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1.The Great Wall of China can be seen from ______.
2.I can ______ (让) people laugh.
3.The _____ (兔子) has long ears and a short tail.
4.The ______ (热带) region has many exotic plants.
5.What is the name of the famous Italian artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
A. Raphael
B. Leonardo da Vinci
C. Michelangelo
D. DonatelloC
6.What do you call the tall structure used by firefighters to reach high places?
A. Ladder
B. Ramp
C. Stairs
D. ElevatorA
7.The _______ (小海豚) leaps joyfully out of the water.
8.We are _____ (drawing) in art class.
9.The _____ (植物种类) varies by geographical location.
10.The _______ provides shelter for small animals.
11.I built a huge _________ (玩具城市) with my friends.
12.The code of laws created by the ancient Greeks was called the ______ (德尔菲神谕).
13.The ancient Egyptians valued ________ as part of their culture.
14.The teacher is _____ (kind/mean) to us.
15.What do you call a story that is written to teach a lesson?
A. Fable
B. Novel
C. Biography
D. PoemA
16.The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be _______ or destroyed.
17.Many trees lose their _______ in winter.
18.What is the name of the event where people come together to celebrate a festival?
A. Gathering
B. Celebration
C. Party
D. EventB
19.Which animal lives in a den?
A. Wolf
B. Eagle
C. Fish
D. FrogA
20.The __________ is a famous area known for its wildlife.
21.The gas that makes bread rise is ______.
22.The _____ (青蛙) has a unique way of communicating.
23.I love to drink ___. (juice)
24.What do we call the study of computers?
A. Technology
B. Computer Science
C. Engineering
D. MathematicsB Computer Science
25.The dog runs very ___ (fast/slow).
26.In _____ (乌干达), you can find Lake Victoria.
27.I enjoy _______ (参加) local events.
28.Oxygen is essential for ______.
29.I have _____ (one/two) brother(s).
30.We go to school ____ the morning. (in/on/at)
31.What do we call the changes in the weather over a long period?
A. Climate
B. Weather
C. Season
D. Forecast
32.What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
A. London
B. Edinburgh
C. Cardiff
D. Belfast
33.My mom is my caring _______ who loves me dearly.
34.What is the name of the fairy tale character who leaves a glass slipper at a ball?
A. Sleeping Beauty
B. Snow White
C. Cinderella
D. RapunzelC
35.Which animal lives in water?
A. Tiger
B. Frog
C. Eagle
D. HorseB
36.Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?
A. J.K. Rowling
B. Roald Dahl
C. Mark Twain
D. Dr. Seuss
37.What do we call the tool used to cut paper?
A. Glue
B. Scissors
C. Tape
D. RulerB
38.My dad shares his __________ (知识) about the world.
39. A __________ is an area where land is pushed upward.
40.My friend loves __________ (体育) and staying active.
41.The _____ (雨伞) is colorful.
42.The girl loves to ________.
43.She is a great ________.
44.__________ are formed when acids and bases react together.
45.What is the name of the scientist who developed the theory of evolution?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Albert Einstein
C. Charles Darwin
D. Galileo GalileiC
46.Telescopes can be ground-based or ______.
47.I can’t wait for the __________ to start; I love the snow! (冬天)
48.My family enjoys __________ together. (看电影)
49.The _____ (piano) is out of tune.
50.Saturn is known for having the most spectacular _______.
51.What is the name of the famous American national park known for its geysers?
A. Yellowstone
B. Yosemite
C. Grand Canyon
D. Zion
52.What is the name of the famous American president who abolished slavery?
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Franklin
D. Roosevelt
D. Thomas Jefferson
53.soil) is crucial for agriculture. The ____
54.Sound travels through ______ (air).
55.My mom is ______ (cooking) dinner.
56.The teacher _____ the students' questions. (answers)
57.Earth has one moon, but some planets have ______.
58.Certain plants can ______ (抑制) weed growth.
59.Pumpkins grow on ______ (藤) plants.
60.We have a garden with many _______ (我们有一个花园,里面有很多_______).
61.My dad enjoys __________ (下棋).
62.How do you say "star" in Spanish?
A. Estrella
B. Etoile
C. Stern
D. Stella
63.I want to learn to ______.
64.What do we call the layer of gases surrounding Earth?
A. Atmosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. BiosphereA
65.I love to decorate my toy ____ with stickers. (玩具名称)
66.The ________ is a joyful little friend to have.
67.What is the capital of Japan?
A. Kyoto
B. Tokyo
C. Osaka
D. Hiroshima
68.The chemical symbol for arsenic is ______.
69.What is the name of the famous river in Egypt?
A. Amazon
B. Nile
C. Yangtze
D. Mississippi
70.The __________ (历史的文化底蕴) informs practices.
71.The _______ (Crusades) were a series of religious wars in the Middle Ages.
72.The _______ is the center of an atom.
73.The dog is barking ________.
74. A solution is considered saturated when it cannot dissolve any more ______.
75.The bluejay is a _________ (鸟类) that can mimic other sounds.
76.What color do you get when you mix red and white?
A. Pink
B. Purple
C. Orange
D. Green
77.What do we call a person who investigates crimes?
A. Detective
B. Officer
C. Agent
D. Inspector
78.I have a toy ________ that can soar through the air.
79.How many legs does a spider have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. FourB
80.The _____ (小狗) is barking at the mailman.
81.My favorite snack is ________ (坚果) for energy.
82.What do we call a place where animals are kept for public display?
A. Zoo
B. Sanctuary
C. Habitat
D. PreserveA
83.__________ are often used in fireworks for colorful displays.
84.My teacher is __________ (严格的) but very kind.
85.I can jump ___. (high)
86. A reaction that releases energy is called an ______ reaction.
87.I imagine taking my pet for long ______ in the park. We could play ______ together and enjoy the fresh air. I would love to teach it new ______ and tricks. I think it would be so much fun!
88.My mom makes the best _____ (soup/salad).
89.We will have a ___ (party).
90. A newt lives in both ______ (水) and on land.
91.I want to _____ (learn) more about herbal remedies.
92.My favorite color is _______ (粉色).
93.The ______ (鸽子) coos softly in the morning.
94. A _______ can be used to measure the speed of sound.
95.What is the capital of France?
A. Rome
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. Madrid
96.What is the main source of energy for the Earth?
A. Wind
B. Solar
C. Water
D. CoalB
97.What do we call a young child?
A. Teen
B. Toddler
C. Baby
D. KidB
98.The ______ (植物的饲料) can support livestock.
99.What do you call the practice of keeping bees?
A. Horticulture
B. Apiculture
C. Sericulture
D. AquacultureB 100.What is the name of the famous waterfall located between Canada and the USA?
A. Angel Falls
B. Victoria Falls
C. Niagara Falls
D. Iguazu FallsC。
