01 句子扩写五大绝招-2023新高考英语读后续写特训营

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On a Saturday afternoon in Wichita Falls, Texas, three kids talked and laughed happily as (hey took turns riding a scooter (滑板车)on (heir quiet street. 11-year-old TJ Smith had just jumped off the scooter as his neighbors Kim, age 7, claimed her tum, and Julie, 9, looked on. Ten minutes later, Kim sat down on the scooter to catch her breath. That was when a bearded man with a head of messy hair appeared. The kids didn't see where he came from, but they saw exactly what happened next: Without saying a word, the man picked Ki in up off the scooter and calmly stepped away.
The guy held Kim gently like a baby and just walked down the street In fact, the calm way the man behaved led TJ to believe that he must be a relative of Kim's. But something wasn't right.r could see Kim's face,** TJ said."She was scared.
As the man walked on, Kim's fear transformed into weeps, and (hen she cried fbr help. She began kicking and moving, trying to get free of the man's control/'What are you doing?1' Julie shouted. But the man, undisturbed, just walked the length of the block until he reached an alley(小巷)and disappeared.
TJ was frightened, yet he never thought about (he danger to himself. The only thing he wanted to do was to get Kim back. But what was a 4-foot-tall kid going to do to stop a grown man?t4I wanted to help but I couldiVt do it myself/1 he thought to himself. 4t Tell Kim's parents, Julie!” He shouted as he started running towards the alley.
Kim's parents were relaxing on the sofa in their living room when their front door burst open.
Paragraph 1 :"A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!” yelled Julie.
Paragraph 2:At that very moment. Kim's parents arrived.
1. “A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!” yelled Julie. So shocked were Kim's parents that they jumped up from the sofa and rushed over to Julie. Learning what had happened, they phoned the police without delay. The next moment, they jumped into their car and drove off directed by Julie. By then TJ had reached the alley, but the man was nowhere to be seen.、must find Kim, F said to himself. Her an along the alley to the end, where he spotted the man walking towards a white house."Stop! StopWith these words, he charged at the guy fearlessly and held fast to Kim. However hard the guy tried to get rid of TJ, TJ wouldn't give in.
At that very inoment Kim's parents arrived/'Help! HelpFTJ shouted. Immediately Kirn's father took off toward the guy. Seeing this, the guy hurriedly let go of Kim and broke into a run. Kim's father dashed up, caught hold of him and pressed him to the ground. Kim ran crying into her mother's arms. Minutes later, the police arrived and arrested the guy. TJ breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily. TJ's quick thinking and bravery saved a little girl in the neighborhood from unimaginable consequences.

通过阅读所给文章可知,11岁的TJ,7岁的Kim和9岁的Julie 在安静的街道玩滑板车。






所以本段也应该提及,在Julie去告诉Kim父母期间,TJ 是如何行动的。





所以接下来应该写他们是如何与坏人斗争,将Kim 从坏人手中夺回来。






时态正确,语言详略得当,心理活动与动作描写生动,如描写Kim的父亲抓坏人使用了一系列动词,dashed up, caught hold of him and pressed him很精彩地描写了当时激烈的场景。
