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became as similar as that during the estroas cycle.The strumal cells
positive for CSD from D3 till D6,
whereas these cells in the implantation site become weakly stmned since D7 and almost disappeared on
1.The results have firstly proved that CSD is expressed at both mRNA and protein levels in the female reproductive system of mice and this study also suggests that the uterus,oviducts and ovary have the function to synthesize taurine via the CSD pathway.By immunohistochemistry,CSD was detected in almost all epithelial cells and few stromal cells in the uterus and the infundibular,ampullar and isttunic segments of oviduct.No cyclic change was observed in the epithelial cells of uterus while some smooth muscle cells and blood vessels of the myometrium are immunostmned stronger in the estrous phase than in the other phases.In the ovary,strong immunostaining for CSD was observed in the granulosa layer and oocytes of follicles from the primary to preovulatory stages while the zona
2.CSD was found to dynamically distribute in mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period.
On pregnant days 1(D1)and D2,the epithelial cells and few stromal cells were immnuostained for CSD,
uterine CSD level at both mRNA and protein levels.In single injection of hormone treatment group,E2 is more effective than P4.Single injection of P4 and combination of P4 and E2 increased the
牛磺酸是哺乳动物生殖系统中含量最丰富的游离氨基酸之一,在生殖系统中起着重要的作 用·但是生殖系统能否合成牛磺酸并没有详尽的报道。半胱亚磺酸脱羧酶(CSD)是牛磺酸生物 合成途径的关键酶,本研究以成年小鼠为实验动物,主要用RT-PCR,Western blot和免疫组织化 学的方法系统研究了CSD在雌性和雄性生殖系统中CSD的表达以及免疫组织化学定位。CSD在 小鼠胚胎围着床期的变化规律,以及雌二醇和孕酮对小鼠子宫中CSD表达的调控。主要研究内 容和结果包括以下四方面:
significantly decreased CSD immunostaining and expression level in mouse uterus by means of immunohistochemistry,semi-quantitative RT-PCR and Westeru blot.AII hormone treatment increased
D9.Surprisingly,CSD was expressed in the luminal and glandular epithelia in the inter-implantation
site on D6 and uterntubal junction on D18,and few stromal cells were stained.This expression was as
一、首次证明雌性小鼠生殖系统中牛磺酸合成酶CSD在mRNA和蛋白水平的表达,表明子 宫、输卵管和卵巢能通过CSD通路合成和分泌牛磺酸。免疫组织化学研究结果表明,在发情周期 中,CSD分布在子宫和输卵管所有上皮细胞和少数基质细胞。但是发情前期和发情期CSD在血管 内皮细胞和平滑肌细胞的免疫反应比后期和间期强。CSD存在于卵巢颗粒细胞层和初级卵泡到排 卵前卵泡的卵母细胞中,透明带和卵泡腔不表达CSD,排卵后的黄体细胞也表达较强的CSD。CSD 的免疫反应随着卵泡闭锁和黄体退化在卵泡和黄体中而逐渐降低。
三、用卵巢摘除小鼠模型,研究了雌=醇(E2)和孕酮(P4)对子宫中CSD表达的调控。半 定量RT-PCR。Westem blot和免疫组织化学检测结果都表明.卵巢摘除显著降低了子宫CSD mRNA和蛋白表达的水平,各激素处理组都恢复了CSD的表达水平,单独处理组中,E2的作用 晟强;单独注射P4以及P。和E2共同注射都促进了基质细胞中CSD的表达。在模拟着床的激素 处理实验中,连续注射3天P4,第四天只注射P4的对照组((P4)3+P4)中,子宫腔的形态没有达 到坯胎着床的容受状态;而连续注射3天P4,第四天同时注射E2和P4的实验组((P4b+P4十E2) 中,腺上皮和腔上皮有较强的CSD表达,子宫腔的形态以及CSD的表达都接近正常怀孕的子宫 状态。对照组和实验组都促进了基质细胞中CSD的表达。CSD与ERa免疫组织化学烈标记表明, CSD和ERa主要共同存在于子宫腺和腔上皮细胞中。这些结果说明雌激素可能通过其受体商接 或间接参与调节子宫上皮和基质细胞中CSD的分化表达以及CSD的水平,从而调节牛磺酸含量 的变化。

Taurine(2-aminoethanesulfonic acid)is a free intracellular 13-amino acid.It is rich in mammal
reproductive systems and plays important roles in reproductive organs.However,the synthesis of taurine in reproductive systems is not still described in detail.Cysteine sulfmate decarboxylase(CSD) is the rate-limiting biosynthetic enzyme oftaurine.In the present study,we detected CSD expression in reproductive organs of adult mate and female mice by RT-PCR,Western blot and immunohistochemistry,the change pattem of CSD in mouse uterus during the peri—implantation and regulation of CSD by estrogen and progesterone in uterus.The results are described as four parts as follows:
_=、发现CSD在小鼠胚胎围着床期子宫中呈动态分布,D1和D2和正常发情周期子宫的表 达模式相同,只分布在上皮细胞和少数基质细胞中。从D3开始,基质细胞也表达较强的CSD, 持续到D6;从D7开始变弱,逐渐消失。CSD在D6着床点之间的部位和D18与输卵管相连的 子宫部上皮细胞表现CSD阳性,少数基质细胞表达CSD,与朱孕小鼠子宫CSD表达模式相似。 D4上午注射牛磺酸转运抑制剂B.丙氨酸降低了D9胚胎者床数和子宫内膜的厚度,表明牛磺酸 在胚胎着床中起到一定的作用。CSD在小鼠子宫中的时空变化模式表明牛磺酸在胚胎发育和着 床期子宫容受性中起调节作用。
similar as that in the nonpregnant mice.Meanwhile,injection of selective transport inhibitor of taudne,
13-alanine into a uterine hom on D4 of pregnancy significantly reduced the number of mouse embryos that implanted on D9.The temporal and spatial localization of CSD protein in the mouse uterus during
pellucida and the follicular antrum were not stained,CSD immunoreacfivity progressively decreased from the oocytes and corpus lutemn during follicular atresia and corpus luteum regression.These results shdw that CSD is expressed and involved in tanrine production in female genital organs,
四、研究了CSD在雄性小鼠生殖系统中的表达与分布,首次表明睾丸、附睾和输精管表达 CSD mRNA利蛋白,表达水平从睾丸到附睾升高,输精管中最高。CSD主要分布在睾丸的Leydig 细胞和输出管、附睾以及输精管的上皮细胞和一些基质细胞中。从附睾头到附睾尾和输精管周围 的一些平滑肌细胞和基质细胞表达CSD。曲细稽管内的Seftoli细胞和各级生精细胞以及附睾和 输精管中的精子不表达CSD。这些结果表明雄性生殖器官可以通过CSD合成通路合成牛磺酸。
综上所述,CSD在小鼠生殖系统中具有时空特异性的表达模式,生殖系统能够通过CSD通 路合成牛磺酸。CSD在着床过程中呈动态分布,牛磺酸在胚胎着床过程中起着一一定的作用。雌激 素和孕激素调节CSD在雌性小鼠生殖系统的表达水平。但是CSD在生殖系统的活性、CSD表达 水平和牛磺酸含量的关系以及牛磺酸在生殖系统的功能仍需进一步研究。 关键词:半胱亚磺酸脱羧酶,牛磺酸,雌二醇,孕酮,生殖系统,小鼠
peri—implantation and the inhibition ofl3-alanine on embryo implantation implicate the role ofCSD and
the regulation oftaurine on embryo implantation and uterΒιβλιοθήκη ne receptiveness.
3.The expression and regulation ofCSD by estrodial(E2)and progesterone∞)in mouse uterus of
ovariectomized mouse model were investigated.The results demonstrated that ovariectomy