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A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Campus
Human beings have existed on this planet for a long time and gone through a long development. It has been more than 4000 years since the birth of the first statute law in human history, and we have formulated various laws and regulations to prevent crime. However, in today’s society, cases of campus bullying still occur from time to time. Some are minor, such as campus injuries, and some are serious, causing the victim to lose their valuable lives. In terms of campus bullying, the situation in the United States is as common and severe as that in China. The reason to conduct this research is to find out what are the differences and similarities of the campus bullying between China and American. At the same time, previous experiences are expected to be learnt. By doing so, ways to reduce or prevent campus bullying or even eliminate it are hoped to be found out. The ways and methods to conduct this research is to look for facts, look into used methods and make conclusion about them.
In this paper, different methods of campus bullying classification will be mentioned, reasons of adolescent campus bullying will also be analyzed. What’s more, the current situations of campus bullying in the United States and China will be studied. Then, the characteristics as well as similarities and differences of campus bullying in the United States and China will be analyzed. Finally, according to the current situation and characteristics of campus bullying in China, combined with the methods of avoiding campus bullying in the United States, appropriate suggestions will be given.
Keywords: campus bullying, comparative study between China and America
Contents Abstract (1)
摘要 (1)
Introduction (3)
1 About Campus Bullying (4)
1.1 The Definition of Campus Bullying (4)
1.2 Different Types of Campus Bullying (5)
1.2.1 Direct Verbal (5)
1.2.2 Indirect Verbal (5)
1.2.3 Direct Physical (6)
1.2.4 Indirect Physical (6)
1.2.5 Direct Psychological (6)
1.2.6 Indirect Psychological (6)
2 The Reason of Campus Bullying (6)
2.1 From Individual Perspective (6)
2.2 From Family Perspective (7)
2.3 From Society Perspective (7)
3 Campus Bullying Situation in America and China (8)
3.1 In America (8)
3.2 In China (11)
3.3 Difference and Similarity of Campus Bullying in China and United States (13)
3.3.1 Difference of Campus Bullying (13)
3.3.2 Similarity of Campus Bullying (14)
4 Methods to Avoid Campus Bullying (14)
4.1 In the United States (14)
4.1.1 A Sturdy Legal System (15)
4.1.2 Systematic Intervention of Campus Bullying (15)
4.1.3 Support Through V olunteer Group and Internet (16)
4.2 In China (16)
Conclusion (17)
References (19)
Acknowledgments ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
In the past, people in China are living a life that don’t have enough food and warm clothes. But with the continuous development of China, people’s lives are gradually secured. We don't have to worry about how to get well fed. Hence, the moral culture is gradually developing and the legal system is gradually improving. Besides, people are now paying more attention on human rights and the right to life is the most essential human right. But unfortunately, the children in school weren’t fully protected. Nowadays, some children are just suffering from campus bullying. The youth has always been considered as the hope of a nation, so whether the youth is having a suitable environment to study can easily catch people’s attention. As a matter of fact, campus bullying is getting more and more attention from the society.
In October, 2019, a middle school student was found out of consciousness at the school bathroom. A first aid treatment was given immediately but unfortunately, he was gone. After that, an anonymous call was given to the police, saying that this young teenager was dead because of violence. After forensic analysis, the cause of death is brain injury due to hit by blunt object. This is an example of campus bullying. If we search the internet with key word “campus bullying”, w e can easily found out campus bullying is continuously happening. At a press conference held by the supreme people's procuratorate at the end of 2019, a spokesman said 6962 minors had been prosecuted for crimes of school violence from 2018 to October, 2019.
But this case is just the tip of the iceberg. Countless cases are happening throughout this country. From kindergarten to university, one will have to spend at least 15 years in campus. It’s not hard to find that having a stable and peaceful campus is of great importance. As an old saying goes, teenagers are the future of a
country, and the hope of a nation. Places for them to study should be absolute safe and dynamic. Campus bullying will not only cause physical injury to the victim but also psychological injury, causing great harm to the teenager.
At the same time, with the development of information and network, harmful information such as violence and erotic information can spread through the internet much easier than before. It greatly increases the chances for the teenagers to come across with this harmful information. What’s more, the transform of how people think about the attitude toward sex have great impact to teenager. In this context, the problem of campus bullying is getting worse.
But unfortunately, China's laws and regulations are still in the stage of development. We don't have the perfect laws and regulations to prevent campus bullying from happening. In addition, we don't have the same methods to protect our youth as developed countries. For example, in the United States, they have relatively prefect laws to protect youth. Secondly, students are encouraged to report campus bulling on the internet, which is still in vacancy in China. What’s more, they have set up a systematic intervention mechanism of campus bullying in each campus. If students bully, you can report to teachers; if the campus staffs bully, you can report to the principal; if the principal bullies, you can report to the social workers in campus. Those methods are what we can learn about.
This article can be divided into four parts: the definition and different types of campus bullying, the reason of campus bullying, the current situation in China and United States and methods to avoid campus bullying. In the first part, definition of campus bullying is given and six types of campus bullying are mentioned. The second part is three aspects of to cause campus bullying. The third part is the current situation in China and United States. Then cross comparison will be used to identify the differences and similarities of campus bullying in both countries. The last part is learning from the United States to put forward useful methods to avoid campus bullying in China.
In conclusion, to reduce or even eliminate campus bullying has become one of the most important matter in contemporary education.
1 About Campus Bullying
1.1 The Definition of Campus Bullying
Campus bullying means one party (individual or group) intentionally or
deliberately bully or insult the other party (individual or group) by not only physical contact, oral language or through internet but also other harmful ways for a single time or several times, causing physical or psychological injury or property loss. There is something need to be clear that if one bullies another after campus, or should we say out of the campus, it still counts on campus bullying.
1.2 Different Types of Campus Bullying
From the perspective of the way how the abuser bullies the victim, we can categorize this into 2 forms: direct and indirect. From the perspective of ways of bullying, we can categorize this into 3 forms: verbal, physical and psychological. So all in all, 6 types of campus bullying can be implemented. To indicate better, here is the matrix.
1.2.1 Direct Verbal
Direct verbal means the abuser says something disgraceful to insult the victim. Such as Tom shouted at Jack, saying he is a nigger. This type is the most common form of campus bullying. What needs to be paid more attention to is making aggressive nickname to others in order to insult him is also one form of campus bullying, such as calling a disabled man who lost hi s legs “legless man”.
1.2.2 Indirect Verbal
Indirect verbal is also a verbal form but in an indirect way. For example, James is scared of Tom, so he has to do whatever Tom asks him to do. Then Tom asks James to shout at Jack, to call Jack nigger. This is indirect verbal. This is also a common type of campus bullying, only in an indirect way.
1.2.3 Direct Physical
Direct physical means the abuser hits the victim by any form to implement physical damage to him. From minor ways such as hitting and snapping to severe ways such as using tools to hit or even kill the victim. For example, Tom snaps Jack after school.
1.2.4 Indirect Physical
Just like indirect verbal, indirect physical is the indirect way to physically bully the victim. For example, Tom is the leader of a bully group, so he asks James to hit Jack on his way home. In this case, James can be regarded as an abuser.
1.2.5 Direct Psychological
Direct Psychological means the abuser uses a direct way to psychologically bully the victim. It may be hard to understand. From my own perspective, this is a type between verbal and physical. For example, Tom told Jack if he makes friends with others, Tom will hit him badly. What Tom did is to isolate Jack, making Jack feel alone. This is a psychological way to bully others. What’s more, cyberbullyin g is getting more and more severe because of the development of internet technology. Cyberbullying is also a form of psychological bullying.
1.2.6 Indirect Psychological
Indirect psychological means the abuser use an indirect way to psychologically bully the victim. For example, Tom spreads rumors in the internet that Jack has some kind of diseases. This can make others to stay away from Jack, making Jack feel isolated.
2 The Reason of Campus Bullying
2.1 From Individual Perspective
Primary and secondary school students are all minors. They are at the peak time of the growth. At this time, their psychological development is rapid but
Biologically speaking, following “the law of the jungle" is the nat ural of animals. Humans are evolved from animals, and this is not hard to understand. Researches from different countries and societies indicate that male is more aggressive than female. This can be observed from babies age from 2 years old to 3 years old. (支愧云, 2017) Baby at this age will use power to prove that they worth existing.
What’s more, people are eager to have power. They wish to hold power in their hands. Having more power means one can do things easily. It’s the same on campus. Some will choose to deploy campus bullying in order to seize more power.
2.2 From Family Perspective
Among all the social groups that affect people's lives, influence from the family is the earliest, the most direct and last longest. In family, parents are the first teachers of their own children because they are the first people that baby recognize. How parents act effects the growth of their own children most. Parents should act as moral models for their children. The best materials for children to learn is from their parents. Generally speaking, it is the most important time for children to learn the differences between right and wrong and to recognize harmful behaviors in the first few years when they start to recognize things. But unfortunately, many children did not learn these core values and norms of behavior in their early home education. What’s more, domestic violence has a direct psychological impact on children. Some families will quarrel because of some very small things such as who to wash the dishes tonight, who to clean the house tonight. Some will even shout at each other and fight. In some domestic violence cases, some parents will even beat their children just to make themselves feel better, which is unbelievable. Children growing up in such family will gradually become indifferent, solitary, unwilling to approach others, and easily become angry. Having this anger in his heart, he may be triggered by small things such as being made joke on then conduct campus bullying.
2.3 From Society Perspective
Society is a big word. From the dictionary, it means the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. Where there are people, there are societies. Different people can form a society and different families can also form a society. A good society needs a solid and sound legal system to provide guidance. Within this society, the community is what teenagers get in touch with most. If the streets and community where the individual grows are rude, brutal, and domineering, then the individual's growth in this environment must be affected. The automatic solution strategy after frustration for this individual is likely to choose a violent method. In addition, individuals will learn from their companion. Just as an old saying goes, “One takes on the color of one's company”.
The second one is media and video games. Studies have shown that frequently to watch violent film and television programs is very likely to change the personality and way of daily communication of the individual. (Julia Fluck, 2014) When the scenes in the violent film and television programs accidently happen in real life, those scenes may recall in their heads, leading individuals to unconsciously indulge in the plot. They may think themselves as the character in the show and imitate it, which will lead to the increase or occurrence of violent behavior. In addition, violent video games may provide individuals with opportunities to learn about aggressive behaviors and practice offensive solutions. (William Lee Woolley, 2010) For individual who have been indulging in online violent video games for a long time, he has learned various knowledge related to violent behavior through repeated practice in these games. So when they come across such scenes in reality, their violent behavior may be revoked.
3 Campus Bullying Situation in America and China
3.1 In America
According to the constitution of the United States, citizens have the right to bear arms. For this reason, campus bullying in the United States is very severe, not only with the infamous series of school shootings, but also other forms of campus bullying. Findings from different forms of research in the United States indicate that there is a considerable rate of bullying, and these data range from 20% to 50%. The US Crime Investigation Campus Crime Section takes sample survey of students aged 2-18 across the whole country shows that about 20% of students in 2017 claimed to have been bullied on campus while studying, and what need to be
mentioned is that this index has been the lowest in years. For example, the incidence of bullying on campus was 28% in 2005, 2009, and 2011, and even reached 32% in 2007.
Now let’s take a look at some statistics from a survey published by the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice:
●Bullied Others
Approximately 30% of young people admit to bullying others in survey.
●Seeing Bully
70.6% of young people say they have seen bullying in their schools.
70.4% of school staff have seen bullying.
62% witnessed bullying two or more times in the last month and 41%
witness bullying once a week or more.
When bystanders intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds 57% of the
●Being Cyberbullied
Among students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school during
the school year, 15% were bullied online or by text.
●How Often Bullied
About 49% of children in grades 4–12 reported being bullied by other
students at school at least once during the past month, whereas 30.8%
reported bullying others during that time.
Giving defined Defining “f requent involvement” in bullying as occurring
two or more times within the past month, 40.6% of students reported
some type of frequent involvement in bullying, with 23.2% being the
youth frequently bullied, 8.0% being the youth who frequently bullied
others, and 9.4% playing both roles frequently.
●Types of Bullying
The most common types of bullying are verbal and social. Physical
bullying happens less often. Cyberbullying happens the least frequently.
And here are the percentages of middle school students had experienced
these various types of bullying: name calling (44.2 %); teasing (43.3 %);
spreading rumors or lies (36.3%); pushing or shoving (32.4%); hitting,
slapping, or kicking (29.2%); leaving out (28.5%); threatening (27.4%);
stealing belongings (27.3%); sexual comments or gestures (23.7%);
e-mail or blogging (9.9%)
●Where Bullying Occurs
Most bullying takes place in school, outside on school grounds, and on
the school bus. Bullying also happens wherever kids gather in the
community. And of course, cyberbullying occurs on cell phones and
●How Often Adult Notified
Only about 20 to 30% of students who are bullied notify adults about the
Therefore, the problem of campus bullying in the United States is still widespread and severe. However, due to a series of anti-bullying measures in the United States and active intervention by all parties, the current report rate of campus bullying in the United States has a significant downward trend.
The characteristics of campus bullying in the United States are significant.
1. Campus bullying in United States is universal
A research was conducted among students from age 11 to age 15 in 2009. In this report, 22.2% of boys and 16.6% of girls said that they have suffered from campus bullying. If we classify campus bullying by age, we can find that the general tendency grows from Grade 3, then it meets the peak at junior middle school, then start to go down at senior middle school.
From the perspective of gender, both male and female students are involved in campus bullying. From the perspective of percentage, more girls are bullied than boys, and boys experience more physical bullying. If we look through the researches, we can find that most of the abusers are boys. The influence of campus bullying is not just to the student who got directly involved, those who are just bystanders are also effected. And the number of this bystanders is larger. A survey showed that 24% of the students who participated in social communication training in grade 5 were due to a strong sense of insecurity at school.
What need to be noticed is that it is very likely for United States abusers to go extreme. According to the Amendment 2 to the Constitution of the United States, “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It’s easier for American citizen to have guns. We can often see from the news reports that shooting happen in the campus, leading numbers of students to lose their precious lives. There are some parties in the United States to call for stop letting citizen to hold arms. But as I see it, it is pretty hard to execute.
2. Campus bullying is related to the multi-culture.
United States is a big melting pot. It absorbs all sort of culture. There are a large number of immigrants from other countries, with different nations and religions in the United States. It’s inevitable that different culture will have culture shock. Children from different nations and regions suffers this effect most while they are studying. This make the campus bullying situation in United States more complicated. The Ministry of Education categorizes and lists different nations in the statistics and announcements of campus bullying reports. According to U.S. Department of Education’s statistics from 2011 to 2012, white Americans accounted for 51.7% of school attendance, while white Americans accounted for 65% of campus bullying report data, which means, 48.3% of other national students make up 34% of those who are bullied. 41% of adolescents have reported being racially insulted, abused and isolated by their peers.
3.2 In China
As a developing country, China needs more time to perfect its own legal system. Due to the less developed legal system, supervision of campus bullying is still vacant compared with that of western countries. According to the people’s court, campus bullying cases decreased gradually from 2015 to 2017. More than 700 cases were brought to trial in 2017. (中国司法大数据研究院,2019) But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, our country is still paying not enough attention on campus bullying. Research to campus bullying is still in primary stage. But studies and researches by different scholars of different sizes and different scales point out that the status of campus bullying in China is worth worried about. According to a sample survey in Hebei, Shandong, 22.2% of elementary school students were bullied sometimes or more frequently, compared with 12.4% of junior middle school students. And 13.4% of primary school students reported being bullied once a week or more, while junior middle schools have the rate of 7.1%; the rate for abusers were 10.4% for elementary schools and 4.1% for junior middle schools. In general, the problem of bullying on campus in China is also serious. According to the survey, bullying is more common in elementary school than in junior middle school, and the rate of reporting bullying on campus decreases with age. Boys are more often involved in campus bullying than girls. Boys use physical bullying more while girls use more indirect bullying, including
verbal bullying and relationship bullying. Bullying in rural areas is more severe than bullying in urban areas. Campus bullying in our country is not only widespread, but also has strong concealment, complex urban-rural differences, and is closely related to cyberbullying.
Here are some characteristics of campus bullying:
1. Campus bullying in China is universal
According to the existing research in China, bullying on campus is indeed a very common phenomenon. About one out of five primary and middle school students are involved in the problem of bullying. In a survey of bullying concentrated on rural primary and middle schools, revealing that the ratio of abusers was 27.8% and the ratio of bullied was 8.4% in primary school. (赵一菊,王声湧, 2017) In these cases, 5.7% students were frequently bullied. And the ratio of abusers was 16.6% while the ratio of bullied was 3.7% in junior middle school. In addition to those research data found by scholars and experts, there is also a large number of campus bullying cases exposed by media and internet. In 2019, dozens of serious campus bullying have been reported, including severe injuries and life-threatening cases. Those cases are making people feel astonished. Moreover, due to the characteristics of media and internet, they only report the news that can attract people’s attention, which is severe ones and having great impact to the society. We have reason to believe that there are more campus bullying cases are not being revealed and discovered. They are just hiding in the dark place.
2. Campus bullying in China is latent
Latent is a significant characteristic of campus bullying. It means that incidents of campus bullying are often undetected, and the actual frequency is often greater than detected campus bullying. (黄娟, 2014) The meaning of latent here means that it is not discovered by the third party other than students. The third party includes not only school staff, Guardian but other social person. Latent was originally a characteristic of campus bullying, but the latent situation is more significant in China. The reason is very simple. Our culture is different from the American culture, we emphasize harmony. We can always see harmony in our daily life and it is well known for foreigners. So sometimes the bullied person chooses to be silent. They choose to be quiet and are unwilling to tell their parents, teachers, or others. This will make the abuser even more unscrupulous. What’s more, our country is still in the primary stage of socialist development, and the law
is there to be perfected. There are some cases in which some principals may even keep the bullied person from speaking in order to maintain the reputation of their own school and their own jobs. The latent nature of campus bullying makes it harder for us to evaluate what is really happening. So it’s reasonable for us to believe the campus bullying situation is still severe.
3.3 Difference and Similarity of Campus Bullying in China and United States
3.3.1 Difference of Campus Bullying
Campus bullying in China and the United States have different characteristics. In terms of age trends, the incidence of campus bullying in China has been decreasing with age, while campus bullying in the United States is more serious at the junior middle school. (安钰峰, 2011) Campus bullying in the United States has a strong national, religious, and cultural conflict characteristics, but these characteristics do not exist in China. In addition, campus bullying caused by the privilege of class monitor is another feature of campus bullying in China. Many cases show that campus bullying happened because the class monitor use his own privilege to bully classmate. At the same time, some happened because students wanted to anti-privilege. Judging from extreme cases, because of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the vicious incidents caused by campus bullying in the United States are more harmful and worse compared to China.
In terms of definition, Chinese authorities have given few legal definitions of campu s bullying. It’s more often to leave it to the media and the public to determine whether it is campus bullying or not. However, due to the prevalence of campus bullying in the United States. A clear definition of campus bullying is given by authorities. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, violence is a serious public health problem that affects all stages of life, from early childhood to old age. The CDC defines campus bullying as youth violence that occurs on school property, on the way to and from school, or at a school hold event.
3.3.2 Similarity of Campus Bullying
The similarities of campus bullying between China and the United states are universality, repetitiveness, and latency. Those feature are determined by the nature of campus bullying.
Campus bullying is a very common thing both in China and the U.S.
Countless cases show up in both countries from kindergarten to university.
According to a survey in the U.S., Compared with all age groups, young
people have a higher homicide rate. Young people are hastier and
Another characteristic of campus bullying is repetitiveness. Once the
victim is bullied, the abuser has a high possibility to continuously bully
the victim. For the abuser, some may even find it addicted to bully.
The characteristic of latency makes campus bullying hard to find. In some
cases, the abusers bully the victim for years. Abusers will often threaten
the victim not to tell anybody. This makes it harder to spot campus
bullying. Some school teachers may even command the victim to stay
silent in order to keep their school a good reputation. In 2019, a girl
posted a Weibo, claiming that she was being abused since she went to
college in 2017. In these years, she was being called in insulting
nicknames, beaten and even taken naked photo. So in 2019, she decided
to go to Weibo and ask for help. Knowing such situation, her teacher did
nothing but asked her to delete this weibo. In this case, we can easily find
the repetitiveness and latency of campus bullying.
Finally, both Chinese and American campus bullying are becoming more and more closely linked to the Internet. Cyberbullying is gradually becoming a serious form of bullying. And it’s more complex to manage.
4 Methods to Avoid Campus Bullying
4.1 In the United States
After decades of research and exploration, the United States has formed its own campus bullying prevention system. This system includes improving existing。