all caches, clicking ‘refresh’ from the drop-down menu, and submitting the
change. Logout and login back in Admin.
4. Configuration settings for Google Tag Manager Pro:
Go to Admin->Stores->Configuration->Scommerce Configuration->Google Tag Manager Pro->General
a. Enable: Set yes to enable the module.
b. License Key: Enter the License key provided by Scommerce
c. Account Id: Enter your Google Tag Manager Account I
d. Enhanced Ecommerce: Set yes to enable the enhanced
e. Brand Attribute : Select brand attribute to send brand
information to Google Analytics
f. Brand text box: If you don’t have brand attribute and you want
to send default brand name to Google Analytics then you can
enter here.
g. Base: Set 'Yes' if you want to send base order data and 'No' to
send store order data to Google
h. Enable dynamic remarketing tags: Set 'Yes' if you want to
enable google dynamic remarketing tags to used for GTM.
i. Product ID Attribute: Select the attribute which you have
submitted in your Google base feed. For e.g. SKU
5. Set up Google Tag Manager for Enhanced Ecommerce
∙Create the following variable
∙Google Analytic ID
∙Create the following triggers
o Product Click
o Add To Cart
o Remove From Cart
o Checkout for measuring steps Create the following tags
o Universal Analytics – All Pages
Unfi Universal Analytics •
Choose Product
Gongle Aria ; t re
Choose a Tag Type
Universal Analytics
Configure Tag
Tae Type Universal Analytics
Tracking ID ((GA ID)}
En&de Display Advertiaino Features True
Track Type Pageview
Enable Enhanced Econvnerce Features True
Llse d ata layer True
Fire On
o Product Click
o Add To Cart
o Remove From Cart
o Checkout for measuring steps
6. Set up Enhanced Ecommerce in Google Analytics
To turn on Enhanced E-commerce for a view, and label your checkout steps:
1. Click Admin at the top of any Analytics page.
2. Select the view for which you want to enable Enhanced E-
commerce reporting.
3. In the View column, click E-commerce Settings.
4. Under Step 1, Enable E-commerce, set the status to ON.
5. Click Next step.
6. Under Step 2, Enhanced E-commerce Settings, set the status to
ON. When you turn this option on:
o You can then see the Enhanced E-commerce reports in the
Conversions section
o The other, older category of E-commerce reports is no longer visible
You can turn this option off to restore the older category of E-
commerce reports.
7. Optionally, enter labels for the checkout steps that you have defined
in your Magento steps configuration. Please see screenshot below
for reference
8. Click Submit.
7. Set up Google Tag Manager for Facebook Dynamic
∙Create the following variables
∙Facebook Pixel ID

(data layer variable - google_tag_params.ecomm_totalvalue)
∙Product ID (s)
(data layer variable - google_tag_params.ecomm_prodid)
∙Product Price (s)
(data layer variable - google_tag_params.ecomm_pvalue)
Checkout Steps
(data layer variable - ecommerce.checkout.actionField.step)
Create the following triggers
o Checkout Initiate
o Initiate Payment
o Search Page
o Remarketing Tag Product
o Remarketing Tag Purchase
o Add to Cart (same as Enhanced Ecommerce please check above section)
Create the following tags
o Facebook Audience Pixel – All Pages
<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq )f._fbq=n;
n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e );t.async=!0;
t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore (t,s)}(window,
fbq('init', '{{facebookPixelID}}');
fbq('track', 'PageView');
<noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
src="https:///tr?id={{facebookPixelID}}&ev=PageV iew&noscript=1"
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->
Facebook Audience T racking
Choose Product
Custom HTML Tag
Configure Tag
Unfiled items
‹!-- Facebook Pixel Code --›
2 *° "' W *
3!function(f,b, e v n, I, s) (if(4°.4°hq)return; n=f. 4°bq=function( )(n.callHet hod?
p n.ca1IHethod . app1y n, argument s) : n.queue . push {argument s) }; If( ! I._fbq) I._fbq=n;
$ n.push=n; n.1oaded= ! 0;n. version= ' 2.6 ’; n. queue=[ ] ; t=b. c reateE1ement(e);t . async= ! 6;
g I .src=v; s=b .getE1ementsByTagName(e) [0] ; s.parentNode. insertBefore(I,s ) } {Pr1ndow,
7documen,t script, '’ //connect .Facebook . net/en_LE/fbevents. js' ) ;
g fbq(’imit', ’{{facebookPixelID}}’);
lB fbq(’track', ’PageViex’);
11 ”"D’
12 <noscr1pt›<img height="1" width="1" sty1e="disp1ay:none”
1g //-.facebook . c om/tr?1d=((facebookP1xe1ID}}8ev=PageV1etu8noscr1pt=1"
1p /›</noscript>
1$<!- - End Facebook Pixe1 Code- - ›
Support document.write "
Advanoed Settings
Fire On
Your tag will also fire right before these tags
Facebook Ad... Facebook Pr...
Your tag will also fire right after these tags Facebook Se...
car›ca Facebook Pu...
o Facebook Audience Pixel – Product View (Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Product) – Custom HTML Tag
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
content_type: 'product', //either 'product' or 'product_group'
content_ids: ['{{productID}}'], //array of one or more product SKUs in the page
value: '{{productPrice}}', //OPTIONAL, but highly recommended currency: 'USD' //REQUIRED if you a pass value
o Facebook Audience Pixel – Search Page (Trigger this on Search Result Page) – Custom HTML Tag
fbq('track', 'Search');
o Facebook Audience Pixel – Add To Cart (Trigger this on Add To Cart) – Custom HTML Tag
var productIDs = '{{productID}}';
var results = productIDs.split(",");
fbq('track', 'AddToCart', {
content_ids: results, //array of one or more product SKUs in the page`z
content_type: 'product',
value: '{{total}}', //OPTIONAL, but highly recommended
currency: 'USD' //REQUIRED if you pass a value });
Configure Tag
2 var productIDs = '{{productID}}’;
j var results productIDs.split(’,”);
p console.1og( resu1t s ) ;
g fbq( ' track ’ , ' AddTo€art , ' (
g content_1ds : resu1t, s //array of one or mone product SKUs In the page”z
7 content_type : ' product' ,
g value: ' ((tata1}), ' //0PTICflAL, but high1y recommended
g currency: 'USD’//REQUIRED if you pass a value
Support document.write "
•Advanoed Settings
Tag firing
Enable custom tag firinp schedule.
fire this tag in published "
Tag firing options
Once per event
•Tag Sequencing
Fire a tag before Facebook Add To Cart Event fires.
Facebook Audience Tracking
Don’t fire Facebook Add To Cart Event if Facebook Audience Tracking fails.
Fire a tag after Facebook Add To Cart E' ent fires.
Fire On
fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout'); </script>
fbq('track', 'AddPaymentInfo'); </script>
o Facebook Audience Pixel – Purchase(Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Purchase) – Custom HTML Tag
var productIDs = '{{productID}}';
var results = productIDs.split(",");
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
content_type: 'product', //either 'product' or 'product_group'
content_ids: results, //array of one or more product SKUs in the page
value: '{{total}}', //REQUIRED
currency: '{{currencyCode}}' //REQUIRED
Configure Tag
2 var = '{{productID}}’;
j var results = productIDs.split(’,”);
p console.log(results);
g fbq(’track ', ’Purchase’, {
g contemt_type: 'product', //either ’product’ or 'product roup’
7 contemt_ids: results, ffarray of one or more product SKUs in the page
g value: ’{{total}}’,//REQUIRED
g curren cy: ' ((c urrencyCod e}} ' // REQUIRED
Support document.write "
•Advanoed Settings
Tag firing
Enable custom tag firing schedule.
fire this tag in published "
Tag firing options
Once per event
•Tag Sec|uencing
Fire a tag before Facebook Purchase Event fires.
Facebook Audience Tracking
Don’t fire Facebook Purchase Event if Facebook Audience Tracking fails.
Fire a tag aher Facebook Purchase E' ent fires.
Fire On
8. Set up Google Tag Manager for Google Dynamic Remarketing
∙Create the following variables
∙Google Tag Params
∙Conversion ID
Create the following triggers
o Remarketing Tag Home
o Remarketing Tag Category
o Remarketing Tag Cart
o Remarketing Tag Product (same as Facebook Dynamic Remarketing please check above section)
o Remarketing Tag Purchase (same as Facebook Dynamic Remarketing please check above section)
Create the following tags
o Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Home (Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Home)
o Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Category (Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Category)
o Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Product (Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Product)
o Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Cart (Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Cart)
Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Purchase (Trigger this on Remarketing Tag Purchase)
Ajax Add To Basket or Remove From Basket
Add the following two functions in your ajax add to basket js file and call
gaAddToCart on success of Ajax add to basket and gaRemoveFromCart on success of Ajax remove from basket function.
Ajax Add To Basket
function gaAddToCart(){jQuery.cookie.json = true;var productToBasket =
jQuery.cookie("productToBasket");var productlist =
jQuery.cookie("productlist");if (productToBasket !=
undefined){manipulationOfCart(productToBasket,'add',productlist);jQuery.remo veCookie("productToBasket", { path: '/', domain: '.' + document.domain});}}
Ajax Remove From Basket
function gaRemoveFromCart(){jQuery.cookie.json = true;var productOutBasket = jQuery.cookie("productOutBasket");if (productOutBasket !=
undefined){manipulationOfCart(productOutBasket, 'remove',
'');jQuery.removeCookie("productOutBasket", { path: '/', domain: '.' +
document.domain });}}
Please contact **********************.uk for any queries.。
