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混沌初开时In the beginning.
世界只是一片汪洋There was only ocean.
0,0:01:00.10,0:01:03.95然后海岛之母特菲提来到了Until the "Mother Island" emerged.
0,0:01:04.28,0:01:05.62人间Te Fiti.
0,0:01:06.67,0:01:10.38特菲提之心有着世间最伟大的法力Her heart held the greatest power ever known.
0,0:01:10.71,0:01:13.28它能够创造生命It could create life itself!
0,0:01:13.85,0:01:17.55于是特菲提创造了人间的一切And Te Fiti share it with the world.
0,0:01:20.48,0:01:24.61可是后来有人想要得到特菲提之心But in time, some began to seek Te Fiti's heart.
0,0:01:25.06,0:01:27.13他们相信只要得到了它They believed if they could possess it.
0,0:01:27.23,0:01:30.40也就有了创造万物的法力The great power of creation would be theirs. 0,0:01:31.04,0:01:32.77有一天And one day...
0,0:01:33.70,0:01:36.55这些人中最勇敢的一位The most daring of them all...
0,0:01:36.71,0:01:40.75飘洋过海去寻找这颗心V oyaged across the vast ocean to take it.
0,0:01:42.51,0:01:46.15他是个主宰风和海的半神He was the demigod of the wind and sea.
0,0:01:48.59,0:01:50.10他是个勇士He was a warrior ...
0,0:01:51.50,0:01:52.86也是个变形者A trickster!
0,0:01:55.23,0:01:58.03他那充满魔力的鱼钩法杖A shape shifter who could change form.
0,0:01:58.13,0:02:01.10能让他变化无穷With the power of his magical fish hook.
0,0:02:03.11,0:02:07.25他的名字叫毛伊And his name was Maui!
0,0:02:17.16,0:02:18.82她的心被偷走了以后But without her heart.
0,0:02:19.21,0:02:21.09特菲提开始瓦解Te Fiti began to crumble.
0,0:02:21.39,0:02:24.54并释放出了可怕的黑暗势力Giving birth to a terrible darkness.
0,0:02:42.99,0:02:44.80在逃跑的路上Maui tried to escape.
0,0:02:45.13,0:02:48.34毛伊遇到了火恶魔恶卡But was confronted by another, who sought the heart.
0,0:02:51.09,0:02:55.42恶卡也在谋求特菲提之心Te Ka! A demon of Earth and Fire.
0,0:03:03.45,0:03:06.14毛伊被从天空击落Maui was struck from the sky!
0,0:03:07.50,0:03:09.31从此了无踪迹Never to be seen again.
0,0:03:10.50,0:03:12.43他那神奇的鱼钩法杖And his magical fish hook ...
0,0:03:12.62,0:03:18.10和特菲提之心一起沉入了大海And the heart of Te Fiti, were lost to the sea.
0,0:03:18.89,0:03:22.47即使在一千年后的今天Where even now, a thousand years later.
0,0:03:22.68,0:03:27.42恶卡和海里的恶魔依然妄图找到那颗心Te Ka and the demons of the deep still hunt for the heart.
0,0:03:27.96,0:03:31.82那些隐藏的黑暗势力仍在四处流窜Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...
0,0:03:32.10,0:03:34.19赶走了我们的鱼群Chasing away our fish!
0,0:03:34.41,0:03:37.80霸占了一座又一座的海岛Draining the life from island after island!
0,0:03:37.90,0:03:39.97迟早有一天Until every one of us.
0,0:03:40.17,0:03:44.19我们大家都难逃他们的魔爪Is devoured by the blood-thirsty jaws.
0,0:03:44.26,0:03:47.13注定要被他们吃掉Of inescapable death!
0,0:03:52.42,0:03:53.72但在那之前But one day...
0,0:03:53.93,0:03:55.87会有人把那颗心找回来The heart will be found.
0,0:03:56.22,0:03:59.26他将扬帆起航By someone who would journey beyond our reef.
0,0:03:59.42,0:04:00.71找到毛伊Find Maui.
0,0:04:00.82,0:04:02.94带他跨越整个大海Deliver him across the great ocean...
0,0:04:03.20,0:04:05.32归还特菲提之心To restore Te Fiti's heart.
0,0:04:05.55,0:04:07.16拯救全人类And save us all.
0,0:04:08.25,0:04:09.76好了好了谢谢你妈妈Thank you mother, that's enough.
0,0:04:10.78,0:04:12.87放心谁都不可能离开这的No one goes outside the reef.
0,0:04:13.07,0:04:14.33这里非常安全We are safe here!
0,0:04:14.74,0:04:17.96这没有黑暗势力这没什么怪兽There is no darkness. There are no monsters.
0,0:04:21.26,0:04:22.97- 怪兽!怪兽!- 没有怪兽没有怪兽- Monster! Monster! Monster! - There's no monster... no monsters!
0,0:04:23.04,0:04:24.54是黑暗势力It's the darkness!
0,0:04:24.92,0:04:27.55什么也没有岛外面只有暴风雨No, there is nothing beyond our reef but storms!
0,0:04:27.63,0:04:29.61- 和汹涌的大海- 我要吐了- And rough seas! - I gotta throw up! 0,0:04:29.96,0:04:32.60只要我们大家都待在岛上As long as we stay on our very safe island. 0,0:04:32.78,0:04:33.67就会没事的We'll be fine!
0,0:04:33.81,0:04:35.16传说的都是真的The legends are true.
0,0:04:35.31,0:04:37.01总得有人去冒险Someone will have to go!
0,0:04:38.00,0:04:39.86莫图鲁尼就是天堂Motunui is paradise!
0,0:04:40.07,0:04:41.90谁会愿意离开这?Who would want to go anywhere else?
0,0:07:18.28,0:07:21.24你在这干什么莫阿娜真把我吓坏了There you are Moana, what are you doing? You scared me!
0,0:07:21.31,0:07:22.69我真想回去那But I want us to go back.
0,0:07:22.80,0:07:23.75我知道知道I know, I know...
0,0:07:24.14,0:07:25.69以后不要再到海边去了But you don't go out there.
0,0:07:26.47,0:07:27.46那里很危险It's dangerous.
0,0:07:29.50,0:07:31.00莫阿娜来啊Moana, come on...
0,0:07:31.91,0:07:33.12回村子去Let's go back to the village.
0,0:07:35.21,0:07:37.91你早晚也会成为一位伟大的酋长You are the next great chief of our people.
0,0:07:38.00,0:07:40.94你还会做很多伟大的事我的小宝贝And you do wonderous things, my little Minnow.
0,0:07:41.03,0:07:42.37没错不过Oh yes, but first...
0,0:07:42.57,0:07:45.39你首先要知道自己是属于哪的You must learn where you're meant to be. 0,0:07:57.69,0:07:58.72她来了Moana...
0,0:07:59.64,0:08:01.91大家让开Make way... Make way.
0,0:08:02.24,0:08:03.96莫阿娜你明白吗Moana, it's time you knew.
0,0:08:04.31,0:08:08.03这地方什么都有物资充裕The village of Motunui is all you need.
0,0:08:08.43,0:08:10.13我们舞伴在练习The dancers are practicing
0,0:08:10.37,0:08:12.34随着古老的舞曲They dance to an ancient song.
0,0:08:12.45,0:08:15.72古老的旋律比新的歌动听Who needs a new song? This old one's all we need
0,0:08:15.77,0:08:17.78保护传统是我的使命This tradition is our mission.
0,0:08:17.83,0:08:20.21这担子责任不轻And Moana there's so much to do.
0,0:08:20.58,0:08:24.32不要被树根绊倒路上小心Don't trip on the taro root. That's all you need.
0,0:08:24.57,0:08:26.28分享所有的东西We share everything we make.
0,0:08:26.74,0:08:28.57有说有笑做个工具We joke and we weave our baskets.
0,0:08:28.77,0:08:31.12捕鱼的船渐渐靠近The fishermen come back from the sea.
0,0:08:31.16,0:08:34.39- 它在那里- 不要走失- I wanna see. - Don't walk away.
0,0:08:34.81,0:08:36.79莫阿娜你不要忘记Moana stay on the ground now.
0,0:08:36.90,0:08:40.77我们未来伟大领袖就是你Our people will need a chief and there you are...
0,0:08:40.88,0:08:42.47到那一天There comes a day.
0,0:08:43.00,0:08:44.79没人陪伴在你身边When you're gonna look around.
0,0:08:45.00,0:08:49.01你就会明白最快乐的是你家And realize happiness is where you are. 0,0:08:49.09,0:08:50.71你看看这些椰子Consider the coconut!
0,0:08:51.22,0:08:53.18这一片树林Consider it's tree...
0,0:08:53.21,0:08:54.67椰子的每一个部分We use each part of the coconut.
0,0:08:54.68,0:08:56.88都有价值That's all we need.
0,0:08:57.15,0:08:59.31椰子壳可以做鱼网We make our nets from the fibers.
0,0:08:59.34,0:09:01.20椰汁可口又清凉The water is sweet inside.
0,0:09:01.37,0:09:03.26椰子树干能把火生We use the leaves to build fires.
0,0:09:03.30,0:09:05.06叶子能够做好菜We cook up the meat inside.
0,0:09:05.35,0:09:07.05你看看这些椰子Consider the coconuts!
0,0:09:07.25,0:09:09.47树干和叶子多的是The trunks and the leaves!
0,0:09:09.48,0:09:11.93这小岛给我们所需The island gives us what we need.
0,0:09:11.94,0:09:15.05- 不要离去- 就在这里- And no one leaves. - That's right we stay. 0,0:09:15.48,0:09:17.50安全又有丰厚物资We're safe and we're well provided.
0,0:09:17.62,0:09:19.45带领我们美好未来And when we look to the future...
0,0:09:19.50,0:09:21.61全靠你There you are.
0,0:09:21.65,0:09:23.32直到一天You'll be okay.
0,0:09:23.63,0:09:25.66你会了解人生意义In time you'll learn just as I did.
0,0:09:25.83,0:09:30.94人生的快乐在你的家You must find happiness right where you are!
0,0:09:35.99,0:09:38.00我爱随着海浪舞蹈I like to dance with the water.
0,0:09:38.16,0:09:40.06高高低低的浪花The undertow and the waves.
0,0:09:40.21,0:09:41.99那海水非常顽皮The water is mischievous, ha!
0,0:09:42.34,0:09:44.02它脾气没法估计I like how it misbehaves.
0,0:09:44.37,0:09:46.48他们都说我太疯狂The village may think I'm crazy.
0,0:09:46.53,0:09:48.29也说我不守故址Or say that I drift too far.
0,0:09:48.64,0:09:53.48但我很了解自己我有追寻But once you know what you like. Well, there you are.
0,0:09:55.12,0:09:56.93有其父必有其女You are your father's daughter.
0,0:09:57.48,0:09:59.11我自己注意Stubbornness and pride.
0,0:09:59.23,0:10:01.38他的教导虽有道理Mind what he says, but remember.
0,0:10:01.58,0:10:03.45你要听从你的心You may hear a voice inside..
0,0:10:03.60,0:10:07.78到那时它会呼唤你去追寻那颗星星And if the voice starts to whisper To follow the farthest star
0,0:10:07.94,0:10:11.45会明白哪个才是真正的你Moana, that voice inside is who you are
0,0:10:16.69,0:10:18.22我只是在看看那些船I was only looking at the boats.
0,0:10:18.34,0:10:19.97我没打算要上去I wasn't gonna get on them.
0,0:10:23.94,0:10:24.57来吧Come on.
0,0:10:24.97,0:10:26.67跟我一起去个地方There's something I need to show you.
0,0:10:29.28,0:10:32.69从你出生时起我就一直想带你来这的I've wanted to bring you here from the moment you opened your eyes.
0,0:10:33.63,0:10:35.30这里是个神圣的地方This is a sacred place.
0,0:10:35.90,0:10:37.22每代酋长都来过A place of Chiefs.
0,0:10:37.86,0:10:39.21总有一天There will come a time
0,0:10:39.67,0:10:42.19你也会站在这里给这座山When you will stand on this peak and place... 0,0:10:42.53,0:10:44.41添上一块石头的A stone on this mountain.
0,0:10:44.85,0:10:45.75像我一样Like I did.
0,0:10:46.10,0:10:47.32我的父亲Like my father did.
0,0:10:47.67,0:10:51.03他的父亲每一代酋长都这样做And his father and every chief that has ever been.
0,0:10:52.20,0:10:53.39你要知道And on that day...
0,0:10:53.81,0:10:55.80当你把石头放上去的时候When you're at your stone.
0,0:10:56.28,0:10:59.39这整座岛又会变得高一点You will raise this whole island higher.
0,0:11:00.28,0:11:02.38你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜You are the future of our people, Moana. 0,0:11:02.99,0:11:04.68他们不在别的地方And they are not out there.
0,0:11:05.77,0:11:07.63就在我们这里There are right here.
0,0:11:08.82,0:11:11.32是该你为他们做事的时候了It's time to be who they need you to be. 0,0:11:13.65,0:11:15.54- 椰子可以做捕鱼网- 可以做捕鱼网- We make our nets from the fibers. - We weave our nets from the fibers
0,0:11:15.60,0:11:17.48- 椰汁又清凉- 里面有甜蜜椰汁- The water is sweet inside. - The real taste of tree's inside.
0,0:11:17.51,0:11:19.48- 我们用叶子把火生- 我们一起来把歌唱- We use the leaves to build fires. - We sing these songs in our choirs.
0,0:11:19.77,0:11:21.54- 能够做好菜- 一天忙碌生活- And cook up the meat inside. - We have mouths to feed inside.
0,0:11:21.76,0:11:23.85- 村民都相信我们- 对啊- The village believe in us. - That's right! 0,0:11:23.93,0:11:25.85村民都相信The village believe!
0,0:11:25.91,0:11:28.14这小岛给我们所需The island gives us what we need.
0,0:11:28.16,0:11:31.56不用离去就在这里And no one leaves! So here I'll stay.
0,0:11:31.97,0:11:33.78与我们的家人在一起My home, my people beside me.
0,0:11:33.99,0:11:35.84我的未来就在这里And when I think of tomorrow.
0,0:11:35.86,0:11:38.08我的家There we are.
0,0:11:38.11,0:11:39.64我的带领I lead the way.
0,0:11:40.02,0:11:41.99也需要你们的指引I'll have my people to guide me.
0,0:11:42.24,0:11:44.13一起把未来去建立We'll build our future together.
0,0:11:44.16,0:11:46.11我的家Where we are.
0,0:11:46.13,0:11:48.05每一条路的终点都是'Cause every path leads you back to.
0,0:11:48.09,0:11:50.29我的家Where you are.
0,0:11:50.33,0:11:53.87- 在这里最快乐的是- 我的家- You can find happiness right... - Where you are
0,0:11:54.01,0:11:57.46我的家Where you are....
0,0:12:01.19,0:12:04.52尽管我加盖了很多树叶可每次下雨还是会漏水Every storm, this roof leaks no matter how many fronds I add.
0,0:12:05.39,0:12:06.75不是叶子的问题Knot the fronds!
0,0:12:09.26,0:12:10.84是风把柱子吹偏了Wind shifted the post.
0,0:12:12.26,0:12:13.43这猪肉真不错That's good pork!
0,0:12:16.24,0:12:17.54不是说你Oh, I mean...
0,0:12:17.74,0:12:18.42我的意思是No, I wasn't ...
0,0:12:18.79,0:12:21.32什么?他们在叫我我得走了What? They're calling me! So I gotta... 0,0:12:21.87,0:12:22.38拜拜Bye!
0,0:12:25.48,0:12:26.81你真棒You're doing great.
0,0:12:26.86,0:12:28.11还没结束吗?Is it done yet?
0,0:12:30.37,0:12:31.54就快结束了So close.
0,0:12:46.26,0:12:48.16我很好奇为什么那只鸡I'm curious about that chicken.
0,0:12:48.28,0:12:49.47喜欢吃石头Eating the rock!
0,0:12:49.50,0:12:52.79它看起来好像已经完全I think he seems to lack the basic intelligence required for
0,0:12:52.85,0:12:54.59丧失理智了Pretty much everything.
0,0:12:54.92,0:12:56.27也许我们应该Should we maybe just...
0,0:12:56.58,0:12:57.58拿它做盘菜?Cook him?
0,0:12:58.84,0:13:01.59有时候我们需要透过现象看本质Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface
0,0:13:03.68,0:13:04.59不过不一定Far beneath
0,0:13:04.73,0:13:06.12能看得到In some cases.
0,0:13:06.32,0:13:09.33但我相信它肯定不会像看上去那么傻But I'm sure there's more to Hei-hei than meets the eye!
0,0:13:16.67,0:13:17.76这是今天摘的It's the harvest.
0,0:13:18.13,0:13:21.30早上我在剥椰子的时候This morning,I was husking the coconuts and... 0,0:13:28.10,0:13:29.10那么...Well...
0,0:13:29.22,0:13:34.14我们应该砍掉这些病树we should clear the diseased treesand we will start a new grove.
0,0:13:37.83,0:13:38.74谢谢莫阿娜Thanks, Moana.
0,0:13:39.12,0:13:40.61她可真棒She's doing great!
0,0:13:45.27,0:13:46.47这很适合你This suits you.
0,0:13:48.83,0:13:50.23我相信你应该看看这个There's something you need to see.
0,0:13:51.24,0:13:52.79这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓Our traps in the east lagoon.
0,0:13:53.08,0:13:54.77最近能捕到的鱼越来越少了They're pulling out less and less fish.
0,0:13:55.45,0:13:57.91那就换个地方试试Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds.
0,0:13:58.36,0:13:59.98试过了还是没有鱼We have. There's no fish.
0,0:14:01.49,0:14:03.66那就去岛的那一边试试Then we'll fish the far side of the island.
0,0:14:03.68,0:14:04.48也试过了We tried.
0,0:14:05.03,0:14:06.24迎风的那边?The windward side?
0,0:14:06.26,0:14:07.44还有背风的那边And the leeward side.
0,0:14:07.52,0:14:08.75浅礁沟渠The shallows, the channel.
0,0:14:09.00,0:14:10.62整个礁湖我们都试过了We've tried the whole lagoon!
0,0:14:11.16,0:14:12.90就是找不到鱼They're just... gone.
0,0:14:13.66,0:14:15.42好吧你们有没有试过换换鱼饵呢?Well, have you tried using a different bait?
0,0:14:15.55,0:14:17.05我觉得不是鱼饵的问题I don't think it's the bait.
0,0:14:18.35,0:14:20.35情况好像越来越糟了It seems like it's getting worse and worse.
0,0:14:20.45,0:14:22.75当然我能理解你在担心什么Of course I understand you have reason to concern.
0,0:14:23.87,0:14:25.40我会和长老们商量的I will talk to the counselor.
0,0:14:25.42,0:14:26.78- 我们一定会... - 我们...- I'm sure we ca... - What if...
0,0:14:26.98,0:14:28.39为什么不能出海捕鱼We fished beyond the reef.
0,0:14:30.30,0:14:32.17从来没有人出过海No one goes beyond the reef.
0,0:14:32.29,0:14:34.97我知道但如果礁湖里真的没有鱼了I know! But if there are no fish in the lagoon...
0,0:14:35.07,0:14:36.73- 莫阿娜- 还有那么大一片海呢- Moana! - And there's a whole ocean...
0,0:14:36.75,0:14:38.35我们要遵守规则We have one rule!
0,0:14:38.36,0:14:40.04可那是有鱼的时候制定的规则An old rule when there were fish!
0,0:14:40.04,0:14:41.76它能确保我们的安全A rule that keeps us safe!
0,0:14:41.79,0:14:43.80- 可是爸爸- 而不是像你说的那样- But dad... - Instead of endangering our people
0,0:14:43.81,0:14:45.66让大家以身犯险So you can run right back to the water!
0,0:14:52.97,0:14:55.67我还以为你放弃了离岛的念头Every time, I think you're past this.
0,0:14:58.08,0:15:00.08所有人都不许离开这座岛No one goes beyond the reef!
0,0:15:06.98,0:15:09.40你不该当着你爸爸的面Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad 0,0:15:10.82,0:15:11.95提出海的事情Standing on a boat.
0,0:15:12.78,0:15:15.15我说的是出海捕鱼I didn't say go beyond the reef.
0,0:15:15.16,0:15:17.27又不是要去冒险Because I want to be on the ocean.
0,0:15:17.30,0:15:18.85但你还是想去But you still do.
0,0:15:20.81,0:15:23.17- 你爸爸生你的气是因为- 是因为他不懂我- He's hard on you, because... - Because he doesn't get me.
0,0:15:23.26,0:15:25.66是因为他也曾跟你一样Because he was you.
0,0:15:26.91,0:15:28.31对大海着迷Drawn to the ocean.
0,0:15:28.69,0:15:30.03想去海上Down by the shore.
0,0:15:30.95,0:15:32.54莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He took a canoe, Moana.
0,0:15:33.06,0:15:34.72绕过那片礁石He crossed the reef.
0,0:15:35.37,0:15:37.82驶入了一片危险的海域And found an unforgiving sea.
0,0:15:38.25,0:15:40.35哪里的浪像山一样高Waves like mountains.
0,0:15:41.30,0:15:43.79他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海His best friend begged to be on that boat.
0,0:15:44.73,0:15:46.19但你爸爸没能救回他Your dad couldn't save him.
0,0:15:49.35,0:15:51.46现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙He's hoping he can save you.
0,0:15:53.95,0:15:56.86有时候我们总想着Sometimes, who we wish we were
0,0:15:57.56,0:15:59.22要做些大事What we wish we could do
0,0:16:01.21,0:16:03.10却忘了该做些什么It's just not meant to be.
0,0:16:17.24,0:16:21.44我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋I've been staring at the edge of the water.
0,0:16:21.54,0:16:24.34没有尽头的彼方Long as I can remember.
0,0:16:24.84,0:16:27.44却不明白为什么Never really knowing why.
0,0:16:29.22,0:16:33.24也许你希望我听你的话I wish I could be the perfect daughter.
0,0:16:33.84,0:16:36.47我也曾经努力的尝试But I come back to the water.
0,0:16:36.57,0:16:39.02我还是回到这海洋No matter how hard I try.
0,0:16:41.12,0:16:43.79每一个转弯每一个路段Every turn I take, every trail I track.
0,0:16:44.04,0:16:46.79每一次选择每一次失望Every path I make, every road leads back.
0,0:16:46.97,0:16:49.39不怕多困难那熟悉的地方To the place I know where I cannot go.
0,0:16:49.47,0:16:51.79是我的渴望Where I long to be.
0,0:16:52.74,0:16:55.04我听到地平线的那一边See the line where the sky meets the sea?
0,0:16:55.34,0:16:57.52呼唤我It calls me.
0,0:16:57.99,0:17:00.37谁会知道And no one knows.
0,0:17:00.74,0:17:03.54能走多远How far it goes.
0,0:17:04.17,0:17:08.84乘着风迎着浪扬着帆If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me.
0,0:17:09.09,0:17:12.19终会知道One day I'll know.
0,0:17:12.87,0:17:15.99我要走的路不管有多远也好If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go. 0,0:17:16.44,0:17:22.62虽然在这海岛每一个人仿佛开心没有忧愁I know everybody on this island seems so happy, on this island
0,0:17:22.77,0:17:25.02所有事都被安排Everything is by design
0,0:17:27.17,0:17:33.74虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island.
0,0:17:34.19,0:17:36.67也许我有自己主张So maybe I can roll with mine.
0,0:17:38.44,0:17:41.47我可以带领让你们坚强I can lead with pride, I can make us strong. 0,0:17:41.69,0:17:44.32也可以妥协不再有期望I'll be satisfied if I play along.
0,0:17:44.47,0:17:47.04我心中想起另一个声音But the voice inside sings a different song.
0,0:17:47.34,0:17:49.57我不能自己What is wrong with me?
0,0:17:52.74,0:17:55.14那海岸在闪烁很耀眼See the light as it shines on the sea?
0,0:17:55.24,0:17:57.82的光芒It's blinding.
0,0:17:57.99,0:18:00.64谁会知道But no one knows.
0,0:18:00.92,0:18:03.77海有多深How deep it goes.
0,0:18:04.09,0:18:06.32仿佛它在等待我的回应And it seems like it's calling out to me.
0,0:18:06.42,0:18:08.62我在这里So come find me.
0,0:18:08.89,0:18:12.17请告诉我And let me know.
0,0:18:12.47,0:18:15.69我应该期待什么是未来What's beyond that line, will I cross that line? 0,0:18:15.97,0:18:18.34在那地平线的另一边See the line where the sky meets the sea?
0,0:18:18.52,0:18:20.74呼唤我It calls me.
0,0:18:20.87,0:18:23.52谁会知道And no one knows.
0,0:18:23.87,0:18:26.72能走多远How far it goes.
0,0:18:27.02,0:18:31.69乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me.
0,0:18:31.92,0:18:34.74总会知道One day I'll know.
0,0:18:35.04,0:18:41.49能走多远How far I'll go.
0,0:18:47.99,0:18:49.59别担心胖胖Okay, Pua.
0,0:18:49.68,0:18:51.19相信我I can do this.
0,0:18:52.62,0:18:55.27出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more fish beyond the reef.
0,0:18:57.09,0:18:58.71我相信肯定能的There's more beyond the reef.
0,0:19:07.46,0:19:08.46没那么糟嘛Not so bad!
0,0:20:10.39,0:20:12.20不管发生了什么事Whatever just happened.
0,0:20:13.09,0:20:14.15就说是胖胖干的Blame it on the pig!
0,0:20:20.82,0:20:22.33你会告诉爸爸吗?Are you gonna tell dad.
0,0:20:22.59,0:20:23.54我是他妈I'm his mom.
0,0:20:24.01,0:20:25.96不用事事都跟他汇报I don't have to tell him anything.
0,0:20:29.83,0:20:30.47他说得对He was right.
0,0:20:31.87,0:20:33.06海上很危险About going out there.
0,0:20:36.25,0:20:38.65我也应该接任酋长了It's time to put my stone on the mountain.
0,0:20:42.69,0:20:44.07那就回村子去Well, then head on back
0,0:20:45.40,0:20:46.78把你的石头放上去Put that stone up there.
0,0:20:51.90,0:20:53.73你为什么不劝阻我呢Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it?
0,0:20:53.98,0:20:55.58你说了那是你想做的事You said that's what you wanted.
0,0:20:57.40,0:20:58.01没错呀It is.
0,0:21:02.18,0:21:03.40等我死了When I die.
0,0:21:04.52,0:21:07.42我想要变成一条黄貂鱼I'm going to come back as one of these.
0,0:21:08.56,0:21:10.66不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Or I chose the wrong tattoo.
0,0:21:11.33,0:21:12.87你今天怎么怪怪的?Why you're acting weird?
0,0:21:13.25,0:21:15.14我是村里的怪奶奶啊I'm the village crazy, lady.
0,0:21:15.42,0:21:16.62这才是我嘛That's my job.
0,0:21:17.43,0:21:18.94如果你有什么话想跟我说If there's something you want to tell me.
0,0:21:18.99,0:21:20.04就直说吧Just tell me.
0,0:21:22.22,0:21:23.83您有什么话想跟我说吗?Is there something you want to tell me?
0,0:21:24.55,0:21:27.27你想听我说什么啊?Is there something you want to hear?
0,0:21:32.25,0:21:35.42我们族人的故事你都已经听过了You've been told all our people stories. 0,0:21:36.08,0:21:37.18可这个除外But one.
0,0:21:38.61,0:21:40.13这是哪儿啊?What is this place?
0,0:21:40.28,0:21:44.81你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗?Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?
0,0:21:56.46,0:21:57.67里面有什么呢?What's in there?
0,0:21:58.26,0:21:59.26有你The answer.
0,0:21:59.67,0:22:02.59一直在苦苦寻找的答案To the question you keep asking yourself.
0,0:22:03.17,0:22:05.58你想要做什么样的人Who are you meant to be.
0,0:22:09.14,0:22:10.23走进去Go inside.
0,0:22:11.10,0:22:12.23敲敲鼓Bang the drum.
0,0:22:13.19,0:22:14.62你就能找到答案And find out.
0,0:23:23.94,0:23:24.94对了敲敲Bang the drum.
0,0:24:56.91,0:24:59.96看太阳高高在上We read the wind and sky.
0,0:24:59.98,0:25:01.53风吹散云彩When the sun is high.
0,0:25:01.81,0:25:06.35我们在大海航行迎着风前进We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze.
0,0:25:06.70,0:25:11.86在夜里数每颗星能找到方向At night we name every star. We know where we are.
0,0:25:12.08,0:25:14.14知道我是谁We know who we are.
0,0:25:14.15,0:25:16.39我是谁Who we are.
0,0:25:18.96,0:25:20.99定好了目的地We set a course to find.
0,0:25:21.40,0:25:26.10每一次出行找寻新天地A brand new island everywhere we roam.
0,0:25:28.17,0:25:30.93家乡的模样放心里We keep our island in our mind.
0,0:25:31.18,0:25:33.39时间到了就回家And when it's time to find home.
0,0:25:33.68,0:25:36.10千山万水We know the way.
0,0:25:37.41,0:25:40.51我们去探索每一个符号We are explorers reading every sign.
0,0:25:41.04,0:25:43.65这里有我们的祖先We tell the stories of our elders.
0,0:25:43.80,0:25:47.05古老的故事与传承In a never ending chain.
0,0:25:50.78,0:25:59.96千山万水Nae ko hakilia. We know the way!
0,0:26:01.88,0:26:03.18我们是航海者We were voyagers.
0,0:26:04.57,0:26:13.11我们是航海者We were voyagers!
0,0:26:13.25,0:26:14.08后来发生了什么?Why'd we stop?
0,0:26:17.70,0:26:19.82在他偷走了特菲提之心后When he stole from the Mother Island.
0,0:26:20.22,0:26:21.38黑暗降临到了人间Darkness fell.
0,0:26:21.90,0:26:23.30恶卡苏醒了Te Ka awoke.
0,0:26:24.09,0:26:27.90海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. 0,0:26:28.20,0:26:30.57为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令To protect our people, the ancient chiefs
0,0:26:30.61,0:26:31.73禁止航海Forbid voyaging.
0,0:26:32.03,0:26:35.16于是人们渐渐忘记了自己是航海者的后代And now we have forgotten who we are.
0,0:26:36.46,0:26:39.54然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩张And the darkness has continued to spread.
0,0:26:40.54,0:26:42.26他们赶走了我们的鱼群Chasing away our fish.
0,0:26:42.63,0:26:44.10霸占了Draining the life
0,0:26:44.61,0:26:47.86一座又一座海岛From island after island.
0,0:26:51.56,0:26:52.67我们的岛Our island
0,0:26:53.34,0:26:55.42但是终有一天But one day
0,0:26:55.71,0:26:58.51有人会重新扬帆起航Someone will journey beyond our reef.
0,0:26:58.91,0:26:59.82找到毛伊Find Maui.
0,0:27:00.12,0:27:02.93并带他跨越整片大海Deliver him across the great ocean.
0,0:27:04.00,0:27:07.69归还特菲提之心To restore the heart of Te Fiti.
0,0:27:09.38,0:27:11.81那天我都看到了你I was there that day.
0,0:27:12.61,0:27:14.72大海选择了你The ocean chose you!
0,0:27:24.01,0:27:26.15我还以为那只是个梦I thought it was a dream.
0,0:27:34.88,0:27:38.38我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there. 0,0:27:38.85,0:27:39.98在钩形星座的尽头At the bottom of his hook.
0,0:27:40.92,0:27:43.60朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊Follow it, and you will find him.
0,0:27:44.85,0:27:46.71大海为什么会选中我呢?Why would it choose me?
0,0:27:47.52,0:27:50.38我连怎么驾船出海都不会I don't even know how to make it pass the reef.
0,0:27:51.69,0:27:52.78但我知道谁能教我But I know who does.
0,0:28:02.85,0:28:04.06庄稼都变黑了The crops are turning black!
0,0:28:04.23,0:28:05.11那鱼呢?What about the fish?
0,0:28:05.13,0:28:06.66- 现在整座岛都是这样- 安静- This is happening all over the island. - Please. please.
0,0:28:06.67,0:28:07.78- 请安静- 我们该怎么办?- Settle down! - What are you going to do?
0,0:28:07.80,0:28:08.85我们会开垦更多田地We will dig new fields.
0,0:28:08.87,0:28:11.01- 找到解决方法的- 我们能战胜黑暗势力- We will find a way to... - We can stop the darkness!
0,0:28:11.35,0:28:12.55拯救我们的小岛Save our island!
0,0:28:12.97,0:28:14.19我发现一个山洞里有船There's a cavern boats!
0,0:28:14.59,0:28:15.94很大的船Huge canoes!
0,0:28:16.16,0:28:17.93我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊We can take them, find Maui
0,0:28:18.20,0:28:19.39让他归还特菲提之心Make him restore the heart.
0,0:28:20.02,0:28:21.26我们是航海者We were voyagers.
0,0:28:21.73,0:28:22.89我们应该重新出海We can voyage again!
0,0:28:26.58,0:28:28.19你说过族人需要我们的保护You told me to help our people.
0,0:28:28.42,0:28:30.34只有这样才能保护他们This is how we help our people!
0,0:28:32.18,0:28:33.21你要干什么?What are you doing?
0,0:28:33.48,0:28:35.92我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉I should've burned those boats a long time ago!
0,0:28:35.93,0:28:36.83不不要No! Don't!
0,0:28:37.10,0:28:38.29我们必须找到毛伊We have to find Maui.
0,0:28:38.56,0:28:39.71然后归还特菲提之心We have to restore the heart.
0,0:28:39.89,0:28:41.10根本没有什么心There is no heart!
0,0:28:41.34,0:28:43.40这就是一块石头This...this is just a rock!
0,0:28:58.67,0:28:59.65你母亲不行了It's your mother!
0,0:29:27.58,0:29:28.39现在还能做什么?What can be done?
0,0:29:42.47,0:29:43.27现在不行Not now.
0,0:29:43.86,0:29:44.58我不能I can't.
0,0:29:45.23,0:29:46.16你必须去You must!
0,0:29:46.87,0:29:49.39大海选择了你The ocean chose you!
0,0:29:50.11,0:29:52.11- 朝着钩状星座的方向走- 奶奶- Follow the fish hook. - Grandma. 0,0:29:52.42,0:29:54.69等你找到毛伊And when you find Maui.
0,0:29:55.15,0:29:57.39你就揪着他的耳朵You grab him by the ear!
0,0:29:58.11,0:29:58.74告诉他You say...
0,0:29:59.51,0:30:02.28我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui!
0,0:30:02.77,0:30:04.98快上船You will board my boat!
0,0:30:05.58,0:30:07.09跨越整片大海Sail across the sea!
0,0:30:07.83,0:30:10.97归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti!
0,0:30:13.05,0:30:15.75我离不开您I... I can't leave you.
0,0:30:16.41,0:30:21.13无论你在哪里我都与你同在There is no way you could go, that I won't be with you.
0,0:30:47.70,0:30:52.88我听见地平线另一边在呼唤我There's a line where the sky meet the sea. And he calls me.
0,0:30:53.08,0:30:55.78谁会知道But no one knows.
0,0:30:56.01,0:30:59.02能走多远How far it goes.
0,0:30:59.54,0:31:04.33曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离All time wondering where I need to be is behind me.
0,0:31:04.44,0:31:07.44全靠自己I'm on my own
0,0:31:07.73,0:31:10.95我往前走Towards unknown!
0,0:31:11.15,0:31:14.14每一个转弯每一个路段Every turn I take. Every trail I track.
0,0:31:14.16,0:31:16.87都是我选择不能有遗憾It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back.
0,0:31:16.95,0:31:18.44过去多伟大From a great unknown.
0,0:31:18.45,0:31:23.05未来独自闯我渴望那里Where I go alone. Where I long to be.
0,0:31:31.91,0:31:37.00她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me.
0,0:31:37.13,0:31:39.72让我知道And yes, I know.
0,0:31:40.02,0:31:43.17能走得到That I can go.
0,0:31:43.36,0:31:48.40在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me.
0,0:31:48.66,0:31:51.01终会知道So now I'll know.
0,0:31:51.16,0:31:58.11能走多远How far I'll go!
0,0:32:13.41,0:32:16.48我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana Motunui.
0,0:32:16.80,0:32:17.97快上船You will board my boat.
0,0:32:18.19,0:32:19.69我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea!
0,0:32:20.01,0:32:22.09归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti.
0,0:32:22.26,0:32:23.61我是莫图鲁尼岛I am Moana.
0,0:32:25.51,0:32:29.05的莫阿...娜Of Motu... nui.
0,0:33:04.77,0:33:05.77别害怕It's okay.
0,0:33:06.30,0:33:07.30没事的You're alright.
0,0:33:09.77,0:33:10.70我们走吧There we go.
0,0:33:11.07,0:33:12.65多棒的海水啊Nice water.
0,0:33:12.88,0:33:15.10大海是我们的朋友The ocean is a friend of mine.
0,0:33:44.01,0:33:44.69下一站Next stop.
0,0:33:54.13,0:33:56.63我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui.
0,0:33:57.02,0:33:59.38快上船You will board my boat.
0,0:34:00.52,0:34:03.39我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea.
0,0:34:04.02,0:34:05.95归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti.
0,0:34:07.02,0:34:11.16我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana... of .. Mo..tu....
0,0:34:12.25,0:34:13.13快上船Board my boat!
0,0:34:16.47,0:34:17.06不Oh, no!
0,0:34:24.22,0:34:25.24不不No ... no... no...no!
0,0:34:39.45,0:34:42.46你能帮帮我吗?Can I get a little help?
0,0:34:45.57,0:34:46.39糟了No... no.
0,0:34:49.59,0:34:50.33快点儿Come on!
0,0:35:01.91,0:35:02.78救命Help me!
0,0:35:51.55,0:35:52.94我说了我需要帮助I said help me!
0,0:35:53.26,0:35:55.26但你让大浪来袭击我的船?And wrecking my boat?!
0,0:35:55.71,0:35:57.19这也叫帮忙Not helping!。