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TiO2 纳米管与还原氧化石墨烯之间复合紧密袁当 rGO 质量分数为 2.0%尧样品经 300 益焙烧后袁rGO/TiO2 NT
的光催化活性达到最佳袁紫外光照射 10 min 时甲基橙 100%完全降解. 这是由于经还原氧化石墨烯复合后袁
TiO2 导带上的电子转移至石墨烯表面袁实现了光生电子和空穴对的有效分离袁进而提高了光催化效率.
Abstract:In order to improve the visible light utilization and photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 photocatalyst袁 the photo鄄 catalytic materials of rGO/TiO2 NT were prepared through a simple hydrothermal method by using TiO2 powder and graphite oxide as raw materials袁 sodium hydroxide aqueous solution as solvent. The morphology袁 structure and optical properties of the product were characterized by TEM袁 XRD and UV-vis. And its photocatalytic activ鄄 ity was evaluated by the photodegradation rate of Methyl Orange aqueous solution under the ultraviolet light. The effects of rGO content and calcination temperture on the photocatalytic properties of the catalyst were investigat鄄 ed. The results show that rGO is tightly combined with TiO2 nanotubes袁 the rGO/ TiO2 NT shows highest photo鄄 catalytic performance when the mass fraction of rGO is 2.0% under 300 益 calcinations袁 Methyl Orange is com鄄 pletely degraded after exposure for 10 min under ultraviolet light. Due to the recombination of rGO袁 the electrons of TiO2 in conduction band are transferred to the surface of graphene袁 and the photocatalytic efficiency is im鄄 proved through effective separation of photo-generated electrons and hole pairs.
安会琴 1袁2袁李 敏 1袁2袁王慧珍 1袁2袁王 炜 2袁黄静媛 2
渊 1. 天津工业大学 省部共建分离膜与膜过程国家重点实验室袁天津 300387曰2. 天津工业大学 化学与化工学院袁天 津 300387冤
摘 要:为提高 TiO2 光催化剂的可见光利用率及光催化效率袁以 TiO2 粉体和氧化石墨为原料袁氢氧化钠水溶液为溶
Key words:titanium dioxide曰 nanotube曰 graphene曰 photocatalysis曰 dye degradation
TiO2 作为最具应用前景的光催化材料之一袁以其 无毒尧催化活性高尧耐酸碱腐蚀尧稳定性好和抗氧化能 力强等优点被长期普遍研究和应用于光催化领域[1-4]遥 早在 1977 年袁Frank 等[5-6]就首次利用 TiO2 来光降解水 中的氰化物遥 由于光催化降解有机物是以表面氧化降 解为主袁比表面积的大小直接影响催化材料对反应介
关键词:TiO2曰 纳米管曰 石墨烯曰 光催化曰 染料降解
文章编号:员远苑员原园圆源载渊 圆园19冤 园5原园园45原05
Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of TiO2 nanotubes graphene composite catalyst
AN Hui-qin1袁2袁 LI Min1袁2袁 WANG Hui-zheng1袁2袁 WANG Wei2袁 HUANG Jing-yuan2
渊 1. State Key Laboratory of Separation Membranes and Membrane Processes袁 Tiangong University袁 Tianjin 300387袁 China曰 2. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering袁 Tiangong University袁 Tianjin 300387袁 China冤
剂袁通过简单的水热法一步制备还原氧化石墨烯复合 TiO2 纳米管渊 rGO/TiO2 NT冤 光催化材料. 通过 TEM尧
XRD 及 UV-vis 等手段表征所得产物的形貌尧结构和光学特性袁通过紫外光下甲基橙水溶液的光降解率来
评价其光催化活性袁 考察还原氧化石墨烯复合量及焙烧温度对合成催化剂光催化性能的影响. 结果表明院
第 38 卷 第 5 期 圆园19 年 10 月
天津工业大学学报 允韵哉砸晕粤蕴 韵云 TIANGONG 哉晕陨灾耘砸杂陨栽再
DOI院10.3969/j.issn.1671-02ber 2019
TiO2 纳米管复合石墨烯催化剂的合成及其光催化性能