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你有什么 _____________________ 我有_只钢笔________________________
你的书包里有什么 ___________________________
你有多少根蜡笔 _________________________ 我有八只_______________
它是什么颜色 _______________________ 它是绿邑 _____________________
它们是什么颜色 _____________________ 它们是白邑 _____________________
这是一■只猫吗 _______________________ 是的,它是_________________
那是一条狗吗 __________________________ 不,它不是_________________
这些是熊吗 ______________________ 是的,它们是_____________________
那些是猴子吗 _________________ 不,它们是辨子_____________________
你有一个直尺吗 _______________ 是的,我有_______________________
你有一辆自行车吗 ________________ 不,我没有_______________________

_____________________ 好极了___________________
我是A, A在app I e里 _____________________________
给我看看你的书包 ______________________ 给我展示一下篮色_________________ 让我们_是玩 __________________ 对不起,我不知道___________________________ Where do they Ii Ve ____________________________
新年快乐 ________________________ 圣诞节快乐________________________________
1 •当你要介绍Al ice时,你应该说__________________ 2.当你想询问他人的健康状况是你应该说____________
,S your name B. HOW are you
3•当他人指着远处的东西问你是什么时.他应该说_______________ 's this B. What, S that
4.下午在校门口遇见张老师,你该怎么说_______________ morning,Miss Zhang! afternoon,
have a book i S my book
A. ThiS i S your bag me your bag
do you have B. What' S do you have
S i n your bag you have a bag
9.你想询问你的同学是否有蜡笔,你该怎么问________________ you have a CrayOn you have a book
many dogs do you have B・ HoVV many dogs
11 •你想知道小明的书包是什么颜邑你怎么说______________
A ・ ThiS is AIiCe am AliCe A. What COIOr iS your bag B. What' S in your bag
陕旅版三年级英语下册知识点复习 一词类复习
以辅音字母+结尾的单词变y 为i,+es.
以s, ×, ch, Sh 结尾的单词+es.如 不規则变化如:foot
2)不可数名词•如:Water milk bread tea grass 注意:不可数名词作主语,谓语用单

如GraSS is green.
1) 身体部位(body )类:
head 头 hai r 头发 face 脸 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 face 脸 arm 手
臂 Ieg 腿 foot 脚 hand 手
2) 家庭成员(fami Iy )类:
grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷,
father 父亲 mother 母亲 brother 兄弟 SiSter 姐妹
3) 交通工具类
bus taxi
CaP 帽子
ClreSS 连衣裙 Skirt 裙子 COat 大衣
SWeater 毛衣 , trousers 裤子
ShOeS 鞋
SOCkS 袜子
5)水果类: grapes banana
Candy Cake bread
COOk i e
home SChOOl
Cha i r desk Wi ndow door floor
I ight
8)人物(PeOP I e)类:
1)可数名词 "(1) 可
Candy --- Cand i 去
(3) .⑷
StUdent teacher
grass tree

1 单词有:go ------- COme Wear

3 be 动词的用法(am is are )
1) 主语为I 吋,用am ・如:I am a student.
2) 主语为you, they , these , those 等复数时,用are ・ Are these your dresses 这
3) 主语为he , She , it 等单数时,用is.
4 have has 用法
当主语为单数,用haso 如:She has a book.
IOng -- ShOrt
b i g
---- Sma I I ShOrt ta I I
She ----- her he ---- h i S it
th i S -- 1 hese that - -those
Wha t
1 One
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 SiX 7
当主语为 I , you,复数时,用 have o 如:DO you have a SWeater
第V 、称 I -------- my We 第二人称 you ------- your
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
Ilel even
12 twe IVe 13
Ii ke
f i nd
do ---- does
don' t------- d oesn , t have ---- has
thi rteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen
16 SiXteen
17 ・ SeVenteen.
18 eighteen
19 nineteen 20 tWenty
(六)介词:i n On Under near aboUt by
(七)冠词:a an the ・
(八)连词:and but
1・on foot步行bike (Car , ShiP等)乘自行车(小汽车,船)
much 很,非常 4.e xcuse me打扰一下
5. go home 回家7. go (COme) to SohOO I上学
8 go to Xi , an 去西安9. go to the zoo.去动扬园
1.ThiS ___________ (be) the head and thiS the face・
2.TheSe ___________ (be) the eyes・
3.It ____________ (be) a nice bear・
4.It ___________ (have) a big mouth.
5.He ___________ (go) to Xi , an by train.
6.The girl and the boy _______________ (go) to SChOOl by taxi.
7.They ___________ (be) near the desk・
8.The SOCkS ____________ (be) On the Cha i r・
9.There ____________ (be) a TV i n the ClaSSrOOm・
10.There ___________ (be) two blackboards.
11.The CarS _____________ (be) big・ The bikes _____________ (be) SmaI l・
12.Liuzhaoyang' S _____________ (be) ha i r ShOrt・
13. It (has) two Sma I I ears , but its arms (be) long.
1. DOeS it have IegS ------ YeSJ i t does. 或者N o, it doesn, t・
2. IS this my mom YeS ,I am. 或者I 4m not
3. DO you go home by bus ---- Yes, I d o. 或者No , I don, t.
you COat is this trousers are these do you Ii ke does your Cat I ike EXCUSe me ,
4. DO you I i ke Cand i es don ,
t ・ 5・ DOeS the monkey I i ke bananas it doesn , t ・ ---- Yes, it does. 或者 No , I 或者 NO ,
6. Can you find the
7. 特殊疑问句 where 9WhO f whose, 1. 2. ---- Y es, I can. how many , What about ・ father ・ do you COme to SChOOl i S he what, how, He is my 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. I COme to SChOO I On foot ・ COme to SChOOI by bike ・ It , S MiSS White' They 4 re Dad , S I Iike CakeS Very It I ikes fish. Look, it' S there, S coat. trousers. much ・ IS my eraser StUdents are there in the cIassroom.
There are tWenty StUdents are there i n the cIassroom. _______ i S in your desk There i S a bag in it. ________ I S SeVen and eight It' S fifteen. I Can See a ShOrt tree. 9. 10. 11 ・ _______ Can you See 情景交际 1・ Nice to meet you. - 2.Thank you Very much ・ 嘉叹句 1・ HOW big it is ! On the f I oor. NiCe to meet you, too •或者 Me too. -YOU , re We I COme ・
Unitl What is your father (你的爸爸是干什么的)
【单词】家庭成员类:grandpa grandma father mother
brother SiSter aunt (阿姨)职业类:farmer WOrker driver nurse doc tor
teacher StUdent COOk POI i Ceman 形容词:great (伟大的)kind (慈祥的)
【句型】1>问职业用特殊疑问词^What M :
What are you I am a _________
What i S he/ She He/She i S a ______
What i S your fat her My fat her i S a ________
What are your _______ and ______
My ______ and ______ are _______ s.(职业加S)
Are you a ______ YeS , I am. / No, I am not.
IS he/she a ______ Yes, He/she is. / No, he/she is not.
WhO i S he/she He/ She i S _________ 。


I Warlt tObea ・(职业)
He WantS to be a __________ ・(职业)・ <单数人称别忘记加s>
Unit 2 What do they have On the farm(在农场上他们有什么)
【单词】动扌勿园动歹勿:IiOn ti ger elephant Panda mon key
农∙¾ 动却勿:Cat dog rabb i t horse COW
SheeP (不加S) -- goat hen duck
介词短语:On the farm in the box/cI assroom/bedroom 【句型】J问“有什么”用特殊疑问词^What":
V/hat do you/they have On the farm I /They have ______ Orlthe farm・
V/hat does he/she have On the farm He/she has Orlthe farm・• ∙∙∙∙∙∙
2、否定句:I/ they don, t have any horses・
• ∙∙∙∙
He/she doesn, t have any horses・
DOeS he have any balls in hiS box Yes, he does・/ No, he
doesn' t・
4、There be 句型:There iS a/an ___________ 介词短语。

There are many ________ (复数)介词短语
【语法】仁变否定句:在句中找be、Can•有be > Can在be、Can后添not:没有be、
can,在主语人称后添don' t 或doesn, t. (I you We they 复数人称添don' t, he She it单数人称添doesn, t)
2、 变一般疑问句:在句中找be 、Can •有be * Can 把be 、Can 提前^;没 有be 、can,在句
子开头添do 或does,动词变回原形.(I you We they 复 数人称添do, he She it 单数人称添does )
3、 HaVe / has 用法:I you v/e they 复数人称用 have, he She it 单数人 称用has.
doesn , t ・
【单词】一日三從: 食物类:rice
Unit3 What^ S for breakfast (早餐吃什么) breakfast
dinner (SUPPer ) noodIes
dump Iings meat
SOUP (全部不可加S )
Very IittIe (很少)
【短语】 Very much (非常) at home (在家)
What is for breakfast
What do you have for breakfast What does he/she have for breakfast breakfast ・
DO you have _____ for breakfast
DOeS he have for breakfast
We I COme (欢迎)
I have ___ for breakfast ・ I have ____ for breakfast ・
He/She has
Yes, I do. /No, I don f t ・ Yes, he does. /No, he
3、Dinner is ready.(晩餐准备好了。

Unit4 When do you have classes (你们什么时候上课)
【单词】动词短语:一日三餐have brea I fast/ lunch/ dinner/ SUPPer
get UP —go to bed go home ------ go to SChOO I
have ClaSSeS (have a ClaSS) PIay games WatCh TV
反义词:big ----- Sma I I IOng --- ShOrt
ear Iy --- Iate
介词短语:in the morning / afternoon/ evening
at night (在几点钟也用at) at SohOOl at home
【句型】1>问“你什么时候做什么事”用特殊疑问词“when” :
V/hen do you PIay games I PIay games at SeVen o' CIOCk・
V/hen does he Play games He PlayS games at SeVen o, ClOCk・
结构形式:When do you动词短语I动词短语at时间°
2、一般疑问句:DO you PIay games at SChOOl Yes, I do. / No, I don, t.
DOeS She go to bed ear Iy Yes, She does・/ No, She doesn, t・
3、Ear Iy to bed and ear Iy to r i se.(早睡早是身体好)
Unit5 OUr SChOO I・(我们的学校。

【单词】场所类介词短语:at the SChOOl gate in the ClaSSrOOm
in the teachers, OffiCe the
Iibrary∕toi Iet/garden
On the PlaygrOUnd
名词:COmPUter desk Chai r 短■语:Of COUrSe (当然了)【句型】1、询问“在你的学校有什么":
What is in your SChOOI/ ClaSSrOonl There i s/are ____ 2、There be句型一般疑问句:
IS there a __________ YeS , there is. / No, there isrΓ t・
Are there any ___________ (复数)YeS ,there are・ / No, there aren, t・
【语法】1 > There be句型be的用法:There be句型人称在be的后边,be

单数人称用is ,复数人称用are.如:
There is a Pen and two ruIers ・
There are two ruIers and a Pen・

Unit6 What SUbjeCtS do they have this morning(他们早晨上什么课)
Engli Sh
短语:Let me see.(让我想一想)Ch i nese Math
反义词:tai I ---- ShOrt SC i ence
b i g - Snla I
IOng --- S hOr t
【句型】J问“你有多少门科目M用特殊疑问词Hw many SUbjects:
2、问“你有什么科目”用特殊疑问词What subjects:
DOeS he Ii ke _____ Yes, he does ・ / NO he doesn' t・
5、“你搜长于它么”:Are you good at it Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
Unit7 It' S TUeSday・(今天星期二<>)
【单词】星期类(Week): SUnday MOnday TUeSday WedneSday ThUrSday Friday SatUrday
短语:draw SOme PiCtUreS (画画)every day (每天)
【句型】J问“今天星期几”用特殊疑问词44What day” :
What day iS it today
∣t, S _________ (星
V/ha t day i S to day
2、问“你做什么U What do you do ∣t, S _________ (星期)I 动词短语O
HOW many SUbjects do you have I have ________ HOW many SUbjects does he have He has ________ SUbjects. SUbjects.
V/hat SUbjects do you have
V/hat SUbjects does he have
• ∙∙∙
V/hat SUbjects do you I ike
V/hat SUbjects does he I ike
• ∙∙∙I have _______
He has
■ ∙ ■
I Iike _______
He Ii kes _______ Yes, I do ・ / NO I don t
【语法】1、介词in On at 用法:在早農、在中午S 在晩上用ir‰在夜晚, 在几点钟用
at ,在星期几用on.
2、一般时态:一般时态构成形式主语人称+动词,动词随人称发生变化, I you We they 复数人称动词用原型(不变),he She it 单数人称动词
加S 或es.
Unit8 BOy I ike to PIay ball.(男孩子喜欢玩球 <>)
【单词】 动词短语:PIay basketbaI I
Play footba I I
短语:after SChOOl after CIaSS
every mornιng
Wait for me (等我)
2、一般疑问句:“你喜欢做什么吗” DO you I ike to 动词短语 Yes, I do. / No, I don' t
DOeS he I ike to 动词短语 Yes, he does. / No, He doesn , t 3、Let , S PIay

) Unit 1 OUr new house ・
一、 词汇
What does he do
He 动词短语(加S ) o
Slng SOngS draw a PiCture
jump rope SWirT l dance run
【句型】1>问“你喜欢做什么" 用特殊疑问词What:
What do you I ike to do I I ike to 动词短语 What does he I ike to do
He I ikes to 动词短语
be Iate (迟到)
1 > WhOSe 谁的,WhO (所有格)WhOSe。

2、Where在哪儿,Where (同狡词)Wear (穿,戴)。

3、WatCh看(动词),WatCh (第三人称单数)WatCheS。

也可当名词,意为:手表(名词),Watoh (复数)WatCheS。


eg:He Often StUdieS in his StUdyO
5、big 大,big (反义词)Smal I。

6、too 也,太,too (同音词)two。


eg: CIeanthe room 打扫房间
1 > WhOSe home 谁的家2、WeICOme to 欢迎来到............... 3、Sma I I but CIean小但是干净4、hide and Seek捉迷藏
5> IOOk OUt 注意6、big and beautiful 既大乂漂亮7、Under the bed 在床下8、I iving room 客厅9、dining room
1> What' S in your new house ?
2、There are two bedrooms ・
3^ Where do you WatCh TV ?
4、OUr Iivingroom iS not Very big, but it, S beautifu ・
Unit 2 I, m COOking in the kitchen ・
1、run (现在分词)running
2、SWinl (现在分词)SWimming
3、Sit (现在分词)Sitting
4、make (现在分词)making
5、have (現在分词)having 6^ Wr ite (现在分词)Writing
7、dance (现在分词)dancing

9、dar I ing 亲爱的(名词),dar I ing (同意词)dear。

10> PeOPIe 人,人们,PeOPle (复数形式)PeOPle。

1、in the StUdy 在书房里2^ read a book / read books 看书3^ I isten to music 听音乐 4. every day 每天
5、draw PiCtures / draw a PiCtUre 画画
6、make a PIane 造飞机
7、how about =what about .................... 怎么样
三. 句型
1、What are you doing ?
2、I'm COOk i ng
3、What are the in the kitChenO girls doing ?
4、They are Singing SOngS ・ Unit 3 IS it SnOWing ?
一. 词汇
1 > need 需要(动词)。

2、 rain 雨(名词),下雨(动词)。

raincoat 雨衣。

3、 SnOW 雪(名词),下雪(动词)。

4、 ClOUCl 云(名词),CIOUd (复数)CIOUdS 。

5、 COId 冷,COld (反义词)hot (热)・
PUton 穿上,后跟名词,与代词连用时,代词要放在PUt 与OrI 的中间。

1 > IOOk at 看 2、inthe Sky 在天空 take a raincoat 带上雨衣 4、 take an Umbrel Ia 带上雨伞 5、take OUt 拿出
6、PUt On 穿上,戴上
7、PIay games 做游戏 8= PIay With 和…一起
三. 句型
1> LOOk at the ClOUdS in the Sky ・
2、 IS it SnOWing 肯定:Yes, it i S ・否定:No, it isn , t ・
3、 It is SOnwing .But there iS no Wind ・・
4、 Let' S take OUt OUr raincoats ! (Iet' S=Iet US)
5、 HOW COld it i S ・
Unit 4 What do you do On SUnday ?
after 在 ..... 之后, 对应词为是before,意为:在…

2、 Weekend 周末
3、 fly 放(飞),fly
、 短语
PIeaSe PUt On your COat ・(后跟名词)
PIeaSe PUt them On ・
1 > after CIaSS 课后2、On the Weekend 在周末3、fly a kite 放风筝4、PIay footbal I 踢足球
5、do exercise 做运动6^ See a f i Irn 看电影7、do SOme v/ashing 洗衣服8、do SOme COOking 做饭
9、Climb the mountain 爬山10、do one' S homework 做作业11、On SUnday在星期天
12* at home在家
13、go home 回家14、CIimb the mountain 爬山
1> What do you (Ofen) do On SUnday ?
2、What does your father do On the Weekend ?
3、He Often CIimbs the mountains ・
4、DOeS your father PIay footba I I NO, he doesn' t ・
Unit 5 Where are you going ?
1 > date 日期,tomorrow 明天。

2、Chi Idren 孩子们,Chi Idren (单数形式)Child 。

3、animal 动物,mouse 老乱,tel I 告诉,fast 快。

1 > bus StOP 公共汽车站2、buy a StOry book 买一本故事书3、go to the bookshop 去商店go to the Cinema 去电影院5、ChiIdrer√ S Day 儿童节6、PIay in the Park 在公园玩7、See the anima Is in the ZOO 看动物园里的动物
8、go to SWinl 去游泳
1> Where are you going We are going home ・
2、IS She going home?
3、Are they going to home NO t they aren' t
4、What are you going to do tomOrrOW I, m going to See a fiIm ・
5、HaPPy Chi Idrer√ S Day ・
Unit 6 TOday is her bi rthday ・
1、for为,给 ,idea主意,ParentS父母,Parent父亲,母亲,WiSh希望 ,bird 鸟,away离开
SO如此 ,none没有任何人,没有任何东西。

2、 happi Iy快乐地(副词),happy (副词形式)happi Iy 。

3、One , two , three , four , five , six , SeVen , eight , nine , ten o
4、eleven , twelve , thi rteen , fourteen , fifteen , SiXteen , SeVenteen , eighteen , nineteen , tWenty 。

5、thi rty T forty , fifty , SiXty , SeVe rτty , eighty , ninety , hundred
1、have a birthday Party 举行生日聚会
2、buy a gift 买个礼物
3、good idea好主意4* make a Card做张卡片
5、how Old 多大,几岁
6、a nice gi r I 一个好女孩
7、good IUCk 好
运8> make a WiSh 许愿9> have a IOOk
看一看10、SO many 如此多的11、fly away 飞走12> Sing happi Iy 快乐地唱歌
1> I , m going to buy a gift for my grandma ・TOday iS her bi rthday ・
2、HaPPy bi rthday to you !
3、HOW aboUt your Parents ?
4、HOW Old iS your grandma DO you know She i s s i Xty-One ・
5、HOW many b i rds Can you See
Unit 7 Be CarefUl !
_ —、
r ight右边,right (反义词)Ieft UP向上,UP (反义
词)down φ
2、man男人,man (复数)men o POIi Ceman 警察,POl iceman (复数)POl icemen 。


OId (反狡词)young (年轻的)。

4、CarefUl小心的,CrOSS穿过,Street街,马路,SOrry对不起, minute分钟,busy忙的。

1、turn Ieft 左转
2、traff ic I ights 交通灯
3、CrOSS the street 过马路
4、be CarefUl小心点5> a I I r ight好的
6、StOP and VVait 停下来等一等
7、Wait a minute 等一会儿
8、go to WOrk 去上班
9、Stand UP 站立10、Sit down 坐下11 > go ahead 向前走
1> Be CarefUl ! LOOk at the traffic Iights ・
2、Don' t turn Ieft ・ PIeaSe Wait a minUte ・
3、The I ight is green .We Can go now ・
Unit 8 What Can you do ?
1 > hear 听见,hear (同狡词)here 。

2、ClOSe 关闭,CIOSe (反狡词)OPen <>
3、helpful 有帮助的,help (形容词)helpful。

4、 We I I 好的,Wel I (同意词)good 。

5、 ChineSe 语文,汉语 river 河 Piok 摘 yummy 美味 的 try 尝试。

6、 Can 能(情态动词),Can (否定形式)can , t , Can 的形式不随主语的 2、Playthe music 播放音乐 SOng 一首英文歌 6> CrOSS the river 过河
7、PiCkSOnlebana nas 互相 9> CIOSe the WindOW 关上窗户 2、Can you Play the music at the Party 肯定:YeS , I
Can ・否定:NO ,
I can , t ・ 用法:αCan +主语+动词原形+其他”用于询问对方能否做菜事。

肯定回答: YeS ,主语+ Can ・否定回答:No ,主语+ can' t ・
3、 I Can take PhOtOS for you ・
4、 There are many ban anas On the t ree ・(on / in the t ree 者卩意为在树上, 但是in the tree 指外来的在树上的东西,而On the tree 指本身长在树上的 东西) 变化而变化。

eg: They / He
二、 短语 1、take PhOtOS 拍照片 非常好
4、an Engl ish
5、at the party 在聚会上 扌商
些香蕉 8> each Other
三、 句型
1> What Can you do
Can SWim ・ o
3、Very Wel I I Can SWim Very We I I ・。
