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Tutorial completely made by Drakkarious, on
Dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend Drakkarian (Tininha)
First of all, if you have downloaded my package I recommend for you to check if you have all the necessary tools and files:
If so, let’s get started…
1-Installing Hex Comparison tool.
1.1- Install HexCmpsetup.exe leaving only the desktop shortcuts selected.
1.2- Open Keygen.exe press generate and copy generated code by selecting it and pressing right mouse button and pressing “copy”.
1.3- Open Hex Comparison (shortcut on your desktop) and on registration code right click your mouse and press paste, than press register.
2.-Building a fake certificate for later purpose.
2.1-With Hex Comparison click on “Open file 1” and open the file “Drakkarious.p7b”
2.2- Scroll down to line 0x340 and on the right panel you will see an emei.
2.3- De-select “read-only” at the Hex Comparison panel like you see in the picture and edit the imei you see from line 0x340 to one of your own. (BE SURE THAT YOUR “INSERT” BUTTON FROM YOUR KEYBOARD IS UNSELECTED, OTHERWISE IT WILL ADD CHARACTERS INSTEAD OF REPLACING THEM!!!)
2.4-In my example I have used the imei “123456789123456”, so now you must press save like in the image to make the necessary changes (123456789123456 IS MY EXAMPLE IMEI, YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN!!!)
2.5- Now close Hex Comparison and open double click “Drakkarious.p7b”, within the opened panel navigate to the certificate like you see on the picture and press export.
2.6-Now on the panel that has appeared click “next” and than select the second option that you’ll see and than next again like in the following picture:
2.7- Now save the fake cer tificate as “1.cer” inside the same folder where “drakkarious.cer” exists like in the picture.
2.8- Click next again and than finish to build your fake certificate.
3.-Changing the certificate to work with your own imei.
3.1- With Hex Comparison clic k on “Open file 1” and open the file “1.cer”
3.2- Navigate to line 0.X430 like you see on the picture and select the text from the right panel from the beginning of the dots until the end of them. (YOUR VALUES WILL BE DIFFERENT SINCE MINE ARE REFERING TO 123456789123456 IMEI!!!)
3.3- Now click on “Open file 1” and open the file “drakkarious.cer” and navigate to 0X440, select the text from the right panel from the beginning of the dot until the other dot (without selecting any of the dots) and press paste, just like in the picture. (DON’T FORGET TO UN-SELECT READ-ONLY ON THE PANEL!!!)
3.4- Now you must save your work, so press save.
3.5- Your done, your certificate is now Drakkarious.cer with Drakkarious.key from the directory, have fun, and don’t for get to say hi at ;)。
