牛津上海英语七年级上册 Unit4Jobs and uniforms (共22张PPT)

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3. How were Ben and the motorcyclist? Both Ben and the motorcyclist were hurt. 4. What did Sam do? Why?
Sam ran away because he was afraid.
A policeman
1. When and where did the accident happen? It happenedw_h_e_n_B_e_n_w__a_s _w_a_lk_in_g__w_ith__S_a_m____.
in the street 2. What happened to Ben and the motorcycle? A motorcyclec_am__e_t_ow__ar_d_s_B_e_n_a_n_d__kn_o_c_k_e_d_h_im__d.own The motorcycle_c_au_g_h_t_fi_re__.
200余 立 方 ,确 保 路 况稳定 。 三 、 加 强 管 理,注重 安全,确 保有序 通行。 一是继 续开展 路政执 法工作 ,及时 处理各
类 路 政 案 件 。二是 加强与 公安交 警、运 政等部 门的沟 通
Different people and different jobs
1. Who arrived at the scene of the accident fiArspto?liceman and a policewoman arrived at the scene of the
accident. 2. What did they do to help?
They called a fire engine and an ambul, …
Two days
When Where Who What
Ben’s accident
when Ben was walking with Sam
in the street
Ben,Sam and the motorcyclist came towards /təˈwɔ:dz/ 朝,向 knocked (sb.)down 撞倒 caught fire ran away hurt /hɜ:t/ afraid
arrived carried Ben and the motorcyclist into the ambulance drove quickly to the hospital
a doctor and a nurse
took care of them immediately
1. Who helped Ben and the motorcyclist
arrived at the scene of the accident
called a fire engine and an ambulance
A policewoman stopped the traffic
let the fire engine come quickly to the scene
The doctor and the nurse took care of them immediately.
3. How were Ben and the motorcyclist?
Ben had a broken arm and the motorcyclist had a broken leg.
The policeman stopped the traffic to let the fire engine come quickly to the scene.
/ˈbrəʊkən/ /ɑ:m/
a broken arm
a broken leg
two ambulance workers
/ˈæksɪdənt/ 事故
The scene of the accident
Who may help them?
Look at the pictures on the book and tell who helped them.
motorcycle______________. The motorcycle_______. Both___and ___were____.My pet dog Sam ________. Susan: Who came to help you? Ben: First, ___________. Next, ____________. Then_________. Finally, ______________. Susan: Did Sam come back home? Ben: Yes. Two days later, ___________________.
a doctor and a nurse
two ambulance workers
the policeman an SPCA
a policeman and a policewoman
Put the pictures in the correct order
One day,…
First, …
then? Two ambulance workers, a doctor and a nurse.
2. What did they do to help?
The ambulance workers carried them into the ambulance and drove quickly to the hospital.
公 路 管 理 局 2018年 春运公 路保畅 工作报 告 尊 敬 的 各 位 领导、 同志们 :
为 确 保 2018年 春 运 工作安 全、有 序、平 稳运行 ,营造和 谐、安 全的运 输环境,县公路 分 局 高 度 重 视,全力 以赴抓 好春运 公路保 畅工作 。现将 工作开 展情况 汇报如 下:
One day, Ben and his neighbour, Susan met in the lift.
Susan: What’s wrong with your arm, Ben? Ben: My arm is _____ because of an accident. Susan: How did the accident happen? Ben: One day,when I was _____________ in the street , a
一 、 加 强 组 织领导 ,落实责 任。我 局成立 了由主 要领导 任组长 ,分管领 导任副 组长, 各 科 室 负 责 人为成 员的春 运工作 领导小 组,健全 完善了 春运应 急处置 预案,做到了措
施 、 人 员 、 职责、 岗位、 保障“ 五到位 ”。 二 、 加 强 养 护、路 政巡查 ,确保路 况稳定 。一是 春运前 安排了 养护、 路政等 部门对 辖 区 公 路 进 行一次 全面检 查,特别 是将国 省干线 临水临 崖、急 弯陡坡 、桥梁 涵洞、 边 坡 等 作 为 重点检 查对象 ,发现并 及时消 除隐患 4处,建 立健全 警示标 志,确保 行车畅 通 安 全 。 二 是春运 期间养 护、路 政等部 门轮流 上路巡 查,特别 是在恶 劣天气情况下, 提 高 巡 查 频 率,节假 日实行 轮休作 业,适时 掌握路 面状况 。三是 在春运 开始前 ,集开 展 了 一 次 公 路病害 的处治 工作,其 修补路 面坑槽 40余平 方,清除 路面、 路肩堆 积物
an SPCA officer
found Sam took him home
What did the SPCA officer do to help?
The SPCA officer found Sam and took him home.
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