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1. 忍耐是成功的基石。

(Patience is the cornerstone of success.)
2. 不求回报的善行是最珍贵的财富。

(Selfless acts of kindness are the most precious wealth.)
3. 填补缺口需要团结一致的力量。

(Filling the gap requires the power of unity.)
4. 动力来自内心,成功在于行动。

(Motivation comes from within, success comes from taking action.)
5. 单枪匹马往往走得更快,但团结合作能够走得更远。

(Going alone may get you there faster, but teamwork can take
you farther.)
6. 获得成功的关键在于发现机遇并勇敢地抓住它。

(The key
to success is finding opportunities and courageously seizing them.)7. 不要轻信陌生人,别让自己陷入麻烦之中。

(Don't trust strangers and don't get yourself into trouble.)
8. 渡过难关需要不屈不挠的毅力和坚强的信念。

(Overcoming obstacles requires perseverance and strong beliefs.)
9. 谎言的代价很高,诚实是我们最好的选择。

(The cost of lying is high, honesty is our best choice.)
10. 勇往直前,才能迎来成功的曙光。

(Move forward with courage to welcome the dawn of success.)。
