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Teaching goal
• 1. 区分一般过去时和现在完成时
• 2. 辨析容易混淆的动词
taxi/'tæ ksɪ/ n.出租汽车 take a taxi to… 打车去… cab/kæ b/ n.出租车, (公共汽车、火车等的)司机室, 驾驶室, 出租马车(A) by taxi = by cab taxi driver = cab driver taxi stand 出租车站(A)
• lonely/'ləʊnlɪ/
• 1) adj. 孤寂的, 寂寞的
• Eg. Although he lives in a big family, he feels very lonely.
• 2) adj. 指地方偏僻的, 人迹罕至的
• Eg. It’s a lonely village in Africa.

a deserted car park 一个废弃的停车场
About U.K.
英国包括 英格兰England、 苏格兰Scotland/'skɒtlənd/ 威尔士Wales/weɪlz/ 和北爱尔兰Northern Ireland四个部分
• 其中England, Scotland, Wales同属于Great • Britain(大不列颠), 而Northern Ireland在地理 • 上与其它三部分分开, 属于爱尔兰, 但是在1921 • 年的独立战争后被分割出来, 现在归英国、爱尔 • 兰和其本身的代表议会共同管理。 • England首府: London(同时也是整个英国的首都) • Scotland首府: Edinburgh/'ednbɜ:rə/ 爱丁堡 • Wales首府: Cardiff/'kɑ:dɪf/ 加迪夫 • Northern Ireland首府: Belfast/'belfæst/贝尔法斯特
• Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats
• block/blɒk/ • 1) [c]n. (木, 石, 金属等的)大块 • a block of rock 一大块岩石 • 2) [c]n. 大建筑物, 大楼(内有许多相互独立的公寓或办公室的) • a block of flats 一栋公寓楼 • a tower block 高层建筑, 塔楼 • 3) [c] 街区, 四面街道围成的一大片建筑物(A) • Eg. The post office is two blocks away.
• land/lænd/ • 1)[u]n. 陆地, 土地 • land←→sea/water, by land ←→ by air/ by sea • farming land 农业用地 building land 建筑用地 • 2) [c]n. 祖国(喻) • mother land home land native/'neɪtɪv/ land • the land of the dead 黄泉路 • landlord, landlady • 3) vt.&vi. (使)着陆 • land on one’s feet 化险为夷 • land in / land up 陷入
• in honor of the occasion 为表庆贺
• on rare occasions 偶尔
• Eg. I have met him on several occasions.
Welsh/welʃ/ adj. 威尔士(人)的, 威尔士人 Pilatus/'pɪlətəs/ Porter/'pɔ:tə/ 皮勒特斯·波特 Ben Fawcett/'fɔ:sɪt/ 本·弗西特 Birmingham/'bɜ:mɪŋhæm/ 伯明翰 Rockall/'rɒ kɔ:l/ 罗卡尔岛
• 1. The ‘taxi’ is a small Swiss aeroplane called a ‘Pilatus Porter ’.
• called a ‘Pilatus Porter ’是过去分词短语, 作aeroplane的定语。过去分 词短语作定语时要放在所修饰的名词/代词之后, 而单独一个分词作定语时则往往放 在所修饰的名词/代词前面。
打算等 • 3) deserted/dɪ'zɜ:tɪd/ adj. 无人的, 被抛弃的 • a deserted area 无人地区 • a deserted child 被抛弃的孩子 • dessert/dɪˈzɜ:t/ n. 饭后甜点
• plough/plaʊ/ v. 用犁耕 • plow/plaʊ/ (A) • plough a field/plough up a field 耕田 • Eg. They plough in spring. 他们在春天耕种田地。 • the Plough 北斗七星
• since then 从那时起(强调起点)
• so far = up to/till now 到目前为止(强调终点)
• ★fly→flew→flown
• 1) vi. 飞, 飞行
• Eg. The aeroplane is flying over the river.
• 2) vt. 空运(乘客)

Switzerland 瑞士
• 2. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field.
• that 从句在此处是表语从句。宾语从句中的that可省略;定语从句中的关系 词在从句中做宾语时可以省略。

alone adj. / adv. 独自的(地), 单独的(地)
• Eg. He lives alone. (adv.) 他一个人住。

Leave me alone. (adj.) 别理我。
alone/lonely alone无不愉快的含义, lonely含不愉快的含义。 alone作adj.不可放n.前, 只能做表语, 补语, 后置定
• once…and on another occasion

一次…, 另一次…
• Eg. Once I met him on the street and on another occasion I met him in the librar y.
• on several occasions 在几次不同场合
• desert • 1) /'dezət/ n. 沙漠, 荒漠 • the Sahara/sə'hɑ:rə/ Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 • 2) /dɪ'zɜ:t/ v. 离弃, 放弃, 遗弃 • desert sb / sp 抛弃或放弃某人/某地 • desert 强调丢弃, 抛弃; abandon/ə'bændən/ &give up 强调放弃某一想法,• 1) n. 房顶, 车顶, 顶部 pl. roofs
• Eg. Although parted, they continued to live under the same roof.
• hit the roof 大发雷霆
• raise the roof 闹翻了天
• call sb. sth. 叫某人…
• be called 被称为…
• Eg. The instrument was called a clavichord.

I have an instrument called a clavichord.
• Swiss adj. 瑞士(人)的 n. 瑞士人(单复数同形)
• ph. from…to… 从…到…

on another occasion 还有一次, 另一次

on the roof of 在…的顶上

since then 从那时候起

on a ploughed field 在耕田上

unusual place 不寻常的地方

a block of flats 一栋公寓楼
• fly sb./sth. to… 开飞机送某人/物去…
• Eg. He has flown his car to France.
• 3) Time flies.
• 4. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.
• flat [flæt]
• 1) n. 公寓, 单元房, 一套房间 (B)
apartment (A)
• 2) adj. 平坦的 flat land 平原
• 3) adj. 泄了气的, 瘪下去的 flat tyre 瘪了的轮胎
• 4) adj. 浅的, 扁的 a flat dish 浅碟子
• First listen and then answer the question.
Does Captain Fawcett think any trip is too dangerous?
语。 lonely指“孤单的”, “孤独的” lonely指人孤独, 有浓厚的感情色彩。 alone 指“独自一个人” adj./adv. alone表示单独, 独自一个, 没有感情色彩的。 Eg. He stays home alone on the weekends.
She watches TV when she is alone .
• have no roof over one’s head
• = have no place to live in
• 2) n. 最高处
• the roof of the world 世界屋脊
• the roof of the mouth 上颚
• under sb’s roof 在某人家做客, 寄人篱下
• The most surprising thing is that… • Eg. The most exciting thing is that we can win the football match.
• 3. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.