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中国法制史History of China Traditional Legal System
刑法学Criminal Law
民法学Civil Law
刑事诉讼法学Criminal Procedure Law
民事诉讼法学Civil Procedure Law
行政法学与行政诉讼法学Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law 经济法学Economic Law
商法学Commercial Law
知识产权法学Intellectual Property Law
国际法学Public International Law
国际私法Private International Law
国际经济法International Economic Law
犯罪学Crime Theory
监狱法Jail Law
犯罪心理学Criminal Psychology
外国刑法Foreign Criminal Law
证据学Evidence Science
司法文书Judicial Docments
国家赔偿法State Compensation Law
外国刑事诉讼法Foreign Criminal Procedure Law
中国刑法史History Of Chinese Traditional Criminal Law
公务员法Civil Servants Act
国家赔偿法Civil Servants Act
立法学Legislative Science
外国行政法Foreign Administrative Law
律师与公证Lawyer and Notarization
行政复议法Administrative Review Law
行政处罚法Administrative Penalties Law
比较宪法学Comparative Constitution
当代中国地方制度Modern Chinese Local Governments system 行政行为案例分析Case Analysis of Administrative Action
法哲学Jurisprudence and Philosophy
中国法律思想史History of Chinese Legal Philosophy
西方法律思想史History of Western Legal Philosophy
外国法制史History of Foreign Legal system
比较宪法学Comparative Constitution
英美法概论Introduction to Anglo—American Law
现代西方司法制度概论Introduction to Modern Western Judicial System 比较法总论Introduction to Comparative Law
法律解释学Science of Construction of Law
法律社会学Legal Sociology
中西法律文化概念Introduction to Sino—Western Legal Cultures 立法学Legislative Science
海商法Maritime Law
国际投资法International Investment Law
国际贸易法International Trade Law
国际货币金融法International Monetary and Financial Law
国际关系史History of International Relationship
国际经贸争端解决法International Trade Dispute Settlement Law
国际民事诉讼法International Civil Procedure Law
国际技术转让法International Technology Transfer Law
世界贸易组织法World Trade Union Law
国际税法International Tax Law
中国区际冲突法Chinese Interregional Conflicts Law
国际人权法International Human Rights Law
合同法Contract Law
婚姻家庭继承法Marital Family and Inheritance Law
公司法Company Law(or Corporation Law
金融法Financial Law
证券法Securities Law
保险法Insurance Law
外国民商法Foreign Civil and Commercial Law (or Foreign Civil Law 物权法Jus rerem(Law of Things
罗马法Roman Law
人格权法Personal Law
侵权行为法Torts Law
司法文书Judicial Law
竞争法Competition Law
企业法Enterprise Law
劳动法Labor Law
环境资源法Environmental Law
财税法Fiscal Law and Tax Law
房地产法Real Estate Law
社会保障法Social security Law
国有资产管理法State Owned Capitals Law 证券法Securities Law
票据法Commercial Instrument Law
保险法Insurance Law
外国经济法Foreign Economic Law。