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【摘要】In order to study the best leaves of grape, the effects of different leaves on fruit enlargement, color, soluble solids, titratable acid and so on were studied with 8-year-old Turpan red grape as experimental material. The results showed that the panicle weight and fruit weight of 15, 17 and
19 leaves were smaller, and the fruit was fresh red or dark red, the colored leaves were uneven, and the content of soluble solids was low(13.7%, 13.8% and 15.4% respectively). Compared with the reserved leaves 23 tablets, the soluble solid content of 25 tablets and 27 tablets was lower, the ratio of solid acid to acid was 22.32, 22.67 and 28.37, and the fruit quality was poor. When the leaves of 23 leaves were reserved, the fruit and fruit grain increased obviously, the fruit was dark red, the fruit was mature 5~10 d in advance, the soluble solids content reached 16.3%, the solid acid ratio was 36.66, the fruit quality was good. Visible with the increase of the number of branches and leaves, the quality of red grape in Turpan gradually increased, maturity of 5~10 d in advance, when the number of reserved leaves arrived 23 tablets, the indexes no longer increased, the fruit characters were the best, indicating that the number of reserved leaf 23 tablets was
the best left leaf amount of Turpan grape fruit branch.%为研究葡萄最佳留叶
量,以8年生吐鲁番红葡萄为试验材料,研究不同留叶量对葡萄果实膨大、色泽、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸等的影响.结果表明,结果枝上按照每穗果实留叶量分别为15, 17, 19片时果穗质量与果粒均较小,果实呈现鲜红色或深红色,着色叶不均匀,可溶性固形物含量低,分别为13.7%, 13.8%和15.4%;与留叶量23片相比,25片和27片的可溶性固形含量较低,固酸比分别22.32, 22.67和28.37,果实品质较差;保留叶23片时,果穗与果粒明显增大,果实深红色、均匀,果实成熟提前5~10 d,可溶性固形物含量达到16.3%,固酸比为36.66,果实的品质好.由此可见,随着结果枝条留叶量的增高,吐鲁番红葡萄果实品质逐渐提高,成熟期提前5~10 d,当留叶量到达23片时,各项指标不再上升,果实性状最佳,说明留叶量23片是吐鲁番红葡萄结果枝的最佳留叶量.
1.不同留芽量对赤霞珠葡萄产量及果实品质的影响 [J], 雷玉娟;王平;娄文浩;范志光;何娟;吴敏;管雪强
2.结果高度、留芽量及叶幕厚度对“厂”形赤霞珠果际微环境和果实品质的影响[J], 张雯;钟海霞;张付春;韩守安;谢辉;伍新宇;艾尔买克·才卡斯木;潘明启
3.留枝量和留叶量对赤霞珠葡萄果实品质的影响 [J], 张国涛;毛如志;陈绍林;何霞
4.不同叶片留量对波尔莱特葡萄果实品质的影响 [J], 日孜旺古力·阿不都热合曼
5.结果枝留叶量对'巨玫瑰'葡萄果实品质的影响 [J], 和雅妮;奚晓军;查倩;蒋爱丽因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
